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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Review of subnational credit rating methodologies and their applicability in South Africa / Erika Fourie

Fourie, Erika January 2015 (has links)
The objectives of the research study are to review existing subnational credit rating methodologies and their applicability in the South African context, to develop the quantitative parts of credit rating methodologies for two provincial departments (Department of Health and Department of Education) that best predict future payment behaviour, to test the appropriateness of the proposed methodologies and to construct the datasets needed. The literature study includes background information regarding the uniqueness of South Africa’s provinces and credit rating methodologies in general. This is followed by information on subnational credit rating methodologies, including a review of existing subnational credit rating methodologies and an assessment of the applicability of the information provided in the South African context. Lastly, the applicable laws and regulations within the South African regulatory framework are provided. The knowledge gained from the literature study is applied to the data that have been collected to predict the two departments’ future payment behaviour. Linear regression modelling is used to identify the factors that best predict future payment behaviour and to assign weights to the identified factors in a scientific manner. The resulting payment behaviour models can be viewed as the quantitative part of the credit ratings. This is followed by a discussion on further investigations to improve the models. The developed models (both the simple and the advanced models) are tested with regard to prediction accuracies using RAG (Red, Amber or Green) statuses. This is followed by recommendations regarding future model usage that conclude that the department-specific models outperform the generic models in terms of prediction accuracies. / PhD (Risk analysis), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die kind se grondwetlike reg tot basiese onderwys en die verpligting van die staat tot voorsiening van infrastruktuur / Christine Roux

Roux, Christine January 2013 (has links)
Section 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 states that everyone has the right to basic education. This provision must be interpreted in order to determine whether it refers to a period of education, or a certain standard or quality of education that also includes infrastructure. In this dissertation, the scope of the right to basic education and the state’s obligation with regard to infrastructure, are discussed. The dissertation will point out that the right to basic education should also consider the best interests of the child-standard as well as the right to equality. The Constitution provides that everyone has the right to basic education, which implies that there should be no discrimination against any child. In order to determine the scope of section 29 and the duty of the state accordingly, the provisions of international instruments must also be consider. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, the African Children Charter and specifically the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights refer to the obligations of the state in respect to the provision of basic education and infrastructure. The Schools Act provides for the Minister of Basic Education to prescribe minimum norms and standards relating to school infrastructure. The importance of minimum norms and standards for quality education has been investigated with specific reference to libraries, learning material and water and sanitation facilities. Lastly, the lack of an internal limitation clause and the effect of section 36, the general limitation clause, were considered to evaluate the state’s obligation to provide quality education. / LLM (Comparative Child Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Studente se belewenis van 'n hulpgroep in 'n eerstejaarsmodule in Finansiële Rekeningkunde.

De Jager, Eloise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond tot die studie: As gevolg van die druk wat op die sukses van eerstejaarstudente by hoëronderwysinstellings geplaas word, word ‘n hulpgroep in ‘n eerstejaarsmodule, Finansiële Rekeningkunde, in die B.Rekeningkunde graadprogram by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch aangebied. Die hulpgroep is daarop gemik om studente, in besonder die voorheen-benadeelde eerstejaarstudente, te help om sukses te behaal in Finansiële Rekeningkunde. Die hulpgroep het verskeie kenmerke. Daar is byvoorbeeld 6 lesings per week in plaas van die normale 4 lesings en bywoning van die lesings is verpligtend. Die hulpgroep grootte word beperk tot ‘n maksimum van 70 studente om aktiewe leer aan te moedig. Op Vrydae is daar ‘n tutoriaalklas waar studente ‘n vraag uitwerk in die klas met die hulp van studente-assistente. ‘n Verskeidenheid bystandsprogramme en hulp word jaarliks aangebied om die deurvloeikoerse van eerstejaarstudente te verhoog en ook om vir studente ‘n positiewe eerstejaarservaring te verseker. Die probleem is dat al hierdie bystand en hulp baie tyd en spesiale insette van dosente en die departement verg, sodat die vraag ontstaan of dit werklik waarde toevoeg. ‘n Verdere kwessie behels die studente se belewenis van so ‘n hulpgroep. Dit was dus noodsaaklik om hierdie en soortgelyke vrae te ondersoek en vas te stel of ‘n hulpgroep beantwoord aan die doel waarvoor dit geskep is. Opsomming van die werk: Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n gevallestudie-ontwerp. Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel wat studente se belewenisse van ‘n hulpgroep by die eerstejaarsmodule in Finansiële Rekeningkunde is. ‘n Kombinasie van die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is in die ondersoek gebruik deur middel van vraelyste, onderhoude en die analise van prestasiepunte. Gevolgtrekking: Die algehele gevolgtrekking wat uit die ondersoek voortgevloei het, is dat die hulpgroep positief deur die studente beleef word. Verskeie implikasies en voorstelle om die hulpgroep van Finansiële Rekeningkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch meer doeltreffend te maak, het uit die studie voortgevloei. Voorstelle vir verdere navorsing is ook gemaak. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background to the study: Due to the pressures that are being placed on the success of first year students at higher education institutions, a support group was established in a first year module, Financial Accounting, in the B.Accounting degree programme at the University of Stellenbosch. The support group is aimed at helping students, in particular previously disadvantaged first-year students, to achieve success in Financial Accounting. The support group has various features. There are, for example, 6 lectures per week instead of the normal 4 lectures and attendance of the lectures is compulsory. The size of the support group is limited to a maximum of 70 students in order to promote active learning. On Fridays there are tutorial classes where students work on a question in class with the help of student assistants. A variety of support programmes and help are offered annually to increase the pass rates of first year students and also to ensure a positive first year experience. The problem is that all this support and help is very time consuming and requires special inputs from lecturers and the department. This raises the question if it actually adds value. Another issue that was considered is how students experience being part of such a support group. It was thus necessary to investigate this as well as related questions to establish whether a support group meets the purpose for which it was created. Summary of the work: A case study design was used. The purpose of the study was to establish the experiences of the students of a support group at the first year module in Financial Accounting. A combination of qualitative and quantitative data was used in the study, generated by means of questionnaires, interviews and the analysis of performance marks. Conclusion: The overall conclusion that resulted from this study is that the support group is experienced positively by the students. Various implications and suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of the support group in Financial Accounting at the University of Stellenbosch were a direct result of this study. Suggestions for further research were also made.

Opvoeder as leermediator en die haalbaarheid van die nodige kompetensies soos omskryf in die Norme en Standaarde vir Opvoeders

Frolicks, Fred 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beleid van Norme en Standaarde vereis dat sekere kompetensies bereik word. Met ander woorde, die opvoeder as leermediator word bemagtig deur die Norme en Standaarde om sekere kompetensies te bereik. Onder Norme en Standaarde kyk hierdie studie na die verskillende ratio‟s wat op onderwys betrekking het. Hierdie ratio‟s vorm „n sameloop wat Inklusiewe Onderrig tot so „n mate strem, dat die gewenste kompetensies nie bereik kan word nie. Hoewel Inklusiewe Onderrig nie die enigste faktor is wat Norme en Standaarde bepaal nie, is dit wel „n belangrike een, en hierdie studie fokus dus daarop. Saam met Norme en Standaarde is daar ook sosio-ekonomiese faktore wat Inklusiewe Onderrig strem, en dit word ondersoek. In die lig van die probleme ten opsigte van die leerder:opvoeder-ratio, die leerder:m²-ratio, die woonpersele:skoolperseel-ratio, norme- en standaarde-toekenning, ongelykhede (ekonomiese, ouderdoms- en emosionele en fisiese ontwikkeling), enkelouerskap en fetale alkoholsindroom (FAS), word daar in die verhandeling gekyk na die haalbaarheid van die realisering van die drie kompetensies naamlik die praktiese, fondasionele en refleksiewe kompetensies. Die studie bevind dat die bereiking van kompetensies haalbaar is, mits daar aan die ratio‟s en die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede gewerk word. Na aanleiding van my navorsing kan die meeste opvoeders verslag doen van hul werksaamhede, maar dit is egter nie die positiewe, progressiewe verslag wat van ‟n leermediator verwag word nie. Norme en standaarde is na my mening nog haalbaar omdat daar bewys is dat leerders, ondanks die negatiewe effek van die ratio‟s, asook die ontoereikende voorsiening (geld, menslike hulpbronne en voorrade) en die ekonomiese en ouderdomsverskille en FAS, tog die potensiaal toon om te leer. Die probleem is egter dat te veel leerders onderpresteer, uit die onderwys- en opvoedingstelsel verdwyn en nie deel raak van die ekonomiese hoofstroom nie. Deur dus aandag te gee aan die stremminge wat ek nagevors het, kan verseker word dat Inklusiewe Onderwys tot sy reg kom, kompetensies bereik word en die opvoeder ‟n suksesvolle leermediasie fasiliteer. SLEUTELWOORDE: Opvoeder, leermediator, Norme en Standaarde, Inklusiewe Onderwys, konseptuele / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Norms and Standards for Educators policy states that certain competencies must be achieved. To this end the policy empowers the educator as learning mediator. With reference to the Norms and Standards, this study explores the different ratios applicable to education. These ratios form a combination which hamper Inclusive Education to the extent that the competencies cannot be achieved. Although Inclusive Education is not the only aspect which affects Norms and Standards, it is a very important one, and this study thus explores Inclusive Education. Together with Norms and Standards, there are also socio-economic factors that hamper Inclusive Education, which this study also explores. In the light of the problems with the learner:educator ratio, the learner:m² ratio, the residential erven:school erf ratio, the allocation of norms and standards, unequal economic circumstances, unequal development phases (emotional, physical and age), single parenthood and fetal alcohol syndrome, this thesis explores the feasibility of the realisation of the three competencies namely the practical, foundational and reflexive competencies. This study finds that, providing that attention is paid to the ratios and socio-economic factors, the achievement of competencies are feasible. My research shows that, while most of the educators can report on their activities, it is not the positive and progressive report which one expects from a learning mediator. Norms and Standards, in my view, is feasible since there is evidence to suggest that learners, despite the negative effect of the ratios and inadequate resources (finances, human resources and supplies), economic and age differences, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), still displays the potential to learn. The problem, however, is that too many learners underperform, and then leave the school and education system. They then fail to become part of the main economic system. I conclude that, by giving attention to the hindrances I researched, it can be ensured that Inclusive Education reaches its full potential, that competencies are achieved, and that educators facilitate a successful learning mediation process. vi KEY WORDS: Educator, learning mediator, Norms and Standards, Inclusive Education, conceptual analysis, ratios, urbanisation, norms- and standards allocation, migratory labour, single parentwood, migratory labour, urbanisation, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Beginsels vir die doeltreffende toepassing van voorligting in multikulturele skole / Marjorie Grimbeek

Grimbeek, Marjorie January 1998 (has links)
In a changing South Africa with a new education system, it has become necessary to determine the degree to which multicultural guidance is provided in secondary schools. The aim of the research was to: • Identify by means of a literature study, the principles of multicultural guidance in a number of countries abroad; • determine empirically, the degree to which the principles of guidance are applied in multicultural schools in the Gauteng Province. To this end concepts such as culture, ethnicity, race, racism, multicultural education, guidance and multicultural guidance had to be described. An historical approach to multicultural education and the research with regard to multicultural guidance were described at length. The development of school guidance in multicultural schools in South Africa was subsequently discussed in more detail, especially the implementation of an effective guidance programme in multicultural schools. An in-depth discussion with regard to the principles of guidance in general and of multicultural guidance in particular, as well as guidance in multicultural schools, were highlighted. An empirical investigation was done by means of frequency tables, correlation coefficients and factor analyses. These were subsequently interpreted: The most important finding was that multicultural guidance in secondary schools does not receive its due. Several deficiencies were identified in this regard. It is recommended that the Gauteng Education Department should pay specific attention to specialised training programmes in that province. The time has come that the Head of Department : Guidance/Guidance teacher should make certain theoretical as well as practical changes to guidance. Multicultural guidance should be ethically-founded. Multicultural perspectives should be built into education, and specifically into guidance programmes. Each person should realise that South Africa and especially education, are moving towards a multicultural future and this requires acceptance and acknowledgement of each other, regardless of culture. / Thesis (MEd)--PU for CHE, 1998

Beginsels vir die doeltreffende toepassing van voorligting in multikulturele skole / Marjorie Grimbeek

Grimbeek, Marjorie January 1998 (has links)
In a changing South Africa with a new education system, it has become necessary to determine the degree to which multicultural guidance is provided in secondary schools. The aim of the research was to: • Identify by means of a literature study, the principles of multicultural guidance in a number of countries abroad; • determine empirically, the degree to which the principles of guidance are applied in multicultural schools in the Gauteng Province. To this end concepts such as culture, ethnicity, race, racism, multicultural education, guidance and multicultural guidance had to be described. An historical approach to multicultural education and the research with regard to multicultural guidance were described at length. The development of school guidance in multicultural schools in South Africa was subsequently discussed in more detail, especially the implementation of an effective guidance programme in multicultural schools. An in-depth discussion with regard to the principles of guidance in general and of multicultural guidance in particular, as well as guidance in multicultural schools, were highlighted. An empirical investigation was done by means of frequency tables, correlation coefficients and factor analyses. These were subsequently interpreted: The most important finding was that multicultural guidance in secondary schools does not receive its due. Several deficiencies were identified in this regard. It is recommended that the Gauteng Education Department should pay specific attention to specialised training programmes in that province. The time has come that the Head of Department : Guidance/Guidance teacher should make certain theoretical as well as practical changes to guidance. Multicultural guidance should be ethically-founded. Multicultural perspectives should be built into education, and specifically into guidance programmes. Each person should realise that South Africa and especially education, are moving towards a multicultural future and this requires acceptance and acknowledgement of each other, regardless of culture. / Thesis (MEd)--PU for CHE, 1998

Student satisfaction in open distance learning in a BEd Hons programme / Mdakane M.

Mdakane, Marry January 2011 (has links)
Many students in South Africa are unable to cope with the academic demands of tertiary education as they are not fully prepared for Higher Education (HE). Various inefficiencies in the South African HE system have been identified, including low throughput rates, student dissatisfaction, unsatisfying graduation rates, learner dropouts, learner repetition, motivation, self–efficacy, attitude, personality differences, maturation, the retention of failing learners and unit costs. Student performance and satisfaction cause concern for the government and the HE sector. The purpose of this study is to understand student satisfaction amongst Open Distance Learning BEd Hons students. It further aims to improve student satisfaction and quality in the programme by recognising the context sensitive needs, expectations and experiences of students from different cultural–language groups, as well as constructing guidelines to improve satisfaction. The purposeful sampling consisted of Second year BEd Hons teacherstudents enrolled for open distance learning at the School for continuing teacher education (SCTE). A total of 34 students participated in the study. This number comprised of fifteen students from the focus–group interviews and nineteen students who completed open–ended questionnaires. Students were chosen according to three criteria dimensions: major language groups, gender and number of years teaching experience. This study followed a qualitative investigation of two semi–structured, open–ended focus–group interviews in the format of conversations, as well as documentary analysis of the teaching and learning policy of the North West University (NWU), and an open–ended questionnaire. The data were taperecorded for accurate transcription and analysed by using Atlas.ti. Through the use of Atlas.ti, I constructed categories of recurring patterns in the dataset, and explored the relationships of these categories. Different strategies were used to enhance validity and reliability respectively. The findings indicated that students’ satisfaction with HE environment is influenced by the quality of the programmes offered to them, communication between lecturers/facilitators and students, environment at the learning centres and the support that students received from HEI. The students in their capacity as clients with Higher education institutions (HEIs) are influenced by the support they receive from their work environment, as well as the level of appreciation they receive from HEI regarding their own culture and values. They also value iii the environment they experience during course facilitations at the HEIs. The various student attributes also play a significant part in their satisfaction levels towards the HEIs. Findings also highlighted that students were not satisfied with the support they received from the Open distance learning (ODL) unit. It is clear that the students’ perception of the quality of the programme influences their level of satisfaction. Students are mostly satisfied with the quality of the programme but they feel the communication as well the support from HEI and ODL is not adequate. The students indicated that HEI and ODL do not display sufficient understanding and concern for students. They feel there should be a greater commitment from HEI and ODL to understand and consider the profiles of the students. HEI and ODL should actively consider the background, culture, values, attributes, and personal, as well as domestic circumstances of their students. The BEd Hons programme is a valuable and popular programme, but the responsibility rests with both HEI and ODL to ensure that both the quality and delivery of this programme are enhanced and improved so as to guarantee higher levels of satisfaction amongst students. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Student satisfaction in open distance learning in a BEd Hons programme / Mdakane M.

Mdakane, Marry January 2011 (has links)
Many students in South Africa are unable to cope with the academic demands of tertiary education as they are not fully prepared for Higher Education (HE). Various inefficiencies in the South African HE system have been identified, including low throughput rates, student dissatisfaction, unsatisfying graduation rates, learner dropouts, learner repetition, motivation, self–efficacy, attitude, personality differences, maturation, the retention of failing learners and unit costs. Student performance and satisfaction cause concern for the government and the HE sector. The purpose of this study is to understand student satisfaction amongst Open Distance Learning BEd Hons students. It further aims to improve student satisfaction and quality in the programme by recognising the context sensitive needs, expectations and experiences of students from different cultural–language groups, as well as constructing guidelines to improve satisfaction. The purposeful sampling consisted of Second year BEd Hons teacherstudents enrolled for open distance learning at the School for continuing teacher education (SCTE). A total of 34 students participated in the study. This number comprised of fifteen students from the focus–group interviews and nineteen students who completed open–ended questionnaires. Students were chosen according to three criteria dimensions: major language groups, gender and number of years teaching experience. This study followed a qualitative investigation of two semi–structured, open–ended focus–group interviews in the format of conversations, as well as documentary analysis of the teaching and learning policy of the North West University (NWU), and an open–ended questionnaire. The data were taperecorded for accurate transcription and analysed by using Atlas.ti. Through the use of Atlas.ti, I constructed categories of recurring patterns in the dataset, and explored the relationships of these categories. Different strategies were used to enhance validity and reliability respectively. The findings indicated that students’ satisfaction with HE environment is influenced by the quality of the programmes offered to them, communication between lecturers/facilitators and students, environment at the learning centres and the support that students received from HEI. The students in their capacity as clients with Higher education institutions (HEIs) are influenced by the support they receive from their work environment, as well as the level of appreciation they receive from HEI regarding their own culture and values. They also value iii the environment they experience during course facilitations at the HEIs. The various student attributes also play a significant part in their satisfaction levels towards the HEIs. Findings also highlighted that students were not satisfied with the support they received from the Open distance learning (ODL) unit. It is clear that the students’ perception of the quality of the programme influences their level of satisfaction. Students are mostly satisfied with the quality of the programme but they feel the communication as well the support from HEI and ODL is not adequate. The students indicated that HEI and ODL do not display sufficient understanding and concern for students. They feel there should be a greater commitment from HEI and ODL to understand and consider the profiles of the students. HEI and ODL should actively consider the background, culture, values, attributes, and personal, as well as domestic circumstances of their students. The BEd Hons programme is a valuable and popular programme, but the responsibility rests with both HEI and ODL to ensure that both the quality and delivery of this programme are enhanced and improved so as to guarantee higher levels of satisfaction amongst students. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Suid-Afrikaanse privaatskool-hoofde se siening van inklusiewe onderwys-implementering en skoolontwikkeling (Afrikaans)

Bezuidenhout, Herman Stephanus 01 March 2010 (has links)
Education White Paper No.6 (2001) – Special Education: Special Needs Education. Building an Inclusive Education and Training System creates the expectation that more South African schools will need to follow an inclusive approach to address, effectively, the varying educational needs of all learners. A number of South African private schools implemented inclusive programs before the publication of this white paper. This research focuses on the perceptions of four South African private school principals with regards to the implementation of these programs and the consequential development of their schools. This qualitative research generated data about the selected private schools through a semi-structured interview, a document analysis, and a literature review. The processed data displayed the principals’ perceptions about the South African private schools’ nature; location; the expertise of the various stakeholders; the schools’ criteria and considerations for administering an inclusive program; the effects of the inclusive programs on the schools’ development; the influence of an inclusive approach on the development of staff, infrastructure and administration within these schools; and the nature of the systemic changes within these private schools. The literature review confirms that inclusive education is a diffuse term and that the American IDEA legislation, as the most progressive policy in this regard, ensures comprehensive inclusive mainstream schools for all learners, irrespective of their educational needs, in the least restrictive environment in their respective communities. The interview data was transcribed, labelled according to specific markers and thematically interpreted in five groups. The data analysis showed that the location of the private school, the expertise of the stakeholders at the school and the motivation for the program’s existence all play a definitive role in the extent; nature; marketing; assessment; policy formulation; accreditation; infrastructural developments; cost; policies; procedures; decision making; leadership style; in service training and staff allocation linked to the inclusive program. There are still misconceptions and questions about inclusive education within and outside the private school milieu. The growing cost and increased workload linked to this approach impede its widespread development and make other schools hesitant to implement it in the same manner as the private schools used in this research sample. AFRIKAANS : Onderwys Witskrif Nr.6 (2001) –Spesiale Onderwys: Die vestiging van ’n inklusiewe Onderwys en Opleidingstelsel se verwagting is dat meer Suid-Afrikaanse skole ’n inklusiewe benadering sal volg om al die onderwysbehoeftes van alle Suid-Afrikaanse leerders effektief aan te spreek. ’n Aantal Suid- Afrikaanse privaatskole het voor hierdie publikasiedatum verskillende inklusiewe programme geïmplementeer. Dié navorsing werp lig op die sienings van vier Suid-Afrikaanse privaatskool-hoofde aangaande die implementering van dié programme én die skoolontwikkeling wat daaruit voortvloei. Die kwalitatiewe het data oor die geselekteerde privaatskole deur ’n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud, ’n dokument-analise en literatuurstudie ingesamel en verwerk. Die data het die skoolhoofde se persepsies aangaande die Suid-Afrikaanse inklusiewe privaatskole se aard; ligging; die kundigheid van hulle belanghebbendes; die skole se kriteria en oorwegings om die inklusiewe program te bedryf; die effekte van die inklusiewe program op skool- ontwikkelings; die invloed van die inklusiewe benadering op die personeel-, infrastruktuur- en administratiewe ontwikkelings in dié skole; én die aard van die sistemiese veranderings in die privaatskole opgelewer. Die literatuurstudie het bevestig dat inklusiewe onderwys ‘n diffuse term is en dat die Amerikaanse IDEA-wetgewing, as die progressiefste beleid in hierdie verband, verseker dat ‘n volwaardige inklusiewe hoofstroomskool alle leerders, ongeag hulle onderwysbehoefte, in die minsbeperkte leeromgewing in hulle gemeenskap akkommodeer. Die onderhouddata is getranskribeer, volgens merkers geëtiketteer en tematies geïnterpreteer in vyf groeperings. Die data-analise toon dat die ligging van die privaatskool, die kundigheid van belanghebbendes by die skool en die motivering vir die program ‘n besliste rol speel in die omvang; aard; bemarking; assessering; beleidformulering; akkreditering; infrastruktuurontwikkelings; koste; beleide; prosedures; besluite; leierskapstyl; indiensopleiding en personeeltoewysing van die inklusiewe praktyke. Daar is steeds wanopvattings oor inklusiewe onderwys binne en buite die privaatskoolbedryf, en die verhoogde werkslas en groeiende koste hieraan verbonde rem die wydverspreide ontwikkeling en maak nuwe skole huiwerig om dieselfde stap te neem as die gevestigde skole. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

'n Eksploratiewe studie na die identiteitsbeeld van 'n mentor (Afrikaans)

Fraser, Johanna Dorothea Catharina 25 September 2008 (has links)
As in the case of many other local and overseas teacher-training institutions the Postgraduate Certificate of Education programme (PGCE) at the University of Pretoria is a model rich in experience. In this model 60% of the time is devoted to a school-based programme and 40% to the university-based programme. The school-based programme is presented in association with schools. The student teacher is placed in a school for a period of seven weeks and assigned to a teacher who acts as the mentor teacher. The mentor teacher serves as a the link between teaching theory and subject content and also plays a major role in the contextualisation of the classroom learning experiences. The university prescribes various tasks: mentor teacher have to stimulate the inquiry skills and reflective practices of student teachers, manage meta-communication across situation and role, manage learning tasks and create a safe and challenging learning environment to the students. The mentor teacher should therefore not only be a subject specialist in his or her field of specialisation but should also create the opportunity for student teachers to maximise their potential. In this study the focus is on the experience of the teacher taking up the role of a mentor teacher. To fulfil the role of mentor teacher implies that an exchange of identity needs to take place from teacher identity to mentor teacher identity. This prompted the following research question: What is the identity image of a mentor teacher? With subsidiary questions as <ul> <li>What are the identifying characteristics of a mentor? </li> <li>What are the identifiable dynamic processes or stressful situations that have an impact on the identity formation of a mentor?</li></ul> The research could be identified as qualitative in the interpretative paradigm. Data were collected by means of open-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews with selected mentor teachers and student teachers. The student teachers assigned to the selected mentors were automatically included in the study. The study was repeated for over a period of three terms, each term with two different teachers and student teachers. To analyse the data, Gee’s (2000-2001) four perspectives of identity, namely nature-identity, institution-identity, discourse-identity and affinity-identity, were used as analytical framework. The results disclosed many indicators supportive of mentor-identity but no fixed mentor-identity emerged. However, the characteristics, functions and responsibilities of a successful mentor in this case study were identified. These characteristics, functions and responsibilities defining the identity of a mentor teacher, could support the school in selecting teachers to take up the role of mentor teachers. In an extended school-based teaching practice the quality of the experience, in most cases, depends on the mentor teachers' beliefs and attitude towards the task. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

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