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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"If you never try, you'll never know" : En studie om strategisk utveckling och beslutsfattande i detaljhandelsbranschen / "If you never try, you'll never know" : A study about strategic development and decision making within the retail industry

Nilsson, Alexander, Andersson, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Teknologi har förändrat sättet som detaljhandlare gör affärer på ett fundamentalt plan. En av dessa förändringar är framväxten av multi- och omnikanalshandel. I strategiska förändringar sägs både information och verksamhetsstyrningen påverka vilka beslut som fattas. I en värld där produktionen av ny information ökar kraftigt finns svårigheter att veta vilken information som är relevant. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga och analysera vilken information som används som beslutsunderlag och vilka "krafter" som drivit den strategiska förändring mot multikanalshandel i detaljhandelsbranschen. Vidare är syftet att undersöka hur verksamhetsstyrningen har använts och påverkat detaljhandelsföretag under den strategiska förändring. Metod: Utifrån studiens forskningsfrågor och syfte valdes en fallstudie som forskningsmetod. Efter genomförd fallstudie gjordes en kompletterande intervjustudie baserat på resultaten i fallstudien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Slutsats: Många olika krafter och informationstyper har drivit förändringen till multikanalshandel. Företagskultur, en föränderlig omgivning och den stora tillgången av information påverkar detaljhandlare att fatta snabba beslut. Behovet av snabba beslut och en föränderlig omgivning påverkar utformningen av verksamhetsstyrningen som har en stor fokus information om kunder. / Introduction: Technology has changed the way retailers do business in a fundamental way. One of those changes is the emergence of multi- and omnichannel retailing. In strategic changes both information and management accounting are affecting the decisions. In a world where the production of new information is increasing rapidly it’s hard to know which information that are relevant. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to survey and analyse the information used as decision support and which forces that have driven the strategic change towards multichannel retailing in the retail industry. Furthermore the purpose is to examine how and why management accounting has affected retailers during the strategic change. Methodology: Based on the study’s research question and purpose a case study was chosen as research method. After completing the case study a complementary survey based on the results from the case study was conducted. Semi structured interviews were used as data collection method. Conclusion: Many different forces and information types have driven the change to multichannel retailing. Company culture, an changing environment and the vast access to information are affecting retailers to make fast decisions. The need for fast decisions and an changing environment affects the design of retailers management accounting, which has a focus towards customer information.

Omnichannel Transformation and Adaptability of Small Retail Businesses

Baldivia, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The retail industry has faced many developments over recent decades as a result of digitalisation including the E-commerce and multichannel retailing phases. Consumers have seen the progression of new and digitised channels as well as solutions such as marketplaces, social media touchpoint and augmented reality tools. During the Covid-19 pandemic more consumers engaged on digital channels as the physical bricks and mortar stores were forced into lockdowns. However, the customer experience has not been seamless even in the era of digital retailing. Retailers have also experienced emerging dilemmas as a result of digitalisation. Despite the decades of retail digitalisation, the customer experience and industry remain somewhat tumultuous. Digitalisation has produced positive developments in retail. In parallel it has been challenged to adapt to the changes. The multichannel era has created a disjointed value chain and infrastructure that is impacting the customer experience. Furthermore, consumer behaviour has also changed. The current objective in the industry is to meet the new customer demands. To make it seamless for them, but also for the industry. This concept is omnichannel retailing - the current transformation objective in the industry. It remains novel and emerging. Many have started the transformation and evident in literature. However, this research domain remains minute in comparison to the knowledge in the E-commerce and multichannel domains. Those who have entered the journey are larger organisations and are experiencing the complexity of this digital transformation. This poses the question if  omnichannel transformation of small retail businesses is plausible, which also happens to represent the majority of the industry.  This qualitative case study’s objective is to gather and contribute to the limited knowledge in omnichannel retailing, and specifically for small business retailers. The business model concept and Complex Adaptive Systems theory, both associated to digitalisation of complex change has been combined as an omnichannel theoretical framework to assess the participants of this study. This study gathered empirical findings on business model changes and adaptive capabilities through in-depth interviews. The findings demonstrated small business retailers having the capacity to execute complex changes in their business models through adaptive behaviours. The study also highlighted areas in their business models and adaptive capabilities needing more consideration and development to support the ongoing omnichannel transformation.

Modelo de gestión de la experiencia del cliente servicio móvil - postpago para mejorar el nivel de satisfacción en el pre-contacto a través de la técnica BPM y Value Stream Mapping en Entel Perú / Model management of Customer Experience for postpaid mobile service to improve their satisfaction level during the pre-contact interactions through the BPM technique and Value Stream Mapping in a telecommunications company - Lima, Peru

Rojas Escalante, Jeffer Nelson, Runzer Showing, Fabiola 17 February 2022 (has links)
Gestionar la experiencia de los clientes en el sector de las telecomunicaciones contiene uno de los grandes retos en conjunto con áreas comerciales y operativas. La presente tesis tiene como finalidad el diseño de un modelo de gestión de la experiencia del cliente usuario del servicio móvil postpago en una empresa de telecomunicaciones que garantice que el nivel de satisfacción de sus usuarios crezca en tendencia positiva. La hipótesis de esta tesis considera que la práctica de llamar para ofrecer un servicio, es decir el telemarketing o las televentas, impacta de manera negativa el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios de telefonía móvil. La cual genera a su vez no garantiza las ventas sostenibles en el tiempo por ser de preferencia en el mercado. Para desarrollar el diseño, es necesario indagar las preferencias y los comportamientos de los usuarios para, de esa manera, diseñar los procesos. Para conocer a los clientes y usuarios, se realizaron dos encuestas, la primera para conocer la actualidad del nivel de satisfacción en usuarios respecto al servicio que reciben de sus respectivas operadoras. Mientras que la segunda, nos permite ampliar los primeros resultados haciendo referencia a los cambios provocados y simulados en esta propuesta. Adicional, para ciertos procesos operativos que forman parte del modelo integral, se recaba información histórica cualitativa. Con ello, utilizando técnicas enfocadas en los procesos centrados en el usuario o cliente final, se llevó a una implementación simulada resultando en la validación de este modelo de gestión de la experiencia del cliente como uno que garantiza el incremento de usuarios fieles, por ende, tendencia positiva en ventas. Así también, como un modelo omnicanal. En conclusión, este modelo propuesto refuerza las intenciones actuales del sector industrial: Diferenciarse por la calidad en los servicios, en lugar de las propuestas comerciales por precios y productos. / Managing customer experience in the telecommunications sector contains one of the biggest challenges in business and operational areas. The purpose of this research is design a management model of the customer experience of the postpaid mobile service in a telecommunications company that guarantees that the level of satisfaction of its users grows in a positive trend. The hypothesis of this thesis considers that the practice of calling to offer a service, called as telemarketing or telesales, affects the level of satisfaction of mobile phone users negatively. Which in turn generates does not guarantee sustainable sales over time, as it is preferred in the market. To develop the design, it is necessary to investigate the preferences and behaviors of customers in order to design the processes. In order to get to know customers and users, two surveys were carried out, the first to find out the current level of satisfaction in users with respect to the service they receive from their respective operators. While the second, allows us to expand the first results by referring to the changes caused and simulated in this proposal. Additionally, operating processes that are part of the comprehensive model, qualitative historical information is collected. With this, using techniques focused on processes focused on the end user or customer, a simulated implementation was carried out resulting in the validation of this customer experience management model as one that guarantees the increase of loyal users, therefore, positive trend in sales. Also, as an Omnichannel model. In conclusion, this proposed model reinforces the current intentions of the industrial sector: Differentiate itself by the quality of services, instead of our commercial proposals for prices and products. / Tesis

Retail Business Model Change in the Era of Digital Transformation : A case study from the perspective of a business model canvas

Öhlin, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
With an increased level of digitization in the retail sector, retail incumbents need to adapt their business model to the new digital era. E-commerce business and other digital tools have transformed the retail industry and incumbent retailers have to react to the changes in order to remain competitive on the market. While previous research has examined the nature of the digital tools in retail or the general impact of digital transformation on the sector, the thesis aims to investigate the impact of digital transformation on the business model of a retail incumbent. To investigate the impact of digital transformation on the business model of a retail incumbent, a single case study has been conducted at Company X, an incumbent retailer operating in Sweden. The Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify the current business model of the company, and to propose future business models for Company X. The findings have resulted in the creation of three different Business Model Canvas scenarios with different levels of change in the business model. The scenarios all implied an increased cooperation with external partners and the implementation of new customer channels.The findings of the thesis contribute to an increased knowledge of retail business model change. While earlier research findings regarding the impact of digital transformation on the retail sector were confirmed in the case study, the thesis proposes new research concerning the impact on a retail incumbent’s business model. The study also contributes to how the Business Model Canvas may be used as a unit of analysis when investigating business model change. / Med en ökad digitalisering inom detaljhandeln så behöver traditionella detaljhandlare anpassa deras affärsmodell till den nya digitala eran. E-handel och andra digitala verktyg har förändrat detaljhandeln och traditionella detaljhandlare måste reagera för att behålla deras konkurrenskraft. Medan tidigare forskning har undersökt olika digitala verktyg inom handeln, eller hur digitalisering har påverkat handelssektorn på en övergripande nivå, så är den här uppsatsens syfte att undersöka den digitala transformationens påverkan på en traditionell detaljhandlares affärsmodell. För att undersöka hur digitaliseringen påverkar en traditionell detaljhandlares affärsmodell så har en fallstudie genomförts hos Företag X, en traditionell detaljhandlare i Sverige. BusinessModel Canvas har använts som ett verktyg för att identifiera den nuvarande affärsmodellen och för att ge förslag på framtida affärsmodeller som Företag X kan implementera. Resultaten har bidragit till att skapa tre olika framtida scenarier av affärsmodellen Canvas. Samtliga scenarier innebär ett ökat samarbete med externa partners och implementering av nya kundkanaler. Uppsatsen bidrar med ökad kunskap om förändring av affärsmodeller inom detaljhandel. Tidigare forskning rörande digitaliseringens påverkan på handeln har bekräftats och uppsatsen bidrar med ny forskning rörande den digitala transformationens påverkan på en traditionell detaljhandlares affärsmodell. Studien bidrar också med kunskap om hur affärsmodellen Canvas kan användas som analysverktyg vid undersökning av förändring av affärsmodeller.

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