Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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Preparing the traditional congregation of Dunaway UMC for worship renewal shaping the congregation as presence-presenters through concepts and practices of monastical spiritual formation /Brown, Barclay T. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 313-324).
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Montage et idéologie dans le cinéma américain contemporainYazbek, Elie 23 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette étude des rapports entre le montage et l'idéologie dans le cinéma américain contemporain, (années 1990 - milieu des années 2000) l'objectif est de valoriser les liens entre ces deux entités et d'étudier les mécanismes qui les régissent <br />Le cinéma américain, compris comme un organisme vivant, a connu une grande mutation dans les années 1990, grâce aux nouvelles technologies. Presque tout devenant réalisable, le montage dans le cinéma américain se développe et s'impose, encore plus qu'avant, comme la forme qui permet au récit d'évoluer et au sens de se constituer.<br />L'idéologie, quant à elle, conçue comme un système de représentation d'idées, un système global d'interprétation du monde, est comprise comme un principe fondamental inhérent au cinéma américain, presque au même titre que le montage.<br />Cette étude s'intéresse aux différentes interactions entre les éléments filmiques mis en œuvre à partir d'un « parti pris » idéologique sous-jacent et implicite dans la diégèse, en tentant de disséquer une construction filmique dans laquelle les implications idéologiques ne sont pas annoncées comme point de départ.<br />L'étude du montage est complétée par celle des multiples figures l'entourant, soit le cadre, les effets spéciaux, la musique de film, l'espace et le temps et par celle de l'impact de ce montage sur les spectateurs.<br />Enfin, cette étude se penchera sur le phénomène généré en 2004 par The Passion of the Christ et d'autres films, consacrant le retour, dans le cinéma américain, à un discours plus engagé dans lequel l'idéologie devient plus explicite, sans remettre en cause les acquis de la décennie précédente.
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Diffusionen av Bolagsverkets e-tjänst för elektroniska årsredovisningar i XBRL-format / Diffusion of the Swedish Companies Registration Office e-service for electronic annual reports in XBRL- formatAdolfsson, Angelica, Ståhl, Malin, Ton, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet i denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar eller kommer att påverka diffusionen av Bolagsverkets e-tjänst för elektroniska årsredovisningar i XBRL- format. Det uppnås genom att undersöka varför vissa privata aktiebolag väljer att använda Bolagsverkets e-tjänst för elektroniska årsredovisningar medan vissa andra än så länge valt att avstå. Genom att undersöka vilka konkreta för- och nackdelar som aktiebolag kan erhålla, genom att till Bolagsverket skicka in elektroniska årsredovisningar i XBRL- format, kan en mer djupgående bild av denna innovations nuvarande och framtida spridning presenteras. </p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to examine the underlying factors that affect or will affect the diffusion of the Companies Registration Office e-service for electronic annual reports in XBRL-format. This is achieved by examining why some Private limited liability companies choose to use the Swedish Companies Registration Office e-service for electronic annual reports, while others have so far chosen to abstain. By examining the practical advantages and disadvantages that can actually occur in the sending of electronic annual reports in XBRL- format, a more thorough picture of the spreading can be presented.</p>
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Myndighetscentret – En kvalitativ studie av myndigheters lokalbehov och en utveckling av ett kontorshotellskonceptMagnusson, Kristoffer January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Aim:</strong> This paper aims to produce a serviced office concept adjusted to Statens fastighetsverk. The concept will make SFV:s properties more attractive for renting.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong> Information has been collected from interviews with 13 different serviced office companies, one serviced office agent and eleven government authorities. Also litterateur, reports and internet have been used in gathering information.</p><p>I will use following questions:</p><p>¨ How is the serviced office concept designed?</p><p>¨ Which customer segment should SFV direct to and what need does the segment have?</p><p>¨ How shall a marketing plan look like for the concept?</p><p>¨ How should a concept designed for SFV look like?</p><p> </p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions: </strong>Serviced office space is a company that letting functional workspace with access to shared facilities e.g. reception, office machines, internet, phone and more. Serviced offices have one distinguishing feature, very flexible let agreements. In this paper my conclusion is that government authorities are a suitable customer for suggested concept, especially government authorities with head quarters outside the Stockholm region. They have to be present in Stockholm with either employees that perform work from distant and have the need of coordinated workspace or commute workers that have the need of mobile workspace and meeting rooms. SFV can meet this need with suggested concept and to simplify I named the concept Myndighetscentret. The concept is developed on the basis of to the needs of government authorities and it’s divided in two parts, one part with conference and one with letting of workspace. The workspace area has different types of workstation to match the different needs of the customer.</p><p>¨ Mobile workspace suited for customers with temporary need of workspace.</p><p>¨ Cell office of different sizes suited for customers with permanently need of workspace.</p><p>I believe that governmental authorities can benefit from this concept and be seemed as innovative thinking of SFV and a will of develop their property. I also believe SFV:s properties with many cell offices are suited to this concept because of the secrecy between governmental authorities.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research</strong>: It would be interesting to do a quantitative research of the governmental authorities’ exact needs and how big it is. Also research Swedish serviced office market and the future of it would be interesting.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Contribution of the thesis: </strong>In this report I have shown that governmental authorities in Sweden have a need for variant types of workspace in Stockholm and developed a concept for SFV to meet this need.</p>
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What is the effect of information and computing technology on healthcare?Ludwick, Dave 11 1900 (has links)
Long waitlists and growing numbers of unattached patients are indicative of a Canadian healthcare system which is unable to address the demands of a growing and aging population. Health information technology is one solution offering respite, but brings its own issues. Health information technology includes primary care physician office systems, telehealth and jurisdictional EHRs integrated through interoperability standards to share data across care providers. This dissertation explores effects that health information technology has on primary care. Literature reviews provided context of health information systems adoption. Surveys and semi-structured interviews gathered information from health system actors. Workflow analysis illustrated how technology could change physician office workflow. Exam room observations illustrated how technology affects proxemics and haptics in the patient encounter.
This research derived change management models which quantified substantial change management costs related to adoption of physician office systems. We found that physicians have concerns over how health information technology will affect efficiency, financial, quality, liability, safety and other factors. Physicians in smaller suburban physician offices take little time to select a system for their needs. Urban, academic and hospital physicians spend more time networking with colleagues and devote funds to project management and training. Our studies showed that stronger professional networks, more complete training, a managed approach to implementation and in-house technical support are more influential in facilitating adoption than remuneration models. Telemedicine can improve quality of care, the referral process for family physicians and access to services for patients. Teledermatology was shown to make significant improvements in access to services for patients, but referring physicians are concerned about their liability if they follow the recommendations of a dermatologist who has not seen their patient face-to-face. Certification organizations mitigate liability, procurement and financial risk to qualifying family physicians by pre-qualifying vendor solutions, coaching physicians through procurement and reimbursing family physicians for purchasing an approved system. We found that centralization plays a key role in adoption of health information systems at the jurisdictional and primary care level. Online scheduling can reduce human resource requirements used in scheduling, if the system is well implemented, well documented and easy to use. / Engineering Management
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Diffusionen av Bolagsverkets e-tjänst för elektroniska årsredovisningar i XBRL-format / Diffusion of the Swedish Companies Registration Office e-service for electronic annual reports in XBRL- formatAdolfsson, Angelica, Ståhl, Malin, Ton, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Syftet i denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar eller kommer att påverka diffusionen av Bolagsverkets e-tjänst för elektroniska årsredovisningar i XBRL- format. Det uppnås genom att undersöka varför vissa privata aktiebolag väljer att använda Bolagsverkets e-tjänst för elektroniska årsredovisningar medan vissa andra än så länge valt att avstå. Genom att undersöka vilka konkreta för- och nackdelar som aktiebolag kan erhålla, genom att till Bolagsverket skicka in elektroniska årsredovisningar i XBRL- format, kan en mer djupgående bild av denna innovations nuvarande och framtida spridning presenteras. / The purpose of this paper is to examine the underlying factors that affect or will affect the diffusion of the Companies Registration Office e-service for electronic annual reports in XBRL-format. This is achieved by examining why some Private limited liability companies choose to use the Swedish Companies Registration Office e-service for electronic annual reports, while others have so far chosen to abstain. By examining the practical advantages and disadvantages that can actually occur in the sending of electronic annual reports in XBRL- format, a more thorough picture of the spreading can be presented.
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Successful Market Coverage Strategy- the Path to Retailers : A Study of the Bulgarian Office Products RetailersNikolaeva, Antoaneta, Nikolova, Stanimira, Yovchev, Vladimir January 2008 (has links)
Recently many academic researchers have become interested in the retailers as part of the distribution channel. Today retailers have grown so influential, that sometimes they take the functions of the wholesalers. The retailers constitute the road for manufacturers to the end market. Therefore, knowing retailers’ decision variables and assortment considerations is important for manufacturers when designing upon their marketing strategies. The study is conducted with focus on the Bulgarian office products retail industry. The purpose of the present research is to get a deeper understanding of retailers’ assortment criteria and analyze how the latter relates to market coverage strategy. Retailers’ assortment criteria concern decision variables such as profitability and sales, economic conditions, assortment considerations, consumer evaluation, marketing, supplier characteristics, competitive considerations, distributive factors, tactical considerations. The meaning underlying the assortment criteria is applied for arguing what market coverage strategy would best serve the Bulgarian retailers of office products. The research is performed employing qualitative method, in particular, in-depth semi- structured interviews providing the possibility for a broad discussion. The results of the study revealed some common patterns pertaining to four main inductive categories including product, brand positioning, promotion and distributor’s attributes. The patterns corresponding to the categories were further related to the market coverage strategy alternatives, namely, intensive, selective and exclusive coverage strategy. The results of the study showed that the nature of the product requires considerable effort from the distributors’ side to persuade the retailers to become customers who are aware of the products’ attributes. In other words, the nature of the office products calls for certain knowledge and skills that the retailers have to gain in order to be successful as traders to their own customers and that can be best achieved if selective coverage strategy is employed. Further, the results of the study reveal that manufacturers of office products that would like to position their brands on the high quality dimension should pursue highly selective distribution as this creates a superior product image. The results of the study also show that greater selectivity is suitable since it guarantees that the retailers’ requirements related to promotion are met. Last, the authors suggest that higher degrees of selectivity is the most appropriate way for a manufacturer to follow the performance of distributors and thus, to ensure that the desired by the retailers distributor’s attributes are present.
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Byte av kontorstyp : en organisationsförändrings påverkan på produktivitet och trivsel / Change of the office type : the impact of an organizational change on productivity and job satisfactionEkman, Anna, Jakobsson, Annika January 2013 (has links)
Det blir allt vanligare i Sverige att företag och organisationer lämnar enskilda kontorsrum för att övergå till kontorslandskap. Tidigare forskning visar att trivseln hos de anställda ofta minskar vid denna typ av förändring och att det kan ge både positiva och negativa konsekvenser för organisationens produktivitet. Det finns enligt tidigare forskning vinster i att anställda blir delaktiga vid organisationsförändringar för att behålla god produktivitet och trivsel. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur trivsel hos kontorsanställda upplevs i kontorslandskap samt om trivsel och produktivitet påverkas på grund av förändrad kontorstyp. Vi har i vår studie undersökt hur produktivitet och upplevelsen av trivsel förändrats hos handläggare och utredare på Försäkringskassans Nationella Försäkringscenter (NFC) i Visby. Denna statliga organisation valdes då de våren 2013 bytte kontorstyp från egna kontor till kontorslandskap. Tre enheter på NFC i Visby valdes att ingå i studien utifrån att ärendehanteringen av dessa enheters ärendeslag var relativt snabb. Som undersökningsmetoder för denna fallstudie använde vi oss av produktivitetsmätning, enkätundersökning och observationer. Produktivitet mättes i studien genom statistik över handläggares och utredares avslutade ärenden. Mätningen gjordes genom att de anställdas produktivitet över fyra veckor 2012 jämfördes med fyra veckor 2013 för de tre utvalda enheterna på NFC i Visby. Trivseln undersöktes genom en webbenkät, som skickades ut till samtliga handläggare och utredare på de tre enheterna. Anledningen till detta var att få en uppfattning hur de anställdas trivsel förändrats i och med byte av kontorstyp. Observationer användes för att kunna beskriva det nya kontorets utformning och för att få en djupare förståelse av de anställdas uppfattningar om den nya arbetsplatsen. Ingen signifikant skillnad i produktiviteten kunde påvisas vid mätning av genomsnittsproduktion under fyra veckor. Vi kunde dock inte utifrån resultatet i denna studie utesluta att förändring av konstorstyp påverkade produktiviteten på grund av otillräckligt underlag för mätning. Enkätsvaren visade att trivseln för deltagarna i studien efter byte till kontorslandskap hade minskat i jämförelse med arbete i egna kontorsrum. Störst försämring som deltagarna upplevde var förändringen av arbetsplatsens geografiska läge. Många deltagare upplevde även försämring i den fysiska miljön som belysning, temperatur, ljud och rörelser i kontorslandskapet efter flytt till kontorslandskap. Faktorer som arbetsrelaterat stöd och hjälp från kollegor och chef hade inte förändrats signifikant men deltagarna upplevde att det personliga stödet från kollegor hade minskat. Det framkom även att deltagarna upplevde en minskad integritet och ökad känsla av att bli kontrollerad. Ytterligare slutsatser dragna från studien visade även att brist på delaktighet kunde bidra till minskad upplevelse av trivsel och minskad produktivitet. Avslutningsvis lämnas förslag till fortsatt forskning om hur produktivitet och trivsel förändras på lång sikt orsakat av byte av kontortypen. Kunskap inom detta område kan bidra till strategiska verktyg för planering av kontorstyper som ger både hög produktivitet och trivsel hos de anställda. / It is more and more common in Sweden for companies and organizations to switch from cell offices to open plan office. Previous research shows that job satisfaction among employees often reduces. This change of office type can provide both positive and negative effects for organizational productivity. The purpose of this study was to investigate how job satisfaction and productivity is affected due to the changed type of office. We investigated how productivity and job satisfaction were affected for employees at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency National Center (NFC) in Visby who made this type of organizational change. Conclusions in the study showed that job satisfaction for the participants after switching to open plan office had decreased in comparison with working in cell offices. No significant differences in productivity were measured. We cannot from the results of this study exclude the possibility that changes of the office type affects productivity due to inadequate basis for measurement we used. Knowledge in this area may contribute to the strategic tool for planning an office type that provides high productivity and job satisfaction for employees.
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CSR Performance of Foreign-invested Enterprises in China : Driven by Young Consumers and Office EmployeesWu, Mian January 2013 (has links)
Primary research on sustainable development has suggested that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities can create a positive effect on employees and consumers. In order to improve CSR outcomes internally and externally, it is necessary to consider the ever-growing expectation of primary stakeholders in different business environment. This study explored the roles of young consumers and office employees in affecting CSR activities of Foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in China. Besides a large number of literature reviews, two surveys involved in this study to investigate in practice, the sentiments and expectation of Chinese young consumers and office employees towards FIEs’ CSR behavior in host country-China. To achieve this goal, theories on stakeholders, Maslow’s hierarchy needs and social responsible consumer behavior are main fundamental adopted. As a result, this study emphasized that as significant stakeholders, interest and expectation of young consumers and office employees positively affect FIEs’ sustainable business activities in China, and more importantly, survey in this study presented a clear view on their attitude and expectation on CSR activities of FIEs in China.
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Information in the Home Office: An Ethnographic Study of Space, Content, Management, and UseThomson, Leslie Elizabeth Anne 28 July 2010 (has links)
Many Library and Information Science (LIS) scholars have long articulated the importance of physical and social settings—the environment—when examining how individuals acquire, store, organize, maintain, dispose of, and use information in one of their home or work lives. Yet, few have raised the question of how these information practices are altered and affected in home office spaces, fused living and working environments that lie at the intersection of the personal and the professional. This thesis resulted from an exploratory, ethnographic research study centred upon describing and analyzing the habits of information management and information use that characterize home office settings—specifically, professional home offices that each serve as their user’s only workplace. It argues that the professional home office differs from both traditional professional offices in corporate or institutional settings and from personal home offices used for non-professional tasks and pursuits. The professional home offices of four printing company account managers provided the field from which data was gathered, collected by way of guided tours, diagramming, photography, interviews, and observation. Findings suggest that information practices in professional home offices are a continual negotiation between the two spheres of household and organization, but that this will not necessarily imply a compromise of one for the other.
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