Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonpotable"" "subject:"confotable""
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Investigating Rainwater Harvesting as a Stormwater Best Management Practice and as a Function of Irrigation Water UseShannak, Sa'D Abdel-Halim 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Stormwater runoff has negative impacts on water resources, human health and environment. In this research the effectiveness of Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) systems is examined as a stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP). Time-based, evapotranspiration-based, and soil moisture-based irrigation scheduling methods in conjunction with RWH and a control site without RWH were simulated to determine the effect of RWH as a BMP on a single-family residence scale. The effects of each irrigation scheduling method on minimizing water runoff leaving the plots and potable water input for irrigation were compared. The scenario that reflects urban development was simulated and compared to other RWH-irrigation scheduling systems by a control treatment without a RWH component. Four soil types (sand, sandy loam, loamy sand, silty clay) and four cistern sizes (208L, 416L, 624L, 833L) were evaluated in the urban development scenario.
To achieve the purpose of this study; a model was developed to simulate daily water balance for the three treatments. Irrigation volumes and water runoff were compared for four soil types and four cistern sizes. Comparisons between total volumes of water runoff were estimated by utilizing different soil types, while comparisons between total potable water used for irrigation were estimated by utilizing different irrigation scheduling methods.
This research showed that both Curve Number method and Mass-Balance method resulted in the greatest volumes of water runoff predicted for Silty Clay soil and the least volumes of water runoff predicted for Sand soil. Moreover, increasing cistern sizes resulted in reducing total water runoff and potable water used for irrigation, although not at a statistically significant level. Control treatment that does not utilize a cistern had the greatest volumes of predicted supplemental water among all soil types utilized, while Soil Moisture-based treatment on average had the least volume of predicted supplemental water.
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The Effects on Water Quality by Mining Activity in the Miami, Arizona RegionYoung, D. W., Clark, R. B. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Intensive strip and leach mining activity within a confined region usually causes environmental impacts both on the land and on water quality. Adverse water quality effects could be realized long after any mining activity has ceased due to the continuous leaching by precipitation of contaminants from spoils piles and leach dumps. The Miami, Arizona region is unique in its surface and subsurface hydrology. Two unconnected aquifers underlay the region with both serving as domestic (private and municipal) and industrial (mining) supply sources. The shallow floodplain alluvial aquifer is hydraulically connected to surface drainage from mine tailings and leach dumps. Several wells drawing from this aquifer have been abandoned as a municipal supply source due to severe water quality degradation. Water quality in these wells varies directly with precipitation indicating a correlation between surface drainage over and through tailings and leach piles. Expansion of spoils dumps into natural recharge pathways of the deeper Gila Conglomerate aquifer has raised concern that this aquifer may also be subjected to a long term influx of mine pollutants. Questions have also been raised concerning the potential effects of a proposed in situ leaching operation on the water quality of the conglomerate aquifer.
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Approche multidisciplinaire pour l’amélioration de l’estimation de l’exposition aux sous-produits de désinfection de l’eau en milieu domestique et en piscineCatto, Cyril 01 1900 (has links)
La désinfection de l’eau de consommation et des piscines induit la formation de sous-produits (SPD) potentiellement nocifs pour la santé, parmi lesquels les trihalométhanes (THM), les acides haloacétiques (HAA) et les chloramines (CAM). La difficulté d’estimer l’exposition humaine à ces SPD empêche de cerner précisément les risques sanitaires possiblement associés (i.e., cancérigènes, reprotoxiques, irritatifs). Nos travaux s’articulent autour d’une méthodologie consistant à intégrer des données d’occurrence environnementales à des modèles toxicocinétiques à base physiologique (TCBP) pour améliorer les mesures de l’exposition aux SPD. Cette approche multidisciplinaire veut prendre en compte de manière aussi appropriée que possible les deux composantes majeures des variations de cette exposition : les variations spatio-temporelles des niveaux de contamination environnementale et l’impact des différences inter- et intra-individuelles sur les niveaux biologiques. Cette thèse, organisée en deux volets qui explorent chacun successivement des aspects environnemental et biologique de la problématique, vise à contribuer au développement de cette stratégie innovante d’estimation de l’exposition et, plus généralement, à des meilleures pratiques en la matière.
Le premier volet de la thèse s’intéresse à l’exposition en milieu domestique (i.e., résultant de l’utilisation de l’eau potable au domicile) et est consacré au cas complexe des THM, les plus abondants et volatils des SPD, absorbables par ingestion mais aussi par inhalation et voie percutanée. Les articles I et II, constitutifs de ce volet, documentent spécifiquement la question des variations inter- et intra- journalières de présence des SPD en réseau et de leurs impacts sur les estimateurs de l’exposition biologique. Ils décrivent l’amplitude et la diversité des variations à court terme des niveaux environnementaux, présentent les difficultés à proposer une façon systématique et « épidémiologiquement » pratique de les modéliser et proposent, de manière originale, une évaluation des mésestimations, somme toute modestes, des mesures biologiques de l’exposition résultant de leurs non-prise en compte.
Le deuxième volet de la thèse se penche sur l’exposition aux SPD en piscine, d’un intérêt grandissant au niveau international, et se restreint au cas jugé prioritaire des piscines publiques intérieures. Ce volet envisage, pour quantifier l’exposition dans ce contexte particulier, l’extension de l’approche méthodologique préconisée, élaborée originellement pour application dans un contexte domestique : d’abord, à travers une analyse approfondie des variations des niveaux de contamination (eau, air) des SPD en piscine en vue de les modéliser (article III); puis en examinant, dans le cas particulier du chloroforme, le THM le plus abondant, la possibilité d’utiliser la modélisation TCBP pour simuler des expositions en piscine (article IV). Les résultats mettent notamment en évidence la difficulté d’appréhender précisément la contamination environnementale autrement que par un échantillonnage in situ tandis que la modélisation TCBP apparait, sur le plan toxicologique, comme l’outil le plus pertinent à ce jour, notamment au regard des autres approches existantes, mais qu’il convient d’améliorer pour mieux prédire les niveaux d’exposition biologique.
Finalement, ces travaux illustrent la pertinence et la nécessité d’une approche multidisciplinaire et intégratrice et suggère, sur cette base, les pistes à explorer en priorité pour mieux évaluer l’exposition aux SPD et, in fine, cerner véritablement les risques sanitaires qui en résultent. / Disinfection of drinking and swimming pool waters disinfection is unavoidable but induces the formation of by-products (DBPs), such as trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs) and chloramines (CAMs), that could be harmful to human health. The still challenging DBP exposure assessment prevent their suspected adverse effects (i.e., cancers, adverse pregnancy outcomes, irritations) to be clearly established. A methodology has been conceptualized which consists of integrating environmental occurrence data with physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modeling to improve DBP exposure assessment. It was designed to allow both spatial and temporal variations of the environmental contamination and the biological impacts of between- and within- individual differences to be accounted for. This thesis comprised of two parts. Each one investigates successively both environmental and biological aspects. The objective is to contribute to the development of an innovative integrated strategy and to the definition of best practices for DBP exposure assessment.
The first part of the thesis, comprising papers I and II, focuses on household exposure (i.e., resulting from drinking water use at home) and on THMs, the most abundant and volatile DBPs that can be absorbed not only by ingestion but also by inhalation and dermal absorption. These two papers investigate particularly the short-term (day-to-day and within-day) variations of THM levels in the drinking water and then their impact on the internal exposure indicators. They described the amplitudes and the diversity of the environmental variations, failed to model them in a systematic and practical way for epidemiological purposes but assessed, for the first time, their impacts on the predicted biological levels which appeared quite low.
The second part concerns the exposure to DBPs in swimming pool which is of a growing international interest. Only the allegedly worrying case of public indoor swimming pool was regarded. This section focuses on the feasibility of using the previously mentioned approach, which was first designed for dealing with household exposure, for DBP exposure assessment in swimming pools. First, Paper III investigated the occurrence and spatial and temporal variations of DBPs in both water and air of swimming pools to model them. Focusing on chloroform, the most abundant THM, Paper IV examined the ability and reliability of PBTK modeling to simulate various swimming pool exposure events and predict the resulting biological levels in individuals. The results show, among other things, the difficulty of explaining precisely the environmental contamination and point out the necessity to carry out a minimal in situ sampling to monitor the environmental levels of DBPs. Compared to other approaches, PBTK modeling is a powerful but still to be improved tool for predicting swimming pool exposure.
Eventually, these works underline the relevance and the necessity of a multidisciplinary and integrating approach for better estimating exposure to DBPs and therefore health risks. Further issues that should be addressed are recommended.
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Développement de techniques analytiques pour la détermination des agents anti-infectieux dans les eaux environnementalesSegura, Pedro A. 08 1900 (has links)
Les agents anti-infectieux sont utilisés pour traiter ou prévenir les infections chez les humains, les animaux, les insectes et les plantes. L’apparition de traces de ces substances dans les eaux usées, les eaux naturelles et même l’eau potable dans plusieurs pays du monde soulève l’inquiétude de la communauté scientifique surtout à cause de leur activité biologique.
Le but de ces travaux de recherche a été d’étudier la présence d’anti-infectieux dans les eaux environnementales contaminées (c.-à-d. eaux usées, eaux naturelles et eau potable) ainsi que de développer de nouvelles méthodes analytiques capables de quantifier et confirmer leur présence dans ces matrices.
Une méta-analyse sur l’occurrence des anti-infectieux dans les eaux environnementales
contaminées a démontré qu’au moins 68 composés et 10 de leurs produits de
transformation ont été quantifiés à ce jour. Les concentrations environnementales varient
entre 0.1 ng/L et 1 mg/L, selon le composé, la matrice et la source de contamination. D’après cette étude, les effets nuisibles des anti-infectieux sur le biote aquatique sont possibles et ces substances peuvent aussi avoir un effet indirect sur la santé humaine à cause de sa possible contribution à la dissémination de la résistance aux anti-infecteiux chez les bactéries.
Les premiers tests préliminaires de développement d’une méthode de détermination
des anti-infectieux dans les eaux usées ont montré les difficultés à surmonter lors de
l’extraction sur phase solide (SPE) ainsi que l’importance de la sélectivité du détecteur.
On a décrit une nouvelle méthode de quantification des anti-infectieux utilisant la SPE en tandem dans le mode manuel et la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS). Les six anti-infectieux ciblés (sulfaméthoxazole, triméthoprime, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, clarithromycin et azithromycin) ont été quantifiés à des concentrations entre 39 et 276 ng/L dans les échantillons d’affluent et d’effluent provenant d’une station d’épuration appliquant un traitement primaire et physico-
chimique. Les concentrations retrouvées dans les effluents indiquent que la masse
moyenne totale de ces substances, déversées hebdomadairement dans le fleuve St. Laurent,
était de ~ 2 kg.
En vue de réduire le temps total d’analyse et simplifier les manipulations, on a travaillé sur une nouvelle méthode de SPE couplée-LC-MS/MS. Cette méthode a utilisé une
technique de permutation de colonnes pour préconcentrer 1.00 mL d’échantillon dans une
colonne de SPE couplée. La performance analytique de la méthode a permis la
quantification des six anti-infectieux dans les eaux usées municipales et les limites de
détection étaient du même ordre de grandeur (13-60 ng/L) que les méthodes basées sur la
SPE manuelle.
Ensuite, l’application des colonnes de SPE couplée de chromatographie à débit
turbulent pour la préconcentration de six anti-infectieux dans les eaux usées a été explorée pour diminuer les effets de matrice. Les résultats obtenus ont indiqué que ces colonnes sont une solution de réchange intéressante aux colonnes de SPE couplée traditionnelles.
Finalement, en vue de permettre l’analyse des anti-infectieux dans les eaux de surface
et l’eau potable, une méthode SPE couplée-LC-MS/MS utilisant des injections de grand
volume (10 mL) a été développée. Le volume de fuite de plusieurs colonnes de SPE
couplée a été estimé et la colonne ayant la meilleure rétention a été choisie. Les limites de détection et de confirmation de la méthode ont été entre 1 à 6 ng/L. L’analyse des échantillons réels a démontré que la concentration des trois anti-infectieux ciblés (sulfaméthoxazole, triméthoprime et clarithromycine) était au dessous de la limite de détection de la méthode. La mesure des masses exactes par spectrométrie de masse à temps d’envol et les spectres des ions produits utilisant une pente d’énergie de collision inverse
dans un spectromètre de masse à triple quadripôle ont été explorés comme des méthodes de confirmation possibles. / Anti-infectives are used to treat or prevent infections in humans, animals, insects and
plants. The occurrence of traces of these substances in wastewaters, natural waters and even drinking water has caused concern among the scientific community especially because of their biological activiy.
The goal of this research was to study the occurrence of anti-infectives in contaminated
environmental waters (wastewaters, natural waters, and drinking water) and to develop new analytical methods able to quantitate and confirm their presence in these matrices.
A meta-analysis on the occurrence of anti-infectives in contaminated environmental
waters demonstrated that at least 68 parent compounds and 10 transformation products have
been quantified to date. Environmental concentrations vary between 0.1 ng/L and 1 mg/L depending on the compound, the matrix and the source of contamination. According to this study, detrimental effects of anti-infectives on aquatic biota are possible and these substances could also affect indirectly human health because of their possible contribution to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
Preliminary tests on the development of a method of determination of anti-infectives in
wastewaters showed the main difficulties to overcome during solid-phase extraction (SPE)
as well as the importance of the detector selectivity.
A novel method of determination of anti-infectives was described using off-line
tandem SPE and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Six
target anti-infectives (sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin,
clarithromycin and azithromycine) were quantitated at concentrations between 39 and 276 ng/L in samples of influent and effluent collected from a primary and physico-chemical
wastewater treatement plant. Reported effluent concentrations indicate that the mean mass of these substances discharged daily in the St. Lawrence River was ~ 2 kg.
In order to reduce total analysis time and simplify sample preparation, a new on-line
SPE-LC-MS/MS was presented. This method used a column-switching technique to preconcentrate 1.00 mL of sample in an on-line SPE column. Method analytical
performance allowed the quantitation of six anti-infectives in municipal wastewaters and
limits of detection were of the same magnitude (13-60 ng/L) than methods based in offline SPE.
Next, the application of turbulent flow chromatography on-line SPE columns for the
preconcentration of six anti-infectives in wastewaters was explored. Results showed that
these columns are an interesting alternative to traditional on-line SPE columns.
Finally, in order to allow analysis of anti-infectives in surface and drinking water, we
developed an on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS method using large-volume injections (10 mL).
Breakthrough volumes of several on-line SPE columns were estimated and the column
having the best retention, Strata-X, was chosen. Method detection and confirmation limits were between 1 and 6 ng/L. Analysis of real samples indicated that the concentration of the three target anti-infectives (sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and clarithromycin) was lower that the method detection limits. Accurate mass measurement by time-of-flight mass spectrometry and product ion spectra obtained by a reversed-energy ramp in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer were explored as alternative confirmation methods.
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A biofilter process for phytoplankton removal prior to potable water treatment works : a field and laboratory studyCastro-Castellon, Ana January 2016 (has links)
Phytoplankton blooms compromise the quality of freshwater ecosystems and the efficient processing of water by treatment works worldwide. This research aims to determine whether in-situ filamentous biofiltration processes mediated by living roots and synthetic filters as media can reduce or remove the phytoplankton loading (micro-algae and cyanobacteria) prior to a potable water treatment works intake. The underlying biofiltration mechanisms were investigated using field and laboratory studies. A novel macroscale biofilter with three plant species, named the "Living-Filter", installed in Farmoor II reservoir, UK, was surveyed weekly for physicochemical and biological variables under continuous flow conditions during 17 weeks. The efficiency of a mesoscale biofilter using the aquatic plant Phalaris arundinacea and synthetic filters, was tested with Microcystis aeruginosa under continuous flow conditions and in batch experiments. The 'simultaneous allelochemical method' was developed for quantifying allelochemicals from Phalaris in aqueous samples. Microscale studies were used to investigate biofilter allelochemical release in response to environmental stressors and Microcystis growth inhibition in filtered and unfiltered aqueous root exudate. Results demonstrate that the removal of phytoplankton biomass by physical mechanisms has a removal efficiency of ≤45% in the "Living-Filter" (filamentous biofilter plus synthetic fabric) and that the removal of Microcystis biomass using only biofilters was 25%. Chemical mechanisms that reduce Microcystis cell numbers are mediated by allelochemicals released from biofilter roots. Root exudate treatments on Microcystis revealed that Microcystis growth is inhibited by allelochemicals, not by nutrient competition, and that protists and invertebrates play a role in removing Microcystis. Filamentous biofilters can remove phytoplankton biomass by physical, chemical and biological mechanisms. Biofilters and synthetic filters in combination improve removal efficiency. Application of macroscale biofilters prior to potable water treatment works benefits the ecosystem. Plant properties, biofilter size to surface water ratio, and retention time must be considered to maximise the benefits of biofiltration processes.
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Intergovernmental relations : delivery of potable water to poor communities in Diepsloot of Gauteng ProvincePietersen, Johnny Masego January 2017 (has links)
In 1994, South Africa adopted intergovernmental relations (IGR) to facilitate service delivery. Sections 40-41 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, link service delivery with normative aspects of IGR, which include cooperation, transparency, accountability, mutual support, and coherence. A coherent implementation of IGR was subsequently emphasised by the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act 13 of 2005. However, South Africa continues to experience service delivery challenges, especially in marginalised and poor communities in the current and former informal settlements. The selected Diepsloot was established as an informal settlement in 1995 and has been under an in situ upgrade programme.
The study’s focus was on the provision of potable water in the City of Johannesburg with specific reference to Diepsloot. A case study approach was used to assess lived experiences among the actors within the intergovernmental context of cooperative government. A qualitative methodology was utilised to source data about intergovernmental interactions among actors from the public institutions by means of semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. Lastly, a focus group was utilised for members of the ward committees in Diepsloot.
The study concluded that IGR system is not used adequately to support Diepsloot to access potable water in accordance with an established standard. In essence, the IGR system lacks an integrated approach to reverse a legacy of informality. To facilitate an IGR improvement, the study’s recommendations were three-fold: (i) provision of integrated support to the City of Johannesburg for Diepsloot despite erroneous assumption that metropolitan municipalities are self-sufficient, (ii) standardisation of potable water provision in Diepsloot by means of integrating IGR institutional responses, and (iii) institutionalisation of IGR engagements with other cities. To this end, the study proposed a model of integrated intergovernmental support to improve potable water provision and, by extension, other related services in Diepsloot. / Public Administration / D.P.L. (Public Administration)
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Política del agua, controversias socio-técnicas y conflictos territoriales en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (2006-2015) / Water policy, socio-technical controversies and territorial conflicts in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (2006-2015) / Politique de l'eau, controverses socio- techniques et conflits territoriaux dans l'Aire Métropolitaine de Buenos Aires (2006-2015)Tobias, Melina 29 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les enjeux de la mise en œuvre de la politique de l'eau et de l'assainissement dans l'Aire métropolitaine de Buenos Aires (AMBA) au cours de la dernière décennie. Plus précisément, on étudie les scénarios de controverses et conflits qui ont conduit à l'émergence de nouveaux acteurs dans la région responsable de la gestion des ressources. La thèse est organisée en trois axes: l'institutionnelle, axée sur l'étude des modifications dans le scénario des acteurs en charge de la gestion de l'eau depuis la création de l'entreprise publique de l'eau et de l'assainissement AySA, et l'Autorité de Bassin Matanza- Riachuelo. L'environnement, consacré à analyser controverses générées par les différentes visions présentes par ces deux organismes et l'importance qui acquiert le regard de l'environnement à l'intérieur de la provision des services par rapport à la vision sanitaire traditionnelle du secteur. Et, la dimension socio-territorial qui vise à décrire l'accessibilité à l'eau et à l'assainissement dans la région, caractérisant les zones les plus touchées par le manque de service et les conflits qui émergent là, exigeant le droit à l'accès à l'eau?Pour répondre à ces dimensions on a choisi une stratégie méthodologique mixte qui permit combiner les sources et les approches qualitatives et les quantitatives. Nous avons principalement effectué des entretiens en profondeur à des fonctionnaires, des experts et des membres d'organisations sociales. Nous avons analysé la documentation technique sur les plans de œuvres, et nous avons utilisé des sources statistiques nationales pour étudier l'évolution de la couverture sur le territoire.L'hypothèse qui guide la recherche constate que, si bien que la création de ces deux organismes a produit une transformation dans la politique de l'eau et de l'assainissement à Buenos Aires, l'inertie du système de réseau centralisé et les limitations de la gestion territoriale de la part de l'autorité du bassin versant Matanza Riachuelo, limite la portée de cette transformation. / The thesis analyzes the challenges presented by the implementation of water and sanitation policy in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA) during the last decade (2006-2015). More precisely, it studies the scenarios of controversy and conflict that led to the appearance and raise of new actors in the region that became responsible for managing the resources.The thesis is organized in three dimensions: the institutional one, focused on studying the transformations in the framework of actors responsible for water management in the region, starting with the creation of the AySA drinking water and sanitation company and the Matanza Riachuelo Watershed Authority. The environmental, aimed at analyzing the controversies generated by the different visions present in the management of water through these two organisms and the weight that acquires the environmental view within the provision of the service against the traditional sanitary view of the sector. And the socio-territorial, which seeks to describe accessibility to water and sanitation in the region, characterizing the areas most affected by the lack of service and the conflicts that arise there, in claiming the right to water.To address these dimensions, we opted for a methodological strategy that complement qualitative and quantitative approaches and sources. We have conducted in-depth interviews with officials, academics and members of social organizations; We have analyzed technical documentation on the plans of works, and we have appealed to national statistical sources to study the evolution of the coverage in the territory.The hypothesis that guides the investigation indicates that although the creation of these two organisms implies a transformation in the politics of water and sanitation in Buenos Aires, the inertia of the centralized system of networks and the limitations in the territorial management of the basin authority , Crossed by the criminalization of the Riachuelo pollution, limit the scope of this transformation. / La tesis analiza los desafíos que presenta la implementación de la política del agua y saneamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires durante la última década. Más precisamente estudia los escenarios de controversia y conflicto que supuso la aparición de nuevos actores en la región encargados del manejo del recurso.La tesis se organiza en tres dimensiones: la institucional, centrada en estudiar las transformaciones en el entramado de actores encargados del manejo del agua a partir de la creación de la empresa de agua potable y saneamiento AySA y la Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo. La ambiental, destinada a analizar las controversias generadas por las distintas visiones presentes en estos dos organismos y el peso que adquiere la mirada ambiental dentro de la provisión del servicio frente a la tradicional visión sanitarista del sector. Y la socio-territorial, que busca describir la accesibilidad al agua y saneamiento en la región, caracterizando las áreas más afectadas por la falta del servicio y los conflictos que allí emergen, en reclamo del derecho al agua.Para atender a estas dimensiones optamos por una estrategia metodológica que permita complementar fuentes y enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativos. Principalmente hemos realizado entrevistas en profundidad a funcionarios, académicos y miembros de organizaciones sociales; hemos analizado documentación técnica sobre los planes de obras, y hemos apelado a fuentes estadísticas nacionales para estudiar la evolución de la cobertura en el territorio. La hipótesis que guía la investigación señala que si bien la creación de estos dos organismos supone una transformación en la política del agua y saneamiento en Buenos Aires, la inercia del propio sistema centralizado de redes y las limitaciones en la gestión territorial de la autoridad de cuenca, atravesada por la judicialización de la contaminación del Riachuelo, limitan el alcance de dicha transformación.
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Mécanismes et transferts de l'arsenic dans une confluence du Var et étude d'une méthode de remédiation dans les eaux potables / Non disponibleCampredon, Brice 01 July 2013 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans une problématique locale de teneur élevée en arsenic naturel dans le but d’améliorer la surveillance et la gestion de la qualité de la ressource en eau dans l’arrière-pays niçois. L’existence de grandes disparités géographiques des teneurs en arsenic font de la géologie la cause principale de cette contamination. L’intérêt de ce travail est d’appréhender les interactions solide/solution entre l’arsenic total dissous et les particules solides (matières en suspensions, sédiment de lit de rivière, solides naturels). Pour décrypter le comportement géochimique de l’arsenic, les trois objectifs principaux sont : de déterminer son état de conservativité dans le milieu naturel ; puis d’étudier les phénomènes d’adsorption en laboratoire sur des solides naturels (illite, oxydes de fer) ou de référence (kaolinite) ; puis enfin d’apporter une application directe au piégeage de l’arsenic par la création d’un pilote de traitement destiné à dépolluer une source d’eau destiné à la consommation humaine. La concentration en particule est le facteur influençant la conservativité de l’arsenic dans le système de confluence Tinée/Var selon les données des compartiments dissous et particulaire. La fraction colloïdale semble avoir une implication de premier ordre lors de la période de crue étudiée. Le piégeage de l’arsenic est favorisé par les oxyhydroxydes de fer, les argiles puis en moindre quantité par les solides acido-solubles. / This work aimed to solve a local problem of high water contamination with natural arsenic. In order to monitor and manage the water resource quality in French Riviera region. The different geographical repartition of arsenic content makes the consequences of this contamination to the geology. The interest of this work is to understand the interaction at solid/liquid interfaces between total dissolved arsenic and the solid particles (suspended particles matter, bed sediments and natural solids). To elucidate the geochemical behavior of arsenic, the three main objectives are: to determine the conservative states in the natural environment, then to study the adsorption phenomena under laboratory conditions onto the natural solids (illite and iron oxides) or reference materials (kaolinite); thirdly to apply the outcome of this work to establish a processing pilot for arsenic removal to decontaminate drinking water. The particle content is the main factor which influences the conservativity of arsenic in the confluence Tinée/Var. Colloids seems to have the main role in the arsenic removal in the studied flood period. Arsenic removal is favored by iron oxides, and clays, but less efficiently by acid-soluble compounds. The study of sorption mechanisms onto clays showed that adsorption of arsenic is strongly dependent on pH, quantity of aluminol reactive sites, influence of competitive anions such as carbonates and phosphates. Finally, the association of zeolites (high specific surface area) with coating of amorphous iron oxides (high affinity for arsenic) makes this adsorbent the most efficient, hence was studied and used in this work for arsenic adsorption.
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Vers une gouvernance territoriale de l'environnement ? : analyse comparée des politiques départementales de gestion de l'eau destinée à la consommation humaine et des déchets municipaux / Towards a territorial governance of the environment ? : an analysis of the policies of drinking water and municipal waste management at the "départemental" level of the French institutionsCaillaud, Kévin 19 September 2013 (has links)
Quarante ans de politiques publiques d’environnement ont profondément modifié la gestion de l’eau et des déchets. Beaucoup de choses ont changé : le référentiel gestionnaire n’est plus le même, la législation s’est renforcée, les enjeux territoriaux se sont recomposés, les modalités et l’échelle d’intervention publique ont été remodelées… En un mot, l’action publique territoriale s’est recomposée. Progressivement, les acteurs territoriaux ont inventé de nouvelles formes d’organisation, eu égard aux conditions et aux problématiques spécifiques de leurs territoires. Quelle(s) forme(s) ces recompositions peuvent-elles prendre ? Et selon quelle(s) trajectoire(s) ? Existe-t-il des invariants ? Qui pilote ces dynamiques territoriales et quelle place occupent les collectivités ? L’objectif de la thèse est de mettre en lumière l’existence d’une variété de formes d’organisation territoriale dédiées à la gestion de l’eau potable et des déchets municipaux, à partir d’une entrée « services publics ». Par le biais de monographies départementales, la thèse met à l’épreuve de la réalité du terrain les résultats d’une importante revue de littérature. Cela permet ainsi de mettre en exergue la force des coalitions d’acteurs et le jeu structurant entre Conseils Généraux et pôles urbains dans ces trajectoires de recomposition, ou encore l’existence d’un phénomène d’hybridation des modes de régulation influençant les trajectoires départementales. Enfin, en croisant la littérature spécifique à l’action publique et la grille d’analyse développée, la thèse propose de contribuer au lexique analytique de ce domaine d’étude. / After forty years of environmental public policies, drinking water and municipal waste management changed. For instance, the paradigm of environmental sectors management evolved, the legislation strengthened and the emergence of new environmental issues changed the territorial organizations… Step by step, territorial actors created new forms of organization, in regard to the special issues of their territories. What kind of forms these evolutions can take ? What are the territorial trajectories ? Can we observe some straightness ? Who governs these dynamics and what is the role of territorial public institutions ? The thesis shows the existence of different forms of territorial organizations at the “départemental” level of the French institutions, dealing with public services involved to the drinking water and municipal waste management. With four monographs, the thesis shows the power of advocacy coalitions and urban cities in the trajectories of evolution. These appear also oriented by different regulation’s hybridization phenomena. With all these results, the author proposes at last to contribute to the analysis's lexicon of this domain of research.
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Environmental LCA of water use in South Africa : the Rosslyn industrial area as a case studyLandu, Landu 24 April 2006 (has links)
International LCA literature indicates that little data is available pertaining to potable water production and supply, in particular with respect to the environmental burdens generated within the system. This study aims to investigate and assess the environmental burdens associated with the potable water supply to an industrial area (Rosslyn, north of Pretoria, in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality). The procedure, as well as the assessment of the environmental impacts of a life cycle, is dependent on a comprehensive life cycle inventory (LCI) of the evaluated system. Water use is included in LCIs, which are incorporated into the LCIA procedure, as it reflects a direct extraction from available resources. The water supply system diagram has been developed and data was collected, treated and analysed in the inventory analysis phase. The study closely followed the four phases as stipulated in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14040 series of standards) for conducting LCAs, including: -- goal and scope definition; -- LCI analysis; -- LCIA; and -- interpretation, conclusions and recommendations. The methodology used in the impact assessment phase was the introduced LCIA framework for South Africa in order to determine the extent of different environmental impacts. The inventory analysis, conforming to the scope of the study, provided an overall inventory of energy and other resource requirements, emissions to water and air, dust fallouts and solid or liquid wastes for the system under study. By using this methodology and by tracing all unit processes involved in the potable water supply system, the main contribution to the environmental burdens imposed on the potable water supply system was found to be the extraction of the required water from nature to supply potable water to Rosslyn. The toxicity potential impacts on water resources, mainly due to the electricity required for the water supply system, are of minor importance. This conclusion is valid for the system investigated, and as a result, the recommendations for environmental improvements should focus on water losses that must be addressed foremost. What is required at this stage is strategic planning regarding the extraction, use and conservation of water resources. Furthermore, to optimise all processes of water extraction, and to make them more efficient, electricity and other energy inputs are also of importance, albeit to a lesser extent. / Dissertation (M (Applied Sciences : Environmental Technology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Chemical Engineering / unrestricted
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