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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A utilização de hortas e composteiras no desenvolvimento de estratégias pedagógicas voltadas para a promoção da saúde em duas escolas municipais de São Paulo / The use of gardens and composts in the development of pedagogical strategies aimed at health promotion in two municipal schools in São Paulo

Ana Carolina Lujza de Moura Prager 22 June 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O acúmulo de animais tem sido considerado um distúrbio mental caracterizado pela manutenção de um número excessivo de animais em condições inadequadas de criação e de ausência de discernimento desta situação. É um complexo problema de saúde pública com sérias implicações no bem-estar humano, animal e no entorno, porém com poucas pesquisas e dados científicos no Brasil e no mundo. A identificação de situações de excesso de cães e gatos submetidos a maus tratos pode contribuir para o planejamento de estudos futuros para o melhor conhecimento dos casos de acúmulo desses animais. Objetivo: Descrever casos de excesso de cães e gatos notificados no município de São Paulo e propor instrumento de avaliação técnica de inspeção de residências com presença destes animais. Método: Estudo descritivo de denúncias por excesso de cães e gatos do Sistema de Atendimento ao Cidadão - SAC no município de São Paulo no período de 2006 a 2015. Foram incluídas as denúncias identificadas com mais de 10 animais ou cujo conteúdo permitisse concluir por excesso de animais. Foram descritas a quantidade e razão por 100.000 habitantes de denúncias, as providências adotadas e o tempo de resposta por ano, por espécie segundo a unidade responsável. Foi feita uma análise crítica das informações contidas no SAC e proposto um instrumento de vistoria de residências com animais, construído com base nos resultados obtidos, em revisão da literatura e nos instrumentos utilizados pelo Centro de Controle de Zoonoses e pela Supervisão de Vigilância em Saúde da Vila Maria de São Paulo. Resultados: Do total de 72.819 denúncias de maus tratos a cães e gatos realizadas no período, 7.293 foram referentes a excesso de animais, sendo 5.283 de cães e 2.010 de gatos. Cães apresentaram 72,4 por cento de denúncias de excesso, porém em relação ao total de denúncias de condições inadequadas de criação, o excesso de cães representa apenas 7,8 por cento enquanto que para gatos esse valor é 39,8 por cento . Dentre as denúncias de excesso, 50 por cento foram confirmadas na vistoria. Quanto à conclusão, 85 por cento foram identificadas como serviço efetuado, sendo que destas, aproximadamente 35 por cento foram consideradas procedentes e 14 por cento resolvidas, independentemente da espécie. Em relação ao tempo de resposta dado ao munícipe, por espécie, a conclusão \"serviço efetuado\" e \"falta informação\" foram preenchidos em sua maioria no primeiro mês, enquanto que \"solicitação cancelada\" e \"serviço indeferido\" levaram mais de um ano para serem preenchidos. O instrumento de vistoria proposto permite obter informações sobre os indivíduos que possuem animais, de seus animais e do ambiente e pode contribuir para planejamento de estudos futuros. Conclusão: O número de casos denunciados de excesso de animais no município de São Paulo é grande, com maior ocorrência de excesso de cães. As denúncias apresentaram baixa resolutividade. As informações disponíveis apresentam problemas tanto na qualidade de informação como pela dificuldade em recuperá-las, uma vez que não são padronizadas. O instrumento de vistoria proposto pode contribuir para a obtenção de informações necessárias para melhorar o conhecimento sobre acumuladores e propiciar ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde e um melhor atendimento intersetorial. / Introduction: Animal hoarding has been considered a mental disorder described as the keeping an excessive number of animals in inappropriate conditions and the denial about this situation. It\'s an issue with important public health implications, to people welfare, animals involved and the neighborhood; however there are few studies and scientific data in Brazil and the world. The identification of excess of dogs and cats subjected to animal abuse can contribute to the planning of future studies for a better knowledge of cases of animal hoarding. Objective: Describe cases of excess of dogs and cats reported in the city of São Paulo / SP and to propose an instrument of technical evaluation of inspection in residences with presence of animals. Methods: descriptive study of denunciations of excess of dogs and cats from the Citizen Service (Sistema de Atendimento ao Cidadão - SAC) in the city of São Paulo carried out between the years 2006 to 2015. All the denunciations identified with than 10 animals or the content of which allowed conclude an excessive number of animals were included. The quantity and the ratio per 100,000 inhabitants of denunciations, the measures taken and the response time per year, per specie according to the unit responsible were described. A critical analysis of the information contained in the SAC was made and an instrument of inspection in residences with animals was proposed, based on the results obtained, on the literature revision and the instruments used by Zoonoses Control Center and Vila Maria Surveillance Health System of São Paulo. Results: Of the total of 72,819 reports of animal abuse obtained in the period, 7,293 were referring to excess of animals, being 5,283 of dogs and 2,010 of cats. Dogs presented 72.4 per cent of excess denunciations, however in relation to all the denunciations of inappropriate conditions, the dogs excess represented only 7.8 per cent while for cats this value is 39.8 per cent . Among the complaints of excess, 50 per cent were confirmed in inspection. Regarding the conclusion, 85 per cent were identified as service performed, of these, approximately 35 per cent were confirmed as excessive number of dogs and cats and 14 per cent were resolved, regardless of specie. In relation to the response time given to the citizen, per specie, the conclusion \"service performed\" and \"missing information\" were filled out most in the first month, while \"canceled request\" and \"denied service\" took more than a year to complete. The instrument of inspection proposed allow get information about people who have animals, your animals and of environment that can contribute to the planning of future studies. Conclusions: there are a big number of denunciations of excess of animals in the city of São Paulo, with greater occurrence of excess dogs. The denunciations presented low resolution. The information available presents problems both in the quality of information and the difficulty in retrieving them, since they are not standardized. The instrument of inspection proposed can contribute to obtain the necessary information to improve knowledge about animal hoarding and propitiate health promotion and prevention and a better intersectoral care.

Hortas urbanas e a construção de ambientes promotores da alimentação adequada e saudável / Urban gardens and build of environments promoters of healthy eating

Mariana Tarricone Garcia 09 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A alimentação é culturalmente e socialmente construída e é um direito humano básico, além de ser influenciada por determinantes sociais, do acesso, do ambiente e do sistema alimentar. Frequentemente, indivíduos que vivem em meios urbanos estão desconectados do ciclo de vida dos alimentos. As hortas urbanas promovem um aprendizado coletivo por meio da vivência e da experimentação e podem ser vistas como um espaço repleto de oportunidades para a prática da alimentação adequada e saudável. Objetivos: 1) Identificar e sintetizar os estudos publicados entre 2005 e 2015 que avaliaram a influência da participação em hortas urbanas em desfechos relacionados à alimentação e nutrição entre adultos e idosos; 2) Descrever as práticas de aquisição de frutas e hortaliças de moradores de áreas periféricas da região metropolitana de São Paulo e como eles percebem o acesso a estes alimentos naqueles ambientes; e 3) Descrever as influências na alimentação decorrentes da experiência de crianças com o cultivo de alimentos em hortas escolares. Métodos: Tese composta por três manuscritos. No primeiro foi realizada uma revisão sistemática dos estudos publicados entre 2005 e 2015, selecionados a partir da busca em cinco bases de dados, envolvendo adultos e/ou idosos não institucionalizados participantes de hortas urbanas que apresentassem resultados na alimentação. No segundo manuscrito foram realizadas entrevistas com indivíduos residentes em regiões adstritas a quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde de um município da região metropolitana de São Paulo. No terceiro foram realizadas entrevistas com educadores e pais de educandos de três escolas do mesmo município que possuíam hortas escolares. Resultados: Os estudos incluídos na revisão sistemática apontaram que das experiências com hortas urbanas foram identificados eixos temáticos relacionados à alimentação adequada e saudável como: maior consumo de frutas e hortaliças, maior acesso a alimentos saudáveis, maior reconhecimento da culinária, o compartilhamento da colheita com familiares e amigos, valorização da produção orgânica e apropriação da importância da alimentação adequada e saudável. Em relação às entrevistas com os moradores, estes destacaram o abastecimento insuficiente de frutas e hortaliças, a demanda por mais variedade destes alimentos, a insuficiência de equipamentos que comercializem maior variedade de frutas e hortaliças, a associação da alimentação adequada e saudável a preços altos e a diminuição do número de feiras livres atribuída ao surgimento dos supermercados. Já as hortas escolares trouxeram elementos para reflexão sobre o ato de se alimentar e sobre os alimentos, pelo conhecimento que o contato direto com o cultivo produziu, e provocou mudanças não apenas nas crianças, mas também nas famílias envolvidas com as atividades. Isso se refletiu em mudanças concretas na alimentação, maior conhecimento sobre os alimentos e sobre o sistema alimentar, além de uma maior valorização dos alimentos produzidos e de um estímulo maior para experimentar novos alimentos. Conclusões: O ambiente alimentar pode constituir um fator restritivo à prática da alimentação adequada e saudável. Neste sentido, as hortas urbanas, por meio do contato com a natureza, sensibilização para o ato de se alimentar e maior acesso às frutas e hortaliças, contribuem para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável. / Introduction: Eating is culturally and socially constructed and a basic human right, besides being influenced by social determinants, access, environment and food system. Often, individuals living in urban areas are disconnected from the food life cycle. Urban gardens promote a collective learning through experience and experimentation and can be seen as a place full of opportunities for adequate and healthy food practice. Objectives: 1) To identify and to synthesise the studies published between 2005 and 2015 that evaluated the influence of participation in urban gardens on outcomes related to food and nutrition among adults and elderly people; 2) To describe the acquisition of fruits and vegetables practices by residents in socially disadvantaged areas of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region - Brazil and how they perceive access to these foods in those environments; and 3) To describe the influences on eating resulting from children\'s experience with growing food in school gardens. Methods: The thesis comprises three manuscripts. In the first one we undertook a systematic review of studies published between 2005 and 2015, selected from searching in five databases, involving non-institutionalized adults and/or elderly participants of urban gardens reporting results on eating. In the second manuscript we conducted interviews with residents in four Basic Health Units\' areas in a city located in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region - Brazil. In the third one we conducted interviews with educators and students parents from three schools developing school gardens in the same city. Results: Studies included in the systematic review showed from the experiences with urban gardens we identified themes related to adequate and healthy eating: higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, increased access to healthy food, more recognition of the importance of cooking, sharing the harvest with family and friends, greater importance of organic production and greater importance of adequate and healthy eating. Regarding interviews with residents, they highlighted the insufficient supply of fruits and vegetables, demand for greater variety of these foods, lack of stores that sell greater variety of fruits and vegetables, association of adequate and healthy eating with high cost, and decrease in the number of street markets attributed to emergence of supermarkets. Concerning the school gardens, the activity brought elements to think about the act of eating and about food by itself through the knowledge created by direct contact with farming, and caused changes not only among children but also among families involved with the activities. This was reflected in concrete changes in diet, increased knowledge about food and food system, as well as greater appreciation of garden produce and a greater willingness to try new foods. Conclusions: Food environment can be a restrictive factor for adequate and healthy eating practice. Thus, urban gardens, through contact with nature, awareness of the the act of eating, and greater access to fruits and vegetables, contribute to adequate and healthy eating promotion.

Alimenta??o e nutri??o: conhecimentos de educadores do munic?pio de ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais / Food and nutrition: knowledge of educators at ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais

MAGALH?ES, Heloisa Helena Silva Rocha 29 March 2016 (has links)
The knowledge of educators on food and nutrition are the basis for the formation of healthy eating habits in schools, and are essential for the process of food and nutritional education of children. Therefore, know how they're built all of this knowledge for this group it is extremely important for educational planning and health. Thus, this study aimed to analyze knowledge about food and nutrition of all educators of early childhood education of ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais. A survey was conducted with a qualitative approach, grounded in the theory of Social Representations, with all preschool teachers of ?gua Boa. It was found that all are female and 86% have completed higher education. Most educators has participated in educational activities involving the issue of food and nutrition and report the project stocks on the subject in the school in which they work. It was found that none of the educators part of the school faculty of its institutions, although 80% of these educators anyone knows the political pedagogical project. For educators, food and nutrition education is important to promoting healthy eating habits of children. However, the knowledge of educators and nutritional education are based on the biological feed perspective, covering its relationship with the body and health. Cultural, social and psychological dimensions of food and nutrition education are not recognized by educators. The issues involving food and nutritional education are taught in isolation by educators. It follows that educators have their knowledge food and nutrition education built on biological feed perspective, making it necessary to carrying out work with this group on the other dimensions of food and nutritional education, through the enhancement of food culture, the local food system. These educators need encouragement to participate in the school faculty, as well as working the theme of food and nutritional education transversely. / Os saberes de educadores sobre alimenta??o e nutri??o s?o a base para a forma??o de h?bitos alimentares saud?veis no ?mbito escolar, sendo estes, elementos chave para o processo de educa??o alimentar e nutricional de crian?as. Assim sendo, conhecer como est?o constru?dos conjunto destes saberes para este grupo, ? de extrema relev?ncia para o planejamento educacional e de sa?de. Diante do exposto, este trabalho objetivou analisar o conhecimento sobre alimenta??o e nutri??o de todos os educadores da educa??o infantil do munic?pio de ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, embasada na Teoria das representa??es sociais, com todos os professores de educa??o infantil do munic?pio de ?gua Boa. Verificou-se que todos s?o do sexo feminino e que 86% apresentam ensino superior completo. A maioria dos educadores j? participou de atividades pedag?gicas envolvendo o tema de alimenta??o e nutri??o e relatam a exist?ncia de projetos sobre a tem?tica na escola em que trabalham. Constatou-se que nenhum dos educadores integra o colegiado escolar de suas institui??es, embora 80% destes educadores aleguem conhecer o projeto pol?tico pedag?gico. Para os educadores, a educa??o alimentar e nutricional (EAN) ? importante para a promo??o de h?bitos alimentares saud?veis das crian?as. Contudo, os saberes dos educadores sobre educa??o alimentar e nutricional est?o constru?dos sobre a dimens?o biol?gica da alimenta??o, englobando sua rela??o com o corpo e a sa?de. As dimens?es culturais, sociais e psicol?gicas da EAN n?o s?o reconhecidas pelos educadores. As tem?ticas envolvendo a EAN s?o trabalhadas de forma isolada pelos educadores. Conclui-se que os educadores apresentam seus saberes de EAN constru?dos com base na dimens?o biol?gica da alimenta??o, fazendo-se necess?rio a realiza??o de trabalhos com este grupo sobre as demais dimens?es da EAN, atrav?s da valoriza??o da cultura alimentar, do sistema de produ??o de alimentos local. ? preciso que tenha incentivo para participa??o destes educadores no colegiado escolar, bem como trabalhar a tem?tica da EAN de forma transversal.

Hortas urbanas e a construção de ambientes promotores da alimentação adequada e saudável / Urban gardens and build of environments promoters of healthy eating

Garcia, Mariana Tarricone 09 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A alimentação é culturalmente e socialmente construída e é um direito humano básico, além de ser influenciada por determinantes sociais, do acesso, do ambiente e do sistema alimentar. Frequentemente, indivíduos que vivem em meios urbanos estão desconectados do ciclo de vida dos alimentos. As hortas urbanas promovem um aprendizado coletivo por meio da vivência e da experimentação e podem ser vistas como um espaço repleto de oportunidades para a prática da alimentação adequada e saudável. Objetivos: 1) Identificar e sintetizar os estudos publicados entre 2005 e 2015 que avaliaram a influência da participação em hortas urbanas em desfechos relacionados à alimentação e nutrição entre adultos e idosos; 2) Descrever as práticas de aquisição de frutas e hortaliças de moradores de áreas periféricas da região metropolitana de São Paulo e como eles percebem o acesso a estes alimentos naqueles ambientes; e 3) Descrever as influências na alimentação decorrentes da experiência de crianças com o cultivo de alimentos em hortas escolares. Métodos: Tese composta por três manuscritos. No primeiro foi realizada uma revisão sistemática dos estudos publicados entre 2005 e 2015, selecionados a partir da busca em cinco bases de dados, envolvendo adultos e/ou idosos não institucionalizados participantes de hortas urbanas que apresentassem resultados na alimentação. No segundo manuscrito foram realizadas entrevistas com indivíduos residentes em regiões adstritas a quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde de um município da região metropolitana de São Paulo. No terceiro foram realizadas entrevistas com educadores e pais de educandos de três escolas do mesmo município que possuíam hortas escolares. Resultados: Os estudos incluídos na revisão sistemática apontaram que das experiências com hortas urbanas foram identificados eixos temáticos relacionados à alimentação adequada e saudável como: maior consumo de frutas e hortaliças, maior acesso a alimentos saudáveis, maior reconhecimento da culinária, o compartilhamento da colheita com familiares e amigos, valorização da produção orgânica e apropriação da importância da alimentação adequada e saudável. Em relação às entrevistas com os moradores, estes destacaram o abastecimento insuficiente de frutas e hortaliças, a demanda por mais variedade destes alimentos, a insuficiência de equipamentos que comercializem maior variedade de frutas e hortaliças, a associação da alimentação adequada e saudável a preços altos e a diminuição do número de feiras livres atribuída ao surgimento dos supermercados. Já as hortas escolares trouxeram elementos para reflexão sobre o ato de se alimentar e sobre os alimentos, pelo conhecimento que o contato direto com o cultivo produziu, e provocou mudanças não apenas nas crianças, mas também nas famílias envolvidas com as atividades. Isso se refletiu em mudanças concretas na alimentação, maior conhecimento sobre os alimentos e sobre o sistema alimentar, além de uma maior valorização dos alimentos produzidos e de um estímulo maior para experimentar novos alimentos. Conclusões: O ambiente alimentar pode constituir um fator restritivo à prática da alimentação adequada e saudável. Neste sentido, as hortas urbanas, por meio do contato com a natureza, sensibilização para o ato de se alimentar e maior acesso às frutas e hortaliças, contribuem para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável. / Introduction: Eating is culturally and socially constructed and a basic human right, besides being influenced by social determinants, access, environment and food system. Often, individuals living in urban areas are disconnected from the food life cycle. Urban gardens promote a collective learning through experience and experimentation and can be seen as a place full of opportunities for adequate and healthy food practice. Objectives: 1) To identify and to synthesise the studies published between 2005 and 2015 that evaluated the influence of participation in urban gardens on outcomes related to food and nutrition among adults and elderly people; 2) To describe the acquisition of fruits and vegetables practices by residents in socially disadvantaged areas of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region - Brazil and how they perceive access to these foods in those environments; and 3) To describe the influences on eating resulting from children\'s experience with growing food in school gardens. Methods: The thesis comprises three manuscripts. In the first one we undertook a systematic review of studies published between 2005 and 2015, selected from searching in five databases, involving non-institutionalized adults and/or elderly participants of urban gardens reporting results on eating. In the second manuscript we conducted interviews with residents in four Basic Health Units\' areas in a city located in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region - Brazil. In the third one we conducted interviews with educators and students parents from three schools developing school gardens in the same city. Results: Studies included in the systematic review showed from the experiences with urban gardens we identified themes related to adequate and healthy eating: higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, increased access to healthy food, more recognition of the importance of cooking, sharing the harvest with family and friends, greater importance of organic production and greater importance of adequate and healthy eating. Regarding interviews with residents, they highlighted the insufficient supply of fruits and vegetables, demand for greater variety of these foods, lack of stores that sell greater variety of fruits and vegetables, association of adequate and healthy eating with high cost, and decrease in the number of street markets attributed to emergence of supermarkets. Concerning the school gardens, the activity brought elements to think about the act of eating and about food by itself through the knowledge created by direct contact with farming, and caused changes not only among children but also among families involved with the activities. This was reflected in concrete changes in diet, increased knowledge about food and food system, as well as greater appreciation of garden produce and a greater willingness to try new foods. Conclusions: Food environment can be a restrictive factor for adequate and healthy eating practice. Thus, urban gardens, through contact with nature, awareness of the the act of eating, and greater access to fruits and vegetables, contribute to adequate and healthy eating promotion.

Influence et facteurs incitatifs de la participation des parents dans un programme d’éducation à la nutrition implanté en milieu scolaire : Petits cuistots – Parents en réseaux

Diallo, Fatoumata Binta 11 1900 (has links)
Au cours de leur croissance, les jeunes sont exposés à des facteurs de risques de maladies associés aux habitudes de vie, notamment celles alimentaires. Les interventions scolaires mises en place en vue de modifier leurs comportements nutritionnels sont plus efficaces lorsque les parents prennent part aux activités. Toutefois, les travaux réalisés dans ce domaine font état d’un faible taux de participation des parents dans les activités proposées. Les recherches effectuées sur la participation parentale dans les interventions d’éducation nutritionnelle à l’école, révèlent des lacunes importantes quant à la définition du concept. L’investissement parental y est défini par la fréquence d’apparition des parents à l’école et le rôle de ceux-ci dans les interventions; ce qui constitue, à notre avis, une vision réductionniste des dimensions du concept. De plus, ces études répertoriées dans la littérature mettent l’emphase sur la proportion de parents participants et l’influence de celle-ci quant aux effets sur les enfants, sans se préoccuper de ce qui pourrait expliquer leur implication aux activités proposées. L’objectif de cette thèse est de documenter les mécanismes qui sous-tendent la participation des parents dans les programmes de promotion de la santé dispensés en milieu scolaire. Plus spécifiquement, notre étude vise à identifier la relation entre les différentes dimensions de l’implication parentale et les comportements alimentaires des enfants suite à l’exposition de ces derniers à un projet d’éducation à la nutrition mis en place dans huit écoles primaires de milieux défavorisés de Montréal, le Projet PC-PR, tout en appréciant l’influence de certaines caractéristiques familiales sur ce lien. Puis, explorer la relation entre des facteurs qui motivent les parents à participer et l’investissement de ces derniers dans le projet. La présente recherche est conduite grâce à une analyse secondaire de données d’un échantillon de parents d’enfants fréquentant les écoles qui participent au projet PC-PR (N=502). La participation parentale est conceptualisée en quatre dimensions faisant référence à la notion du mésosystème proposée par Bronfenbrenner (1979), alors que les motifs d’implication sont définis en s’inspirant des travaux de Hoover-Dempsey et Sandler (1995, 1997). Des analyses descriptives, bivariées et multivariées sont effectuées. L’analyse du discours des parents montre une association positive entre la participation parentale aux activités (soit l’investissement à la maison, la communication et la connaissance intermilieu) et le développement de comportements alimentaires des enfants. Des effets modérateurs de certaines variables familiales (la langue, le nombre d’enfants à la maison, l’âge et l’opinion du parent sur la nécessité que l’enfant sache faire à manger) sur cette relation sont aussi identifiés. Les raisons qui poussent un parent à participer (la compréhension du rôle, le sentiment de compétence et les occasions offertes par les ateliers) sont liées à la participation de ce dernier aux activités de cuisine-nutrition. Les résultats de cette recherche contribuent non seulement à l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine, mais servent de prémisses à une réflexion visant à mieux orienter les interventions en promotion de la santé. / In the course of their growth, young people are exposed to disease risk factors associated with lifestyle, including food. Evidence has shown that school-based interventions implemented to change their dietary behavior are more effective when parents take parts in the activities. However, studies carried out in this areas show a low level of parental involvement in the suggested activities. Research on parental involvement in school nutrition education interventions reveals significant gaps regarding the definition of the concept. Parental involvement is defined by the frequency of appearance of parents in school and the role of these interventions, in what in our view, constitutes a reductionist vision of the dimensions of the concept. Moreover, these studies in the literature emphasize the proportion of participating parents and its effect on children, without being concerned with what could explain their involvement with the suggested activities. The aim of this thesis is to document the mechanisms underlying the involvement of parents in health promotion school-based programs. More specifically, this study aims to identify the relationship between the different dimensions of parental involvement and children feeding behaviors following the exposure of the latter to a nutrition education project implemented in eight primary schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Montreal: Project PC – PR, while assessing the influence of certain family characteristics on this link. We also explore the relationship between factors that motivate parents to participate and their investment in the project. This research is a secondary analysis of data from a sample of parents of children attending schools participating in the Project PC-PR (N = 502). Parental involvement is conceptualized in four dimensions with reference to the notion of the mesosystem proposed by Bronfenbrenner (1979), while the factors associated with parental involvement are defined by drawing on the work of Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (1995, 1997). Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Analyses of parental views show a positive association between parental involvement in activities (i.e. home-based involvement, intersetting communications and intersetting knowledge) and the development of children's eating behaviors. The moderating effects of family variables (language, number of children at home, parents’ age and views on the need that the child knows how to eat), on this relationship are also identified. Parents’ motivations for involvement (parental role construction, parents’ sense of efficacy and opportunities offered by the project to encourage parental involvement) are related to the latter's participation in food nutrition activities. The results of this research not only contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field, but provide grounds for a reflection to better guide health promotion interventions.

The role of attitude and barriers on the implementation of a nutrition intervention in primary school children / Michelle Harris

Harris, Michelle January 2012 (has links)
Background: South Africa is a multicultural, multi-ethnic developing country currently experiencing a unique quadruple burden of disease, of which malnutrition (both over- and under nutrition) is one of them. The increase in childhood obesity within the current South-African health setting is of serious concern, approximately 14% boys and 18% girls currently are overweight and it is estimated that this number will increase to 25% within the next decade. Healthy eating habits and increased physical activity are important components of a healthy lifestyle, and decrease the risk of overweight and obesity. It is also often the corner stone of many lifestyle modification intervention programmes aimed at preventing or decreasing overweight/obesity. Aim: This sub-study was part of a larger intervention study where a nutrition education intervention programme (NEIP) for children in the form of a musical play (based on the South African Food Based Dietary Guidelines [SAFBDG]) was developed to increase nutrition knowledge and thereby also contribute towards healthy lifestyle behaviour. The aim of this sub-study was therefore to explore and describe the attitude of a specific group of primary school children (aged 6-12 years) towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating, and physical activity before and after a NEIP as well as the standard school curriculum. Secondly, it was aimed to identify possible barriers to and motivators for healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity. Methods: Children were randomly selected from the experimental group (n=143) of the main study. Children were selected into one of four focus groups per school (6 children per focus group) from which qualitative data were gathered on children’s attitude and perception towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating, and physical activity. Focus groups were defined by age and gender (boys and girls seperately, grades I-III and grades IVVI seperately), totalling a number of 96 children. A total of 75 children completed this sub-study, 21 children dropped out due to school-related problems or after school activities that clashed with the time slots during which the NEIP was implimented. Quantitative data was gathered with a socio-demographic and physical activity questionnaire, as well as a 3-point hedonic facial expression scale which was used to quantify attitude towards healthy eating, unhealhty eating and physical activity. All data (quantitative and qualitative) were collected at both baseline and end measurements. Results: The main findings of this sub-study were that the attitude of most primary school children towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating or physical activity remained unchanged after a unique NEIP. Five major themes were identified out of focus group discussions namely health awareness, healthy eating, unhealthy eating, physical activity, and consequences of unhealthy eating and sedentary behaviour. Mothers were identified as the main motivator for eating healthy and avoiding unhealthy eating. The taste and smell of food were both either identified as motivators or barriers for healthy eating and unhealthy eating. Older girls associate unhealthy eating with becoming fat while many children associate the combination of unhealthy eating and being sedentary with becoming fat. Most children have a positive attitude towards physical activity and enjoy doing it although the biggest motivator for partaking in physical activity is their parents and not themselves. Conclusion: Even though some children’s attitude did change in the desired direction after the implementation of a unique and fun NEIP, most children’s attitude towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity remained unchanged. This might have been due to the measurement tool that was not sensitive enough to detect subtle changes. Various factors that can influence children’s attitude and perceptions towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity both positively or negatively were identified. This study is one of only a few that explored and described the ‘true’ motivators of and barriers for children’s attitude towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity. Results generated from this sub-study can thus make a valuable contribution to the existing literature available in this specific study field. / Thesis (MSc (Dietetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Gasto público en educación, salud y nutrición de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el Perú (2000–2005) / Gasto público en educación, salud y nutrición de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el Perú (2000–2005)

Muñoz, Ismael 10 April 2018 (has links)
The evolution of fiscal spending in nutrition, health and education of children and adolescents between 2000–2005, has not been following the same pattern of growth as that of GDP in the same period of time in Peru. These important components of public policy in childhood and adolescence have not been properly attended with the larger resources collected by the State, specially in the nutrition area given that fiscal real expenditure in that area fell in spite of the rapid growth of GDP during the period of our study. With the figures found in the SIAF, the structure of publicexpenditure in the indicated components has been constructed, according to the expenditure budgetary functions, allowing us to establish a base that allows us to make proposals on improvements in public policy in the formation of the human capital since childhood. / La evolución del gasto público en nutrición, salud y educación de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el período 2000–2005 no ha seguido una tendencia similar al crecimiento del PBI para el mismo período en el Perú. Estos importantes rubros de la política pública en infancia y adolescencia no han sido fuertemente atendidos con los mayores recursos recaudados por el Estado, en particular el de nutrición que tuvo cada vez menos recursos del gasto público en proporción al crecimiento que experimentó el PBI en dicho período de estudio. Con las cifras encontradas en el SIAF se ha construido la estructura del gasto público en los rubros antes señalados,según las funciones presupuestales de gasto, lo que ha establecido una base que permite proponer mejoras en la política pública de formación de capital humano desde la infancia.

Eficácia de um programa de educação alimentar e nutricional para o aumento do consumo de hortaliças e frutas por escolares / Effectiveness of a food and nutrition education program in the increase consumption of vegetables by school children

Nasser, Leila Adnan [UNIFESP] 28 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-07-28 / Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de um programa de educação alimentar e nutricional para aumento do consumo de hortaliças e frutas por escolares. Método: Trata-se de estudo longitudinal controlado randomizado realizado em 280 crianças, de ambos os sexos, com idade de 11 e 12 anos completos, alunos de 03 escolas municipais do ensino fundamental da região central da cidade de São Paulo, no período de fevereiro a setembro de 2007. O estudo selecionou aleatoriamente dois grupos distintos: intervenção e controle. Inicialmente aplicou-se o questionário frequência alimentar (QFA) em toda unidade amostral, posteriormente procedeu-se à aplicação das atividades educativas ludopedagógicas, por meio do programa de educação alimentar e nutricional apenas no grupo intervenção. Após 05 (cinco) meses, foi aplicado novamente o QFA nos dois grupos, procurando verificar a eficácia do programa de educação alimentar e nutricional. Resultado: Em relação ao grupo intervenção, observou-se aumento das porções consumidas de hortaliças e frutas, indicando que as atividades ludopedagógicas influenciaram de maneira positiva na mudança do hábito de consumo desses alimentos. Já em relação ao grupo controle, não houve mudanças significativas dos alimentos consumidos. Em relação aos escolares que não consumiam hortaliças e frutas, observamos que no grupo intervenção ocorreu a introdução dos novos alimentos (acelga/repolho, beterraba, abacate, mamão, manga e morango), mostrando que as atividades ludopedagógicas também influenciaram na mudança desse padrão de consumo. Conclusão: O programa de educação alimentar e nutricional baseado em atividades ludopedagógicas é efetivo, em relação a hortaliças e frutas, tanto para o aumento da quantidade anteriormente consumida, quanto para a aceitação de novos alimentos por escolares. / Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of a food and nutrition educational program in the increase of the consumption of vegetables by school children. Methods: This is a longitudinal randomized controlled study performed in 280 (two hundred and eighty) children, of both genders, aged between 11 (eleven) and 12 (twelve) years old, students of 03 (three) fundamental education schools of São Paulo city, from February to September 2007. At first, all students answered the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and than were divided randomly in two different groups: intervention and control group. After that, the intervention group was submitted to a Food and Nutritional Education Program based on ludo pedagogical activities. After 05 (five) months, the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was applied again, in order to verify the effectiveness of the food and nutritional education program in increasing the consumption of vegetables. Results: It was observed that in the interventional group, an increase of the consumption of vegetables was significantly bigger than in the control group, indicating that the ludo pedagogical activities may have influenced the children’s eating habit in a positive way. In the control group there were no significant changes. Regarding school children that didn’t have the habit of consuming vegetables, it was observed that in the intervention group the introduction of the consumption of different kinds of vegetable (chard/cabbage, beet, avocado, papaya, mango and strawberry), was greater then in the control group, indicating that the educational intervention method may also have influenced this change. Conclusion: The food and nutrition education based on ludo pedagogical activities is effective in relation to vegetables, both for increasing the previously consumed amount and for the acceptance of different vegetables by school children. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Formação de professores do ensino fundamental na cidade de Petrolina – PE : a abordagem do tema alimentação e nutrição no componente curricular de ciências

Silva, Diego Felipe dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Esta tese apresentou como objetivo geral investigar e capacitar professores na cidade de Petrolina-PE em parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Educação, mediante uma proposta que levasse em consideração a realidade local para o ensino a respeito da temática alimentação e nutrição na disciplina Ciências, por meio de uma ação de oficinas temáticas, com base na perspectiva Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS). A pesquisa teve como proposta a de averiguar o perfil, os conhecimentos prévios e a percepção dos professores de ciências dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental a respeito da importância do tema alimentação e nutrição, além de investigar como eles ensinam tal temática e que materiais pedagógicos utilizam. A pesquisa ocorreu entre os anos de 2015 e 2016 e apresenta caráter essencialmente qualitativo. Utilizamos a pesquisa-ação como metodologia, com vistas a interligar conhecimento e a ação, buscando informações sobre situações reais, e como método optamos por utilizar a Análise de Conteúdo, no intuito de melhor analisar o material coletado. Os professores investigados, apesar de reconhecerem a importância de ensinar temáticas relacionadas à alimentação e nutrição, poucos atuam de forma a construir e desenvolver atividades que acrescentem e melhorem o desenvolvimento dos estudantes Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que o tema da alimentação e nutrição merece maior destaque entre os conteúdos de ensino de ciências reservados para o nível fundamental da educação básica. Mediante a investigação realizada, pudemos observar como os professores, após a intervenção da pesquisa, construíram uma melhor compreensão e sentiram-se melhor capacitados para ministrar a temática sobre alimentação e nutrição abordada no curso. A partir dessa visão, ressaltamos que o incentivo dado ao profissional, ao perceber a discussão de temas sociocientíficos, utilizando a metodologia da pesquisa-ação e baseados na perspectiva CTS, fez com que as professoras e os professores despertassem a visão sobre a importância de se ter essas metodologias como aliadas no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, o que colabora tanto em seu crescimento profissional quanto pessoal, e pode servir como estímulo para inúmeras possibilidades de ressignificação da sua prática pedagógica. / This thesis presented a general objective to investigate and train teachers in the city of Petrolina-PE in partnership with the Municipal Department of Education, by means of a proposal that takes into account the local reality for teaching about the theme of food and nutrition in the discipline of science , through an action of thematic workshops, based on the CTS perspective. The research had the purpose of investigating the profile, the previous knowledge and the perception of science teachers of the final years of Elementary School regarding the importance of the theme of food and nutrition, besides investigating how they teach this subject and what pedagogical materials use. The research occurred between 2015 and 2016 and is essentially qualitative. We use action research as methodology, with a view to linking knowledge and action, seeking information about real situations, and as a method we chose to use Content Analysis in order to better analyze the material collected. The teachers investigated, while recognizing the importance of teaching food and nutrition issues, few act in a way to build and develop activities that add to and improve student development The results of the research indicate that the theme of food and nutrition deserves greater prominence among the contents of science education reserved for the fundamental level of basic education. Through the research carried out we can observe how the teachers, after the intervention of the research, built a better understanding and felt better able to minister the thematic about food and nutrition addressed in the course. Based on this view, we emphasize that the incentive given to the professional, when perceiving the discussion of socio-scientific topics, using the methodology of action research and based on the CTS perspective, caused the teachers and teachers to raise the vision about the importance of having these methodologies as allies in the teaching and learning process, which collaborates both in their professional and personal growth, and can serve as a stimulus for numerous possibilities of reframing their pedagogical practice.


Pereira, Aline Braido 11 July 2014 (has links)
Nutritional Health acquires great significance, especially during adolescence is a period of physical, social, economic and psychological transition. This study aimed to assess the nutritional status of adolescents residing in the area covered by a family health strategy and the effects of a program of health education on anthropometric variables and physical activities. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study and intervention with 236 teens 10-19 years of age, referenced in a Family Health Strategy of the City of Santa Maria-RS. After approval of the Ethics Committee UFSM Research identification of adolescents was conducted (through home visits and active search for community health agent), a questionnaire and anthropometric assessment was done. The intervention took place over a period of six months where form held educational activities for healthcare professionals for groups of 18 adolescents. The data will be entered in Microsoft Excel ® version 2007, and the statistical analysis in Stata 10.0. Frequency distribution, mean or median was used depending on the normality of the variables and to check the differences we used the chi-square test, two proportions test, Mann-Whitney or Kruskal Wallis Test "t"-Student Recital the level of significance of 5%. The mean age of the 236 adolescents was 13.1 (± 1.9) years, and for girls 13.3 (± 2.0) years and for boys and 12.8 (± 1.8). The mean weight and BMI varied with age, but no statistically significant difference between boys and girls, with the exception of BMI at age 11 was higher in girls. Regarding the time the boys had higher scores than girls from the age of 13 (p <0.05). 53.8% were normal weight adolescents, 30.9% underweight, overweight 15.3% (11.9% overweight and 3.4% obese). The boys had a higher percentage of underweight (38.5% to 25.0% of girls) and they more overweight (18.9% to 10.5% of boys). Educational intervention activities on a theme of health education for adolescents, in twelve meetings were held for about 2 hours, every 15 days, with group dynamics that enabled each adolescent participation through the telling of their own experiences in relation health and nutrition. Participated in the intervention of 77.8% were girls, and in the post-intervention 50.0% increased height, BMI 77.8%, 61.1% decreased body weight and waist circumference and a significant increase (p = 0.001) of the adolescents who had physical activity (33.3% to 83.3%). The results of this study allow us to conclude that the growth in weight and height of adolescents suffered no negative influence of low socioeconomic status, although there is malnutrition, especially in boys and overweight girls in a special way. The educational intervention on health care with group activity was effective both in relation to anthropometric variables of adolescents, in which there was a decrease in body weight, BMI and waist circumference and increased stature, and in motivation and achievement of activity physical, evidenced by the significant increase in the number of adolescents who practice it. / A alimentação adquire grande significância, de modo especial na adolescência que é um período de transição física, social, econômica e psicológica. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o perfil nutricional dos adolescentes que residem na área de abrangência de uma estratégia de saúde da família e os efeitos de um programa de educação em saúde sobre as variáveis antropométricas e a realização de atividade física. Trata-se de estudo transversal descritivo e de intervenção, com 236 adolescentes de 10 a 19 anos de idade, referenciados em uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família da cidade de Santa Maria-RS. Após aprovação no Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFSM foi realizada identificação dos adolescentes (através de visita domiciliar e busca ativa pelo agente comunitário de saúde), aplicado um questionário com questões qualitativas, quantitativas e realizada avaliação antropométrica. A intervenção ocorreu num período de 6 meses onde forma realizadas atividades educativas por profissionais da área da saúde, para grupos de 18 adolescentes. Os dados foram digitados no programa Microsoft Excel® versão 2007 e a análise estatística no programa Stata 10.0. Foi realizada distribuição de frequência, média ou mediana dependendo da normalidade das variáveis e para verificação das diferenças utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson, Mann-Whitney ou Kruskal Wallis, Teste t de student, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. A média de idade dos 236 adolescentes foi 13,1(±1,9) anos, sendo para as meninas 13,3(±2,0) anos e para os meninos e 12,8(±1,8). Eram eutróficos 53,8% dos adolescentes, magreza 30,9%, excesso de peso 15,3% (sobrepeso 11,9% e obesos 3,4%). Os meninos tiveram maior percentual de magreza (38,5% para 25,0% das meninas) e elas mais excesso de peso (18,9% para 10,5% dos meninos). Foram realizadas atividades de intervenção educativas sobre temática de educação em saúde para adolescentes, em doze encontros, de cerca de 2 horas, a cada 15 dias, com dinâmicas de grupo que possibilitaram a cada adolescente a participação através da narração de suas próprias experiências em relação à saúde e alimentação. Dos participaram da intervenção 77,8% eram meninas. Após a intervenção 50,0% aumentou a estatura, 77,8% o IMC, 61,1% diminuiu o peso corporal e a circunferência da cintura e houve aumento significante (p=0,001) dos adolescentes que realizaram atividade física (de 33,3% para 83,3%). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem concluir que o crescimento em peso e estatura dos adolescentes não sofreu influência negativa das baixas condições socioeconômicas, embora ainda exista desnutrição, principalmente nos meninos e excesso de peso nas meninas. A intervenção educativa sobre cuidado em saúde, com atividade em grupo foi eficaz tanto em relação às variáveis antropométricas dos adolescentes, em que houve diminuição do peso corporal, do IMC e da circunferência da cintura e aumento da estatura, quanto na motivação e realização de atividade física, comprovada pelo aumento significativo no número de adolescentes que a praticam.

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