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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação da identidade organizacional : um estudo na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Campus Araranguá / Formation of Organizational Identity: a study at the Federal University of Santa Catarina Araranguá campus

Machado, Cibeli Borba 05 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-01T19:11:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 120572.pdf: 2081425 bytes, checksum: 6528cf0e13227b1b0800accc3fea86bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation is the result of a case study realized at the Araranguá campus (UFSC), whose objective was to understand the process of formation of the organizational identity of the institution. The Araranguá campus was created by one proposal for university expansion called Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), which is configured in a recent context in setting national policies, justifying the theoretical and empirical relevance of this study. The research procedures used were survey and document analysis and interviews with campus servers and other important actors in the process of implementation and development of the institution. The case study was longitudinal, descriptive, interpretive and its approach was qualitative. The research has resulted in a methodology for theoretical and empirical analysis of the organizational identity formation process that made it possible to understand how its core, distinctive and enduring features were formed over the years in the case of Araranguá campus. The results showed that the organizational identity of the campus, as well as itself, is still in the consolidation process. However, some attributes checked throughout its history, expresses traits of the identity that has been built - and it s significant to explain whom the institution is today and it defines organizational identity. / Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo de caso do Campus de Araranguá da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), cujo objetivo foi compreender o processo de formação da identidade organizacional da referida Instituição. O Campus, objeto deste estudo, nasceu de uma proposta de expansão universitária, vinculada ao Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), que se configura em um contexto recente no cenário das políticas nacionais, justificando-se, assim, a relevância teórica-empírica desta pesquisa. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram utilizados o levantamento e análise documental, além de entrevistas com servidores do campus, bem como com outros atores importantes no processo de implantação e desenvolvimento da Instituição. O estudo de caso é do tipo longitudinal, descritivo e interpretativo, de abordagem qualitativa. A pesquisa apresenta como resultado uma metodologia para análise teórico-empírica do processo de formação da identidade organizacional que, no estudo do Campus Araranguá, possibilitou compreender como suas características centrais, distintivas e duradouras se formaram ao longo do tempo. Os resultados revelam que a identidade organizacional do Campus, assim como ele próprio, ainda está em processo de consolidação. Entretanto, alguns atributos verificados ao longo de sua história expressam traços da identidade que vêm sendo construída, mostrando-se significativos para explicar quem a Instituição é hoje, isto é, para a definição de sua identidade organizacional.

Organizační identita / Organizational Identity

Čarková, Ludmila January 2009 (has links)
The paper deals with organizational identity in relation to organizational strategy. Based on the reserch questionnaire, the values inventory and the interview it was found that the strategy of the organization Lesostavby Třeboň, a. s. is in accordance with organizational identity further external identity orientation is coincident with internal identity orientation and this orientation is perceived by managers and technical-economic workers in the same way. The information obtained was summarized in tables and bar graphs, including the resulting recommendations for the company Lesostavby Třeboň, a. s.

Becoming the CEO: the CEO identity construction process in the transition of newly appointed chief executives

Probert, Joana Amora 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the personal experience of newly appointed chief executives in transitioning into the CEO role. Adopting an exploratory qualitative design, data was obtained from two semi-structured interviews with 19 newly appointed chief executives, for a total of 38 interviews. The main contribution of this thesis to the extant literature is to show the ways in which CEOs go through an identity construction process when transitioning into the role, which is characterized in two ways. First, there exists a bi-directionality of influence between the personal identity of the CEO and the organizational identity. Second, this process comprises strong identity demands (lack of specificity of the role and weak situation) and identity tensions (personal identity intrusion and identity transparency) that dispose new CEOs towards an unbalance that promotes individuality. This disequilibrium might hinder the integration of new chief executives into the organization, since the data suggests that new CEOs are responsible for fostering their own integration by connecting aspects of their personal identity with the identity and culture of the organization. The thesis offers a theoretical model of the CEO identity construction process and concludes with a series of propositions that address the ramifications of these findings to our understanding of CEO succession.

Managing and adapting organizational identity : A qualitative case study using a strategy-as-practice perspective to investigate an IT consultant organization

Loggert, Josefin, Åhlin, Mairon January 2016 (has links)
Evolution of IT has resulted in fundamental changes in society, changes that have affected the IT consultant industry and introduced challenges in how IT consultant organizations should adapt to a new, turbulent market. In order to investigate these challenges this study set out to understand the organizational identity of IT consultant organizations, aiming to address the following research question: How do IT consultant organizations manage and adapt their organizational identity? To answer this question a qualitative single case study has been conducted using Whittington’s integrated framework for strategy-as-practice as a theoretical framework. The results show that the case organization of this study manages and adapts their organizational identity by adjusting its work procedures to the new market as well as their role in the relationship with customers. The results also indicate that the case organization manages and adapts their organizational identity by balancing the identity established by headquarter and the identity set by themselves in regard to their local context. These results demonstrate the possibilities of multiple organizational identities within an organization.

Organizational Identity in Practice? : -How theoretical concepts of Organizational Identity are perceived in the empirical setting of Arla Foods

Maritz, Louise, Jarne, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
An organization’s internal processes of identity management is argued to influence its communication, which in turn influence the perceived reputation of the organization. The aim of this study is to investigate how the organizational identity is reflected upon and perceived integrated in employees’ daily work. This is done through applying the internal factors of a theoretical model, comprising of identity, culture and image, at an empirical setting. Literature on organizational identity in relation to organizational culture and organizational image is reviewed followed by conducting 12 semi structured interviews with managers from the marketing and human resource departments at Arla Foods in Sweden. The findings suggest that although employees reflect on the identity, there is a gap between reflection and action, meaning that the identity is not necessarily integrated in practice in the daily work due to different understandings of the organizational culture. In relation to the model, it is suggested that culture may not be so clearly connected to identity, whereas image and identity are very closely related. Also, the context in which the employees conduct their work is shown through the empirical setting, to be important for how employees reflect upon the identity.

Identitet och kommunikativt ledarskap i en fragmenterad organisation : En studie av Karlstads kommun och dess chefsbrev / Identity and communicative leadership in a fragmented organization : A study of Karlstad municipality and its managerial letter

Wigertoft, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur Karlstads kommuns chefer ser på chefsbrevet, ett månatligt nyhetsbrev som sänds ut till dem. Brevet innehåller information som ska underlätta för kommunens chefer att bedriva ett kommunikativt ledarskap med fokus på meningsskapande och delaktighet. Karlstads kommun är emellertid en stor och fragmenterad organisation och som chef är det en utmaning att ha ett helhetsperspektiv. Studiens frågeställningar baserar sig dels på om det finns en samsyn mellan cheferna på de olika delarna av kommunen gällande organisationens identitet och dels på hur de beskriver sitt ledarskap. Chefsbrevets relation till dessa båda fenomen ingår också i frågeställningarna. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar arbetades ett ramverk fram där kärnan bestod av teoribildningar kring meningsskapande, organisationsidentitet och kommunikativt ledarskap. Det gemensamma meningsskapandet utgör en central del i både studerandet av organisationsidentiteten och det kommunikativa ledarskapet. Metoden som valdes för att genomföra studien var kvalitativa intervjuer. Detta eftersom att frågeställningarna var av den art att de krävde djupare och mer utförliga svar. En intervjuguide arbetades fram med utgångspunkt i det teoretiska ramverket och personer att intervjua kontaktades. Totalt genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer med mottagare av chefsbrevet. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes och analyserades sedan utifrån de tidigare uppställda teorierna. Resultatet visade att intervjupersonerna i stor utsträckning hade en samsyn gällande de egenskaper som de såg som centrala och kännetecknande för Karlstads kommun. Värt att notera var också att dessa egenskaper låg väldigt nära kommunens varumärkeslöften. Ett av de kommunala bolagen visade sig dock ha en stark egen identitet som skiljde sig från den övriga kommunens. Resultatet pekade också på att intervjupersonerna på flera sätt arbetade enligt kriterierna för ett kommunikativt ledarskap. Utifrån resultatet så presenterades sedan slutsatserna där det gick att utläsa att de forum för gemensamt meningsskapande som finns inom kommunen lyfts fram som särskilt viktiga när det handlar om att skapa en enad organisationsidentitet och en sammanhållning. Chefsbrevets roll som identitetsskapare får ses som tämligen begränsad även om det har en funktion i att bidra så att kommunens samtliga chefer får samma information. Gällande det kommunikativa ledarskapet så bidrar det till viss del med hjälp att sortera ut vad som är viktigt men den kommunikativa utmaningen att rama in och kontextualisera budskapen ligger fortfarande på den enskilda chefen. / The purpose of this essay was to study how the managers of Karlstad municipality views the managerial letter, a monthly newsletter which is sent to them. The letter contains information that will facilitate for the municipal managers to engage in communicative leadership with a focus on sensemaking and participation. The questions of the study are based partly on whether there is a consensus between the managers of the various parts of the municipality regarding the organization's identity and partly on how they describe their leadership. The managerial letter related to these two phenomena are also worked into the questions. A framwork was brought together based on the study's purpose where the core consisted of theories of sensemaking, organizational identity and communicative leadership. Collective sensemaking is a central part of both the study of organizational identity and communicative leadership. The method selected for the study was qualitative interviews. Because of the fact that the questions required deeper and more detailed answers. An interview guide was developed based on the theoretical framework and the people to interview were contacted. A total of nine interviews were conducted with recipients of the managerial letter. The results of the interviews were compiled and then analyzed on the basis of the previously established theories. The results showed that the respondents shared a consensus regarding the characteristics they viewed as central and distinctive of the municipality of Karlstad. Worth noting was that the findings shared similar charachteristics to those of the municipality's brand promise. One of the municipal companies however proved to have a strong identity of its own, distinct from the rest of the municipality. The findings also indicated that the interviewees in several ways worked under the criteria of the communicative leadership. A conclusion was presented based on the results and it was possible to deduce that the forums for collective senemaking within the municipality were highlighted as particularly important in relation to create a unified organizational identity and cohesion. The role of the managerial letter however has to be seen as quite limited in that sense although it has some function in contributing to that the managers of the municipality all receive the same information. The managerial letter helps to some extent in regards to the communicative leadership with the task sort out important information, but the communicative challenge to frame and contextualize the messages is still up to the managers.

A Fashionable Occasion : Hur event kan påverka modeföretags varumärkesbyggande

Angner, Sophie, Winnberg, Cajsa January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att ge en överblick och förståelse kring hur modeföretag arbetar med varumärkesbyggande via event. Studien syftar också till att undersöka och tillföra en djupare förståelse om varumärken och event som fenomen. Varumärken används ofta av människor för att visa en tillhörighet och ekonomisk status, inte minst inom modebranschen. Den påverkan event har på varumärken har tidigare studerats i förhållande till sportevent, medan forskningen kring modebranschen är begränsad. Detta trots att event ofta förekommer inom modebranschen. Därmed skrivs denna uppsats för att tillföra mer kunskap inom denna forskningslucka. En studie genomfördes baserat på intervjuer med flera modeföretag och varumärkesexperter i Sverige och USA. Svaren från intervjuerna analyserades sedan i förhållande till de valda teorierna som rör både event och varumärken. Teorierna som använts är eventmarknadsföring, varumärkesupplevelse, organisationsidentitet, konsumentbaserat varumärkesvärde och översättningsteori. De resultat som framkom av studien presenteras i en modell med de nyckelfaktorer som framkommit vara viktiga för ett lyckat event. För att besvara frågeställningen är slutsatsen som presenteras att event kan påverka varumärkesbyggande, men vilket sätt det förstärks på är svårt och resurskrävande att mäta. Vid slutet av denna uppsats kommer läsaren att ha en starkare kunskap och förståelse om varumärken och event, samt en övergripande bild kring hur dessa två fenomen är anslutna. / This study aims to give an overview and understanding of how the fashion companies are working with brand building through events. The study also aims to examine and provide a deeper understanding of brands and events as phenomenon. Brands are often used by people to show belonging and economic status, not least in the fashion industry. The impact event has on brands has previously been studied in relation to sporting events, while research in the fashion industry is limited. This despite the fact that the events often occur in the fashion industry. Thereby this paper is written to provide more knowledge in this research gap. A study was conducted based on interviews with several fashion companies and brand experts in Sweden and the USA. The responses from the interviews were later analysed in relation to the chosen theories concerning both the events and brands. The theories that have been used are event marketing, brand value, organizational identity, consumer based brand equity and translation theory. The findings from the study are presented in a model with the key factors emerged as important for a successful event. To answer this paper’s question, the conclusion is presented that events can affect brand building, but how it is strengthen is difficult and resource-demanding to measure. By the end of this paper, the reader will have a greater knowledge and understanding of brands and events, as well as an overview of how these two phenomena are connected.

Homelessness through different lenses: negotiating multiple meaning systems in a Canadian tri-sector social partnership

Easter, Sarah 29 April 2016 (has links)
Research has shown that socially-focused partnerships that cross sectors (referred to as social partnerships within) are necessary in order to effectively address pressing societal issues such as poverty. Yet, in these complex organizational contexts, there is often variability within and between involved organizations as it relates to basic assumptions around work and the meanings given to practices at macro, meso and micro levels of analysis. Put differently, there are often a plurality of meaning systems at play in such multi-faceted organizational arrangements. Accordingly, the purpose of this dissertation was to understand to what extent multiple meaning systems exist in social partnerships focused on addressing multi-faceted societal challenges and, whether and how such differences in meaning systems are strategically negotiated over time. At a deeper theoretical level, this research was focused on illuminating the processes by which meaning systems are negotiated when organizational boundaries are blurred and when a plurality of meaning systems are at play, with a central focus on players that act as boundary spanners within these complex organizational contexts. To understand the complexities at play in social partnerships emanating from multiple meaning systems, I conducted a multi-site ethnographic study, involving in-depth interviews and participant observation, of the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness Society (Coalition) located in Victoria, British Columbia. In doing so, I utilized the principal literature streams that address multiple meaning systems at work: the culture literature in organization studies and the institutional logics perspective. As well, I incorporated other literatures based upon the emergent findings, namely organizational identity. Through this work I make a number of contributions within the area of sustainability, particularly the social partnership literature, as well as organizational theory. Empirically, I develop a process model that elucidates how players negotiate multiple meanings of organizational identity over time in a social partnership setting characterized by permeable boundaries and shared authority, at the group level of analysis. This is significant as we know little about how identity plays out in such multi-faceted organizational settings with continual blurred boundaries even as research has indicated that such arrangements are likely to surface identity issues among players (Maguire & Hardy, 2005). I also elucidate how individual players bridge across multiple meaning systems in a social partnership over time, answering the call for more research concerning the role of individuals and their interactions with organizations in the collaboration process over time (Manning & Roessler, 2014). To my knowledge, this work is one of the first of its kind to empirically explore tri-sector socially focused collaborations – involving players from the public, private and nonprofit sectors – that are more integrative and interconnected in nature (Austin & Seitanidi, 2012a) and that employs a process based perspective to understand how such collaborations unfold over time. In addition, I theoretically develop the link between institutional logics and organizational culture that emerged empirically via this study to guide future integrative work to holistically account for the multiplicity of meaning systems at work within and between such multi-faceted arrangements. / Graduate / 2020-04-01

The Process of Post-Merger Organizational Identification : An analysis of mergers and acquisitions

Abdi Mohamed, Aukar, Pantaléon, Song January 2019 (has links)
Today, mergers and acquisitions often grab headlines due to the large sums of money involved, and the number of stakeholders affected by it. Still, the increase in merger and acquisition activities, the capital involved, and the pervasiveness of these activities stand in sharp contrast to their high rates of failures. Scholars have attributed the failure of mergers and acquisitions to management failure when it comes to dealing with human aspects during the integration phase. The purpose of this paper was to examine how individual’s identities change overtime in a merger. More specifically, it examines the process of post-merger organizational identification in merger contexts through the lens of social identity theory. From this purpose, we formulated the following research question and two sub-questions: • How can post-merger identification be managed and integrated in an organization? o How can organizational identities transit from a pre-merger state to a post-merger state successfully? o What is the outcome of the post-merger identification process? The method used in this study was qualitative with an interpretive approach, which allowed us to gain a deeper understanding regarding the purpose and to answer our research question. Primary data came from purposive sampling, where 14 semi-structured interviews with individuals with various managerial positions in post-merger integrations were conducted to gain an understanding of how they tackled the integration process. The secondary data used resulted from previous research, literature, articles and other internet sources. The interviews were qualitatively analyzed through a thematic coding procedure. The backbone of our theory consists of perspectives on mergers and acquisitions from the lens of social identity theory. Particularly, it was used to understand the post-merger organizational identification process. The theoretical components were used to understand group formations and intra- and intergroup relationships, the effects mergers have on individuals, and what the effects of the outcomes of post-merger identification have on group and organizational identity. Our findings disclose that organizational identities are exclusive by nature and that they remain in this state unless managerial actions are taken which triggers commitment from groups to change. These actions must combine communication efforts with managerial interventions which promote intergroup cooperation, prototypical norms and values. Depending on the actions and the goal of the merger, the nature of the post-merger identity is a combination of two identities which forms an overarching one, or an assimilation of one identity into another. The contributions from this study come in two forms: theoretical and managerial. The theoretical contributions come through our findings showing how organizational identity emerge, change and how they are formed. The managerial contributions provide recommendations on how practitioners should facilitate the process, the vital role the manager has in the process and approaches they could take based on our findings.

Construção de identidade organizacional e as influências recíprocas com a identidade pessoal: um estudo em parques tecnológicos / Organizational identity construction and reciprocal influences with personal identity: a study in technological parks

Schirrmeister, Renata 19 August 2014 (has links)
A identidade pode ser definida como o conjunto de características que fazem as pessoas, grupos e organizações similares e diferentes uns dos outros, considerando a continuidade e a diferenciação. É um conceito que pode ser abordado em diversos níveis: pessoa, grupo, organização, nação e mundo e é importante porque constroi interesses, valores e projetos. A pergunta central de pesquisa é Como se estabelece a identidade organizacional em parques tecnológicos, em suas reciprocidades com a identidade pessoal? O objetivo geral deste estudo consiste em investigar como se estabelece a construção da identidade organizacional em parques de ciência e tecnologia a partir do entendimento do construto de identidade pessoal, gerando subsídios para modelos de gestão. Operacionalmente, a identidade organizacional foi estudada considerando elementos estruturantes encontrados na literatura de identidade pessoal, que são o histórico (o quê, como, por quem, para quê), visão de futuro, confiabilidade, autonomia, integração, recapacitação e relacionamentos, bem como aspectos centrais e distintivos. A identidade organizacional é o guia final para a tomada de decisões, quando um conflito parece insolúvel. É, portanto, um conceito importante em contexto de competitividade, cujo conceito seminal foi publicado em 1985. Os parques tecnológicos são entendidos como um instrumento de interação entre universidade e empresa para gerar competitividade através da inovação, promovendo qualificação, aumento de empregos e bem-estar social pela geração do conhecimento. Os parques tecnológicos são um fenômeno recente no Brasil, cujas primeiras iniciativas ocorreram há trinta anos, em 1984, e intensificou-se após a lei da inovação, há dez anos, em 2004. O estudo caracteriza-se como exploratório, qualitativo, com estudo de casos múltiplos e seu nível de análise é o organizacional. Foram estudados o Parque Eco Tecnológico Damha, o Parque Tecnológico - São José dos Campos e o Parque Tecnológico de Sorocaba. Foram utilizadas múltiplas fontes de evidências, que são observação, documentos, materiais audiovisuais e reuniões individuais e em grupo. Foram realizadas reuniões com os gestores dos parques tecnológicos bem como em três empresas; adicionalmente, foi realizada uma entrevista com especialista no tema Parques Tecnológicos. O valor que gera distintividade e diz respeito à essencialidade da existência dos parques estudados está na inovação, como fruto do desenvolvimento científico, e fomento de empresas inovadoras, que gere competitividade, mesmo que isto ocorra em detrimento dos setores enunciados, como forma de continuidade e diferenciação, ou seja, a competência de adaptar-se a novos horizontes. Esta pesquisa contribui com o estudo da identidade organizacional de parques tecnológicos, que é um fenômeno recente e pouco estudado, considerando os aspectos centrais, duradouros e distintivos, e com a proposição de parâmetros que norteiam o estabelecimento das identidades organizacionais, a partir do estudo do construto de identidade pessoal, que são confiabilidade, autonomia, integração, recapacitação e, ainda, o entendimento das parcerias como stakeholders internos nestes ambientes e pelas perguntas como, por quê, quando e por quem. O modelo gera inovação psicossocial, e verifica que a mudança para o parque gerou incremento da qualidade de vida no trabalho, percebido nos aspectos de qualidade de ambiente, de empreendedorismo e cordialidade; facilidades; confiabilidade; recapacitação; integração; imagem e acesso a financiamentos, embora este último constitua ainda uma barreira. Ressalva-se que estes achados limitam-se aos casos estudados. / Identity can be defined as the set of characteristics that make people, groups and organizations similar and different from each other considering continuity and differentiation. It is a concept that can be approached at different levels: individual, group, organization, nation and world, and is important because it builds interests, values and projects. The central research question is How organizational identity is established in technology parks in reciprocity with personal identity? The purpose of this study is to investigate how to establish the organizational identity construction in science and technology parks from the understanding of personal identity construct, generating subsidies for management models. Operationally , organizational identity has been studied considering the structural elements found in the personal identity literature , which are historical ( what, how , by whom and for what ) , forward thinking , reliability , autonomy , integration , retraining and relationships , as well as central and distinctive features . The organizational identity is the ultimate guide to making decisions when a conflict seems insoluble. It is therefore an important concept in the context of competitiveness, which seminal concept was published in 1985. Technological parks are seen as a tool for interaction between university and company to generate competitiveness through innovation, promoting skills, job growth and social welfare from knowledge generation. Technological parks are a recent phenomenon in Brazil, whose first initiatives occurred thirty years ago , in 1984 , and intensified after the innovation law , ten years ago , in 2004. This study is characterized as exploratory, with multiple cases and their level of analysis is organizational. São José dos Campos Technology Park, Sorocaba Technological Park and Damha Eco Technology Park were studied. It were used multiple sources of evidence, which are observation, documents, audiovisual materials and individual and group meetings. Meetings with managers of technology parks and three companies were held and, additionally, an interview with an expert on the subject. The value that generates distinctiveness and concerns the essentiality of the existence of the studied parks lies in innovation as the result of scientific development , and promotion of innovative companies that generate competitiveness , even if this occurs at the expense of the sectors listed, as a form of continuity and differentiation , that means , the power to adapt to new horizons. The study contributes by organizational identity study in technology parks , which is a recent phenomenon and little studied , considering the central , enduring and distinctive features , and the proposition of parameters that guide the establishment of organizational identities , from the study of construct of personal identity , which are reliability, autonomy, integration, requalifying and further the understanding of partnerships and internal stakeholders in these environments and the questions how, why, when and by whom . The model generates psychosocial innovation, and finds that moving to the park improves the quality of working life, noted in quality aspects of the environment, entrepreneurship and warmth; facilities; reliability; requalifying; integration; image and access to finance, although the latter still constitutes a barrier. It is emphasized that these findings are limited to the cases conducted.

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