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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos Respublikos prokuratūros susižinojimo su užsienio valstybių įstaigomis praktika / The communication practice of the public prosecutor's office of the Republic of the Lithuania with the foreign countries authorities

Rindokaitė, Rasa 30 May 2005 (has links)
Many factors such as increase of the international crime rate, establishing of the free movement amongst the countries and others have been determining the importance of the international cooperation in the penal field, the aim of which is to administer justice in the penal actions, where the legal help from the foreign countries is needed. The competence of the law-enforcement officers is limited by the territory of the Republic of Lithuania thus in such cases when investigation data, witnesses or suspect himself are located in the other country, crime was committed by the country citizen abroad, convict is hiding in the foreign country etc. the authorities of the other country are addressed for legal assistance in penal action. The grounds for legal assistance are multilateral and bilateral treaties. Sending the requests and carrying them out according the national law fulfill it. Despite the fact that the communication between the two country's authorities is regulated in many acts of legislation, there are still many gaps. For instance, there are no laid down rules (except the rules regarding the European arrest warrant) when the requests for legal assistance should be send via the Office of the Prosecutor General and in which cases – via Ministry of Justice. This and many other issues are being solved in the practice relations that arise while communicating with other countries. The analysis of communication practice can be also useful as it often uncovers the... [to full text]

Distant decentralised office parks : a case study of the La Lucia Ridge Office Estate.

Gounden, Krishni. January 1999 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.

Origin and development of records scheduling in North America

Mohan, Jennifer Alexandra 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis begins by tracing the development of the practice of records scheduling in the federal governments of United States and Canada, from the initial concern with records disposal in the late eighteen hundreds, to the implementation of formal records schedules in the 1940s in the United States and the late 1950s in Canada. These federal initiatives provided a model for later developments at the state and provincial level. However, changes in scheduling methods have lately become necessary to meet the demands of the increasing volume of records, organizational complexity and change, and the widespread use of new media, particularly electronic records. Many of these changes have occurred at the provincial and state level, where the limited size of government has allowed the agencies responsible for scheduling to be more responsive and innovative. For this reason, analysis of current records scheduling practices in the provinces of British Columbia and Ontario, and the states of Washington and New York were conducted. These studies reveal schedules which are both flexible in their use and adaptable over time because they attempt to accommodate both records in all media and organizational change. Among the scheduling techniques examined are the addition of media specific elements, the use of functional schedule arrangement, the integration of schedules with other management tools, like classification, and the expanded use of general schedules for records common to more than one organization. These techniques are capable of dealing with the volume, complexity and variety of records which are being created in government today. Despite the changes demonstrated, the studies show that records scheduling remains a viable practice to control the life cycle of all records, from creation until disposal. Throughout this investigation, the role of archivists is discussed. Archivists' involvement in scheduling began with the earliest developments and continues still today. Archivists have been central to the initiation, development and adaptation of records scheduling in government. With the development of new information technologies, archivists' role is even more important, for they must intervene into the process of records creation if they want to maintain the ability to identify records of enduring value to society, and to ensure that their integrity is maintained throughout administrative procedures and use.

Henry och kvinnorna : Mötet mellan man och kvinna i Charles Bukowskis Postverket och Kvinnor / Henry Chinaski, Relationships and Sexual Desire : The Meeting between Man and Woman in Charles Bukowski's Novels Post Office and Women

Westrin, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka sexuella relationer och mötet mellan man och kvinna i Charles Bukowskis författarskap med fokus på den självbiografiske protagonisten Henry Chinaski i romanerna Postverket och Kvinnor. I analysen undersöker uppsatsen tre aspekter av mötet mellan man och kvinna: Det initierande mötet, det fysiska mötet och vad vi kallar kärlek. Uppsatsen utgår främst från Yvonne Hirdmans genusteorier och diskuterar tabun om särhållandet mellan manligt och kvinnligt. Genom att undersöka den manliga normen samt manlig och kvinnlig sexualitet appliceras dessa sedan genom närläsning av de bägge verken. Trots att protagonisten ständigt bekräftar den manliga normen dras slutsatsen att Bukowski i sitt författarskap utmanar det sexuella maktsystemet. Han visar på kvinnliga karaktärer som tar för sig och initierar till sexuella relationer i en tid där deras sexualitet fortfarande var tabubelagd. / This thesis examines sexual relations and the meeting between man and woman in Charles Bukowski’s authorship through the autobiographic protagonist Henry Chinaski in the novels Post Office and Women. The focus of the analysis is based on three aspects of the meeting: The initial meeting, the physical meeting and finally, love. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the taboo of dissociation between masculinity and femininity with focus on Yvonne Hirdman’s gender studies theories. By examining the male norm in addition to male and female sexuality these theories are applied to the novels by using a close reading method. In conclusion, the thesis finally declasres that, although the male norm is confirmed bythe protagonist, Bukowski challenges, and criticizes the balance of power between thesexes. The female characters portrayed in the novels express their sexuality and initializesexual relationships in a time when women’s sexuality still was stigmatized.

Ar galimas įmonės registruotos buveinės perkėlimas į kitas ES nares, be įmonės likvidavimo? / Is it possible to transfer companies registered office to other EU member states, without liquidation of the company?

Skauranskas, Irmantas 18 January 2013 (has links)
Nemažai Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių įmonių yra suinteresuotos savo registruotos buveinės perkėlimu į kitą valstybę narę. Įmonei sėkmingai perkėlus savo registruotą buveinę į kitą valstybę, keistųsi įmonei taikytina teisė. Esant teisinei galimybei įmonei nutraukti savo veiklą įsikūrimo valstybėje be įmonės likvidavimo, bei įsikurti kitoje valstybėje, įmonė išlaikytų savo juridinį statusą, o visas įmonės turtas ir prisiimti įsipareigojimai tiesiogiai pereitų naujoje valstybėje įkurtai įmonei. Darbe yra analizuojama įmonės registruotos buveinės perkėlimo galimybė Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių tarptautinės privatinės teisės atžvilgiu, bei jų vidaus materialinės teisės atžvilgiu. Taip pat analizuojama Europos Teisingumo Teismo jurisprudencija ir jos įtaka tokio perkėlimo galimybei bei aptariama alternatyvi įmonės registruotos buveinės perkėlimo galimybė remiantis antriniais Europos Sąjungos teisės aktais. / Many companies in European Union are interested in the possibility to transfer their registered offices to another country. Doing that would lead to a change in the applicable law. If a company is allowed to dissolve in its country of incorporation without the liquidation, and to incorporate in the new state, the company would maintain its legal status and all of it‘s assets and liabilities would be passed to a company incorporated in the new state. This paper analyzes the possibility of such transfer according to European Union member states private international law and substantive law provisions. It also analyzes the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and it's influence on possibility of such transfer. The indirect possibility of such transfer, according to European Union secondary law, is also disscused.


Phillips, Jill 09 August 2012 (has links)
Using a participatory ergonomic approach, this research explored if the self-identified needs and concerns of computer users are reflected in a typical occupational therapy office ergonomic educational presentation. While the study confirmed that generally the needs of computer users are met, the topics that the participants found to be most relevant were workstation layout and equipment adjustment. This study also revealed that knowledge transfer/translation is an important factor and that clinicians should consider involving clients at the initial development phase of client educational information. The study participants preferred ergonomic information to be communicated in a brief manner, emphasizing action-oriented information and avoiding medical references. They wanted client information to employ humour, colour and lots of “pizzazz.” The manner in which clinical information is communicated to clients is vital for effective client education.

What is the effect of information and computing technology on healthcare?

Ludwick, Dave Unknown Date
No description available.

The Office du Niger under colonial rule : its origin, evolution, and character, 1920-1960

Filipovich, Jean, 1947- January 1985 (has links)
The Office du Niger irrigation scheme, located on the Niger River in the Republic of Mali, originated in a grandiose but seriously flawed proposal devised in 1920 by a French colonial Public Works engineer named Emile Bélime. Originaly conceived as a means of transforming the Niger Valley into a cotton belt, and later promoted as the heart of a French West African granary, the scheme never attained more than a tiny fraction of its presumed agricultural potential. Its construction and exploitation required the forced uprooting of tens of thousands of Africans. It absorbed a large portion of scarce colonial revenues until after the Second World War and generated no profits. During the inter-war period, the Office du Niger gradually acquired the de facto status of a state within the State, with Emile Bélime at its head. When the scheme was finally recognized as an economic and humanitarian failure in 1945, colonial authorities endeavoured to eliminate its worst shortcomings and give it a new identity as a prototype of economic and technical assistance to an underdeveloped area. After 1961, Malian leaders felt that the scheme could be used as a pilot project for agricultural development in the new republlc, and the scheme's existence has dictated the course of Malian agricultural policy ever since. / Le projet d'irrigation de l'Office du Niger, situé dans le delta intérieur du Niger au Mali, est né d'une proposition très insuffisante mais grandiose conçue en 1920 par un ingénieur des Travaux Publics Coloniaux, Émile Bélime. Conçu à l'origine comme un moyen de transformer la Vallée du Niger en une vaste plantation de coton, et envisagé par la suite comme le grenier central de l'Afrique Occidentale, ce projet n'a jamais atteint qu'une petite partie de son potentiel agricole espéré. Sa réalisation et sa mise en exploitation on nécessité le déracinement par contrainte de dizaines de milliers d'Africains. Même après la deuxième guerre mondiale, le projet a absorbé encore une grande partie des revenus coloniaux, déjà limités, mais il n'a généré aucun revenu. Pendant l'entre-deux-guerres, l'Office du Niger a acqui petit à petit le statut de facto d'un état dans l'État, dirigé par Émile Bélime. En 1945, quand le projet a été finalement reconnu comme une échec sur le plan économique et humanitaire, les autorités coloniales ont essayé de corriger les erreurs les plus graves et lui ont accordé le nouveau statu de prototype pour d'autres projets d'assistance économique et technique aux régions sous-développées. En 1961, le Gouvernement du Mali, qui avait récemment accédé à l'indépendance, pensait en faire un projet pilote pour le développement agricole du pays. Sa réalisation détermine encore aujourd'hui la politique agricole du Mali. fr

Biurų centras "Royal" Šiauliuose / Office center "Royal" in Siauliai

Užgrindis, Tautvydas 18 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe projektuojamas Biurų centras „Royal“ dviejų aukštų su požemine automobilių stovėjimo aikštele, kurio bendras plotas – 1257,8 m2. Objekte planuojama vykdyti įvairias administracines paslaugas, tai būtų kalbų biuras, vairavimo mokykla, renginių organizavimo agentūra. Biurų centras projektuojamas iš fibo blokelių mūro apšiltinant jį putu polistirolu, perdangos plokštės, rygeliai ir gelžbetonio sijos bus atremiamos i sumontuotas 400x400 kolonas. Pastate bus dveji liftai, taip pat įrengti tualetai pritaikyti neįgaliesiams. Pastatas šildomas su dujiniu katilu. Projektuojamo pastato statybos sklypas yra Pramonės gatvėje Šiauliuose. Jo plotas - 1544 m2. Sklypas yra patogioje miesto dalyje, kur dideli žmonių srautai, šalia yra viešojo transporto sustojimo vieta. / In this final work is designed two-stores with underground parking for cars office center „Royal“ with an area of 1257,8 m2. The facility is planned to carry out a variety of administrative services, be it linguistic office, driving school, event marketing agency. Office center is designed with fibo blocks masonry with insulation of polystyrene, floor slabs, beams and reinforced concrete beams will be brought to 400x400 assembled columns. The building will be two lifts, as well as toilets adapted to people with disable. The building is heated with a gas boiler. Projected building plot is in Pramonės Street in Siauliai. Its area of - 1544 m2. The plot is conveniently located where are the large flow of people, close to public transport stopping place.

Assessing the Potential Needs for Telehealth in Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Au, Lucy January 2009 (has links)
Papua New Guinea has the highest infant and maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the Western Pacific Regions and 50% of hospital admissions are from vaccine preventable diseases. About 85% of 6 million inhabitants live in rural PNG where basic services are lacking or non-existent. Difficulties such as lack of infrastructures like road network and communication, geographical barriers like big mountain ranges, large rivers and swamps, shortage of skilled health professionals and higher concentration of health workers in cities pose great challenges in delivering health services effectively across the country. Telehealth may play an important role in reaching health services to the underserved population in PNG. As part of this study, it is essential to assess the potential of telehealth to enhance the delivery of health services. Specifically, this research aims to report the knowledge, attitudes and skills towards information and communication technology of health care providers in PNG. The study used a cross sectional method of health professionals working at the time of the survey. It collected 174 questionnaires from four hospitals and used SPSS (version17.0) to analyse the data. The results showed that younger male physicians, paramedics, those with gadgets, higher educational qualifications and exposed to ICT resources possess better knowledge and skills than female, older age group and those without gadgets or under exposed to ICT. Currently, the health care professionals in general have leap frogged the technology by focusing on handheld devices such as cell phones rather than landlines. This represents scope for growth and willingness by health workers to adopt and expand telehealth in PNG.

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