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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Känsla av sammanhang i en hybrid arbetsmodell : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön vid hybridarbete

Johansen, Linn, Okkonen, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Hybridarbete har medfört fördelar och utmaningar som arbetsgivare behöver uppmärksamma för att främja ett hälsosamt arbete. En hybrid arbetsform kan bidra med det bästa från två världar, distans- och kontorsarbete, förutsatt att arbetsgivare och arbetstagare samverkar för att utveckla nya färdigheter för att anpassa sig till det nya arbetssättet. Denna studie syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön vid hybridarbete. Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ ansats och materialet har samlats in med hjälp av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med både medarbetare och chefer inom en svensk offentlig organisation. Studiens metodval är inspirerad av empirisk fenomenologi med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt som syftar till att skapa förståelse. Empirin har tematiserats och analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys. Studiens resultat visar att den främsta fördelen med hybridarbete är flexibiliteten till att påverka balansen mellan arbete och fritid. Till följd av den hybrida arbetsformen visar resultatet utmaningar i egenskap av minskade fysiska interaktioner med kollegor, digital trötthet, uteblivna pauser samt svårigheter med gränsdragningen mellan arbete och fritid. Resultatet visar att tydliga riktlinjer för hybridarbete får betydelse för hur individen upplever den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön. Studien konstaterar att tillgång till socialt stöd, delaktighet, dialog, autonomi samt explicita riktlinjer och rutiner som kan anpassas efter individuella behov främjar en god arbetsmiljö. Avslutningsvis presenteras en modell som kan användas av praktikersamhället för att bidra med kunskap om hur känslan av sammanhang (KASAM) främjas i den hybrida arbetsmodellen. / Hybrid work has brought benefits and challenges that employers must observe to promote healthy work among employees. Hybrid working can create the best of both worlds, remote and office work, if employers and workers work together to develop new skills to adapt to the new way of working. This study aims to create a deeper understanding of the organizational and social work environment in hybrid work. The study is conducted with a qualitative approach and the material has been collected using ten semi-structured interviews with employees and managers within a Swedish public organization. The study's choice of method is inspired by empirical phenomenology with a subjective hermeneutic approach that aims to create understanding. The empiricism has been thematized and analyzed using thematic analysis.The results of the study show that the main advantage of hybrid work is increased flexibility regarding the ability to influence the balance between work and leisure. The results also show some possible disadvantages of the hybrid working form, such as reduced physical interactions with colleagues, digital fatigue, missed breaks and difficulties with drawing the line between working time and free time. The results shows that clear guidelines for hybrid work are important for how the individual experiences the organizational and social work environment. The study states that access to social support, participation, dialogue, autonomy and explicit guidelines and routines that can be adapted to individual needs promote a good work environment. Finally, a model is presented that can be used by the practitioner community to contribute knowledge about how the sense of coherence (SOC) is promoted in the hybrid work model.

Prerequisites and Possibilities for Manufacturing Companies to Prioritize and Manage Occupational Health and Safety

Nordlöf, Hasse January 2015 (has links)
Legislation demands that health and safety of humans at work must be secured. Today, far from every company has a functioning systematic management of occupational health and safety (OHS) in place to fulfill its legal obligations. Instead, other day-to-day tasks appear to have greater priority. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate prerequisites and possibilities for manufacturing companies to prioritize and manage OHS, with focus on professional roles, company size, safety culture, and financial performance. Four papers (I–IV) are included in this thesis, based on three data collections. A questionnaire measuring the priority accorded to work environment was completed by 249 representatives of 142 manufacturing companies (I & II). Focus group interviews were conducted with 66 workers at a large steel-manufacturing company, discussing their experiences and perceptions of safety and risks at work (III). A questionnaire measuring OHS management practices, safety culture, and priority given to work environment was completed by 280 representatives of 197 manufacturing companies (IV). Information regarding the companies’ financial performance was retrieved from a credit bureau database. The main findings of the four papers demonstrated that profitability was considered as the most prioritized interest in the companies (I), and that trade-offs between productivity and safety is an obstacle to working safely (III). Managers generally perceived their companies to prioritize work environment factors more than the safety delegates did (I & IV). Perceptions of work environment priority did, however, not differ depending on company size (II & IV). Responsibility for safety was perceived to rest on the individual to the largest extent, and risk-taking was believed to originate from a combination of individual factors and external circumstances in the work environment (III). Larger company size, positive safety culture, and low risk in creditworthiness were found to be associated with better OHS management practices in companies (IV). Correspondingly, smaller company size, negative safety culture, and high risk in creditworthiness were found to be associated with worse OHS management practices. In summary, structural, social, and financial aspects seem to be important in companies’ possibilities for prioritizing and managing OHS. Recommendations for industry and future research are discussed. / Arbetsmiljölagen kräver att människors hälsa och säkerhet på arbetet ska tryggas genom att risker kontinuerligt ska bedömas och åtgärdas. Många företag saknar idag ett fungerande systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (SAM) som uppfyller lagens krav fullt ut. Istället tycks andra dagliga aktiviteter ha högre prioritet. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka förutsättningar och möjligheter för tillverkande företag att prioritera och arbeta med säkerheten och arbetsmiljön; med särskilt fokus på yrkesroller, företagsstorlek, säkerhetskultur och finansiella nyckeltal. Fyra delstudier (I–IV) ingår i denna avhandling, vilka är baserade på tre datainsamlingar. En enkät som mätte arbetsmiljöprioritering besvarades av 249 representanter vid 142 tillverkande företag (I & II). Fokusgruppintervjuer genomfördes med 66 arbetare på ett stort ståltillverkningsföretag, där deras erfarenheter och uppfattningar om säkerhet och risker i arbetet diskuterades (III). En enkät som mätte SAM, säkerhetskultur och arbetsmiljöprioritering besvarades av 280 representanter vid 197 tillverkande företag (IV). Information om företagens finansiella nyckeltal hämtades från ett kreditupplysningsföretag. De viktigaste resultaten från de fyra delstudierna kan bland annat sammanfattas med att lönsamheten uppfattades vara det mest prioriterade intresset vid företagen (I), och att avvägningar mellan produktivitet och säkerhet ansågs vara ett hinder för att kunna arbeta på ett säkert sätt (III). Chefer uppfattade generellt att arbetsmiljön prioriterades mer på företagen än vad skyddsombuden gjorde (I & IV). Uppfattningar om arbetsmiljöprioritering skiljde sig dock inte åt beroende på företagsstorlek (II & IV). Ansvaret för säkerheten på arbetet ansågs främst vila hos den enskilda individen, och risktagande betraktades komma ur en kombination av individuella faktorer och yttre omständigheter i arbetsmiljön (III). Att vara ett större företag, ha positiv säkerhetskultur och hög kreditvärdighet visade sig ha samband med att också ha ett bättre utvecklat SAM (IV). På motsvarande sätt, att vara ett mindre företag, ha negativ säkerhetskultur och låg kreditvärdighet befanns ha samband med att också ha ett sämre utvecklat SAM. Sammanfattningsvis verkar därmed strukturella, sociala såväl som ekonomiska aspekter vara väsentliga för företags möjligheter att prioritera och arbeta med säkerheten och arbetsmiljön. Detta ger uppslag till rekommendationer för industrin samt vidare forskning. / Das Arbeitsschutzgesetz verlangt, dass die Sicherheit und Gesundheit (SG) von Menschen am Arbeitsplatz gewährleistet werden muss, indem Risiken kontinuierlich überprüft und behoben werden. Vielen Unternehmen fehlt heutzutage eine systematische Handhabung von SG, die den gesetzlichen Anforderungen vollständig entspricht. Stattdessen scheinen andere alltägliche Tätigkeiten eine höhere Priorität zu haben. Das übergeordnete Ziel der vorliegenden Abhandlung war es zu untersuchen, welche Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten herstellende Unternehmen besitzen, SG am Arbeitsplatz zu priorisieren und handzuhaben – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Berufsrollen, Unternehmensgröße, Sicherheitskultur und Finanzleistungen. Die vorliegende Abhandlung besteht aus vier Teilstudien (I–IV), die auf drei Datensammlungen basieren. Die Priorisierung von SG wurde mit einem Fragebogen untersucht, der von 249 Vertretern aus 142 herstellenden Unternehmen beantwortet wurde (I & II). Fokusgruppeninterviews wurden mit 66 Arbeitern eines großen Stahlherstellers durchgeführt, in welchen die Arbeiter ihre Erfahrungen und Wahrnehmungen von Sicherheit und Berufsrisiken diskutierten (III). Ein weiterer Fragebogen enthielt Fragen zur systematischen Handhabung von SG, Sicherheitskultur und Priorisierung von SG und wurde von 280 Vertretern aus 197 herstellenden Unternehmen beantwortet (IV). Angaben zu den Finanzleistungen der Unternehmen wurden einem öffentlichen Register entnommen. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der vier Teilstudien können unter anderem damit zusammengefasst werden, dass die Rentabilität des Unternehmens als höchste Priorität wahrgenommen wurde (I) und dass Kompromisse zwischen Produktivität und Sicherheit als Hindernis für eine sichere Arbeitsweise beurteilt wurden (III). Manager waren im Allgemeinen häufiger als die Sicherheitsbeauftragten der Unternehmen der Auffassung, dass SG priorisiert werden (I & IV). Der Unterschied in der Wahrnehmung der Prioritätensetzung hing jedoch nicht von der Unternehmensgröße ab (II & IV). Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz wurde in erster Linie als die Verantwortung des einzelnen Mitarbeiters angesehen und das Eingehen von Risiken als eine Kombination aus individuellen Faktoren und äußeren Umständen im Arbeitsumfeld beurteilt (III). Ein großes Unternehmen zu sein, eine positive Sicherheitskultur zu haben und niedriges Risiko in der Kreditwürdigkeit, erwies sich mit einer besser entwickelten systematischen Handhabung von SG in Zusammenhang zu stehen (IV). Dementsprechend erwies es sich, dass kleine Unternehmen, eine negative Sicherheitskultur und hohes Risiko in der Kreditwürdigkeit, mit einer schlechter entwickelten systematischen Handhabung von SG in Zusammenhang stehen. Zusammenfassend scheinen also strukturelle, soziale und finanzielle Aspekte grundlegend dafür zu sein, ob ein Unternehmen die Möglichkeit hat, SG zu priorisieren und zu handhaben. Dies dient als Vorlage für Empfehlungen für die Industrie und zukünftige Forschung.

Řadové rodinné domy ve Svitavách - stavebně technologický projekt / The terraced houses in Svitavy - the construction technology project

Bajerová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The subjects of the thesis are chosen parts of the building technological project for the preparation and realization of the terraced family houses in Svitavy. The solution includes The study of the main technological stages realization, Time schedule and financial plan, The project of the site facilities including design of the main hoisting mechanism. The realization of ceiling construction is described in detail by The technological prescription. The solution also includes a proposal of local and utility roads repairs on the streets Gorkého and U Studeného potoka.

Managing and implementing occupational health and safety policies in selected Tshwane South primary schools, Gauteng Province

Ferreira, Jenet 01 1900 (has links)
Occupational Health and Safety focuses on the well-being of individuals or groups of people in the workplace. Barnett-Schuster (2008:1) states that Occupational Health and Safety is a concept compiled from many different disciplines. Among others, it includes: biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, mechanical/electrical hazards and psycho-social hazards. The employer has to understand that Occupational Health and Safety should follow a holistic approach. Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative – a command, - not a request. Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa no. 108 of 1996, The Bill of Rights provides protection to such an extent that human dignity may remain intact. Therefore, compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation is of cardinal value to any organization or business. An organization or business can also improve their financial standing and public image by complying with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace is guided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa no. 85 of 1993, which was implemented in 1994. The Occupational Health and Safety Act further aims to present clear explanations on concepts related to Health and Safety and enables both employers and employees to gain an understanding of their distinct responsibilities. Occupational Health and Safety is a concept that has been around for decades – especially focusing on the mining sector of South Africa. Occupational Health and Safety is observed in the South African technical schools. Statistics from the Children’s Institute show that 350 000 of these children are currently not attending school. In most cases, many parents/guardians do not take the time to assess the safety of their children at school before enrolling their child. This assessment should not only be looking at security measures applied in the school, but if and how true Occupational Health and Safety measures are in place. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is measures put in place so that learners/children are free from risk, injury, disease or harm. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is in direct conflict with the Constitution of South Africa. As stated earlier, Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative which is the responsibility and the right of each individual in South Africa. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is a human rights issue based on the dignity of children. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools can be seen as a policy flaw. This study intends to create a holistic view of the managing and implementing Occupational Health and Safety in the South African school environment. Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of teaching and learning. The research problem addressed in this study is: “How School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools?”. The main aim of the research is to investigate how School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools. By exploring Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools, this study would strive to obtain clarity on whether enough is being done to ensure the health and safety of learners in the school environment by means to explore the current Occupational Health and Safety management in the South African schools, identify the guidance provided on the Occupational Health and Safety implementation policy, investigate provisions for continual assessment of the process of the Occupational Health and Safety policy and provide recommendations for the lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Managing and implementing occupational health and safety policies in selected Tshwane South primary schools, Gauteng Province

Ferreira, Jenet 01 1900 (has links)
Occupational Health and Safety focuses on the well-being of individuals or groups of people in the workplace. Barnett-Schuster (2008:1) states that Occupational Health and Safety is a concept compiled from many different disciplines. Among others, it includes: biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, mechanical/electrical hazards and psycho-social hazards. The employer has to understand that Occupational Health and Safety should follow a holistic approach. Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative – a command, - not a request. Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa no. 108 of 1996, The Bill of Rights provides protection to such an extent that human dignity may remain intact. Therefore, compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation is of cardinal value to any organization or business. An organization or business can also improve their financial standing and public image by complying with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace is guided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa no. 85 of 1993, which was implemented in 1994. The Occupational Health and Safety Act further aims to present clear explanations on concepts related to Health and Safety and enables both employers and employees to gain an understanding of their distinct responsibilities. Occupational Health and Safety is a concept that has been around for decades – especially focusing on the mining sector of South Africa. Occupational Health and Safety is observed in the South African technical schools. Statistics from the Children’s Institute show that 350 000 of these children are currently not attending school. In most cases, many parents/guardians do not take the time to assess the safety of their children at school before enrolling their child. This assessment should not only be looking at security measures applied in the school, but if and how true Occupational Health and Safety measures are in place. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is measures put in place so that learners/children are free from risk, injury, disease or harm. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is in direct conflict with the Constitution of South Africa. As stated earlier, Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative which is the responsibility and the right of each individual in South Africa. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is a human rights issue based on the dignity of children. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools can be seen as a policy flaw. This study intends to create a holistic view of the managing and implementing Occupational Health and Safety in the South African school environment. Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of teaching and learning. The research problem addressed in this study is: “How School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools?”. The main aim of the research is to investigate how School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools. By exploring Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools, this study would strive to obtain clarity on whether enough is being done to ensure the health and safety of learners in the school environment by means to explore the current Occupational Health and Safety management in the South African schools, identify the guidance provided on the Occupational Health and Safety implementation policy, investigate provisions for continual assessment of the process of the Occupational Health and Safety policy and provide recommendations for the lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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