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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O HIV na terceira idade: o lugar designado ao idoso nas políticas públicas em HIV/aids e as concepções de profissionais de saúde acerca desta problemática

Jardim, Laíse Navarro 02 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-05-31T13:14:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 laisenavarrojardim.pdf: 1606391 bytes, checksum: 915b5b916238cb0c93c9e63794756a47 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: primeira letra de cada palavra chave em maiúsculo on 2016-07-02T12:27:53Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-04T10:34:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 laisenavarrojardim.pdf: 1606391 bytes, checksum: 915b5b916238cb0c93c9e63794756a47 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T16:18:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 laisenavarrojardim.pdf: 1606391 bytes, checksum: 915b5b916238cb0c93c9e63794756a47 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T16:18:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 laisenavarrojardim.pdf: 1606391 bytes, checksum: 915b5b916238cb0c93c9e63794756a47 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-02 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Considerando o expressivo aumento do número de casos de infecções pelo HIV/aids na terceira idade, os mitos e preconceitos acerca da sexualidade dessas pessoas e suas dificuldades de acesso aos serviços de saúde, a problemática desta investigação em psicologia social apresenta sua relevância social e científica. A presente pesquisa de mestrado teve por objetivo investigar as políticas públicas em HIV/aids destinadas aos idosos, analisando os discursos e os dispositivos de saber/poder que as constituem, problematizando as concepções dos profissionais de saúde que atuam no Serviço de Assistência Especializada (SAE) e na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) da cidade de Juiz de Fora, no que se refere à aids na terceira idade e sua atuação profissional diante dessas políticas. As informações foram coletadas por meio de pesquisa documental e de campo, contemplando informações sobre as políticas públicas em HIV/aids, do Ministério da Saúde, voltadas ao público idoso e as concepções de profissionais de saúde que atuam no Serviço de Assistência Especializada (SAE) e na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) do município de Juiz de Fora. A análise dos dados, amparada no referencial teórico de Michel Foucault, teve como recurso metodológico fundamental a análise do discurso, procurando compreender os jogos de enunciação e as formações discursivas que atravessam e constituem as políticas públicas e as concepções dos profissionais da área da saúde. Através da pesquisa, foi possível constatar uma grande carência de políticas públicas de prevenção e assistência específicas para a questão da aids na terceira idade, o que tem resultado em implicações diretas no que se refere às concepções e práticas de profissionais em saúde, uma vez que suas atuações estão intrinsecamente ligadas às preconizações do Ministério da Saúde. Práticas estas, que, ao não priorizarem os aspectos preventivos e assistenciais referentes ao HIV/aids na terceira idade, acabam por deixar tal problemática cada vez mais invisível aos órgãos competentes e à sociedade. / Considering the notable increase in the number of cases of infection by HIV/aids in senior citizens, the myths and prejudices regarding the sexuality of such people and their difficulties in accessing health services, the issue of such investigation on social psychology presents its social and scientific relevance. The present master‘s degree research had as its goal to investigate the public policies on HIV/aids aimed to senior citizens, analyzing their discourses and the knowledge/power devices that constitute them, discussing the conceptions by health care professionals who work at the Specialized Assistance Service (SAE, in Portuguese) and at the Family health Strategy (ESF, in Portuguese) in the city of Juiz de Fora, as it refers to aids among senior citizens and their professional actions regarding such policies. The information was gathered by means of a document and field survey, contemplating information about public policies on HIV/aids of the Health Ministry aimed at the senior population and the conceptions of health care professionals who work at the Specialized Assistance Service (SAE, in Portuguese) and at the Family health Strategy (ESF, in Portuguese) in the city of Juiz de Fora. Data analysis, supported by the theoretical reference of Michel Foucault, had as its fundamental methodological resource the discourse analysis, attempting to comprehend the enunciation games and the discourse formations which permeate and constitute the public policies and the conceptions by the health care professionals. Through the research it was possible to detect a great lack of public policies of prevention of assistance specific to the matter of aids among senior citizens, which has resulted in direct implications regarding the conceptions and practices of the health care professionals, since their actions are intrinsically tied to the guidelines by the Health Ministry. Such practices, by not prioritizing the preventive and assistance aspects referring to HIV/aids among senior citizens, leave such issues ever more invisible to society‘s competent sectors.

Vem Föreslår? : En studie om medborgarförslag i Kumla kommun

Demaku, Besart, Abou Ramia, Ronald January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Edström, Anna, Uvelius, Karin January 2008 (has links)
This Minor Field Study examines whether or not Batswana female master students at the University of Botswana, due to their university education, have become more politically aware and critical towards their national political system. Botswana has been chosen as a critical case on the basis of the country’s long lasting democracy and the Botswana’s positive attitude towards their government. The research takes off in theories such as democratic and critical citizen’s theory and feminism. Based on these theories, an analytical framework with the core assumption that female university education creates politically critical women, has been developed. The study is based on ten qualitative interviews with female master students. The interview questions concern the respondent’s political awareness, participation and their perceptions of political institutions, regime principles and governmental performance. The findings of the study are that university education makes women more politically aware, empowered and active, although we have found no significant correlation between university education and a rise in criticism among the interviewed women. However a majority of the respondents that actually have been affected by their education declare that they have become more politically critical.

Unga vuxna i demokratin : En fallstudie om hur politiska handlingar ser ut hos inrikes- och utrikesfödda medborgare. / Young adults in democracy : A case study on how political acts are seen by domestic and foreign born citizens.

Mandzukic, Adis January 2018 (has links)
Elective participation varies considerably among domestic and foreign born young adults. In 2014, there was a difference of 16,1 percentage among domestic and foreign born men in electoral participation and between women there was a difference of 19,3 percentage. In democracies, political equality is important where all citizens have the same political right. The purpose is to answear how political acts are seen among young adults (18-25 years old) domestic and foreign born and if there are similarities and differences and if the political acts are based on their living conditions. This is a qualitative study because I want to get the respondents’ responses at the individual level through interviews. The study showed no difference among domestic or foreign born to political acts based on their living conditions. The reason for that may be the respondents who were foreign born came to Sweden as children and had taken part in society in the same way as a native born.

What am I, what are you? : A pedagogical analysis on how C.N Adichie's novel "Americanah" comments on the postcolonial features; alterity, identity, and racial prejudice, and their use in the EFL classroom.

Hollertz, Julia January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish school has grown multicultural due to the recent years' migration and globalization of society. This place higher demands on the school's responsibility to educate students who are accepting and understanding towards each other, no matter their cultural and ethnic backgrounds. With application of postcolonial theory and its features; alterity, identity and racial prejudice to C.N Adichie's novel Americanah, it is argued that the inclusion of postcolonial literature in the EFL classroom may help students in developing an understanding for democratic values, and in exploring their roles in a diverse environment.

Právní formy perzekuce občanů Protektorátu v letech 1939 - 1945 / Legal forms of persecution of citizens of Protectorate in 1939 - 1945

Tauš, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Das in der Diplomarbeit behandelte Thema sowohl unsere nicht längst vergangene Historie sind nicht nur wegen aktueller politischen Situation zu erinnern. Das heutige tschechische Rechtsordnung und Demokratie hält man nämlich für eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Die Diplomarbeit besteht aus dem die Verwaltungs- und Verfassungsrahmen einleitenden Allgemeinteil, dann folgt eine Beschreibung von den konkreten Aspekten der nazistischen Okkupation. Meinem Erachten nach sind einige Aspekte oder Themen viel konkreter zu beschreiben, vor allem die Judenverfolgung, Reinhard Heydrich und Gestapo. Einer der Hauptbeiträgen dieser Diplomarbeit stellt die sich einem bestimmten Region widmende Kapitole dar. Zuerst muss erwähnt werden, dass die staatliche Form "Protektorat" überhaupt nicht dem Wesen der Regierung auf dem seitens Deutschen Reiches im Jahre 1939 gewonnenen Gebiet entspricht. Diese staatliche Form diente nämlich nicht nur einer absoluten wirtschaftlichen Ausnutzung von ökonomischen und menschlichen Ressourcen, sondern auch einer Verfolgung der Menschen wegen ihrer Rasse, politischen Meinung usw. Die Staatsbürger wurden einer neuen Ordnung unterworfen, überall zu finden waren Angst, Hinrichtungen, Drohungen. Abgesehen davon sank bedeutsam das Lebensniveau, wobei die Leute aus der heutigen Sicht unglaublich...

Multiple stakeholder perspectives of complex online services : an e-government case study

Kneller, Janet Denise January 2016 (has links)
Much academic research has studied the factors that increase adoption of online government services. However, the study areas have generally been relatively simple transactional environments focussed on specific consumer roles, and where "the computer can decide". However, this is not representative of all government services: many off-line services involve multiple government organisations or departments. Some services are used by a large range of different stakeholders who have different expectations and experiences of the administrative process concerned. Some require non-numeric elements to process the transaction. Some even involve humans to make a decision. All of these factors increase the complexity of supporting such services online and there is little literature either in the areas of stakeholder theory or technology adoption that examines how such services can be successfully deployed. This research addresses this void in the literature through an exploratory case study of the online planning application service in the UK as provided by the Planning Portal. A mixed methodology, both multi-phase and emergent, has been used to gather and analyse both qualitative and quantitative data to investigate how a single online service can successfully support a wide range of different stakeholders, what factors impact on uptake amongst those diverse stakeholder groups and how the service manages its relationships with stakeholders to ensure all are supported by the service. The pivotal complexities added by visual elements in the planning application and determination process, and by the central-local government interaction that is integral to the online planning service, are explored. The findings suggest that such a complex service can be very successful, but there are barriers outside the service provider's control that may ultimately affect the full provision of an end-to-end online service. Quantitative findings also suggest that there are factors other than those in the current models of technology adoption that may affect a more subjective and visually dependent service. This novel study of a distinctively complex and visual service provides insights that will be, and have already been, of use to real-world practitioners in supporting and developing complex online services.

Le developpement de l’administration electronique en Afrique : réflexion sur les indicateurs de comparaison internationale à partir de l'exemple du Togo / The development of electronic administration in Africa : reflection on international comparative indicators from the example of Togo

Sonhaye, Kondi napo 03 December 2015 (has links)
L’administration publique en Afrique commence à se doter d’outils informatiques qui facilitent les échanges et la communication entre administrateurs et administrés. La dématérialisation des documents administratifs gagne du terrain. Elle est suscitée souvent par des injonctions ou des directives des institutions internationales et des certains bailleurs de fonds. La principale réforme de la modernisation des États est la mise en place de l’administration électronique qui se définit comme l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication dans l’administration publique dans le but d’améliorer l’efficacité des services rendus aux citoyens.Plusieurs modèles d’administration électronique sont donc proposés et testés afin d’être implantés dans les États ou les organisations publiques. Les pays en développement comme le Togo, se sont aussi engagés sur la voie de cette modernisation depuis une dizaine d’années avec une diversité d’objectifs. Certains pays d’Europe, d’Amérique ou d’Asie sont déjà avancés avec plus d’une vingtaine d’années d’expérience dans cette réforme. Malgré la disparité des programmes d’administration électronique, de leurs objectifs et de leur maturité (les calendriers ne sont pas les mêmes selon les pays), des procédures d’évaluation internationales aboutissant en général à un classement des pays sont omniprésents. Elles laissent penser qu’il existe un modèle universel d’administration électronique par rapport auquel on mesure l’état d’avancement de tel ou tel pays. Or les indicateurs internationaux sont utilisés pour prendre des décisions qui engagent la réalisation des projets en administration électronique. Il est donc nécessaire d’interroger la validité des ces méthodes. C’est l’objet de cette thèse.Les questions sur l’universalité des modèles consistent à se demander si les indicateurs de classement internationaux en matière de développement numérique reflètent la réalité et si elles prennent en compte tous les paramètres de comparaison supposés définir l’avancement d’un État.L’étude présentée dans la thèse y répond à partir de l’exemple du Togo en confrontant la représentation des acteurs impliqués aux modèles « dits » universels.Ce travail de recherche se structure autour de trois grandes parties. Une première partie aborde les modèles de l’administration électronique et le contexte technologique en Afrique (état des lieux des infrastructures de télécommunication, de réseau de développement des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) et celui de l’administration électronique). Nous montrons ensuite quelques cas atypiques de réussite en Afrique de l’Ouest (Cap-Vert), au Maghreb (Tunisie) et en Afrique Centrale (Rwanda) et analysons leur stratégie.La deuxième partie examine le cas de l'administration électronique au Togo. Elle décrit les bases du développement et la mise en place des fichiers administratifs. Puis expose grâce à deux enquêtes, le point de vue des acteurs impliqués.Elle révèle ainsi une différence entre les priorités de l’administration électronique vue par les acteurs et celles mises en évidence dans les évaluations internationales. La troisième partie analyse les méthodes de comparaison internationales de l’administration électronique en apportant notre réflexion sur la méthodologie de construction des indicateurs à la lumière des études effectuées au Togo. / Administration in Africa has begun to develop information technology tools that facilitate exchange and communication between administrators and citizens. Paperless documentation is being developed in Africa. Sometimes, it is driven by requirements or guidelines of international institutions. E-government is one of the factors of modernization reform of African states. It is defined as the application of new information and communications technology (ITC) in public sector (administration) in order to improve the efficiency of services provided to citizens.In the literature of the subject, there are several e-government models presented and evaluated in the terms of their presence in the states or organizations. Developing countries, like Togo, have taken the road to modernization for ten years, with a variety of objectives. Some countries in Europe, America and Asia have already more than twenty years of experience in this reform. Despite the disparity of e-government programs, their objectives and their advancement (the agendas are not the same in all countries), international assessment procedures in overall ranking of countries are ubiquitous. They suggest that there is a universal model of electronic government which can be apply to measure the progress of any country. But international indicators are used to make decisions that engage in the realization of e-government projects. It is therefore necessary to examine the validity of these methods. This is the subject of this dissertation. The questions of the universality of models lead to investigate whether international ranking indicators in digital development reflect reality and whether they take into account all comparative parameters supposed to define the progress of a state.This dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the models of e-government and the technological context in Africa, including the statements of places of telecommunication and network infrastructure (facilities and applications, Internet service providers and telephone, etc.), the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and e-government. Then, non-typical successful case studies of West Africa (Cape-Verde), North Africa (Tunisia), and Central Africa (Rwanda) are presented.The second part discusses the case of e-government in Togo. It outlines the foundation for the development of e-government in Togo and presents the state of ICT development and the establishment of administrative records. Advantages, disadvantages and challenges of e-government in Togo are discussed as well. After the presentation of the general context in Togo, the methodology and the results of the field study are discussed. The field study was based on interviews with actors involved in the implementation of the e-government in Togo and on observations. The third part deals with the theoretical framework of this research. It analyzes international comparison of methods of e-government by providing a reflection on the methodology of the construction e-government indicators and international assessments in light of studies carried out in Togo.

Elektronické volby a jejich implementace ve Straně svobodných občanů / Electronic elections and impementation of electronic elections in Free Citizens Party

Štross, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the e-voting implementation in the Free Citizens Party. It contents research and practical part. The research deals with elections and e-voting solutions of elections, while the practical part is about the analysis and the implementation of electronic elections in the Free Citizens Party. The first objective is to provide knowledge that is necessary for the practical part of the thesis by research of these issues and already implemented solutions of electronic elections over the world. The second goal is to prepare the functional implementation of electronic elections in the Free Citizens Party. The analysis and solution proposal of the implementation are made to meet this goal. The author contribution consists in meeting goals of the thesis. During the thesis processing is done a research of elections and electronic elections. After acquiring this knowledge, the author made the analysis, solution proposal of the implementation and the implementation of electronic elections in the Free Citizens Party.

Adoption of mobile payment methods, a challenge for the senior citizens of Sweden?

Baudlot, Fanny, Engholm, Emil January 2019 (has links)
For the first time ever, mobile payments in Sweden have overtaken cash as the preferred method of payment when it comes to monthly payments. With cashless payments growing in Sweden and all over the world it is clear that mobile payment methods are going to increase in our everyday lives. As elders tend to have more difficulties learning and understanding software, it is not unlikely that this will affect the adoption of mobile payment methods. As cash is rapidly disappearing as a payment method in Sweden it is important to gain insight into which factors affect the acceptance of mobile payment methods among senior citizens, as they are the most frequent users of cash today. This is a qualitative case study where five seniors have been interviewed about their opinions on mobile payments based on a theoretical model of mobile adoption consisting of eleven variables. The interviews came to center around the Swedish mobile payment application Swish as it was the only mobile payment service that the participants were aware of and had experience using. The study’s goal is to gain knowledge of what variables are of importance to the senior consumers when deciding whether or not to adopt a mobile payment system. The main findings of the study are that the variables: social influence, attractiveness of alternatives and trust are the variables that have been seen to affect the senior citizens' adoption of mobile payment the most.

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