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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information in the Home Office: An Ethnographic Study of Space, Content, Management, and Use

Thomson, Leslie Elizabeth Anne 28 July 2010 (has links)
Many Library and Information Science (LIS) scholars have long articulated the importance of physical and social settings—the environment—when examining how individuals acquire, store, organize, maintain, dispose of, and use information in one of their home or work lives. Yet, few have raised the question of how these information practices are altered and affected in home office spaces, fused living and working environments that lie at the intersection of the personal and the professional. This thesis resulted from an exploratory, ethnographic research study centred upon describing and analyzing the habits of information management and information use that characterize home office settings—specifically, professional home offices that each serve as their user’s only workplace. It argues that the professional home office differs from both traditional professional offices in corporate or institutional settings and from personal home offices used for non-professional tasks and pursuits. The professional home offices of four printing company account managers provided the field from which data was gathered, collected by way of guided tours, diagramming, photography, interviews, and observation. Findings suggest that information practices in professional home offices are a continual negotiation between the two spheres of household and organization, but that this will not necessarily imply a compromise of one for the other.

DNA Photocleavage by Acridine and Phenazine-Based Chromophores

Fields, Earl John 04 December 2006 (has links)
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising approach used in the treatment of cancer, age related macular degeneration, psoriasis, and other diseases. Our research is focused on the discovery of new photonucleases for use in PDT. This study evaluates the photo-induced DNA cleaving abilities of a series of acridine and phenazine-based chromophores. The extended, aromatic ring systems of these compounds are expected to intercalate between adjoining base pairs in the DNA double-helix. Once irradiated, strand breakage, or nicking of plasmid DNA is achieved at micromolar concentrations of compound (pH 7.0 and 22 °C). Our scavenger experiments show that this process occurs as a result of direct electron transfer to oxygen and/or by means of energy transfer which results in the production of singlet oxygen. Three of the photonucleases being examined were designed to chelate metal. These exhibited increased levels of DNA photocleavage in the presence of copper(II).

Civil Religion and Pastoral Power in the George W. Bush Presidency

Curry, Kristina E. 04 May 2007 (has links)
American presidents have maintained an equilibrium between the role of church and state in government affairs via the nation’s civil religion and a “rhetorical contract” between those secular and sacred interests. While other presidents have incorporated religion in their rhetorical execution of office, George W. Bush has done so in a manner different from his predecessors, emphasizing the role of faith in his administration’s beliefs, actions, and policies. Such rhetoric upsets the tenuous relationship between sectarian and secular affairs. Bush’s breach of the rhetorical contract can be explained by Foucault’s notion of pastoral power. Using practices once associated with the church, the savvy government leader may better control his public. I argue that President Bush has shifted the balance of power between organized religion and government, specifically by means of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, thereby corrupting traditional notions of civil religion in the process of implementing his unique form of new pastoral power.

Estimating the Effects of Integrated Film Production on Box-Office Performance: Do Inhouse Effects Influence Studio Moguls?

Polyakov, Daniel M. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Each year well over one billion movie tickets are sold to an audience who knows very little about what they are getting themselves into. Why is it that despite the uncertainty, people return to the theaters to see what Hollywood has in store for them? In efforts to provide answers regarding the driving forces behind Hollywood’s blockbuster hits, this study takes into account the integration levels of the studios. Specifically, does a movie produced in-house at a large studio have a better chance of being a blockbuster hit than one which is outsourced to an independent production company? Further, I discuss the motivation behind the studios’ decision. While considering the embedded integration within the motion picture industry, this study aims to provide insight regarding the extent of internal studio productions and the effects of these films on the box-office.

Går det att lära gamla hundar att sitta? : En studie om att ändra på en verksamhets utskriftsvanor. / Is it possible to teach an old dog how to sit? : A study about changing the printout habits at work.

Do, MyNa, Vardanian, Zaruhi January 2009 (has links)
The consumer society exploits the earth’s resources more than the earth itself has capability to produce. This over-consumption causes a mass production of products, which mean that more greenhouse gases are being emitted to the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the earth’s temperature is rising, where the result of it is worldwide disasters. The paper consumption is part of the causes to climate change, but this is something we can prevent by just changing little things in our everyday lives. Our question is: What does it actually take for us to stop wasting paper as we do? Is it possible at all? We decided to study what the IT-center of Jonkoping county council need to do to reduce their office paper printing. A survey and interviews were made to get to know the employees way to work. Many are very positive towards electronic documents and do not mind a change, as we can see in the results. But many admitted that they have a way to work that is hard to break. With these studies and previous cases, we found a solution for the IT-center. The solutions are reported in an electronic brochure.

Processkartläggning avförmedlingsuppdraget : med fokus på förbättringsområden

Andersson, Hanna, Enström, Caroline, Gedda, Johan January 2012 (has links)
I denna rapport redovisas för förmedlingsprocessen för småhus med typkod 220 och samtliga moment som ingår från början till genomfört uppdrag. Fokus har riktats på att identifiera förbättringsområden och därigenom hitta åtgärdsförslag. Rapporten skall syfta till att fungera som ett stöd och vara ett vägledande hjälpmedel för såväl fastighetsmäklare som privatpersoner i sin roll som säljare och köpare. Litteraturstudier och handledning har legat till grund för den processkarta som upprättats och illustrerats. Utifrån denna har en förstudie gjorts genom intervjuer med fem verksamma fastighetsmäklare på Fastighetsbyrån i Alingsås. Därefter genomfördes djupintervjuer med tre slumpvis utvalda fastighetsmäklare på olika orter och kontor, för att identifiera problemområden. Varje moment i processen har beskrivits i text för att ge en bättre förståelse för kartans innebörd. Vidare diskussion och analys har resulterat till förslag på förbättringsåtgärder inom förmedlingsprocessen. Resultatet redovisar att majoriteten av de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarna har upplevt att moment och arbetssätt inom förmedlingsprocessen till viss grad går att förbättra. Därtill kan det konstateras att förmedlingsprocessen skiljer sig i både utförande och tid beroende på om försäljningen görs i en storstad eller på en mindre ort. Majoriteten av de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarna pekar särskilt på vikten av att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med samarbetspartners och kollegor i branschen. Detta anses vara av väsentlig betydelse för att affärer som är beroende av en tredje part ska fortgå med så få hinder som möjligt. Det kan även konstateras att flera av de problemställningar som framkommit beror på externa makrofaktorer som fastighetsmäklaren själv inte kan påverka. Omständigheter som berör världsekonomin, ränteläget, ställningen på fastighetsmarknaden, medias spekulationer, lagar och förordningar utgör faktorer utom fastighetsmäklarens kontroll. Vidare kan det fastställas att den nya fastighetsmäklarlag som trädde i kraft den 1 juli 2011 har bidragit till att flera tidigare problem redan bearbetats och ändrats. Detta projekt har verkat för att lyfta fram ytterligare några moment där åtgärder skulle kunna underlätta arbetsgången för fastighetsmäklare, bland annat genom ett informationsblad till spekulant. / This report describes the sales process of type code 220 single-family homes, including necessary procedural steps. The focus of the report is to identify key areas needing improvement in order to ascertain potential solutions. The report is intended to act as both a support mechanism and a guide for real estate agents and private individuals in their roles as buyers and sellers. A process-map was developed based on research and guidance, and is described within the report. Problem areas were identified using the process-map during comprehensive interviews, and every step in the process is explained in detail in order to illustrate the process-map’s purpose. Further discussion and analysis has led to suggestions for improvement of the sales process. The results shows that the majority of interviewed real estate agents believe the sales process to some extent can be improved. The majority of the interviewed real estate agents points out the importance of creating and maintain good relations with partners and colleagues in the same economic area. This is considered to be essential for businesses that rely on a third person should proceed with as few obstacles as possible. It is also clear that many of the problems that emerged due to external factors that the real estate agents themselves can´t influence. Factors affecting the world economy, interest rates, situation of the property market, speculations among media, laws and regulations are factors beyond the real estate agent´s control. However, after further discussion it became evident that active real estate agents already considered the process inadequate or excessively time consuming. It is also evident that many of the problem areas were due to external factors not influenced by real estate agents. Furthermore, the new real estate law which was implemented July 1, 2011 contributed to several problem areas already identified being addressed and resolved. This report has led to the identification of a process which would make the work easier.

Maskeringens effekt på återgivning av semantiskt kategoriserade ord : om effekten av att maskera bakgrundstal med ett brus / The effect on recall of semantic categorized words

Norberg, Marika, Johansson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Den här studien grundar sig på skillnader mellan återgivning av ord, sorterade efter semantiska kategorier, i förhållanden med rent tal och maskerat tal. 32 personer deltog i studien där de först blev visuellt presenterade för en lista med 15 semantiska ord som skulle memoreras och sedan återges i fri ordning i två olika betingelser av bakgrundsljud, tal och maskerat tal. Utifrån tidigare studier utformades studiens hypoteser; vid återgivningen ökar antalet visuellt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskeras av ett brus jämfört med när bakgrundstalet spelas upp utan maskering. Antalet auditivt presenterade ord som återges minskar när bakgrundstalet maskeras av ett brus jämfört med när bakgrundstalet spelas upp utan maskering. Resultaten gav stöd åt hypotesen att försökspersonerna återgav fler visuellt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskerades av ett brus. Resultatet gav stöd åt hypotesen att försökspersonen återgav färre auditivt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskerades av ett brus. / This study examined free recall performance in two acoustic conditions, speech and masked speech. Thirty-two students participated in the study. They were visually presented to word lists that were constructed by semantic similarity. After presentation the participants were instructed to recall as many words as possible in free order. The recall session occurred in the two different speech conditions. Based on earlier studies two hypotheses were stated; when the background speech were mixed with masking noise, recall performance of correct words would increase compared to the speech condition. It was also assumed that the masking noise would decrease the number of intrusions from the speech, compare with the number of intrusions made in the unmasked speech condition. The result gave support to the hypothesis that number of correct words increases in masked speech and the number of intrusions decreases in masked speech.

Risky Business : Does recognition reduce uncertainty of the movie industry global box office revenue? * of the movie as a one-liner to reflect the characteristics of the movie industry. notifies that Risky Business (1983) is a comedy-drama movie starring Tom Cruise. The writer intentionally uses the name Master Thesis

Somburanasin, Monsicha January 2010 (has links)
Introduction Movies are considered entertainment goods. Entertainment is one of the experience industries. Intangibility, perishability and heterogeneity are the most significant characteristics of the movie industry. An emotional reaction of consumers cannot be calculated in the same sense that most other physical goods can. If the movie succeeded in meeting the expectations, ticket price decreases will not necessarily indicate further purchases in the future. There are high risks and uncertainty in the movie industry. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to define through a hedonic price theory establishing whether the recognition is a significant factor to the global success of movies. The global success of the movies is determined by the global box office revenue. There are eight independent variables tested in this paper: global movie popularity, global popularity of the directors, global popularity of the authors, fame (determined by wining Academy Award), major studios, sequel, family genre and animation genre. Only one control variable, which is year of release, is included. Method The paper uses empirical model and the data set along with the results of the empirical analysis to achieve the purpose. Only secondary data were collected for the paper. Conclusion To reduce uncertainty in movie industry box office revenue, according to the data collected, recognition is significant to the consumers’ willingness to pay. The willingness to pay is determined by the global box office revenue. Only four independent variables, namely: sequels, Academy Award, the global popularity of the directors and the global popularity of the authors of the original script, are significant recognition factors to the global box office revenue. Movie producers shall be aware that consumers have to make sure utility gained from the consumption exceeds the costs in order to make purchases. Based on the sample collected, it can be summarized that consumers of the movie industry in general rely on previous consumption and recognition to reduce risks and uncertainty in terms of making purchases.

Nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för att hitta ett arbete

Rama, Ardian, Seid, Sebri January 2011 (has links)
Our purpose was to research the new reform amendment" Lag om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare", and whether the establishment of the reform is good and if it was a necessary amendment. For that reason, we have chosen to answer our purpose in these issues with this question formulation; how can the change of the law establishing operations influence the newcomers in the labour market, the problems the law intends to address, how the new change in the law is different from when the municipality "kommun" was responsible, and how the law can be discussed based on theories of social capital and weak ties. The method used in this study is from a adductive approach where the research is based on both empirical evidence and existing theory that interact between these two. The results that emerged in our work was that the newcomers within the labour market has been remote, the way the municipality’s addressed the problem did not work and the result of this was a new reform amendment, where a new participant established. The previous research has shown that there was a variation to how different the municipality managed the establishment of the new arrivals. According to the government the municipality failed in the matter of establishing new arrivals. Further investigation has also shown that the social network has been central point in the establishment of the arrivals.

A Study on the Legal System of Administrative Division in Local Districts¡ÐThe Case of Kaohsiung City

Wu, Mao-Shu 18 July 2012 (has links)
Abstract Administrative division contains a string of complex questions. It does not only contain the simple concept of the division of regions, but the formation of the ideology of residence towards regions and the fairness of national resource distributions. However, followed by administrative division, the original administrative district still may not develop well as expected due to the change of time and space. By the analysis of the 5 major frameworks of administrative law, I found out that since the merger of Kaohsiung city and county in 2010, the transition of the environment has diluted and allocated the resources inappropriately. It leads to an unbalanced regional development because the people can not be satisfied with inadequate resources. However, the problem is that the current administrative division can not tackle the problems. It¡¦s a great loss that a reasonable and appropriate plan has not even been conducted for the administrative division of Kaohsiung. Moreover, the scale that administrative division covers in local districts is so comprehensive that it de facto influences the right and obligations of people. Therefore, the legal system of administrative division should be improved and adjusted. By this study I found out that Kaohsiung City should consider the overall development and related factors to assess the whole situation with a profounder perspective. By the expansion that brought by the merger of administrative districts, the resources will be more adequate so as to meet the need of people. With the local features of each administrative district, transport communication can be extended, as well as the space greening and beautification. As a goal-oriented activist, the district governors should dedicated to increasing the service quality and efficiency of district offices for people. Followed by the balanced development, local features and the enhancement of overall development, Kaohsiung City can become the leading city in Taiwan with easy access to administration, balanced resources and limitless development.

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