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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cessão da posição contratual / Assignment of contractual position.

Nascimento, Sérgio Santos do 13 March 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata do instituto da cessão da posição contratual. Embora a assunção de dívida seja hoje aceita pelo ordenamento pátrio, tal como a cessão de crédito, a cessão da posição contratual não foi disciplinada pelo Código Civil. Conquanto ninguém duvide da existência do instituto como negócio jurídico inominado, sua ausência de disciplina suscita debate sobre as regras a ele aplicáveis. Inicialmente, é feita uma breve contextualização histórica para demonstrar as dificuldades que o instituto enfrentou para ser aceito pela doutrina e legislações, tendo surgido inicialmente por conta das necessidades da vida prática. Porque frequentes as tentativas de aproximar a cessão da posição contratual com outros institutos, também é demonstrada a singularidade dessa figura jurídica e as suas diferenças com outras semelhantes (novação, sub-rogação, adesão ao contrato, subcontrato e contrato com pessoa a declarar). O conceito, terminologia e natureza jurídica do instituto são exaustivamente abordados em capítulo próprio. No capítulo seguinte e central da dissertação, são tratados os desdobramentos do instituto (possibilidade de utilização da cessão da posição contratual nos contratos bilaterais e unilaterais, bem como nos contratos com prestações exauridas; impossibilidade da cessão parcial da posição contratual; valoração do consentimento do cedido e sua classificação; garantia da existência e validade do contrato pelo cedente e sua responsabilidade pelo cumprimento do contrato; manutenção das garantias prestadas pelo cedente e por terceiros após a cessão da posição contratual; transmissão dos direitos potestativos, deveres laterais e cláusula arbitral; possibilidade de revisão das cláusulas contratuais pelo cessionário; manutenção da forma de interpretação do contrato pelo novo contraente; cessão da posição contratual nos contratos de adesão e nos contratos personalíssimos; casos de intransmissibilidade da cessão da posição contratual; e alguns aspectos processuais do instituto). É tratada, por fim, da necessidade de o Código Civil disciplinar expressamente o instituto, não por mero capricho ou preciosismo, mas porque a recorrente utilização do instituto pela sociedade justifica a existência de regras claras sobre o tema, trazendo maior segurança jurídica e estabilidade social. / This dissertation deals with the doctrine of assignment of contractual position. Although assumption of debt and assignment of credit are accepted in Brazilian law, assignment of contractual position is not covered by the Civil Code. Although no one questions the existence of the doctrine of assignment of contractual position as a transaction without a specific provision, the absence of statutory provision brings into discussion the rules that apply to the doctrine. Initially, one provides a historical background to demonstrate the difficulties the doctrine has overcome in order to be accepted by scholars and in the legislations, having first appeared due to the necessities of everyday life. Because the attempt to bring assignment of contract closer to other doctrines is recurrent, one also demonstrates the singularity of this legal figure and its differences from others (novation, subrogation, adhesion to a contract, a subcontract and a contract with a person to be declared). The concept, the terminology and the legal nature of the doctrine are exhaustively approached in a specific chapter. In the following chapter, central to this dissertation, one deals with the developments of the doctrine (possibility of applying assignment of contract for bilateral and unilateral contracts, as well as for contracts with their considerations already exhausted; impossibility of partial assignment of contractual position; appraisal of the consent of the obligor and its classification; guarantee of the existence and validity of the contract by the assignor and its responsibility for performance of the contract; maintenance of the guarantees offered by the assignor and by third parties after assignment of the contract; assignment of potestative rights, lateral duties, and arbitration clause; possibility of review of contractual clauses by the assignee; maintenance of a form of contractual interpretation by the new party; assignment of contract for adhesion and personal contracts; cases of impossibility of assignment of contract; and other procedural aspects of the doctrine). Finally, one deals with the need for the Civil Code to provide for the doctrine expressly, not in a superfluous or purposeless way, but because the recurring application of the doctrine by the society justifies the existence of clear rules about the subject, bringing greater legal safety and social stability.

O efeito modificativo do fato jurídico sobre a relação jurídica obrigacional / Modification of Obligations by legal facts

Pugsley, Gustavo de Revorêdo 04 March 2015 (has links)
A doutrina costuma apontar como efeitos dos fatos jurídicos a criação, a modificação ou a extinção de relações jurídicas. Os textos doutrinários normalmente desenvolvem o estudo dos fatos jurídicos que criam relações jurídicas; o presente trabalho, porém, se dedica aos fatos jurídicos tendentes a modificar relações jurídicas anteriormente criadas, restringindo-se ao campo das obrigações. Primeiramente, deve-se buscar um critério: modificação do direito isolado ou da relação jurídica? Como nas relações jurídicas complexas há diversos direitos e deveres recíprocos, a extinção de um direito pode levar apenas à modificação da relação jurídica integralmente considerada. Se Savigny já entendia que um juízo acerca do direito só pode ser verdadeiro quando fundado na compreensão completa da relação jurídica, hoje há renovadas razões para que se adote um critério relacional: a relação obrigacional tem sido vista como um processo, o que leva a um reforço de sua identidade com a inclusão de um elemento finalístico. As ideias de modificação e identidade estão vinculadas, pois, se a \"modificação\" leva à perda da identidade, a relação jurídica na verdade foi extinta. Quanto ao tema das modificações, a maior parte da doutrina parece tratar apenas da \"transmissão das obrigações\". Outros, ao lado dessas modificações subjetivas, tratam de modificações objetivas, normalmente restringindo-se às efetuadas por negócio jurídico. A classificação de Pontes de Miranda, porém, parece servir de referencial para o presente trabalho: quanto às modificações \"sem quebra da identidade da relação jurídica\", o autor aponta modificações negociais, alterações por dolo e culpa, por força maior e caso fortuito, por impossibilidade de adimplemento e, por fim, por mora do devedor e do credor. / Current legal theory generally considers the effects of legal facts (those resulting from the correlation between facts and norms) on the creation, modification or termination of legal relationships. While most authors addresses how legal facts create these relationships, the present study is devoted to legal facts tending to modify the legal relationship, particularly in the field of the Law of Obligations (duty to perform). At first, a criterion must be determined: modification of the isolated right or modification of the Obligation? In \"complex\" obligational relationships, there are many mutual rights and duties, such that the extinction of a right can result only in the modification of the relationship fully considered. Long ago, Savigny asserted that a reasonable analysis of a right must be based on a thorough understanding of the legal relationship at issue. There are now renewed reasons to adopt these relational criteria when analyzing legal relationships. The obligational relationship may be seen as a process, which leads to the reinforcement of its identity with the inclusion of a finalistic element. The ideas of modification and identity are linked, because if a \"change\" leads to the loss of identity, the legal relationship may, in fact, have been terminated. Most of the authors on the subject of modifications addresses the \"transfer of obligations\". Some other studies, beside these subjective modifications, addresses objective modifications, usually restricted to those made by agreement. The \"Pontes de Miranda\" classification, may serve as a useful reference when analyzing the issue of modifications. The author points to modifications by agreement, changes by dolus and culpa (fault, tort law and breach of contract), by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, impossibility of performance, and, ultimately, by the mora debitoris and mora creditoris/accipiendi (default, delay of performance) as modifications \"without breaking the identity of the legal relationship\".

Les aliments en droit privé / Aliments in private law

Voko, Nina 23 November 2012 (has links)
L’étude des aliments en droit privé consiste, à analyser les diverses implications juridiques de cette notion. Dans le langage courant les aliments renvoient à la nourriture. Dans certaines branches du droit privé telles que le droit commercial ou le droit de la consommation, on retrouve la première acception. En droit de la famille, elle présente une spécificité car utilisée à la forme plurielle les « aliments » recouvrent tout ce qui est nécessaire à la vie. Il s’agit d’une définition générale, les aliments sont conçus comme étant le minimum essentiel à la subsistance. Dans la mesure où il n’existe pas de liste définie des éléments nécessaires à la vie, cette thèse tend à rechercher des critères de qualification juridique des aliments, à analyser les moyens d’acquisition de ceux-ci. Ceci révèle une notion polysémique et protéiforme selon la nature des besoins. De même, les obligations alimentaires instaurées par le législateur entre certains proches d’une part et une solidarité collective d’autre part, permettant à celui qui est dans le besoin d’acquérir des aliments, sont caractérisées par un régime juridique, particulièrement dérogatoire du droit commun. Cela démontre que sous l’apparente simplification de la notion d’aliments, il se cache un concept juridique permettant d’assurer une vie convenable aux proches et aux personnes dans le besoin dans le cadre de la solidarité collective. / Studies of «aliments» in private law consist in analysing its legal regime and its relative implications. In common language, aliments directly refers to the food. However, Private law widens that term so that it is not only linked to nutrition. While Commercial law and consumer law fully agree with that definition, law of the family uses the plural «aliments» and that relates to all which is needed for life. This is a more general definition, that states that aliments are rather being the minimum necessary for the subsistence. Since there is no exhaustive predefined list of what is life necessary, this work is focus ondefining criteria that legally qualify aliments. This work also looks at means of acquiring «aliments» and ways for collecting «aliments» claims. This work shows the diversity both in «aliments» meaning and claim collections means depending on vital needs to be fulfilled. Those needs being themselves highly case-law dependant. Also, the maintenance allowance duties within families and through collective solidarity that the legislator has planned to help people failing to meet their vital needs is regulated by an exceptional regime of the common law. So the visible term «aliments» hides a huge legal concept that protects both close relationship and collectively more people from falling below some basic needs.

Algorithmes et résultats de complexité pour des problèmes de graphes avec contraintes additionnelles / Algorithms and complexity results for graph problems with additional constraints

Cornet, Alexis 05 December 2018 (has links)
Les problèmes de domination (dominant, dominant indépendant, ...) et de couverture (vertex-cover, arbre de Steiner, ...) sont NP-complets. Pour autant, pour la plupart de ces problèmes, il existe toujours une solution constructible en temps polynomial (potentiellement de valeur objective très mauvaise), ou au moins, il est possible de déterminer facilement (en temps polynomial) l'existence ou non d'une solution. Ces problèmes, initialement issus de situations réelles, sont des modélisations simplistes de ces situations. Nous ajoutons donc des contraintes additionnelles modélisant des contraintes pratiques plausibles : les conflits, des paires d'éléments ne pouvant faire simultanément partie d'une solution (modélisant des incompatibilités diverses), la connexité dans un second graphe (les éléments doivent pouvoir communiquer, et le graphe correspondant à ces liens de communication n'est pas forcément le même) et les obligations, des sous-ensembles d'éléments interdépendants devant être ajoutés simultanément à une solution. Notre but ici n'est pas de modéliser un problème réel précis, mais d'étudier la manière dont ces contraintes modifient la complexité des problèmes étudiés. Nous verrons que dans un grand nombre de cas, déterminer l'existence même d'une solution devient difficile, même sans se préoccuper de leur optimisation. Le problème du firefighter modélise des pompiers tentant de contenir un feu se propageant au tour par tour dans un graphe (potentiellement infini). Nous avons étudié ce problème en ajoutant des contraintes sur le déplacement des pompiers (une vitesse de déplacement limitée entre deux tours). Nous verrons que ces contraintes augmentent en général le nombre de pompiers nécessaires mais ne provoquent pas de changements aussi importants que dans les problèmes précédents. / Domination problems (dominating set, independant dominating set, ...) as well as covering problems (vertex-cover, Steiner tree, ...) are NP-complete. However, for most of these problems, it is always possible to construct a (eventually bad) solution in polynomial time, or at least it is possible to determine whether a solution exists. Those problems originally came from industry, but are simplified modelizations of the real life problems. We add additional constraints modeling plausible practical constraints : conflicts which are pairs of elements that cannot apear simultaneously in a solution (to modelize various incompatibilities), connexity in a second graph (elements of the solution must be able to communicate, and the communication links are a second graph), and obligations which are subsets of interdependant vertices which must be added simultaneously in a solution.We don't aim to model a specific real-world problem, but to study how these plausible constraints affect the complexity of the studied problems. We will see that, in many cases, even determining the existence of a solution (regardless of its size) become hard. The firefighter problem models firefighters aiming to contain a fire spreading turn by turn in a (eventually infinite) graph. We studied this problem with the addition of deplacement constraints for the firefighters (a limited moving speed between turns). We will see that, most of the time, this constraint increase the number of firefighters necessary to contain the fire, but does not trigger such major change as constraints studied in the others problems.

L'exception de non-subrogation: l'influence de ses principes justificatifs sur sa mise en oeuvre

Parent, Alain 06 1900 (has links)
À la lecture de l'article 2365 c.c.Q., le créancier et la caution ne peuvent pas percevoir les droits et les libertés que ce texte concrétise à leur encontre ou à leur profit. Pour pallier ce problème, les auteurs et la jurisprudence ont alors laissé place à leur imagination afin de tenter de classifier cette disposition à l'intérieur d'institutions juridiques éprouvées, le tout en vue de démythifier le contenu de la règle de droit. Pour notre part, nous considérons que l'exception de non-subrogation est une notion originale en soi, qui trouve sa source à l'intérieur même de son institution. La thèse que nous soutenons est que l'exception de non-subrogation, mode de libération qui a pour mission de combattre le comportement opportuniste, cristallise l'obligation de bonne foi en imposant implicitement au créancier une obligation de bonne subrogation. Tout manquement du créancier à cette obligation a comme conséquence de rendre le droit de créance du créancier irrecevable à l'égard de la caution devant les tribunaux. Ce précepte éclaircit le contexte de l'article 2365 C.c.Q. et, par le fait même, il permet de délimiter le contour de son domaine et de préciser ses conditions d'application. L'exception de non-subrogation est un mécanisme juridique qui date de l'époque romaine. Elle est maintenant intégrée dans presque tous les systèmes juridiques du monde, tant en droit civil qu'en common law. Dans la législation québécoise, elle s'est cristallisée à l'article 2365 C.c.Q. Il s'agit d'une disposition d'ordre public qui ne peut être invoquée que par la caution. Son application dépend du cumul de quatre conditions: 1) le fait du créancier; 2) la perte d'un droit subrogatoire; 3) le préjudice de la caution; 4) le lien causal entre les trois derniers éléments. Lorsque ces quatre conditions sont remplies, la caution est libérée de son engagement dans la mesure du préjudice qu'elle subit. / Article 2365 of the Civil Code of Quebec ("C.C.Q.") states that the creditor and the surety cannot claim rights and liberties that the text secures for or against them. To deal with this problem, the authors and authorities gave free reign to imagination in an attempt to categorize this provision within recognized legal institutions and thereby demythicize the content of the rule of law. We are of the opinion that the non-subrogation exception is in itself an original concept that arises from within its institution. We believe that the non-subrogation exception, a discharge mode which aims at fighting opportunistic behaviour, crystallises the duty of good faith by implicitly imposing upon the creditor the obligation of subrogation. The creditor's failure to comply with this obligation will result in his right to claim in respect of the surety not being receivable in court. This throws some light on the context of Article 2365 C.c.Q., defines its boundaries and clarifies its applicability. The non-subrogation exception is a legal mechanism that goes back to Roman times. ft has now been incorporated into both civil and common law in almost ail legal systems in the world. In Quebec legislation, it falls under Article 2365 C.C.Q. It is a public order provision that only the surety can cite. The enforcement of this provision is subject to the following conditions: 1) the act of the creditor; 2) the loss of a subrogatory right; 3) the surety's prejudice; 4) the causal link between the three. When these conditions are fulfilled, the surety is released from his obligation to the extent of the prejudice he has suffered.

L'exception de non-subrogation: l'influence de ses principes justificatifs sur sa mise en oeuvre

Parent, Alain 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

O efeito modificativo do fato jurídico sobre a relação jurídica obrigacional / Modification of Obligations by legal facts

Gustavo de Revorêdo Pugsley 04 March 2015 (has links)
A doutrina costuma apontar como efeitos dos fatos jurídicos a criação, a modificação ou a extinção de relações jurídicas. Os textos doutrinários normalmente desenvolvem o estudo dos fatos jurídicos que criam relações jurídicas; o presente trabalho, porém, se dedica aos fatos jurídicos tendentes a modificar relações jurídicas anteriormente criadas, restringindo-se ao campo das obrigações. Primeiramente, deve-se buscar um critério: modificação do direito isolado ou da relação jurídica? Como nas relações jurídicas complexas há diversos direitos e deveres recíprocos, a extinção de um direito pode levar apenas à modificação da relação jurídica integralmente considerada. Se Savigny já entendia que um juízo acerca do direito só pode ser verdadeiro quando fundado na compreensão completa da relação jurídica, hoje há renovadas razões para que se adote um critério relacional: a relação obrigacional tem sido vista como um processo, o que leva a um reforço de sua identidade com a inclusão de um elemento finalístico. As ideias de modificação e identidade estão vinculadas, pois, se a \"modificação\" leva à perda da identidade, a relação jurídica na verdade foi extinta. Quanto ao tema das modificações, a maior parte da doutrina parece tratar apenas da \"transmissão das obrigações\". Outros, ao lado dessas modificações subjetivas, tratam de modificações objetivas, normalmente restringindo-se às efetuadas por negócio jurídico. A classificação de Pontes de Miranda, porém, parece servir de referencial para o presente trabalho: quanto às modificações \"sem quebra da identidade da relação jurídica\", o autor aponta modificações negociais, alterações por dolo e culpa, por força maior e caso fortuito, por impossibilidade de adimplemento e, por fim, por mora do devedor e do credor. / Current legal theory generally considers the effects of legal facts (those resulting from the correlation between facts and norms) on the creation, modification or termination of legal relationships. While most authors addresses how legal facts create these relationships, the present study is devoted to legal facts tending to modify the legal relationship, particularly in the field of the Law of Obligations (duty to perform). At first, a criterion must be determined: modification of the isolated right or modification of the Obligation? In \"complex\" obligational relationships, there are many mutual rights and duties, such that the extinction of a right can result only in the modification of the relationship fully considered. Long ago, Savigny asserted that a reasonable analysis of a right must be based on a thorough understanding of the legal relationship at issue. There are now renewed reasons to adopt these relational criteria when analyzing legal relationships. The obligational relationship may be seen as a process, which leads to the reinforcement of its identity with the inclusion of a finalistic element. The ideas of modification and identity are linked, because if a \"change\" leads to the loss of identity, the legal relationship may, in fact, have been terminated. Most of the authors on the subject of modifications addresses the \"transfer of obligations\". Some other studies, beside these subjective modifications, addresses objective modifications, usually restricted to those made by agreement. The \"Pontes de Miranda\" classification, may serve as a useful reference when analyzing the issue of modifications. The author points to modifications by agreement, changes by dolus and culpa (fault, tort law and breach of contract), by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, impossibility of performance, and, ultimately, by the mora debitoris and mora creditoris/accipiendi (default, delay of performance) as modifications \"without breaking the identity of the legal relationship\".

La prescription extinctive des obligations en droit public interne / The extinctive prescription of obligations under public internal law

Froger, Charles 02 December 2013 (has links)
La prescription extinctive a fait l’objet de nombreuses études en droit privé ou en droit pénal. Elle constitue à l’inverse un angle mort de la recherche en droit public. La réforme opérée en matière civile par la loi du 17 juin 2008, ainsi que le renouveau contemporain du débat sur l’existence d’une théorie générale des obligations publiques, justifient pourtant une analyse approfondie en droit public. Prenant ses racines dans le Code civil, la prescription extinctive tient une place non négligeable dans les rapports obligataires des personnes publiques. La multiplication des prescriptions propres au droit public, notamment en raison d’impératifs budgétaires, oblige toutefois à identifier ce qu’elle recouvre précisément. Fondée sur la sécurité juridique, elle se distingue d’autres mécanismes similaires en emportant l’extinction de l’exigibilité de l’obligation. De ce fait, elle connaît un essor important et s’étend à la plupart des obligations publiques, même si elle doit être conciliée avec la nécessité d’intérêt général d’obtenir le paiement des obligations.Si la prescription extinctive existe bien en droit public, elle a toutefois été adaptée aux caractéristiques propres de cette matière. Bien que le Code civil ait longtemps imposé le recours aux règles du droit privé, le juge administratif n’en avait pas moins conservé une certaine autonomie. En supprimant l’application du droit privé aux rapports obligataires des personnes publiques, la réforme du 17 juin 2008 a rendu le droit public de la prescription autonome. Cette autonomie devrait néanmoins être consolidée par la voie d’une réforme législative, réorganisant les prescriptions disparates, et comblant les lacunes existantes. Une telle intervention serait également l’occasion de constater l’originalité de la prescription extinctive en droit public. Son fonctionnement (point de départ, suspension, interruption, opposition, renonciation, etc.) reste gouverné par de nombreuses spécificités dues à la double appartenance de la prescription aux règles de la légalité administrative et financière. Elle souligne en définitive l’irréductible spécificité du droit public. / Extinctive prescription has been the subject of numerous studies both in public and private laws. In contrast it is a dead angle in Public Law research. The reform put in place in the civil domain by the June 17, 2008 Act, as well as a renewed interest in the debate about the existence of a general theory of public obligations, warrant a deep analysis. Having its roots in the civil code, the extinctive prescription holds an important place among the contractual or legal relationship of public persons. The significant increase of prescriptions specific to public law, partly due to budgetary need, however requires identifying what it exactly entails. Based on legal certainty, it differs from other mechanisms that are close to it, by leading to the termination of liability for payment. Hence, it sees a significant expansion and now extends to most public obligations, even though it has to be reconciled with the need of general interest to get payment of obligations.If the extinctive prescription does exist in public law, it has however been adapted to the inherent characteristics of this subject. Even though the Civil Code has imposed the use of private law rules for long, the administrative judge had retained some autonomy. By removing the use of private law from contractual or legal relationship of public persons, the June 17, 2008 reform has made prescription in public law independent. This autonomy should be enhanced through a legislative reform, both reorganizing the existing prescriptions and filling existing gaps. Such intervention would be an opportunity to observe the originality of extinctive prescription in public law. Its operation (starting point, suspension, interruption, waiver, etc.) remains governed by numerous characteristics due to dual ownership of prescription to the rules of administrative and financial legality. It eventually highlights the undeniable specificity of public law.

Le droit de la responsabilité des organisations internationales

Klein, Pierre 01 January 1996 (has links)
Pas de résumé / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les règles de bonne conduite en droit financier / rules of good behavior of financial legislation

Braza, Sarah 17 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années le droit financier, s'est enrichi des règles de bonne conduite, dans le but de répondre aux crises financières successives. Pour beaucoup, les règles de bonne conduite ont contribué à l'accroissement du contentieux judiciaire au détriment des prestataires de service d'investissement. Néanmoins, il s'agit davantage d'une volonté du législateur d’équilibrer les relations contractuelles entre le professionnel de la finance et le non professionnel au moyen de différentes obligations, qui poursuivent une finalité de transparence. En effet la transparence permet aux contractants d'avoir une confiance dans les marchés financiers. La confiance est fondamentale en droit des marchés financiers, car à défaut personne ne voudra investir dans les marchés financiers. A cette fin, les règles de bonne conduite pallient la crise de confiance des investisseurs par le biais d'obligations d'information à degré variable. Ainsi l'information exigée par les règles de bonne conduite permet plus de transparence et autorise une confiance des investisseurs par l’équilibre des relations contractuelles. / In recent years financial legislation, was enriched by the rules of good behavior in order to respond to successive financial crises. For many, the rules of conduct contributed to the increase in criminal litigation at the expense of investment service providers. Nevertheless, it was more of a will of the legislature to balance the contractual relationship between the financial professional and unprofessional through various obligations, pursuing a goal of transparency. Indeed transparency allows contractors to have confidence in financial markets. Trust is fundamental on financial legislation, as if no one will invest in financial markets. To this end, the rules of conduct palliate the crisis of confidence of investors through information to variable degree requirements. Thus the information required by the rules of conduct allows more transparency and allows investor confidence through the balance of contractual relations.

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