Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncitizens"" "subject:"amongcitizens""
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Att välja välfärd : Politiska berättelser om valfrihet / Choosing welfare : Freedom of choice and Political Ideology in SwedenMillares, Matilde January 2015 (has links)
Welfare, and the role of social democracy in defining its content and meaning, is often described as one of Sweden’s distinguishing features. However, in the quest for liberalization and marketization, reforms in past decades have substantially changed the political landscape. These developments have led many to question the viability of describing the main political actors and their attitudes towards the welfare state in terms of left or right. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of ideological convergence and past and current political cleavages by analysing the welfare debate on freedom of choice between the two main political opponents in Swedish politics over three decades. Using a morphological approach, where ideologies are viewed as distinctive configurations of political concepts creating specific conceptual patterns depending on how they are combined, the analysis focuses on the content of the concept of choice by examining the conceptual relationships between political concepts such as choice, the public and the private, equality, equity and need. The analysis reveals a convergence suggesting that the parties have united around a narrower concept of freedom of choice that relates to how it is implemented in welfare services, that is, the choice between different providers of welfare services. However, important differences remain, which are expressed in the parties’ differing conceptions of the power resources citizens need to become truly free individuals. These findings suggest that, while freedom of choice has become a central concept in the political debate, it is not central to the parties’ ideologies. Instead, the core of the parties’ ideologies appears to be articulated in e.g. the political cleavages that remain, which can be described as differing views on the role of politics and competing conceptions of need and equality. It is how these cleavages are translated into policies that will determine possible welfare choices in the future.
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Senior citizens, good practice and quality of life in residential care homesBland, Rosemary January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the definition and implementation of ‘good practice’ in residential care for senior citizens. The central contention is that ‘good practice’ is a term that has been variously defined. Different groups define it in different ways, and their definitions have changed over time. This reflexive qualitative study explores ‘good practice’ in local authority, voluntary and private residential care homes in Scotland from the perspective of policy, practice and the experience of senior citizens who live in them. The study is based on analysis of policy documents, historical studies, and reanalysed interview and survey data from two earlier studies conducted by the author and colleagues. The thesis shows that the notion of ‘good practice’ that emerges in policy and practice documents is a confused and often conflicting set of ideas. Historically, the earliest were driven by concerns over cost. In more modern times, statements about ‘good practice’ have had a more benevolent intent but are frequently flawed by paternalistic and ageist assumptions. It is shown that staff in residential homes typically adopt a different set of attitudes: their preoccupation is with safety and the avoidance of risk. Although benevolent in intention, these interpretations of ‘good practice’ are also at variance with what residents themselves actually want. Two particular models or styles of care are examined in detail. One of these is the use of ‘keyworkers’, often implemented in ways that fail to realise its potential. The other is the ‘hotel’ model of care. The potential of this model as an alternative to the statutory model is explored. The thesis concludes that it is a model that can realise the goal of enabling residents to exercise independence, choice and privacy while meeting their needs in residential care.
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Displacing race white resistance and conservative politics in the civil rights era /Rolph, Stephanie Renee. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Mississippi State University. Department of History. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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Los recursos administrativos en Cuba : fundamentos teoricos de su regimen juridico / Les recours administratifs à Cuba : fondements Théoriques de leur Régime Juridique / Administrative remedies in Cuba : theoretical grounds of their legal regimRichards Martinez, Orisell 02 March 2016 (has links)
La thèse entend établir les fondements théoriques des recours administratifs en tenant compte des présupposés liés au contrôle de l'administration sur elle-même et à la garantie des droits des administrés. Elle confronte ensuite ces fondements à la situation juridique en vigueur aujourd'hui à Cuba, et propose des réformes pour rendre la réglementation cohérente avec ces présupposés théoriques. / This thesis aims to establish the theoretical grounds for administrative remedies, taking into account the presuppositions deriving from the control of public administration by itself, and the protection of citizen's rights. It faces those grounds with the actual legal organisation in Cuba, and propose reforms with the purpose to let the legal regulation be consistent with these theoretical grounds.
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The establishment, role and contribution of the South African National Civics Association (SANCO) in Soweto: a question of civic interestHanyane, Barry Rhulane 30 June 2002 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to provide a historical and conceptual exposition of the establishment, role and contribution of Sanco in Soweto. To further the conceptual argument the concept civic interest is introduced. In the context of Sanco Soweto's trajectory as a civic association, the concept civic interest is def"med and utilised as a
tool of measurement. The concept has three aspects: individual interests, consensus and the common good. It is used to determine whether or not Sanco Soweto as a civic organisation promoted the interests of the people of Soweto, regardless of their social,
economic, cultural and political standing. It was found that Sanco Soweto promoted the civic interest only in certain respects.
Although useful projects were launched, their success remained minimal. Sanco Soweto represented certain social strata better than others. The Branch was closer to professional and semi-professional income earners occupying council houses than the mostly illiterate and poor shack-owners. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Public Administration)
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Mezigenerační vazby u seniorů žijících v domovech pro seniory a jejich rodin a přátel ve městě Humpolci / The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of HumpolecVESELSKÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of Humpolec Aging and senior citizens are currently topical subjects. The population is aging and society should be prepared for this phenomenon. This shall bring about changes in various spheres and fields, such as health care and social services, and also in the relationships in and functioning of today{\crq}s family. The thesis ``The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their children and friends in the town of Humpolec{\crqq} is devoted to the functioning of intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their families and friends. The theoretical section deals with, first of all, the definition of the term senior citizens, their standing in society and the increasing number of senior citizens of a greater age. It emphasizes important health and mental changes that accompany old age and also characterizes the importance and types of activities and aging. It presents the results and findings of up to now research dealing with intergenerational relationships. For greater clarity and distinction, it divides these relationships into intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their children, senior citizens and their grandchildren, senior citizens and their siblings, and senior citizens and their friends. Intergenerational relationships are primarily formed within a family, which is why one chapter is devoted to families, their functioning, and their importance. The next to last chapter in the theoretical section emphasizes the importance of the quality of life, which significantly influences and affects intergenerational relationships. The last chapter is devoted to retirement homes for senior citizens, and also the important changes that were brought about by Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services. The empirical section is devoted to the carrying out of qualitative research. An in-depth interview was the method that was utilized. Interviews were carried out with ten senior citizens in two retirement homes; in the Blessed Bronislav Retirement Home and the Humpolec Retirement Home on Lužická Street. Interviews with six senior citizens took place in the first named retirement home and the remaining four interviews took place in the latter named retirement home. The findings of the research reveal how intergenerational relationships function, and what affects and forms them. The findings present the relationships between senior citizens and their children, their quality and frequency, their relationships with their grandchildren, and in some cases their great grandchildren, and with their siblings and friends. The findings show the stress of first coming to a retirement home and the importance of a family and/or friends when taking this step in life. The findings of the research emphasize the importance of activities in old age and the important areas of changes in one{\crq}s health and mental state, when changes in one area affect other areas and the quality of life of senior citizens. The quality of life is also assuredly affected by the financial situation of senior citizens, which this thesis also deals with. Another factor is the surroundings in which senior citizens living in retirements homes live in. This thesis also deals with this issue.
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Olika - eller - lika : "Våra stadsdelar ser olika ut och det är bra"Framställningen av norra och södra Botkyrka genom kommunalt områdesbaserat utvecklingsarbete.Sandberg Nilsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
In this qualitative ethnological study I explore the local development work undertaken by the municipal Botkyrka, located south of Stockholm. The material is primarily based on the municipals development programs and interviews with officials from the municipal working with local development. Their work is primarily based on achieving sustainable development in various problem areas such as education, unemployment, urban environment, climate change. My aim was to investigate how a municipality, with a declared focus on the benefits of diversity, that at the same time struggles with unequality (in regard to ethnic segregation and disparities in income, education, employment, housing and health), through its local development work presented its different districts. Guided by discourse analysis and postcolonial theory I focused on how the citizens in the districts where portrayed and how the physical and natural environment in these where described. The result shows that the municipal through its local development work is differentiating the districts and their citizens by adopting neoliberal labour market and housing policies, reproducing urban planning ideals and ideas regarding national beloning. / <p>POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING</p><p>När man tänker på Botkyrka kommun, söder om Stockholm, är det nog främst till norra Botkyrka associationerna går. Miljonprogramsområdena och röda linjens tunnelbanestationer Alby, Fittja, Norsborg och Hallunda. Eller kanske har man hört sloganen ”Långt ifrån lagom” och vet att kommunen är en av Sveriges mest blandade vad gäller befolkningens ursprung. Men Botkyrka består också av en södra halva och här ligger områdena Tumba, Tullinge, Vårsta och Grödinge. Inte lika kända och inte heller på samma självklara sätt kopplade till Botkyrka som de ovan nämnda områdena i norr.</p><p>I min studie har jag undersökt hur Botkyrka kommun arbetar med områdesbaserad utveckling i sina kommundelar. Utgångspunkten för min analys är själva basen i detta arbete: kommundelarnas långsiktiga utvecklingsprogram. När jag samlade materialet till denna studie fanns tre sådana program framtagna, ett för Alby, ett för Tullinge och ett för Fittja. I dessa program formuleras de viktigaste nyckelområden som varje kommundel behöver arbeta kring för att uppnå en hållbar och långsiktig utveckling. Det intressanta med dessa program och det arbete som dessa föranleder är det skillnadsskapande som görs mellan norra och södra Botkyrka. I Fittja och Alby kretsar arbetet kring medborgarnas utbildning och sysselsättning samt områdenas stadsmiljöer. I Tullinge är målen: att utveckla och säkra områdets kvaliteter, att utveckla dialogen med medborgarna och att möjliggöra att leva klimatsmart.</p><p>Genom att titta på hur områdena och de människor som befolkar dem beskrivs i utvecklingsprogrammen och hur de kommunala tjänstemän som arbetar med detta förhåller sig till dessa frågor har jag utifrån en diskursanalytisk och postkolonial ansats kommit fram till att det områdesbaserad utvecklingsarbetet i Botkyrka kommun är del i en politisk och samhällelig åskådning som särskiljer platser och människor. Det områdesbaserade utvecklingsarbetet medverkar därmed till att reproducera bilden av den problematiska invandrarförorten och det idylliska villasamhället. Framställningarna som görs i mitt material visar hur kommunen positionerar sina kommundelar i relation till varandra. Tullinge utgör det oproblematiska, normativa och osynliga medan Alby och Fittja representeras av problembilder, det annorlunda och hjälpbehövande. Kommunen marknadsför sig som en progressiv aktör som arbetar för mångfald och mänskliga rättigheter, emot rasism och diskriminering samtidigt som man genom det områdesbaserad arbetet är delaktig i stigmatiseringen av platserna och människorna i norra Botkyrka. </p>
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Zhodnocení kvality pečovatelské služby z pohledu uživatelů / Quality improvement of field social services in the region of Jindřichův HradecMRÁZOVÁ, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
The paper examines the quality of domiciliary services as seen by their recipients - senior citizens. The paper consists of two parts. The first one defines the main notions {--} old age and ageing, demographic changes in society, social services goals, domiciliary services, importace of ethical norms for social workers and people in direct contact with elderly people, vulnerability of people doing some auxiliary jobs and mobilizing activities for senior citizens. The second part consists of the research carried out among the recepients of domiciliary services, its analysis, data evaluation and comparison of senior citizen´s and their home nurses´ view.
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Análise do serviço de informação ao cidadão das instituições federais de ensino da Região NordesteSANTOS, Mônica Augusta dos 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-27T15:28:06Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Desde a implementação da Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI), em 2012, percebese
uma busca intensiva da sociedade por informações de domínio público e a
maior participação nas decisões governamentais, em relação à aplicação dos
recursos públicos. O cumprimento da LAI resulta em práticas de transparência
nas instituições, por meio da cultura do acesso e da oferta de serviços de
informação à sociedade. Nesse sentido, a Ciência da Informação pode contribuir
tanto nos processos de organização, disponibilização e acesso à informação,
assim como na identificação das necessidades de informação dos usuários e na
criação de uma base dos dados mais relevantes. Diante desse contexto, essa
pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os Serviços de Informação ao Cidadão
(SICs), com foco no seu funcionamento, estrutura organizacional e no fluxo de
informações utilizado. Permitindo assim, identificar pontos positivos e dificuldades
que esses órgãos possam vivenciar no seu papel de facilitadores do acesso à
informação. A pesquisa quanto aos objetivos é descritiva e tem natureza
qualitativa e quantitativa. Quanto às fontes de dados é bibliográfica. Quanto aos
procedimentos de coleta de dados foram utilizadas as técnicas de pesquisa
documental e de levantamento, por meio de aplicação de questionário e
realização de entrevista semiestruturada com os respondentes do sistema e-SIC
das instituições da amostra. Como amostra selecionou-se as Instituições Federais
de Ensino Superior do Nordeste com mais pedidos de informação no SIC, o que
resultou em nove instituições. Os resultados obtidos forneceram embasamento
para considerações importantes, das quais se destaca que os anos de cultura do
segredo vivenciados pelas instituições e muitos dos seus servidores, ainda são
um empecilho para que o fluxo informacional (desde o pedido de informação pelo
cidadão até sua respectiva resposta) ocorra sem atrasos ou dificuldades, de
forma eficiente. Outro destaque é para a inexperiência dos agentes públicos
responsáveis pelo atendimento no SIC, assim como a ausência de ferramentas e
técnicas para facilitar a localização de pedidos já respondidos e a falta de
organização das informações coletadas na instituição, o que poderia facilitar a
resposta a pedidos de informações com assuntos recorrentes no SIC. Conclui-se
que é necessária a adoção de medidas no sentido de conscientizar e deixar mais
claro o teor da LAI a todos os envolvidos no fluxo informacional para resposta aos
pedidos de informação ao SIC, o que já ocorre em algumas instituições. De fato, a
informação é o caminho para a cidadania, uma vez que é por meio dela que os
cidadãos podem conhecer e exercer seus direitos na sociedade em que vivem. / Since the implementation of the Access to Information Act (LAI), in 2012, one sees
an intensive search of society for public information and greater participation in
government decisions regarding the use of public resources. Compliance with the
LAI results in transparency practices in institutions, through the culture of access
and the provision of information society services. In this sense, information
science can contribute both in organizational processes, availability and access to
information, as well as the identification of users' information needs and the
creation of a base of the most relevant data. This research aimed to analyze the
Citizens Information Services (SICs), focusing on its operation, organizational
structure and flow of information. Thus allowing to identify strengths and difficulties
that these organs can experience in their role as facilitators of access to
information. Related to the aims, this research is descriptive, qualitative and
quantitative. The data source is literature. As data collection procedures were
used the techniques of documentary research and survey through questionnaire
and carrying out semi-structured interviews with respondents of SIC in the
institutional sample. As sample were selected the Federal Institutions of Higher
Education of the Northeast with more requests for information on the SIC, which
resulted in nine universities representing each state. The results provided basis for
important considerations, which can be noted that the years of secrecy culture
experienced by institutions and many of its servers, is still a stumbling block for the
information flow (from the request for information by the citizen to their response)
occurs without delays or difficulties efficiently. Another highlight is also the lack of
experience of public officials responsible for serving the SIC, as well as the lack of
tools and techniques to facilitate the location of applications already answered and
the disorganization of the information collected in the institution, which could avoid
the registration of further requests for information with recurring issues in the SIC.
It is concluded that it is necessary to adopt measures to raise awareness and
make clearer the content of LAI to all involved in the information flow to the
requests for information to the SIC, which already occurs in some institutions. In
fact, information is the path to citizenship, since it is through it that citizens can
know and exercise their rights in the society in which they live.
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A representação da doação de sangue em Juiz de Fora: interfaces entre assessoria de imprensa, jornalismo local e cidadãosSilva, Ana Eliza Ferreira Alvim da 25 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-22T11:26:50Z
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anaelizaferreiraalvimdasilva.pdf: 34559678 bytes, checksum: df7d947ff1c9a4e2387b3542e502472d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T02:18:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-25 / A mobilização de cidadãos para a doação de sangue teve um diferencial determinante a partir
da década de 1980, quando emergiu, por força de legislações federais e de vários movimentos
da sociedade civil, o imperativo da prática voluntária e altruísta. Nesta dissertação, buscou-se
verificar um aspecto específico do grande espectro de formas pelas quais a comunicação dá
sua contribuição a esta área da saúde pública: a divulgação de informações pelo jornalismo.
Considerou-se, para tanto, o envolvimento de três instâncias nesse processo: a organizacional,
representada pela Fundação Hemominas e sua atividades de assessoria de imprensa, com as
sugestões de pauta relativas ao Hemocentro de Juiz de Fora; a do jornalismo, com as notícias
publicadas ao longo de mais de duas décadas no jornal local Tribuna de Minas (Juiz de
Fora/MG) e a da recepção, identificando a percepção dos cidadãos a respeito do tema. Como
a questão inicial do estudo era demasiadamente ampla (saber o que acontece de relevante
nessa relação entre hemocentros, imprensa e cidadãos quando se trata do tema doação de
sangue), optou-se pela aplicação da Grounded Theory como estratégia de pesquisa para
exploração inicial das notícias publicadas. Após os primeiros resultados, conjugou-se a ela o
método de Análise de Discurso por fórmulas. Já o método Análise de Conteúdo foi também
utilizado, mas apenas na exploração das sugestões de pauta emitidas pelo Hemocentro e das
entrevistas feitas com profissionais de imprensa e cidadãos. As técnicas de coleta de dados
envolveram, dessa forma, seleção de documentos e notícias, além de entrevistas individuais
semi-estruturadas. Constatou-se, a partir dos dados obtidos, a existência de um padrão de
conteúdo que se repete ao longo dos anos tanto nas notícias, quanto nas sugestões de pauta
produzidas na instituição hemoterápica. As informações que compõem esse conteúdo
repercutem nos conhecimentos dos cidadãos, embora não de forma absoluta. Esses resultados
revelam lacunas informativas – e que ainda podem ser preenchidas – além de certo contraste
com as dinâmicas da sociedade em mudança constante e das identidades transitórias e
efêmeras. Sob o preceito teórico que compreende o jornalismo como uma atividade de
(re)construção da realidade, e a produção de sentidos como fruto da negociação simbólica,
pela interação entre os sujeitos e destes com seu meio, foi possível relacionar a produção dos
meios de comunicação e a formação de sentidos pelos sujeitos em torno do tema doação de
sangue. / The mobilization of citizens for blood donation was a determining factor that started in the
1980s, when it emerged, under federal laws and various civil society movements, the
imperative for voluntary and altruistic practice. In this thesis, we attempted to verify a specific
aspect of the broad spectrum of ways in which communication contributes to this area of
public health: information disclosure through journalism. Three instances were then
considered in this process: organizational, as represented by Fundação Hemominas and its
press advisory activities, with suggestions for the Juiz de Fora Blood Center agenda;
journalistic, with news published over more than two decades in the local newspaper Tribuna
de Minas (Juiz de Fora / MG); and receptive, identifying how citizens perceived the subject.
As the initial study theme was too broad (knowing what happens in this important relationship
between blood centers, media and citizens when it comes to blood donation), we chose to
apply the Grounded Theory as a research strategy for the initial exploration of published
news. After the first results, we combined it with the Discourse Analysis method through
formulas. The Content Analysis method was also used, but only in exploring the agenda
suggestions issued by the Blood Center and interviews with press workers and citizens. Thus,
data collection techniques involved the selection of documents and news, as well as semistructured
individual interviews. Based on the data we observed the existence of a pattern in
the content that repeats over the years both in the news and the agenda suggestions as
produced in the hemotherapy institution. Information comprising this content resonate in the
knowledge of citizens, albeit not absolutely. These results reveal information gaps - that may
still be fulfilled – as well as a certain contrast with the dynamics of a constantly changing
society and transitory and ephemeral identities. Under the theoretical premise that sees
journalism as an activity of (re)construction of reality, and the production of meaning as a
result of a symbolic negotiation, the interaction between these subjects and their environment,
we could relate the production of media to the construction of meaning by subjects regarding
the blood donation theme.
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