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Nutritional habits and physical activity among university students in ThailandPersson, Emelie, Flodmark, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Background: An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to public health and causes of many non-communicable diseases. Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate nutritional habits and physical activity among university students in Bangkok, Thailand. Method: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative method using a structured questionnaire where 121 second level students from the public health program answered. Result: This study showed that the majority of the participants more or less followed the national recommendations in Thailand regarding nutrition and physical activity. A lot of the students wanted to increase their daily intake of fruit and vegetables. The students showed less interest in physical activity but still met the recommended levels of activity. The males wanted to increase their daily intake of fruit and exercised in a greater extent than the females and the females weighed themselves more often. Conclusion: The results from this study showed that the Thai public health students followed the national recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity. From what the students have stated in the questionnaire, there is no need for further interventions among this particular population.
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Výživové návyky u dětí základních škol druhého stupně. / Nutritional habits of secondary school children while staying at school.Náprstek, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Problematika výživy u dětí v rámci školní docházky je stále aktuální a upoutává pozornost. Obezita u dětí se stále zvyšuje. Je mnoho publikací na problematiku obezity u dětí a s tím spojený vyšší počet úrazů a vyšší problematika pozornosti (ADHD, ADD a jiné poruchy). V České republice se stále více vyskytují děti s obezitou, nezdravým životním stylem, který doprovází i nedostatek pohybu. Tyto faktory vedou ke zhoršení fyziologických funkcí, zatěžování statického a pohybového aparátu člověka a v neposlední řadě ke špatnému psychickému stavu jedince. V diplomové práci se zaměřím na stravování při školní docházce a možné stravovací návyky, které mohou přispívat k dětské obezitě, častějším zdravotním problémům. Pomocí anketního šetření práce zjistím, jak se stravují žáci základních škol na Slánsku (Základní škola Slaný, Komenského náměstí 618 a Základní škola Smečno, okres Kladno) při pobytu ve škole. Klíčová slova škola, snídaně, výživové návyky, obezita u dětí, prevence, vyvážená strava ABSTRACT The issue of children's nutrition in school attendance is still up to date and attracts attention. Children's obesity is increasing. There are many publications about children's obesity and associated with that higher number of accidents and higher attention issues (ADHD, ADD and other disorders). There are...
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Social variations in nutritional habits and their trends in Lithuanian adult populationKriaucioniene, Vilma January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the socio-demographic variations in nutritional habits and their trends over the last decade in Lithuanian adult population. Methods: Six health behaviour surveys were carried out within the international FINBALT HEALTH MONITOR project between 1994-2004. For every survey the national random sample of 3000 inhabitants aged 20-64 was taken from the National Population Register. The study material was collected through mailed questionnaires covering sociodemographic characteristics and some nutrition habits. Response rates ranged from 61.7% to 74.4%. Education was measured using five educational levels. The respondents were categorized into three groups: persons with incomplete secondary education (primary or incomplete secondary), secondary (secondary or vocational), and university education. The degree of urbanization was based on the administrative classification of the places of residence. The respondents were grouped as living in cities, towns, or villages. The effect of age, level of education, place of residence, and marital status upon nutritional habits was evaluated using multifactor logistic regression analysis that was carried out separately for men and women. Results: Positive trends in nutritional habits were observed between 1994-2004 in Lithuania. The diet of the Lithuanian population tended to become closer to the WHO recommendations for healthy nutrition. The intake of animal fat decreased. Almost a half of population replaced butter on bread by low fat margarine. The proportion of men using vegetable oil for cooking increased from 31.1% in 1994 to 82.6% in 2004, and the proportion of women – from 47.7% to 89.4, respectively. The consumption of fresh vegetables, fruit, and dark bread has increased. Although all social groups of the Lithuanian population have changed their diet, social differences in nutrition habits still remained significant. Women, highly educated persons and urban population have healthier diet than men, people with lower education and rural population. The odds ratio of using vegetable oil among men with university education was higher by 98% and among women – by 67% than that among persons with incomplete secondary education. The respondent with university education were more than twice as likely as low educated people to consume fresh fruits daily. The proportion of persons drinking whole milk was much higher in villages (OR 4.80 (CI 4.0-5.8) for men and 7.33 (CI 6.1-8.8) for women) compared to cities. Conclusions: Existing social differences in nutritional habits should be considered in the programs for the promotion of healthy nutrition and implementation of Lithuanian Food and Nutrition Action Plan development / <p>ISBN 91-7997-157-1</p>
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Dětská obezita a její léčba v lázeňském prostředí / Childhood obesity and treatment of childhood obesity in the spaOpravilová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study was to find out if patiens with obesity were adequately educated in the area of the food composition since they were staying at Bludov Spa for the therapeutic program. In addition, determine whether family food consumption affects the percentile value of children, and whether frequency of breakfast and snack classification in children with optimal weight and children with overweight or obesity is different. Methodology: The practical part of this work is based on a questionnaires survey. The questionnaires were filled by 210 respondent in total. Pupils from primary school answered 104 questionnaires and patiens from the spa filled 106 questionnaires. Pupils from primary school were aged between 14 - 16 years, thein questionnaires were categorized according to percentile values per group below 90th percentile and above 90th percentile, based on age and calculated BMI. The patiens at the spa were aged between 7 - 18 years and all were in the group over the 97th percentile, but then question naires had to be categorized by age, in the 7 - 14 age group (younger and older schoolage), 15-18 years (adolescence), also a group aged 14 - 16 years was created to compareit with a group from the spa. There sults were plotted and compared to each other. Results: The evaluation of the...
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Nutriční návyky dětí mladšího školního věku a možnosti jejich ovlivňování v primární škole / Nutritional Habits of Children Younger School Age and their Ability o Influence in Primary SchoolMarková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to draft a project concept of good nutritional habits for the 1st Primary School. The theoretical part describes the effect of nutrition on child development and the status of health education in the curriculum and the school with a focus on nutritional behavior. The practical part is focused on the description of the research investigation and by which is prepared to draft the project forming good nutritional habits.
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Nutriční návyky pacientů léčících se ze závislosti na alkoholu ve vybraných psychiatrických nemocnicích / The nutritional habits of patients recovering from alcohol addiciton in selected psychiatric hospitalsKopecká, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. lékařská fakulta Studijní program: Specializace ve zdravotnictví Obor: Adiktologie Bc. et Bc. Kristýna Kopecká Nutriční návyky pacientů léčících se ze závislosti na alkoholu ve vybraných psychiatrických nemocnicích The Nutritional habits of Pacients Recovering From Alcohol Addiction in Selected Psychiatric Hospitals Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Lenka Čablová PRAHA 2016 Abstract Introduction: Nutritional habits significantly affect the health and quality of life and they are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Following nutritional recommendations is very important for the general population as well as for people recovering from alcohol dependence. One of the goals of treatment is improving the quality of life and well-balanced diet can actually help. Goals: The main objective of the research is to determine what are the eating habits of people recovering from alcohol dependence during their stay in selected psychiatric hospitals. Another objective is to determine the difference in eating habits of respondents before entering treatment and after entering treatment. The aim is also to describe the relationship between dietary habits and socio-demographic data. It is set as a sub-goal to also map the results of the YFAS questionnaire. Methods and sample: A tool...
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Health behavior of school aged children in Pakistan: a comparative study / Mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų požiūris į sveikatą PakistaneNasir, Usman 14 February 2014 (has links)
Aim. To observe and evaluate the health behaviour in school aged children and to get key insights into the health related behaviours of young people.
Objectives. To analize and evaluate health behaviours among boys and girls in Pakistan. To analize and evaluate health-risk behaviors among boys and girls in Pakistan.To compare health behaviours of adolescents in Pakistan and Lithuania.
Methods. Health Behavior in School aged Children (HBSC) questionnaire was used in this study. Questionnaire survey was carried out in 2 schools of Pakistan. One school was private and one school was public. The were 300 participants and majority of them were 14 and 15 years old. Health behavior was measured with questions concerning adolescent’s nutritional habits (breakfast, fresh fruit and vegetable, sweets, fast food and soft drinks with sugar consumption), health-risk behavior (cigarette use, injuries) and physical activity. Statistical data was analyzed using the statistic package SPSS 15.0 for Windows.
Results. Two thirds (78.5%) of respondents thought they are in good health and just 4% claimed having excellent health. Study results showed, that 41% of school students exercise 2-3 times a week and 7.3% less than once a month. It was estimated that more than half of Pakistan adolescents eat breakfast every day on weekdays, but on weekends less than one third have breakfast at home. One third of respondents stated, that eat fresh vegetable and 20.1% of then eat fresh fruit every day... [to full text] / Santrauka.
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Sjuksköterskans möjligheter att främja äldres ät- och näringsvanor på särskilda boenden - en litteraturöversikt / The nurse’s opportunities to promote the older people’s eating and nutritional habits in special accommodations - a literature reviewSjökvist, Alexander, Spånberg, Magnus January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Befolkningen blir äldre vilket innebär att fler behöver bo på särskiltboende och riskerar att bli undernärda. Ett gott näringstillstånd är nödvändigt förgod livskvalité, förebyggande av sjukdom samt att medicinsk behandling ska fåbästa effekt.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva vilka möjlighetersjuksköterskan har att främja äldres ät- och näringsvanor på särskilda boenden.Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturöversikt bestående av sjuttonvetenskapliga artiklar varav fem artiklar var kvalitativa och tolv artiklar kvantitativa.Artikelsökningen är genomförda i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl.Resultat: Litteraturöversiktens resultat presenteras under fem kategorier: Måltideroch måltidssituationernas sensoriska kvalitéer kan varieras, Arbeta för anpassningav institutionella och kontextuella faktorer, Smak och näringsberikning av kost,Använda sig av anhörigas motivation samt Utbildning är ett stöd praktiskt ochteoretiskt.Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan har möjligheter genom att variera måltider ochmåltidssituationernas sensoriska kvalitéer, smak och näringsberika kost, arbeta föranpassning av institutionella och kontextuella faktorer främja äldres ät- ochnäringsvanor. Sjuksköterskan kan även genom att använda sig av anhöriga ochanhörigas motivation samt utbildning som ett stöd både praktiskt och teoretisktfrämja äldres ät- och näringsvanor på särskilda boenden. / Background: The population is getting older, which means that more people needto live in special accommodation and risk becoming malnourished. A goodnutritional status is necessary for a good quality of life, prevention of disease andfor medical treatment to have the best effect.Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the nurse’s opportunities topromote the older people’s eating and nutritional habits in special accommodations.Method: The study was conducted as a literature review based on seventeenscientific articles of which five was qualitative and twelve quantitative. Articlesearches were performed in the databases Pubmed and Cinahl.Results: The literature review’s result are presented under five categories: Mealsand mealtime situation sensory qualities can be varied, Work to adapt institutionaland contextual factors, Taste and nutritional enrichment of diet, Make use of themotivation of relatives and Education is a support both practical and theoretical.Conclusion: The nurse can, by varying meals and mealtime situations sensoryqualities, taste and nutrient-enriched diet, work to adapt institutional and contextualfactors promote the older peoples eating and eating habits. The nurse can also userelatives, the motivations of relatives and education as a support both practically andtheoretically to promote the older people’s eating and eating habits in specialaccommodations.
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Dietary habits and risk factors of overweight and obesity in school aged children (11, 13 and 15 years old) in Lithuania / Mitybos ypatumai ir antsvorio bei nutukimo rizikos veiksniai tarp 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleiviųAjaere, Tobechukwu Jones 18 June 2014 (has links)
Aim of the study: To get better insights into the profile of body composition, the prevalence of
overweight and obesity in school children aged 11, 13 and 15 years old and to analyze relationship of
overweight and obesity with some behavioral and social health factors in Lithuania.
Objectives: To establish the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school-age children (11, 13 and
15 years old) in Lithuania. To describe the distribution of obesity and overweight by age, gender,
nationality, family affluence, living place and household groups of school age children. To establish the
statistical relationship of obesity and overweight with nutritional habits and physical activity and to
analyze the relation of overweight and obesity with self-rated health and self body image.
Methods: In this master’s research work the selected primary source of existing research raw data from
the HBSC questionnaire survey 2009/10 was used. The author of the master’s thesis has provided his
own contribution by selecting the research topic, formulating the research questions, identifying the
questionnaire items relevant to the topic and also conducting statistical analysis, interpretation of data.
The analysis of the data (3338 questionnaires of 11, 13 and 15 year old school children were analyzed)
was calculated in percentages, averages. IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 and MS Excel 2007 were applied for
calculations and visual presentation of the results. The significance level when p<0.05 was... [to full text] / Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleivių kūno sudėjimą, antsvorio ir nutukimo paplitimą bei išanalizuoti jų sąsajas su kai kuriais elgsenos ir socialiniai sveikatos veiksniais.
Uždaviniai: Nustatyti antsvorio ir nutukimo paplitimą tarp mokyklinio amžiaus (11, 13 ir 15 metų) vaikų Lietuvoje. Aprašyti mokinių antsvorio ir nutukimo pasiskirstymą pagal amžių, lytį, tautybę, šeimos pragyvenimo lygį, gyvenamąją vietą, šeimyninę sudėtį. Nustatyti antsvorio ir nutukimo statistines sąsajas su mitybos ypatumais ir fiziniu aktyvumu bei išanalizuoti sąryšį su savo sveikatos vertinimu bei savo kūno įvaizdžio suvokimu.
Metodai: Duomenys šiam magistriniam tiriamajam darbui buvo paimti iš 2009/10 metų HBSC anketinio tyrimo. Magistro tezių autorius pats pasirinko tyrimo temą, suformulavo tyrimo klausimus, atrinko su tema susijusius anketos klausimus, atliko statistinę duomenų analizę ir interpretaciją. Išanalizuotos 3338 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus moksleivių anketos, rezultatai pateikti procentais, vidurkiai. Statistiniams skaičiavimams naudotas IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 paketas, grafinis rezultatų pateikimas atliktas MS Excel 2007 pagalba. Reikšmingumo lygmuo, kai p<0,05, buvo laikomas kaip statistiškai reikšmingas.
Rezultatai: 10,8% 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleivių turėjo antsvorį, 1,6% iš jų nustatytas nutukimas. Be to, procentai mažėja didėjant amžiui. Statistiškai reikšmingai (p<0,05) antsvorio ir nutukimo paplitimas buvo didesnis tarp berniukų (16... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Nutritional Habits of Student Musicians and Their Effects: Consumption of Fats, Fruits, and Vegetables as It Relates to BMI, Mental Health, and Other FactorsGamble, Ryan De Boer 05 1900 (has links)
This study conducted the first nationwide epidemiological survey to investigate the effects of dietary fat, fruit, and vegetable intake on the health of student musicians in the United States. Despite the recognized importance of nutrition in other performance fields, such as athletics, the relationship between diet and health in musicians has not been rigorously explored until now. The survey assessed dietary intake, body mass index (BMI), mood states via the DASS-21, engagement with healthcare, nutritional knowledge, and mental health history among 641 music majors. Key findings include higher fat intake and BMI predicted higher DASS-21 total scores as well as each separate sub-score for depression, anxiety, and stress; a significantly lower mean BMI in the study group compared to the general U.S. college student population; and mixed results regarding healthcare engagement and its relation to diet and BMI, suggesting the need for a more suitable model for analysis. Notably, sources of nutritional knowledge and barriers to healthy eating significantly influenced diet quality, indicating potential misinformation about fat consumption and the positive impact of accessible healthy foods on diet quality. Additionally, mental health diagnoses were associated with lower fat and fruit/vegetable scores but not BMI. These results underscore the potential negative impact of dietary habits on mental health among music majors and highlight a widespread misunderstanding of what constitutes a healthy diet. Future research should refine dietary assessments and incorporate biometric data, while music education institutions are urged to include nutrition education in their curricula, emphasizing the role of diet in overall musician wellness.
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