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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Děti v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Children in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Fišerová, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
In this diploma thesis with the title Children in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia I try to look at war period through children's eyes. At first I focus on children of Czech then German, Jewis and finaly Roma origin. I constantly deal with events, institutions and places that have essentially influenced their lives. In chapter about Czech children I pay attention to their education, Curatorium for youth education in Bohemia and Moravia, internment camps, the fate of children whose parents were imprisoned or executed and children from Lidice and Ležáky. In connection to German children I also don't forget the project Kinderlandverschickung. Next chapters deals with children of Jewish and Roma origin, their persecution and concentration camps. I attempt to capture daily reality of children in this period and in last two chapters deal with children's relationships with their parents and with other children.

Česká společnost a sovětská armáda 1968-1991. Problémy nazírané ze sovětské perspektivy / Czech Society and Soviet Army 1968-1991. Some issues from the Soviet perspectives.

Zavorotchenko, Igor January 2019 (has links)
Abstract. This paper explores the memories of Soviet participants in the presence of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia after 1968. Based on previously existing and new sources, information on the state of the media in the Central Group of Forces is summarized. At the same time, memories and assessments of events by their witnesses are given. Next, the historical myth about the presence of units of the National People's Army of the GDR on the territory of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and their actions against the local population was studied. An attempt is made to interpret this "false memory", widespread in the memoirs of Soviet narrators, to identify the causes of such a myth and its symbolic meaning for those who remember and listen. Also, it is discussed the problem of interpretation and evaluation of the events of 1968 in Czech and Russian collective memories, the attitude of both sides to the definition of the troop's invasion as an act of occupation. Revealed a diametrically opposite perception of this problem by both parties. This discussion naturally brings to the issue of the differences in Czech and Russian historical memories regarding the events of May 1945 and August 1968, the place of these events in symbolic memory and the reflection of these differences in relation of both sides to monumental...


22 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Decisões de investimento em terminais aquaviários, onde são realizadas movimentações e armazenagem de petróleo e derivados, devem levar em conta aspectos relativos aos custos logísticos envolvidos bem como a existência de flexibilidades gerenciais. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia de avaliação de investimentos para este tipo de unidade com ênfase nas futuras incertezas e avaliar um projeto selecionado em um terminal aquaviário brasileiro com o intuito de solucionar uma de suas principais restrições que acaba por gerar custos excessivos de sobreestadia à operação. O passo a passo proposto deverá ser refletido em outras análises da companhia de óleo e gás, cuja subsidiária opera o terminal em questão. A avaliação econômica do projeto leva em conta a modelagem de incertezas e as flexibilidades existentes, à luz da Teoria de Opções Reais. A relevância deste trabalho para a literatura está na aplicação de uma avaliação de Opções Reais em um projeto de um terminal aquaviário privado brasileiro, cenário pouco explorado pelos autores desta área no país, dando ênfase à ocupação de seus berços e aos custos de sobreestadia. A contribuição se dá através do framework proposto para análises de investimentos em terminais e da quantificação dos ganhos com a implantação do projeto avaliado, que elimina algumas restrições operacionais atuais. Além disso, espera-se que a empresa de óleo e gás divulgue a metodologia internamente e passe a adotá-la formalmente em suas avaliações de investimentos em Logística, iniciando, inclusive, um processo de mudança cultural nas áreas responsáveis pelos projetos e na mentalidade dos tomadores de decisão. O desenvolvimento do estudo envolve coleta e análise estatística de dados, entrevistas com operadores do terminal e especialistas da empresa, aprofundamento em técnicas de Opções Reais, análise de sensibilidade nas variáveis relevantes e discussão com demais colaboradores interessados no assunto. Os resultados mostram que há valor na espera pela realização do investimento, aqui analisado em duas escalas. / [en] Decisions to invest in waterway terminals, where oil and oil products are moved and stored, should take into account aspects related to the logistics costs involved, as well as the existence of managerial flexibilities. The main objective of this work is to propose a methodology for the evaluation of investments for this type of unit with emphasis on future uncertainties and to evaluate a selected project in a Brazilian waterway terminal with the purpose of solving one of its main restrictions that ends up generating excessive costs of demurrage to the operation. The proposed step-by-step should be reflected in other analyzes of the oil and gas company, whose subsidiary operates the terminal in question. The economic evaluation of the project takes into account the modeling of uncertainties and the existing flexibilities, in the light of the Real Options Theory. The relevance of this work to the literature is the application of an evaluation of Real Options in a project of a Brazilian private waterway terminal, a scenario little explored by the authors of this area in the country, with emphasis on the occupation of its berths and the costs of demurrage. The contribution is made through the proposed framework for analysis of investments in terminals and the quantification of gains with the implementation of the evaluated project, which eliminates some current operational restrictions. In addition, the oil and gas company is expected to disclose the methodology internally and to formally adopt it in its Logistics investment assessments, including initiating a process of cultural change in the areas responsible for the projects and in the decision makers. The development of the study involves statistical data collection and analysis, interviews with terminal operators and company specialists, deepening of Real Options techniques, sensitivity analysis in the relevant variables and discussion with other collaborators interested in the subject. The results show that there is value in waiting for the investment, analyzed here in two scales.

Yrkesstatusens påverkan på städares motivation : En kvalitativ studie om städares motivation

Löfwall, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Städare kan anses vara ett yrke av låg status med fysiskt krävande arbetsuppgifter, låg lön och en utsatthet för kemikalier. Det är viktigt med motiverade städare framför allt inom vården eftersom god renhållning minskar smittspridning. Denna problematik gör att det är intressant att undersöka vad som motiverar städare och hur de upplever yrkets status. Syftet med studien är att utifrån städares upplevelser undersöka hur yrkesstatus påverkar deras motivation i arbetslivet samt om det finns skillnader i upplevd motivation beroende av ålder. Studien grundas i ett fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt och en kvalitativ undersökning har gjorts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts på en heterogen grupp städare som arbetar i vårdlokaler. Tidigare forskning visar att städare anses ha låg status i samhället, minimala utvecklingsmöjligheter och låga ambitioner till att utvecklas. Motivationsnivån hos städare är dock viktig, då motiverade städare arbetar mer noggrant och på så vis kan minska smittspridning. Viktiga motivationsfaktorer som anges är lön, sociala relationer och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Tidigare studier har inte sett till städarnas ålder och inte heller deras egen upplevelse av yrkesstatus. Motivationsfaktorer som städarna i studien anger är viktiga för den upplevda motivationen är sociala relationer och feedback från chef och kunder. Upplevelsen av motivation skiljer sig beroende av städarens ålder. Yngre respondenter är mer benägna till att vilja utvecklas än de äldre. Samtliga upplever hög trivsel i sin yrkesroll och anser inte att yrkets status påverkar deras motivation i arbetet. / Cleaners can be considered a profession of low status with physically demanding duties, low wages and exposure to chemicals. Motivated cleaners are important, especially in health care, as good cleaning reduces the spread of infection. This problem makes it interesting to investigate what motivates cleaners and how they experiencing the status of the profession. The purpose of the study is to examine how status affects cleaners motivation in working life and whether there are differences in perceived motivation depending on age. The study is based on a phenomenological approach and a qualitative study has been conducted. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted on a heterogeneous group of cleaners working in health care. Previous research shows that cleaners are considered to have low status in society, minimal development opportunities and low ambitions to develop. However, the level of motivation in cleaners is important, as motivated cleaners work more carefully and thus can reduce the spread of infection. Important motivational factors that are mentioned are salary, social relationships and development opportunities. Previous studies have not examined the age of the cleaners, nor their own experience of professional status. Motivation factors that the cleaners in the study indicate are important for the perceived motivation are social relationships and feedback from the manager and customers. The experience of motivation differs depending on the age of the cleaner. Younger respondents are more likely to want to develop than the older ones. All of the cleaners experience high job satisfaction in their professional role and do not consider that the status of the profession affects their motivation at work.


LUIZ FELIPE DAUDT OLIVEIRA 17 June 2016 (has links)
[pt] No curso médio inferior da degradada Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul, na região Noroeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, existe um segmento fluvial denominado Domínio das Ilhas Fluviais, que mantém biodiversidade bem conservada em relação aos segmentos localizados rio acima e que drenam os estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro. Os domínios geoambientais do Paraíba do Sul localizados rio acima foram degradados por desflorestamentos, barragens, erosão, sedimentação, introdução de espécies exóticas e poluição industrial e doméstica. Embora estes fatores também ameacem as Ilhas Fluviais, este domínio obteve a reputação de local estratégico, instituída pelo Instituto Chico Mendes de Biodiversidade (ICMBio) devido à sua biodiversidade e por manter espécies ameaçada de extinção. Cabe a este Instituto executar as ações do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação e fomentar e executar programas de pesquisa, proteção, preservação e conservação da biodiversidade, além de exercer o poder de polícia ambiental para as Unidades de Conservação federais. Os levantamentos sobre a ocupação da bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba do Sul em relação àqueles relacionados a região abrangida pelo Domínio das Ilhas Fluviais, a importância dos seus peixes para as comunidades ribeirinhas, a pesquisa científica, as interações ecológicas dos sistemas fluviais, e as características ambientais, espaciais, físicas e biológicas deste segmento do Rio Paraíba do Sul interessam o presente estudo. / [en] In the final segment of the geographical unit named Lower Middle Course of the Paraíba do Sul River (Ab Saber, 1958), located in the Fluminense area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, there is a subunit named Domain of the River Islands, which has well-preserved biodiversity when compared to the more developed areas in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo found upstream. With the exception of the Domain of the Mountain Ranges and Plateau, in the Upper Valley of the Paraíba do Sul River, the upstream areas have been degraded especially in the highly developed areas in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, due to their elevated population and industrial densities (COELHO, 2012; ICMBio, 2011). The sprawl translates into industrial and household pollution, large deforested areas, harmful effects on the aquatic biota caused by the proliferation of dams, erosion, sedimentation, introduction of alien species and toxic leaks (ARAUJO, 2004; ARAUJO et al., 2005). Although these factors originating in border waters also threaten the River Islands, the area was recognized as a strategic location by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity (ICMBio, 2011) due to its rich biodiversity (BIZERRIL, 2001) and a number of endangered species found in the area (CARAMASCHI et al, 1991; BIZERRIL, 2001). This Institute shall enforce the actions established by the National System of Conservation Units, foster, and carry out programs of research, protection, conservation and preservation of the biodiversity, and exercise the power of environmental police in the federal Conservation Units. Existing surveys on the occupation of the Paraíba do Sul Basin are of particular interest to this study, including those pertaining to the Domain of the River Islands region, the importance of local fish species for the riparian communities, the ecologic interactions between river systems, the environmental, spatial, physic and biological characteristics of this area of the Paraíba do Sul River, as well as other scientific studies. The aim of this dissertation is to collect data by reviewing existing literature and experiences gathered in the field, in order to pool information and present reflections on how the river segment of Domain of the River Islands is able to maintain, within the polluted and degraded Paraíba do Sul Basin, a relatively well-preserved ecosystem, which therefore must be protected.

Hur den sociala miljön påverkar incestutsatta personers delaktighet i aktivitet : Analys av självbiografier / How the social environment affects the occupational participation of people exposed to incest : Analysis of autobiographies

Karlsson, Erik, Rosén, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att beskriva incestutsatta personers upplevelse av hur den sociala miljön hindrat eller främjat deras delaktighet i aktivitet både som barn och vuxen. Metod: Litteraturstudie av självbiografier vilka analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ analys av berättelser och resulterade i fem kategorier: Behovet av stöd för en sund kärleksrelation, vuxna påverkar barns lek och fritid, avgörande faktorer för missbruk, utsattheten driver utbildning och karriär och bemötandet påverkar vård och rättsprocess. Tre självbiografier inkluderades i studien, inklusionskriterier var självbiografier inom ämnet incest samt att de skulle vara skrivna på engelska eller svenska. Samtliga av de utvalda självbiografierna är skrivna av kvinnor där fadern varit förövaren. Resultat: Resultatet av studien visar att den sociala miljön kan verka främjande och hindrande gällande delaktighet i aktivitet för personer utsatta för incest. Övergripande upplever personerna att relationen till fadern och de övergrepp han begått på flera sätt påverkat deras delaktighet inom alla livsområde både som barn och vuxen. Ett socialt stöd från familj, vänner och omgivningen är den främsta faktorn i den sociala miljön som upplevs främja delaktighet i aktivitet. Slutsats: Det finns behov för djupare forskning inom ämnet. För att arbetsterapeuten skall ha möjlighet att utveckla arbetsterapeutiska åtgärder som gynnar en incestutsatt person krävs mer kunskap och förståelse kring kopplingen mellan den utsatte personen, den sociala miljön och delaktighet i aktivitet. Fortsatt forskning hade varit intressant genom en tvärvetenskaplig studie tillsammans med andra professioner som har annan kunskap av värde inom ämnet. / Aim: To describe how people exposed to incest experienced the social environment as limiting or enabling  their occupational participation during childhood and adulthood. Method: Literature study of autobiographies which were analyzed based on a qualitative analysis of narratives and resulted in five categories: The need for support for a healthy love relationship, adults affect children's play and leisure, decisive factors for addiction, the concequenses of incest drives education and career and treatment affects healthcare and legal process. Three autobiographies were included in the study, inclusion criteria were autobiographies in the subject of incest and that they should be written in English or Swedish. All of the selected autobiographies are written by women where the father was the perpetrator. Result: The results of the study show that the social environment can have limiting and enabling effects on occupational participation for people exposed to incest. Overall, the people experience that the relationship with the father and the abuse he committed in several ways affected their participation in all areas of life, both as children and adults. Social support from family, friends and the environment is the main factor in the social environment that is perceived to enable occupational participation. Conclusion: There is a need for deeper research in the subject. More knowledge regarding the interactions between social environment and occupational participation is needed for occupational therapists to be able to develop interventions that benefits people exposed to incest. Continued research would be interesting through an interdisciplinary study together with other professions that have other knowledge of value in the subject.

Francouzská politika vůči Sársku 1945-1955 / French policy towards the Saar 1945-1955

Havlík, Josef January 2011 (has links)
The study deals with the evolution of French policy towards the Saar from 1945, when the first concepts of an economic union between France and the Saar, to the refusal of the Saar to become an international territory governed by the Council of Europe in 1955. Analyzing the developments within the French administration in Paris and in Saarbrücken, the aim of the study is to prove that the failure of France to secure an annexation of the Saar resulted from a variety of internal and external forces, the most notable being the lack of interest, co-ordination and competence of the French bureaucracy regarding the Saar. Shortly after the conclusion of World War II, France justified its claims in the Saar by a dire need of coal and the necessity of curbing future German economic potential. The creation of an economic union between France and the Saar was based on superficial and irresponsible planning, which proved to be the stumbling block of future French-Saar relations. The troubled partnership, initially a cause for optimism, resulted in the alienation of both countries. At the same time the rebirth of Western Germany caused the pragmatic view of the Saar to doubt the future of a union with a fragile and economically weak France. Following the rejection of the Saar Statute, a French plan of...

Vývoj informačního sektoru a jeho zaměstnanosti v České republice / The Development of the Information Sector and its Employment in the Czech Republic

Skružný, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The theme of the work is to analyze the current state of employment in information sector in the Czech Republic, its developmental changes with regard to the development of national and world economy. The beginning of work shows changing human society in the information society and economic change in the information economy. In the following chapters is devoted to a summary of the most famous studies that define these changes in terms of occupation, employment and the impact on national economies. There is also described position of information occupations in the current major classifications of occupations. The second part is formed by the survey of employment in the information sector in the Czech Republic. Emphasis is placed on analysis of trends in employment in these sectors. The last chapter compares the employment between the Czech Republic and Finland.

Československo v 60. letech 20. století z hlediska teorie nedemokratických režimů / Czechoslovakia in 1960s from the point of view of theory of non-democratic regimes

Slezáková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The Master thesis Czechoslovakia in 1960s from the point of view of theory non- democratic regimes deals with the analysis of political, economic and social development, especially with the so-called Prague Spring of 1968. The 1968 reform was an attempt to transform the Czechoslovak communist regime. The aim was to transform Czechoslovakia into a modern industrial society, break free from the total subordination to the Soviet Union, yet with the leading role of the Communist Party. For this reason, the year 1968 holds an important position in our post-war history. The thesis is divided into two main parts and seven chapters. The first part is devoted to non-democratic theories, particularly to totalitarianism and authoritarianism. The second part describes the events in the communist Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1960. And subsequently, the remaining part is devoted to the main topic of the thesis, to Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. The aim of my thesis was to describe the situation in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s, identify the causes and consequences of the so-called Prague Spring of 1968 and try to match Czechoslovakia to a certain type of non-democratic regime in the 1960s and thus determine where Czechoslovakia was on the imaginary scale from totalitarianism to democracy in this period.

"Zítřek často mívá pro nás barvy naděje…" Týdeník Zítřek a jeho společenská role v počátečním období normalizace (říjen 1968 - duben 1969) / The Zítřek Journal and Its Social Role in Initial Period of The Normalization in Czechoslovakia (October 1968 - April 1969)

Zejdová, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is dedicated to the weekly magazine Zítřek published by the Czechoslovak Socialist Party and to the historical period of the years 1968 - 1969. The study presents social and political context, the formation of the civil society, and the role of the weekly Zítřek in the following period. The study is focused on the origins of this weekly magazine Zítřek, its short duration, the long discussion about its stopping, and on its next course, as well. The weekly magazine Zítřek was established as a pro-reform magazine and that is the reason why the study is focused particularly on the press relationships, the history of the Czechoslovak Socialist Party, and its publishing house Melantrich. The study contains interviews with contemporary witnesses, Mrs. Sylva Daníčková and Mr. Aleš Fuchs, as well. In one part the study selects and evaluates articles published by Zítřek. The study is from a methodical view focused on the archive research and historical documents, the method of oral - history in the case of interviews with contemporary witness, and the method of content analysis.

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