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Aplikace pro extrakci a analýzu jízdních dat z OBD-II na iOS / iOS Application for Driving Data Extraction and Analysis via OBD-IIPihrt, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
This project aims to create a mobile application for iOS devices that provide valuable information about user's car rides. Needed data are obtained by ELM327 located in OBD-II scanner which can communicate with the car. Obtained data are analyzed using table of limits. The application informs riders about their driving mistakes and giving them tips how to fix them. Trips can be saved and exported in the form of logbook. In addition application includes diagnostic functions that can be found in every other diagnostic application.
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Car-Pi – Analys och guidning för bra bilkörning / Car-Pi - Analysis and Guidance for Good DrivingHasan, Ali, Araby Salem, Ahmed January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att skapa ett serverprogram i en enkortsdator som arbetar i realtid för att kunna hjälpa människor att köra mer ekonomiskt och miljövänligt i deras vardag. Detta var ett av målen ställda av produktbeställaren Ziggy Creative Colony. Ett mer långsiktigt mål från beställaren är att datorn skall installeras i en bil och kopplas till bilens on-board diagnostic-II (OBD-II)-uttag. Datorn ska sedan, via OBD-II, kunna samla information som till exempel hastighet, acceleration och bränsleflöde från bilens engine control unit (ECU). Serverprogrammet ska bearbeta denna information som sedan kommuniceras och visualiseras till bilföraren via en native mobilapplikation. Serverprogrammet byggdes i en linuxbaserad dator: Raspberry Pi och döptes av oss till Car-Pi. Car-Pi designades enligt arkitekturmönstret Model-View-Controller (MVC) som gör det lätt att underhålla, vidare-utveckla och implementera programmet av produktägaren, Ziggy Creative Colony, i framtiden. I och med denna rapport levererar vi programmet Car-Pi tillsammans med ett arkitektdokument och en prototyp till en Android mobilapplikation för att kunna testa Car-Pi och se hur det fungerar i verkligheten. / The purpose of this bachelor degree project was to create a server program in a single-board computer that will function in real time in order to help people drive more economically and eco-friendly. This was one of the goals set by the project owner, Ziggy Creative Colony. Another more long-term goal from Ziggy Creative Colony is that the computer should be installed in a car and connected to the car’s on-board diagnostics (OBD-II) connector. The computer should, via the OBD-II connection, be able to collect information such as speed, acceler-ation and fuel flow from the car’s engine control unit (ECU). The server program will then process this information that will later be communi-cated and visualized to the car driver via an Android mobile applica-tion. The server program was built in a linux-based computer: Raspberry Pi and named Car-Pi. Car-Pi was designed according to the well-known architectural pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC), which makes it easy to maintain, develop and implement the program by the project owner Ziggy Creative Colony in the future. With this report we are delivering the program Car-Pi together with an architectural document and an Android mobile application-prototype to show how Car-Pi functions in real life.
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Exhaust Pressure Based Misfire Detection / Avgastryckbaserad misständningsdetektionNybäck, Björn January 2018 (has links)
The parts in this report that are classified have been replaced by the symbol □.Even axes in some figures have been erased by the same reason.In emission legislation from California Air Resources Board, CARB, futuredemands on misfire detection in heavy duty diesel vehicles will cover anextended operating area than previous demands. Industry standard has so farbeen using crank shaft speed based methods. It is not obvious that speedbased methods will manage to detect misfire in the extended area.This report shows an alternative approach for misfire detection, based uponmeasured pressure in the exhaust manifold. The method compares themeasured pressure pattern with known templates. This work shows that themethod works at stationary measurements in the whole required operatingarea. Furthermore, measurements has shown that the exhaust brake can beused at pressures up to about □□□ hPa without any significant change to theexhaust pressure pattern. The influence of waste gate use at low load has beenanalysed. It shows low influence on the pressure trace when using misfiredetection template. Finally location of the pressure sensor has been studied,showing a possibility to improve misfire detection by placing the sensor closeto the exhaust port at the cylinder where improvement is needed. / De delar av denna rapport som är hemligstämplade har ersatts av symbolen□. Även axlar i vissa figurer har raderats av samma skäl.I emissionslagstiftning från California Air Resources Board, CARB, kommermisständningsdetektion för tunga dieselfordon att krävas i ett störrearbetsområde än vad som tidigare kravställts. Industristandard har hittillsvarit varvtalsbaserad misständningsdiagnos, men det är inte uppenbart attden metoden kommer att klara detektion i det utökade lagkravsområdet.Denna rapport visar en alternativ metod för misständningsdetektion sombaseras på uppmätt tryck i avgassamlaren. Metoden som används jämföruppmätt avgastryck mot ett känt mönster. Det har i detta arbete visats attmetoden fungerar vid stationära mätningar i hela lagkravsområdet. Vidare harmätningar visat att avgasbroms kan användas upp till ca □□□ hPa mottryckutan att tryckmönstret ändras signifikant. Inverkan av turbons waste gate vidlåga laster har analyserats och visar låg påverkan i fall då man användermisständning som detektionsmönster. Slutligen har placering avtrycksensorer analyserats. Denna visar att det går att förbättradetektionsförmågan genom att placera sensorn närmare utblåset på dencylinder man önskar förbättra detektionen.
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Diagnostic à base de modèle de la boucle d'air des moteurs DieselCeccarelli, Riccardo 21 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but l'étude de la détection basée sur modèle de défauts pour les moteurs Diesel produits en grande série. La nécessité d'une surveillance continue de l'état de santé des véhicules est maintenant renforcée par la législation Euro VI sur les émissions polluantes, qui sera probablement rendue encore plus contraignante dans ses prochaines révisions. Dans ce contexte, le développement de stratégies robustes, faciles à calibrer et valides pour des systèmes dispersés (car produits en grande série) procurerait un avantage considérable aux constructeurs automobile. L'étude développée ici tente de répondre à ces besoins en proposant une méthodologie générique. On utilise des observateurs adaptatifs locaux pour des systèmes scalaires non linéaires et affines par rapport à l'état, pour résoudre les problèmes de la détection de défauts, de son isolation et de son estimation d'une façon compacte. De plus, les incertitudes liées aux biais de mesure et de modèle et aux dérives temporelles nécessitent d'améliorer les méthodes de détection par l'utilisation de seuils robustes pour éviter les fausses détections. Dans cette thèse, on propose un seuil variable basé sur la condition d'observabilité du paramètre impacté par le défaut et sur une étude de sensibilité par rapport aux incertitudes sur les entrées ou sur le modèle. Cette méthode permet, entre autres, de fournir un outil d'analyse pour la sélection des conditions de fonctionnement du système pour lesquels le diagnostic est plus fiable et plus robuste par rapport aux incertitudes sur les entrées. L'approche présentée a été appliquée avec succès et validée de façon expérimentale sur un moteur Diesel pour le problème de détection de fuite dans le système d'admission d'air, puis dans un environnement de simulation pour le problème de détection de dérive d'efficacité turbine. On montre ainsi ses avantages en termes de fiabilité de détection, d'effort de calibration, et pour l'analyse des conditions de fonctionnement moteur adaptées au diagnostic.
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Model-based fault detection in diesel engines air-pathCeccarelli, Riccardo 21 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but l'étude de la détection basée sur modèle de défauts pour lesmoteurs Diesel produits en grande série. La nécessité d'une surveillance continue del'état de santé des véhicules est maintenant renforcée par la législation Euro VI sur lesémissions polluantes, qui sera probablement rendue encore plus contraignante dans sesprochaines révisions. Dans ce contexte, le développement de stratégies robustes, faciles àcalibrer et valides pour des systèmes dispersés (car produits en grande série) procureraitun avantage considérable aux constructeurs automobile. L'étude développée ici tentede répondre à ces besoins en proposant une méthodologie générique. On utilise desobservateurs adaptatifs locaux pour des systèmes scalaires non linéaires et affines parrapport à l'état, pour résoudre les problèmes de la détection de défauts, de son isolationet de son estimation d'une façon compacte. De plus, les incertitudes liées aux biais demesure et de modèle et aux dérives temporelles nécessitent d'améliorer les méthodes dedétection par l'utilisation de seuils robustes pour éviter les fausses détections. Dans cettethèse, on propose un seuil variable basé sur la condition d'observabilité du paramètreimpacté par le défaut et sur une étude de sensibilité par rapport aux incertitudes surles entrées ou sur le modèle. Cette méthode permet, entre autres, de fournir un outild'analyse pour la sélection des conditions de fonctionnement du système pour lesquelsle diagnostic est plus fiable et plus robuste par rapport aux incertitudes sur les entrées.L'approche présentée a été appliquée avec succès et validée de façon expérimentale surun moteur Diesel pour le problème de détection de fuite dans le système d'admissiond'air, puis dans un environnement de simulation pour le problème de détection dedérive d'efficacité turbine. On montre ainsi ses avantages en termes de fiabilité dedétection, d'effort de calibration, et pour l'analyse des conditions de fonctionnementmoteur adaptées au diagnostic.
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Univerzální palubní počítač do auta / Universal Onboard Automotive ComputerNovohradský, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This work includes the complete design of a prototype embedded system for displaying information from a vehicle. ELM327 chip is described and its basic use. Work also describes the development of the diagnostic socket for vehicles in European countries. Also contains a complete description of developing schematic, printed circuit board and firmware implementation. The thesis describes the use of realtime operating system in embedded system.
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Diagnostika pohonných jednotek / Engine DiagnosticHoleš, Cyril January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on determining the methodology of engine diagnostics for vehicles with common rail direct fuel injection. The first section describes the communication between the diagnostic tools and control units, and the common rail system for diesel engines. The next section specifies the procedure for the acquisition, processing and analysis of data using selective diagnostic tools along with software in a numerical computing environment. Subsequently, from the results, the equivalent electronic control of the fuel injection quantity is established for the purpose of research, vehicle servicing. The results may also allow for additional observations to be made.
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TimescaleDB för lagring av OBD-II-data / TimescaleDB for OBD-II data storageSvensson, Alex, Wichardt, Ulf January 2022 (has links)
All cars support reading diagnostic data from their control units via the On-Board Diagnostics II protocol. For companies with large vehicle fleets it may be valuable to analyze this diagnostic data, but large vehicle fleets produce large amounts of data. In this thesis we investigated whether the time series database TimescaleDB is suitable for storing such data. In order to investigate this we tested and evaluated its insertion speed, query execution time and compression ratio. The results show that TimescaleDB is able to insert over 200 000 rows of data per second. They also show that the compression algorithm can speed up query execution by up to 134.5 times and reach a compression ratio of 9.1. Considering these results we conclude that TimescaleDB is a suitable choice for storing diagnostic data, but not necessarily the most suitable.
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Análise de risco e aumento da confiabilidade de motores Otto com relação às falhas esporádicas e de difícil diagnóstico. / Risk analysis and reliability improvement in spark ignition engines associated to sporadic failures.Salamani, João Carlos 19 October 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho de pesquisa é o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de monitoramento e detecção de defeitos esporádicos e de difícil diagnóstico, bem como o estudo de caso de sistemas de ignição de motores de combustão interna do ciclo Otto. O estudo visa aumentar a robustez do sistema perante falhas esporádicas de difícil detecção, reduzindo drasticamente o tempo de determinação da origem da falha. Através de testes acelerados e simulados em bancadas, a metodologia indica o estado atual dos componentes do sistema de ignição no tocante ao potencial de ocorrência de falhas esporádicas que afetam a combustão e também a confiabilidade do veículo. Os componentes e sistemas objetos da pesquisa são identificados por meio de um processo de análise de risco e de fatores como: ocorrência de muitos anos de histórico de campo, indicadores de reparos repetitivos, falhas esporádicas e de difícil diagnóstico, quebras de qualidade e do comportamento do sistema de diagnóstico OBD Br-2 (On-Board Diagnostic versão 2) diante de falhas intermitentes. A metodologia também proporciona uma ferramenta de análise de interfaces de componentes, que são fontes de falhas potenciais nem sempre consideradas nos processos de análise. Por meio de testes acelerados desses componentes críticos, é proposta metodologia para análise e correção imediata do processo produtivo de tais componentes, culminando na melhoria da confiabilidade dos processos críticos. A metodologia visa a aumentar a robustez do sistema de ignição, detectando rapidamente potenciais falhas esporádicas de difícil diagnóstico oriundas dos processos de fabricação e corrigindo-as imediatamente, introduzindo, assim, um fator de confiabilidade a um componente ou a um processo crítico cuja criticidade era até então desconhecida. Tal criticidade passa a ser gerenciada com impacto positivo nas emissões de poluentes e na confiabilidade global do conjunto. / The objective of this research work is the development of a methodology to monitor and identify sporadic and difficult to detect failures as well as present a case study on the ignition system of internal combustion engines. Such study aims to increase the system reliability. It also helps to reduce dramatically the time to define the failure root cause. Using accelerated test benches, the methodology will indicate the current situation of the components related to the potential of intermittent failure occurrence which affect the combustion and vehicle reliability. The components and systems of this study are identified by a process risk analysis as well as factors like: occurrence time history, repetitive repair index, sporadic and difficult to detect failures, quality breakdown index, and the behavior of the OBD-2 diagnostic system (On-Board Diagnostic version 2) The methodology will also provide a tool to analyze the components interfaces. Such interfaces are a source of potential failures but are not considered in the analysis process. By means of accelerated tests of such critical parts it will be proposed an analysis methodology and a prompt interference at the production process, increasing the reliability of the critical processes. The methodology aims the system robustness increase of the ignition system detecting very fast the sporadic failure potential on the manufacturing process. By introducing a reliability degree of a component or process it will be managed with a benefic impact on emissions and overall reliability of the ignition system.
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Improved Performance of Discrete Implementation of Switching Mode Controller for Urea-SCRMrunal Sunil Chavan (16613454) 19 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Diesel engines emit toxic gases like NOx and hydrocarbons. These gases need to be treated before they are released out the tailpipe. Thus, an aftertreatment system is installed which comprises of DOC, DPF and SCR. The DOC oxidizes the hydrocarbons and NO, the DPF traps the particulate matter and SCR reduces the NOx by reacting with NH3 at high temperatures. However, since NH3 is also a toxic gas, it cannot be released out the tailpipe in excess. It is important to inject an appropriate amount of NH3 so that it does not slip out the tailpipe. With increasingly stringent regulations on the emission limits of these toxic gases, control of SCR has become more necessary than before.</p>
<p>In this thesis, the work done by previous members of the lab research group was improved upon. The objective remained the same, namely, keeping the NH3 slip under 50 ppm while maximizing NOx reduction. On initial inspection, it was realized that the entire controller had been designed and implemented in continuous time. Since the controller would be implemented digitally, with limited hardware sampling time, a discrete-time implementation as done via a DCU was created. The controller switched between two controllers – slip-based and storage-based. The slip-based controller was modified to include a feedforward term in the system so that the response time could be improved along with a feedback controller to eliminate any disturbances and steady-state error, using ammonia slip feedback as measured by an NH3 sensor. It aims at keeping the maximum ammonia slip under 50 ppm. The storage controller is a feedback controller which tries to limit the ammonia storage based on the values fed by a lookup table. This lookup table is a simplified table that determines the maximum ammonia storage at any given instant based on the catalyst bed temperature. The feedback controller gains for both controllers were determined based on a linearized plant model since the initial gains were ineffective with the discretized model. The initial switching mode controller that switches between slip control and storage control switched too frequently between the controllers, thereby affecting controller performance. A switching logic was implemented to limit the number of switches. A switch will be permitted only if the previous switch occurred over a certain time. By implementing all the subparts together in the controller, incremental improvements were prominent. In the end, the performance by implementing the proposed idea was distinctly better. The metrics considered for performance comparison are the number of switches and the ability to maximize slip up to 50 ppm. Parameter error was also studied as well and its effect on the controller performance was analyzed. The data when tested against sets of underestimated, overestimated and mixed estimates for the plant parameters resulted in the underestimated parameters to work within the scope of the objective. The controller was able to compensate for the underdosing. Overestimation caused overdosing in the system which led to spikes in the NH3 slip. Thus, it is better to underestimate the plant parameters than overestimate them.</p>
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