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電子書閱讀器OEM/ODM事業部計畫書 / Business Plan for eBook Reader OEM/ODM Division孔德華, Kung, Tom Unknown Date (has links)
電子書閱讀器OEM/ODM事業部計畫書 / This business plan is for an OEM/ODM company to launch a new eBook Reader Division targeting on emerging eBook reader OEM/ODM business. Since the success of Amazon Kindle eBook Reader, the industry expect significant growth after 2010 as the technology and platform are mature enough to provide a good feature product to meet consumer’s requirement in portable reading.
The X Company is an OEM/ODM company with a lot of experience in 3C device design and manufacture. Its scale is medium size, much smaller than first tier OEM/ODM companies, like Foxconn and Wistron. However, it still have some bargaining power in some specific category. This business plan is to analysis the market opportunity and build competitive advantages for eBook reader OEM/ODM business.
The plan starts from January 2010 and will create a team for eBook reader OEM/ODM business. With next 4 years, this business division’s target is to achieve 6% market share of global eBook OEM/ODM business and it will generate about 3.7 million USD Net Present Value.
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The Strategic alliance & Game Theory of OEM/ODMLee, Hsiang-hua 30 August 2009 (has links)
The mostly of electronics companies, which contribute the majority of revenues in Taiwan, are mostly positioned as the OEM/OEM business model. Small or medium-sized OEM/ODM companies face much pressure from both price competition of large-sized OEM/ODM companies and variation of consumer markets. In order to take advantage of the synergy of complementary resources, small or medium-sized companies need not only to enhance theirs capabilities and build up the core competence, but also to seek the cooperative opportunities with other companies. All of these could make up for their inability and upgrade their competitiveness.
This research analyzes, under the frame of competitive situation, the possible strategies for competition or cooperation. We also discuss from the viewpoints of economics what cooperative strategies or models the small or medium-sized companies will take. This research will analyze what is the most appropriate strategy between companies with the method of ¡§Game theory¡¨ which is the popular theory in organization fields. By this theory, we will discuss the possibility of stable cooperative relationship in the strategic alliance between the small or medium-sized companies.
The conclusion of this research depicts that some companies will chase its short-term profits and go into price war in one game. But for a long-term development, some companies will consider their lasting profits and total return, and that is why mutual cooperation will appear. In this research, we solve the core problem- benefits distribution by ¡§Shapley¡¨ method of the game theory. Read more
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A Study on OBM Strategies of Taiwanese corporate in European markets based on resource-based view perspectiveLee, Chiu-Huang 27 June 2011 (has links)
Nowadays, companies of emerging countries have started to compete with Taiwanese companies with the same OEM/ODM business model. This trend has made the advantages of manufacturing of Taiwanese companies disappeared. So the growth of Taiwanese economy that depends on exporting companies¡¦ products has suffered severe threats. Therefore, Taiwanese industries and government have struggled to transform into the field of OBM. They hope it can make more added values from OBM.
This research studied on Taiwanese companies that have made some achievement in OBM field in the international base on resources-based view. This research studied on how they created and operated their own brands and how they planned their own international strategies of OBM, tried to find out the differences between OEM/ODM and OBM in nature, resources and abilities, and found out the main dimensions that how companies met the gap existing in resources and abilities. This study also tried to figure out the processes how companies with brands built up their OBM business in European markets, and then this study wanted to build a conceptual structure about how a business model transformed from OEM/ODM into OBM. Finally, the study found out another company that is a novice in building international OBM business, and did some analysis and suggestions for it based on the conceptual structure to verify the feasibility of the conceptual structure. The sources of the research data are from second-hand data and from interviewing with the studied companies. I hope the study can be a reference for any companies which want to build their business model of OBM.
The results of this study showed that there is indeed a gap between OEM/ODM and OBM in respects of essence and the needed resources and capabilities. And the studied cases which have their own brands had an extent of similarity in building their OBM business in European markets. Therefore, this study tried to divide the processes of how the studied cases that built their OBM business in European markets into five stages, and every stage has different features and needed resources as well as capabilities. And then did some analysis and suggestions for the case which is a novice in building international OBM business. This study found out that the studied findings had an extent of feasibility and credibility. Read more
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Taiwan's Path to Sustainability? Discussion of CSR in the Case of Lite-On / Taiwan's Path to Sustainability? Discussion of CSR in the Case of Lite-On古莉娜, Magdalena Kuksova Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis is focused on case study research of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Taiwanese OEM/ODM corporation Lite-On. Lite-On provides a representative sample of Taiwan’s key industry - the high-tech industry with OEM/ODM manufacturers supplying to global brands. The study has two objectives. The first objective is to introduce the CSR instruments currently used in electronics industry, with a special attention paid to their usage among Taiwanese companies. How successful is the implementation of CSR in the electronics supply chain? The second objective is to study the current status of CSR in Taiwan, while considering a wider context of business ethics and management practice in the Chinese communities. What factors shape the CSR in Taiwanese-invested corporations? After examining these objectives, the key research question of this study is to find out why Taiwanese companies facing harsh competition in the supply chain engage in implementation of corporate social responsibility programs. The thesis is divided into five chapters. First, theoretical concept of CSR and new role of multinational corporations in the global supply chain are introduced. The next chapter recounts the story of Lite-On corporation and its CSR practices, thereby offering a valuable micro-perspective on CSR in Taiwan. The study continues with analysis of legal and voluntary instruments that attempt to address the CSR issues. The final section portrays current status and understanding of CSR in Taiwan’s business community and draws on CSR challenges. Read more
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薄型電視機代工與自有品牌策略研究-以台資LCD TV 產業為例 / Research on contract manufacturing & obm strategy - a case of taiwanese-owned lcd tv industry劉世昌, Liu, Shih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
面對經營疆界( Business Boundary)越趨模糊的新世代,高科技電子消費性終端產業不斷展現誘人商機;隨著傳統映像管電視機式微,取而代之的薄型電視機進入市場,關鍵組件及軟體等科技研發競賽不斷推陳出新,刺激需求;原家電品牌(製造服務)業者主宰整個電視機產業,如今卻面臨強烈挑戰;覬覦液晶電視機(LCD TV)快速引爆市場需求,成長力道強勁並快速整合產業加值鏈,各業者競爭激烈,積極進場,甚至Electronic Manufacturing Service(EMS)大廠、資通訊業者等皆企圖搶奪液晶電視機市場。
從2009年德國柏林IFA、2010年美國CES Show、Computex等展覽中觀察到世界大廠不斷在技術研發向前推進;科技浪頭的百家爭鳴,似乎引領電視機產業來到一個不連續又不斷變動的競爭氛圍。在面臨產品生命週期短促、面板價格波動劇烈、多重廣播標準與門檻及終端市場需求變化巨大的經營挑戰下,產業加值鏈持續透過整合或外包策略因應;本研究個案廠商,考量資源分享極大化以提高競爭力,大多在此階段同時選擇代工(OEM/ODM)與自有品牌經營(OBM)。
至於,選擇代工與品牌並重之個案公司,則陷入較為不利之經營局面;然而,若能調整以自有品牌經營為主,與代工做切割,在創新能力、整體(含音質與畫質)設計能力等做到最具精緻特色,此亦極有機會先穩固區域品牌經營,再伺機擴張。最後對個案廠商未來發展做出策略建議,以及後續研究之方向,期為業界在強化競爭力與提高營業利益等經營議題,提供參考。 / The rapid penetration of Slim-Type TV with the price decline which is raised by the great progress of LCD related technology and increasing huge investment on new generation Fab. Taiwanese firms play significant roles in this worldwide prosperity and firmly integration at all-stream for a strong supply chain.
As supply chain players keep implementing integration strategy to catch up with the cross-boundary opportunities, various business models have emerged. To address this phenomenon, a novel two-phase analytic framework was conducted to study the driving force and balance condition of Taiwan LCD TV vendors’ contract manufacturing (OEM)/OBM Model Choice.
Through case-study and secondary data collection, we found that while facing tough business environment, Most of Taiwan LCD TV firms with different resource-bases , have choose both OEM/ODM and OBM to achieve economic scale for revenue increasing. Also, it’s a way to do cost reduction by sharing the resources.
However, this study yielded different results when four-case companies implementing both OEM/ODM and OBM strategy, we found that if no appropriate resource allocation and right people/mechanism, increase another business model to existing model will bring the reverse effect.
This paper finally concluded that different resource bases companies should consider various driving force and transform to the most suited business model through continue leveraging their own competences to catch the transient market opportunities. Read more
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LED照明產業之OEM/ODM經營模式之研究-以驊陞科技為例 / Research on business model of OEM/ODM in LED lighting industry--taking Wieson as a case study陳宏欽 Unknown Date (has links)
發光二極體 (Light Emitting Diode, LED)是由半導體材料所製成之發光元件,具有耗電量低、壽命長、發熱量少、體積小、耐衝撞等多項優點。同時於設計上亦具有靈活性,可依應用需求將小單體封裝成不同的形狀、顏色、大小及亮度,以達到顯色與調光上不同的變化。因此,LED現今之應用已由最早的數字顯示器和指示器,普遍到消費性電子產品指示燈、行動裝置背光源、傳真機與影印機掃描光源、交通號誌,與各式照明等方面。由其在各式照明應用方面,從汽車照明、室內照明、室外看板及景觀照明、冷凍櫃照明、商業展示投射燈源,發展到農業培育照明,更是廣泛存在我們的日常生活中。此外,由於全球氣候變遷、以及油價飆漲問題日漸嚴重,使各國政府除了尋找替代能源外,亦積極開發節能減碳產品。而發光效率較傳統白熾燈泡高出至少一倍,用電量僅傳統照明10%的LED照明燈具,因此成為此趨勢下充滿潛力的明星產業。
從分析結果中發現於價值單元部分,「製造/品質」能力對OEM廠商之競爭力影響程度最高,而ODM廠商則是各項價值單元之能力皆須具備,但其中又尤其應重視「研究開發」與「製造/品質」能力。在事業型態構面方面,「相對規模與規模經濟」對OEM廠商之競爭能力影響最大,但ODM廠商不僅應重視自身之「相對規模與規模經濟」能力,「垂直整合程度之取決」能力亦是ODM廠商重要之競爭力來源,因此亦不應被忽視。而個案公司-驊陞科技與有競爭力之ODM廠商之間於價值單元之差距以「專利設計」、「研究開發」、「供應鏈整合」與「人力資源」四項最大,這些即為驊陞科技欲由OEM經營模式轉型為有競爭力之ODM廠商時所必須加強的能力。本論文並於第四章節其餘部分,針對個案公司-驊陞科技所欠缺的能力分別提供經營策略建議。 Read more
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Exploring the Key Success Factors relating to the spinoff of OEM from OBM in Taiwan ICT industry, from the viewpoint of Human Resource Management and Corporate Relationship ManagementWen-Ching Chang, Bill 27 August 2010 (has links)
In Taiwan, to spin-off the OEM from OBM (Owned-Brand Manufacture) business has been a hot topic of disputed discussion for a long time since Stan Shih announced his strategic policy in ACER reorganization in 2000. Starting from then, even the slightly internal reorganization, the officially spin off WISTRON from ACER under the Taiwan¡¦s Corporate M&A (Merger and Acquisition) Law which was launched in 2002, the ACER and WISTRON have got success respectively later on, and several similar reorganization case of OEM and OBM business splitting in Taiwan ICT electronic industry and et cetera, all have triggered a lot of disputed discussion. And the arguing has never been ceased.
The advantages and disadvantages of splitting OEM from OBM business have been researched and discussed by many experts. Either to-do or not-to-do the spinoff has its own devotees. No consensus has been made at all. Regardless the determination of spinoff has put the enterprise in a dilemma, but this paper focuses on the key success factors in management of splitting OEM from OBM business in Taiwan ICT electronic firms from the perspective of human resources and corporate relationship management. Because the issues and concerning arising from splitting OEM from OBM are not wholly covered under the scope of enterprise¡¦s Re-engineering at scale¡¦s down-scoping. The difficulties of splitting OEM from OBM business are more than the difficulties of down-scoping Re-engineering which is just mainly emphasizing at Refocusing. It needs not only to consider increasing competitive advantage on both side of OEM and OBM but also be faced with how to carefully handle the response of the interested parties, including stake holders, employees, customers, venders, government and community organizations and media and more.
Via the methodology of Case Study, this paper intends to understand those Taiwan's information and communication technology (ICT) electronic firms who chose splitting OEM from OBM business while facing of global environmental change, how they re-organized in order to refocus business and built a lean supply chain. In the mean while, from the view point of human resources manage and corporate relationship management, explores what the key success factors shall be handled in the implementation of the reorganization splitting OEM from OBM business.
Key words: OEM/ODM, OBM/Owned-Brand, Spin-off/splitting, KSF/Key success factor Read more
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從顧客觀點探討製造業服務化:從OEM/ODM到OBM / The servitization process from OEM/ODM to OBM: The customer perspective孫婉柔, Sun, Yuan Jou Unknown Date (has links)
從顧客觀點探討製造業服務化:從OEM/ODM到OBM / If we look back at the history of Taiwan’s industry, the main characteristic of its development over the past 60 years has been the appearance of OEM / ODMs. However, due to the shrinking profits of OEM / ODMs, manufacturers are seeking new ways to transform themselves. Therefore further research into the increasingly blurred boundaries between manufacturing and services and the concept of “servitization” is essential. Some companies in Taiwan have successfully transformed from a low-profit path by following a value-added path and transforming themselves from OEM/ODM to OBM. This paper focuses on a study of three OBM companies who were once OEM/ODM manufacturers, but expanded into the role of “customer-oriented services” and explored their capability to transition between OEM/ODM and OBM.
This paper uses a case study methodology and research on these three OBM companies. It will investigate two findings. Firstly, when transforming from OEM/ODM into OBM the process of servitization, is made up of four stages that represent the different roles of the end customers in the process of servitization. Roles like imitation, exploration, inspiration, and aspiration. Secondly, when transforming from OEM/ODM into OBM in the process of servitization, there are four main capabilities needed to develop; customization capability, new value proposition, organization redesign, and new trading norms.
This thesis seeks to make two specific contributions to the discussion of servitization. Firstly, this research will concentrate on consumer goods, rather then capital goods like with previous literature concerning servitization and focusing less on the changes from products to “Back-end services”. Secondly, it will seek to give manufacturers with a desire to develop into an OBM company clear paths to follow. So manufacturers can adjust their own strategies to the specific situation and environment they face. Read more
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台灣液晶電視代工廠商的發展策略-以4C架構分析 / The competitive strategies of the LCD TV OEM/ODM companies in Taiwan - analysis by 4C structure陳正昌 Unknown Date (has links)
在發展液晶電視代工的廠商中,本研究針對廠商的特性將發展液晶電視的代工廠商歸類傳統家電廠、面板廠、筆記型電腦代工廠、監視器專業製造廠商四大類。本研究以邱志聖教授的策略行銷4C架構來分析這四類製造廠商的發展演進,並對這四類製造廠商未來發展提出看法,以做為液晶電視代工業者未來擬定策略的參考方向。 / With the advantages of less energy consumption and radiation, higher resolution, good looking in design, the trend that LCD TV replaces traditional CRT TV is very obvious. In the mean time, the outsourcing percentage for brand name customer is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, many manufacturing companies in Taiwan are aggressive to put their resources in this competition in order to get more outsourcing LCD TV order.
The companies involving the LCD TV OEM/ODM can be divided by Home Appliance companies、panel makers、notebook OEM manufacturers and monitor OEM manufacturers. In this research, systematic analysis is done based on “Strategic Marketing Analysis” for the four kinds of companies. Hope it can provide some good information and reference to those companies when developing their LCD TV OEM/ODM strategy in the future.
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消費性電子產品代工廠商經營策略之個案研究顧浚棠, Ku,Ryan Unknown Date (has links)
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