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Time for Activities for Girls and Women with Rett SyndromeSernheim, Åsa-Sara January 2018 (has links)
Irrespective of the great individual variation, people diagnosed with RTT largely rely on support from others to be able to do and participate in activities throughout their lives. This thesis focuses on which activities are done and liked/disliked by girls and women with RTT in Sweden. The overall aim was to describe the everyday lives of female individuals with Rett syndrome. Two studies are included in this thesis. The first is a descriptive study, using secondary data from three earlier questionnaires, encompassing data from 175 participants (girls/women) described by 365 informants (parents/staff). Content analysis was used to analyse the openended questions. In the second study a Time-geographic diary method and the software VISUAL-TimePAcTs computer program, DAILY LIFE 2011 were used. Ten participants (teenagers/young female adults) with RTT and their 63 informants participated in the diary study. The main findings in the first study (I) were that the girls and women with RTT enjoyed activities that included aspects of ‘contact’, ‘sensory impression’ and ‘motion’. The activities most enjoyed over the years were bathing/swimming, listening to music or being outdoors/walking. The parents and staff also liked to do the same activities that the girls or women enjoyed doing, described as sharing their joy. Of the few activities that were reported as being unenjoyable, most were daily care activities. The diary study (II) showed that the most frequently reported activities were hygiene/toilet, moving around indoors, eating and getting dressed. Most time was spent in sleeping, daily care, medical and health care activities and also for travel/transportation. Little time remained for other kinds of activities especially for the young adults. Most time was spent with staff, thereafter with families, and the least time was spent with friends. The participant response that was reported most often during activities was ‘interested’, while ‘opposed’ was the least reported. Responses of ‘opposition’ were primarily seen during caring activities such as toileting, using the breathing mask, stretching, brushing teeth, being woken up, dressing and putting on orthoses. Responses of ‘engagement’ were noted in contexts of socialising, playing and communicating activities with friends or staff. Engagement responses were also reported during activities of ‘motion’ such as changing body position, moving in the water or gymnastics, eating food and snacks, and even when watching/listening to films, books or music. Thus, increased knowledge concerning the importance of activities for girls and women with RTT is essential for their well-being, participation and continued development. Increased knowledge could facilitate the choice of activities and a more varied use of activities. Regardless of age, severity of symptoms or developed skills, it is important that not only basic needs such as sleep, daily care and medical health care activities are fulfilled for individuals with Rett syndrome. It is also essential for them to spend time with friends, family and staff doing enjoyable activities both at home and in other places. / <p>Funding:</p><p>Linnéa and Josef Carlsson’s Foundation, Helsingborg, Sweden and the Folke Bernadotte Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden.</p>
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The Provision of Spousal Support: Antecedents, Consequences, and Crossover EffectsDorio, Jay M 01 December 2008 (has links)
The present study had four main objectives. First, the relationship between the provision of spousal support and its theoretical antecedents and consequences was assessed as informed by the conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989). Second, the crossover of physicians' work interference with family conflict on their spouses' family demands (perceived family demands and family hours) was investigated. Next, the mediating role of social support as an explanation for the crossover process was examined using two distinct pathways. Lastly, the fourth objective of the present study was to investigate the relationships described above across multiple time points and using dual-source data (from physicians and their spouses). The final sample included matched responses from 126 couples across two time points. Results were generally supportive of the relationship between the provision of spousal support and the receipt of spousal support, perceived family demands, family hours, and work interference with family conflict (WIF) and were consistent with expected relationships according to COR theory. Results also provided support for the synchronous crossover of WIF on perceived family demands; however, results were generally unsupportive of the mediating role of the provision of spousal support in the crossover process. The present study makes several important contributions to the social support, work-family conflict, and crossover literatures by adding to the knowledge of the antecedents and consequences of the provision of spousal support, the growing body of research examining the crossover of WIF, and the understanding of the mediating role of the provision of spousal support in the crossover process. Major findings and areas of opportunity for future research are discussed.
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Mise à jour d’une base de données d’occupation du sol à grande échelle en milieux naturels à partir d’une image satellite THR / Updating large-scale land-use database on natural environments from a VHR satellite imageGressin, Adrien 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les base de données (BD) d'Occupation du Sol (OCS) sont d'une grande utilité, dans divers domaines. Les utilisateurs recherchent des niveaux de détails tant géométriques que sémantiques très fins. Ainsi, une telle BD d'OCS à Grande Échelle (OCS-GE) est en cours de constitution à l'IGN. Cependant, pour répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs, cette BD doit être mise à jour le plus régulièrement possible, avec une notion de millésime. Ainsi, des méthodes automatiques de mise à jour doivent être mises en place, afin de traiter rapidement des zones étendues. Par ailleurs, les satellites d'observation de la terre ont fait leurs preuves dans l'aide à la constitution de BD d'OCS à des échelles comparables à celle de CLC. Avec l'arrivée de nouveaux capteurs THR, comme celle du satellite Pléiades, la question de la pertinence de ces images pour la mise à jour de BD d'OCS-GE se pose naturellement. Ainsi, l'objet de cette thèse est de développer une méthode automatique de mise à jour de BDs d'OCS-GE, à partir d'une image satellite THR monoscopique (afin de réduire les coûts d'acquisition), tout en garantissant la robustesse des changements détectés. Le cœur de la méthode est un algorithme d'apprentissage supervisés multi-niveaux appelé MLMOL, qui permet de prendre en compte au mieux les apparences, éventuellement multiples, de chaque thème de la BD. Cet algorithme, complètement indépendant du choix du classifieur et des attributs extraits de l'image, peut être appliqué sur des jeux de données très variés. De plus, la multiplication de classifications permet d'améliorer la robustesse de la méthode, en particulier sur des thèmes ayant des apparences multiples (e,g,. champs labourés ou non, bâtiments de type maison ou hangar industriel, ...). De plus, l'algorithme d'apprentissage est intégré dans une chaîne de traitements (LUPIN) capable, d'une part de s'adapter automatiquement aux différents thèmes de la BD pouvant exister et, d'autre part, d'être robuste à l'existence de thèmes in-homogènes. Par suite, la méthode est appliquée avec succès à une image Pléiades, sur une zone à proximité de Tarbes (65) couverte par la BD OCS-GE constituée par IGN. Les résultats obtenus montrent l'apport des images Pléiades tant en terme de résolution sub-métrique que de dynamique spectrale. D'autre part, la méthode proposée permet de fournir des indicateurs pertinents de changements sur la zone. Nous montrons par ailleurs que notre méthode peut fournir une aide précieuse à la constitution de BD d'OCS issues de la fusion de différentes BDs. En effet, notre méthode a la capacité de prise de décisions lorsque la fusion de BDs génère des zones de recouvrement, phénomène courant notamment lorsque les données proviennent de différentes sources, avec leur propre spécification. De plus, notre méthode permet également de compléter d'éventuels lacunes dans la zone de couverture de la BD générée, mais aussi d'étendre cette couverture sur l'emprise d'une image couvrant une étendue plus large. Enfin, la chaîne de traitements LUPIN est appliquée à différents jeux de données de télédétection afin de valider sa polyvalence et de juger de la pertinence de ces données. Les résultats montrent sa capacité d'adaptation aux données de différentes résolutions utilisées (Pléiades à 0,5m, SPOT 6 à 1,5m et RapidEye à 5m), ainsi que sa capacité à utiliser les points forts des différents capteurs, comme par exemple le canal red-edge de RapidEye pour la discrimination du thème forêts, le bon compromis de résolution que fournit SPOT 6 pour le thème zones bâties et l'apport de la THR de Pléiades pour discriminer des thèmes précis comme les routes ou les haies. / Land-Cover geospatial databases (LC-BDs) are mandatory inputs for various purposes such as for natural resources monitoring land planning, and public policies management. To improve this monitoring, users look for both better geometric, and better semantic levels of detail. To fulfill such requirements, a large-scale LC-DB is being established at the French National Mapping Agency (IGN). However, to meet the users needs, this DB must be updated as regularly as possible while keeping the initial accuracies. Consequently, automatic updating methods should be set up in order to allow such large-scale computation. Furthermore, Earth observation satellites have been successfully used to the constitution of LC-DB at various scales such as Corine Land Cover (CLC). Nowadays, very high resolution (VHR) sensors, such as Pléiades satellite, allow to product large-scale LC-DB. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to propose an automatic updating method of such large-scale LC-DB from VHR monoscopic satellite image (to limit acquisition costs) while ensuring the robustness of the detected changes. Our proposed method is based on a multilevel supervised learning algorithm MLMOL, which allows to best take into account the possibly multiple appearances of each DB classes. This algorithm can be applied to various images and DB data sets, independently of the classifier, and the attributes extracted from the input image. Moreover, the classifications stacking improves the robustness of the method, especially on classes having multiple appearances (e.g., plowed or not plowed fields, stand-alone houses or industrial warehouse buildings, ...). In addition, the learning algorithm is integrated into a processing chain (LUPIN) allowing, first to automatically fit to the different existing DB themes and, secondly, to be robust to in-homogeneous areas. As a result, the method is successfully applied to a Pleiades image on an area near Tarbes (southern France) covered by the IGN large-scale LC-DB. Results show the contribution of Pleiades images (in terms of sub-meter resolution and spectral dynamics). Indeed, thanks to the texture and shape attributes (morphological profiles, SFS, ...), VHR satellite images give good classification results, even on classes such as roads, and buildings that usually require specific methods. Moreover, the proposed method provides relevant change indicators in the area. In addition, our method provides a significant support for the creation of LC-DB obtain by merging several existing DBs. Indeed, our method allows to take a decision when the fusion of initials DBs generates overlapping areas, particularly when such DBs come from different sources with their own specification. In addition, our method allows to fill potential gaps in the coverage of such generating DB, but also to extend the data to the coverage of a larger image. Finally, the proposed workflow is applied to different remote sensing data sets in order to assess its versatility and the relevance of such data. Results show that our method is able to deal with such different spatial resolutions data sets (Pléiades at 0.5 m, SPOT 6 at 1.5 m and RapidEye at 5 m), and to take into account the strengths of each sensor, e.g., the RapidEye red-edge channel for discrimination theme forest, the good balance of the SPOT~6 resolution for built-up areas classes and the capability of VHR of Pléiades images to discriminate objects of small spatial extent such as roads or hedge.
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Meritocracy-Based Stickiness Measure of Social MobilityTenney, Curtis G. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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<p> Fishing in Uncertain Waters: Resilience and Cultural Change in a North Atlantic Community </p>Johnson, Christofer M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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"Ersatz as the Day is Long": Japanese Popular Music, the Struggle for Authenticity, and Cold War OrientalismPerry, Robyn Paige 11 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating "Lithic Scatter" Variability: Space, Time, and FormManning, Kate M 07 May 2016 (has links)
Using flake dimensions and attributes commonly agreed are associated with site use, occupation age, and occupation duration, it was argued that relative estimations of site function and occupation age could be determined using debitage. This is particularly beneficial for assemblages that have little to no diagnostics that could provide a general cultural period for one or more occupations at a site. The results of this study suggest that, although certain attributes are generally associated with lithic production stage, relative age, and duration indicators, they were not all applicable within this study. The methods employed were relatively successful; however, reducing the number of classes, removing of a dimension, and more sites that meet the definition of lithic scatter is needed. Furthermore, testing occupation duration using the number of breaks on a flake is not possible unless it is proven a single occupation site.
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[pt] A tese investiga a representação da experiência urbana na contemporaneidade a partir da leitura de obras literárias e cinematográficas produzidas no século XXI. Busca-se entender como o tempo da pós globalização, atravessado pelo ciberespaço, ressignifica as relações entre o espaço público e o espaço privado. O aspecto transdisciplinar da tese acentuou o diálogo entre os textos clássicos sobre a cidade, de autores urbanistas, ampliando a pesquisa para cenários como o das cidades globais e as smart cities. A hipótese da tese é que a leitura da experiência urbana , no contemporâneo, passa, necessariamente, pela tensão entre os trânsitos do indivíduo e as diversas situações de encapsulamento que se apresentam, ora pela atração das telas digitais que substituem as “janelas” para o mundo, ora pela reclusão provocada pelo medo e pela insegurança nas cidades e conflitos de moradia, ou então pelas políticas de imigração que confinam imigrantes e refugiados em acampamentos e centros de detenção, por medida de segurança nacional. Frente à pandemia de 2020 que promoveu um estado de confinamento e lockdown nas cidades, foram incorporadas, na tese, produções publicadas entre os meses de março a julho de 2020. / [en] This thesis investigates the representation of urban experience today through literary as well as cinematographic works produced in the 21st century. Its aim is to understand how post-globalization times, permeated by cyberspace, bring a new significance to public and private spaces. The transdisciplinary aspect of the thesis emphasized the dialog among classical texts on the city by urbanist authors, expanding the research to different scenarios like global cities and smart cities. It implicates that reading about urban experience today, necessarily touches on the tension between an individual s journey and the encapsulating situations, that happen to come along, either by the attraction to digital screens that replace the windows to the world or by the seclusion caused by the fear and insecurity from living in the city, housing conflicts or yet, by immigration policies, that confine immigrants and refugees alike in campings and immigration centers, which aim to protect national security. Owing to the pandemic in 2020 that led to a state of confinement and lockdown in cities as a whole, works published between March and July of 2020 have been incorporated into this thesis.
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The Ancient City Occupied St. Augustine As A Test Case For Stephen Ash's Civil War Occupation ModelTotten, Eric Paul 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis intends to prove that Stephen V. Ash’s model of occupation from his work, When the Yankees Came: Conflict and Chaos in the Occupied South, is applicable to St. Augustine’s occupation experience in the Civil War. Three overarching themes in Ash’s work are consistent with Civil War St. Augustine. First, that Union policy of conciliation towards southern civilians was abandoned after the first few months of occupation due to both nonviolent and violent resistance from those civilians. Second, that Ash’s “zones of occupation” of the occupied South, being garrisoned towns, no-man’s-land, and the Confederate frontier apply to St. Augustine and the surrounding countryside. Finally, Ash’s assertions that the southern community was changed by the war and Union occupation, is reflected in the massive demographic shifts that rocked St. Augustine from 1862 to 1865. This thesis will show that all three of Ash’s themes apply to St. Augustine’s Civil War occupation experience and confirms the author’s generalizations about life in the occupied South.
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Reablement in Flanders: An exploratory study : The voice of those receiving home care.Jarrey, Michael January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Primary care in Flanders is undergoing reform. Researchers are looking at ways to understand the context in order to be able to implement person-centred and goal-oriented care approaches such as reablement. Aim: The aim was to illuminate the lived experiences of older people with chronic conditions and what it means to receive paid care at home. Method: Using an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach, this study aimed to understand the lived experience of someone living at home receiving paid care. Results: Six in depth interviews were analysed generating nine themes and related subthemes. Conclusions: The study illuminated the experiences of six people who received care at home and generated themes around autonomy, adaptability, respect, identity, flexibility, self determination, power, acceptance, and control that reflected the literature and concepts around person-centred and goal-oriented care as well as the importance of the role of occupational therapy. Significance: In the Flemish context, this was the first study looking at the experiences of people living at home with paid care and the chances and barriers to reablement and occupational therapy in the community setting.
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