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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zur Einsatzmöglichkeit der Dreikantmuschel Dreissena polymorpha als biologischer Filter und Wasserhygienemonitor

Schröter-Bobsin, Ute 25 April 2005 (has links)
Dreikantmuscheln (Dreissena polymorpha) sind aufgrund ihrer speziellen Ernährungsweise in der Lage, erhebliche Wassermengen unterschiedlichster Qualität sehr effektiv zu filtrieren und dabei zu reinigen (Biofilter). Ziel der Arbeit waren Einschätzungen zum Leistungsumfang, der Nutzung und von Grenzen des Muschelfilters. Die Exposition der Muscheln erfolgte in der Elbe am Neustädter Hafen in Dresden (Oberflächengewässer), in dem ersten und zweiten Schönungsteich der Kläranlage Reichenau (Sachsen) und in einem Waldbad in Langebrück (Badegewässer). Eine wirksame Elutionsmethode war die Grundlage um Mikroorganismen (Bakterien, Viren und Parasiten) aus dem Muschelgewebe effizient nachweisen zu können. Die bakterielle Wiederfindungsrate von 86% und eine Wiederfindung von 97% für Bakteriophagen bestätigen die Elutionseffizienz des Verfahrens. Die Befähigung von Dreissena polymorpha zu einer saisonal beeinflussten Bioakkumulation gegenüber dem Umgebungswasser konnte durch ein Monitoring mit einem Anreicherungsfaktor für Bakterien von 87 (gemittelt) und für Bakteriophagen von 261 (gemittelt) eindrucksvoll bestätigt werden. Batchversuche im Labormaßstab bestätigten die im in situ - Monitoring ermittelte Bakterienakkumulation und demonstrieren darüber hinaus eine temperaturabhängige Inaktivierung (Elimination) der Bakterien (Intestinale Enterokokken) durch die Muscheln mit Reduktionsraten von -77% bei 20°C bzw. -61% bei 6°C. Nicht alle aufgenommenen Organismen werden durch die Muscheln inaktiviert. Das ergaben die in situ Sedimentuntersuchungen unter dem Muschelfilter. Die Verdopplung der Enterokokken sowie die erhöhten Werte der somatischen Coliphagen im Sediment unter Muschelbesatz charakterisieren dieses Kompartiment als Keimreservoir. Die bakterielle Besiedlung des Verdauungstraktes von Dreissena polymorpha wird stark durch die Bakterienzönose des umgebenden Wassers beeinflusst. Sowohl im Wasser als auch im Muschelgewebe dominierten fünf Bakterienstämme (Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,"environmental group"). Eine auffallend hohe Dominanz zeigten die Mycoplasmen (Firmicutes), was auf eine mögliche ökologische Nische für Vertreter dieser Gattung in der Muschel hindeutet. In allen Muscheleluaten des Monitorings wurden Legionellen nachgewiesen. Die Muscheln des Teiches 2 der KA Reichenau zeigten mit 86% die höchste Kontamination aller Expositionsorte. Legionellenamplifikate im Muscheleluat 2 gingen kontinuierlich mit ebenfalls positiven Befunden im Wasser einher, so dass der Einsatz von Dreissena polymorpha auch im Biomonitoring von Legionellaceae möglich ist. Erstmalig wurden in der Elbe und im Abwasser der KA Reichenau E. coli O157:H7 infizierenden Phagen und deren Anteile nachgewiesen. Die Elbe lag mit einem E. coli O157:H7 infizierenden Phagenanteil von 7,5% deutlich über dem Rohabwasser (1,0%) und dem Zulauf zum ersten Schönungsteich der Kläranlage (0,5%). Der Stx Gennachweis im Muscheleluat war dagegen nur in einer von 24 Proben erfolgreich. Enterale Viren (AdV, EV) wurden in den Dreikantmuscheln und ihrem Umgebungswasser diskontinuierlich nachgewiesen. Enteroviren wurden im Wasser (57% gemittelt) häufiger als in der parallelen Muschelproben (10%) nachgewiesen. Parasiten (Giardia lamblia und Cryptosporidium parvum) werden durch die exponierten Muscheln aufgenommen, dies bestätigten die qualitativen Testergebnisse. In den Dreikantmuscheln wurde sowohl für G. lamblia (78%), als auch für Cryptosporidien (77%) eine durchschnittlich höhere Nachweisrate im Vergleich zu den korrespondierenden Wasserproben (42% und 36%) ermittelt. Die effiziente Akkumulation und die Umweltresistenz der Dreikantmuscheln sind hervorragende Eigenschaften, die sich zu einem zuverlässigen Biomonitor mit "Hygienegedächtnis" und hoher Sensibilität vereinen lassen.

Геоморфолошке одлике Доњег Поморавља и Смедеревског Подунавља / Geomorfološke odlike Donjeg Pomoravlja i Smederevskog Podunavlja / Geomorphologic characteristics of Donje Pomoravlje and Smederevo's Podunavlje

Miladinović Slobodan 24 May 2007 (has links)
<p>Дoлина Велике Мораве лежи у средишњем делу Балканског полуострва. Она се<br />простире у граничној зони између Родопско-шумадијске области на западу и<br />Карпатско-балканске области на истоку. На северу је широко отворена према<br />Панонском басену, а на југу се везује за долину Јужне Мораве. Оваквим положајем&nbsp;чини природни мост који повезује средњу Европу са Средоземним басеном на југу.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />У долини Велике Мораве могу да се издвоје две морфолошке целине: горње и доње&nbsp;поморавље између којих се налази Багрданско сужење.&nbsp;Горњи део чини пространа параћинско-јагодинска котлина. На југу ова котлина,&nbsp;преко Ражањске преседлине, везује се са Алексиначком котлином док је на&nbsp;југозападу&nbsp;долина Западне Мораве спаја са Крушевачком котлином.&nbsp;Горњевеликоморавску долину са запада ограничавају планине Јухор и Црни врх, а са&nbsp;истока Буковик, Самањац Баба и западни обронци Кучајских планина.&nbsp;Багрданска клисура спаја Горњевеликоморавску долину са широком&nbsp;Доњевеликоморавском долином. Багрданско сужење одликује се стрмим странама,&nbsp;високим до 100 м.&nbsp; Најизразитији део клисуре је између села Ланиште и Багрдана.&nbsp;Ширина клисуре у најужем делу је 1,2 км, а идући ка Багрдану се постепено шири да&nbsp;би код Лапова достигла ширину од 4 км.&nbsp;Багрданска клисура је усечена у кристаластим шкрилацима. Западно од клисуре&nbsp;настављају се површи чија се просечна висина креће око 400, 500 и 600 м и чине&nbsp;саставни део крагујевачког Црног врха.&nbsp;На западној страни клисуре изражена је површ од 300 м која се простире до подножја<br />Србијанских Карпата.<br />У својим разматрањима Ј. Цвијић (1909.) означава површи око Багрданске&nbsp; клисуре&nbsp;као облике створене абразијом Панонског мора. Б. Јовановић (1969) сматра да су клисури терасе настале радом различитих сила. Терасе на странама клисуре су ерозивне, усечене у кристаласте шкрињце и терасе на дну клисуре створене су акумулацијом. Доњевеликопоморавље почиње од Багрданског сужења па до ушћа Велике Мораве у Дунав. Источни и западни обод ове простране долине, чини површ, изграђена од терцијалних седимената, чија просечна надморска висина износи око 200 м. По Цвијићу (1909) у доњем Поморављу развијена су два нивоа површи, висине око 300 м надморске висине који одговара Рипањској површи и нижи око 200 м, који би одговарао Пиносавској површи. Објашњавајући генезу ових површи Ј. Цвијић (1909) истиче да су површи абразионог порекла. Значајан допринос морфограском изучавању доњег дела долине Велике Мораве дао је Б.Ж. Милојевић (1951). На основу његових запажања издвојио је шест нивоа тераса: од 72-84; 64-60-56; 40-42-44; 20; 10-12 и 3 м релативне висине. Терасе су по Б.Ж. Милојевићу стваране флувијалном ерозијом. И каснија истраживања Б.П. Јовановића (1969) потврђују да су терасе и падови, како их он назива, створени флувијалном ерозијом, али се разликује у броју тераса и висини.</p><p>По широкој и пространој долини ток Велике Мораве непрекидно меандрира и приближава се левој и десној долинској страни. Алувијална раван богата је мртвајама, стирогама, рукавцима и сл. Ови елементи потврђују да је ушла у завршну фазу свог геоморфолошког развића.</p> / <p>Dolina Velike Morave leži u središnjem delu Balkanskog poluostrva. Ona se<br />prostire u graničnoj zoni između Rodopsko-šumadijske oblasti na zapadu i<br />Karpatsko-balkanske oblasti na istoku. Na severu je široko otvorena prema<br />Panonskom basenu, a na jugu se vezuje za dolinu Južne Morave. Ovakvim položajem&nbsp;čini prirodni most koji povezuje srednju Evropu sa Sredozemnim basenom na jugu.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />U dolini Velike Morave mogu da se izdvoje dve morfološke celine: gornje i donje&nbsp;pomoravlje između kojih se nalazi Bagrdansko suženje.&nbsp;Gornji deo čini prostrana paraćinsko-jagodinska kotlina. Na jugu ova kotlina,&nbsp;preko Ražanjske presedline, vezuje se sa Aleksinačkom kotlinom dok je na&nbsp;jugozapadu&nbsp;dolina Zapadne Morave spaja sa Kruševačkom kotlinom.&nbsp;Gornjevelikomoravsku dolinu sa zapada ograničavaju planine Juhor i Crni vrh, a sa&nbsp;istoka Bukovik, Samanjac Baba i zapadni obronci Kučajskih planina.&nbsp;Bagrdanska klisura spaja Gornjevelikomoravsku dolinu sa širokom&nbsp;Donjevelikomoravskom dolinom. Bagrdansko suženje odlikuje se strmim stranama,&nbsp;visokim do 100 m.&nbsp; Najizrazitiji deo klisure je između sela Lanište i Bagrdana.&nbsp;Širina klisure u najužem delu je 1,2 km, a idući ka Bagrdanu se postepeno širi da&nbsp;bi kod Lapova dostigla širinu od 4 km.&nbsp;Bagrdanska klisura je usečena u kristalastim škrilacima. Zapadno od klisure&nbsp;nastavljaju se površi čija se prosečna visina kreće oko 400, 500 i 600 m i čine&nbsp;sastavni deo kragujevačkog Crnog vrha.&nbsp;Na zapadnoj strani klisure izražena je površ od 300 m koja se prostire do podnožja<br />Srbijanskih Karpata.<br />U svojim razmatranjima J. Cvijić (1909.) označava površi oko Bagrdanske&nbsp; klisure&nbsp;kao oblike stvorene abrazijom Panonskog mora. B. Jovanović (1969) smatra da su klisuri terase nastale radom različitih sila. Terase na stranama klisure su erozivne, usečene u kristalaste škrinjce i terase na dnu klisure stvorene su akumulacijom. Donjevelikopomoravlje počinje od Bagrdanskog suženja pa do ušća Velike Morave u Dunav. Istočni i zapadni obod ove prostrane doline, čini površ, izgrađena od tercijalnih sedimenata, čija prosečna nadmorska visina iznosi oko 200 m. Po Cvijiću (1909) u donjem Pomoravlju razvijena su dva nivoa površi, visine oko 300 m nadmorske visine koji odgovara Ripanjskoj površi i niži oko 200 m, koji bi odgovarao Pinosavskoj površi. Objašnjavajući genezu ovih površi J. Cvijić (1909) ističe da su površi abrazionog porekla. Značajan doprinos morfograskom izučavanju donjeg dela doline Velike Morave dao je B.Ž. Milojević (1951). Na osnovu njegovih zapažanja izdvojio je šest nivoa terasa: od 72-84; 64-60-56; 40-42-44; 20; 10-12 i 3 m relativne visine. Terase su po B.Ž. Milojeviću stvarane fluvijalnom erozijom. I kasnija istraživanja B.P. Jovanovića (1969) potvrđuju da su terase i padovi, kako ih on naziva, stvoreni fluvijalnom erozijom, ali se razlikuje u broju terasa i visini.</p><p>Po širokoj i prostranoj dolini tok Velike Morave neprekidno meandrira i približava se levoj i desnoj dolinskoj strani. Aluvijalna ravan bogata je mrtvajama, stirogama, rukavcima i sl. Ovi elementi potvrđuju da je ušla u završnu fazu svog geomorfološkog razvića.</p> / <p>The valley of Velika Morava river lies in the central part of the Balkan peninsula. It extends&nbsp;in the border area between the Rodoposko &ndash; Sumadijski region in the west and the Karpatsko&nbsp;&ndash; Balkanski region in the east. It&rsquo;s northern part is wide open toward the Pannonia Basin,&nbsp;and it&rsquo;s southern part connects with the Juzna Morava valley. And because of this position,<br />Velika Morava&rsquo;s valley makes a natural bond between Central Europe and&nbsp; Mediterranean&nbsp;Basin.&nbsp;In the Velika Morava&rsquo;s valley there are two morphological parts: Gornje (Upper) Pomoravlje&nbsp;and Donje (Lower) Pomoravlje, separated by the Bagrdan Narrow.&nbsp;Gornje Pomoravlje is composed by a vast Paracinsko &ndash; Jagodinska depression. In the south&nbsp;of this depression, through the Razanj beneath, it is connected with the depression of&nbsp;Aleksinac, and in the southwest, through the valley of Zapadna Morava, it is connected with&nbsp;the depression of Krusevac.&nbsp;Gornje Pomoravlje&rsquo;s valley is limited by the mountains Juhor and Crni Vrh in the west, and&nbsp;by Bukovnik, Samanjac Baba and the west hillside of the mountain Kucaj in the east.&nbsp;The Bagrdan Narrow connects the Gornje Pomoravlje&rsquo;s valley with the wide Donje&nbsp;Pomoravlje&rsquo;s valley. The major distinction of the Bagrdan Narrow are abrupt sides, up to&nbsp;100m high. The most peculiar part of the narrow passage is between the villages Laniste and&nbsp;Bagrdan. A minimum width of the narrow passage is 1,2 km, and as the narrow passage&nbsp;extends toward the Bagrdan village, it gets more and more wide, and near Lapovo the width<br />of the narrow passage reaches 4 km.&nbsp;The Bagrdan Narrow is cut into the crystal slates. West of the narrow passage there are&nbsp;surfaces, 400, 500 and 600m high, which are the component parts of the mountain Crni Vrh&nbsp;of Kragujevac. The most distinctive part in the west of the narrow passage is a surface of 300m, that extends up to the base of the Srbijanski Karpati mountain.</p><p>In it&rsquo;s consideration, J. Cvijic (1909) envisages that the surfaces around the Bagrdan Narrow are the forms created by the abrasion of the Pannonic Sea. B. Jovanovic (1969) considers terraces of the narrow passage result of the natural forces&rsquo; effect. Terraces on the side of the narrow passage are erosive and cut into crystal slates, and those in the bottom of it are created by the accumulation. Donjevelikopomoravlje extends from the Bagrdan Narrow to the mouth of the Velika Morava river in the Danube. The eastern and the western edge of this large valley is a surface made of tertiary sediments, whose average height above sea level is 200 m. According to Cvijic (1909) in Donje Pomoravlje exist two levels of surfaces, one 300m high, which corresponds to the surface of Ripanj, and the other, which would correspond to the surface of Pinosava. Explaining their genesis, J.Cvijic (1909) emphasizes that these surfaces have the abrasive origin. The important contribution to the morphological research of the lower part of Velika Morava&rsquo;s valley gave B.Z.Milojevic (1951). He marked six levels of terraces :72-84m high, 64-60-56m high, 40-42-44m high, 20m high, 10-12m high and 3m high (relative hight). According to B.Z.Milojevic those terraces are created by fluvial erosion. The later researches of B.P. Jovanovic (1969) conferm that terraces and declines are created by fluvial erosion, but they differ in number of terraces and in hight.</p><p>Throughout the vast valley, the course of Velika Morava meanders incessantly and gets close to both left and right valley side. Alluvium surface is rich in old riverbeds and old meanders. These elements confirm that this is the final phase of its geomorphological development.&nbsp;</p>

Model unapređenja ekološkog statusa zatvorenog sistema vodnih tela akumulacija / A model of the ecological status enhacement of the closed system of water body lake reservoirs

Marković Milenija 02 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Eksperimentalnim istraživanjem u okviru doktorske teze utvrđen je trend promene fizičko-hemijskih parametara: mutnoća, temperatura, provodljivost i pH vode, koncentracija katjona Cd2+, As3+, Hg2+ i Pb2+, ukupnog azota, fosfora i sulfatnog ajona u vodi i sedimentu, na lokalitetu Zapadne Srbije, slivno područje akumulacije Vrutci u 2003/2014. Rezultati istraživačkih aktivnosti predstavljali su osnovu za razvoj regresionog modela kojim se može predvideti koncentracija katjona teških metala u jezerskoj vodi. Primenom klaster analize, dendograma i PCA analize dobijena su tri faktora na osnovu kojih se posmatra uticaj ključnih fizičko-hemijskih parametara na kvalitet vode zatvorenog vodnog tela akumulacije pri čemu su dobijene visoko korespodentne funkcionalne zavisnosti sa realnim podacima u jezeru. Ovakva istraživanja su po prvi put sprovedena za selektovani lokalitet u Srbiji.</p> / <p>Experimental studies in the doctoral thesis established the trend of changes in the physico-chemical parameters: turbidity, temperature, conductivity and pH of the water, the concentration of cations Cd, As, Hg and Pb, total nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphate anion in water and sediment at the site of Western Serbia, the catchment area of the reservoir Vrutci in 2003/2014. Results of research activities constituted the basis for the development of a regression model which can predict the concentration of heavy metal cations in lake water. Cluster analysis, dendograms and PCA (principal component analysis) were resulted by three factors, which could be possible to registre the impact of key physical and chemical parameters on the water quality of the closed lake reservoirs.The obtained results by multivariance analysis has showen the highly correspondent functional dependence with real data in a lake. Such research investigations were for the first time carried out in selected localities in Serbia.</p>

Framställning av en GIS-metod samt analys av ingående parametrar för att lokalisera representativa delområden av ett avrinningsområde för snödjupsmätningar / Development of a GIS method and analysis of input parameters to locate representative sub-areas of a catchment area for snow depth measurements

Kaplin, Jennifer, Leierdahl, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Vattenkraft är en stor källa till energi i Sverige, främst i de norra delarna av landet. För att få ut maximal potential från vattenkraftverken behövs information om hur mycket vatten eller snö det finns uppströms från kraftverken. Genom att få fram tillförlitliga värden av snömängd är det möjligt att minska osäkerheten i uppskattningarna.Eftersom det är svårt att kartera större avrinningsområden via markbundna observationer, både praktiskt och ekonomiskt, har drönarobservationer utvecklats. För att använda sig av drönare krävs det vetskap om var de ska flygas i för område för att hela avrinningsområdet ska representeras. I projektet tas en modell fram i ArcGIS för att hitta mindre områden inom avrinningsområden som ska vara representativa inom utvalda parametrar. I projektet berörs parametrarna vegetation, höjd, lutningsgrad samt dess riktning.Arbetet för att ta fram en modell som ska underlätta framtida arbete inom och utanför forskningsprojektet DRONES är uppdelat i två delar. Den första delen är att ta fram och granska vilka parametrar som påverkar snödjupet i avrinningsområdet. Den andra delen innefattar arbetet med att skapa en modell i ArcGIS som ska analysera ett avrinningsområde med framtagna parametrar för att hitta mindre områden som representerar det hela.Resultatet från de framtagna modellerna kan tillämpas för att underlätta kartläggningen och snödjupsmätningar i avrinningsområden, vilket kan utnyttjas vid effektivisering av vattenreglering. / Hydropower is a major source of energy in Sweden mainly in the northern parts of the country. To get the maximum potential from the hydropower plants, information is required on how much water or snow there is upstream from the power plants. By obtaining reliable values of the amount of snow, it is possible to reduce the uncertainty in forecasts on spring flood.Due to difficulties in mapping larger catchment areas via ground-level observations, drone observations have been developed. In order to use drone observations, knowledge of where they are to be flown to represent the entire catchment area is required. In this project, a model was developed in ArcGIS to find smaller areas within catchments that are to be representative within selected parameters. The project touches upon the parameters vegetation, height, slope and aspect.The work to develop a model that will facilitate future work within and outside the DRONES research project is divided into two parts. The first part is to analyze which parameters affect the snow depth in the catchment area. The second part consists of creating a model in ArcGIS that will find a smaller area inside a catchment that represents the snow depth for the whole catchment.The results from the developed model can be applied to facilitate the mapping and snow depth measurements in catchment areas, which can be used to streamline water regulation.

Late Holocene Climate-Flood Relationships on the White River, Indiana, USA

Wright, Maxwell N. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The frequency and magnitude of floods in the midcontinental United States have increased in recent decades due to changing precipitation patterns as global temperatures rise. These trends pose major social and economic risks to the region, which is home to tens of millions of Americans and a global agricultural center. It is therefore critical to understand if current fluvial dynamics are within the scope of past fluvial-climate relationships, or if they represent a novel response to recent climate and land-use changes. Presented is a 1600-year-long flood frequency record for the moderately sized (~29,400 km2 watershed) White River, Indiana. Flood frequencies were determined using 14C-based sediment accumulation rates at Half Moon Pond, an oxbow lake on the lower White River’s floodplain. Comparison with regional paleoclimate data shows that White River flooding was frequent when atmospheric circulation resembled the negative mode of the Pacific-North American (PNA) teleconnection, particularly during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (950-1250 CE) and the Current Warm Period (last ~150 years). During these times, the regional climate was dominated by warm-season precipitation originating from the Gulf of Mexico. Conversely, White River flooding was less frequent during the Little Ice Age (1250-1800 CE) when cold-season precipitation from the North Pacific/Arctic dominated (+PNA-like conditions). The pre-1790 CE White River flood history was antiphased with reconstructed Ohio River flood frequencies from southern Illinois. This dynamic is consistent with discharge in small to moderate sized watersheds being sensitive to rainstorm runoff and large watersheds being sensitive to snowmelt runoff. After 1790 CE, flooding frequencies of both river systems increased to their highest levels, despite a shift to -PNA-like conditions. This change was likely due to extensive Euro-American land-clearance, which increased runoff/erosion by reducing evapotranspiration, interception, and infiltration. While the White River responded strongly to climatic conditions in the past that were similar to present conditions (-PNA-like conditions), recent land-use practices have amplified the effects of the current hydroclimate. Since a warming climate is expected to increase regional average precipitation and extreme rainfall events, and that landscape modifications have lowered surface resilience to hydroclimate events, flooding will likely become more frequent in the coming decades.

Subcontracting of work and workers' protection in post-apartheid South Africa : a case study of cleaning services workers

Omomowo, Kolawole Emmanuel 09 April 2010 (has links)
Workers’ protection can be achieved, to a large extent, through labour law and workers’ organisation through trade unionism. Workers’ protection is defined as social protection. This study investigates workers’ experiences of their employment with regard to social protection as manifested in job security and wage adequacy. In this study workers’ perception of labour law, as a tool for workers’ protection, is considered in relation to the argument of the régulation theorists that law serves as a ‘mode of regulation’ to perpetuate the stability of the prevailing capitalist regime of accumulation. The impact of the changing nature of work on the effectiveness of labour law at achieving workers’ protection is investigated from the perspective of workers. A large employer subcontracting some support services was selected as a site of study. Data was collected using one-on-one in-depth interview to ‘tap’ into the working experiences of relevant workers and union officials. This study concludes that the changing nature of work as manifest in the decline of standard employment relationships and increase of atypical (non standard) employment, such as subcontracting undermines workers’ protection. Wages and other benefits of workers are affected. Workers survive through the support of their families and by borrowing from micro lenders which tend to suck them into a poverty cycle. The ineffectiveness of labour law to adequately protect subcontracted workers substantiates the position of régulation theorists that law is an extra-economic institutionalised practice helping to stabilize the prevailing capitalist regime of accumulation. The thinking here is that labour law is not unilaterally imposed by the state, rather, it is a product of social interaction (social relation) or struggle between labour, capital and the state within a social ‘field’ or ‘subfield’. The nature of employment of subcontracted work weakens the power of workers’ collective through trade unions. The restructuring of work leads to deunionisation and the ability of unions to organise these workers is undermined by difference in employer and pay-point between permanent workers and subcontracted workers. Copyright / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Sociology / unrestricted

Clear-cut Effects on Snow Accumulation and Evapotranspiration in a Boreal Catchment in Northern Sweden / Avverkningseffekter på snöackumulation och evapotranspiration i ett nordligt avrinningsområde i Sverige

Rudling, Mikaela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the processes behind an unexpected runoff behaviour after a clear-cut in a boreal forest in northern Sweden (Balsjö). The risks of increased flooding, erosion, nutrient leakage and changes in the local ecosystems are some reasons why it is important to fully understand the effect of clear-cuts on the water balance. In northern boreal forests the snow is of great importance as it results in the main hydrological event of the year, the spring flood. In general, open areas accumulate more snow, have a lower evapotranspiration and therefore maintain a higher runoff than a forest. In a recent paired catchment study at Balsjö the expected pattern after a clear-cut was only shown in three out of five years (2007-2011). The expected increase in runoff did not occur in 2010 and 2011. Two hypothesized alternatives were year-to-year variation of ET or changes in soil water storage. In order to investigate this further the rainfall-runoff model HBV was used. First, the model was calibrated for the forest catchment (Ref) and the clear-cut catchment (CC), using observed data from Balsjö. To account for parameter uncertainty the calibration was performed using parameter optimization, resulting in 100 different parameter sets. Model results were evaluated using observed snow data from Balsjö and ET from Flakaliden, a nearby forest. Both the simulated snow and ET were quite consistent with the observed values. Finally the annual and the spring water balance were studied, using the simulated data. The simulated results did not detect the unexpected runoff behavior for the two years as clearly as the observations. The reason for this was that the model was calibrated for all five years, which meant that annual variations were not taken into account. The hypothesis, that higher ET could be the reason for the unexpected runoff behavior, could neither be dismissed nor confirmed by this thesis. This was because there were no observed data for the clear-cut area and limitations within the HBV model, which meant that sublimation and interception processes could not be analyzed separately. The model results indicated that the change in soil water storage was a more likely explanation for the unexpected runoff behavior. The simulation result showed that the meltwater was stored in the soil water storage. However, this theory does not seem likely since a clear-cut is normally wetter than a forest. The results of this thesis are consistent with other studies as they indicate that clear-cut effects should be studied seasonally as well as annually. The special feature of this thesis was the opportunity to study observed ET and investigate its influence on the water balance.

Applying Cognitive Measures In Counterfactual Prediction

Mahoney, Lori A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Obecní úřad s multifunkčním sálem / City hall with a multifunctional space

Zabáková, Laura Unknown Date (has links)
The main task of the master project is to design a nearly zero energy local council building with multipurpose hall in Syrovice cadastral area. It is a three-storey building with basement. In the basement there are technical facilities and garage. Ground floor includes conference room, multipurpose hall, kitchen, cloak room and toilets. First floor includes offices, archive, staff kitchen and toilets. The building’s vertical load-bearing structures are a combination of ceramic block masonry and reinforced concrete columns. Envelope walls are insulated with mineral wool and XPS. The floor slabs and the staircase are designed from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The building has flat extensive green roofs with photovoltaics installation. The building is equipped with HVAC system with mechanical ventilation with heat-recovery, floor heating and cooling supplied by a ground-water heat pump. The building is also equipped with rainwater accumulation system supplying rainwater for the toilets and watering.


酒多, 穂波 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第20961号 / 理博第4413号 / 新制||理||1633(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 中村 克樹, 准教授 宮地 重弘, 教授 友永 雅己 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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