Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncitizens"" "subject:"amongcitizens""
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Use of Force Citizen Complaints, Use of Force Violations, and Early InterventionHymon, Drema Ann 01 January 2020 (has links)
Mounting public protests, increasing expensive payouts, and shootings of unarmed victims by police is a call to reexamine options to problem solving, service recovery, and preventing police misconduct as it pertains to the use of force. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the correlation between early intervention system data
(a) use of force, citizens' complaints (race and gender), and use of force violations (race, gender, and years of service for officers). The disruptive theoretical framework provided an innovative lens to examine police misconduct of a large midwestern large law enforcement agency. This secondary data study did not find significant relationships between stated variables using chi-square analyses. Although consistent with other studies, males were found likely victims of excessive use of force (X2 = 114.093, p =.000) using multiple regression. By expanding the characteristics of basic variables based on a (use of force) continuum model, the data can be treated as a disruptor with potential to reach maintenance or high productivity and sustainability. The fields of healthcare and education have made strides using this model, and this model may also add to the existing knowledge to create greater transparency, service recovery, and policy modification needed to reduce the use of force police misconduct. As society changes with varying political mandates, public opinions and technological communications, it is apparent that law enforcement must also continually improve efforts to enhance accountability and transparency relating to the use of force
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Les initiatives de transition comme facteur de développement des capacités territoriales d'adaptation aux effets des changements climatiques / Transition initiatives as a factor for developing territorial capacities to adapt to the effects of climate changeGerome, Camille 20 June 2019 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux enjeux sociaux d'adaptations aux effets des changements climatiques, cette thèse participe à la compréhension des processus de développement de capacité d'adaptation. L'objet d'étude principal porte sur les dynamiques citoyennes spontanées de transition. Il s'agit de groupe de citoyen souhaitant agir localement pour le développement de leur territoire de manière cohérente autour de valeurs partagées.Cette thèse contribue à démontrer l'émergence et le développement de pratiques sociales innovantes, assimilable à des innovations sociales dans des arènes de transition reproduisant les caractéristiques des niches, espace protégé et restreint encourageant l'incubation. Ces innovations sociales, favorisé par la mise en réseau, la cohésion et le partage de valeurs contribuent au développement de capacité d'adaptation à travers une volonté de transmission, des pratiques d'essaimage et une dynamique globale d'inclusion.Concrètement, cette étude porte sur deux initiatives de transition semblable dans leurs intentions et différentes par leur histoire. Elles participent à considérer une nouvelle dynamique de société à la fois spontanée, autonome et inclusive. En se positionnant ni "contre" le territoire et ses institutions, ni "sans" eux, ces initiatives de transition représentent des alternatives remarquables pour conduire vers des sociétés plus coopératives et davantage capables de s'adapter aux effets des changements climatiques. / To respond to social issues of adaptation to the effects of climate change, this thesis contributes to the understanding of adaptation capacity development processes. The main subject is the spontaneous transitional citizens dynamics. It is about a group of citizens wishing act locally for the development of their territory in a coherent way around shared values.This thesis helps to demonstrate the emergence and the development of innovative social practices. This is comparable to social innovations in transition arenas who reproduce characteristics of niches: protected and restricted space encouraging incubation. These social innovations, fostered by networking, cohesion and the sharing of values, contribute to the development of adaptability through a desire for transmission and a global dynamic of inclusion.Concretely, this study focuses on two transition initiatives similar in their intentions and different in their history. They participate in considering a new dynamic of society that is both spontaneous, autonomous and inclusive.By positioning itself neither "against" the territory and its institutions, nor "without" them, these transition initiatives represent remarkable alternatives to lead to more cooperative societies and more able to adapt to the effects of climate change.
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A study of on-line use and perceived effectiveness of compliance-gaining in health-related banner advertisements for senior citizens.Toon, Michelle Anne 12 1900 (has links)
This research investigated banner ads on the World Wide Web, specifically the types of messages used in those ads and the effectiveness of the ads as seen by their intended audience. The focus was on health-related banner advertisements targeting senior citizens. The study first sought to determine the frequency of appearance of those ads when classified into categories of compliance-gaining tactics provided by research scholars. Second, the study explored the relative perceived effectiveness among those categories. Two graduate students from a Central Texas university sorted text messages into predetermined compliance-gaining categories. Chi square tests looked for significant differences in the frequencies of banner ads in each category. Forty-five senior citizens from the Central Texas area completed surveys regarding the perceived effectiveness of a randomly ordered, randomly selected set of categorized banner ads. A repeated measures test attempted to determine whether some compliance-gaining strategies used in health-related banner ads were perceived as more effective than others. The hypothesis stated that there would be differences in frequencies of compliance-gaining strategies used among the compliance-gaining categories in health-related banner ads for senior citizens. The hypothesis was supported. The research question asked if some categories of compliance-gaining strategies used in health-related banner ads were perceived as more effective than others by senior citizens. There was no evidence that senior citizens perceived any compliance-gaining category as being more effective than any other. However, post hoc analyses revealed trends in the types of compliance-gaining messages senior citizens perceived as more effective. These trends provide a basis for directional predictions in future studies.
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Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht, Verwaltungsprozessrecht und Kommunalrecht: Finanzhaie in Ludwigswerk?: ReferendarexamensklausurSchmidt, Christopher 15 July 2020 (has links)
Die einfach gelagerte Klausur ist im Kommunalrecht verortet, dessen Grundzüge Gegenstand der ersten Prüfung sind. Aufgabenstellung und Lösung orientieren sich an zwei jüngeren Entscheidungen des OVG Münster aus dem Mai 2014, in denen es um die Zulässigkeit von Bürgerbegehren in Bornheim bzw. Schwelm ging1, wobei es für eine gelungene Klausur darauf ankommt, die wesentlichen Probleme zu erkennen und entsprechend zu diskutieren. Zusätzlich sind Problemlagen des allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts und des Verwaltungsprozessrechts berücksichtigt.
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"En dålig dag kan jag inte göra annat än att gråta" : Utsatta EU-medborgares strategier för att hantera våld, hot och kränkande behandling / "On a bad day, I can’t do anything but cry" : Strategies vulnerable EU citizens use to deal with violence, threats and abusive treatmentRydberg, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Flera studier har uppmärksammat att utsatt EU-medborgare i Sverige många gånger blir offer för hot, trakasserier och våldsbrott till följd av deras sårbara livssituation och nedsatta tillgång till skydd i landet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur utsatta EU- medborgare upplever och hanterar risker för våld, hot och kränkande behandling. Datan består av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju utsatta EU-medborgare i Umeå kommun. I studien har två teorier använts för att analysera materialet vilka är stigma samt aktiva och passiva copingstrategier. Dessa har använts för att ge en djupare analys av hur copingstrategier sammanhänger med upplevelser av stigmatisering. Resultatet visar att de utsatta EU-medborgarna upplever att de till följd av deras ursprung från Rumänien förknippas med negativa egenskaper och riskerar att bli föremål för diskriminering och kränkande behandling. Det framkommer att gruppen på olika sätt måste förhålla sig till sitt stigma vilket begränsar deras handlingsutrymme och vilka strategier de har tillgång till för att hantera erfarenheter och oro av att utsättas för kränkande behandling. Resultatet visar att hur väl man har lyckats frigöra sig från den egna gruppen får tillgång till fler aktiva strategier. En slutsats från studien är att strategierna gruppen använder bör förstås utifrån dimensionen stigmatisering och förslagsvis benämnas som anpassade strategier, det vill säga där man agerar i en kontext av underordning och på olika sätt förhåller sig till stigmat. / Several studies have noted that vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden often become victims of threats, harassment and violent crimes due to their vulnerable life situation and reduced access to protection. This study aims to examine how vulnerable EU citizens experience and manage risks of violence, threats and abusive treatment. The data consists of qualitative semi- structured interviews with seven vulnerable EU citizens in Umeå municipality. In this study, two theories have been used to analyze the results which are stigma as well as active and passive coping strategies. These have been used to provide a deeper analysis of how coping strategies are associated with experiences of stigmatization. The results show that vulnerable EU citizens feel that they, as a result of their origin from Romania, are associated with negative characteristics and are at risk of discrimination and abusive treatment. It appears that the group must relate in various ways to their stigma, which limits their range of options and the strategies available to them, to deal with experience and fear of being subject to abusive treatment. The results show that people who manage to free themselves from the group get access to more active strategies. A conclusion from the study is that the understanding of strategies used by vulnerable EU citizens should include the dimension of stigmatization and be referred to as adaptive strategies, that is, where one acts in a context of subordination and in different ways must relate to the stigma.
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A begging permit, a ban or something else? : The construction of mobile poor and begging as a 'problem' in three Swedish municipalitiesSolaki, Eleni January 2020 (has links)
More and more Swedish municipalities are adopting approaches that target ‘vulnerable EU citizens’ and the ‘passive collection of money’. This thesis analyses begging permits, bans, and other approaches, motivated by the positions supported in Eskilstuna, Katrineholm and Norrköping. The approaches analysed are irrespective of the municipalitiesthat implemented them. This thesis follows a ‘problem’ questioning approach, taking into consideration the context and the system under which the ‘problems’ are constructed and aims to find the implicit and explicit aims of the various approaches.
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User Involvement and Engagement on Municipal ICT Platforms : A case study on the municipality of KalmarLindell, Niklas, Denudom, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Information and communication platforms are used by cities and municipality for government-citizen communication. Previous research has shown difficulties in purpose and use, as well as in implementation of ICT platforms. The use and satisfaction of ICT platforms by citizens have also been shown to differ, depending on user motives, city size or population. In order to study the concept of governmental ICT platforms on a regional level, the authors investigated ICT platforms in the municipality of Kalmar, Sweden. The purpose was to identify how the different platforms are used to involve and engage citizens. Furthermore, the purpose was to see how a platform can be designed to improve citizen involvement and engagement. Municipal workers within communication departments, as well as citizens of the municipality were interviewed in order to identify the current situation of ICT platforms. Moreover, the attitudes and use from a citizen perspective was also identified. Through categorizing and cross-examining the collected data, it could be argued that ICT platforms provided by the municipality of Kalmar exist, though due to internal and external communication problems, are unknown and not frequently used by the citizens. The collected data also provided a base for the design of a mobile application platform that encourages citizens to communicate with the municipality. By creating indictments for the citizens to use the platform, as well as creating an inviting environment and a community feeling, citizens felt more encouraged to engage in government-citizen communication. Using a user engagement model as a basis for design was also shown to be beneficial in creating a forum for user involvement and engagement. / Information- och kommunikationsplattformar används av kommuner för kommunikation mellan myndigheter och medborgare. Tidigare forskning har visat svårigheter i syfte och användning, samt implementation av IKT-plattformar. Användande och tillfredsställelse av IKT-plattformar visar sig variera hos medborgare, beroende på användarmotiv samt kommun- och befolkningsstorlek. För att studera konceptet IKT-plattformar på en regional nivå, undersöker författarna IKT-plattformar inom Kalmar kommun. Syftet med forskningen var att identifiera hur de olika plattformarna användas för att involvera och engagera medborgare. Syftet var även att studera hur en plattform kan designas för att öka medborgares involvering och engagemang. Kommunanställda inom kommunikationsavdelningar samt medborgare inom kommunen intervjuades för att identifiera det rådande läget angående kommunala IKT-plattformar. Attityder och användande från ett medborgarperspektiv identifierades också. Genom kategorisering och korsreferens av den insamlade datan kunde det argumenteras för att IKT-plattformar existerar i nuläget, men är för många medborgare okända och brukas sällan på grund av interna och externa kommunikationsproblem. Den insamlade datan bidrog med underlag för designen av en mobilapplikation som uppmanar medborgare att kommunicera med kommunen. Genom att skapa incitament för medborgare, samt att skapa en inbjudande miljö och samhällskänsla, kände sig medborgare mer villiga att engagera sig i kommunikation med kommunen. Genom att använda en modell för användarengagemang som grund för design visade sig också vara fördelaktigt för att skapa ett forum för användarinvolvering och användarengagemang.
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Constructing a Security Threat? : Identifying Securitization in US State Level Politics Framing of the BLM ProtestsBjuremalm, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates US state level politics framing of the BLM protests during 2020, by inductively identifying frames and then proceeding to study if and on what grounds securitization occurs in these. Press statements, interviews and documents from eight Mayors and Governors in six of the states where the protests have been the most prominent are analyzed. From this material, four frames have been identified: the alienated outsider frame, the constructive rage frame, the limited guardian frame, and the desecuritizing frame. Recent developments in securitization theory investigate human life and dignity as a reference object, making a case for integrating humanitarianism in terms of grounds for justifying extraordinary measures. Three grounds for securitization are investigated empirically in the identified frames: state, social and humanitarian security. The study concludes that whilst both state security and to a lesser degree humanitarian security are detected in the identified frames, societal security seems to be the most prominent. This suggests that large-scale identities are the most common reference objects in the treated context. Further research is encouraged, especially in terms of distinguishing potential frame alignment processes by looking at a greater number of states over a longer period of time.
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The IS TAXISnet and new eServices as tools to assist citizens of Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case studyKourkoulis, Antonios January 2021 (has links)
This research is focused on how the Information System TAXISnet and other new eServices have managed to assist citizens of Greece fulfill basic related tasks, during the COVID19 pandemic. It is, also, trying to explore and study how these unique circumsta nces accelerated the digital transformation of Greece during this period. This approach has been considered by the author as an interesting aspect of the subject, due to awareness for egovernment the digital immaturity of Greece and the lack of citizens’ services before the COVID19 pandemic. COVID 19 has been a strong motivator for the Greek government to create and apply a lot of updates and new features in its information systems. There has been a large effort from the government to re servic es and link them with the main system, to-- design old simplify procedures and as a result to improve the end user’s experience. This study will explore, from an end user’s perspective ‘if’ and ‘what’ changes occurred and how the users have been influenced by the actio ns of the government. A qualitative research has been conducted and five interviews have been analyzed in order to extract the empirical data and reach to specific results. The respondents’ experiences enriched the analysis and interesting outputs will be presented and described in this research. It was proven that citizens indeed used TAXISnet more during the pandemic, they enriched their knowledge of the system and mentioned positive feedback related to the provided assistance, while issues and proposed u pdates were also discussed.
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Den glada pensionären : En kvalitativ studie om pensionärers erfarenheter av en meningsfull pensionstid efter övergången från arbetsliv / The happy senior citizen : A qualitative study based on the experiences of the senior citizen on a meaningful retirement after the transition from working lifeBrewitz, Robin, Gruvaeus, Johan, Jansson, John January 2020 (has links)
Att gå från arbetslivet till pension innefattar en av människans största omställningar i livskedet. Det sker idag en stor ökning av den äldre befolkningen i Sverige och därmed även en ökning av andelen pensionärer. Av den anledningen så finns det ett stort intresse av att studera de bidragande faktorerna till en ökad hälsa hos den äldre befolkningen. Detta påvisar också vikten av att öka förståelsen och medvetenheten kring hur pensionärer hanterar den närmsta tiden efter övergången från arbete till pension. Det är därför av betydelse ur ett hälsopedagogiskt perspektiv att belysa hur pensionärer hanterar möjligheter och utmaningar för att kunna uppnå livskvalité i vardagen. Denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ ansats bestående av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och ger indikationer om betydelsefulla faktorer som kan bidra till pensionärernas hantering av den närmsta tiden efter övergången. Slutsatsen visar på några av de mest återkommande faktorer som bidrar till ett gott åldrande samt hur yttre faktorer såsom pensionärsorganisationer kan fungera som verktyg för att tillgodose ett hälsosamt pensionärsliv. / The transition from employment to retirement is one of the biggest changes in the human life. There is an ongoing increase in the elderly population in Sweden and thereby an increase of senior citizens. Due to that reason there is a great interest in studying the contributing factors to increased health in the elderly population. The situation also shows the importance of increasing the understanding and awareness concerning the senior citizens ways of coping with the time shortly after retirement. From a health and pedagogical perspective there is a purpose of highlighting how the senior citizens are coping with the challenges and possibilities to be able to achieve quality of life. This study emerges from a qualitative approach consisting of ten semi-structured interviews as a data collection method. Based on a qualitative content analysis the result has been analyzed and gives indicators that significant factors can contribute to the coping of the time period after retirement by the senior citizens. The conclusion shows some of the most reoccurring factors can contribute to aging well and how external factors like retirement unions can serve as a tool to meet a healthy retirement life.
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