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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical reflection on the curriculum praxis of classroom assessment within a higher education context / Jacqueline Slabbert-Redpath

Slabbert-Redpath, Jacqueline January 2014 (has links)
In terms of assessment practices, in all facets of education there is a strong focus on assessment at the end of learning. New trends in the literature motivate for the continuous use of assessment strategies in classrooms, with a learner-centred approach. Many questions arise on this topic: When lecturers review their own higher education classroom assessment practices, what will be the extent of their discovery? Are they still inclined to do assessment after teaching and learning has taken place? Or are they moving towards continuous classroom assessment practices in line with the new trends? Is there still a place for classroom assessment at the end of teaching and learning? Should the one or the other be used or should there be a balance between the various strategies? With students perceiving assessment as being judgemental and oppressive and as the most political of all educational processes (Reynolds et al., 2000:268), how does the power struggle unfold in the classroom? By means of participatory action research I encouraged lecturers to reflect critically on their own classroom assessment practices. The lecturers engaged in critical discourses regarding their teaching, learning and assessment strategies and subsequently engaged in transformative actions resulting from their critical reflections. The aim of the research was to determine whether an emancipatory praxis had been developed and whether their reflections had brought about change and improved their classroom assessments. I wished to understand how the changes they had experienced were infused with theories of empowerment, emancipation and liberation. The nature of curriculum praxis of classroom assessment was investigated to determine the status of classroom assessment in a specific higher education context and to see how the balanced assessment system is reflected and how classroom assessment develops as an emancipatory praxis. / MEd (Curriculum Development), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The value, place and method of teaching natural science in the foundation phase

Bosman, Linda 31 March 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The study aims at establishing whether Foundation Phase schooling provides a proper foundation for the promotion of scientific literacy. Natural Science in the Foundation Phase is understood as scientific knowledge, process skills, and values and attitudes, which together should foster scientific literacy. Influential perspectives on learning, and teaching methods appropriate to Natural Science education in the Foundation Phase, are reviewed, and the Natural Science Learning Area in the RNCS discussed in the context of global trends in curriculum development. Finally the findings of an empirical survey on the perceptions of Foundation Phase teachers with regard to Natural Science teaching and learning, are presented. Major findings include the following: (1) Scientific literacy is currently not a curriculum priority in the Foundation Phase, due mainly to meagre time allocation and lack of applicable Learning Outcomes. (2) Although teachers appear predominantly positive towards the Learning Area, significant shortcomings need to be addressed before Natural Science teaching in the Foundation Phase may claim to provide the required basis for promoting scientific literacy. OPSOMMING Die studie poog om vas te stel of Grondslagfase-onderrig `n geskikte basis lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. Natuurwetenskappe in die Grondslagfase word beskou as `n kombinasie van wetenskaplike kennis, prosesvaardighede, en waardes en ingesteldhede, wat gesamentlik wetenskaplike geletterdheid ten doel het. Invloedryke perspektiewe op leer, en gepaste onderrigmetodes vir die effektiewe fasilitering van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase word onder die loep geneem voordat die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring bespreek word binne die konteks van wêreldwye neigings in kurrikulumontwikkeling. Laastens rapporterr die studie die bevindinge van `n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies van Grondslagfase-onderwysers rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer. Belangrike bevinding sluit in: (1) Die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid word nie as kurrikulumprioriteit in die Grondslagfase beskou word nie, soos blyk uit die karige toedeling van tyd en aantal leeruitkomste aan die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea op hierdie vlak. (2) Alhoewel onderwysers se persepsies rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer oorwegend positief blyk te wees, is daar ernstige tekortkominge wat aangespreek moet word voordat Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase die vereiste grondslag sal kan lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

The social inclusion of learners with visual impairment in a mainstream secondary school in Namibia

Human, Lizl 03 1900 (has links)
According to Hatlen (2004), most learners with disabilities in an inclusive educational setting are socially isolated. This statement contributed to the research question of this study, how do learners with visual impairment experience the social aspects of their inclusion in a Namibian mainstream secondary school? The aim of this study was to design a case study to analyse and describe data collected from learners with visual impairment and other participants to determine how they are socially included in a mainstream setting. A qualitative research methodology was used, which included purposive sampling to select participants. The researcher functioned in an interpretive/constructivist paradigm. It was found that the learners with disabilities and the able-bodied learners do not truly mix, however, the learners with disabilities are content in the mainstream school and they prefer it. / Om aan 'n groep te behoort en sosiaal ingesluit te voel is 'n basiese menslike behoefte - dit is net so belangrik soos die basiese behoeftes van kos en veiligheid. Sosiale inklusie kan as een van die kritiese elemente beskou word wat onderskei tussen mense wat ongesteld is en mense wat gesond is. Betekenisvolle verhoudings dra by tot self-aktualisering. Lae sosiale inklusie beteken vir leerders eensaamheid en swak aanvaarding deur portuurgroepe. Sosiale inklusie is van groot belang vir kinders se ontwikkeling. Navorsing het bevind dat inklusiewe hoofstroomskole die effektiefste manier is om diskriminasie te beveg en sosiale insluiting te bevorder. Hatlen (2004) is van mening dat die groter meerderheid van leerders met gestremdhede in 'n hoofstroomskool sosiaal gei soleerd is. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om leerders met gestremdhede se persepsie van hulle eie sosiale aanvaarding binne 'n inklusiewe hoofstroom sekondere skool te ondersoek. Die navorser het binne 'n interpretatiewe/konstruktivistiese paradigma gewerk. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is gevolg en het die volgende ingesluit: doelbewuste seleksie om te bepaal wie die deelnemers sou wees; onderhoude, observasie, dokumente en refleksies om data te genereer; en inhoudsanalise om die data te analiseer. Navorsingsbevindinge dui aan dat leerders met gestremdhede vir jare afgesonder was van die res van die samelewing deur hierdie leerders in spesiale skole te plaas. Dit het veroorsaak dat mense vervreemd van mekaar is en het 'n skeiding tussen 'ons' en 'hulle' veroorsaak. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie beklemtoon die belangrikheid van bewusmaking tussen leerders met gestremdhede en leerders sonder gestremdhede. Daar kom wel afknouery voor op die skoolgronde en ware vriendskappe tussen leerders met gestremdhede en leerders sonder gestremdhede vind nie in die ware sin van die woord plaas nie. Hierdie leerders is egter tevrede en verkies steeds om in 'n hoofstroomskool te wees. Inklusiewe onderwys is nog 'n nuwe konsep en in die ontwikkelingsfase in Namibie, terwyl die leerders nog onbekend is met inklusie, asook met mekaar. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Implementering van spel in die Gr R klas in die preprimere en primere skool

Raubenheimer, Lorinda Riana 06 1900 (has links)
Play can be seen as a very important component in the learning programme of pre-school children. The question arises whether the Gr R teacher has adequate play incorporated into the daily schedule? The research question was answered as follows. Although it was revealed in the study that the teachers who had pre-primary and Bed qualifications, possessed more (play) knowledge of all the teachers, the rest of the Gr R teachers indicated that they did have a need to gather more knowledge in childrens’ play, as well as implementing it into the day programme. The third part of the research question was also answered namely; that too much formal education were taking place in the Gr R classes in primary schools. The answer to the question; whether there is enough play in the Gr R class in a primary school is; “no”, 10 and whether there is enough play in the Gr R class in the pre-primary school is; “yes”. It was concluded that the Gr R education methods in the primary school is far more formal than that of the pre-primary school. The research question is thus fully answered and the study was completed successfully. / Spel kan gesien word as ’n baie belangrike komponent van die leerprogram vir voorskoolse kinders. Die vraag ontstaan of Gr R onderwyseresse genoegsame spel in die dagprogram implementeer? Die navorsingsvraag is as volg beantwoord. Alhoewel dit in die studie na vore gekom het, dat die onderwyseresse wat preprimêr en BEd gekwalifiseer is oor die meeste speelkennis beskik, het die meeste Gr R onderwyseresse aangedui dat hul wel ’n behoefte het om meer kennis rakende kinderspel en die implementering daarvan in die dagprogram te bekom. Die laaste vraag voortvloeiend uit die navorsing of daar genoegsame spel in die Gr R klasse plaasvind was die gevolgtrekking “nee” by primêre skole en “ja” by preprimêre skole. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Gr R onderwys by primêre skole se onderrigmetodes baie meer formeel is as Gr R by preprimêre skole. Die navorsings-vraag is dus in geheel beantwoord en die studie is suksesvol voltooi. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Riglyne aan grondslagfase-onderwysers om basiese konsepte in Engels aan Engels tweedetaalleerders te onderrig

Viljoen, Anna Hendriena 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study essential guidelines are given to Foundation Phase educators for the teaching of basic English concepts to English second language learners. Die research design is explained and recommendations are made. The following underlying problems, which were encountered in the research recommendation, are identified and discussed: Learning barriers with specific reference to English as a second language. The causes of learning barriers which include the discussion of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Educator training is lacking and educators do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to teach basic concepts in English to second language learners. The necessity and advantages of timeous identification of barriers to learning to ensure that basic concepts are taught. The study was concluded with practical guidelines to reinforce basic concepts in learners in the Foundation Phase who are taught in English as a second language. Recommendations were made to parents, educators and the Department of Education. / In die studie word riglyne aan Grondslagfase-onderwysers gegee vir die onderrig van basiese konsepte in Engels aan Engels tweedetaalleerders. Hierdie basiese konsepte is noodsaaklik vir vordering in die Grondslagfase. Die navorsingontwerp verduidelik en aanbevelings gemaak. Die volgende sub-probleme wat onderliggend is aan die navorsingsvoorstel is geïdentifiseer en bespreek, naamlik: Struikelblokke tot leer met spesifieke verwysing na Engels as tweedetaal. Die oorsake wat lei tot struikelblokke tot leer waaronder intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke faktore word bespreek. Onderwyseropleiding is onvoldoende en onderwysers beskik nie oor die kennis en vaardighede om basiese konsepte in Engels aan Engels tweedetaalleerders te onderrig nie. Die noodsaaklikheid van vroeë identifisering en die voordele verbonde aan vroegtydige identifisering van struikelblokke tot leer om te verseker dat basiese konsepte voldoende vasgelê word. Die studie is afgesluit met praktiese riglyne vir die vaslegging van basiese konsepte aan leerders in die Grondslagfase wat in Engels as tweede taal onderrig word. Aanbevelings is aan die ouers, onderwysers en die Departement van Onderwys gemaak. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)

Onderwysersopleiding vir uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwys in Suid-Afrika

Dreyer, Johannes Machiel 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This study was undertaken because of the realisation that a new approach to teacher education will have to be followed if teachers are to be empowered to teach within the framework of the new educational dispensation, Curriculum 2005. Because such a change implies a new curriculumfor teacher training there is a need for research on how providers will have to adapttheir training approach and curriculum to meet the challeng.es of Curriculum 2005. In this study the development of a model for outcomes-based learning programme design is undertaken. To achieve this: outcomes-based education systems in the USA, Australie, New Zealand, Canada and England are investigated; he unique model of outcomes-based education that is being implemented in Soutr Africa is described and explained; requirements for the training of teachers in the context of outcomes-based education and Curriculum 2005 are identified and described; a model for outcomes-based learning programme design is developed to serve as a possible framework for the design of learning programmes for teaeher education for outcomes-based education in South-Africa. The study shows that outcomes-based teacher education has received only scant attention in the rest of the world. It is also shown that the design of learning programmes for outcomes-based education requires a somewhat different approach than traditional curriculum design, where content play such a dominant role. A model for outcomes-based teacher.education is suggested to facilitate the development of such programmes. It is hoped that the model will be of use and that it will contribute to sensible learning programmes which will empower teachers to function successfully in an outcomes-based education system. / Hierdie studie het ontstaan uit die besef dat 'n nuwe benadering tot onderwysersopleiding gevolg sal moet word as onderwysers in staat gestel moet word om die nuwe kurrikulum, Kurrikulum 2005, op uitkomste- gebaseerde wyse in die praktyk te fasiliteer. Omdat so 'n verandering 'n nuwe kurrikulum impliseer is daar 'n behoefte aan navorsing om te bepaal hoe onderwysersopleidingsinstansies hul opleidingsbenadering en-kurrikulum moet aanpas om aan die eise van die nuwe kurrikulum en die nuwe onderrigrnodel in Suid-Afrika te voldoen. In hierdie studie is daar gepoog om 'n model vir uitkomste-gebaseerde leerprogramontwerp, vir die·opleiding van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers te ontwikkel. Om dit te kon regkry is: 'n ondersoek geloods na uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrigstelsels in die VSA, Australie, Nieu-Zeeland, Kanada en Engeland; die ontstaan en ontwikkeiing van die unieke model van uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrig wat tans in Suid-Afrika geimplementeer word, beskryf en verklaar; vereistes vir die opleiding van onderwysers geidentifiseer en beskryf binne die konteks van 'n uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrigrnodel en Kurrikulum 2005; 'n model vir uitkomste-gebaseerde leerprogram ontwikkel wat as moontlike raamwerk kan dien vir die ontwerp van leerprogramme vir opleiding van onderwysers vir uitkomste-gebaseetde onderrig in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie toon aan dat uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwysersopleiding nog weinig aandag geniet het in die res van die wereld. Daar word ook aangetoon dat die ontwerp van leerprogramme vir uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwysersopleiding 'n ietwat ander benadering vereis as wat gegeld het in tradisionele kurrikulumontwerp, waar inhoude so 'n dominante rol speel. 'n Model vir leerprogramontwerp vir uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwysersopleiding word voorgestel om die ontwikkeling van sodanige programme te vergemaklik. Daar word vertrou dat die model van waarde sal wees en daartoe sal meewerk dat sinvolle leer-programme antwerp sal word wat onderwysers in staat sal stel om suksesvol binne die stelsel van uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrig te funksioneer. / Teacher Education / D Ed. (Didactics)

Leierskapstyl en werksbevrediging binne die volwassene-onderwyskonteks : 'n gevallestudie / Leadership style and work satisfaction in an adult education context : a case study

Booyse, Cornelius Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die uitsluitlike doel van die studie was om die navorsingsprobleem, naamlik om vas te stel op watter wyse die leierskapstyl van opleidingsbestuurders die werksbevrediging van opleidingskonsultante beïnvloed wat volwassene-onderwys binne ʼn bepaalde bankgroep in Suid-Afrika verskaf, aan te spreek. Die navorser het bepaalde leierskapstyle (naamlik die demokratiese-, outokratiese- en laissez-faire leierskapstyle) en werksbevredigingskomponente geselekteer (naamlik ondersteuning, verhoudings en bemagtiging) ten einde dié ondersoek te doen. ʼn Vraelys is ontwerp wat as kwantitatiewe navorsingsinstrument gebruik is om navorsingsdata elektronies te versamel oor respondente se biografiese besonderhede, hulle bestuurder se leierskapstyl en respondente se persepsies van hul eie werksbevrediging. Een-en-negentig (91) uit eenhonderd sewe-en-dertig (137) respondente het die vraelys per e-pos voltooi, wat ʼn responskoers van 66.42% verteenwoordig. Uit die navorsingsresultate en -analise het dit geblyk dat leierskapstyl wél die persepsies van respondente oor elk van die werksbevredigingskomponente statisties beduidend beïnvloed het. / The sole aim of this study was to address the research problem, namely to determine the way in which the leadership style of training managers influences the work satisfaction of training consultants that provide adult education within a specific bank group in South Africa. The researcher selected specific leadership styles for the purpose of thís study (namely the democratic, outocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles) and work satisfaction components (namely support, relationships and empowerment) to carry out thís investigation. A questionnaire was designed which was used as quantitive research instrument to gather research data electronically about respondents’ biographical details, their manager’s leadership style and the perceptions of respondents regarding their own work satisfaction. Ninety-one (91) out of one-hundred-and-thirty-seven (137) respondents completed the questionnaire by email, which represents a response rate of 66.42%. Out of the research and analysis results it became evident that leadership style indeed influenced the perceptions of respondents over each of the work satisfaction components in a statistically significant way. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Volwassene-onderwys)

Die belewing van stres en die gebruik van cope-vaardighede deur departementshoofde van skole : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Jan Adriaan Oberholzer

Oberholzer, Jan Adriaan January 2006 (has links)
An investigation into stress experience and the use of coping skills by departemental heads of schools: guidelines for support. Stress occurs when one's perception of demands exceeds his perception of his abilities to meet them. Except for work related demands, a variety of demands and threats in the environment have to be faced continuously. As a result stress is created that manifest in people's behavior, work efficiency and socialization. In general, the education profession is considered among the most stressful careers in the world. This also applies to the South African educational system. U'hm teachers experience stress, it has a negative effect on their beloved ones. colleagues and the learners. Therefore teacher stress has a negative effect on the teaching system in general. Thus teacher stress can be considered to be a national problem. The real situation of teachers in South Africa was determined by means of an empirical study that \\as complimented by a qualitative investigation. In this study. stress is dealt with from the educational psychology. However. stress is a holistic multi-dimensional concept that can only by understood at best when it is approached from a multi-professional point of view. Equally all the actions to cope with stress are rnultidimensional actions. This research aims to develop among teachers an awareness of stress manifestations. with the purpose to identi6 and control stressors. These actions are strengthened by appropriate adaptations in life style and the management of resources. A comprehensive support program is suggested to guide teachers towards an understanding and control of stress. and the establishment of a social support system. while serious manifestations of stress should be addressed by means of professional services. Key words: stress. cope. stress management. education. self control. stress control, environment. work stress: organization stress. community stress. health. wellness. neurological exercise. physical exercise. physiological exercise. religion. humor. feeding. free radicals. anti-osidants. and diet. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

The integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at the North-West University / Hendrik Daniel (Hennie) Esterhuizen

Esterhuizen, Hendrik Daniel January 2012 (has links)
North-West University in South Africa is committed to expanding use of learning technologies for contact and distance education students by augmenting the existing NWU teaching and learning policy with an e-learning policy. The School of Continuing Teacher Education at North-West University is currently training about 24 000 in-service teacher students through Open Distance Learning. Only a few students submit assignments in typed format and seldom electronically. Students rarely use electronic technologies to augment their learning, and the SCTE employs few to support students. This does not comply with the South African Government’s policy on e-Education that demands information and communication technology mastery in teacher training. The aim of this research was integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at SCTE NWU through recommendations compiled in a sociologically transformative emergent implementation framework. The researcher followed a concurrent mixed-method sociologically transformative approach, focussing on the use of technology for social empowerment to cross the digital divide, through a theoretical lens of ICT for development. The lived experience in the natural setting of distance education students, lecturers, and involved stakeholders was used as initial data collection, informed by a continuous literature study of emergent learning technology use. Purposeful sampling was used during participant selection. The role of the researcher was that of participant observer, interviewer, and human instrument, from a position of methodological pragmatism as a method of inquiry. Using a design-based research approach, the thesis addresses the main research question through five research papers; each addressing one of the sub-questions as design-based research cycles, while collectively addressing the research problem to address the main research question. Nonstandardised measuring instruments were developed based on themes identified from literature and the analysis of qualitative data. Significant barriers to population-wide ICT adoption exist. Strong intentions of perseverance in attaining functional computer literacy are evident. Support and enablement are required to promote trust to attempt using computers, necessary to obtain self-confidence through accomplishment. In this way perseverance to attain functional computer literacy may be cultivated. The study presents a model for intention to use, confidence, trust and perseverance in attaining computer literacy competence with statistically significant standardised regression weights. In terms of affective responses of students during computer literacy training, a twodimensional model for computer literacy learning emotions is presented. Perceptions during professional development produced a model for faculty development towards socially transformative learning technology integration for open distance learning. The researcher also presents a people-technology interaction in teaching and learning model in the fifth paper. A distinction is made between reactionary interventions and pre-emptive unobtrusive seamless support, based on requirements identified through bottom-up feedback listening to latent requests of participants. Technology-enhanced learning integration should be legitimised through visible commitment from the university as institution. Lecturer training, innovative planning of time issues, acquisition of appropriate infrastructure, buying in from the institution and IT support services, and support of teacher-students are all essential for evolvement towards an e-mature organisation for the delivery of ODL to vast numbers of newly industrialised context clients. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

The integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at the North-West University / Hendrik Daniel (Hennie) Esterhuizen

Esterhuizen, Hendrik Daniel January 2012 (has links)
North-West University in South Africa is committed to expanding use of learning technologies for contact and distance education students by augmenting the existing NWU teaching and learning policy with an e-learning policy. The School of Continuing Teacher Education at North-West University is currently training about 24 000 in-service teacher students through Open Distance Learning. Only a few students submit assignments in typed format and seldom electronically. Students rarely use electronic technologies to augment their learning, and the SCTE employs few to support students. This does not comply with the South African Government’s policy on e-Education that demands information and communication technology mastery in teacher training. The aim of this research was integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at SCTE NWU through recommendations compiled in a sociologically transformative emergent implementation framework. The researcher followed a concurrent mixed-method sociologically transformative approach, focussing on the use of technology for social empowerment to cross the digital divide, through a theoretical lens of ICT for development. The lived experience in the natural setting of distance education students, lecturers, and involved stakeholders was used as initial data collection, informed by a continuous literature study of emergent learning technology use. Purposeful sampling was used during participant selection. The role of the researcher was that of participant observer, interviewer, and human instrument, from a position of methodological pragmatism as a method of inquiry. Using a design-based research approach, the thesis addresses the main research question through five research papers; each addressing one of the sub-questions as design-based research cycles, while collectively addressing the research problem to address the main research question. Nonstandardised measuring instruments were developed based on themes identified from literature and the analysis of qualitative data. Significant barriers to population-wide ICT adoption exist. Strong intentions of perseverance in attaining functional computer literacy are evident. Support and enablement are required to promote trust to attempt using computers, necessary to obtain self-confidence through accomplishment. In this way perseverance to attain functional computer literacy may be cultivated. The study presents a model for intention to use, confidence, trust and perseverance in attaining computer literacy competence with statistically significant standardised regression weights. In terms of affective responses of students during computer literacy training, a twodimensional model for computer literacy learning emotions is presented. Perceptions during professional development produced a model for faculty development towards socially transformative learning technology integration for open distance learning. The researcher also presents a people-technology interaction in teaching and learning model in the fifth paper. A distinction is made between reactionary interventions and pre-emptive unobtrusive seamless support, based on requirements identified through bottom-up feedback listening to latent requests of participants. Technology-enhanced learning integration should be legitimised through visible commitment from the university as institution. Lecturer training, innovative planning of time issues, acquisition of appropriate infrastructure, buying in from the institution and IT support services, and support of teacher-students are all essential for evolvement towards an e-mature organisation for the delivery of ODL to vast numbers of newly industrialised context clients. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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