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Jumping obstacles : the Israeli settlement courseKayali, H. January 2016 (has links)
Since 2005, when the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued its opinion deeming the Israeli Separation Wall and settlements illegal, there have been significant developments in the nonviolent methods adopted for countering Israeli occupation. While Palestinian nonviolent resistance has existed throughout history, from this time onwards, there have been a number of factors that give this period its unique traits. The most central method that has been adopted by all nonviolent actors is to influence economic interaction with Israel in a way that is in line with international law, and is supportive of the official positions adopted by the countries that nonviolent activists aim to influence. While Israeli settlements are illegal according to international law, they include industrial areas that export products to many countries. Through this contradiction, nonviolent activists have found an opportunity to pressurise countries to end their economic ties with those settlements, and consequently put pressure Israel to change its settlement policies. Some of these call for ending economic ties with Israel itself, because it is upholding the settlements, and some call for ending ties only with Israeli settlements; in other words, some target the criminal and others just the crime. In 2010, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) adopted its first unilateral program that was not in agreement with Israel, and which introduced a strategy for the cessation of economic ties with Israeli settlements. This was done through a mixture of national public awareness campaigns to influence consumer behaviour, and the introduction of legislation by which it became illegal for Palestinian enterprises to have any economic ties with Israeli settlements. After starting by focussing on its own markets, the PNA called upon other countries to follow suit by lobbying government officials, parliamentarians, and financial institutions. However, this action came five years after a call for a full boycott, including divestment and sanctions against Israel, made by Palestinian civil society organizations and political parties. This call, known as the BDS call had gained tremendous support and amalgamated a large pool of members internationally by the time that the PNA started with its campaign for a limited boycott. This disparity has had a significant influence on the dynamics of the boycott movement, both locally in Palestine and globally. This research explores those dynamics. It takes an in-‐‑depth look at the effort to end economic ties with settlements, including who the actors are, what they aim for, how they interact, and how effective they have been. The PNA’s program to end economic ties with settlements was chosen as a case study for this doctoral thesis, because of its central position in relation to the topic and the unique access to its documentation through the author’s previous role as its director.
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Daglig verksamhet, en viktig insats för folkhälsan : En kvalitativ studie bland personer med funktionsnedsättning / "Daily activity, an important insert to public health” : A qualitative study among people with disabilitiesEklund, Danielle, Garbacea, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Personer med en funktionsnedsättning har generellt sett en sämre hälsa än den genomsnittliga befolkningen på grund av riskfaktorer kopplade till levnadsvillkoren. En viktig faktor när det gäller målområdena inflytande och delaktighet samt Hälsa i arbetslivet är att skapa inkluderande miljöer där det finns goda möjligheter till bättre hälsa och ökad självkänsla. Tidigare studier visar på positiva effekter av en daglig sysselsättning vilket minskar riskerna för marginalisering och utanförskap. Umgänget med hästar har även det dokumenterat positiv effekt på personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Syftet med studien var att belysa deltagarnas beskrivningar av den dagliga verksamheten Hälsa med hästkraft och deras hälsoutveckling, där funktionsnedsatta dagligen arbetar i naturen med hästskötsel och ridning. Projektet startades i Örkelljunga kommun 2012 för att ge deltagarna en meningsfull sysselsättning och möjlighet att arbeta mer fysisk än en traditionell daglig verksamhet ofta kan erbjuda. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer med sex av deltagarna och två personal samt en individuell intervju med projektledaren som arbetar där. Resultatet visade att samtliga deltagrare genomgått förbättringar hälsomässigt sett, både fysiskt och psykiskt sedan de började på Hälsa med hästkraft dagliga verksamhet. Deltagrarna ser sina nuvarande arbetsuppgifter som betydelsefulla och givande samt trivs med både sina arbetskamrater och personal. / People with disabilities generally have a lower health status than the average population, this due to risk factors related to their living conditions. An important factor when it comes to the objectives "Influence and Participation" and "Health in working life", is to create an open and including enviroment with good possibilities to influence one`s situation. To be a part of a bigger context where works is put on fokus, increases the possibilities to achieve better helth and self-esteem. Having a daily occupation has in previous studies shown to have a positive effect. This in turn decreases the risk of alienation and marginalization. Interaction with horses has also shown to have a positive effect on people with disabilities. The aim of this study was to ilustrate the participants descriptions of the daily activities " Health with horsepower" and their health development, where people with disabilities work in nature daily with taking care of the horses and horseback riding. The project was started 2012 in Örkelljunga municipality with the purpose of givng the participants a meaningful occupation and posssibility to work more physically than in a traditional daily work. The study was based on focus group interviews performed by six of the projekt members and two staff, as well an individual interview with one of the staff working there. The results have shown that all participants of the study, has since they quit their ordinary daily occupation, improved their health both physically and mentally. The participants now view their current work-tasks as meaningful and rewardind, and they thrive with both their colleagues and staff- members.
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Pub/Antipub, deux visions du monde ? : sociologie des visions du monde à partir des discours de professionnels de la publicité et de militants antipublicitaires / Pub/Antipub, two worldviews ? : sociology of worldviews from speech of advertising professionals and activistsViguier, Elsie 12 December 2012 (has links)
En m'intéressant aux discours de deux groupes en opposition, les antipublicitaires et les publicitaires, j'ai tenté de construire une sociologie de leurs visions du monde et de rapprocher ces analyses des concepts d'idéologie et d'utopie. L'approche est qualitative, elle privilégie l'observation non participante auprès de collectifs militants et l'analyse de discours produits lors d'entretiens semi-directifs ou à l'occasion de publications des acteurs concernés. Ce travail sociologique s'organise autour du triptyque soi, l'autre, le monde. La vision de soi, ou encore le discours sur soi, en tant qu'individu et en tant que collectif, déploie les questions d'identification, d'efficacité, de plaisir, de vocation et d'engagement. A travers deux figures vocationnelles, celle du combattant et celle de l'artiste, l'acteur renforce son identité personnelle, dans le sens d'une définition de soi, en légitimant le rôle qu'il se donne au sein de la société. Ainsi, l'autolégitimation prend place dans la construction de la croyance collective et enclenche le processus de légitimation d'une conception du monde, qu'elle soit en accord ou en rupture avec le système existant. Le regard posé sur l'autre renvoie à une définition et une désignation de l'adversaire, mais le discours révèle aussi une certaine instrumentalisation de l'autre, l'autre pensé comme un moyen de se faire entendre et d'acquérir une légitimité aux yeux du public. Enfin, les notions qui se trouvent interrogées dans cette présentation de soi et de l'autre sont dès lors confrontées à un discours plus général, un regard sur le monde et la société. Le discours se fait constructeur d'évidences en affirmant ce qui est et ce qui doit être. La publicité devient ainsi l'élément sur lequel s'amorce une réflexion critique envers le système économique libéral. Idéologie et utopie sont ainsi analysées comme deux dynamiques à la fois opposées et complémentaires, comme si en fin de compte regarder le monde, c'était déjà mettre en œuvre une volonté de le mettre en ordre. / Interesting to me in speech two opposing groups, the activists and advertising professionals, i tried to construct a sociology of their worldviews and bring these analyzes concepts of ideology and utopia. The approach is qualitative, it favors the non-participant observation with community activists and discourse analysis products during semi-structured interviews or on the occasion of publications. This sociological work is organized around the triptych self, the other and the world. Vision itself, or the speech itself, as individuals and as a collective, deploys identification issues, efficiency, pleasure, purpose and commitment. Through vocational two figures, one of the fighter and that of the artist, actor reinforces its identity, in the sense of self-definition, legitimizing the role it gives to society. Thus, the self-legitimation takes place in the construction of collective belief and begins the process of legitimizing a view of the world, whether in agreement or break with the existing system. The gaze of the other refers to a definition and description of the opponent, but the speech also reveals some manipulation of the other, the other thought as a way to be heard and to gain legitimacy the public eye. Finally, the concepts are surveyed in the presentation of self and the other are therefore faced with a more general discourse, a view of the world and society. The speech is evidence of manufacturer stating what is and what should be. Advertising becomes the element that begins a critical towards the liberal economic system. Ideology and utopia are thus analyzed as two dynamic both opposite and complementary, as if ultimately look at the world, it was already implementing a willingness to put in order.
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Evolution de l'occupation des sols dans l'ouest du Niger : influence sur la cycle de l'eau / Land use evolution in Western Niger : its influence on water cycleSouley Yero, Kadidiatou 18 December 2012 (has links)
Malgré le déficit pluviométrique persistant qui le caractérise depuis plus de quarante ans, le Sahel connaît un accroissement notoire du ruissellement, des écoulements et de l'érosion hydrique. On attribue cela aux changements d'usage des sols, et à une fatigue de ceux-ci, épuisés par des successions de cultures de moins en moins suivies de phases de repos. Cela se traduit par une dégradation rapide des sols, dont le processus le plus courant est l'encroûtement. C'est ce même encroûtement qui est à l'origine de l'augmentation des écoulements. On se propose ici de déterminer quelle est l'évolution de l'occupation des sols dans une région de l'Ouest du Niger, afin de comprendre les facteurs et les processus qui aboutissent à de très nettes modifications dans le régime des eaux ; outre l'augmentation des débits et des coefficients d'écoulement, on observe une diminution des temps de réponse des sols et des bassins aux précipitations. Ceci est directement lié à la diminution de la capacité des sols à retenir l'eau, qui est elle-même due à l'encroûtement. L'évolution de l'occupation des sols est donc l'explication qui permet de comprendre les modifications du cycle de l'eau. On utilise ici la télédétection pour parvenir à déterminer cette évolution des usages des sols. Au passage, on essaie d'y voir plus clair sur le reverdissement observé et mesuré par de nombreux chercheurs : est- il tangible ? Dans quelles régions ? Sur quelles durées ? Quel est le rôle des méthodes de classification dans la mise en évidence de ce reverdissement ? Il faut aussi s'assurer de la représentativité des zones d'entraînement utilisées. Des méthodes de l'hydro-géomorphométrie sont appelées au secours pour séparer la zone d'étude en deux ensembles distincts (plateau- non plateau) pour faciliter la classification. Une étude par photo-interprétation est tentée sur le degré carré de Niamey, dans l'optique d'avancer dans la distinction du rôle respectif de la sécheresse et des activités socio-économiques dans les changements d'usage des sols. Enfin, après avoir comparé nos travaux avec les très nombreuses études déjà réalisées dans cette région, on s'intéresse à l'impact des changements d'usage des sols sur l'infiltration et le ruissellement, de l'échelle de la parcelle à celle du grand bassin versant, en particulier sur l'évolution remarquée des débits et régimes des fleuves, et de l'accroissement du risque de crue, observé ces dernières années. Il semblerait que 2 à 5% de surface de sol encroûté sur un bassin suffise à accroître et concentrer suffisamment les débits pour accroître cet aléa, sans pour autant empêcher un certain « reverdissement » global, tel qu'observé par l'évolution des indices de végétation télédétectés. / Despite the persistent rainfall deficit observed from more than forty years, the West African Sahel exhibits a significant increase in runoff, in rivers discharge and in water erosion. This fact is attributed to land use changes, particularly to soil overexploitation, characterized by the shortening of fallow periods. This leads to the degradation of soil structure, and to soil crusting. The soil crusting is the first factor of the increase in runoff. The purpose of this research is to determine the land use evolution in the western part of the Niger, to underline the factors and processes leading to the significant changes in surface water regime. The increase in discharges and runoff coefficients is accompanied with a reduction in the lag time of the slopes and basins when occurs a rainy event. This is directly linked to the decrease in soil water holding capacity, due to soil crusting. Hence, land use/land cover evolution is the main explaining factor of water cycle changes. Remote sensing is used in order to determine land uses changes. This implies to improve the knowledge about the “regreening” of the Sahel, observed and measured by several research teams: is it a myth or a reality? In what regions? During what periods? What is the role of classification methods of remote sensing in the highlighting of the regreening? We need to ensure that regions of interest used in this study are representative of the regional area. Methods of “hydro-geomorphometry” are needed to divide the study area into two differents areas, “plateau” and “non-plateau”, in order to avoid errors in the pixel classification of some different vegetation types which have neighbouring NDVI. A study by interpretation of aerial photographs is attempted over the Square degree of Niamey, with the aim of improving the separation between the respective role of the drought and the human activities in the evolution of land cover. After a comparison of our research with numerous previous studies realised on the same region, we perform an analyse of the impact of land use changes on infiltration and runoff, from the plot scale to the great basin scale, with a special focus on the observed evolution of rivers discharges and regimes and on the increase in flood hazard, detected during the last years. It appears that 2 to 5% of the total area exhibiting soil crusting are sufficient to increase and concentrate enough the discharges and to provoke a significant rise in the flooding, without avoiding a certain global “regreening” such as it is observed using the evolution of vegetation indices.
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As transformações históricas e a dinâmica atual da paisagem no município de Euclides da Cunha Paulista-SP /Pichinin, Erica dos Santos. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Messias Modesto dos Passos / Banca: Antônio Nivaldo Hespanhol / Banca: Eloiza Cristiane Torres / Resumo: O presente estudo analisa a transformação da paisagem decorrente das mudanças no uso e ocupação do solo, a partir do levantamento bibliográfico e de pesquisas empíricas no município de Euclides da Cunha Paulista - localizado na parcela territorial que compreende o extremo sudoeste do estado de São Paulo - o Pontal do Paranapanema. Este trabalho se insere no âmbito do desenvolvimento do Projeto Temático intitulado: "Dinâmicas Socioambientais, Desenvolvimento Local e Sustentabilidade na Raia Divisória São Paulo - Paraná - Mato Grosso do Sul". O objetivo está centrado no diagnóstico dos processos de mudanças sob o viés da ação antrópica, constituindo uma abordagem relevante para o entendimento da relação entre o homem e a natureza. Ao estudar a transformação histórica da paisagem, optou-se por tomar como referência os principais agentes sociais propulsores do desenvolvimento local, pelo fato de serem importantes elementos de mudança, no que se refere aos aspectos de ordem ambiental, como também aos de ordem social. Neste sentido, as imagens de satélite servem para acompanhar esta evolução, através do georreferenciamento de algumas dinâmicas paisagísticas e territoriais, o que resultou na análise de indicadores, possibilitando atingir os resultados que demonstram que a problemática ambiental decorrente da ação antrópica na escala local interfere na dinâmica da paisagem, sendo passível de identificação, a partir de análises integradas em toda a área de estudo. / Abstract: The present study it analyzes the transformation of the decurrent landscape of the changes in the use and occupation of the ground, from the bibliographical survey and of empirical research in the city Euclides Cunha Paulista - located in the territorial parcel that understands the southwestern extremity of the state of São Paulo - the Pontal of the Paranapanema. This work if inserts in the scope of the development of the intitled Thematic Project: "Environment and Social Dynamic, Development Local and Sustainable in the Dividing Ray São Paulo - Paraná - Mato Grosso of the South". The objective is centered in the diagnosis of the processes of changes under the bias of the human action, constituting an excellent boarding for the agreement of the relation between the man and the nature. When studying the historical transformation of the landscape, was opted to taking as reference the main propeller social agents of the local development, for the fact to be important elements of change, as for the aspects of ambient order, as well as to the ones of social order. In this direction, the satellite images serve to follow this evolution, through the process of some landscape and territorial dynamic, what it resulted in the analysis of pointers, making possible to reach the results that demonstrate that problematic ambient the decurrent one of the human action in the local scale intervenes with the dynamics of the landscape, being of identification, from analyzes integrated in all the study area. / Mestre
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Riscos socioambientais e ocupação irregular em áreas de enchentes nos bairros: Olarias, Poti Velho, Alto Alegre, São Francisco e Mocambinho - Teresina (PI)Costa, Renato Sérgio Soares [UNESP] 08 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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costa_rss_me_rcla.pdf: 2733113 bytes, checksum: c0626f00704a1cdc72fd972b6e3c523b (MD5) / A expansão da ocupação e uso do solo em Teresina-PI, sem distinção de poderes (público e particular), tem sido desordenada e inadequada. Isso se deve a fatores bastante comuns aos grandes centros urbanos, tais como a ocupação de áreas de risco. A área estudada, localizada na confluência dos rios Poti e Parnaíba, nos bairros da zona norte da referida cidade: Olarias, Poti Velho, Alto Alegre, São Francisco e Vila Mocambinho, tem sido alvo dessas ocupações irregulares. Diante desse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer o processo de urbanização e ocupação irregular em áreas de risco de enchentes nos bairros da referida cidade, uma vez que a mesma encontra-se com nível de degradação socioeconômico e ambiental avançado, confirmado pelos indicadores de desenvolvimento humano ali presentes. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho consistiu em: levantamento de material bibliográfico, documental e cartográfico; levantamentos de campo, com visitas técnicas; levantamento fotográfico; aplicação de formulários com os moradores dos bairros; análise de impactos pluviais na área urbana da cidade. Os resultados encontrados apontam um meio físico, socioeconômico e ambiental vulnerável ao evento de enchentes e inundações, necessitando de novo reordenamento e disciplinamento do espaço urbano / The expansion of occupation and land use in Teresina, Piauí, without discrimination of power (public or private), has been chaotic and inadequate. This is due to factors quite common to large urban centers such as the occupation of risk areas. In this context, it is perceived that the study area, located at the confluence of Poti and Parnaíba in the northern districts of that city: Potteries, Poti Velho, Alto Alegre, San Francisco and Vila Mocambinho are targets of many of these illegal occupations. Given this context, it appears that this work has the general objective: To understand the process of urbanization and illegal occupation in areas at risk of flooding in the neighborhoods of that city, since it meets the level of degradation socio - economic - environmental Advanced confirmed by human development indicators present there. The methodology used in this study consisted of: Survey of bibliographic material, documentary and Cartography; Field surveys, with technical visits, photographic survey and application forms with the residents of communities, analysis of stormwater impacts in the urban area. As the findings point was a physical and socio-economic-environmental vulnerable to flooding and flood event, requiring a new reordering of urban space and discipline
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Interações interespecíficas e comportamentais de moscas-varejeiras: abordagens ecológicas e médico-legais envolvendo populações naturaisGalindo, Luciane Almeida [UNESP] January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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galindo_la_dr_botib.pdf: 1002192 bytes, checksum: efafdb9e0e1cd36e8c2d273acc8df569 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / As interações interespecíficas em dípteros califorídeos de importância forense resultam de processos biológicos complexos, envolvendo comportamentos específicos capazes de influenciar tanto a abundância como a diversidade de insetos presentes nos substratos orgânicos em decomposição. Nesse sentido, a presença de determinadas espécies com forte ação interativa, como por exemplo, predadores, competidores ou parasitóides, pode interferir substancialmente na composição da fauna decompositora de cadáveres, com sérias implicações para a estimativa de intervalo pós-morte em investigações criminais. Em estudo prévio foi investigado em laboratório o comportamento de oviposição em L. eximia, C. megacephala e C. albiceps na tentativa de esclarecer se a postura de ovos em moscas-varejeiras ocorre meramente ao acaso, ou se a presença prévia de diferentes espécies pode influenciar a desova por parte das espécies que chegaram ao local subsequentemente. Os resultados encontrados indicam que as espécies L. eximia e C. megacephala escolhem sítios de oviposição em que não há a presença prévia de larvas de C. albiceps, uma espécie predadora intraguilda. Esses resultados sugerem estudos mais aprofundados, preferencialmente em populações naturais, focalizando sobre a interação entre larvas e adultos de moscas-varejeiras, já que há evidências de que fêmeas adultas são capazes de detectar a presença de larvas predadoras, o que influi na decisão oviposicional. Este estudo teve o objetivo geral de investigar a abundância, diversidade e dinâmica comportamental em populações de moscas-varejeiras no contexto de recursos alimentares efêmeros e limitados, considerando a ação da predação intraguilda. A proposta do estudo é criar duas frentes de investigação no contexto de ecologia comportamental, experimentação em campo e modelagem matemática populacional / The interspecific interactions in calliphorid flies of forensic impoltance result of complex biological processes, involving specific behaviors capable of influencing both the abundance and the diversity of insects in organic substrates in decomposition. The presence of certain species with a strong interactive action, such as predators, competitors or parasitoids, can interfere substantially in the composition of the decomposer fauna of corpses, with serious implications for the postmortem interval estimate in criminal inquiries. In a previous study the oviposition behavior in L. eximia, C. megacephala and C. albiceps was investigated in laboratory in the attempt to clarify if the egg laying in blowflies occurs at random, or if the previous presence of different species may influence the oviposition of the species that had arrived subsequently at the substrate. The results suggest that the species L. eximia and C megacephala prefer oviposition substrates, without the previous presence of C. albiceps larvae, an intraguild predator species. These results suggest further studies, preferably in natural populations, focusing on the interaction between larvae and adult of blowflies, since there is evidence that females are able to detect the presence of predator. This study had the general objective of investigating the abundance, diversity and behavioral dynamic in populations of blowflies in the context of limited and ephemeral food resources, considering the effect of intraguild predation. The proposal of the study is to create two fronts of investigation in the context of behavioral ecology, experimentation in field and population mathematical modeling
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Brazil has a high deficit of housing. However, it is known that adequate housing condition may reflect in improvements in the quality of life of the population. Aiming the solution of this problem and the delivery of increased productivity and quality to residential buildings, new techniques and new materials are developed. This study has sought a better understanding of the innovative building system composed of polyvinyl chloride profiles - PVC - filled with concrete through assessments made during and after construction. Six housing complexes were visited in different cities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, BR, where the questionnaires were administered to residents. The following housing complexes were examined: Canoas Minha Terra II, Valparaíso Condominium, São Luiz Condominum, Loteamento Park Novo Hamburgo, Residential Terra Nativa and Park São Pedro whose typology and constructive standards were diverse. In addition, the implementation of the Canoas Minha Terra I project was accompanied in order to identify the main construction stages of a building with such construction system and to take samples for testing. These samples showed inferior results when compared to the appropriate norms. The residents reviews were positive about the comfort and appearance of the building. However, the main problem reported and identified in loco was the excessive accumulation of moisture on the walls following condensation, and consequently the appearance of mold. This problem was less frequent in the condominium that had internal finishing of the rooms with no exposed PVC. Therefore, the constructive system at stake provides more rapidity, transportation facility and execution when compared to conventional methods. However, it requires projective artifices such as coating or increased ventilation, so that users do not have inconveniences generated by the accumulation of water on the walls. / O Brasil possui um alto déficit habitacional, todavia, sabe-se que a adequada condição de moradia pode refletir melhorias na qualidade de vida da população. No sentido de resolver tal problema e agregar maior produtividade e qualidade às construções residenciais, novas técnicas e novos materiais são desenvolvidos. Essa pesquisa buscou um melhor entendimento do sistema construtivo inovador composto por perfis de policloreto de vinila PVC preenchidos por concreto através de avaliações durante e pós-construção. Foram visitados seis conjuntos habitacionais em distintas cidades do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, BR, para aplicação de questionários aos moradores. Os conjuntos habitados inspecionados foram: Canoas Minha Terra II, Condomínio Valparaíso, Condomínio São Luiz, Loteamento Parque Novo Hamburgo, Residencial Terra Nativa e Parque São Pedro de variadas tipologias e padrões construtivos. Ainda, foi acompanhada a execução do empreendimento Canoas Minha Terra I com a finalidade de identificar as etapas principais da construção de uma edificação com tal sistema construtivo e também retirar amostras para ensaio. Essas amostras apresentaram resultados inferiores às normas pertinentes. Já as avaliações dos moradores foram positivas quanto ao conforto e aparência da edificação. Entretanto, o principal problema relatado e também identificado in loco foi o excessivo acúmulo de umidade nas paredes por efeito da condensação e, consequentemente, o aparecimento de fungos. Tal problema obteve menor frequência no condomínio que possui acabamento interno dos ambientes sem deixar o PVC exposto. Logo, o sistema construtivo em questão confere maior rapidez, facilidade de transporte e execução se comparado aos métodos convencionais. Contudo, ele necessita de artifícios projetuais, tais como revestimento ou incremento de ventilação, para que os usuários não tenham incômodos gerados pelo acúmulo de água nas paredes.
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Interações hidrossedimentológicas e de uso e ocupação do solo na Bacia Hidrográfica Ribeirão Palmito – Três Lagoas (MS)Almeida, Bruna Tiago [UNESP] 08 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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almeida_bt_me_prud.pdf: 10697930 bytes, checksum: 7bb7b517178fdfe6a047f9d628c0ff22 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Uma vez que é mais freqüente a cada dia o direcionamento de fortes investimentos para o resgate das potencialidades dos ambientes naturais, devido constantes agressões disseminadas pelo modelo de desenvolvimento adotado nos últimos séculos, este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo dos aspectos físicos e a dinâmica dos agentes sociais que atuam na área da bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão Palmito, localizada no município de Três Lagoas (MS). Assim, o presente trabalho visa à busca de uma leitura dinâmica da paisagem através das características estruturais e ecológicas da bacia, da leitura espaço-sazonal de alguns componentes do regime hidrológico e hidrossedimentológico, além da caracterização do uso do solo ocupação do relevo. As investigações realizadas e a avaliação da existência ou não de desequilíbrios na paisagem da bacia estudada considerou as características naturais por meio da dinâmica do canal fluvial, assim como os fatores geomorfológicos, geo-pedológicos e hidrológicos da bacia, baseado principalmente no fato de que os materiais podem ser facilmente erodidos em função dos solos frágeis e bastantes espessos da região. Além disso, os fatores que transformam a paisagem através dos tipos de utilização... / A time that is more frequent to each day the aiming of strong investments for the rescue of the potentialities of natural environments, had constant aggressions spread for the model of development adopted in the last centuries, this research has as objective the study of the physical aspects and the dynamics of the social agents that act in the area of the hydrographic basin of the Palmito stream, located in the Três Lagoas city (MS). Thus, the present work aims at to the search of a dynamic reading of the landscape through the structural and ecological characteristics of the basin, of the reading space-seasonably of some components of the hydrologic and hydrossedimentologic regimen, beyond the characterization of the use of the ground and occupation of the relief. The investigations realized and the evaluation of the existence or not of disequilibria in the landscape of the studied basin did not consider the natural characteristics by means of the dynamics of the fluvial canal, as well as the geomorphologics factors, geopedologics and hydrologics of the basin, based mainly on the fact of that the materials can easily be eroded in function of the fragile grounds and sufficiently thick. Moreover, the factors that transform the landscape ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Ensaios sobre a migração de retorno interestadual no Brasil.Ferreira, Allyne de Almeida 26 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of experience of interstate migration in Brazil on the productive reinsertion and on the income of the employee that returned to the region of origin. The data used in this study were derived from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) of 1999 and 2009. This study is divided into three sections. The first is reserved for the investigation of the migratory pattern inside the Brazilian territory and for the comparison of the socioeconomic attributes of return migrants with those observed for non-migrants and non-returned migrants. In the 2000s, the evidences show that most migrants of return comes back to the Northeast and, also, that Southeast has sent more people who received, indicating a loss of attractiveness. The again migrated worker can be characterized as an individual male, nonwhite race, urban person and head of family, being, on average, younger, more educated and better paid than non-migrant. On the other hand, the migrated worker again is older, less educated and receives lower income than non-returned migrant. In the second part are analyzed the determination of the condition of migration and salary differentials between categories: interstate migrants of return, interstate non-returned migrant and non-migrant. The methodology consisted in estimating a structural model of joint determination of migration, remigration and wages, with the application of the method of Lee (1978) for the correction of possible sample selection bias. Moreover, wage differentials were calculated using the technique of Oaxaca-Blinder-Oaxaca and Ramson. The empirical findings show that male workers, more educated, employed as self-employed and entrepreneurs were more inclined to interstate migration and remigration to the state of birth. And, in relation to profits, show that male workers, more educated, employed as civil servants and entrepreneurs, profited higher values. But, the non-returned migrants and the migrants of return received higher incomes than non-migrants. These differences are mainly explained by unobserved characteristics, indicating a positive selection of migrants on attributes not observed in relation to non-migrants. Finally, the objective of the third part was to investigate the impact of the accumulation of savings and/or wealth in the decision to occupation of interstate migrants of return. The methodology used in that investigation was to estimate a probit model with endogenous regressor, correcting the bias this endogeneity in wealth accumulation. Empirical evidences enabled to identify that accumulation of wealth had a positive impact on the choice to employ themselves as self-employed and entrepreneur. Furthermore, the return migrants more favorable to self-employment or entrepreneur are men, white, aged older, with low schooling and that living in the North, Northeast and Midwest regions. In relation to the accumulation of wealth, were also verified that workers who returned before 2000 have accumulated more wealth than workers of recent decade and the accumulation of wealth was generated during the period of youth of the workers. / O principal objetivo desse estudo é analisar o efeito da experiência de migração interestadual no Brasil sobre a reinserção produtiva e os rendimentos do trabalhador retornado à região de origem. Os dados utilizados neste estudo foram provenientes da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNADs) de 1999 e de 2009. Esse estudo está dividido em três ensaios. O primeiro é reservado à investigação do padrão migratório dentro do território brasileiro e à comparação dos atributos socioeconômicos dos migrantes de retorno com aqueles observados para os não migrantes e migrantes não retornados. Na década de 2000, as evidências mostram que a maioria dos migrantes de retorno voltou para a região Nordeste e também que a região Sudeste emitiu mais pessoas que recebeu, indicando perda de capacidade de atração. O trabalhador remigrado pode ser caracterizado como um indivíduo do sexo masculino, de cor não branca, residente em área urbana e chefe de família; sendo, em média, mais jovem, mais escolarizado e melhor remunerado que o não migrante. Por outro lado, o remigrado é mais velho, menos escolarizado e aufere menor rendimento que o migrante não retornado. No segundo ensaio se analisam a determinação da condição de migração e os diferenciais de salários entre as categorias: migrante interestadual de retorno, migrante interestadual não retornado e não migrante. A metodologia utilizada consistiu na estimativa de um modelo estrutural de determinação conjunta de migração, remigração e salários, com a aplicação do método de Lee (1978) para a correção do possível viés de seleção amostral. Ademais, os diferenciais de salários foram calculados a partir da técnica de Oaxaca-Ramson e Oaxaca-Blinder. Os achados empíricos apontam que trabalhadores homens, mais escolarizados, ocupados como autônomos e empreendedores, foram mais propensos à migração interestadual e à remigração ao estado de nascimento. Ademais, em relação aos rendimentos, mostram que os trabalhadores homens, mais escolarizados, ocupados como funcionários públicos e empreendedores, auferiram maiores valores. Porém, os migrantes não retornados e os migrantes de retorno receberam maiores rendimentos do que os não migrantes, sendo estas diferenças explicadas principalmente pelas características não observadas, indicando uma seleção positiva dos migrantes em atributos não observados em relação aos não migrantes. Por último, o objetivo do terceiro ensaio foi investigar o impacto da acumulação de poupança e/ou riqueza na decisão de ocupação do migrante interestadual de retorno. A metodologia usada na referida averiguação foi a estimação de um modelo probit com regressor endógeno, corrigindo o viés de endogeneidade presente na acumulação de riqueza. As evidências empíricas permitiram observar que a acumulação de riqueza impactou positivamente na escolha por empregar-se como autônomo e empreendedor. Ademais, também foi constatado que os trabalhadores migrantes mais prováveis de se empregar como autônomo ou empreendedor são os homens, de cor branca, mais velhos, com baixa escolaridade e que residem nas regiões do Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Em relação à acumulação de riqueza, também foram constatados que os trabalhadores que retornaram antes do ano 2000 foram os que acumularam mais riqueza do que os trabalhadores da década recente e os acúmulos de riqueza foram gerados no período de juventude dos trabalhadores.
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