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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconciling the Discursive and the Material Dimensions of Social Stability and Social Change: A Critical Retheorisation and Non-syncretic Synthesis of Bhaskar, Foucault, and Althusser

Hardy, Nicholas James 27 September 2012 (has links)
Sociological explanations for human conduct usually place major ontological and epistemological emphasis upon either discursive or material relations without ever establishing or adequately specifying the validity of this dichotomy. Early texts by the Critical Realist philosopher Roy Bhaskar address this forced separation by creating an integrated ontological and epistemological field that provides a more detailed and precise theoretical ordering to agents, objects, and entities. Undertaking a developmental critique of Bhaskar’s arguments, this thesis extends Critical Realism’s role as theoretical ‘underlabourer’ and creates an expanded theoretical framework that balances discursive and material accounts. Utilising the sophisticated analyses of the structure and operation of discourses found in the work of Michel Foucault alongside the innovative arguments for aleatory materialism developed by Louis Althusser, a critique is established that shows discursive, material, and social relations to be complex, immanent, and, importantly, mutually constitutive. In each theory three core concepts of events, emergence, and the extra-discursive are shown to not only be present but also to operate as the main means of explaining social change. The result of integrating Critical Realism, Foucault, and Althusser in this sympathetic but non-syncretic form is the generation of a non-reductionist materialism combined with discursive relations. On this basis, social change is shown to be the result of restructured discursive and material relations of which human agents are only one part. The thesis provides an illustration of the theoretical argument with an empirical component which examines the formation and decline of the British nuclear industry between its inception in the early 1950s to the year 2000. The conclusion is that the form taken by nuclear energy is not entirely determined by any single one of political, economic, or scientific forces but is, instead, the product of multiple and complex interactions of immanent discursive and material relations that are, importantly, mutually reinforcing. / Thesis (Ph.D, Sociology) -- Queen's University, 2012-09-27 12:38:25.909

Exposed Life Runs Free: Gender, Labor, and Speculation in TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Fukui, Tomoki January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation examines how logics of financial securitization and heteropatriarchy have shaped the production of surplus populations in reconstruction policies from the TEPCO Fukushima nuclear disaster in post-2011 Japan. Through multi-sited fieldwork with nuclear subcontractors, labor organizers, anti-irradiation mothers, and state-recognized nuclear evacuees, it elucidates nuclear reconstruction and remediation efforts more broadly as projects that resecure financial and affective investments in nuclear imperialism and colonialism through the disciplining of communities exposed to radioactive fallout. Each chapter examines nuclear reconstruction through the partial construction of archetypes of positions within the geography of nuclear reconstruction. Through this method, an analysis emerges of how reconstruction policies and their justification through risk communication discourses of “harmful rumor” reproduce the conditions of the nuclear industry in Japan, disciplining the irradiated through a racialized domesticity imposed by American imperialism, the reproduction of an eco-eugenic heteropatriarchal organization of value, and through systems of labor brokerage inherited from Japanese colonial production. The form of the dissertation and its inclusion of autoethnographic reflections argues for a feminist transgender mode of anthropology that centers the fragmentation of anthropology, the ethnographer’s body, and classical constructions of “the field.” Through the use of poetry, translation, archives from workplace struggle, work from local historians and economists, American Studies, Anthropology, and Japanese Studies, it aims to normalize a way of doing anthropology that is characterized by the splitting of the voice, disruption, and ethnographic refusal.

Legitimacy and international public authority : the evolution of IAEA safeguards

Roydan, Alexa January 2010 (has links)
Using the IAEA as a case for focused study, this thesis argues that the construction and reconstruction of the Secretariat’s legitimacy has been dependant upon several different legitimating influences at different stages in the IAEA’s evolution. In brief, it will be demonstrated that early on, in the absence of clear non-proliferation norms, power wielded by critical and self-interested actors functioned as the primary legitimator – promoting early development and insulating the organization from outside pressures. However, based upon this particular case, I will also argue that state power alone is insufficient to guarantee legitimacy and the exercise of international public authority, especially in light of the degree to which these institutions are increasingly expected to challenge the territorial sovereignty of member states. In order for an organization to acquire adequate legitimacy to exercise public authority over the long term, it must develop beyond the point at which state power is instrumental, and assume a degree of organizational autonomy. This happened with the evolution of organizational expertise recognizing the IAEA’s bureaucracy as an authority, development of specific nonproliferation rules and norms that placed the IAEA in authority, and “right” processes within the bureaucracy that reinforced these and other substantive norms, positioning the Secretariat as a trusted agent within international society. Thus, the development of a professional identity, successful norms and rules, and the elaboration of a “right” process were key to the creation of legitimacy, and as a consequence, the Secretariat’s exercise of public authority in support of the safeguards regime.

Formalisering och yrkeskunnande : en explorativ studie om säkerhetskulturen inom kärnkraftsindustrin

Berglund, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Like many industries, the nuclear power industry in Sweden is currently facing the challenges of a major generational change. To meet these challenges, alongside the demands for a high level of security, the industry has attempted to standardise its mode of operations as far as possible. Apart from various technological fixes and safety devices, manuals and instructions have been modelled for every conceivable situation, or course of events; documentations and formal systems of co-ordination that become larger and larger, and more and more detailed. In high-risk industries there is a tendency to equate learning with changes in external patterns of behaviour, as against fixed standards, typically among operating staff. The acquisition  of professional skill, on the other hand, is the result of participation in practice. From this point of view, rather, learning is the outcome of reflection, upon actual events and experiences. Recurrent training can be used to promote formalisation, but also to explore and reinforce the experience based knowledge of skilled operators; between these approaches, the former prevails. Accidents and incidents incessantly put in question what is commonly referred to as the safety culture of various power plants, and subsequent to the misfortunes at Forsmark 1 in 2006, the accident was described as the culmination of a longterm decline in safety culture. The strong requirement for security and control is a cause of formalisation, whereas the need to support reflection as formation of professional skill tends to be omitted. Even so, experience based skill and knowledge remains a substantial consituent of what could be regarded as a dependable safety culture. Codified knowledge must be interpreted and applied in practice. Furthermore, experienced professionals, from encountering a great variety of situations, seem to develop what can be described as the skill of anticipation, and, as shown in connection with the incident at Forsmark 1, an ability to handle the unexpected. The urge for formalisation raises certain concerns: that of the primacy of defining the containments of professional skill, the impact and resilience of local knowledge and diversity, and the hollowing out of ability and skill within work-life organisations. The “human factor”, that is the operating staff, is commonly made responsible for established accidents and incidents. Even so, experienced personnel are able to manage a variety of unforeseen events and disturbances, that sometimes occur in high-risk technology industries. At times, on the contrary, the human factor saves technology, instead of the other way around. This study explores the concept of safety culture within the nuclear power industry from an epistemological perspective. It discusses the use of recurrent training, and the role of experience based skill and knowledge in the operating of Swedish power plants. What methods can be employed to support experience based knowledge as an essential complement to standardised work processes, codified knowledge, or benchmark strategies? Principles of formalisation need to be supplemented with a more thorough exploration of professional skill, in which a distinction between behaviour and responsibility can be made. / QC 20110906

La conquête scientifique du Nouveau-Mexique : héritage local du Projet Manhattan 1942-2015 / The scientific conquest of New Mexico : local legacies of the Manhattan Project 1942-2015

Genay, Lucie 18 September 2015 (has links)
Le 16 novembre 1942, dans le désert du Nouveau-Mexique, J. Robert Oppenheimer suggéra à son homologue militaire, le Général Leslie Groves, que la Los Alamos Ranch School d'Ashley Pond serait une localisation idéale pour l'établissement d'un laboratoire secret où continuer la recherche sur la conception et la construction de la bombe atomique. Cet événement scella le destin du Nouveau-Mexique, surnommé la « terre d'enchantement », qui se vit alors octroyé une nouvelle identité en tant que berceau de l'ère nucléaire. Le laboratoire de Los Alamos a déclenché la troisième colonisation de la région : une conquête scientifique financée par le gouvernement fédéral et entretenue par la course à l'armement avec l'Union Soviétique. Le long du Rio Grande, les installations nées à la suite du Projet Manhattan ont révolutionné l'ordre social, économique et démographique établi dans l'État tout en y produisant des bouleversements environnementaux et culturels. Et pourtant, soixante–dix ans plus tard, le Nouveau-Mexique demeurait l'un des cinq États les plus pauvres du pays malgré son Eldorado nucléaire. Cette thèse évalue l'ambivalence et les multiples facettes de l'héritage du Projet Manhattan au Nouveau-Mexique. En estimant la durabilité et la répartition des profits générés par l'industrie nucléaire en termes d'emplois, d'éducation et de niveau de vie, cette thèse interroge l'étendue réelle des gains perçus par les populations locales grâce à cette révolution vers le nucléaire et la haute technologie, ainsi que l'évolution des coûts socio-économiques et environnementaux qu'il a fallu et qu'il faudra encore payer pour la panacée nucléaire. Depuis l'arrivée des premiers pionniers atomiques à Los Alamos, les populations natives du Nouveau-Mexique (qu'il s'agisse des Indiens pueblos, des villageois hispaniques ou des ranchers anglos) ont dû s'adapter aux changements en dents de scie d'un nouvel ordre reposant sur des fonds fédéraux, eux–mêmes déterminés par la scène politique internationale et ils furent confrontés à une concurrence de plus en plus rude avec les nouveaux arrivants, c'est-à-dire les immigrés du nucléaire venant d'autres États. L'association du pouvoir militaire, du gouvernement et de l'omniprésente confidentialité a renforcé les mécanismes du complexe militaro-industriel et scientifique local, ce qui a maintenu la région dans son statut de colonie interne des États-Unis. Depuis les années 1980, une prise de conscience progressive de la société concernant les conséquences environnementales et sanitaires de la radioactivité a entraîné des réactions antinucléaires au Nouveau-Mexique. Dès lors, de nombreuses voix précédemment restées dans le silence se sont levées pour mettre en évidence une autre vision de l'héritage nucléaire dans l'État. Cette perspective locale des participants les plus modestes, les oubliés de l'avènement de l'ère nucléaire, manque de reconnaissance historique. Par conséquent, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'examiner la relation entre ces Nouveaux-Mexicains et l'industrie nucléaire locale. / On November 16, 1942, in the New Mexican desert, J. Robert Oppenheimer suggested to his military counterpart, General Leslie Groves, that Ashley Pond's Los Alamos Ranch School would be an ideal location for the establishment of a secret laboratory to pursue research on the design and construction of the atomic bomb. This event sealed the fate of New Mexico, dubbed the “Land of Enchantment,” which acquired a new identity as the cradle of the nuclear age. The Los Alamos Laboratory paved the way to a third colonization of the area; a scientific conquest funded by the Federal Government and maintained by the arms race with the Soviet Union. Along the Rio Grande, the derivative installations of the Manhattan Project revolutionized the social, economic, and demographic order in the state while introducing environmental and cultural disruptions. And yet, seventy years later, New Mexico was still among the five poorest states in the nation despite its nuclear Eldorado. This thesis assesses the double-edged quality and the multiple facets of the Manhattan Project's legacy in New Mexico. By evaluating the durability and distribution of the benefits entailed by the nuclear industry in terms of jobs, education, and standards of living, this dissertation focuses on the question of the extent to which local populations actually gained from this high-technology revolution, and of the environmental, socio-economic price, which has been and will have to be paid for the nuclear bonanza. Since the settlement of the first atomic pioneers in Los Alamos, the native populations of New Mexico—be they Indian Pueblo dwellers, Hispanic villagers, or Anglo ranchers—have had to adapt to the ups and downs of the new order based on a dependence on federal funds that were, in turn, determined by global politics, and to face an increasingly harsh competition with outsiders, i.e. nuclear immigrants to the state. A combination of military and government power with secrecy built up the mechanism of a local military-industrial and scientific complex, which maintained the region's status as an internal colony of the United States. Since the 1980s, growing public awareness of environmental and health consequences of radioactivity have prompted antinuclear reactions in New Mexico. Thereupon, many previously unheard voices have spoken up to shed a new light on the nuclear heritage in the state. This local perspective of the humblest, forgotten participants in the advent of the nuclear age lacks historical recognition; therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to address the relations between New Mexicans and the local nuclear industry.

Planejamento estratégico como diferencial competitivo na aplicação da tecnologia de radioisótopos / Strategic planning as competitive differential in the implementation of radioisotopes technology

VIEIRA, IMÁRIO 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mery Piedad Zamudio Igami (mery@ipen.br) on 2017-03-10T15:11:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 22059.pdf: 9657330 bytes, checksum: ed07f8d493b8c9079bd2d57c8807b411 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T15:11:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 22059.pdf: 9657330 bytes, checksum: ed07f8d493b8c9079bd2d57c8807b411 (MD5) / O planejamento estratégico é uma das ferramentas da administração de grande importância para a tomada de decisão. A área nuclear representa um segmento de grande importância na sociedade moderna, não só na produção de energia, bem como em muitos outros setores da economia. Objetivou-se nesse trabalho de doutorado propor a implantação de um planejamento norteado pela ferramenta estratégica, o BSC-Balanced Scorecard por meio dos indicadores de desempenho relacionais, de modo a facilitar a visualização da forma mais simples possível pelos gestores, com base nos atuais planos estratégicos institucionais do Laboratório de Produção de Fontes Seladas. A metodologia utilizada nesse estudo acadêmico de doutorado foi o estudo de caso, o qual considerou o período de pesquisa de 2008 a 2015. Entre os principais resultados esperados com esse estudo podem ser citados: uma melhor visualização dos planos estratégicos, uma ferramenta adicional de apoio a gestão, a possibilidade de mudança de periodicidade de análises de resultados e metas a serem atingidas entre outros. Diante dos resultados esperados foi possível concluir que este estudo poderá ser de grande valia para o Laboratório de Produção de Fontes Seladas, caso seu gestores optem por adotar essa ferramenta de gestão. Por fim, esta proposição possibilitaria a este laboratório, uma maior facilidade no processo de identificação e mapeamento de futuras direções da organização a partir dos recursos que possui e que, de certa forma, trarão como benefícios, maior visibilidade e ações mais eficazes. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear ) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

L'activité de Fil Rouge : mission ou métier ? : étude de cas dans un dispositif professionnalisant de l'industrie nucléaire / The activity of Red Wire : mission or profession? : case study in a device professionalizing of the nuclear industry

Lecoq, Pascal 23 November 2016 (has links)
Une entreprise du domaine de l'énergie met en œuvre des dispositifs de professionnalisation qui durent plusieurs mois et auxquels participent tous les nouveaux recrutés quel que soit leur diplôme et quelle que soit leur future affectation. Pour accompagner le dispositif, il y a la présence un nouveau type de personnage. Quelles sont les fonctions de ce personnage et quel est l'impact de son action sur la professionnalité des stagiaires. / A business in the field of energy implements professionalization devices lasting several months and involving all new hires regardless of their degree and whatever their future assignment. To accompany the device, there is the presence of a new type character. What are the functions of this character and what is the impact of its action on the professionalism of the trainees.

Processo oxidativo avançado com ozônio de efluentes contaminados por manganês e outros metais pesados originados na drenagem ácida em mina de urânio / Advanced oxidative process with ozone of effluents contaminated by manganese and other heavy metals originated in the acid drainage in uranium mine

SILVA, MIRNA M.S. e 25 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2017-05-25T13:07:01Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-25T13:07:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Durante a exploração de uma mina, vários impactos são causados no meio ambiente, entre eles a geração da drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), que consiste da exposição de minerais sulfetados ao ar, água e microorganismos do tipo ferroxidantes, apresentando reações de oxidação e formação de ácido sulfúrico solubilizando metais ali presentes contaminando o solo e as águas. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi estudar uma solução tecnológica fazendo uso da oxidação avançada com ozônio de metais pesados presentes em efluentes contaminados, em mina de urânio, com especial foco na remoção do manganês. A mina de urânio das Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil INB, em Caldas, Minas Gerais, local de aplicação deste estudo, enfrenta o problema da DAM e tem como principais contaminantes de suas águas superficiais os elementos, alumínio (Al), manganês (Mn), zinco (Zn), ferro (Fe), sulfatos (SO4+2), fluoretos (F-), metais de terras raras, alem do urânio (U) e do tório (Th). Os testes com ozônio realizados em laboratório com os efluentes da INB e in situ, mostraram uma grande eficiência para remoção do ferro, manganês e cério em até 99%. A concentração total de manganês ficou abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela resolução 430 e 357 do CONAMA. Elementos como neodímio (Nd), lantânio (La) e zinco (Zn) pouco se oxidam com O3. O Al se mantém praticamente inalterado, enquanto que o tório e o urânio decaem, mas com o passar do tempo de ozonização voltam a se concentrar, porém com um valor inferior ao inicial. O precipitado obtido após a ozonização consiste de até 85% de oxido de manganês. A fim de descartar, após a ozonização, o efluente líquido para o ambiente é necessário uma correção do pH, de modo a atender os parâmetros da legislação CONAMA, sendo utilizado 50 a 86% menos reagente (CaOH2), do que as quantidades utilizadas no processo adotado pela INB. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Processo oxidativo avançado com ozônio de efluentes contaminados por manganês e outros metais pesados originados na drenagem ácida em mina de urânio / Advanced oxidative process with ozone of effluents contaminated by manganese and other heavy metals originated in the acid drainage in uranium mine

SILVA, MIRNA M.S. e 09 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-09T14:21:34Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T14:21:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Durante a exploração de uma mina, vários impactos são causados no meio ambiente, entre eles a geração da drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), que consiste da exposição de minerais sulfetados ao ar, água e microorganismos do tipo ferroxidantes, apresentando reações de oxidação e formação de ácido sulfúrico solubilizando metais ali presentes contaminando o solo e as águas. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi estudar uma solução tecnológica fazendo uso da oxidação avançada com ozônio de metais pesados presentes em efluentes contaminados, em mina de urânio, com especial foco na remoção do manganês. A mina de urânio das Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil INB, em Caldas, Minas Gerais, local de aplicação deste estudo, enfrenta o problema da DAM e tem como principais contaminantes de suas águas superficiais os elementos, alumínio (Al), manganês (Mn), zinco (Zn), ferro (Fe), sulfatos (SO4+2), fluoretos (F-), metais de terras raras, alem do urânio (U) e do tório (Th). Os testes com ozônio realizados em laboratório com os efluentes da INB e in situ, mostraram uma grande eficiência para remoção do ferro, manganês e cério em até 99%. A concentração total de manganês ficou abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela resolução 430 e 357 do CONAMA. Elementos como neodímio (Nd), lantânio (La) e zinco (Zn) pouco se oxidam com O3. O Al se mantém praticamente inalterado, enquanto que o tório e o urânio decaem, mas com o passar do tempo de ozonização voltam a se concentrar, porém com um valor inferior ao inicial. O precipitado obtido após a ozonização consiste de até 85% de oxido de manganês. A fim de descartar, após a ozonização, o efluente líquido para o ambiente é necessário uma correção do pH, de modo a atender os parâmetros da legislação CONAMA, sendo utilizado 50 a 86% menos reagente (CaOH2), do que as quantidades utilizadas no processo adotado pela INB. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Desenvolvimento de um modelo para dimensionamento da capacidade produtiva de fábricas de combustível nuclear para reatores de pesquisa / Development of a model for dimensioning the production capacity of nuclear fuel factories for research reactors

NEGRO, MIGUEL L.M. 22 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-22T17:00:26Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T17:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A demanda por combustível nuclear para reatores de pesquisa está aumentando em nível mundial, enquanto várias de suas fábricas têm pequeno volume de produção. Este trabalho estabeleceu um modelo conceitual com duas estratégias para o aumento da capacidade produtiva dessas fábricas. Foram abordadas as fábricas que produzem elementos combustíveis tipo placa carregados com LEU U3Si2-Al, tipicamente usados em reatores nucleares de pesquisa. A primeira estratégia baseia-se na literatura da área de administração da produção e é uma prática frequente nas fábricas em geral. A segunda estratégia aproveita a possibilidade de desmembrar setores produtivos, comum em instalações de produção de combustível nuclear. Ambas as estratégias geraram diferentes cenários de produção, os quais devem ser seguros em relação à criticalidade. Foram coletados dados de uma fábrica real de combustível nuclear para reatores de pesquisa. As duas estratégias foram aplicadas a esses dados com a finalidade de testar o modelo proposto, o que configurou um estudo de caso. A aplicação das estratégias aos dados coletados deu-se por meio de simulação de eventos discretos em computador. Foram criados diversos modelos de simulação para abranger todos os cenários gerados, de forma que o teste indicou um aumento da capacidade produtiva de até 207% sem necessidade de aquisição de novos equipamentos. Os resultados comprovam que o modelo atingiu plenamente o objetivo proposto. Como principal conclusão pode-se apontar a eficácia do modelo proposto, fato que foi validado pelos dados da fábrica. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / CNPq:310274/2012-5

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