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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Balancing of Network Energy using Observer Approach

Patharlapati, Sai Ram Charan 01 September 2016 (has links)
Efficient energy use is primarily for any sensor networks to function for a longer time period. There have been many efficient schemes with various progress levels proposed by many researchers. Yet, there still more improvements are needed. This thesis is an attempt to make wireless sensor networks with further efficient on energy usage in the network with respect to rate of delivery of the messages. In sensor network architecture radio, sensing and actuators have influence over the power consumption in the entire network. While listening as well as transmitting, energy is consumed by the radio. However, if by reducing listening times or by reducing the number of messages transmitting would reduce the energy consumption. But, in real time scenario with critical information sensing network leads to information loss. To overcome this an adaptive routing technique should be considered. So, that it focuses on saving energy in a much more sophisticated way without reducing the performance of the sensing network transmitting and receiving functionalities. This thesis tackles on parts of the energy efficiency problem in a wireless sensor network and improving delivery rate of messages. To achieve this a routing technique is proposed. In this method, switching between two routing paths are considered and the switching decision taken by the server based on messages delivered comparative previous time intervals. The goal is to get maximum network life time without degrading the number of messages at the server. In this work some conventional routing methods are considered for implementing an approach. This approach is by implementing a shortest path, Gradient based energy routing algorithm and an observer component to control switching between paths. Further, controlled switching done by observer compared to normal initial switch rule. Evaluations are done in a simulation environment and results show improvement in network lifetime in a much more balanced way.

FPGA Based Control of Multiple Electric Machines for Marine Propulsion Systems / FPGA-baserad styrning av flertal elektriska maskiner för marina drivsystem

Weideskog, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis addresses the control of electric propulsion motors in a marine context. The focus lies mainly on the implementation of field oriented control (FOC) in a field programmable gate array (FPGA). The hypothesis is that FPGAs provide performance advantages over microcontroller-based control solutions by enabling parallel processing. Zparq AB, a startup specializing in electric marine propulsion, serves as the industry partner for this project. They develop sustainable alternatives to traditional fossil fuel powered propulsion, and the aim is to develop every included part of their electric propulsion systems inhouse. That makes the development of an FPGA-based motor control solution relevant to their goal. The research question focuses on how multiple marine propulsion motors can be controlled from a single FPGA. To answer this, the study investigates relevant engineering aspects such as reference frame transformations, motor control strategies, pulse width modulation (PWM) methods and technological aspects of modern FPGA architectures. For developing the motor controller, a Digilent Arty Z7-20 FPGA board is used. In the design process, all included functions are written as code in a hardware description language (HDL). This approach aims at maintaining complete insight in all details of the solution. Two variants of conventional FOC are developed; one with position feedback from an encoder and one sensorless. The developed motor controller is tested by controlling a brushless direct current (BLDC) motor, and the results prove the functionality of the encoder-based variant. They also show a latency of less than 15 microseconds and indicate the feasibility of the chosen approach. The modularity of the FPGA is demonstrated by successfully controlling two motors, using two copies of the developed solution in a single FPGA. A discussion on combining FPGA-based controllers with wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors is also included, where the main discussed advantage is high switching frequency. In conclusion, the results and insights from the project contribute to future development of FPGA-based motor control solutions, both within Zparq and the research field. The insights regarding the specific chosen approach for the FPGA development can also be useful for similar projects. / Detta masterarbete behandlar styrning av elektriska motorer i ett marint kontext. Fokus ligger huvudsakligen på implementeringen av fältorienterad styrning (FOC) i en ifält-programmerbar grindmatris (FPGA). Hypotesen är att FPGAer erbjuder prestandafördelar jämfört med mikrokontroller-baserade styrlösningar, genom att möjliggöra parallella beräkningsprocesser. Zparq AB, ett startup som specialiserar sig på elektriska marina drivsystem, är industripartner för detta projekt. De utvecklar hållbara alternativ till traditionell fossildriven framdrift och målet är att på egen hand utveckla alla ingående delar i deras elektriska drivsystem. Det gör att utvecklingen av en FPGA-baserad lösning för motorstyrning är relevant inom ramen för deras mål. Forskningsfrågan fokuserar på hur ett flertal motorer för marin framdrift kan styras från en enda FPGA. För att svara på detta undersöks relevanta tekniska aspekter såsom koordinattransformationer, motorstyrningsstrategier, metoder för pulsbreddsmodulering (PWM) samt teknologiska aspekter av moderna FPGA-arkitekturer. För utvecklingen av motorstyrningen används ett Digilent Arty Z7-20 FPGA-kort. I designprocessen formuleras alla inkluderade funktioner som kod i ett hårdvarubeskrivande språk (HDL). Detta tillvägagångssätt syftar till att ha god insyn i hela lösningen, ner på detaljnivå. Två varianter av konventionell FOC utvecklas; en med positionsfeedback från vinkelgivare och en sensorlös. Den utvecklade motorstyrningen testas genom att driva en borstlös likströmsmotor (BLDC) och resultaten visar på den vinkelgivarbaserade variantens funktionalitet. De visar även att fördröjningen är under 15 mikrosekunder, samt på genomförbarheten av det valda tillvägagångssättet. Modulariteten i FPGAn demonstreras genom att framgångsrikt styra två motorer med hjälp av två kopior av den utvecklade lösningen i en och samma FPGA. En diskussion kring att kombinera FPGA-baserad styrning och halvledare med brett bandgap (WBG) är också inkluderad, där den huvudsakliga fördelen som diskuteras är hög switchfrekvens.svis bidrar resultaten och insikterna från projektet till framtida utveckling av FPGA-baserade lösningar för motorstyrning, både inom Zparq och övriga forskningsfältet. Insikterna från det specifika valda tillvägagångssättet för FPGA-utvecklingen kan även de vara användbara i liknande projekt.

Sensorless Control of Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Pump Applications / Sensorlös reglering av synkrona reluktansmaskiner och permanentmagnetmaskiner för pumptillämpningar

Lindberg, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Energy efficiency in electric machines is both environmentally and economically important. Water pumps with an integrated Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) have challenged the status quo of the Induction Machine (IM) for water pumps. The Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM) is also a viable alternative that does not use permanent magnets. This degree project focuses on the control of SynRM, with particular attention on sensorless control methods. Simulation models for a SynRM and a Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (SPMSM), together with their control systems, were developed in MATLAB Simulink. Two sensorless control methods were implemented and examined: the Luenberger state observer and the Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS). The control system was adapted to use sensorless control methods. The investigated sensorless control methods allowed the application of the speed-torque test profile for two method and motor type combinations, without causing instability. The Luenberger observer was stable with the SPMSM and the MRAS with the SynRM. Parameter sensitivity with respect to the variation of inductance and stator resistance values used by the sensorless methods was also tested. The Luenberger observer kept the control system stable with up to a ±5 % variation of inductance. The MRAS kept the control system stable down to −12 %, but only up to +2 % for an overestimation of the inductance. The variation of stator resistance had a limited impact on the stability of both sensorless schemes. / Energieffektivisering av elektriska maskiner är betydelsefullt både ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Vattenpumpar med en synkron permanentmagnetsmaskin och en integrerad enhet för variabel hastighetsreglering (VFD) utmanar den mer konventionella lösningen baserad på en asynkronmaskin (IM). Den synkrona reluktansmaskinen (SynRM) är ett annat lämpligt alternativ som inte använder permanentmagneter. Det här examensarbetet behandlar huvudsakligen sensorlös reglering av SynRM. Simuleringsmodeller för reglering av en SynRM och en permanentmagnetiserad synkronmaskin med ytmonterade magneter (SPMSM) utvecklades i MATLAB Simulink. Två metoder för sensorlös reglering undersöktes, en på Luenbergers tillståndsobservatör och en baserad på adaptiv modellreferensreglering (MRAS). Systemet för reglering anpassades till metoderna för sensorlös reglering. De undersökta sensorlösa metoderna testades vid nominell hastighet med steg i vridmoment och hastighet. Luenberger observatören kunde köras med bibehållen stabilitet med en SPMSM och MRAS kördes med en SynRM, också den med bibehållen stabilitet. Även känsligheten för variationer i induktans och statorresistans för de sensorlösa reglermetoderna testades. Luenberger observatören kunde bibehålla stabiliteten med en variation i induktans på ±5 %. MRAS kunde bibehålla stabiliteten ner till en estimering av induktansen på −12 % av induktansen. På uppsidan nådde dock MRAS stabilitet endast upp till en överestimering av induktansen på 2 %. Felestimering av statorresistansen hade minimal påverkan på stabiliteten för båda sensorlösa reglermetoderna.

Robust Control of Uncertain Input-Delayed Sample Data Systems through Optimization of a Robustness Bound

Kratz, Jonathan L. 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Fault Detection for Rolling Element Bearings Using Model-Based Technique

Simatrang, Sorn 03 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Invariance and Sliding Modes. Application to coordination of multi-agent systems, bioprocesses estimation, and control in living cells

Vignoni, Alejandro 26 May 2014 (has links)
The present thesis employs ideas of set invariance and sliding modes in order to deal with different relevant problems control of nonlinear systems. Initially, it reviews the techniques of set invariance as well as the more relevant results about sliding modes control. Then the main methodologies used are presented: sliding mode reference conditioning, second order sliding modes and continuous approximation of sliding modes. Finally, the methodologies are applied to different problems in control theory and to a variety of biologically inspired applications. The contributions of the thesis are: The development of a method to coordinate dynamical systems with different dynamic properties by means of a sliding mode auxiliary loop shaping the references given to the systems as function of the local and global goals, the achievable performance of each system and the available information of each system. Design methods for second order sliding mode algorithms. The methods decouple the problem of stability analysis from that of finite-time convergence of the super-twisting sliding mode algorithm. A nonlinear change of coordinates and a time-scaling are used to provide simple, yet flexible design methods and stability proofs. Application of the method to the design of finite-time convergence estimators of bioprocess kinetic rates and specific biomass growth rate, from biomass measurements. Also the estimators are validated with experimental data. The proposal of a strategy to reduce the variability of a cell-to-cell communication signal in synthetic genetic circuits. The method uses set invariance and sliding mode ideas applied to gene expression networks to obtain a reduction in the variance of the communication signal. Experimental approaches available to modify the characteristics of the gene regulation function are described. / Vignoni, A. (2014). Invariance and Sliding Modes. Application to coordination of multi-agent systems, bioprocesses estimation, and control in living cells [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37743

Novel Strategies to design Controllers and State Predictors based on Disturbance Observers

Castillo Frasquet, Alberto 30 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] Los sistemas de ingeniería o físicos suelen ser inciertos. Su incertidumbre se manifiesta cuando el sistema muestra comportamientos que son relativamente diferentes a los que su modelo predice; estando principalmente causada por: errores de modelado; dinámicas desconocidas; cambios en las propiedades del sistema; interacciones aleatorias con otros sistemas; o cambios en las condiciones de operación. Durante los últimos 40 años, se ha demostrado reiteradamente que las incertidumbres de los sistemas pueden tener efectos muy negativos sobre el comportamiento de un controlador si éstas no se consideran adecuadamente sus formulaciones matemáticas. Por esta razón, una parte importante de la investigación actual está centrada en este tema; buscando las formas mas adecuadas para representar matemáticamente las incertidumbres de los sistemas, así como buscando nuevas herramientas matemáticas que permitan hacer uso de ésta representación de la incertidumbre con el objetivo de diseñar algoritmos de control robustos. En esta tesis se presentan nuevas aportaciones en esta línea. Concretamente, se desarrollan nuevas metodologías para diseñar controladores (DOBCs) y predictores (DOBPs) para sistemas dinámicos inciertos basados en observadores de perturbaciones. La principal aportación es demostrar que los DOBCs se pueden sintetizar desde un enfoque de control óptimo; siendo su principal criterio de diseño el de aproximar la -irrealizable- señal de control óptima que minimiza un índice de coste cuadrático sujeto a un modelo dinámico lineal (LTI). Este nuevo enfoque de diseño es indistintamente válido para modelos SISO/MIMO con múltiples o únicas perturbaciones. Además permite un ajuste del controlador muy intuitivo gracias a las matrices de ponderación del coste. De forma similar; los DOBPs se construyen con el objetivo de aproximar la solución temporal un sistema dinámico perturbado. Con el objetivo de contextualizar la aportación, el documento también incluye un breve resumen de los principales métodos de control robusto y el impacto que han tenido en la revolución tecnológica del siglo XXI; algunas discusiones sobre la utilidad de los modelos LTI perturbados para representar sistemas dinámicos inciertos; y algunas relaciones, comparaciones y simulaciones numéricas de los métodos propuestos con otras técnicas de control. / [CA] Els sistemes d'enginyeria o físics solen ser incerts. La seua incertesa es manifesta quan el sistema mostra comportaments que són relativament diferents als que el seu model prediu; sent principalment causada per: errors de modelatge; dinàmiques desconegudes; canvis en les propietats del sistema; interaccions aleatòries amb altres sistemes; o canvis en les condicions d'operació. Durant els últims 40 anys, s'ha demostrat reiteradament que les incerteses dels sistemes poden tindre efectes molt negatius sobre el comportament d'un controlador si aquestes no es consideren adequadament les seues formulacions matemàtiques. Per aquesta raó, una part important de la investigació actual està centrada en aquest tema; buscant les formes mes adequades per a representar matemàticament les incerteses dels sistemes, així com buscant noves tècniques matemàtiques que permeten fer ús d'aquesta representació de la incertesa amb l'objectiu de dissenyar algorismes de control robustos. En aquesta tesi es presenten noves aportacions en aquesta línia. Concretament, es desenvolupen noves metodologies per a dissenyar controladors (DOBCs) i predictors (DOBPs) per a sistemes dinàmics incerts basats en observadors de pertorbacions. La principal aportació és demostrar que els DOBCs es poden sintetitzar des d'un punt de vista de control òptim; sent el seu principal criteri de disseny el d'aproximar la -irrealitzable- senyal de control òptima que minimitza un índex de cost quadràtic restringit a un model dinàmic lineal (LTI). Aquest nou plantejament és indistintament vàlid per a models SISO/MIMO amb múltiples o úniques pertorbacions. A més permet un ajust del controlador molt intuïtiu gràcies a les matrius de ponderació del cost. De manera similar; els DOBPs es construeixen amb l'objectiu d'aproximar la solució temporal un sistema dinàmic pertorbat. Amb l'objectiu de contextualitzar l'aportació, el document també inclou un breu resum dels principals mètodes de control robust i l'impacte que han tingut en la revolució tecnològica del segle XXI; algunes discussions sobre la utilitat dels models LTI pertorbats per a representar sistemes dinàmics incerts; i algunes relacions, comparacions i simulacions numèriques dels mètodes proposats amb altres tècniques de control. / [EN] Engineering or physical systems are used to be uncertain. Its uncertainty is manifested whenever the system shows behaviors that are relatively different than the ones predicted by its model; being mostly caused by: modeling errors; unknown dynamics; changes in the system properties; random interactions with other systems; or changes in the operating conditions. Through the last 40 years, it has been persistently proved that the system uncertainties could have very negative effects in the performance of a feedback regulator if they are not properly considered in the mathematical formulations of the employed algorithms. Thus, an important part of the recent research is focused on this topic; searching for the most appropriate ways to mathematically represent the system uncertainties and looking for new mathematical-tools that permit to make use of such uncertainty-representation in order to design robust control algorithms. In this thesis, new contributions in this line are provided. Concretely, novel methodologies to design Disturbance Observer-Based Controllers (DOBCs) and Predictors (DOBPs) for uncertain dynamic systems are developed. The main contribution is to show that the DOBCs can be constructed from an optimality-based approach, with the main objective of approximating the -unrealizable- optimal control signal that minimizes a quadratic-cost performance index subject to a LTI disturbed model constraint. This novel robust control design is indistinctly valid for SISO/MIMO models with single/multiple matched/mismatched disturbances; offering also a highly intuitive and versatile tuning through the weighting matrices. Similarly, the DOBPs are synthesized in order to approximate the time-domain solution of LTI disturbed models. For the sake of completeness, the document also includes a brief review of the main robust control methods and the impact that they have had on the technological revolution of the 21st century; some discussions about the usefulness of the LTI disturbed models for representing uncertain dynamic systems; and different relationships, comparisons and numerical simulations, of the proposed methods with other control approaches. / Castillo Frasquet, A. (2021). Novel Strategies to design Controllers and State Predictors based on Disturbance Observers [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165034

Algebraische Flachheitsanalyse nichtlinearer Systeme

Fritzsche, Klemens 25 September 2024 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem systemtheoretischen Konzept der Flachheit: einer Eigenschaft dynamischer Systeme mit großer Bedeutung beim Bewältigen typischer nichtlinearer Regelungs- und Steuerungsprobleme, welche für Systeme verschiedener mathematischer Klassen definiert werden kann. Obwohl sich zahlreiche praktische Beispiele als flach herausgestellt haben und flachheitsbasierte Methoden erfolgreich angewendet werden konnten, ist der Nachweis der Existenz bzw. Nichtexistenz sogenannter flacher Ausgänge ein nach wie vor offenes Problem. Diese als theoretisch ideale Sensorpositionen interpretierbaren rein virtuellen Größen erlauben (vereinfacht ausgedrückt) eine freie Parametrisierung aller Systemgrößen, woraus eine besonders einfache Systemdarstellung möglich wird. Die Planung von Steuerung und Regelung in dieser Darstellung kann dann mit den wohlvertrauten linearen Methoden durchgeführt werden. Darüber hinaus existiert in der Forschungsliteratur das duale Konzept der flachen Eingänge, welches sich aus der im Entwurfsprozess technischer Systeme aufkommenden Frage nach geeigneten Stelleingriffen motivieren lässt. Die Arbeit widmet sich im ersten Teil einer algebraischen Perspektive auf die Flachheitsanalyse, welche eine vereinheitlichte Untersuchung von nichtlinearen zeitkontinuierlichen und zeitdiskreten Systemen ermöglicht. Hierfür wird das Konzept der verallgemeinerten Jacobi-Matrix betrachtet, welche den Matrizen über dem Ring der nichtkommutativen Ore-Polynome entstammt. Der zugehörige mathematische Formalismus wird in den für die Arbeit wichtigsten Zügen untersucht. Aufbauend auf diesem Formalismus wird argumentiert, dass ein verbreiteter Zugang aus der Literatur zur Bestimmung flacher Ausgänge im Kern auf eine dynamische Fassung des Satzes von der Umkehrabbildung zurückgeführt werden kann. Aus dieser Perspektive resultiert, dass die zu prüfende Bedingung nicht als notwendig eingestuft werden kann, womit einige in der Literatur formulierte Ergebnisse zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Ein Beispiel untermauert dies. Dass aus diesem Zugang jedoch keine freie Parametrisierbarkeit der Systemgrößen und damit Flachheit folgen muss, zeigt ein weiteres Beispiel, womit die zu prüfende Bedingung auch nicht hinreichend ist. Da die letztere Problematik nur in seltenen Fällen auftritt, wird unter dem Ausschluss dieser der verallgemeinerte Satz von der Umkehrabbildung dennoch als eine nützliche Grundlage für die Flachheitsanalyse angesehen. Hierfür wird die verallgemeinerte Jacobi-Matrix eines impliziten Systems derart unimodular vervollständigt, dass im Anschluss eine Integrabilitätsbedingung erfüllt ist. Durch Integration entsprechender 1-Formen erhält man schließlich einen flachen Ausgang. In der Arbeit wird ein verallgemeinerter Algorithmus zur Berechnung einer unimodularen Vervollständigung vorgestellt, der neben den zeitdiskreten und zeitkontinuierlichen Zustandssystemen auch für die Analyse von Deskriptorsystemen genutzt werden kann. Der algebraische Ansatz wird außerdem auf die Berechnung flacher Eingänge übertragen, bei der einerseits die Integrabilitätsbedingung aus strukturellen Gründen immer erfüllt ist, andererseits jedoch eine zusätzliche Unimodularitätsbedingung gelten muss. Diese ist den Untersuchungen des Autors nach jedoch nur in seltenen Spezialfällen nicht erfüllt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der Anwendung flacher Eingänge, die im Vergleich zu flachen Ausgängen in der Literatur bisher nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit erhalten haben. Zum einen wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dem der Reglerentwurf für nichtlineare nichtbeobachtbare nichtflache zeitkontinuierliche Zustandssysteme gelingen kann. Das den flachen Eingängen nahestehende Konzept der fiktiven Eingänge wird dabei mit einer Regelungsstrategie auf Basis flacher Eingänge in geeigneter Weise miteinander kombiniert. Zur Realisierung des Reglers wird ein dynamischer Kompensator benötigt, der im Allgemeinen jedoch nur zeitlich diskretisiert angegeben werden kann. Ein Beispiel illustriert dieses Vorgehen. Zum anderen wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle flache Eingänge im Beobachterentwurf spielen, was aus Dualitätsgründen vermutet werden kann. Für zeitkontinuierliche Zustandssysteme wird zunächst der zeitkontinuierliche Normalformbeobachter herangezogen, dessen Anwendbarkeit bekanntermaßen als restriktiv einzustufen ist. Für nichtintegrierbare Systeme, d.h. Systeme für die ein solcher Beobachter nicht existiert, wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, bei welchem dem System mit Hilfe eines dynamischen Kompensators die Dynamik eines integrierbaren Systems mit flachem Eingang aufgeprägt wird. Für dieses kann anschließend ein Normalformbeobachter konstruiert werden. Aus den geschätzen Größen des integrierbaren Systems wird mit Hilfe einer Zustandstransformation schließlich eine Rekonstruktion des Zustands des ursprünglichen Systems erreicht. Dieses prinzipielle Vorgehen wird auf die Klasse der zeitdiskreten Zustandssysteme und auf die der zeitkontinuierlichen Systeme mit abgetasteten Messgrößen übertragen. Auch diese Methode wird durch Beispiele veranschaulicht.

Contributions to the study of control for small-scale wind turbine connected to electrical microgrid with and without sensor / Contribution à l'étude des commandes avec et sans capteur d'une éolienne de faible puissance insérée dans un micro réseau électrique

Al Ghossini, Hossam 23 November 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer l'approche la plus appropriée afin de minimiser le coût d'intégration de petite éolienne dans un micro-réseau DC urbain. Une petit éolienne basé sur un machine synchrone à aimant permanent (MSAP) est considéré à étudier. Un état de l'art concernant les énergies renouvelables, micro-réseau DC, et la production d'énergie éolienne, est fait. Comme le capteur mécanique de cette structure est relativement d'un coût élevé, les différents types de contrôle pour un système de conversion éolienne sont présentés afin de choisir une structure active de conversion d'énergie et un MSAP sans capteur. Par conséquent, un estimateur de vitesse/position est nécessaire pour contrôler le système. Ainsi, les méthodes différentes proposées dans la littérature sont considérées et classifiées à étudier dans les détails, puis les plus efficaces et largement utilisés sont à vérifier dans la simulation et expérimentalement pour le système étudié. Les méthodes choisies sont: estimation de la flux de rotor avec boucle à verrouillage de phase (PLL), observateur à mode glissement (SMO), observateur de Luenberger d'ordre réduit, et filtre de Kalman étendu (EKF). Face à d'autres méthodes, l'estimateur basé sur un modèle EKF permet une commande sans capteur dans une large plage de vitesse et estime la vitesse de rotation avec une réponse rapide. Le réglage des paramètres EKF est le problème principal à sa mise en œuvre. Par conséquent, pour résoudre ce problème, la thèse présente une méthode adaptative, à savoir réglage-adaptatif d’EKF. En conséquence, et grâce à cette approche, le coût total du système de conversion est réduite et la performance est garantie et optimisée. / The aim of this thesis is to propose the most appropriate approach in order to minimize the cost of integration of a wind generator into a DC urban microgrid. A small-scale wind generator based on a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) is considered to be studied. A state of the art concerning the renewable energies, DC microgrid, and wind power generation is done. As the mechanical sensor for this structure is relatively of high cost, various types of wind conversion system control are presented in order to choose an energy conversion active structure and a sensorless PMSM. Therefore, a speed/position estimator is required to control the system. Thus, different methods proposed in literatures are considered and classified to be studied in details, and then the most effective and widely used ones are to be verified in simulation and experimentally for the studied system. The methods which are chosen are: rotor flux estimation with phase locked loop (PLL), sliding mode observer (SMO), Luenberger observer of reduced order, and extended Kalman filter (EKF). Facing to other methods, the EKF model-based estimator allows sensorless drive control in a wide speed range and estimates the rotation speed with a rapid response. The EKF parameters tuning is the main problem to its implementation. Hence, to solve this problem, the thesis introduces an adaptive method, i.e. adaptive-tuning EKF. As a result and grace to this approach, the total cost of conversion system is reduced and the performance is guaranteed and optimized.

Conflicted custody: the unfolding of a professional problem-determined system

Fasser, Robyn Lesley 01 1900 (has links)
With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. xviii In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. ( Psychology)

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