Spelling suggestions: "subject:"offentlig förvaltning"" "subject:"offentlig eförvaltning""
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Moderna verksamhetsstrategiers för- och nackdelar ur ett officersperspektivLaestadius, Nils January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Makt, deltagande, inflytande : En förändring av den statliga ungdomsdiskursen / Power, participation and influence : the changing discourse regarding adolescentsSvartvik, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze how the governmental discourse concerning adolescents has changed over the past 30 years. How ”problems” regarding adolescents are represented within three different governmental commissions are therefore analyzed. Furthermore, the aim is to reconstruct the normative assumptions in which these commissions are produced. Both the method and the theoretical framework of the thesis, is based on Carol Bacchi’s ”what´s the problem represented to be?” (WPR-approach). The results of the analyses shown how there has been a change in how the governmental commission represents adolescents. 30 years ago they were not considered as an important group at all. Today they are at least pinpointed as an important group that should be considered in the making of policies. The results also indicate that the changes in governmental discourse regarding adolescents can be narrowed down to thee different notions; power; participation and influence.
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Vilja att välja - en kvalitativ intervjustudie : Valdeltagande bland förstagångsväljare i europaparlamentsvalet 2019Hallin, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Digitalisering av plan- och byggprocessenKarlsson Roos, Aron January 2020 (has links)
Under sista läsperioden för studerande på samhällsbyggnadsprogrammet ska studenterna genomföra ett examensarbete under 10 veckor. Aktuellt examensarbete genomförs på samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningen på Kalix kommun. Syftet med arbetet är att utreda förutsättningarna för kommunen att digitalisera processerna vid handläggning av detaljplaner, lov- och anmälningsärenden samt förhandsbesked – i rapporten nämnt plan- och byggprocessen. Utredningen har baserats på intervjuundersökningar med anställda på samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningen och informationsenheten på Kalix kommun. Utöver Kalix kommun har även planeringsavdelningen på Piteå kommun samt systemleverantören Sokigo AB varit föremål för intervjuer. En tydlig vinst som kommuner upplever efter digitalisering är att arbetet blir mer tid- och resurseffektivt, något som planavdelningen och bygg- och miljöavdelningen på Kalix kommun anser är en intressant motivering till att digitalisera. Samtidigt ser kommunen vissa utmaningar, bland annat att få alla att se nyttan med att arbeta på ett nytt sätt och att invånarna ska behärska tekniken. Kalix kommun bedöms ha goda förutsättningar att inleda ett arbete att börja digitalisera plan- och byggprocessen, bland annat genom att se över möjligheterna att lansera en lämplig e-tjänst för plan- och byggärenden.
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Policy change after natural hazards : A systematic large-N study using narrative analysisWedholm, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to empirically describe the extent to which and how countries affected by natural hazards refer to these natural hazards as drivers for policy change. In order to realize this, a systematic large-N extensive study with the innovative method of narrative analysis was used to analyze the national progress reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2013-2015 by searching for the extent to which and how countries affected by natural hazards refer to these natural hazards as drivers for policy change. With a starting point in theories derived from previous research on policy change and natural hazards, focusing events, and policy windows, two positions on the connection of natural hazards and policy change are described. With one position on natural hazards as a driver for policy change and one position as a non-driver for policy change, they are opposing. The results of this study showed that there is an absence of a general pattern regarding the extent to which and how countries affected by natural hazards refer to these natural hazards as drivers for policy change in the national progress reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2013-2015. Hence, partial support could be given to both positions on the connection of natural hazards and policy changes. These results are highlighting new potential research openings for future studies.
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Bygga varumärke eller skola? : En studie av hur rektorer förhåller sig till marknadsstyrning och professionella värden i skolanBerglund, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Potential Populist Voter : A Comparative Study About The Rebellious Voter In EuropeFernandez, Juan Manuel January 2020 (has links)
This quantitative paper explores the mean value between selected countries with the ambition to compare the different regions and to understand the conditions in which populist parties grow. The main question that runs through this paper is “How does the potential populist support vary between different regions in Europe?”. This was done by drawing a framework based on the theory of the four D’s of Distrust, Destruction, Deprivation and De-alignment. The selected countries were divided in a similar order from the comparative study of 2015 conducted by Kriesi and Pappas. A survey from 2014 provided the necessary variables in order to measure the mean value of each category and summed up together in order to measure the “pool of potential populist voters”. The paper concludes that the regional and theoretic framework is validated judging upon the mean numbers in each country.
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Hur ser könsfördelningen i utskotten ut egentligen? : En studie om könsfördelning i Sveriges utskott på ledarposterna ordinarie ordförande och vice ordförandeHuseinova, Ajsel January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Metapolitisk informationspåverkan : En idealtypsanalys av Nordiska Alternativhögerns arbetssättCarlstein, Sara January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Analys av Sveriges miljöpolicyarbete kring biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster : En ”What ́s the problem represented to be” (WPR)-analys kring år 2014 / Analysis of Sweden ́s environmental-policy work on biodiversity and ecosystem services : A “What ́s the problem represented to be” (WPR)-analysis around year 2014Arkbro, Johannes January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the discourse of the Swedish state´s view of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The analyse is made through the Poststructural WPR-approach described in Carol Lee Bacchi and Susan Goodwin´s book Poststructural policy analysis: a guide to practice.[1] Biodiversity is, as the famous 2nd article of the Convention of describes it: “A collective term for all variations that exist within, as well as between, species and ecological systems. Biodiversity focuses on the genetic variation that occurs naturally in the world”. The problem of this thesis is to examine the discourse of biodiversity and how the representation of the problem looks like. It examines how the policy worker within the Swedish state expresses problem representations in a specific law proposition (Prop. 2013/14:141) which is about A Swedish strategy for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The study object was chosen through a search for suitable policy documents. This thesis uses Carol Lee Bacchi’s WPR-approach as a methodological and theoretical framework. The research questions for this thesis are therefore inspired by Carol Bacchi´s research questions. Although I use a modified version in Swedish adapted to this study´s purpose. The thesis shows that the policy-document gives higher emphasis to anthropocentrism than biocentrism. Conclusions are also drawn that the values of nature are given lower priority than values related to humans. [1] Bacchi, C.L. & Goodwin, S. (2016). Poststructural policy analysis: a guide to practice. New York, NY: Palgrave Pivot. och Bacchi, C.L.
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