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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comfort Climate Evaluation with Thermal Manikin Methods and Computer Simulation Models

Nilsson, Håkan O January 2004 (has links)
<p>Increasing concern about energy consumption and thesimultaneous need for an acceptable thermal environment makesit necessary to estimate in advance what effect differentthermal factors will have on the occupants. Temperaturemeasurements alone do not account for all climate effects onthe human body and especially not for local effects ofconvection and radiation. People as well as thermal manikinscan detect heat loss changes on local body parts. This factmakes it appropriate to develop measurement methods andcomputer models with the corresponding working principles andlevels of resolution. One purpose of this thesis is to linktogether results from these various investigation techniqueswith the aim of assessing different effects of the thermalclimate on people. The results can be used to facilitatedetailed evaluations of thermal influences both in indoorenvironments in buildings and in different types ofvehicles.</p><p>This thesis presents a comprehensive and detaileddescription of the theories and methods behind full-scalemeasurements with thermal manikins. This is done with new,extended definitions of the concept of equivalent temperature,and new theories describing equivalent temperature as avector-valued function. One specific advantage is that thelocally measured or simulated results are presented with newlydeveloped "comfort zone diagrams". These diagrams provide newways of taking into consideration both seat zone qualities aswell as the influence of different clothing types on theclimate assessment with "clothing-independent" comfort zonediagrams.</p><p>Today, different types of computer programs such as CAD(Computer Aided Design) and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)are used for product development, simulation and testing of,for instance, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)systems, particularly in the building and vehicle industry.Three different climate evaluation methods are used andcompared in this thesis: human subjective measurements, manikinmeasurements and computer modelling. A detailed description ispresented of how developed simulation methods can be used toevaluate the influence of thermal climate in existing andplanned environments. In different climate situationssubjective human experiences are compared to heat lossmeasurements and simulations with thermal manikins. Thecalculation relationships developed in this research agree wellwith full-scale measurements and subject experiments indifferent thermal environments. The use of temperature and flowfield data from CFD calculations as input produces acceptableresults, especially in relatively homogeneous environments. Inmore heterogeneous environments the deviations are slightlylarger. Possible reasons for this are presented along withsuggestions for continued research, new relationships andcomputer codes.</p><p><b>Key-words:</b>equivalent temperature, subject, thermalmanikin, mannequin, thermal climate assessment, heat loss,office environment, cabin climate, ventilated seat, computermodel, CFD, clothing-independent, comfort zone diagram.</p>

Empirical studies of property appraiser behaviour and of location value in office rents

Netzell, Olof January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the first paper the effect of accessibility upon rent is investigated for office properties located in Downtown Stockholm. Starting from the firm’s cost minimization problem, a translog hedonic model is derived. The results suggest the model has good predictive power in explaining the variation in the log of the rent. A negative rent gradient is obtained with a base approximately 90 meters from the postulated focal point. It appears as if Space Syntax adds important information to the understanding of the intraurban office rent pattern.</p><p>The second paper investigates assumed capitalisation rates in 3026 discounted cash flow valuations of office properties in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö during the time period 1998-2004. The study investigates determinants of property-level variation in cap rates and how going in and exit cap rates relate to each other.</p><p>Exit cap rates exhibit substantial variation across properties. Part of this cross-sectional variation can be attributed to the location of the property, part of it is due to other characteristics of the property. Exit cap rates are differentiated between properties of the same type on the same market segment, which shows that valuers apply property level fine-tuning when setting exit cap rates. Properties with low market rent and high long-run vacancy assumption typically have high exit cap rates. Properties in peripheral parts of a city typically have higher exit cap rates than properties in central parts.</p><p>The implicitly assumed going-in cap rate (defined as assumed net operating income year one divided by estimated market value) follows a similar pattern as the exit cap rate but exhibits more temporary, property-specific variation. Going-in cap rates are strongly influenced by temporary deviations of vacancy rates and rents from assumed “normal” levels of vacancy and rent. The difference between going-in and exit cap rates is influenced by assumed short-run growth in net operating income in the way stipulated by theory: high assumed short-run growth is associated with going-in cap rates being lower than exit cap rates.</p>

Försäkringskassan- effektiv och/eller rättssäker?

Juuso, Per-Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The public administration and its officials have a number of values which they have to relate to in their work. The values are a set of democratic and economic values.</p><p>This study’s purpose is to examine how the officials at the National Insurance Office in Sweden give priority to these values. The study is performed by interviews with officials at two insurance offices.</p><p>The study shows that the officials in a high degree value the democratic values legal security and public ethics. In turn they experience that productivity, which is an economic value, is being promoted in a high degree from the management. The focus on productivity leads to a reduced legal security.</p>

Womit schreibe ich meine (Diplom-)Arbeit?

Riedel, Wolfgang 11 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
welche Software existiert zur Erstellung einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit (z.B. Diplomarbeit) - Diskussion der Kandidaten MS Office (und andere Office-Produkte), LaTeX (und verwandte Produkte)

Officium divinum : Studien zur kodikarisch-rechtlichen Ordnung des kirchlichen Stundengebetes in der lateinischen Kirche /

Müller, Markus. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--München, 2006.

Travail de Blanc, travail de Noir : la migration des paysans dogon vers l'Office du Niger et au Ghana : 1910-1980 /

Dougnon, Isaïe. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thesis Ph. D.--Anthropologie--Bayreuth--Université, 2003. Titre de soutenance : Travail de Blanc, travail de Noir : la migration paysanne du pays dogon à l'Office du Niger et au Ghana. / Contient des éléments de l'enquête. Bibliogr. p. 259-264. Index.

An analysis of the implementation of trading fund arrangements in the Hongkong Post, August 1995 to July 2001 /

Ng, Mei-har, Amy. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references.

Enhancing a regular discipline of common prayer at Grace Episcopal Church in Orange Park, FL through the employment of shared musical leadership

Hart, James R. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D.W.S.)--Institute for Worship Studies, 2002. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-162).

Electric power quality in low voltage grid : Office buildings and rural substation

Andersson, Robin January 2015 (has links)
The modern society uses more and more electronic devices needed to being able to function together. This put higher demands on the electrical grid together with that the typical load have changed from the past. Therefore utility companies are obliged to keep the voltage within certain limits for this to function. What exact these limits have been have not always been clear since they have not been gathered in one single document.  This thesis is a cooperation with Kraftringen who also has been the initiator. Kraftringen would like to become more proactive in their work regarding electric power quality. For becoming more proactive continuously measurements have to be done but the locations have to be carefully selected in the beginning to get a wider perspective of the grid. Energy markets inspectorate (EI) is supervisory of the electric power quality in Sweden and since 2011 they have published a code of statutes (EIFS 2011:2 later 2013:1) intended to summarize limits on voltage. Some of the electrical power quality aspects are not mentioned in EIFS 2013:1 and standards have to be used to find limited values. Flicker and interharmonics are not mentioned in EIFS 2013:1 and for values on flicker the standard SS-EN 50160 has to be used and for interharmonics the standard SS-EN 61000-2-2 state limit values. Besides all this there are standards with stricter limits than EIFS 2013:1 e.g. for total harmonic distortion on voltage were SS-EN 61000-2-2 suggest 6 % instead of 8 %. Three different field studies have been conducted in order to get some perception of the present situation regarding electric power quality. Two measurements were conducted on a typical office building because they represents a large part of the typical load in Lund. The third measurement was conducted on a substation in a rural area to get a perception of the situation outside urban areas.  These measurements shown that the overall electric power quality was within given limits according to EIFS 2013:1 and different standards. However, conducted measurements shown some interesting results. Both the typical office buildings have a slightly capacitive power factor which results in that the voltage inside the building is going to be slightly higher than at the substation. Since the voltage level at the measured urban substation was above nominal voltage level with about 2-5 % this could be problematic. Another eventual problem with a load with a capacitive power factor is resonance with the inductive parts of the grid like transformers leading to magnified harmonic levels. It is suggested that Kraftringen expand their number of permanent electric power quality measurement locations to get a better overview of the present situation. The best suited locations to start with are such that have received complaints earlier, preferably measured on the low voltage side of the transformer for also register the amount of zero sequence harmonics. Next step in the measurement expansion would be substations known to be under higher load than others or substations with a PEN-conductor in a smaller area than the phase conductors, supplying a typical office load with high amounts of third harmonics and unbalance. From this it would be appropriate to spread out the measurement locations geographically to better get to know the grids behaviour.

The Illeism of Jesus and Yahweh: A Study of the Use of the Third-Person Self-Reference in the Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Its Implications for Christology

Elledge, Ervin Roderick 18 June 2015 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between the use of the third person for self-reference by Jesus and Yahweh and suggests the potential for both divine and royal themes associated with this manner of speech. Chapter 1 highlights that this issue has received little attention in scholarship. In order to offer a thorough evaluation, the study offers a comprehensive survey of illeim in the Bible, highlighting its prominence and various rhetorical implications. Chapter 2 surveys the use of illeism in antiquity in order to address whether illeism was a common manner of speaking. Though various Greek historians refer to themselves in the third person, evidence indicates that this was a rhetorical effort sometimes used to give a sense of objectivity to their works. No evidence was found that would indicate that illeism was commonly used in direct speech. Chapter 3 surveys the Old Testament and categorizes the various uses of illeism. The study highlights the similar and prominent use by both OT kings and Yahweh. Chapter 4 explores the ANE literature for occurrences of illeism and notes the relatively prominent use among both ANE kings and preeminent pagan gods. Chapter 5 addresses the illeism of Jesus, the only person in the New Testament to use illeism in direct discourse, and finds a similar manner of use and rhetorical intention as that of Old Testament and ANE kings and that of Yahweh. In each case the illeism serves to emphasize the speaker's unique identity and authority associated with royal and/or divine status. The study also notes the illeism of Yahweh and Jesus share the common characteristics of prominence of occurrences, a shifting between first and third person, a variety of distinct self-references, and similar rhetorical intent. Chapter 6 summarizes the study and highlights the suggestive nature of the evidence. In light of the evaluation of the use of illeism by Jesus and Yahweh, based on the similar usage among Old Testament and ANE kings, and ANE gods, as well as the analysis of the various rhetorical implications of illeism, the evidence suggests that a royal and divine theme may be associated with the third-person self-references of Yahweh and Jesus. Furthermore, in light of the parallels between the two uses, the study suggests this manner of speech may be yet another way Jesus presents himself "as God."

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