Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncitizens"" "subject:"amongcitizens""
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An Assessment of Atlanta Area Emergency Operations Plans for Emergency Relief Services Utilized by Senior CitizensRichardson, Carline P. 01 May 2008 (has links)
The emergency response readiness of the public health and emergency management systems have become increasingly important topics for research, development and action in the United States. Senior citizens represent a large and growing population group in the United States. Older persons are likely to be disproportionately vulnerable during disasters because they are more likely to have chronic illnesses, functional limitations, and sensory, physical and cognitive disabilities than those of younger ages. Elderly health and safety have become the responsibility of the elderly themselves, of the community in which they live, and the various agencies and organizations charged with preparedness planning. The goal of this study was to assess the emergency operations plans (EOPs) of emergency relief agencies and organizations in the Atlanta area for the provision of emergency relief services utilized by senior citizens as a special needs population. The research and analysis performed was completed in two steps: a review of collected disaster and emergency operations plans (EOPs) and standard operating procedures (SOPs), and a qualitative analysis of a survey submitted to the agencies. Although many EOPs and SOPs referred to emergency relief services for special needs populations, the plans were not functional and did not fully outline the ‘who, what, when, where and how” to provide disaster relief services. Public health agencies must endeavor to better address the disaster related needs of elderly persons who have physical disabilities, special medical needs and communication disabilities. Disaster preparedness plans must ensure the availability of all items necessary to control and prevent complications related to chronic diseases, prevent acute events and promote functionality and independence.
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Dagsenterets betydning for brukerne / The day-care centre’s importance for the group of usersBru, Grete Karin January 2005 (has links)
Hensikten med denne studien var å søke kunnskap om brukerne ved dagsenter i Norge, og hvilken betydning det hadde for deres hverdag at dette tilbudet eksisterte. Dybdeintervju med ni brukere av dagsenter ble foretatt. I innsamling og analyse av data ble Grounded Theory brukt. En kjernekategori kom frem: Gjennom aktivitet og sosial kontakt med andre motvirkes opplevelsen av sosiale savn og depresjoner. Funnene viste at det var mye ensomhet og isolasjon blant informantene. Dagsenter-tilbud to-tre ganger i uken ga dem mulighet for et sosialt nettverk og sosial aktivitet. Dette førte til at de følte seg friskere og ved bedre helse. De viktigste funnene var at dagsentrene representerte fellesskap med andre eldre, aktivitet, trivsel ,og omsorg. / The aim of this study was to gain more insight about the users of day-care centres for the elderly and how their every-day lives benefited from having access to this service. For the purpose of this study, in-depth interviews with nine users were conducted. The principle of Grounded Theory was used in the data collection and analyses. One of the core categories that emerged was: The feeling of social deprivation and depression is amended through activities and social contact with other senior citizens. The results showed that loneliness and isolation were widespread among the participants. Having access to the day-care service two-three times a week provided them with a social network and social activities. This, in turn, made them feel more comfortable and in better general health. The most important findings were that the day-care centre represented a sense of community with other senior citizens, activity, a sense of well-being, and care / <p>ISBN 91-7997-122-0</p>
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Use of a Smart TV as a Platform for Social Engagement for Senior CitizensDika, Elona January 2015 (has links)
The number of studies investigating computer use or other technologies used by senior citizens has progressively increased in the last twenty years. The interest stems from a diverse range of research disciplines including human computer interaction, education, and many others. However, this group of people is less likely to use technology compared to younger groups. Senior citizens generally have a positive attitude towards technology, and they are willing to use the product if they need it. Positive attitudes are also more likely to be expressed towards devices used every day at home, such as the television, microwave etc. Even if those devices are now typically digital, senior citizens are familiar and comfortable with them. A common reason for not wanting to learn different technologies was the feeling that it may be too difficult for them or not having access to a computer or tablet. These characteristics drive us to offer a solution by rethinking the use of some existing technologies and making them more affordable and accessible to older people. It is offered on a TV, something that senior citizens are familiar and comfortable with and which most of them have it at home. As the first step, we identified different requirements and factors that affect senior citizens' daily lives, the things that they do most during the day. Based on these requirements, we had to find services that will fulfill them. The system is constructed from four major services such as video conferencing, news, books and different recreation videos (e.g.: tips about exercise, hunting, cooking or gardening.) Each one of these sections is identified by a review of previous research using a literature survey. These services were chosen, among others, for their effects on senior citizens' quality of life. Thus, our goal was to provide them with an adequate set of required services. The working environment (Smart TV) is based on the different reasons stated below in the research. Some of them are a) a Smart TV is an integrated system which offers features of both a traditional TV and a personal computer, b) it provides a large screen, is easy to use and always ready, and most importantly, c) the TV, the most-user friendly electronic device, is a basic activity of senior citizens in their daily life. Design perspectives and functional requirements are presented. Finally, we describe some scenarios and assessment methods of the proposed system with the target group (senior citizens). Based on the findings, we can conclude that there was great acceptance from senior citizens for the support of daily living and the ability to control their daily activities provided by this service.
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Achieving environmental justice for the community of Opportunity, Montana an assessment of Superfund concerns /Hasenbank, Kathleen Anne. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Montana, 2007. / Title from title screen. Description based on contents viewed June 18, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-61).
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La notion de risque contentieux / The notion of litigation riskDogan, Talip 24 October 2018 (has links)
Le risque contentieux est une incertitude prévisible. Il peut se définir comme la probabilité de survenance d’une cause contentieuse multipliée par l’ampleur des conséquences attachées à cette survenance. Le risque contentieux pèse d’abord sur le décideur public et les administrés. Son traitement s’effectue en deux phases. La première phase correspond au stade où le risque contentieux est éventuel, c’est-à-dire un risque connu mais non manifesté. Il s’agit alors de prévenir les causes contentieuses en sécurisant la décision publique. Pour y parvenir, la personne publique peut compter sur ses propres moyens ainsi que sur la compétence technique que les tiers peuvent lui apporter. Le risque contentieux devient probable au moment de l’introduction du recours contentieux. Il est alors un risque manifesté mais non encore concrétisé. Le procès est la phase où il convient de gérer le risque contentieux dans le contentieux, notamment par des actions curatives ou palliatives. Ces dernières ont pour objet d’éviter que le risque contentieux se réalise (par l’annulation d’un acte, une condamnation…) ou de limiter les conséquences contentieuses. Et le juge est loin d’être étranger à l’anticipation du risque contentieux. Il y est de plus en plus sensibilisé. Il prévient également les risques contentieux. In fine, ce risque conduit à faire supporter une charge sur la partie perdante et, corrélativement, à rétablir la partie adverse dans ses droits. / Litigation risk is a foreseeable uncertainty. It can be defined as the probability that a cause of action will occur, associated with the extent of the consequences attached to this occurrence. First, litigation risk hangs over policymakers and citizens. It is carried out in two-steps. The first step corresponds to stage when the litigation risk is potential. The risk is known but has not yet actualized. The issue is then to prevent litigation cause by securing public decision-making. To reach this goal, decision makers can, count on their own resources, but also on the expertise of third parties. When a court case is filed, litigation risk becomes probable. That is to say, litigation risk exists but it is not yet materialized. Secondly, the trial is the step in which litigation risk must be handled through remedial or mitigating actions. These actions aim at avoiding the realization of the litigation risk –quashing of an act, condemnation- or containing the consequences of the litigation. Furthermore, judges play a major role in the anticipation of litigation risk: not only are they increasingly aware of it, but also becoming more involved. Ultimately, the risk leads to burdening the losing party, and correlatively, to restoring the rights of the opposing party.
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Users and Services of General Energy Interest / Usuarios y Servicios de Interés General EnergéticosRodríguez-Arana Muñoz, Jaime 10 April 2018 (has links)
Modern Administrative Law must be considered within the Social and Democratic Rule of Law. Citizens, as users of services of general interest, are at the centre of all the categories of Regulatory Law. They have a legal status that enables them to be present in the decisions that affect them and they can contest decisions that harm their rights. / El Derecho Administrativo moderno debe enmarcarse en el Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho. Los ciudadanos, usuarios de los servicios de interés general, ocupan un lugar central en todas las categorías del Derecho Regulatorio. Disponen de un estatuto jurídico que les permite estar presentes en las decisiones que le afectan y poder impugnar las decisiones que lesionen sus derechos.
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Romové a mezilidské vztahy / Gypsies and Interpersonal RelationsPECHOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
The topic of my Thesis is ``Gypsies and Interpersonal Relations{\crqq}. I chose this particular topic intentionally. In my opinion, even though gypsies have been a part of our society for a long time, relations between them and other citizen in the society are not on a satisfactory level. Mutual interpersonal relations between the majority society citizens and gypsies are very hot and discussed topic. The co-existence issue is analyzed not only by professionals but also by wide public. My Thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part deals with the gypsies history, the structure of their society, a traditional gypsy family, traditional family habits, gypsy language, racism and discrimination, mutual relations between the gypsy society and other citizens, and social work with the gypsy minority. In the practical part of my thesis, I have used the method of quantitative analysis. I used two kinds of questionnaire. One of them was addressed to gypsy citizens and the other one was for the rest of the majority citizens. I have distributed 120 questionnaires among the gypsy citizens. The return was about 76 %. The other questionnaire was for the majority citizens. The return was 100 %. The goal of my Thesis was to discover reasons that lead to problems and issues between gypsies and the majority citizens. I was able to establish three assumptions. Firstly, more than half questioned gypsies experienced some kind of discrimination. This assumption was proved to be correct. Secondly, more than half of questioned majority citizens have negative experience with gypsies. This assumption was also proved to be correct. And thirdly, more than half questioned respondents from the majority citizens do not know the basic specifics of gypsies ethnic. And this assumption was again proved to be true. The results of my work will be at disposal to people involved in the gypsy{\crq}s issues and to students of the Health Social University, majoring in a Rehabilitation and Psycho {--} Social care of handicapped kids, adults and seniors. In the future, my findings may serve to create new arrangements that could lead to better the current situation between gypsies and the majority citizens
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Democracia digital : uma análise da percepção sobre a digitalização das práticas democráticas em Porto Alegre (RS)Corrêa, Gilson César Pianta January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de discuter de pénétration parmi les sociétés démocratiques contemporaines, les possibilités contenues dans l’utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC), en particulier Internet. Dans un premier temps, montre les différentes significations de la démocratie, le traitement brièvement de leurs origines. Dans un deuxième temps, nous discutons sur les principaux modèles démocratiques contemporaines, se rapproche à la fin de chaque foyer, le lieu de la participation politique dans ces. Dans une troisième étape, est réfléchie sur l’interface entre la démocratie et de l’Internet à travers le thème de la démocratie numérique, présenter également les approches et les accents dans lequel l’idée est orienté. Ce scénario apportées par les technologies numériques, a encore plus de questions que de réponses, peut apporter une contribution importante aux pratiques démocratiques, telles que la mise en oeuvre de l’expérience e- gouvernement dans les localités municipales dans diverses parties du monde et aussi avec l’utilisation croissante nouveaux médias par divers mouvements sociaux existants dans la post-modernité. Empiriquement, la question de l’interface entre la démocratie et de l’Internet est examinée par l’analyse de l’impact de l’utilisation d’Internet et de ses effets possibles sur la relation entre les citoyens et la politique à Porto Alegre (RS). Dans cette étude, les dimensions qui pourraient influer sur cette relation sont examinées, comme c’est le cas de variables socio-économiques, et d'autres. Les résultats de la recherche ont montré que l’Internet, plutôt que d’un phénomène qui apporterait un nouvel élan à la participation politique des citoyens, est un milieu qui complète les pratiques démocratiques ont traditionnellement occupé par eux, donc, en exigeant la prudence dans concernant les effets et le potentiel de l’utilisation des outils numériques. / Esta tese possui o propósito de discutir a penetração, entre as sociedades democráticas contemporâneas, das possibilidades contidas na utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), em especial a Internet. Em um primeiro momento, são mostrados os diferentes significados de democracia, tratando brevemente a respeito de suas origens. Em um segundo momento, discute-se acerca dos principais modelos democráticos contemporâneos, abordando-se, ao final de cada enfoque, o lugar da participação política nestes. Em um terceiro momento, reflete-se sobre a interface entre democracia e Internet por meio do tema da democracia digital, apresentando-se, ainda, as abordagens e as ênfases nas quais a ideia se orienta. Este cenário propiciado pelas tecnologias digitais, no momento ainda com mais interrogações do que respostas, pode trazer importantes contribuições às práticas democráticas, a exemplo da implementação de experiências de governo eletrônico nas localidades municipais em diversas partes do mundo e, ainda, com o crescente uso de novas mídias pelos variados movimentos sociais existentes na pós-modernidade. Empiricamente, a questão da interface entre democracia e Internet é discutida mediante a análise do impacto do uso da Internet e seus possíveis reflexos na relação dos cidadãos com a política em Porto Alegre (RS). Assim, neste estudo, são analisadas dimensões que podem condicionar essa relação, tal é o caso das variáveis socioeconômicas, além de outras. As constatações da investigação permitem concluir que a Internet, mais do que um fenômeno que traria um novo alento à participação política dos cidadãos, é um meio que serve de complemento às práticas democráticas por eles já realizadas tradicionalmente, requerendo-se, portanto, cautela em relação aos efeitos e às potencialidades da utilização das ferramentas digitais. / This thesis has the purpose of discussing penetration among contemporary democratic societies, the possibilities contained in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly the Internet. At first, shows the different meanings of democracy, treating briefly about their origins. In a second step, we discuss about the major contemporary democratic models, is approaching it at the end of each focus, the place of political participation in these. In a third step, is reflected on the interface between democracy and Internet through the subject of digital democracy, presenting also the approaches and emphases in which the idea is oriented. This scenario brought about by digital technologies, currently still more questions than answers, can make important contributions to democratic practices, such as the implementation of e-government experience in municipal localities in various parts of the world and also with the increasing use new media by various existing social movements in post-modernity. Empirically, the question of the interface between democracy and the Internet is discussed by analyzing the impact of Internet use and its possible effects on the relationship between citizens and politic in Porto Alegre (RS). In this study, dimensions that might influence this relationship are examined, as is the case of socioeconomic variables, and others. The research findings showed that the Internet, rather than a phenomenon that would bring a new impetus to the political participation of citizens, is a medium that complements democratic practices have traditionally held by them, therefore, by requiring caution in regarding the effects and potential of using digital tools.
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Jovens com deficiência como sujeitos de direitos: o exercício da autoadvocacia como caminho para o empoderamento e a participação social / Jovens com deficiência como sujeitos de direitos: o exercício da autoadvocacia como caminho para o empoderamento e a participação socialDantas, Taísa Caldas 16 December 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study is to analyze the exercise of selfadvocacy in people with disabilities and how it can influence the development of citizenship in their lives. Historically, people with disabilities have been immersed in a continuous process of social exclusion and denial of their rights, mainly as regards the rights to have voice and participation in the society. Selfadvocacy is a worldwide movement that emerged in the 60s in order to struggle against this historical oppression experienced by disabled people. This movement means the action or expression of the voice of a person or group of people in his own name, without intervention of other people, in the fight for their rights and in communication of their wishes. The main argument of this study is that the access of people with disabilities in groups of selfadvocacy provides empowerment and breaks the cycle of impossibilities present in their lives. This research is insert in the knowledge´s field of Cultural Studies of Education and adopts the methodology of oral history, in the model life history. Based on this methodology we considered the voice of young people with disabilities, which has been empowered and nowadays they can live as citizens. Through the method of oral history, it was possible to reconstruct the past events and to understood how young people with disabilities practices selfadvocacy and which ways and processes through which they passed to become who they are today: young selfadvocates. These research findings shows that these young people and adults from different regional contexts, social and economic levels, to become empowered through various opportunities that they have been exposed and now they practice selfadvocacy, which is revealed in the following components in your life: awareness of her value as human; her individual qualities and potencial; her participation in many social fields, like universities, workspace, leisure groups, social networks, etc; knowledge about their rights and responsabilities; participation in groups or associations that study and discuss about the philosophy af selfadvocacy. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o exercício da autoadvocacia da pessoa com deficiência e sua influência no desenvolvimento do papel de sujeito de direito. Historicamente as pessoas com deficiência têm sido imersas em um contínuo processo de exclusão social e negação de direitos, principalmente no que se refere aos direitos de ter voz e participação social. Autoadvocacia é um movimento mundial que emerge na década de 60 para lutar contra essa opressão histórica vivenciada por pessoas com deficiência e é compreendida como a ação ou expressão da voz de uma pessoa ou grupo de pessoas em seu próprio nome, sem a intervenção de terceiros, na luta por seus direitos e na comunicação de seus desejos. O argumento central desse estudo é o de que o acesso de pessoas com deficiência a grupos de autoadvocacia possibilita seu empoderamento e o rompimento do ciclo de impossibilidades instalado desde cedo em suas vidas. Esta pesquisa se insere no campo de conhecimento dos Estudos Culturais em Educação e adota como metodologia a história oral, na modalidade história de vida, com base na qual foram entrevistados quatro jovens e adultos com deficiências variadas. Através do método história oral, foi possível um resgate a fatos passados para compreender como os jovens no presente exercem a autoadvocacia e os processos pelo qual passaram para se tornarem quem são hoje: jovens autoadvogados. Os achados desta pesquisa revelam que estes jovens e adultos, oriundos de contextos regionais, sociais e econômicos distintos, se empoderaram por meio das diversas oportunidades a que foram expostos e hoje exercem a autoadvocacia, a qual é revelada nos seguintes componentes presentes em suas vidas: consciência do valor que possuem enquanto seres humanos, suas qualidades individuais e capacidades; inserção em várias esferas sociais, como mercado de trabalho, universidades, grupos de lazer e de esportes, redes sociais, etc.; conhecimento acerca dos seus direitos e deveres; engajamento em grupos, conselhos ou associações que aderem e propagam a filosofia da autoadvocacia.
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Democracia digital : uma análise da percepção sobre a digitalização das práticas democráticas em Porto Alegre (RS)Corrêa, Gilson César Pianta January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de discuter de pénétration parmi les sociétés démocratiques contemporaines, les possibilités contenues dans l’utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC), en particulier Internet. Dans un premier temps, montre les différentes significations de la démocratie, le traitement brièvement de leurs origines. Dans un deuxième temps, nous discutons sur les principaux modèles démocratiques contemporaines, se rapproche à la fin de chaque foyer, le lieu de la participation politique dans ces. Dans une troisième étape, est réfléchie sur l’interface entre la démocratie et de l’Internet à travers le thème de la démocratie numérique, présenter également les approches et les accents dans lequel l’idée est orienté. Ce scénario apportées par les technologies numériques, a encore plus de questions que de réponses, peut apporter une contribution importante aux pratiques démocratiques, telles que la mise en oeuvre de l’expérience e- gouvernement dans les localités municipales dans diverses parties du monde et aussi avec l’utilisation croissante nouveaux médias par divers mouvements sociaux existants dans la post-modernité. Empiriquement, la question de l’interface entre la démocratie et de l’Internet est examinée par l’analyse de l’impact de l’utilisation d’Internet et de ses effets possibles sur la relation entre les citoyens et la politique à Porto Alegre (RS). Dans cette étude, les dimensions qui pourraient influer sur cette relation sont examinées, comme c’est le cas de variables socio-économiques, et d'autres. Les résultats de la recherche ont montré que l’Internet, plutôt que d’un phénomène qui apporterait un nouvel élan à la participation politique des citoyens, est un milieu qui complète les pratiques démocratiques ont traditionnellement occupé par eux, donc, en exigeant la prudence dans concernant les effets et le potentiel de l’utilisation des outils numériques. / Esta tese possui o propósito de discutir a penetração, entre as sociedades democráticas contemporâneas, das possibilidades contidas na utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), em especial a Internet. Em um primeiro momento, são mostrados os diferentes significados de democracia, tratando brevemente a respeito de suas origens. Em um segundo momento, discute-se acerca dos principais modelos democráticos contemporâneos, abordando-se, ao final de cada enfoque, o lugar da participação política nestes. Em um terceiro momento, reflete-se sobre a interface entre democracia e Internet por meio do tema da democracia digital, apresentando-se, ainda, as abordagens e as ênfases nas quais a ideia se orienta. Este cenário propiciado pelas tecnologias digitais, no momento ainda com mais interrogações do que respostas, pode trazer importantes contribuições às práticas democráticas, a exemplo da implementação de experiências de governo eletrônico nas localidades municipais em diversas partes do mundo e, ainda, com o crescente uso de novas mídias pelos variados movimentos sociais existentes na pós-modernidade. Empiricamente, a questão da interface entre democracia e Internet é discutida mediante a análise do impacto do uso da Internet e seus possíveis reflexos na relação dos cidadãos com a política em Porto Alegre (RS). Assim, neste estudo, são analisadas dimensões que podem condicionar essa relação, tal é o caso das variáveis socioeconômicas, além de outras. As constatações da investigação permitem concluir que a Internet, mais do que um fenômeno que traria um novo alento à participação política dos cidadãos, é um meio que serve de complemento às práticas democráticas por eles já realizadas tradicionalmente, requerendo-se, portanto, cautela em relação aos efeitos e às potencialidades da utilização das ferramentas digitais. / This thesis has the purpose of discussing penetration among contemporary democratic societies, the possibilities contained in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly the Internet. At first, shows the different meanings of democracy, treating briefly about their origins. In a second step, we discuss about the major contemporary democratic models, is approaching it at the end of each focus, the place of political participation in these. In a third step, is reflected on the interface between democracy and Internet through the subject of digital democracy, presenting also the approaches and emphases in which the idea is oriented. This scenario brought about by digital technologies, currently still more questions than answers, can make important contributions to democratic practices, such as the implementation of e-government experience in municipal localities in various parts of the world and also with the increasing use new media by various existing social movements in post-modernity. Empirically, the question of the interface between democracy and the Internet is discussed by analyzing the impact of Internet use and its possible effects on the relationship between citizens and politic in Porto Alegre (RS). In this study, dimensions that might influence this relationship are examined, as is the case of socioeconomic variables, and others. The research findings showed that the Internet, rather than a phenomenon that would bring a new impetus to the political participation of citizens, is a medium that complements democratic practices have traditionally held by them, therefore, by requiring caution in regarding the effects and potential of using digital tools.
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