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Oë in die wildernis : die religieuse funksie van fonteine en putte in die Hebreeuse Bybel : 'n godsdienshistoriese studie / Eyes in the wilderness : the religious fuction of springs and wells in the Hebrew Bible : a religio-historical studyKlopper, Frances 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die proefskrif ondersoek die funksie van fonteine en putte in die religie van ou Israel. Die religie van die Hebreeuse Bybel word tradisioneel beskryf as 'n historiese religie waarin Jahwe, die god van Israel, fundamenteel gemoeid is met die verlossing van sy volk in die gang van die geskiedenis, terwyl die wêreld van die natuur van marginale belang is. Dit is egter duidelik dat die natuur in die vorm van haar grondwaterbronne 'n belangrike rol in ou Israel se leefwerêld gespeel het, nie alleen as lewegewende
bronne in die droē fisiese Palestynse landskap nie, maar ook in hulle narratiewe en simboliese wêrelde. Fonteine en putte was kultiese plekke en heilige ruimtes waar teofanieē plaasgevind het, konings gekroon is, regsgedinge gevoer is, voorvadergeeste opgeroep is en die nageslag van ou Israel verseker is toe die voorvaders hulle
toekomstige bruide by putte ontmoet het. Deur middel van die ou Nabye Oosterse ikonografie as hulpwetenskap in die interpretasieproses, is gevind dat die rede vir die sakrale waarde wat aan die waterbronne geheg is, opgesluit is in ou Israel se
kosmologie wat hulle met hulle mitologies-gesinde en natuurvererende bure gedeel het. Daarvolgens ontspring fonteine uit die kosmiese onderaardse oeroseaan om lewe en
vrugbaarheid te bring aan alles wat lewe. Die beeld het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat fonteine en putte metafories vir vroulike seksualiteit en vrugbaarheid gedien het. Die waterbronne tree ook as draers van hoop op. In verhale oor die wonderbaarlike
ontstaan van fonteine in die wildernis deur lewensonderhoud aan die Israetiete tydens hulle woestynomswerwinge te voorsien. Ons kan met sekerheid aanneem dat ou Israel hulle watergate as lokaliteite van integrasie, sin en orde teen die aanslae van die
chaosmagte ervaar het. Deur die eeue het die mensdom nagedink oor eksistensiele kwessles soos lewe en dood, vrugbaarheid en steriliteit, die redes vir rampe en oor wat die toekoms inhou. Dit is ten diepste religieuse vrae wat die vervloe bybelskrywers vir
hulle tyd en omstandighede aangespreek het deur 'n refigurasie van Palestina se waterbronne. Grondliggend aan hierdie studie as 'n herevaluering van die natuur in die Hebreeuse Bybel om menslike wesens as deel van die natuur op te stel en nie as staande bo die natuur nie. / The dissertation investigates the function of springs and wells in the religion of ancient Israel. The religion of the Hebrew Bible has traditionally been descibed as a historical religion in which Yahweh, the god of Israel, was fundamentally concerned with the salvation of Yahweh's people In history in which the world of nature is of marginal interest. However, it is evident that nature in the form of its groundwater sources played an important role, not only as life giving sources in the arid physical environment of Palestine, but also in their narrative and symbolic worlds. Springs and wells served as cultic centres and sacred places where theophanies took place, kings were crowned, lawsuits conducted, ancestral spirits conjured up and the future progeny of Israel was
ensured when patriarchs betrothed their future brides at wells. By means of ancient Near Eastern iconography as an interpretation aid, this study finds the reason for the sacred value attributed to groundwater sources in the cosmology of ancient Israel which she shared with her mythically-minded and nature-worshipping neighbours. Springs were believed to arise from the cosmic subterranean ooean to bring life and fertility to all living things. This image caused springs and wells to serve as metaphor of female sexuality and fertility. They also act as agents of hope in stories of miraculous springs in the desert which provide sustenance during the Israelites' desert wanderings. We can safely conclude that ancient Israel experienced their springs and wells as localities
of integration, meaning and order amidst the threatening forces of chaos. Through the ages humankind reflected on existential questions regarding life and death, fertility and sterility, the reasons for disasters and what the future holds. These are profoundly religious questions addressed by the biblical authors for their time and circumstances by implementing a refiguration of the groundwater sources of Palestine. Ultimately this
study serves to re-evaluate nature in the Hebrew Bible and to construe human beings not as standing above nature, but as part of nature. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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The term berith (covenant) in the Historical and Wisdom Books of the Old TestamentLinington, Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
This work is concerned with the word berith (covenant) in the historical and wisdom books of the Old Testament, and continues research done in previous articles on berith in the Pentateuch and the prophetic literature. The main aim is to discuss in some detail the texts containing the word berith in the historical and wisdom books of the Old Testament and to examine the meaning and use of the word in these writings. The interrelationships between berith and other words in the contexts in which they appear are explored and explained. Finally, berith in the historical and wisdom books usually refers to one of the covenants of the Pentateuch, and which of these is applicable in each case will also be discussed. / Old Testament and Ancient NE / M.Th. (Old Testament)
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A talmudic perspective on the Old Testament diseases, physicians and remediesWilliams, Gillian Patricia 11 1900 (has links)
The ancient Near Eastern cultures and the Babylonian Talmud are examined to ascertain whether they can elucidate Biblical descriptions of disease (many of which are mentioned by the Talmudic rabbis in the course of their discussions) to render a better understanding of the Biblical text.
Archaeological evidence can verify the existence of tuberculosis, gout and leprosy in Old Testament times because these diseases leave specific lesions on ancient bones.
The ancient Israelites used amulets and incantations to ward off or treat illnesses despite Biblical prohibitions. This use was echoed in both the ancient Near Eastern cultures and in Talmudic times because some rabbis realised their effectiveness, but the majority doubted their usefulness. Idolatry, necromancy and sorcery were practiced and demons played a role in illness. Physicians, healers, herbal remedies, therapies and folk medicine in Biblical and Talmudic times are investigated. / Biblical Archaeology / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)
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Exodus and black theology : an investigationLe Roux, Zacharias Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
Black Theology uses the Exodus episode as its locus classicus for
its view of God' s preferential option for the poor and the
oppressed. The purpose of the dissertation is to determine to
what extent Black Theology is scripturally justified in doing so.
The investigation concludes that -
i) the use of a praxis 'claimed to be Christian' in the
hermeneutic of Black Theology, becomes questionable and
unconvincing in that there is an illogical vacillation
between a self-determined praxis-horizon and a text-horizon
and that,
ii ) when some aspects of Black Theology are measured using
constraint criteria suggested by Kelsey, Black Theology
exceeds the limits of acceptability by taking the exodus
event as the locus classicus for the slogan that God is
always on the side of the poor and the oppressed.
While for some Black theology is indeed an important new stage
in theologizing it must however be remembered that liberation
theology, in Africa at least, is still in its infancy. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th.M. (Old Testament)
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Spreukenwijsheid voor begeleiding = the wisdom of Proverbs for guidanceHeino, Gerrit 11 1900 (has links)
Deze dissertatie levert een bijdrage aan een christelijk geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding vanuit de oudtestamentische wijsheidsliteratuur; in het bijzonder het boek Spreuken. Hoofdstuk 1 bevat een algemene inleiding waarin het begrip begeleiding wordt gedefinieerd. In hoofdstuk 2 staat de vraag naar de context van de wijsheid centraal. Er wordt een (conceptueel) kader ontwikkeld over begeleiding in oud-Israël om zo inzicht te krijgen in de wijsheidsleraren en hun leerlingen. Het derde hoofdstuk richt zich op de theologie van de wijsheid en beantwoordt de vraag welke invloed de wijsheid en de theologie op elkaar hebben gehad en hoe de theologie van de wijsheid zich verhoudt tot de theologie van het Oude Testament. Dit hoofdstuk besteedt daarnaast aandacht aan het Godsbeeld en het mensbeeld van de wijsheidsleraren en behandelt (theologische) thema’s die relevant zijn voor begeleiding. Hoofdstuk 4 houdt zich bezig met Salomo, de mannen van Chizkia, Agoer en Lemoeël. Salomo neemt in de wijsheidsliteratuur een prominente plaats in en wordt genoemd als auteur van verzamelingen van spreuken in het boek Spreuken. ‘Zijn’ wijsheid heeft een sociale verandering in oud-Israël op gang gebracht. Hoofdstuk 5 buigt zich over de vraag tegen welke achtergrond het boek Spreuken moet worden gelezen. Vragen die gesteld worden, zijn wie de mogelijke auteur van het boek is, in welk tijdvak het boek is ontstaan, uit welke verzamelingen het boek bestaat, en voor wie en met welk doel het boek is geschreven. De antwoorden werpen licht op de teksten die in hoofdstuk 6 onder de loep worden genomen en worden, in hoofdstuk 7, toegepast op begeleiding. Het zesde hoofdstuk neemt als uitgangspunt teksten uit het boek Spreuken die licht werpen op begeleiding. Deze teksten worden uitgelegd aan de hand van toonaangevende wetenschappelijke commentaren. Tot deze teksten behoren de inleiding op Spreuken (1:1-7), de ‘vrees voor JHWH’-teksten, ‘leven’-teksten, werkwoorden die het proces kenmerken dat leidt tot een ‘levend leven’ en opdrachten aan de vader/leraar (en daarmee aan de begeleider). Hoofdstuk 7 geeft antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag welke aanwijzingen kunnen worden afgeleid uit het boek Spreuken voor begeleiders en christelijke opleidingen tot begeleidingskundige? en wendt de kennis opgedaan in de voorgaande hoofdstukken aan om te komen tot een Bijbels geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding in een hedendaagse context. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D.Th. (Old Testament)
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A PALAVRA DE JAVÉ EM JEREMIAS 7,1 8,3: UMA ANÁLISE DA PROFECIA COMO PORTADORA DE UM CONFLITO SOCIAL ORIUNDO DA COBRANÇA EXCESSIVA DE TRIBUTO / The Word of Yahweh in Jeremiah 7,1 8,3: An Analysis of Prophecy as Carrier of a Social Conflict Arising from the Excessive Tribute Collection,Salgado, Samuel de Freitas 11 November 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-11-11 / This research focuses on the historical approach to analyze the biblical text as a historical-social product, from the sociological method. The material arranged along this research is intended to be an aid to understanding some texts from the prophet Jeremiah. Assuming that the text has a link with the society in which it was created and making use of exegetical methodology, carried out a historical-sociological analysis of the word of Yahweh in Jeremiah from 7,1 8,3 as carrier of a social conflict arising from excessive tribute collection on a Judahite society markedly tributary. It seeks, through this, the meaning of the text within the historical setting likely that permeated the social writing. For this, it is necessary to research the primary aspects involving both the book of Jeremiah, especially the controversial caps. 7,1 8,3, as well as the question of modern research study about this magnificent work. It is also worth highlighting the semiotic concept of sociological poetics that seeks to study the causal interaction between literature and the social environment. Moreover, it evaluates the social historical context of the literary unit target of our research, situating it in its likely social and historical context, determining the date, the political scene and the production mode current at this time. Not forgetting, however, the triggering factor of social conflict and the role of religion in this scenario. Furthermore, it examines the meaning of specific texts or completed literary units (pericopes) present in caps. 7,1 8,3, with the assumption the theoretical model of the tributary production mode and the steps of the social-historical exegesis. The social analytical mechanism of the tributary production mode will serve as a tool for analysis of socioeconomic status, such analysis is focused on the external components incorporated in the collection, not in its editorial history, but in its social formation. / Esta pesquisa privilegia o enfoque histórico ao analisar o texto bíblico, como produto histórico-social, a partir do método sociológico. O material disposto ao longo desta investigação pretende ser uma ajuda para a compreensão de alguns textos do profeta Jeremias. Partindo do princípio de que o texto possui um vínculo com a sociedade na qual foi criado e fazendo uso da metodologia exegética, realiza-se uma análise histórico-sociológica da palavra de Javé em Jeremias 7,1 8,3 como portadora de um conflito social oriundo da cobrança excessiva de tributo em uma sociedade judaíta marcadamente tributária. Busca-se, por esse meio, o sentido do texto dentro do provável cenário histórico-social que permeia o escrito. Para isso, faz-se necessária a investigação dos aspectos preliminares que envolvem tanto o livro de Jeremias, sobretudo, os polêmicos caps. 7,1 8,3, como também a questão do estudo da pesquisa moderna acerca dessa magnífica obra. Vale a pena também salientar o conceito semiótico da poética sociológica que procura estudar a interação causal entre literatura e seu meio social. Além disso, avalia-se o âmbito histórico social da unidade literária alvo de nossa pesquisa, situando-a em seu provável contexto histórico social e determinando a datação, o cenário político e o modo de produção vigente nesse período. Não olvidando, contudo, do fator desencadeador do conflito social e o papel da religião nesse cenário. Além do mais, examina-se o sentido dos textos específicos ou unidades literárias concluídas (perícopes) presentes nos caps. 7,1 8,3, tendo como pressuposto o modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário e os passos da exegese histórico-social. O mecanismo socioanalítico do modo de produção tributário servirá como instrumento de análise da condição socioeconômica, centrando-se nos componentes externos incorporados na coletânea, não em sua história redacional, mas sim em sua formação social.
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Paní Moudrost ve Starém zákoně / Personification of Wisdom in the Old TestamentPŮLPÁNOVÁ, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the figure of Lady Wisdom in the Old Testament in the wisdom books of Job, Proverbs, Wisdom and Sirach. The opening part specifies the selected biblical texts of the Old Testament, the concept of wisdom in antiquity from Egyptian and Mesopotamian sources, and their possible inspiration for authors of wise scriptures. Next the thesis briefly introduces the chosen biblical texts and analyses the concept of wisdom in the each of them. To illustrate the nature and conduct of Wisdom the next part describes the importace of building a house for the ancient people. As an opposite to Lady Wisdom there is Lady Foolishness. Final part describes various forms of personified Wisdom in particular biblical books explaining her transformation within the course of Old Testament history.
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Martin Luther's Hebrew in mid-career : the Minor Prophets translationNiggemann, Andrew John January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation provides a comprehensive account of Martin Luther’s Hebrew translation in his academic mid-career. Apart from the Psalms, no book of the Hebrew Bible has yet been examined in any comprehensive manner in terms of Luther’s Hebrew translation. Moreover, research to date has predominantly focused on either ascertaining Luther’s personal Hebrew skills, or on identifying his sources for Hebrew knowledge. This dissertation furthers the scholarly understanding of Luther’s Hebrew by examining his Minor Prophets translation, one of the final pieces of his first complete translation of the Hebrew Bible. As part of the analysis, it investigates the relationship between philology and theology in his Hebrew translation, focusing specifically on one of the themes that dominated his interpretation of the Prophets: his concept of Anfechtung. Chapter 1 establishes the context of Luther’s academic mid-career Hebrew, providing a brief sketch of the history of his Minor Prophets translation, followed by an overview of the Hebrew resources in and around Wittenberg which he had to draw upon. Chapter 2 examines the role of the obscurity of the Hebrew text in his translation, and how this obscurity led to various types of contradictions and vacillations in his interpretations. Chapter 3 investigates the role that Luther’s sense of the semantic intensity of the Hebrew language played in his translation. Chapter 4 examines Luther’s use of “inner-biblical interpretation” – i.e. biblical quotations and references – to support, and moreover, to build his translations of the Hebrew texts. Finally, Chapter 5 examines the influence of Hebrew on Luther’s exploitation of the mystical tradition in his translation of the Minor Prophets. This dissertation, in short, shows that by mid-career, the impact of Hebrew on Luther’s Bible translation was immense and very diverse, more so than has been appreciated. It expands the frame of reference with which scholars can understand Luther’s Hebrew. It provides detailed analyses of many examples of his Hebrew translation which have never before been discussed or examined in any depth, and it provides hundreds of examples of his methodological handling of Hebrew translation issues. And it includes one of the most exhaustive analyses to date of three key philological challenges that confronted him in translating the Bible: Hebrew figures of speech, the Hebrew trope of repetition, and Hebrew transliteration. This dissertation also includes as an Appendix a substantial body of refined data from Luther’s Hebrew translation, which further illuminates the examples in this study, and facilitates additional analysis for future research.
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Reading 'Ruth' in the Restoration period : a call for inclusionJones, Edward Allen January 2012 (has links)
This study considers the origin and purpose of Ruth and concludes that it is best to read the narrative as a call for an inclusive attitude toward any person, Jew or Gentile, who desired to join the Judean community in the Restoration period. In chapter one, I review the difficulties that scholars face in ascertaining Ruth's place in Israel's history, and I outline approaches that they have used to try to establish its purpose and origin. I discuss major interpretive positions, which date the book either to the monarchic period, to the exilic period, or to the Restoration period, and I articulate the format of my own study. In chapter two, I consider how the author of Ruth uses characterization to highlight Ruth, a Gentile outsider, and to criticize the Bethlehemite community. Only Boaz accepts Ruth, which leads to his participation in the line of David. In chapter three, I discuss how the author also magnifies Ruth's character by comparing her with Israel's ancestors. In these ways, Ruth demonstrates that an outsider can embody the ideals of the Restoration community and that they can also be a benefit to the nation. In chapters four and five, I examine arguments for dating Ruth to particular periods in Israel's history. In chapter four, I consider efforts to date the language of Ruth as well as the legal practices that the story describes. I also discuss the narrative's supposed congruence with the concerns of various social settings in Israel's history. In chapter five, I draw on current research on refugee communities to see how the experiences of such people can help us understand the concerns of the Restoration community. In chapter six, I review my arguments for regarding Ruth as a call for inclusion in the Restoration period, and I consider how this conclusion should affect the field of Ruth studies as well as the wider field of Second Temple studies.
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Creation and Salvation : models of relationship between the God of Israel and the Nations in the book of Jonah, in Psalm 33 (MT and LXX) and the novel Joseph and Aseneth / Création et Salut : modèles de relation entre le Dieu d'Israël et les nations dans le Livre de Jonas, le Psaume 33 (TM et LXX) et le roman Joseph et AsénethScialabba, Daniela 30 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le débat actuel relatif au monothéisme biblique et au pluralisme religieux. Ces dernières décennies, ce débat a été influencé par des auteurs comme Jan Assmann pour lequel le monothéisme vétérotestamentaire constitue une racine importante de l’intolérance dont les trois religions monothéistes se seraient rendues coupables. Le but de notre thèse n’est pas d’entrer dans ce débat mais d’approfondir un sujet négligé par la recherche : qu’en est-il des tendances inclusives du monothéisme vétérotestamentaire ? Cette thèse ne se veut pas une contribution historique mais son but est d’étudier les principes théologiques permettant de concevoir des rapports positifs entre le Dieu d’Israël et des individus ou des peuples étrangers. En particulier, nous cherchons à analyser trois textes, le Livre de Jonas, le Psaume 33 (TM et LXX) et le roman Joseph et Aséneth. Bien qu’il s’agisse de trois textes différents en ce qui concerne le genre littéraire, l’origine et la datation, ils ont en commun d’aborder le problème du rapport entre le Dieu d’Israël et les non-Israélites. Plus concrètement, chacun de ces trois textes présente le Dieu d’Israël comme un créateur universel qui, en tant créateur, a pitié de toutes ses créatures. / The starting point of this study is the current debate on monotheism and religious pluralism. In recent decades, this debate has been strongly influenced by some authors such as Jan Assmann for whom the monotheism originating in the Old Testament is the root of the intolerance and violence of the three monotheistic religions. Rather than participating at this debate, the intention of this study is to answer the following questions: what about inclusive tendencies in Old Testament monotheism? Thus, this thesis is aimed at looking into the theological principles motivating and supporting the possibility of an approach by individuals and peoples to the God of Israel. With this aim, our objective is to analyse three texts where the relationship between YHWH, Israel and the non-Israelites is examined: the book of Jonah, Psalm 33 (MT and LXX), and the novel, Joseph and Aseneth. Although these three texts are different concerning their genre, period and provenance, they have the following ideas in common: the relationship between the God of Israel and non-Israelites as well as the concept of God as an universal creator who has pity of all his creatures.
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