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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamique de la réponse immune aux vaccins : exploration par imagerie in vivo dans un modèle utilisant le primate non humain / Immune response dynamic after vaccination : in vivo imaging in non human primate model

Salabert, Nina 17 January 2014 (has links)
Ma thèse a permis de développer une nouvelle approche pour étudier, par imagerie in vivo, le comportement des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (CPA) de la peau suite à la vaccination par voie intradermique chez le primate non-humain. Le ciblage des CPA a été réalisé par injection in vivo d’un anticorps monoclonal anti-HLA-DR fluorescent. L’effet sur les CPA d’un adjuvant (R-848, ligand du TLR7/8) et l’immuno-ciblage des cellules de Langerhans par une protéine de fusion vaccinale anti-VIH (anti-langérine-VIHGag) ont ainsi été évalués par imagerie in vivo, vidéomicroscopie confocale ex vivo et cytométrie en flux. Ce travail a contribué à améliorer nos connaissances immunologiques sur les effets locaux et précoces des vaccins et /ou adjuvants. / My pHD project allowed the development of in vivo imaging approaches to study the skin antigen presenting cell (APC) behavior post-intradermal vaccination in non-human primates. APC targeting was performed by in vivo injection of fluorescent anti-HLA-DR monoclonal antibody. The effect of an adjuvant (R-848, ligand of TLR7/8) on skin APC and the immunotargeting of Langerhans cells by anti-HIV vaccinal fusion protein (anti-langerin-HIVGag) were assessed by in vivo fluorescent imaging, ex vivo confocal videomicroscopy and flow cytometry. This work contributed to improve immunological knowledge on local and early events post-vaccination with or without adjuvant.

Investigations on the occurrence of infections with hepatitis E virus and related viruses in zoo animals

Spahr, Carina 27 March 2020 (has links)
Introduction Hepatitis E is a worldwide distributed disease, which is caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV). In addition to humans, domestic pigs, wild boars, rabbits and dromedaries can be subclinically infected as reservoir animals with the zoonotic HEV genotypes 3, 4 and 7. In addition, HEV and HEV-like viruses have been described sporadically in other mammals, as well as in birds and fish, although their distinct role as reservoirs or carriers of the virus is still unclear. Aims The aim of the study was therefore to analyse in more detail the importance of different mammalian species, which do not belong to the known HEV reservoirs, for the epidemiology of HEV infections, thus enabling a better assessment of the risk of virus transmission by these animal species. Material and Methods Fourteen non-human primate species and 66 other mammal species, as well as Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and feeder rats (Rattus norvegicus forma domestica) from German zoos were selected for the investigations. In total 259 individual non-human primate sera and 244 individual mammalian sera of clinically healthy zoo animals were analysed for the presence of HEV-specific antibodies (ab) using a species-independent double-antigen sandwich ELISA. The non-human primate sera were additionally examined using a commercial human ELISA. Real-time reverse-transcription (RT)-PCR, nested broad-spectrum RT-PCR and a rat HEV-specific RT-PCR were used to detect the HEV genome in sera of mammals and rat liver samples. A commercial and an in-house method were used for the DNA sequencing. Results HEV-specific ab were detected in 3.9% (10/259) of the non-human primate sera (4 species) and 11.5% (28/244) of the mammalian sera (16 species). The highest detection rates were recorded with 33.3% (9/27) in porcines and with 27.0% (10/37) in carnivores. HEV-RNA was detected in a clinically healthy female Syrian brown bear (Ursus arctos syriacus) and in 8 of the investigated Norway rats. Sequence analysis identified the virus as rat HEV; the viruses from the bear and the free-ranging rats from the same zoo showed a high nucleotide sequence identity (94.6%–97.8%). Because of the small number of samples due to the small populations within the individual zoos, further statistical evaluations were not carried out. Conclusions The results show that non-human primates in zoos may be infected with HEV or HEV-like viruses; however, the low ab detection rates together with the negative genome detection argue against a high risk of virus transmission to humans. The study in other zoo-housed mammalian species was able to significantly increase the number of animal species with indications of HEV infections. In most animal species, only rare evidence and low detection rates were available, which can best be explained by “spillover-infections”. In addition to the expected high detection rate in porcine species, the high percentage of HEV antibody-positive carnivores is remarkable. Their role as possible HEV reservoir animals should therefore be clarified in further investigations. The detection of rat HEV in the serum of the bear and its high nucleotide sequence identity with the HEVs of the pest rodents provides first evidence of transmission of this virus species between rodents and carnivores.:List of content List of figures List of tables List of abbreviations 1 General introduction 1.1 Discovery of HEV 1.2 Taxonomy 1.3 Morphology 1.4 Genomic organisation 1.5 Viral replication 1.6 Hepatitis E in humans 1.7 Tools for HEV diagnosis 1.8 Therapy 1.9 Animal infections with HEV and HEV-like viruses 1.10 Experimental infections of animals 1.11 Geographical distribution 1.12 Transmission pathways 1.13 Epidemiology 1.14 Prevention 2 Aims of the study 3 Publications 3.1 Publication I 3.1.1 Summary of Publication I 3.1.2 Key messages of Publication I 3.1.3 Own contribution to Publication I 3.2 Publication II 3.2.1 Summary of Publication II 3.2.2 Key messages of Publication II 3.2.3 Own contribution to Publication II 3.3 Publication III 3.3.1 Summary of Publication III 3.3.2 Key messages of Publication III 3.3.3 Own contribution to Publication III 4 General discussion 4.1 HEV infections in various animal species 4.2 Prevalence of natural HEV infections in non-human primates 4.3 Prevalence of natural HEV infections in other zoo-housed mammals 4.4 Transmission pathways of HEV in a zoo-setting 4.5 Risk of virus transmission from zoo animals to humans 5 Conclusion and perspectives 6 Summary 7 Zusammenfassung 8 References List of animals investigated in the study List of publications Acknowledgements / Einleitung Hepatitis E ist eine durch das Hepatitis E-Virus (HEV) verursachte, weltweit verbreitete Erkrankung. Neben dem Menschen können Hausschwein, Wildschwein, Kaninchen und Dromedar als Reservoirtiere subklinisch mit den zoonotischen HEV-Genotypen 3, 4 und 7 infiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wurden HEV und HEV-ähnliche Viren vereinzelt bei weiteren Säugetieren, sowie Vögeln und Fischen beschrieben, wobei deren genaue Rolle als Reservoir oder Überträger des Virus bislang unklar ist. Ziele Ziel der Arbeit war es deshalb, die Bedeutung verschiedener Säugetierarten, die nicht zu den bekannten HEV-Reservoiren gehören, für die Epidemiologie der HEV-Infektionen besser zu erfassen und dadurch das Risiko einer Virusübertragung durch diese Tierarten besser abzuschätzen. Material und Methoden Vierzehn Affenarten und 66 weitere Säugetierarten, sowie Wanderratten (Rattus norvegicus) und Futterratten (Rattus norvegicus forma domestica) aus deutschen Zoos wurden für die Untersuchungen ausgewählt. Insgesamt wurden 259 individuelle Affenseren und 244 individuelle Säugerseren klinisch gesunder Zootiere mittels eines Spezies-unabhängigen Doppel-Antigen-Sandwich-ELISAs auf das Vorhandensein von HEV-spezifischen Antikörpern (AK) untersucht. Die Affenseren wurden zusätzlich mittels eines kommerziellen humanen ELISAs untersucht. Real-time reverse-transcription (RT)-PCR, nested broad-spectrum RT-PCR sowie eine Ratten-HEV-spezifische RT-PCR wurden für den HEV-Genomnachweis in Seren der Säuger und in Ratten-Lebern verwendet. Für die DNA-Sequenzierungen wurden eine kommerzielle und eine In-house-Methode verwendet. Ergebnisse In 3,9% (10/259) der Affenseren (4 Arten) und 11,5% (28/244) der Säugerseren (16 Arten) wurden HEV-spezifische AK nachgewiesen. Die höchsten Nachweisraten wurden mit 33,3% (9/27) in Schweineartigen und 27,0% (10/37) in Fleischfressern ermittelt. HEV-RNA wurde in einer klinisch gesunden Syrischen Braunbärin (Ursus arctos syriacus), sowie in 8 der untersuchten Wanderratten nachgewiesen. Die Sequenzanalyse identifizierte das Virus als Ratten-HEV; die Viren aus der Bärin und aus den wildlebenden Ratten desselben Zoos zeigten eine hohe Nukleotidsequenz-Identität (94,6%–97,8%). Weitergehende statistische Auswertungen wurden wegen der geringen Probenzahlen aufgrund der kleinen Populationen innerhalb der einzelnen Zoos nicht durchgeführt. Schlussfolgerungen Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Affen in Zoos mit HEV oder HEV-ähnlichen Viren infiziert sein können, jedoch sprechen die geringen AK-Nachweisraten zusammen mit den negativen Genomnachweisen gegen ein hohes Übertragungsrisiko auf den Menschen. Die Studie an anderen Säugetierarten in Zoos konnte die Zahl der Tierarten mit Hinweisen auf HEV-Infektionen deutlich erhöhen. Bei den meisten Tierarten lagen nur seltene Nachweise und niedrige Detektionsraten vor, die am besten durch „Spillover-Infektionen“ erklärt werden können. Neben der erwarteten hohen Nachweisrate bei Schweineartigen ist der hohe Prozentsatz an HEV AK-positiven Fleischfressern bemerkenswert, weshalb deren Rolle als mögliche HEV-Reservoirtiere in weiteren Untersuchungen geklärt werden sollte. Der Ratten-HEV-Nachweis im Serum der Bärin, sowie dessen hohe Nukleotidsequenz-Identität zu den HEVs der Schadnager geben erstmals Hinweise auf eine Übertragung dieser Virusart zwischen Nagern und Fleischfressern.:List of content List of figures List of tables List of abbreviations 1 General introduction 1.1 Discovery of HEV 1.2 Taxonomy 1.3 Morphology 1.4 Genomic organisation 1.5 Viral replication 1.6 Hepatitis E in humans 1.7 Tools for HEV diagnosis 1.8 Therapy 1.9 Animal infections with HEV and HEV-like viruses 1.10 Experimental infections of animals 1.11 Geographical distribution 1.12 Transmission pathways 1.13 Epidemiology 1.14 Prevention 2 Aims of the study 3 Publications 3.1 Publication I 3.1.1 Summary of Publication I 3.1.2 Key messages of Publication I 3.1.3 Own contribution to Publication I 3.2 Publication II 3.2.1 Summary of Publication II 3.2.2 Key messages of Publication II 3.2.3 Own contribution to Publication II 3.3 Publication III 3.3.1 Summary of Publication III 3.3.2 Key messages of Publication III 3.3.3 Own contribution to Publication III 4 General discussion 4.1 HEV infections in various animal species 4.2 Prevalence of natural HEV infections in non-human primates 4.3 Prevalence of natural HEV infections in other zoo-housed mammals 4.4 Transmission pathways of HEV in a zoo-setting 4.5 Risk of virus transmission from zoo animals to humans 5 Conclusion and perspectives 6 Summary 7 Zusammenfassung 8 References List of animals investigated in the study List of publications Acknowledgements

Characterization of the innate immunity elicited by vaccination and its interactions with adaptive immunity, depending on prime-boost delay / Caractérisation de l'immunité innée induite par la vaccination et ses interactions avec l'immunité adaptative, en fonction du délai entre primo-vaccination et rappel

Palgen, Jean-Louis 28 June 2019 (has links)
La vaccination est l'un des plus grands progrès réalisés en santé publique. Toutefois, malgré de nombreuses connaissances sur le système immunitaire, de nombreux pans d’ombre empêchent la conception de vaccins contre des pathogènes complexes. Pour pallier ce problème, une meilleure compréhension des modes d'action des vaccins est requise. En particulier, la plupart des vaccins nécessitent plusieurs immunisations pour induire une mémoire immunitaire adaptative au long terme, mais l'impact du délai entre primo-vaccination, induisant une mémoire primaire, et rappel(s) la restimulant pour générer une mémoire secondaire, est peu défini. De plus, la réponse immunitaire innée, induite à chaque immunisation et façonnant l'immunité adaptative, reste peu caractérisée dans ce contexte vaccinal. En vaccinant des macaques cynomolgus avec le virus de la vaccine modifiée Ankara, selon un schéma de primo-vaccination suivie d’un rappel homologue à deux mois, et en utilisant la cytométrie de masse couplée à des analyses bio-informatiques, nous avons caractérisé la réponse innée induite par chaque immunisation. Les réponses innées diffèrent entre primo-vaccination et rappel, avec induction par la primo-vaccination d’une modification phénotypique tardive des cellules innées, suggérant une meilleure capacité à répondre au rappel. De surcroît, la réduction à deux semaines du délai entre primo-vaccination et rappel abroge la mobilisation de ces cellules innées phénotypiquement modifiées et altère la qualité de la réponse humorale. En définitive, en plus de la réponse innée précoce, ce projet a mis en évidence l'induction par la primo-vaccination d'un vraisemblable entraînement inné tardif, un concept émergent traduisant la capacité de mémorisation des cellules innées via des modifications épigénétiques. Ce vraisemblable entraînement, non seulement des monocytes et cellules tueuses naturelles, mais aussi des cellules dendritiques et surprenamment des neutrophiles, est corrélé à la qualité de la mémoire immunitaire adaptative, de manière hautement dépendante du délai entre primo-vaccination et rappel. Ces résultats contribuent à ouvrir la voie vers l’optimisation rationnelle des futurs vaccins, via l'optimisation des calendriers vaccinaux et la valorisation de l'entraînement inné. / Vaccination is one of the best achievements made in public health. However, designing vaccines against complex pathogens is currently challenging. The immune system is indeed uncompletely characterized, despite large amount of accumulated knowledges. A better understanding of vaccine-induced immunity is then required to optimize vaccine design. In particular, while most vaccines require several immunizations to induce a long-lasting adaptive immune memory, little is known on the impact of the delay beween the prime inducing a primary memory and the boost restimulating it to induce a secondary memory. Also, the innate immunity induced by each immunization and shaping the adaptative immunity is poorly characterized in this vaccine context.We studied the innate immune responses in cynomolgus macaques immunized with the modified vaccinia virus Ankara, following an homologous prime-boost vaccination at two months apart. We applied mass cytometry and bioinformatic analyses to characterize the innate response induced by each immunization. We showed that prime and boost vaccination triggered distinct innate responses. Actually, prime induced late phenotypic modifications of innate cells. These phenotypic changes suggest a stronger ability to react to the boost. Moreover, reducing the delay between prime and boost to two weeks impeded the mobilization of these phenotypically modified innate cells, and qualitatively altered humoral response.In conclusion, beyond the early innate responses, these results highlight the late induction by the prime of "likely trained" innate cells. This emerging concept corresponds to the ability of innate cells to display memory features based on epigenetic modifications. This "likely training" occured not only on monocytes and NK cells, but also on dendritic cells and strikingly on neutrophils. It was deeply connected with adaptive immune memory establishment, in a prime-boost delay dependant fashion. These findings contribute to pave the way towards to the rationale design of future vaccines, via vaccine schedule optimization and harnessment of innate training.

PERFIL HEMATOLÓGICO E BIOQUÍMICO DE Cebus libidinosus Spix, 1923 e Alouatta caraya Humboldt, 1812 DE VIDA LIVRE NO SUL DO ESTADO DO TOCANTINS.

Ribeiro, Cynthia Leão Baldini 01 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-08-17T17:57:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CYNTHIA LEAO BALDINI RIBEIRO.pdf: 1579335 bytes, checksum: 572a71d61283078013580904ce4f09b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T17:57:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CYNTHIA LEAO BALDINI RIBEIRO.pdf: 1579335 bytes, checksum: 572a71d61283078013580904ce4f09b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-01 / To determine the hematological reference values for various blood dosages in healthy and free-living adults of Cebus libidinosus (bearded capuchin monkeys) and Alouatta caraya (black howler), and to investigate the possible variations related to sex, blood samples were collected from 15 bearded capuchin monkeys (5 males and 10 females) and 47 from black howler monkeys (28 males and 19 females), all manually captured during the fauna rescue of the São Salvador hydroelectric plant located south of the State of Tocantins, in the upper Tocantins River. Therefore, 26 variables were evaluated and divided into the following groups: lipid profile (five variables), hematological profile (nine variables), biochemical (ten variables) and hormonal dosages (two variables). The results for each variable are presented and compared by sex, using descriptive statistics considering the minimum and maximum values, the mean and standard deviation. Significant differences were observed for C. libidinosus in only three variables (body weight, creatinin and T3 hormone) and significant sex difference in only one group of variables (hormones), whereas for A. caraya, significant difference was observed in eight variables (body weight, VLDL, triglycerides, total proteins, RDW, platelet count, LDH and alkaline phosphatase), and only the group of variables related to general biochemistry showed significant sex difference. The importance of this scientific work is due to its unprecedented nature related to the assessment and sexual variation of hematological and biochemical profile of free-living Cebus libidinosus and Alouatta caraya. / Com o objetivo de determinar os valores hematológicos de referência para várias dosagens sanguíneas em Cebus libidinosus (macacos-prego) e Alouatta caraya (bugios pretos) adultos, sadios, de vida livre e investigar as possíveis variações relacionadas ao sexo, foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 15 macacos-prego (5 machos e 10 fêmeas) e 47 bugios pretos (28 machos e 19 fêmeas), todos capturados manualmente durante o resgate de fauna da usina hidrelétrica São Salvador situada ao sul do Estado do Tocantins, no alto rio Tocantins. Foram avaliadas 26 variáveis distribuídas nos seguintes grupos: perfil lipídico (cinco variáveis), perfil hematológico (nove variáveis), dosagens bioquímicas (dez variáveis) e hormonais (duas variáveis). Os resultados obtidos para cada variável foram apresentados e comparados por sexo usando estatística descritiva considerando os valores mínimos, máximos, média e desvio padrão. Para C. libidinosus foi observada diferenças significativas em apenas três variáveis (Peso corporal, creatinina e hormônio T3), houve diferença significativa relacionada ao sexo em apenas um grupo de variáveis (hormônios), enquanto que para A. caraya foi observada diferença significativa em oito variáveis (peso corporal, VLDL, triglicérides, proteínas totais, RDW, plaquetas, DHL e fosfatase alcalina), apenas o grupo de variáveis relacionado à bioquímica geral apresentou variação relacionado aos sexos. A importância deste trabalho científico deve-se ao seu caráter inédito relacionado à avaliação e variação sexual do perfil hematológico e bioquímico de Cebus libidinosus e Alouatta caraya de vida livre.

Compléxité de l'intégration multisensorielle chez le primate humain et non-humain : du comportement à l'électrophysiologie corticale et sous-corticale / Complexity of multisensory integration in human and non human primates : from behavior to cortical and sub-cortical electrophysiology

Juan, Cécile 03 July 2017 (has links)
Dans notre environnement, nous sommes constamment exposés à de multiples stimuli sensoriels que notre cerveau doit analyser. Afin d'interagir avec le monde qui nous entoure, nous devons intégrer ces différentes sources d'informations sensorielles. L'étude des processus d'intégration multisensorielle est essentielle pour comprendre comment le cerveau intègre les éléments séparés d'un objet défini par plusieurs composantes sensorielles pour former un percept unifié. Il est maintenant couramment admis que la présentation conjointe de plusieurs informations sensorielles de modalités différentes d'un même stimulus peut faciliter la perception. Cette facilitation multisensorielle semble être soumise à des règles particulières puisque certains facteurs l'influencent. Parmi eux, nous avons étudié, dans notre première étude, l'impact de trois facteurs que sont la saillance, la congruence sémantique et le changement de modalité sur les performances de détection de stimuli naturels chez l'homme et le singe. L'utilisation de stimuli naturels nous a permis de mettre en lumière l'influence des paramètres physiques des stimuli sur l'intégration multisensorielle. De plus, nous avons montré que les effets de ces facteurs sur des stimuli naturels diffèrent de ceux retrouvés avec des stimuli simples. Ces résultats convergent vers des effets multifactoriels sur la facilitation multisensorielle dont la force, les interdépendances et l'ordre varieraient en fonction de la tâche comportementale et de ce fait, de la charge cognitive. D'un point de vue anatomique et plus précisément au niveau cortical, les processus d'intégration multisensorielle paraissaient être jusqu'à récemment une caractéristique que seules possédaient les aires associatives situées au sommet de la hiérarchie du traitement de l'information. On sait maintenant que des aires corticales de bas niveau, pensées jusque-là comme étant unisensorielles, sont impliquées dans les processus multisensoriels, soulevant ainsi la question des aires sous-corticales. Des études anatomiques ont mis en évidence l'existence de noyaux thalamiques qui, par leurs connexions, pourraient permettre un transfert rapide et même une intégration des informations sensorielles. Cette nouvelle littérature témoigne de la grande complexité des réseaux cérébraux de la multisensorialité. Dans deux études électrophysiologiques chez le singe, nous avons examiné les propriétés multisensorielles de deux structures, le gyrus cingulaire postérieur et le pulvinar médian, qui n'avaient jamais été explorées auparavant dans un contexte multisensoriel. Nous avons montré que ces structures sont non seulement multisensorielles mais également intégratives et qu'elles pourraient appartenir à un même système fonctionnel. Ces travaux de thèse ont apporté des éléments supplémentaires quant à notre compréhension des processus d'intégration multisensorielle au niveau comportemental et des réseaux cérébraux sous-jacents et particulièrement ceux liés à l'intégration de stimuli naturels. / In our environment, we are constantly exposed to multiple sensory stimuli that our brain has to analyze. To interact with the surrounding world, we have to integrate these different sources of sensory information. The study of the processes of multisensory integration are essential in understanding how our brain integrates the individual parts of an object defined by several sensory components to arrive at a unified percept. It is now widely accepted that the concurrent presentation of several sensory information about the same stimulus in different modalities can facilitate its perception. This multisensory facilitation seems to be subjected to specific rules since some factors influence it. Amongst them, we have studied, in our first experiment, the impact of three factors, namely saliency, semantic congruency and modality switch, on the detection of natural stimuli in humans and monkeys. Using natural stimuli enabled us to highlight the influence of the physical parameters of stimuli on multisensory integration. Moreover, we showed that the effect of these factors on natural stimuli are different from those found with simple stimuli. These results point toward multifactorial effects on multisensory facilitation, of which the force, the interdependency and the order would vary as a function of the behavioral task, and, thus as a function of the cognitive load. From an anatomical point of view and more specifically at the cortical level, the integration mechanism appeared to be, until recently, a characteristic possessed only by associative areas at the top of the hierarchy of information processing. We now know that low level cortical areas, thought up to then to be only unisensory, are implicated in multisensory processes, thus raising the question about subcortical areas. Anatomical studies have shown the existence of thalamic nuclei which, through their connectivity, could allow for a rapid transfer and even an integration of sensory information. This new literature demonstrates the high complexity of the multisensory cerebral networks. In two electrophysiological studies in the monkey, we examined the multisensory properties of two structures, the posterior cingulate gyrus and the median pulvinar, which had never been explored before in a multisensory context. We not only showed that these structures are multisensory, but also integrative and that they could be part of the same functional network. This thesis has brought additional elements towards a better understanding of multisensory integration processes at the behavioral level and about the underlying brain networks, in particular those linked with the integration of natural stimuli.

Non-human primate iPS cells for cell replacement therapies and human cardiovascular disease modeling

Rodriguez Polo, Ignacio 29 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

La détermination de l'âge au sevrage nutritionnel des singes colobes Magistrat du Ghana grâce aux isotopes fécaux stables des mères et des nourrissons : une contribution à la primatologie comparative

Bouarab, Melila 12 1900 (has links)
L'âge au sevrage est un trait d'histoire de vie qui affecte le succès reproductif des femelles. Sa détermination à partir d'observations de la tétée est limitée en raison de l'allaitement de confort ou de nuit. Le suivi de l'alimentation des nourrissons, à partir des isotopes stables de carbone et d'azote fécaux (δ13C, δ15N %N) est une alternative précise et non invasive aux méthodes comportementales. Les âges de sevrage chez le colobe magistrat (Colobus vellerosus) à BFMS, Ghana, ont été déterminés en utilisant les δ13C et δ15N fécaux, et ceux-ci ont été comparés aux évaluations comportementales du sevrage. Les différences d'âge au sevrage entre trois groupes de colobes différents ont également été comparées. Des échantillons fécaux ont été collectés auprès de 8 dyades de mères (N = 88 fèces) et de leurs enfants (N = 98 fèces). Les échantillons ont été homogénéisés et analysés dans un spectromètre de masse à rapport isotopique et un analyseur élémentaire. L'âge moyen du sevrage chez tous les nourrissons ayant utilisé des isotopes stables fécaux était de 15,75 mois, ce qui était supérieur à l'âge moyen du sevrage déterminé à partir des observations de l'allaitement (14,6 mois). Deux nourrissons ont été sevrés avant le début de la collecte des données fécales, deux avaient un âge isotopique au sevrage similaire à leur âge de sevrage comportemental, et deux avaient un âge isotopique au sevrage supérieur à leur âge comportemental. Deux nourrissons dont on a déterminé qu'ils n'étaient pas encore sevrés d'après les évaluations isotopiques n'ont pas été observés en train de téter et ont montré des différences δ15N nourrisson-mère alternativement plus grandes et plus petites entre 6 et 9 mois. Cela peut indiquer un processus de sevrage cyclique, les nourrissons devenant plus ou moins dépendants du lait au cours de la période de 4 mois. Il semblait y avoir des différences dans les âges moyens de sevrage isotopique entre les groupes. Mon étude a montré que les isotopes stables fécaux peuvent être utilisés avec succès pour surveiller le développement nutritionnel des nourrissons et les différences de niveau trophique entre le nourrisson et la mère chez les singes colobes arboricoles. / Age at weaning is a life-history trait that affects the reproductive success of females. Its determination from observations of suckling is limited due to comfort and night nursing. To monitor infant diets, fecal stable carbon, and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C, δ15N %N) provide an accurate and non-invasive alternative to behavioral methods. Weaning ages in ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus) at BFMS, Ghana was determined using fecal δ13C and δ15N, and these were compared to behavioral weaning assessments. I also compared differences in weaning ages between three different colobus groups. Fecal samples were collected from 8 dyads of mothers (N = 88 feces) and their infants (N = 98 feces). The samples were homogenized and analyzed in an isotope ratio mass spectrometer and elemental analyzer. The mean weaning age among all infants using fecal stable isotopes was 15.75 months, which was older than the mean weaning age determined from observations of nursing (14.6 months). Two infants were weaned before fecal data collection began, two had an isotopic age at weaning similar to their behavioral weaning age, and two had an isotopic age at weaning that was older than their behavioral age. Two infants who were determined to be not yet weaned from isotopic assessments were not observed to nurse and showed alternately larger and smaller δ15N infant-mother differences between 6 and 9 months. This may indicate a cyclic weaning process, with infants becoming more or less dependent on milk over the 4-month period. There appeared to be differences in the average isotopic weaning ages between groups. My study showed that fecal stable isotopes can be successfully used to monitor infant nutritional development and infant-mother trophic level differences in arboreal colobus monkeys.

Evolução cromossômica: estudo da variabilidade cariotípica em Platyrrhini e das homeologias e sintenias com cromossomos humanos / Chromosome evolution: Karyotype variability in Platyrrhini and studies of sinteny and homologies between human chromosomes

Iughetti, Cristiani Gifalli 29 September 2008 (has links)
Estudamos os cariótipos de espécimes de macacos brasileiros (Platyrrhini, Primates) com técnicas citogenéticas tradicionais e de FISH com as sondas totais dos cromossomos 14, 15 e X humanos e do cromossomo Y de Brachyteles arachnoides obtida por microdissecção cromossômica. Vinte e quatro espécimes de Alouatta guariba clamitans, doze machos e doze fêmeas foram estudados. Para os machos, encontramos um número diplóide de 2n = 49, devido à ausência aparente do cromossomo Y provavelmente decorrente de uma translocação Y-autossomo, e 2n = 46 cromossomos, com variação nas fórmulas cromossômicas com 17, 19, 20, 21 ou 24 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 22, 28, 29, 30 ou 32 acrocêntricos. Para as fêmeas, uma variabilidade maior no número diplóide foi observada com 46, 48 e 50 cromossomos e as fórmulas cromossômicas encontradas mostraram 18, 19, 20, 21, 27 ou 28 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 18, 19, 27, 30, 31 e 32 acrocêntricos. Os cromossomos X eram submetacêntricos. Pares heteromórficos foram observados. Uma fêmea com 48 cromossomos foi descrita pela primeira vez, este número diplóide só havia sido descrito em um único exemplar macho. A confirmação da subespécie dos indivíduos analisados se deu pela presença do par cromossômico característico de Alouatta guariba clamitans, o par 1, e pela região geográfica de procedência dos exemplares. O sexo dos espécimes também foi confirmado ou mesmo determinado pela análise dos cariótipos. Para Alouatta guariba clamitans, corroboramos a tendência à redução do número diplóide orientada no sentido norte-sul. As grandes diferenças cromossômicas entre as populações do sul e sudeste sugerem que Alouatta guariba clamitans seja representante de duas subespécies ou mesmo de duas espécies separadas, evidenciando a necessidade de uma revisão de sua taxonomia. Analisamos um macho de A. sara em coloração convencional, bandamentos GTG e CGB. O cariótipo era formado por 50 cromossomos, com 16 metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos, 31 acrocêntricos e 3 microcromossomos, dois submetacêntricos e um acrocêntrico. O cromossomo X era submetacêntrico e o cromossomo Y estava aparentemente ausente, provavelmente devido a uma translocação Y-autossomo. Um heteromorfismo foi observado. A heterocromatina estava presente na região pericentromérica dos cromossomos, incluindo os três microcromossomos. Duas fêmeas de Ateles paniscus paniscus foram estudadas em coloração convencional. Os espécimes apresentaram 32 cromossomos, com 30 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 2 acrocêntricos. A classificação foi baseada no número diplóide e presença do cromossomo 2 metacêntrico característico desta subespécie. Também analisamos dois machos de Ateles sp. em coloração convencional que apresentaram um número diplóide de 34 cromossomos, agrupados em 32 metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 2 acrocêntricos. O cromossomo Y era o menor metacêntrico do complemento. Os cromossomos X dos quatro Ateles analisados eram submetacêntricos. A descrição de pares cromossômicos heteromórficos neste gênero é freqüente. Sugerimos que os indivíduos de Ateles sp. sejam classificados como Ateles paniscus chamek. A diferença no número cromossômico entre os exemplares analisados é devido à presença do par metacêntrico em A. p. paniscus que é resultante da fusão in tandem de dois cromossomos de A. p. chamek. A variabilidade intra e interespecífica observada neste gênero podem ser explicadas por inversões pericêntricas. Estudamos uma fêmea e um macho de Callimico goeldii em coloração convencional. Ambos apresentaram 48 cromossomos agrupados em 28 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 18 cromossomos acrocêntricos, além do cromossomo X submetacêntrico e do Y acrocêntrico. Heteromorfismos foram observados. Não encontramos variabilidade no número diplóide e a diferença nas fórmulas cromossômicas é devido à morfologia dos cromossomos sexuais. Três machos e quatro fêmeas de Callithrix sp. foram analisados em coloração convencional e bandamentos GTG e CBG. O número cromossômico encontrado foi de 2n = 46, com 30 autossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos, 14 autossomos acrocêntricos, o cromossomo X submetacêntrico e o cromossomo Y acrocêntrico. Duas fêmea e um macho apresentaram linhagens quiméricas 46,XX/46,XY. Heteromorfismos foram encontrados. A heterocromatina estava presente na região pericentromérica dos cromossomos e em blocos extracentroméricos. Não conseguimos determinar com exatidão a espécie de Callithrix, porém pela fórmula cromossômica e morfologia do cromossomo Y sugerimos que possam ser das espécies C. jacchus, C. penicillata ou C. aurita. O macho de Cebus nigritus estudado em coloração convencional apresentou 54 cromossomos divididos em 20 autossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 32 acrocêntricos, além do cromossomo X que é um submetacêntrico e do Y que é um acrocêntrico. Não foram observados heteromorfismos. Levando em consideração as características fenotípicas, semelhanças entre os cromossomos com os cariótipos mostrando a mesma fórmula cromossômica e distribuição geográfica, sugerimos que C. nigritus seja sinônimo de C. vellerosus. Estudamos uma fêmea de Callicebus caligatus em coloração convencional que apresentou 48 cromossomos, com 16 metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 32 acrocêntricos. Heteromorfismos foram observados. Também analisamos uma fêmea de Callicebus nigrifrons com a mesma coloração e a classificação foi confirmada pela análise citogenética. Esta fêmea mostrou um número diplóide de 2n = 42, compreendendo 30 autossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 12 acrocêntricos. Nenhum heteromorfismo foi observado. Os cromossomos X das duas fêmeas eram submetacêntricos. As duas espécies de Callicebus apresentaram números diplóides e fórmulas cromossômicas diferentes, com um predomínio de cromossomos acrocêntricos em C. caligatus e um predomínio de cromossomos não-acrocêntricos em C. nigrifrons, indicando que a redução do número diplóide foi direcionada por eventos de fusão cromossômica. Estudamos a conservação da associação sintênica HSA 14/15 em praticamente todos os gêneros de macacos do Novo Mundo. O homeólogo ao HSA 14 conservou a sintenia para o cromossomo inteiro enquanto o homeólogo ao HSA 15 está fragmentado. Esta associação favorece a origem monofilética da família Atelidae e da subfamília Callitrichinae. Um padrão 14/15/14 foi observado em Alouatta sara e 15/14/15/14 em Aotus nigriceps, mostrando um alto grau de instabilidade citogenética nesta região em alguns gêneros, estando mais susceptível a quebra e inversão. Relatamos a presença desta associação também em Cacajao melanocephalus, que não havia sido estudado com a técnica de FISH. A presença da associação sintênica HSA 14/15 em todas as espécies e subespécies de macacos do Novo Mundo estudadas indica que esta sintenia é um caractere ancestral, concordando com o provável cariótipo ancestral de Platyrrhini. A pintura com a sonda total do cromossomo X humano em praticamente todos os gêneros de Platyrrhini confirmou a Lei de Ohno, que dita a conservação evolutiva do cromossomo X em mamíferos placentários. A sonda total do cromossomo Y de Brachyteles arachnoides produzida por microdissecção cromossômica mostrou uma homeologia entre o cromossomo Y de todos os gêneros pertencentes à subfamília Atelinae (Ateles belzebuth marginatus, Lagothrix lagothricha e Brachyteles arachnoides). Lagothrix e Brachyteles apresentaram um cromossomo Y acrocêntrico diminuto e Ateles mostrou um cromossomo Y acrocêntrico pequeno, mas não diminuto. Não conseguimos hibridar esta sonda em metáfases de espécimes da subfamília Alouattinae, que junto com a subfamília Atelinae compõem a família Atelidae. O uso de caracteres citogenéticos-moleculares pode proporcionar informações valiosas para a elucidação das relações filogenéticas na subfamília Atelinae. Os nossos dados mostram que o cromossomo Y nesta subfamília compartilha uma história comum, devendo mostrar o mesmo padrão filogenético, corroborando a separação da família Atelidae nas subfamílias Atelinae e Alouattinae. Os diferentes números diplóides e fórmulas cromossômicas observados nesse trabalho indicam a grande variabilidade intra e interespecífica e intrapopulacional existente em Platyrrhini, com uma marcante reorganização no seu genoma, decorrente de processos de inversões pericêntricas, fusões cromossômicas, translocações entre cromossomos e outros rearranjos mais complexos. A análise citogenética em Platyrrhini é importante para a identificação das espécies para uma posterior soltura em região geográfica adequada, para os programas de reprodução em cativeiro aumentando as possibilidades de reprodução ex situ e para a deposição em museus. Também é uma ferramenta importante para a identificação das origens dos espécimes com procedência incerta. Uma maior integração e direcionamento dos dados citogenéticos, morfológicos e moleculares é necessária para o entendimento da variação e definição das taxa de forma mais objetiva. A destruição e fragmentação das florestas, as práticas agrícolas, a caça e a subtração de indivíduos como animais de estimação têm afetado negativamente a sobrevivência dos macacos brasileiros. / We studied the karyotypes of Brazilian monkeys (Platyrrhini, Primates) using both traditional cytogenetic techniques as well as FISH. FISH analysis employed human probes for chromosome 14, 15 and the X chromosome and a probe of the Y chromosome of Brachyteles arachnoides obtained by chromosome microdissection. Twenty-four individuals of Alouatta guariba clamitans were studied, twelve males and twelve females. For males, we found a diploid number of 2n = 49 due to the presumed absence of the Y chromosome probably due to a Y-autosome translocation, and 2n = 46 chromosomes, with 17, 19, 20, 21 or 24 biarmed chromosomes and 22, 28, 29, 30 or 32 acrocentrics. For females, a greater variability in the diploid number was observed with 46, 48 and 50 chromosomes and 18, 19, 20, 21, 27 or 28 biarmed chromosomes and 18, 19, 27, 30, 31 and 32 acrocentrics. The X chromosomes were submetacentric. Heteromorphisms were observed. A female with 48 chromosomes was described for the first time; this diploid number had only been described before for a single male. The subspecies has been confirmed by the presence of a characteristic chromosome pair of Alouatta guariba clamitans, pair 1, and by the geographic origin of the samples. The sex was also confirmed or determined by karyotype analysis. The major chromosomal differences between populations of the south and southeast of Brazil suggest that Alouatta guariba clamitans may be representative of two subspecies or even two separate species, highlighting the need for a taxonomic review. A male of A. sara was studied and we observed a diploid number of 2n = 50 chromosomes, with 16 biarmed, 31 acrocentrics and 3 microchromosomes, two submetacentrics and one acrocentric. The X chromosome was submetacentric and the Y chromosome was presumably missing, probably due to a Y-autosome translocation. A heteromorphism was observed. The heterochromatin was present in the pericentromeric region of chromosomes, including the three microchromosomes. Two females of Ateles paniscus paniscus were studied. The specimens had 32 chromosomes, with 30 biarmed and 2 acrocentrics. A heteromorphism was observed. The classification was based on the diploid number and presence of a metacentric chromosome, pair 2, characteristic of this subspecies. We also analyzed two males of Ateles sp. that showed a diploid number of 34 chromosomes, grouped in 32 biarmed and 2 acrocentrics. The Y chromosome was the smallest metacentric. The X chromosomes were submetacentrics. The description of heteromorphisms in this genus is frequent. We suggest that these two individuals of Ateles sp. are classified as Ateles paniscus chamek. The difference in the diploid number of the specimens is due to the presence of a metacentric in A. p. paniscus that is the result of the in tandem fusion of two chromosomes of A. p. chamek. The variability in this genus can be explained by pericentric inversions. We studied a female and a male of Callimico goeldii. Both had 48 chromosomes grouped in 28 biarmed chromosomes and 18 acrocentrics, plus an X submetacentric chromosome and a Y acrocentric. Heteromorphisms were observed. We observed no variations in the diploid number and all differences are due to the morphology of the sex chromosomes. Three males and four females of Callithrix sp. were studied. The chromosome number was 2n = 46, with 30 biarmed, 14 acrocentrics, a submetacentric X chromosome and an acrocentric Y chromosome. Two females and one male showed 46,XX/46,XY chimerisms. Heteromorphisms were found. The heterochromatin was present in the pericentromeric region and in extracentromeric blocks. We observed no variations in the diploid number and the only differences are due to the morphology of the sex chromosomes. We could not determine the Callithrix species, but the karyotypes suggest C. jacchus, C. penicillata or C. aurita. The Cebus nigritus male studied showed 54 chromosomes grouped in 20 biarmed and 32 acrocentrics, and a submetacentric X chromosome and an acrocentric Y. There were no heteromorphisms. Taking into account the phenotypic characteristics, similarities between chromosomes and geographical distribution, we suggest that C. nigritus is synonymous with C. vellerosus. We studied a female Callicebus caligatus that showed 48 chromosomes, with 16 biarmed and 32 acrocentrics. Heteromorphisms were observed. We also analyzed a female Callicebus nigrifrons, whose taxonomic placement was confirmed by cytogenetic analysis. Its diploid number was 2n = 42, including 30 biarmed and 12 acrocentrics. No heteromorphisms were observed. The X chromosomes were submetacentrics. The two Callicebus species showed different diploid numbers, with a predominance of acrocentric chromosomes in C. caligatus and a predominance of biarmed chromosomes in C. nigrifrons, indicating that the reduction in the diploid number was due to events of chromosomal fusion. We studied the syntenic association HSA 14/15 conservation in almost all genera of Platyrrhini. The HSA 14 homolog retained synteny for the entire chromosome however the HSA 15 homolog was fragmented. The association suggests a monophyletic origin of the Atelidae family and Callitrichinae subfamily. A 14/15/14 pattern was observed in Alouatta sara and a 15/14/15/14 pattern in Aotus nigriceps, showing a high degree of instability in this region in some genera. We report the presence of this association also in Cacajao melanocephalus, who had not been previously studied with FISH technique. The presence of the HSA 14/15 syntenic association in all species and subspecies of Platyrrhini that we studied indicates that this is an ancestral trait, agreeing with Platyrrhini ancestor karyotype. The painting with human X chromosome in almost all genera of Platyrrhini consistent with Ohnos Law, indicating evolutionary conservation of the X chromosome in placental mammals. The signals were found exclusively in the X chromosome homologs. The Y chromosome probe of Brachyteles arachnoides produced by chromosome microdissection showed homology between the Y chromosomes of all genera belonging to the Atelinae subfamily (Ateles belzebuth marginatus, Lagothrix lagothricha and Brachyteles arachnoides). Lagothrix and Brachyteles Y chromosomes are extremely small acrocentrics and the Ateles Y chromosome is small. We could not hybridize this probe in metaphases form Alouatta, which along with the Atelinae genera comprise family Atelidae. The use of molecular-cytogenetic traits can provide valuable information for the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships in tne Atelinae subfamily. Our data show that the Y chromosome in the subfamily Atelinae shares a common history and is consistent with the separation of family Atelidae into the subfamilies Atelinae and Alouattinae. In conclusion our study indicates a great degree of chromosomal varaibility within Platyrrhini and suggests a marked reorganization of the genome within this primate group, due to such processes as pericentric inversions, chromosome fusions, translocations between chromosomes and other complex rearrangements. Cytogenetic analyse in Platyrrhini are important for species identification. Such information can in turn be useful for a variety of conservation and systematic purposes including repatriation of animals in an appropriate geographical region, for captive breeding programs, increasing the chances of ex-situ breeding, and for the deposition of specimens in museums. It is also an important tool for identifying the geographical origins of specimens with uncertain origin. Integration of cytogenetic, morphological and molecular data is necessary for the understanding of variation and definition of the taxa and understanding evolutionary processes at these different levels. Forests destruction and fragmentation, agricultural practices, hunting and subtraction of individuals as pets have negatively affected the survival of Brazilian monkeys.

Evolução cromossômica: estudo da variabilidade cariotípica em Platyrrhini e das homeologias e sintenias com cromossomos humanos / Chromosome evolution: Karyotype variability in Platyrrhini and studies of sinteny and homologies between human chromosomes

Cristiani Gifalli Iughetti 29 September 2008 (has links)
Estudamos os cariótipos de espécimes de macacos brasileiros (Platyrrhini, Primates) com técnicas citogenéticas tradicionais e de FISH com as sondas totais dos cromossomos 14, 15 e X humanos e do cromossomo Y de Brachyteles arachnoides obtida por microdissecção cromossômica. Vinte e quatro espécimes de Alouatta guariba clamitans, doze machos e doze fêmeas foram estudados. Para os machos, encontramos um número diplóide de 2n = 49, devido à ausência aparente do cromossomo Y provavelmente decorrente de uma translocação Y-autossomo, e 2n = 46 cromossomos, com variação nas fórmulas cromossômicas com 17, 19, 20, 21 ou 24 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 22, 28, 29, 30 ou 32 acrocêntricos. Para as fêmeas, uma variabilidade maior no número diplóide foi observada com 46, 48 e 50 cromossomos e as fórmulas cromossômicas encontradas mostraram 18, 19, 20, 21, 27 ou 28 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 18, 19, 27, 30, 31 e 32 acrocêntricos. Os cromossomos X eram submetacêntricos. Pares heteromórficos foram observados. Uma fêmea com 48 cromossomos foi descrita pela primeira vez, este número diplóide só havia sido descrito em um único exemplar macho. A confirmação da subespécie dos indivíduos analisados se deu pela presença do par cromossômico característico de Alouatta guariba clamitans, o par 1, e pela região geográfica de procedência dos exemplares. O sexo dos espécimes também foi confirmado ou mesmo determinado pela análise dos cariótipos. Para Alouatta guariba clamitans, corroboramos a tendência à redução do número diplóide orientada no sentido norte-sul. As grandes diferenças cromossômicas entre as populações do sul e sudeste sugerem que Alouatta guariba clamitans seja representante de duas subespécies ou mesmo de duas espécies separadas, evidenciando a necessidade de uma revisão de sua taxonomia. Analisamos um macho de A. sara em coloração convencional, bandamentos GTG e CGB. O cariótipo era formado por 50 cromossomos, com 16 metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos, 31 acrocêntricos e 3 microcromossomos, dois submetacêntricos e um acrocêntrico. O cromossomo X era submetacêntrico e o cromossomo Y estava aparentemente ausente, provavelmente devido a uma translocação Y-autossomo. Um heteromorfismo foi observado. A heterocromatina estava presente na região pericentromérica dos cromossomos, incluindo os três microcromossomos. Duas fêmeas de Ateles paniscus paniscus foram estudadas em coloração convencional. Os espécimes apresentaram 32 cromossomos, com 30 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 2 acrocêntricos. A classificação foi baseada no número diplóide e presença do cromossomo 2 metacêntrico característico desta subespécie. Também analisamos dois machos de Ateles sp. em coloração convencional que apresentaram um número diplóide de 34 cromossomos, agrupados em 32 metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 2 acrocêntricos. O cromossomo Y era o menor metacêntrico do complemento. Os cromossomos X dos quatro Ateles analisados eram submetacêntricos. A descrição de pares cromossômicos heteromórficos neste gênero é freqüente. Sugerimos que os indivíduos de Ateles sp. sejam classificados como Ateles paniscus chamek. A diferença no número cromossômico entre os exemplares analisados é devido à presença do par metacêntrico em A. p. paniscus que é resultante da fusão in tandem de dois cromossomos de A. p. chamek. A variabilidade intra e interespecífica observada neste gênero podem ser explicadas por inversões pericêntricas. Estudamos uma fêmea e um macho de Callimico goeldii em coloração convencional. Ambos apresentaram 48 cromossomos agrupados em 28 cromossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 18 cromossomos acrocêntricos, além do cromossomo X submetacêntrico e do Y acrocêntrico. Heteromorfismos foram observados. Não encontramos variabilidade no número diplóide e a diferença nas fórmulas cromossômicas é devido à morfologia dos cromossomos sexuais. Três machos e quatro fêmeas de Callithrix sp. foram analisados em coloração convencional e bandamentos GTG e CBG. O número cromossômico encontrado foi de 2n = 46, com 30 autossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos, 14 autossomos acrocêntricos, o cromossomo X submetacêntrico e o cromossomo Y acrocêntrico. Duas fêmea e um macho apresentaram linhagens quiméricas 46,XX/46,XY. Heteromorfismos foram encontrados. A heterocromatina estava presente na região pericentromérica dos cromossomos e em blocos extracentroméricos. Não conseguimos determinar com exatidão a espécie de Callithrix, porém pela fórmula cromossômica e morfologia do cromossomo Y sugerimos que possam ser das espécies C. jacchus, C. penicillata ou C. aurita. O macho de Cebus nigritus estudado em coloração convencional apresentou 54 cromossomos divididos em 20 autossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 32 acrocêntricos, além do cromossomo X que é um submetacêntrico e do Y que é um acrocêntrico. Não foram observados heteromorfismos. Levando em consideração as características fenotípicas, semelhanças entre os cromossomos com os cariótipos mostrando a mesma fórmula cromossômica e distribuição geográfica, sugerimos que C. nigritus seja sinônimo de C. vellerosus. Estudamos uma fêmea de Callicebus caligatus em coloração convencional que apresentou 48 cromossomos, com 16 metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 32 acrocêntricos. Heteromorfismos foram observados. Também analisamos uma fêmea de Callicebus nigrifrons com a mesma coloração e a classificação foi confirmada pela análise citogenética. Esta fêmea mostrou um número diplóide de 2n = 42, compreendendo 30 autossomos metacêntricos ou submetacêntricos e 12 acrocêntricos. Nenhum heteromorfismo foi observado. Os cromossomos X das duas fêmeas eram submetacêntricos. As duas espécies de Callicebus apresentaram números diplóides e fórmulas cromossômicas diferentes, com um predomínio de cromossomos acrocêntricos em C. caligatus e um predomínio de cromossomos não-acrocêntricos em C. nigrifrons, indicando que a redução do número diplóide foi direcionada por eventos de fusão cromossômica. Estudamos a conservação da associação sintênica HSA 14/15 em praticamente todos os gêneros de macacos do Novo Mundo. O homeólogo ao HSA 14 conservou a sintenia para o cromossomo inteiro enquanto o homeólogo ao HSA 15 está fragmentado. Esta associação favorece a origem monofilética da família Atelidae e da subfamília Callitrichinae. Um padrão 14/15/14 foi observado em Alouatta sara e 15/14/15/14 em Aotus nigriceps, mostrando um alto grau de instabilidade citogenética nesta região em alguns gêneros, estando mais susceptível a quebra e inversão. Relatamos a presença desta associação também em Cacajao melanocephalus, que não havia sido estudado com a técnica de FISH. A presença da associação sintênica HSA 14/15 em todas as espécies e subespécies de macacos do Novo Mundo estudadas indica que esta sintenia é um caractere ancestral, concordando com o provável cariótipo ancestral de Platyrrhini. A pintura com a sonda total do cromossomo X humano em praticamente todos os gêneros de Platyrrhini confirmou a Lei de Ohno, que dita a conservação evolutiva do cromossomo X em mamíferos placentários. A sonda total do cromossomo Y de Brachyteles arachnoides produzida por microdissecção cromossômica mostrou uma homeologia entre o cromossomo Y de todos os gêneros pertencentes à subfamília Atelinae (Ateles belzebuth marginatus, Lagothrix lagothricha e Brachyteles arachnoides). Lagothrix e Brachyteles apresentaram um cromossomo Y acrocêntrico diminuto e Ateles mostrou um cromossomo Y acrocêntrico pequeno, mas não diminuto. Não conseguimos hibridar esta sonda em metáfases de espécimes da subfamília Alouattinae, que junto com a subfamília Atelinae compõem a família Atelidae. O uso de caracteres citogenéticos-moleculares pode proporcionar informações valiosas para a elucidação das relações filogenéticas na subfamília Atelinae. Os nossos dados mostram que o cromossomo Y nesta subfamília compartilha uma história comum, devendo mostrar o mesmo padrão filogenético, corroborando a separação da família Atelidae nas subfamílias Atelinae e Alouattinae. Os diferentes números diplóides e fórmulas cromossômicas observados nesse trabalho indicam a grande variabilidade intra e interespecífica e intrapopulacional existente em Platyrrhini, com uma marcante reorganização no seu genoma, decorrente de processos de inversões pericêntricas, fusões cromossômicas, translocações entre cromossomos e outros rearranjos mais complexos. A análise citogenética em Platyrrhini é importante para a identificação das espécies para uma posterior soltura em região geográfica adequada, para os programas de reprodução em cativeiro aumentando as possibilidades de reprodução ex situ e para a deposição em museus. Também é uma ferramenta importante para a identificação das origens dos espécimes com procedência incerta. Uma maior integração e direcionamento dos dados citogenéticos, morfológicos e moleculares é necessária para o entendimento da variação e definição das taxa de forma mais objetiva. A destruição e fragmentação das florestas, as práticas agrícolas, a caça e a subtração de indivíduos como animais de estimação têm afetado negativamente a sobrevivência dos macacos brasileiros. / We studied the karyotypes of Brazilian monkeys (Platyrrhini, Primates) using both traditional cytogenetic techniques as well as FISH. FISH analysis employed human probes for chromosome 14, 15 and the X chromosome and a probe of the Y chromosome of Brachyteles arachnoides obtained by chromosome microdissection. Twenty-four individuals of Alouatta guariba clamitans were studied, twelve males and twelve females. For males, we found a diploid number of 2n = 49 due to the presumed absence of the Y chromosome probably due to a Y-autosome translocation, and 2n = 46 chromosomes, with 17, 19, 20, 21 or 24 biarmed chromosomes and 22, 28, 29, 30 or 32 acrocentrics. For females, a greater variability in the diploid number was observed with 46, 48 and 50 chromosomes and 18, 19, 20, 21, 27 or 28 biarmed chromosomes and 18, 19, 27, 30, 31 and 32 acrocentrics. The X chromosomes were submetacentric. Heteromorphisms were observed. A female with 48 chromosomes was described for the first time; this diploid number had only been described before for a single male. The subspecies has been confirmed by the presence of a characteristic chromosome pair of Alouatta guariba clamitans, pair 1, and by the geographic origin of the samples. The sex was also confirmed or determined by karyotype analysis. The major chromosomal differences between populations of the south and southeast of Brazil suggest that Alouatta guariba clamitans may be representative of two subspecies or even two separate species, highlighting the need for a taxonomic review. A male of A. sara was studied and we observed a diploid number of 2n = 50 chromosomes, with 16 biarmed, 31 acrocentrics and 3 microchromosomes, two submetacentrics and one acrocentric. The X chromosome was submetacentric and the Y chromosome was presumably missing, probably due to a Y-autosome translocation. A heteromorphism was observed. The heterochromatin was present in the pericentromeric region of chromosomes, including the three microchromosomes. Two females of Ateles paniscus paniscus were studied. The specimens had 32 chromosomes, with 30 biarmed and 2 acrocentrics. A heteromorphism was observed. The classification was based on the diploid number and presence of a metacentric chromosome, pair 2, characteristic of this subspecies. We also analyzed two males of Ateles sp. that showed a diploid number of 34 chromosomes, grouped in 32 biarmed and 2 acrocentrics. The Y chromosome was the smallest metacentric. The X chromosomes were submetacentrics. The description of heteromorphisms in this genus is frequent. We suggest that these two individuals of Ateles sp. are classified as Ateles paniscus chamek. The difference in the diploid number of the specimens is due to the presence of a metacentric in A. p. paniscus that is the result of the in tandem fusion of two chromosomes of A. p. chamek. The variability in this genus can be explained by pericentric inversions. We studied a female and a male of Callimico goeldii. Both had 48 chromosomes grouped in 28 biarmed chromosomes and 18 acrocentrics, plus an X submetacentric chromosome and a Y acrocentric. Heteromorphisms were observed. We observed no variations in the diploid number and all differences are due to the morphology of the sex chromosomes. Three males and four females of Callithrix sp. were studied. The chromosome number was 2n = 46, with 30 biarmed, 14 acrocentrics, a submetacentric X chromosome and an acrocentric Y chromosome. Two females and one male showed 46,XX/46,XY chimerisms. Heteromorphisms were found. The heterochromatin was present in the pericentromeric region and in extracentromeric blocks. We observed no variations in the diploid number and the only differences are due to the morphology of the sex chromosomes. We could not determine the Callithrix species, but the karyotypes suggest C. jacchus, C. penicillata or C. aurita. The Cebus nigritus male studied showed 54 chromosomes grouped in 20 biarmed and 32 acrocentrics, and a submetacentric X chromosome and an acrocentric Y. There were no heteromorphisms. Taking into account the phenotypic characteristics, similarities between chromosomes and geographical distribution, we suggest that C. nigritus is synonymous with C. vellerosus. We studied a female Callicebus caligatus that showed 48 chromosomes, with 16 biarmed and 32 acrocentrics. Heteromorphisms were observed. We also analyzed a female Callicebus nigrifrons, whose taxonomic placement was confirmed by cytogenetic analysis. Its diploid number was 2n = 42, including 30 biarmed and 12 acrocentrics. No heteromorphisms were observed. The X chromosomes were submetacentrics. The two Callicebus species showed different diploid numbers, with a predominance of acrocentric chromosomes in C. caligatus and a predominance of biarmed chromosomes in C. nigrifrons, indicating that the reduction in the diploid number was due to events of chromosomal fusion. We studied the syntenic association HSA 14/15 conservation in almost all genera of Platyrrhini. The HSA 14 homolog retained synteny for the entire chromosome however the HSA 15 homolog was fragmented. The association suggests a monophyletic origin of the Atelidae family and Callitrichinae subfamily. A 14/15/14 pattern was observed in Alouatta sara and a 15/14/15/14 pattern in Aotus nigriceps, showing a high degree of instability in this region in some genera. We report the presence of this association also in Cacajao melanocephalus, who had not been previously studied with FISH technique. The presence of the HSA 14/15 syntenic association in all species and subspecies of Platyrrhini that we studied indicates that this is an ancestral trait, agreeing with Platyrrhini ancestor karyotype. The painting with human X chromosome in almost all genera of Platyrrhini consistent with Ohnos Law, indicating evolutionary conservation of the X chromosome in placental mammals. The signals were found exclusively in the X chromosome homologs. The Y chromosome probe of Brachyteles arachnoides produced by chromosome microdissection showed homology between the Y chromosomes of all genera belonging to the Atelinae subfamily (Ateles belzebuth marginatus, Lagothrix lagothricha and Brachyteles arachnoides). Lagothrix and Brachyteles Y chromosomes are extremely small acrocentrics and the Ateles Y chromosome is small. We could not hybridize this probe in metaphases form Alouatta, which along with the Atelinae genera comprise family Atelidae. The use of molecular-cytogenetic traits can provide valuable information for the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships in tne Atelinae subfamily. Our data show that the Y chromosome in the subfamily Atelinae shares a common history and is consistent with the separation of family Atelidae into the subfamilies Atelinae and Alouattinae. In conclusion our study indicates a great degree of chromosomal varaibility within Platyrrhini and suggests a marked reorganization of the genome within this primate group, due to such processes as pericentric inversions, chromosome fusions, translocations between chromosomes and other complex rearrangements. Cytogenetic analyse in Platyrrhini are important for species identification. Such information can in turn be useful for a variety of conservation and systematic purposes including repatriation of animals in an appropriate geographical region, for captive breeding programs, increasing the chances of ex-situ breeding, and for the deposition of specimens in museums. It is also an important tool for identifying the geographical origins of specimens with uncertain origin. Integration of cytogenetic, morphological and molecular data is necessary for the understanding of variation and definition of the taxa and understanding evolutionary processes at these different levels. Forests destruction and fragmentation, agricultural practices, hunting and subtraction of individuals as pets have negatively affected the survival of Brazilian monkeys.

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