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Parametry procesu spalování při využití vzduchu s obsahem kyslíku vyšším než 21 % / Characteristic parameters of oxygen-enhanced combustion processDřímal, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the experimental investigation of the oxygen enhanced combustion technology (OEC), which uses the combustion air with higher concentration of oxygen, i.e. more than 21 %. The OEC technology is used in those industrial applications, which requires higher thermal efficiency, increased productivity, improved character of the flame, reduced equipment cost, lower volume of exhaust gases and improved product quality. Although this technology involves a number of advantages, it is appropriate to mention some of its disadvantages such as refractory damage, inconsistent heating, increased pollutant emission or flame disturbance and/or flashback. The combustion tests of OEC were carried out at the burners testing facility that enables to test many types of burners (gaseous, liquid, or combined). The two-staged low-NOx burner fired by natural gas was used during the tests. The observed parameters include the effect of oxygen concentration in the combustion air on the NOx emissions, heat flux into the wall of the combustion chamber, in-flame temperature distribution in the horizontal symmetry plane of the combustion chamber and also the shape and dimensions of the flame. The combustion tests of the air-enrichment, air-oxy/fuel and O 2 lancing OEC methods were carried out at the burner thermal input of 750 kW and air excess of 1,1 for two combustion regimes, namely one-staged and two-staged fuel supply.
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O2 Carrier Facilitated O2 Transport in a Hepatic Hollow Fiber BioreactorChen, Guo 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Production of Solar Fuels Employing Different Materials Via Photocatalytic or Photothermal PathwaysSzalad, Horatiu 19 June 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El consumo actual de combustibles fósiles supone la emisión de millones de megatones de CO2 cada año, lo que ha tenido consecuencias potencialmente catastróficas como el efecto invernadero, la acidificación de los océanos y la eutrofización de las aguas, entre otras. Por lo tanto, la utilización de CO2 para la producción de combustibles y productos químicos de valor ha atraído mucho interés a lo largo de los años, especialmente empleando luz solar. A lo largo de los años, se han probado una gran variedad de materiales para tecnologías fotocatalíticas, principalmente TiO2, CdS, LDH, MOF y nitruros de carbono, entre otros. A pesar de esto, todos estos materiales adolecen de importantes inconvenientes, como una insuficiente captación de luz, estabilidad o baja producción. Y, por lo tanto, su aplicación en posibles tecnologías industriales fotocatalíticas es muy limitada a nivel industrial. Además de los procesos fotocatalíticos, que se componen principalmente de portadores de carga fotogenerados que facilitan las reacciones redox, los procesos fototérmicos representan una alternativa atractiva para las futuras tecnologías solares. La amplia utilización del espectro solar, el rápido calentamiento por irradiación de luz a través de "nanocalentadores" y "electrones calientes" que interactúan con sustratos son algunas de las características que conducen a los altos rendimientos catalíticos que generalmente se observan en las reacciones fototérmicas.
En la presente tesis doctoral, se han empleado diferentes materiales, como clústeres de Fe incrustados en grafeno dopado con nitrógeno, hidroxiapatita dopada con Co y nanopartículas de Ru soportadas sobre titanato de estroncio, como catalizadores fototérmicos para la hidrogenación selectiva de CO2 a CO o metano, tanto en flujo discontinuo como continuo. Admás, se han investigado muchos factores que influyen en esta reacción, como la naturaleza de los grupos/nanopartículas metálicas incrustadas, las cantidades de dopantes y la influencia de la irradiación incidente, entre otros.
Además de la catálisis fototérmica, la actual tesis doctoral también aborda procesos fotocatalíticos como la ruptura del agua o la reducción del O2 a H2O2, empleando nuevos compuestos de nitruro de carbono. Ya sea sensibilizando el fotocatalizador para la absorción de luz visible o mejorando las propiedades electrónicas mediante la formación de heterouniones, se lograron resultados fotocatalíticos notables. / [CA] El consum actual de combustibles fòssils suposa l'emissió de milions de megatons de CO2 cada any, cosa que ha tingut conseqüències potencialment catastròfiques com l'efecte hivernacle, l'acidificació dels oceans i l'eutrofització de les aigües, entre d'altres. Per tant, la utilització de CO2 per a la producció de combustibles i productes químics de valor ha atret molt interès al llarg dels anys, especialment emprant llum solar. Al llarg dels anys, s'han provat una gran varietat de materials per a tecnologies fotocatalítiques, principalment TiO2, CdS, LDH, MOF i nitrurs de carboni, entre d'altres. Tot i això, tots aquests materials pateixen importants inconvenients, com una insuficient captació de llum, estabilitat o baixa producció. I, per tant, la seva aplicació a possibles tecnologies industrials fotocatalítiques és molt limitada a nivell industrial. A més dels processos fotocatalítics, que es componen principalment de portadors de càrrega fotogenerats que faciliten les reaccions redox, els processos fototèrmics representen una alternativa atractiva per a les futures tecnologies solars. L'àmplia utilització de l'espectre solar, l'escalfament ràpid per irradiació de llum a través de "nanoescalfadors" i "electrons calents" que interactuen amb substrats són algunes de les característiques que condueixen als alts rendiments catalítics que generalment s'observen en les reaccions fototèrmiques.
En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han emprat diferents materials, com clústers de Fe incrustats en grafè dopat amb nitrogen, hidroxiapatita dopada amb Co i nanopartícules de Ru suportades sobre titanat d'estronci, com a catalitzadors fototèrmics per a la hidrogenació selectiva de CO2 a CO o metà, tant en flux discontinu com continu. A més, s'han investigat molts factors que influeixen en aquesta reacció, com ara la naturalesa dels grups/nanopartícules metàl·liques incrustades, les quantitats de dopants i la influència de la irradiació incident, entre d'altres.
A més de la catàlisi fototèrmica, l'actual tesi doctoral també aborda processos fotocatalítics com ara la ruptura de l'aigua o la reducció de l'O2 a H2O2, emprant nous compostos de nitrur de carboni. Ja sigui sensibilitzant el fotocatalitzador per a l'absorció de llum visible o millorant les propietats electròniques mitjançant la formació d'heterounions, es van assolir resultats fotocatalítics notables. / [EN] Fossil fuel consumption accounts for millions of megatons of CO2 emitted every year, which has led to potentially catastrophic consequences such as the greenhouse effect, ocean acidification and water eutrophication, besides others. Thus, the utilization of CO2 for fuels and value chemicals has attracted much interest over the years, especially employing solar light. Over the years, a variety of promising materials have undergone trial for potential photocatalytic technologies, mainly TiO2, CdS, LDHs, MOFs and carbon nitrides among others, yet all these materials suffer from important drawbacks such as insufficient light harvesting, stability, or low production outputs, hence limiting their application in potential photocatalytic industrial technologies. Besides photocatalytic processes, mainly comprising of photogenerated charge carriers that facilitate redox reactions, photothermal processes represent an attractive alternative for future solar technologies. Broad utilization of the solar spectrum, strong heating upon light irradiation through "nano-heaters" and possibly "hot electrons" interacting with either semiconductors or substrate molecules are some characteristics that lead to the high catalytic outputs generally observed in photothermal reactions.
In the current doctoral thesis, different materials such as Fe clusters imbedded on nitrogen doped graphene, Co doped hydroxyapatite and Ru nanoparticles supported on strontium titanate have been employed as photothermal catalysts for the photothermal hydrogenation of CO2 to either CO or methane, under both batch and flow conditions. Thus, many factors influencing this reaction have been investigated, such as the nature of embedded metallic clusters/nanoparticles, dopant amounts and the power of incident irradiation among others.
Besides photothermal catalysis, the current doctoral thesis also addresses photocatalytic processes such as water splitting or O2 reduction to H2O2, employing novel carbon nitride composites. By either sensitizing the photocatalyst for visible light absorption or enhancing the electronic properties through heterojunction formation, remarkable photocatalytic outputs were achieved. / Szalad, H. (2024). Production of Solar Fuels Employing Different Materials Via Photocatalytic or Photothermal Pathways [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206848 / Compendio
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Monitoring géochimique de la géosphère et l'atmosphère : application au stockage géologique du CO2 / Geochemical monitoring of Geosphere and Atmosphere : Application to geological storage of CO2Taquet, Noémie 21 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse touche à la problématique des échanges de gaz aux interfaces entre la géosphère, la biosphère, l'hydrosphère et l'atmosphère par l'intermédiaire du monitoring géochimique des gaz appliqué aux sites de stockage géologiques du CO2. Au niveau de l'axe « Métrologie », nous avons développé une plate-forme de monitoring géochimique continu, in situ et déportée par spectrométrie FTIR/Raman pour la mesure des gaz du sol (CO2, CH4, N2, O2, H2O). Des protocoles de quantification ont été développés pour la mesure par télédétection infrarouge terrestre en mode passif du CO2, CH4, SO2, H2S dans l'atmosphère. Au niveau des axes « Monitoring » et « Modélisation », les mesures de gaz du sol à proximité du puits d'injection de Rousse (Pilote CO2 Total, Lacq/Rousse, France) sur plus de sept cycles saisonniers ont montré une anti-corrélation entre la teneur en CO2 et les variations du niveau piézométrique de la nappe. Cette relation a permis de modéliser l'enveloppe de variabilité « naturelle » de la teneur en CO2 dans le sol, qui constitue un élément clé pour la surveillance des sites de stockage. Les variations majeures de teneur en CO2 sont attribuées à des processus de dissolution/libération de CO2 par la nappe, jouant un rôle de pompe à CO2. La concentration en CO2 en surface (+1m) serait gouvernée par les variations de teneur en CO2 du sol. Les mesures par télédétection FTIR des gaz dans l'atmosphère ont permis d'établir pour la première fois une simulation expérimentale 3D des enveloppes de CO2 à l'aplomb du site d'injection. Ces résultats constituent un premier pas vers la mise en place d'un outil de surveillance des panaches gazeux dans l'atmosphère / This study is based on the problematic of gas exchanges at the interface between the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere through the geochemical monitoring of gas applied to CO2 geological storage sites. Concerning the "Metrological" aspect, we developed and implemented an in situ continuous geochemical monitoring station, based on coupling FTIR/ Raman spectrometry for measuring soil gas (O2, N2, CO2, CH4 and H2O) close to the injection wells of Rousse 1 (CCS Total pilot, Lacq-Rousse, France). We also developed protocols to identify and quantify CO2, CH4, SO2, H2S in the atmosphere (plume) by passive remote sensing FTIR. On the "Monitoring" and "Modelling" aspects, the continuous recording of soil CO2 concentration during more than 7 seasonal cycles indicate that CO2 concentration in the soil was anti-correlated with changes in piezometric level of the groundwater. This correlation was used to model the limits of natural variability of CO2 content in the soil, which is a key to CCS sites monitoring. The main fluctuations in soil CO2 content was assigned to a dissolution/release process of CO2 by the perched water table, acting as a CO2 pump. The CO2 concentration at the near surface (+ 1 m) would be governed by changes of the soil CO2 content. FITR remote sensing measurement of atmospheric gases allowed for the first time to perform an experimental 3D simulation of CO2 layers on the injection site. This type of experimental simulation is a first step for the monitoring of gases in the atmosphere
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Antioksidantni, antibakterijski i antimutageni potencijal vrste Myrtus communis L. iz Crne Gore / Antioxidant, antimicrobial andantimutagenic potencial of the Myrtuscomunis L.Bugarin Dušan 08 June 2010 (has links)
<p>Ispitivanja hemijskog sastava etarskih ulja i<br />ekstrakata izvedena su na vrsti Myrtus communis<br />L. sa pet lokaliteta iz Crne Gore. Pored toga,<br />ispitana je njihova antioksidantna aktivnost u<br />razlicitim in vitro sistemima kako bi se utvrdio<br />uticaj pomenutih ekstrakata i etarskih ulja na<br />neutralizaciju DPPH, NO, OH i 2- radikala, kao<br />i njihov uticaj na lipidnu peroksidaciju u<br />lipozomima i inhibiciju enzima ksantin-oksidaze.<br />Takode, ispitana je i antibakterijska aktivnost<br />etarskih ulja i ekstrakata ove vrste na 9<br />bakterijskih sojeva, kao i njihov antimutageni<br />potencijal na bakterijskom soju Escherichia coli<br />IC 202.</p> / <p> In this tessis the chemical analysis of the<br /> essential oils and methanolic extracts<br /> from five plant samples of Myrtus<br /> communis L., collected from different<br /> localities in Montenegro, have been<br /> investigate. Beside that, their antioxidant<br /> activity in differwnt in vitro systems has<br /> been study to establish their scavenging<br /> potential towards DPPH, NO, OH, and<br /> O2- free radicals, as wel as their effects<br /> on lipid peroxidation in liposoma and<br /> inhibition enzyme XOD. Also, the<br /> antibacterial activity of the essential oils<br /> and methanolic extract has been study on<br /> 9 bacterial strains, as wel as their<br /> antimutagenic effects on bacterial strain<br /> E. Colli IC202.</p>
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Antioksidantna svojstva lekovitog bilja u hrani / Antioxidant Properties of Medicinal Plants in FoodMišan Aleksandra 11 December 2009 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu je izvršeno kvantitativno određivanje i identifikacija biljnih fenola i <br />flavonoida etanolih ekstrakata ploda peršuna (<em>Petroselini fructus</em>), kore krušine (<em>Frangulae cortex</em>), lista pitome nane (<em>Mentha piperitae folium</em>), ploda kima (<em>Carvi fructus</em>) i lista breze (<em>Betulae folium</em>), kao i komercijalnog preparata Vitalplant<sup>® </sup>((<em>Frangulae cortex</em>(35 %), <em>Mentha piperitae folium</em>(20%), <em>Carvi fructus</em>(20 %), <em>Petroselini fructus </em>(25 %)). U nastavku istraživanja ispitivana je antioksidantna aktivnosti etanolih ekstrakata primenom direktnih, ESR “spin trap“ spektroskopskih metoda određivanja “skevindžer“ aktivnosti na superoksid anjon i hidroksil radikale i indirektnih, spektrofotometrijskih testova za određivanje skevindžer“ aktivnosti na DPPH˙ radikale, redoks potencijala i helatacione aktivnosti, kao i antioksidantne aktivnosti u sistemu β-karoten-linolna kiselina. Osim navedenog, deo istraživanja je posvećen ispitivanju termičke stabilnosti ekstrakata navedenih biljaka i komercijalnog preparata Vitalplant<sup>® </sup>radi sticanja uvida u mogućnost njihove primene u pekarskim proizvodima. U poslednjoj fazi rada, izvršeno je određivanje sposobnosti pulvisa i etanolnog ekstrakta komercijalnog preparata Vitalplant<sup>®</sup> da inhibiraju oksidaciju lipida u keksu, primenom spektrofotometrijskih testova “skevindžer“ aktivnosti na DPPH˙ radikale i MDA testa. Ispitane biljne sirovine, kao i komercijalni preparat Vitalplant<sup>® </sup>su bogat izvor jedinjenja iz klase biljnih fenola. Sve ispitane biljne droge poseduju antioksidantnu aktivnost, koja se značajno ne menja usled termičkog tretmana. Dodatak biljne mešavine Vitalplant<sup>® </sup>, upravo proporcionalno njenom sadržaju, dovodi do povećanja antioksidantne aktivnosti keksa i smanjenja stepena lipidne peroksidacije. </p> / <p>In this paper, quantitative determination and identification of plant phenolics and flavonoids of ethanolic extracts obtained from parsley fruit (<em>Petroselini fructus</em>), buckthorn bark (<em>Frangulae cortex</em>), mint leaves (<em>Mentha piperitae folium</em>), caraway fruit (<em>Carvi fructus</em>), birch leaves (<em>Betulae folium</em>), as well as from commercial preparation Vitalplant® ((<em>Frangulae cortex</em>(35 %), <em>Mentha piperitae folium</em> (20%), <em>Carvi fructus</em>(20 %), <em>Petroselini fructus </em>(25 %)) was performed. In addition, antioxidant activity of ethanolic extracts was tested, by applying direct, ESR “spin trap“ spectroscopic methods for the determination of scavenging activity on superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals, and indirect, spectrophotometric methods for the determination of DPPH˙ radical scavenging activity, reducing power, chelating activity and antioxidant activity in β-carotene-linoleic acid model system. Moreover, thermal stability of the ethanolic extracts was tested in order to get insight into possible application of the extracts in bakery products. Finally, the ability of the commercial preparation Vitalplant®, in the form of powder and extract, to inhibit oxidative changes of cookies was tested by applying spectrophotometric DPPH radical scavenging and MDA tests.</p><p>According to obtained results, investigated plant samples, including commercial preparation Vitalplant®, are rich source of plant phenolics. Investigated plant drugs possess antioxidant activity, which is not significantly changed after the thermal treatment. Cookie supplementation with commercial preparation Vitalplant® results in better oxidative stability of lipids and enhanced antioxidant activity of the cookies.</p>
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Application de la technique d'échange isotopique à l'étude de systèmes catalytiques innovants : activation et mobilité d'O2 sur YSZ au sein d’un double-lit et réactivité de l’azote dans les matériaux nitrures pour la catalyse hétérogène / Application of isotopic exchange technique to innovative catalytic systems study : O2 activation and mobility on YSZ in dual catalytic bed and reactivity of lattice nitrogen in nitrides materials for heterogeneous catalysisRichard, Mélissandre 01 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude de systèmes catalytiques innovants par la technique d’échange isotopique (EI) permettant d’apprécier des propriétés fondamentales (activation des molécules en surface, mobilité et réactivité des atomes de réseau) pour comprendre les mécanismes de réaction mis en jeu en catalyse hétérogène et développer des systèmes plus performants. Aussi, l’identification d’espèces adsorbées intermédiaires est possible en couplant la spectrométrie de masse (analyse de la phase gaz) à l’observation de la surface catalytique par spectroscopie DRIFT.L’EI 16O/18O montre des effets de dispersion ou de synergie de LaMnO3 (LM) supportée sur YSZ ou TiO2 expliquant les performances de cette structure pérovskite pour l’oxydation catalytique de C7H8 via un mécanisme suprafacial. L’activité en EI C16O2/C18O2 démontre la mobilité exceptionnelle des atomes O de réseau de YSZ dès 150 °C via la formation d’espèces (hydrogéno)carbonates en surface. En catalyse d’oxydation, à T < 800 °C, cette mobilité est pourtant limitée par l’activation d’O2 à la surface de YSZ. La solution proposée ici est la génération préalable d’une espèce oxygène réactive sur un lit de matériau réductible type LM. Le double-lit LM-YSZ montre d’excellentes performances pour abaisser la température d’oxydation de CH4 à 425 °C via un mécanisme Mars van Krevelen (MvK) où les atomes O de YSZ participent à la réaction par l’intermédiaire d’espèces formiates.L’EI 14N/15N est également utilisé dans ce travail pour analyser la réactivité des atomes N de réseau dans les nitrures métalliques. En particulier, Co3Mo3N et Ni2Mo3N montrent des propriétés remarquables, dépendant de la méthode de préparation ou du prétraitement appliqué. Leur comportement suggère la participation des atomes N dans la réaction de synthèse de NH3 sur le principe d’un mécanisme MvK. / This work concerns the study of new catalytic systems by isotopic exchange (IE) technique allowing to appreciate basic properties (molecules surface activation, mobility and reactivity of lattice atoms) to better understand catalytic mechanisms and to develop efficient catalysts. The identification of intermediate adsorbed species is possible by coupling mass spectrometry (gas-phase analysis) with the catalytic surface analysis by DRIFT spectroscopy.IE 16O/18O shows dispersal and synergetic effect of supported LaMnO3 perovskite (LM) on YSZ or TiO2 which explain catalytic performances of this perovskite structure for toluene oxidation via a suprafacial mechanism. IE C16O2/C18O2 activity demonstrates the remarkable lattice O atoms mobility of YSZ from 150 °C via adsorbed (hydrogeno)carbonates. To the contrary, in oxidation catalysis, under 800 °C, this mobility is very limited by O2 activation on YSZ surface. The solution proposed in this work is the previous generation of reactive oxygen species on a first catalytic bed of reducible material as LM. LM+YSZ dual-bed shows very efficient activity to reduce methane oxidation temperature at 425 °C via a Mars-van Krevelen (MvK) mechanism in which lattice O atoms of YSZ take part in the reaction by intermediate formate species.IE 14N/15N is thereafter used to analyse lattice N atoms reactivity of metal nitrides materials. In particular, Co3Mo3N and Ni2Mo3N show interesting properties depending on preparation or pre-treatement routes. This behaviour supposes that ammonia synthesis reaction could be procced via MvK type mechanism with the participation of lattice N of this nitrides.
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Η επίδραση του πάχους και της μεθόδου εναπόθεσης του καταλυτικού υμενίου στο φαινόμενο της ηλεκτροχημικής ενίσχυσης και νέοι ηλεκτροχημικά ενισχυόμενοι αντιδραστήρες για τη μελέτη αντιδράσεων περιβαλλοντικού ενδιαφέροντοςΚουτσοδόντης, Κωνσταντίνος 05 September 2008 (has links)
Η Ηλεκτροχημική Ενίσχυση της Κατάλυσης (ή φαινόμενο NEMCA) είναι ένα φαινόμενο όπου εφαρμογή μικρών ρευμάτων ή δυναμικών (±2 V) μπορεί να τροποποιήσει την ενεργότητα καταλυτών υποστηριγμένων σε ιοντικούς ή μικτούς ιοντικούς-ηλεκτρονικούς αγωγούς, να επηρεάσει την εκλεκτικότητα σε επιθυμητή κατεύθυνση και να μεταβάλλει τις ηλεκτρονικές και συνεπώς τις καταλυτικές ιδιότητες με τρόπο ελεγχόμενο, αντιστρεπτό και σε κάποιο βαθμό προβλέψιμο. Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετήθηκε η επίδραση του πάχους του καταλυτικού υμενίου στο μέγεθος της ηλεκτροχημικής ενίσχυσης, χρησιμοποιώντας την αντίδραση της οξείδωσης του C2H4 σε πορώδη υμένια Pt πάχους μεταξύ 0.2 και 1.4 μm, εναποτεθειμένα με τη μέθοδο επάλειψης οργανομεταλλικής πάστας, σε στερεό ηλεκτρολύτη YSZ, έναν αγωγό ιόντων Ο2-. Βρέθηκε πως η αύξηση του πάχους των υμενίων που χρησιμοποιούνται στις μελέτες ηλεκτροχημικής ενίσχυσης, προκαλεί μείωση στο λόγο προσαύξησης του ρυθμού, ρ, συμπεριφορά που βρίσκεται σε καλή συμφωνία με τις αναλυτικές προβλέψεις του μαθηματικού μοντέλου που περιγράφει την επιφανειακή διάχυση-αντίδραση των προωθητικών ειδών.
Με βάση τις επιτυχείς μελέτες ηλεκτροχημικής ενίσχυσης που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί σε λεπτά (40 nm), εναποτεθειμένα με τη μέθοδο της ιοντοβολής (sputtering) καταλυτικά υμένια, έγινε επέκταση της μελέτης της επίδρασης του πάχους σε τόσο λεπτά υμένια. Συγκεκριμένα, εξετάσθηκε η καταλυτική και η ηλεκτροχημικά ενισχυμένη συμπεριφορά πολύ λεπτών (30-90 nm) καταλυτικών υμενίων εναποτεθειμένων με τη μέθοδο του sputtering, τη μέθοδο Pulsed Laser Deposition και την τεχνική εναπόθεσης με ατμό (vapor deposition). Τιμές του λόγου προσαύξησης του ρυθμού, ρ, έως και 440 και τιμές φαρανταϊκής απόδοσης, Λ, έως και 1000 παρατηρήθηκαν για τα υμένια που εναποτέθηκαν με τη μέθοδο του sputtering. Η διασπορά μετάλλου στα υμένια αυτά είναι έως και 20%, συγκρίσιμη δηλαδή με αυτή των εμπορικών υποστηριγμένων καταλυτών.
Τέλος, παρουσιάζεται η λειτουργία ενός πρόσφατα ανεπτυγμένου μονολιθικού ηλεκτροχημικά ενισχυόμενου αντιδραστήρα (MEPR), χρησιμοποιώντας την περιβαλλοντικού ενδιαφέροντος αντίδραση της αναγωγής του ΝΟ από αιθυλένιο παρουσία Ο2. Χρησιμοποιώντας καταλυτικά στοιχεία τύπου Pt-Rh(1:1)/YSZ/Au, παρουσία 10% Ο2 και σε ογκομετρικές παροχές έως και 1000 cc/min, ο αντιδραστήρας λειτούργησε επιδεικνύοντας τιμές φαρανταϊκής απόδοσης που ξεπερνούν τη μονάδα και επιτυγχάνοντας 50% και 44% προσαύξηση στους ρυθμούς μετατροπής του καυσίμου και του ΝΟ αντίστοιχα. Αυτή η μελέτη είναι η πρώτη που επιδεικνύει ηλεκτροχημική ενίσχυση της αντίδρασης αναγωγής του NO σε τόσο υψηλές τιμές μερικής πίεσης οξυγόνου (10% O2), που είναι αντιπροσωπευτικές για εξατμίσεις μηχανών πτωχού καυσίμου και μηχανών Diesel. Ο MEPR αποδεσμεύει το φαινόμενο NEMCA από την έως σήμερα χρήση του στην καθαρά εργαστηριακή κλίμακα και δείχνει πολλά υποσχόμενος για την πρακτική εφαρμογή του φαινομένου. / The effect of Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis (EPOC or NEMCA effect) is a phenomenon where application of small currents or potentials (±2 V) alters the activity and selectivity of catalysts supported on ionic or mixed ionic-electronic conductors and modifies the electronic and thus catalytic properties in a controllable, reversible and to some extent predictable manner.
The effect of catalyst film thickness on the magnitude of electrochemical promotion (ρ and Λ values) has not been studied experimentally so far but a mathematical model has been developed, accounting for surface diffusion and reaction of the promoting species, which predicts a strong variation of ρ and Λ with catalyst film thickness L. In the present thesis is examined for the first time experimentally the effect of catalyst film thickness on the magnitude of the EPOC, using porous Pt catalyst-electrodes prepared from Engelhard Pt paste with thicknesses in the range 0.2 to 1.4 μm. It was found that increasing the thickness of porous catalyst films used in electrochemical promotion studies causes a decrease in the rate enhancement ratio, ρ, due to the gradual axial decrease from the three-phase-boundaries to the top of the film of the surface concentration of the promoting backspillover O2- species which diffuse and react on the porous catalyst surface. Increasing film thickness causes a moderate increase in the Faradaic efficiency, Λ, which can be predicted by the parameter 2Fro/I0. The ρ and Λ behaviour is in good agreement with the analytical model prediction and provides additional support for the O2- promoter reaction-diffusion model and for the sacrificial promoter mechanism of electrochemical promotion.
Most electrochemical promotion studies have been carried out so far with thick (0.1 μm to 5 μm) porous metal catalyst films with a roughness factor of the order of 500 and small (typically less than 0.1%) metal dispersion, deposited on solid electrolytes using a variety of deposition techniques. Very recently, electropromotion studies have been extended to thin (40 nm) sputter coated porous metal catalysts with metal dispersion of the order of 10 to 30%. The effect of thickness with such thin (30 to 90 nm) sputtered Pt catalyst-electrodes on the magnitude of electrochemical promotion is discussed, as well as the effect of the catalyst deposition method (Sputtering, Pulsed Laser Deposition and Vapor Deposition) using the model reaction of ethylene oxidation. Rate enhancement ratio, ρ, values up to 440 and Λ values up to 1000 where obtained for the sputtered films, in agreement with the sacrificial promoter and diffusion-reaction models of EPOC which predict increase in ρ value with thinner films.
An environmental interest reaction, the reduction of NO by ethylene in the presence of excess oxygen, was investigated in a recently developed MEPR. In this novel dismantlable monolithic-type electrochemically promoted catalytic reactor, thin (~40 nm) porous catalyst films are sputter-deposited on thin (0.25 mm) parallel solid electrolyte plates supported in the grooves of a ceramic monolithic holder and serve as electropromoted catalyst elements. Using Pt-Rh(1:1)/YSZ/Au-type catalyst elements, the 8-plate reactor operated with apparent Faradaic efficiency exceeding unity achieving significant and reversible enhancement in the rates of C2H4 and NO consumption in presence of up to 10% O2 in the feed at gas flow rates up to 1000 cc/min. The Pt-Rh co-sputtered films exhibited very good performance in terms of stability and selectivity for N2 formation, i.e. practically 100% under all reaction conditions. The reactor, which is a hybrid between a monolithic catalytic reactor and a flat-plate solid oxide fuel cell, permits easy practical utilization of the electrochemical promotion of catalysis.
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Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement thermodynamique du combustible RNR-Na sous irradiation / Characterization and modelling of the thermodynamic behavior of SFR fuel under irradiationPham thi, Tam ngoc 15 October 2014 (has links)
Au-dessus d'un taux de combustion seuil ≥ 7 at %, les produits de fission volatils Cs, I, et Te ou métalliques (Mo) sont partiellement relâchés hors du combustible et finissent par constituer une couche de composés de PF qui remplit progressivement le jeu existant entre la périphérie de la pastille et la surface interne de la gaine en acier inoxydable. Nous appelons cette couche JOG pour Joint Oxyde-Gaine. Mon sujet de thèse est axé sur l'étude thermodynamique du système (Cs, I, Te, Mo, O) + (U, Pu) ainsi que sur l'étude de la diffusion de ces produits de fission à travers le combustible vers le jeu combustible-gaine pour former le JOG.L'étude thermodynamique constitue la première étape de mon travail. Sur la base d'une analyse critique des données expérimentales issues de la littérature, les systèmes Cs-Te, Cs-I, Cs-Mo-O ont été modélisés par la méthode CALPHAD. En parallèle, une étude expérimentale a été entreprise pour valider la modélisation CALPHAD du système binaire Cs-Te. Dans une deuxième étape, les données thermodynamiques résultant de la modélisation CALPHAD ont été introduites dans la base de données du code de calcul thermodynamique ANGE (code interne au CEA dérivé du logiciel SOLGASMIX) dont la finalité est le calcul de la composition chimique du combustible irradié. Dans une troisième étape, le code de calcul thermodynamique ANGE (Advanced Numeric Gibbs Energy minimiser) a été couplé avec le code de simulation du comportement thermomécanique du combustible des RNR-Na GERMINAL V2. / For a burn-up higher than 7 at%, the volatile FP like Cs, I and Te or metallic (Mo) are partially released from the fuel pellet in order to form a layer of compounds between the outer surface of the fuel and the inner surface of the stainless cladding. This layer is called the JOG, french acronym for Joint-Oxyde-Gaine.My subject is focused on two topics: the thermodynamic study of the (Cs-I-Te-Mo-O) system and the migration of those FP towards the gap to form the JOG.The thermodynamic study was the first step of my work. On the basis of critical literature survey, the following systems have been optimized by the CALPHAD method: Cs-Te, Cs-I and Cs-Mo-O. In parallel, an experimental study is undertaken in order to validate our CALPHAD modelling of the Cs-Te system. In a second step, the thermodynamic data coming from the CALPHAD modelling have been introduced into the database that we use with the thermochemical computation code ANGE (CEA code derived from the SOLGASMIX software) in order to calculate the chemical composition of the irradiated fuel versus burn-up and temperature. In a third and last step, the thermochemical computation code ANGE (Advanced Numeric Gibbs Energy minimizer) has been coupled with the fuel performance code GERMINAL V2, which simulates the thermo-mechanical behavior of SFR fuel.
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In situ studies of uranium-plutonium mixed oxides : Influence of composition on phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties / Etudes in situ des oxydes mixtes d'uranium et de plutonium : Influence de la composition sur les équilibres de phase et les propriétés thermodynamiquesStrach, Michal 29 September 2015 (has links)
En raison de leurs propriétés chimiques et physiques, les oxydes mixtes d'uranium et de plutonium sont considérés comme combustibles pour les réacteurs nucléaires de quatrième génération. Dans ce cadre, des études expérimentales complémentaires sont nécessaire, notamment pour mieux comprendre les phénomènes mis en jeu lors de la fabrication ou sous irradiation. L'objet de ce travail est d'étudier le diagramme de phase U-Pu-O dans une large gamme de composition et de températures afin d'améliorer notre connaissance de ce système. La plupart des expériences ont été réalisées par diffraction des rayons X en fonction de la température. La contrôle in situ de la pression partielle en oxygène a permis de faire varier la stœchiométrie en oxygène dans le matériau. L'approche expérimentale a été couplée avec la modélisation thermodynamique par la méthode CALPHAD afin de mieux dimensionner les expériences et interpréter les résultats. Cette méthodologie a permis d'améliorer notre connaissance des équilibres de phase dans le système U-Pu-O. / Due to their physical and chemical properties, mixed uranium-plutonium oxides are considered for fuel in 4th generation nuclear reactors. In this frame, complementary experimental studies are necessary to develop a better understanding of the phenomena that take place during fabrication and operation in the reactor. The focus of this work was to study the U Pu–O phase diagram in a wide range of compositions and temperatures to ameliorate our knowledge of the phase equilibria in this system. Most of experiments were done using in situ X-ray diffraction at elevated temperatures. The control of the oxygen partial pressure during the treatments made it possible to change the oxygen stoichiometry of the sample, which gave us an opportunity to study rapidly different compositions and the processes involved. The experimental approach was coupled with thermodynamic modeling using the CALPHAD method, to precisely plan the experiments and interpret the obtained results. This approach enabled us to enhance the knowledge of phase equilibria in the U–Pu–O system.
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