1001 |
The influence of job type, information provided, test type, and test performance on applicant reactions to personnel selection testsSchulz, Michelle Renae 01 January 2001 (has links)
The evolution of the Systems Model approach to personnel selection marks the emergence of the relationship between the organization and the applicant. It has made organizations become increasingly aware of the potential influence of applicant reactions to selection procedures.
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Differences by occupation in perceived face validity and procedural justice of a common format application of hard biodata and a written job knowledge testForsberg, Anna Maria 01 January 2004 (has links)
The concept of biodata is defined as an assessment and evaluation of demonstrated to be related to personality structure, personal adjustment, or success in social, educational, or occupational pursuits.
1003 |
Relationship between personality traits and team cultureDesai, Fahrial 08 1900 (has links)
The general aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and team culture, establish whether this relationship changed over time and determine if there were significant differences between the research groups in their personalities and team cultures from a before to an after assessment.
The study was conducted on a sample from the South African Police Services and assessments utilising the Basic Traits Inventory (BTI) and the Team Emotional and Social Intelligence survey (TESI) were analysed at the onset and completion of the participants' training. The results indicated a slight relationship between personality and team culture and significant differences were detected from the before to after phases of the study. The findings of the study contribute to an understanding of personality as amenable to a specific occupational setting and of team culture as a more stable variable, which is established early in the team‟s development. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
1004 |
Běloruská lidová republika / Byelorussian Democratic RepublicKratochvílová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation called "Belarusan Democratic Republic" (BDR) analyzes in broad terms progression of belarus national movement since beginning of 20th century until the end of the year 1918. In the strict sense of the word the aim of that thesis is to evaluate to what degree is possible to consider BDR as real republic at the date of its formation and to what degree could be operationable its government authorities. What criteria had confirmed or had contradicted the existence of BDR as a real state. BDR had been a certain culmination of belarus national movement. In the beginning of the dissertation we will take attention to origins of national movement, its developing in the frame of the tzar's Russia and during the first world war. Comparation of possibilities of national agitation at the time of separation of belarusan districts between two warenemies is also included in the first part. Following part, which we focus on, is explaining what conditions have been for proclamation of independence, what motivations and requests of belarusan patriots have been. There had been founded the state authorities of BDR by proclamation of independence: pre-parliament - Council of BDR and "government" - National Secretariat. Analyzing of volume of authenticity to state authorities had been realized according...
1005 |
Relations spatiales entre les ressources biophysiques et les dynamiques d’occupation du sol du front pionnier en Amazonie orientale / Spatial relationships between biophysical resources and pioneer front dynamics in the Eastern AmazonOsis, Reinis 18 November 2019 (has links)
L’Amazonie est soumise depuis plusieurs décennies à un changement rapide d’occupation du sol du fait de la déforestation, l’installation de systèmes de production agricole, notamment l’élevage bovin et plus récemment le soja. L’un des défis majeurs est de mieux comprendre la dynamique spatiale de ces processus et ses déterminants. Avec la réduction de la déforestation et l’évolution agraire sur les fronts pionniers, les ressources et contraintes naturelles semblent gagner en importance dans les choix opérés par les agriculteurs. L'objectif de la présente recherche est d'évaluer le rôle des facteurs biophysiques dans la dynamique de l’occupation du sol depuis 2000 et d’anticiper sur des futurs possibles dans un territoire amazonien d’ancien front pionnier, aujourd’hui consolidé, la municipalité de Paragominas. Nous avons mis en œuvre un modèle spatialement explicite, afin d’identifier la distribution spatiale des processus de changement en relation avec différents facteurs. Des entretiens réalisés avec des producteurs explicitent les logiques sous-jacentes. Les résultats montrent qu'il y a différentes logiques d'usage des ressources biophysiques, qui varient selon les types de production, la taille des exploitations, la distance aux routes et villages, et la distribution spatiale des ressources biophysiques dans l'exploitation. Elles évoluent au fil du temps, en fonction des productions et des avancées technologiques, et sont organisées dans l'espace. La mise en évidence de ces relations spatiales constitue une avancée significative pour représenter l'évolution de l’ usage des sols et constituer un appui dans la définition de politiques de développement territorial. / The Amazon has been subject to a rapid change in land use due to deforestation for several decades and more recently to the expansion of annual crops like soybeans. One of the major challenges is to understand better the spatial dynamics of these processes and its determinants. With the reduction of deforestation and the consolidation of pioneer fronts, natural resources and constraints seem to be gaining in importance in farmers' choices. The objective of this research was to assess the role of biophysical factors in land use dynamics since 2000 and to anticipate possible futures in a consolidated Amazonian pioneer frontier, the municipality of Paragominas. We implemented a spatially explicit model to identify the spatial distribution of change processes in relation to different factors. Interviews with farmers explain the underlying strategy. The results show different strategies for the use of biophysical resources according to the types of production, the size of the farms, the distance to roads and villages and the spatial distribution of biophysical resources in the farm. The strategies evolve over time, in relation to production and technological advances, and are organized in space. A better understanding of the importance of biophysical resources on the evolution of pioneer fronts through this type of method could provide support for land-use policies.
1006 |
Dynamiques spatiales, temporelles et écologiques de la Métropole de Lyon : 1984-2015 / The green infrastructure of Lyon : 1984 - 2015Bellec, Arnaud 19 October 2018 (has links)
L’armature verte urbaine rassemble tous les éléments de végétation contribuant à répondre aux défis majeurs associés à l’Anthropocène, comme l’adaptation au changement climatique, la préservation de la biodiversité, l’infiltration des eaux pluviales ou l’amélioration de la santé des populations. La cartographie précise des espaces végétalisés urbains fait aujourd’hui défaut bien que les données spatiales issues de capteurs aéroportés soient disponibles depuis de nombreuses années. De ce fait, il est aujourd’hui difficile d’évaluer la fonctionnalité des armatures vertes. Pour répondre à ce besoin d’évaluation, il s’est agi, dans le cadre d’étude de la Métropole de Lyon, de cartographier le territoire à un mètre de résolution spatiale entre 1984 et 2015 en utilisant une procédure orientée objet, et de rendre ces cartographies disponibles sur une plateforme web dédiée. Il en ressort que les surfaces végétalisées de la métropole sont comparables à celles d’autres agglomérations de même rang, mais que l’accès de la population à cette végétation est très inégalement réparti. Par exemple, seuls 11 % des habitants disposent d’un espace vert de plus de 2ha à moins de 5 minutes de chez eux. Souvent sous-estimés dans les politiques urbaines, les jardins des particuliers représentent deux fois la surface des espaces verts publics, et devraient faire l’objet des mêmes questionnements, quant à leur valeur pour la mitigation climatique ou pour la biodiversité. L’évaluation de l’armature urbaine ne s’arrête pas à sa cartographie, mais doit conduire à l’exploration de sa perception à différentes échelles spatiales, pour différents acteurs (habitants, professionnels et autres organismes vivants) et selon plusieurs mesures de bien-être physique, mental et culturel. / The urban green infrastructure brings together all the elements of vegetation that contribute to meeting the major challenges associated with the Anthropocene, such as adapting to climate change, preserving biodiversity, infiltrating rainwater or improving the health of populations. The precise mapping of urban green spaces is today lacking although spatial data from airborne sensors have been available for many years. As a result, it is now difficult to assess the functionality of greeninfrastructures. To meet this need for evaluation, the territory of the urban area of Lyon was mapped at one meter resolution between 1984 and 2015 using an object-oriented procedure. All maps generated were made available on a dedicated web platform. The results show that the green areas of the urban area of Lyon are comparable to those of other agglomerations of the same rank, but that the population’s access to this vegetation is very unevenly distributed. For example, only 11% of the inhabitants can find a green space of more than 2ha closer than a 5 minutes’ walk from home. Often underestimated in urban policies, private gardens make up twice the surface of public green spaces, and should be the subject of the same questions about their value for climate mitigation or the conservation of biodiversity. The evaluation of urban green infrastructures only starts with theirmapping, and should lead to the exploration of its perception at different spatial scales, for different actors (inhabitants, professionals and other living organisms) and according to several measures of physical, mental and cultural well-being.
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Ocupabilidad de sillones dentales durante turnos clínicos de estudiantes del pregrado y postgrado de odontología de un centro universitario de salud / Dental chair occupancy during undergraduate and postgraduate dental students’ clinical shifts at a university health centerBejarano Galagarza, Evelyn Diana Gloria 10 February 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la ocupabilidad de sillones dentales según los niveles de pregrado y postgrado durante los turnos clínicos, días y meses en el Centro Universitario de Salud de una universidad privada de Lima durante el periodo de setiembre a noviembre del 2019.
Materiales y métodos: La muestra estuvo conformada por un total de 41 sillones dentales, distribuidos en 31 sillones dentales para los alumnos de pregrado y 10 sillones dentales para los alumnos del postgrado del centro universitario de salud entre los meses de setiembre a noviembre. Estos datos fueron analizados bajo una fórmula aritmética para hallar la ocupabilidad diaria. Por último, se obtuvo el promedio de ocupabilidad de los sillones dentales evaluados. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva (media y desviación estándar).
Resultados: El promedio de la ocupabilidad de los 3 meses evaluados fue de 62%(20). El nivel de pregrado obtuvo una ocupabilidad de 66%(20) y el nivel de postgrado obtuvo un 43%(12). A nivel mensual, setiembre obtuvo una ocupabilidad de 58%(19), octubre de 61%(20) y noviembre de 67%(24). Por consiguiente, a nivel semanal resalta la semana 02 del mes de noviembre con una ocupabilidad de 87%(23) por los alumnos de pregrado.
Conclusión: El promedio de la ocupabilidad fue de 62%(20), siendo el mes de noviembre el de mayor ocupabilidad con un 67%(24). / Objective: To determine the occupancy of dental chairs with respect to the level of clinical training, comparing undergraduate and postgraduate programs, during students’ clinical shifts over days, weeks and months at the university health center in a private university in Lima during the period from September to November in 2019.
Materials and methods: The sample size included a total of 41 dental chairs, 31 of which were assigned to undergraduate students and 10 to postgraduate students at the university health center between September and November. The data was analyzed using an arithmetic formula to calculate daily occupancy. Finally, the average occupancy of the dental chairs was obtained. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation).
Results: The average occupancy over the 3 months was 62%(20). The undergraduate program showed 66%(20) occupancy and the postgraduate program showed 43%(12) occupancy. In terms of specific months, September showed 58%(19) occupancy, October 61%(20) occupancy and November 67%(24) occupancy. In terms of weeks, the second week of November showed the highest 87%(23) occupancy for undergraduate students.
Conclusion: The average occupancy was 62%(20). The month of November showed the highest occupancy, at 67%(24). / Tesis
1008 |
Stravovací návyky a pohybový režim současných českých dětí a adolescentů ve věku 11 - 13 let / Diet and exercise regime of Czech children and adolescents aged 11 - 13Maratová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The prevalence of overweight and obesity is constantly growing all over the world. Not only adults, but also children and adolescents are affected by this increase. The development of overweight or obesity in childhood represents a rather significant health risk that extends to adulthood. Both being overweight and being obese causes various secondary diseases, e.g. type II. diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. That is why the attempts to stop the increase of prevalence of overweight and obesity emerged in recent years. The attempts to stop these tendencies are aimed especially at children and adolescents, who carry the habits developed in childhood even to their adult life. In order for these attempts to be successful, one needs to have at their disposal information about the contemporary status and factors, which influence the development of overweight and obesity. The primary prevention ought to be concentrating on these factors. The survey, which was created in the questionnaire form, was conducted in primary schools and on the lower grade of grammar schools in Prague and its surroundings. 1897 questionnaires were distributed throughout the whole year; 366 were given back and out of these 225 questionnaires belong to girls and 141 to boys. This thesis focuses on the issues of the diatery,...
1009 |
Konec války, Litoměřice v roce 1945 / The End of the War, Litoměřice in 1945Bursíková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on year 1945 and events in Litoměřice town. Especially events in the town itself in spring the same year, upcoming revolt in the nearby village Žitenice, situation both the German and the Czech population, their reaction to the forthcomig end of the war and last efforts of occupiers to hold the town. There will be briefly mentioned also the history of the Nazi occupation of Litoměřice. Special attention will be paid to the concentration camp Litoměřice. Here I will build on my previous barchelor thesis, in which I mentioned the liberation of the concentration camp in one chapter. I will complete and extend aforementioned events. Attention will be paid, among other things, also to the way how the end of the war enrolled to lives of prisoners themselves. I will try to reconstruct all from archival materials and literature and mainly from memories of civilians and prisoners of the concentration camp in a similar way as in my previous bachelor thesis.
1010 |
Stavební proměna protektorátní Prahy: nacistické záměry a realizované projekty v dopravě a průmyslu / Constructive change of Protectorate Prague: Nazi plans and realized projects of traffic infrastructure and industrial buildingsBajusz, Tadeáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the questions of urban planning and building activity in the time of the Second World War. The research topic of the single case study is Prague in the period of Nazi occupation between March 1939 and May 1945. The aim of the thesis is to challenge the simplifying interpretation of occupation as a period without any building activity. The simplifying interpretation usually explains the low number of built objects being caused directly by the occupants' long term plans with Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. The thesis tries to challenge this interpretation and using the examples of built objects of the traffic infrastructure and industrial buildings, it shows the ongoing building. The first part shortly summarizes the concepts of Nazi architecture and town planning and connects them with long-term plans with the occupied territories of South-eastern Europe. The second chapter concentrates on the Nazi concepts and plans for remaking Prague and introduces the problematics of building activities during occupation. Based on archival research, the examples of building activity of traffic infrastructure and industrial buildings are shown in the third chapter. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research and critically evaluates the outcomes of the thesis. The thesis is based on...
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