Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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Entre o signo da mudan?a e a for?a da tradi??o: o conflito entre a Irmandade de S. Crispim e S. Crispiniano dos sapateiros e a C?mara, Rio de Janeiro, c. 1764 ? c. 1821 / Among the sign of change and the strength of tradition: the conflict between the Brotherhood of St. Crispim and St. Crispiniano Cobblers and Chamber, Rio de Janeiro, c. 1764-c. 1821Siqueira, Mariana Nastari 09 September 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-05T11:46:59Z
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2011 - Mariana Nastari Siqueira.pdf: 1735856 bytes, checksum: e7b97bc10e0fd227a0a067164b08d073 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T11:46:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011 - Mariana Nastari Siqueira.pdf: 1735856 bytes, checksum: e7b97bc10e0fd227a0a067164b08d073 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-09-09 / Decanato de Pesquisa e P?s-Gradua??o-UFRRJ / The present study attempts to address the conflict between the Brotherhood of St. Crispim and St. Crispiniano and the Chamber of Rio de Janeiro between 1764 and 1821, during which we could verify the aforementioned conflict. This conflict revolved around the street shoe trade, which sought to prohibit the brotherhood. Within this context, we seek to address such a fellowship as a brotherhood of office, wich had the organizational model of the mechanical crafts of the Kingdom as a parameter, but it was so specific, as long as it were part of a slave society. On the other hand, the period in discussion is highlighted, drawing attention to the continuities and discontinuities that was contained in it. Thus, there is the commitment of these shoemakers confreres in maintaining an institution that forged a monopolistic structure to a certain sector of the retail trade, this institution which found its legitimacy as a reference an array of Iberian corporatism. Thus, referring to the values and codes of the Ancient Regime, as a commitment to dissociate his office of the slavery, or as trying to keep "black lining" and "free mulatto" under their control, defining hierarchical gradations leading into account the criterion of color. At the same time, major changes were underway in the Portuguese Empire and the city of Rio de Janeiro, whether political, administrative, social, cultural, or in the framework of ideas (the Enlightenment, liberalism). Thus, in the twenties of the nineteenth century, the council members had become more firmly against the intention of St. Crispin?s cobblers in the prohibition of the trade in footwear through the streets of the city, which points to the adaptation and dissemination of the liberal ideas within the court itself and among the elite that made up the City Council, despite the social principles in hierarchies make sense also for this social segment. To the brothers of the Brotherhood of St. Crispim and St. Crispiniano, they only had to fight within the legal and institutional mechanisms that shaped itself to new times, but still had a strong element of continuity with the values and practices of the Ancient Regime, reported by Portugal. / O presente trabalho busca abordar o conflito entre a Irmandade de S. Crispim e S. Crispiniano e a C?mara do Rio de Janeiro, entre 1764 e 1821, per?odo em que se p?de verificar o mencionado conflito. O mesmo girava em torno do com?rcio ambulante de cal?ados, o qual a irmandade buscava proibir. Dentro deste contexto, procura-se abordar a referida irmandade como uma irmandade de of?cio, que tinha o modelo de organiza??o dos of?cios mec?nicos do Reino como par?metro, mas que se constituiu de forma espec?fica, j? que se inseria numa sociedade escravista. Por outro lado, destaca-se o per?odo abordado, chamando aten??o para as continuidades e descontinuidades que o mesmo comportava. Sendo assim, verifica-se o empenho desses confrades sapateiros na manuten??o de uma institui??o que forjava uma estrutura monopolista para determinado setor do com?rcio a varejo, institui??o esta que encontrava sua legitimidade tendo como refer?ncia uma matriz do corporativismo ib?rico. Desta maneira, remetiam-se a valores e c?digos de Antigo Regime, fosse no empenho em dissociarem o seu of?cio em rela??o ? escravid?o, fosse na tentativa de manterem ?pretos forros? e ?pardos livres? sob seu controle, definindo grada??es hier?rquicas que levavam em conta o crit?rio da cor. Ao mesmo tempo, mudan?as importantes encontravam-se em curso no ?mbito do Imp?rio Portugu?s e da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, fossem elas no campo pol?tico, administrativo, social, cultural, ou no campo das ideias (iluminismo, liberalismo). Assim, na d?cada de vinte do s?culo XIX, os vereadores apresentavam-se mais firmemente contra a inten??o dos sapateiros de S. Crispim em proibir o com?rcio de cal?ados pelas ruas da cidade, o que apontava para a dissemina??o e adapta??o das ideias liberais no seio da pr?pria corte e entre a elite que compunha a C?mara, n?o obstante os princ?pios sociais hierarquizantes fizessem sentido, igualmente, para este segmento social. Aos confrades da Irmandade de S. Crispim e S. Crispiniano, restava lutar no interior dos mecanismos legais e institucionais que se moldavam a novos tempos, mas que ainda guardavam uma forte componente de continuidade em rela??o aos valores e pr?ticas de Antigo Regime, comunicados por Portugal
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Preservação da arquitetura moderna: edifícios de escritórios no Rio de Janeiro construídos entre 1930 - 1960 / Preservation of modern architecture: oficce buildings in Rio de Janeiro built from 1930 to 1960Claudia Suely Rodrigues de Carvalho 09 March 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da preservação da arquitetura moderna, no contexto das discussões realizadas nos últimos anos sobre o tema, que contempla além das questões técnicas, uma reflexão sobre a fundamentação teórica e a metodologia de projeto nas quais estas intervenções se baseiam, tendo como objetivo maior inserir a questão da preservação da arquitetura moderna no Brasil no conjunto das discussões que vêm se desenvolvendo no panorama internacional. O caminho escolhido para lidar com estas questões foi a analise das questões relativas à preservação de um grupo de edifício de escritórios construídos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre as décadas de 1930 - 1960. Foi realizado um inventário dos referidos edifícios, identificados os valores e as características a serem preservadas. / The present work deals with preservation of modern architecture in the context of the discussions that have been developed in last years about the theme, which includes technical issues and the theoretical and methodological approach of the interventions with the aim of to introduce the question of preservation of modern architecture in Brazil in the framework of the discussions in the international scene. The way that was chosen for the development of the work was the analysis for the preservation of a group of modern office buildings, built in Rio de Janeiro, in the period of 1930-1960. An inventory was made, and the values for preservation were defined.
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Design thinking: uma proposta para assessoria de imprensaGoldschmidt , Margarida Cristina 12 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Dilva Carvalho Marques (dilva@unipampa.edu.br) on 2019-02-06T13:53:37Z
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Margarida Cristina Goldschmidt 2018.pdf: 2014042 bytes, checksum: 5274b397bde2e1461159b1d6044b1265 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Karen Britto (karenbritto@unipampa.edu.br) on 2019-02-06T14:37:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Margarida Cristina Goldschmidt 2018.pdf: 2014042 bytes, checksum: 5274b397bde2e1461159b1d6044b1265 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-06T14:37:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Margarida Cristina Goldschmidt 2018.pdf: 2014042 bytes, checksum: 5274b397bde2e1461159b1d6044b1265 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-11-12 / O momento de transformação do jornalismo, que é acompanhado pelas assessorias de imprensa, demanda mudanças. As influências da cultura profissional, rotinas de trabalho e saberes da profissão interferem no resultado final da prática em Assessoria de Imprensa, como no uso de novas metodologias. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as contribuições da metodologia Design Thinking para uma Assessoria de Imprensa de uma Universidade. Para isso, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e documental sobre os temas Newsmaking, Assessoria de Imprensa e Design Thinking, definindo pontos de atuação do uso da metodologia no jornalismo e em Assessoria de Imprensa, com base na análise das rotinas de trabalho e estruturas organizacionais. Desse modo, são apresentadas articulações entre o Newsmaking e a Assessoria de Imprensa, bem como relatos de usos do Design Thinking em Jornalismo. São apontadas técnicas de Design Thinking sugeridas para aplicação na Assessoria de Imprensa da URI Santo Ângelo, no noroeste do RS, estruturada com base em uma observação participante da realidade da instituição. A partir da pesquisa, foi possível perceber que a metodologia de Design Thinking tem contribuições relevantes para o campo da comunicação, com aplicações na geração de novos produtos, relacionamento com a imprensa, definição de pautas, eventos gestão, entre outros processos. Ao final, o estudo traz propostas para a aplicação da metodologia de Design Thinking em Assessoria de Imprensa, apontando ferramentas e modelos que podem ter sua utilização de modo prático no modelo da Universidade e em outras organizações. / On the verge of constant evolution of Journalism and Press Office, a demand for change rises. Professional Culture, Working Routine, and Field Knowledge directly interfere on final results of Press Office praxis, as well as on using new methodologies. This paper aims to present methodological contributions on Design Thinking for the praxis of a University’s Press Office. A documental and bibliographical research was carried out on Newsmaking theory, Press Office and Design Thinking - Participant Observation took place in order to map the Press Office of URI Santo Ângelo on Northwest of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. Suggested techniques on Press Office were also pointed out. It was a major concern to define points of action on the use of Journalism and Press Office theory, basing on working routine and business organizational charts. Therefore links were made between Newsmaking theory and Press Office as well as the use of Design Thinking tools on Journalism field. During the research it was possible to notice that Design Thinking methodology has relevant contribution to communication field, since it has applicable tools of generation of new products, communication with the press, stories definition, management events, among other processes within Press Office. Finally, the study brings proposals to the application of Design Thinking methodology on Press Office, pointing tools and models that may have applicability on a practical way on the model of the University and in other institutions.
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Método para gestão de portfólios de investimentos em edifícios de escritórios para locação no Brasil. / Method for management of inevstment portfolios in office buildings for rent in Brazil.Porto, Paola Torneri 18 November 2010 (has links)
Observa-se que diante da crescente competitividade nos diversos setores econômicos, corporações têm desmobilizado seu capital aplicado em real estate e passaram a pagar pelo uso de seus espaços. Aliado a necessidade destas empresas em direcionar recursos para sua atividade principal, a intensa evolução tecnológica inibe investimentos significativos em espaços próprios, especialmente naqueles com baixa flexibilidade e alta obsolescência. Neste sentido, a desmobilização de investimentos em ativos de real estate permite, por um lado, que as empresas possam direcionar capital para o seu negocio principal e por outro, que investidores que buscam as características oferecidas por investimentos em empreendimentos de base imobiliária, passem a investir nestes ativos. Diante deste cenário, investidores, como fundos de investimentos imobiliários e investidores institucionais, passaram a adquirir edifícios de escritórios para locação com a expectativa de obtenção de um fluxo de renda harmônico a partir do recebimento das locações, num padrão de remuneração atrativo com relação ao investimento no imóvel. Face ao exposto, critérios para gestão destes portfólios de investimentos poderão ser utilizados pelos administradores para propiciar condições adequadas de risco e rentabilidade. A presente tese trata da estruturação de um método para orientar a gestão de portfólios de investimentos em edifícios de escritórios para locação no Brasil, que se inicia pela identificação dos fatores de risco envolvidos nestes investimentos, a adoção de critérios de diversificação e de indicadores da qualidade para continuo monitoramento do desempenho. Contribuiu-se assim com o ferramental necessário para subsidiar decisões estratégicas na gestão do portfólio, agregando conforto na tomada de decisão. / It has been observed, given the increasing competition in various economic sectors, that corporations have been selling their real estate assets and started paying rent for their spaces. Combined with companies need to direct resources to their main activity, the steep technologic evolution inhibits significant investments in physical spaces, especially those with low flexibility and high obsolescence. Therefore, selling real estate assets, on one hand, allows that organizations direct capital to their main activity. On the other hand, it is an incentive for investors interested in real estate to allocate capital in these assets. In this scenario, investors such as real state investment funds and institutional investors, started to acquire office buildings expecting to obtain a harmonic flow of income from rent, and also to get an attractive remuneration with respect to the investment in the property. Given this context, criteria to manage investment portfolios can be used by decision makers to provide adequate conditions of risk and profitability. Henceforth, this thesis develops a method to guide the management of investment portfolios in office buildings for rent in Brazil. It starts by identifying risk factors involved in this sort of investment, the adoption of diversification criteria, and of quality indicators for constant performance monitoring. This study provides tools necessary to support strategic decisions in portfolio management, reducing uncertainty in decision making.
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Contribuição da inércia térmica na eficiência energética de edifícios de escritórios na cidade de São Paulo. / Effect of the thermal inertia on the energy performance of office buildings in the city of São Paulo.Brito, Adriana Camargo de 02 October 2015 (has links)
Diante das crises energéticas mundiais é oportuna a retomada de técnicas passivas de climatização de ambientes, como aquelas que consideram a inércia térmica das edificações. No Brasil é reconhecida a sua importância na melhoria do desempenho térmico de habitações, como indicado na norma NBR 15575 que, no método simplificado de avaliação do desempenho térmico, estabelece valores limites para a transmitância térmica e para a capacidade térmica de paredes, de modo a contemplar a influência da inércia térmica. Entretanto, não se dispõe de informações que permitam extrapolar esses critérios para edifícios de escritórios, que têm diferentes dinâmicas de uso e volumetria. Tendo como principal objetivo apresentar recomendações e critérios para o projeto de edifícios de escritórios na cidade de São Paulo, onde a inércia térmica dos ambientes pode contribuir para a redução ou a eliminação do uso de sistemas de ar condicionado, foi desenvolvido o presente trabalho. Para tal foram efetuadas simulações computacionais da resposta térmica de escritórios, analisados com variações nos seguintes parâmetros: área de piso; proporção de área na fachada em relação ao seu volume; nível de ocupação; taxa de ventilação; cor da fachada; sombreamento de aberturas; tipo de parede e temperatura de referência para o conforto térmico dos usuários. De modo geral, os resultados demonstraram que: ambientes ocupados, com paredes de maior capacidade térmica, menor área de piso e maior área na fachada em relação ao volume do ambiente, têm melhor desempenho térmico, especialmente com o uso de cores claras nas fachadas e dispositivos de sombreamento em aberturas. Tais características têm contribuição mais significativa na redução da demanda por climatização de ambientes somente se for adotada uma temperatura de referência do ar interior acima dos valores tipicamente usados nessas edificações. As recomendações e critérios apresentados para o projeto de escritórios consideram o uso de ambientes com ventilação, utilizando-se sistemas de climatização somente em menos de 15% das horas de um ano típico da cidade de São Paulo. / The global energy crises provide a further reason to use passive techniques, such as the thermal inertia, for cooling buildings. In Brazil, the importance of thermal inertia for the improvement of the thermal performance of dwellings is recognized and has been incorporated into the standard NBR 15575. For the assessment of the thermal performance, this standard establishes limit values for the thermal transmittance and the thermal capacity of walls, taking into account the influence of thermal inertia. However, there is no equivalent information available for offices, which can have very different characteristics. This thesis develops recommendations and criteria for the design of office buildings in the city of São Paulo, where the thermal inertia contributes to a reduction of energy consumption for cooling. Parametric simulations of typical offices were performed, varying the following parameters: floor area; façade-surface-area/volume ratio; internal gains (people, equipment etc.); ventilation rate; facade color and shading. The results showed that offices with walls made of components with higher thermal capacity, smaller floor area and larger façade-surface-area/volume ratio have better thermal performance. Light colors of the façade, shading devices and increased ventilation rate provided further improvement in the thermal performance of the offices. These characteristics may have significant contribution in reducing the energy demand for cooling depending on the value of the inside air temperature adopted. The recommendations and criteria presented for design of offices consider the use of air conditioning in less than 15% of the hours in a typical year in the city of São Paulo.
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A Systematic Replication of a Survey of School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Views Of Discipline Referrals for Students With and Without DisabilitiesBurton, Amanda 01 May 2017 (has links)
This study investigated time lost to office discipline referrals (ODRs), systematically replicating a prior study (Church, 2015) in rural school districts. An on-line survey asked administrators, general education, and special education teachers in four county districts for: a) demographic information; 2) estimated minutes lost to ODRs generally, specific ODR types, and for students with (SWD) or without disabilities (not SWD); and, 3) whether the respondent’s school implemented School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS). ODRs generally took 16.9 minutes. Special Education teachers’ time (mean 23.6 min.), was Lost time was affected by ODR type (aggression, noncompliance, disruption mean 23 min.; not finishing work, inappropriate language, cell phone use mean 12.33 min.) and disability (SWD mean 20.2 min; Not SWD mean 15.17 min). Respondents reporting SWPBs had longer ODR times (mean 19.13 min.) than respondents without SWPBS (mean 16.77 min.). Implications for future research and the evaluation of SWPBS programs were discussed.
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Office Design and Organizational Culture as a Two-Way Street: A Discussion on the Interaction Between Design and CultureLin, Stephanie 01 January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, I discuss how office design such as desk layouts interacts with organizational culture. Several questions motivate my study: 1) how office layout affects human interaction and work relationships; 2) how the physical setting affects the psychological and communicative aspects of work; 3) does the layout express or define culture. Physical design is bound together with organizational culture in an extricable and reciprocal relationship. The layout of the office fosters and encourages the cultural behavior of workers within the organization by the physical proximity of employees, while the organizational culture largely dominates the design and layout of the office. This interconnection ultimately affects how employees interact and communicate with one another. I explore the relationship between design and culture in steps, by explaining the progression and formation of culture, by showing that culture legitimizes layout and design, and by exploring how the culture and design foster and support organizational members’ behaviors. Office design and purpose have evolved over time because the nature of the members tasks and responsibilities are fluid and ever-changing; thus, the demand for interaction and communication changes, as well.
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Step Into My Office!Möller, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
People go to work and people go home. Playing out their roles and their lives, going in and out of character. We create our own characters depending on where we are and with who we are. In this project a set of characters having a “casual Friday” at work has been interpreted. Working with the office dress codes and breaking them down. The intention is to explore the relation between 2D-3D in garment and print, using distortion to create new silhouettes and characters. Inspiration is taken from 80´s movies set in the office space and 90´s casual wear. Working without restrictions when combining transferprinted characters/garments and real garments where the “Casual Friday” theme is always present. Photos of real people were taken to keep an essence of reality throughout the line-up. The silhouettes, characters and garments created in Photoshop is based on how the de-signer would usually draw them with paper and pen. What could be defined as missing today is the interpretation of 2D prints working it´s way towards 3D in a more direct way, as well as going from 2D to 3D in the line-up. To actually be able to put a nice silhouette together in the computer and then keep on working on that same silhouette on body. By working with transparent monofilament fabrics there is also great ways of what to show underneath. The results show that the relationship between 2D prints and 3D garments is striking and a good source for new design solutions in garments. To cover one part of the body in 2D and then work on the rest in 3D has been restricting in a good way. New ways of altering the body has been found as well as new ways of constructing simple garments. By creating something strong in the stage of digital sketching made it possible to work in the same way practically. Keeping the flat 2D feeling even though you´re working with something in 3D.
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Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program in the Medical Office ClinicEzirim, Jovita Chibuzo 01 January 2015 (has links)
The challenge of diabetes prevention is to reduce the financial and human costs of diabetes by preventing new cases and enacting social change. African Americans and Hispanics Americans have a high incidence of Type 2 diabetes because of factors that place them at risk for prediabetes. The purpose of this project was to plan the implementation and evaluation of a Type 2 diabetes prevention program in a medical office clinical setting. The clinic of interest was located in the downtown area of the city and provided care mostly to African American population. The Iowa model of evidence-based practice formed the theoretical framework for the study. The goal was to decrease the number of African Americans patients who will convert from prediabetes to Type 2 diabetes in the medical office clinic. The program was planned using the information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Road to Health toolkit. The outline covered a 6-week program. A pretest will be given to assess baseline knowledge of diabetes and diabetes prevention. The same test will be given after the implementation to evaluate if the program enhanced diabetes and diabetes prevention knowledge. Six months after the implementation of the program, nurses will complete a chart review to evaluate how many patients converted from pre-diabetes to Type 2 diabetes since the implementation of the project. The project will lead to the integration of a Type 2 diabetes prevention program in a medical clinic. It will increase the number of African Americans with prediabetes who will engage in lifestyle modification behavior. The project will also decrease the incidence of Type 2 diabetes among African Americans and reduce the health disparity of diabetes among the population.
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The Relationship Between Workspace and Office Placement and Workforce Productivity and WellbeingCvijanovic, Mladen 01 January 2019 (has links)
The quality of the physical workspace environment has been widely debated in research and corporate communities. Inadequate workspace conditions have been associated with elevated levels of work-related stress, productivity, and job satisfaction. However, scholarly literature offers very little on the relationship between workspace and office placement, and workforce productivity and wellbeing. The purpose of this non-experimental quantitative study was to examine the impact of customized workspace and strategic office placement on work related stress, productivity, and job satisfaction. Optimal distinctiveness theory and cognitive-motivational-relational theory provided the theoretical framework for this study. Nine research questions in this study were designed to identify any statistically significant difference in any of the three dependent variables(work-related stress, productivity, job satisfaction) in relation to workspace design and office placement. The Work Stress Scale, Individual Work Performance Questionnaire, and the Brief Index of Affective Job Satisfaction served as data collection instruments. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 131 male and female full-time employees from 5 different organizations nationwide. With a 2x2 causal-comparative research design, a multivariate analysis of variance was conducted, which showed statistically significant difference on work-related stress and job satisfaction in relation to workspace design with no statistically significant difference for the remaining seven research questions. This study offers significant insight into best practices for ensuring the highest quality of workspace environment to enable optimal employee performance along with improved overall wellbeing.
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