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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Goobi wird Verein: Anwendergemeinschaft von freier Digitalisierungssoftware schafft professionelle Strukturen

Bonte, Achim 08 January 2013 (has links)
Mit der Gründung des Vereins „Goobi. Digitalisieren im Verein“ am 17. September 2012 hat das Wort „Goobi“ eine weitere Bedeutung erhalten. Goobi ist die verbreitetste Open Source-Software zur Produktion und Präsentation von Digitalisaten. Sie ist Markenzeichen für Plattformunabhängigkeit, Modularität, Mandantenfähigkeit, offene Schnittstellen und internationale Standards. Sie steht für umfassende Lösungen zur Boutique- und Massendigitalisierung sowie skalierbare Unterstützungsleistungen durch namhafte Firmen; und seit einigen Wochen ist Goobi nun also auch ein eingetragener Verein mit anerkannter Gemeinnützigkeit. [...]

Entwicklung eines FoIP-Gateways auf Basis von Open Source

Seidel, Marcel 18 January 2016 (has links)
Mit HylaFAX+ wurde eine gute Grundlage für eine neue Faxlösung an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz gefunden. Durch die vielen Schnittstellen, die HylaFAX+ bietet, konnte es um fehlende Funktionen erweitert werden, sodass es den gestellten Anforderungen entspricht. Auf Basis dieser Arbeit, kann unter Berücksichtigung der Richtlinien des URZ, eine neue Faxlösung implementiert werden, welche den XMediusFAX-Server ablöst. Das FoIP-Gateway nimmt E-Mails entgegen und verarbeitet diese inklusive Anhang, dieser kann eine PDF, ein Word Dokument oder ein Bilddokument in den Formaten JPEG oder PNG sein. Bevor das Fax abgesendet wird, setzt ein Skript die richtige Faxnummer des Absenders ein und prüft ob der Absender die nötigen Rechte hat um ein Fax intern/national/international zu versenden. Die eigentliche Übertragung des Faxes erfolgt über das T.38 Protokoll, sollte der Empfänger dieses nicht beherrschen, wechselt die Faxlösung automatisch auf die Pass-Through Methode. Ist das Fax erfolgreich übertragen, erhält der Sender eine Sendebestätigung per E-Mail oder Ausdruck. Wird eine Faxnachricht empfangen, wird noch vor während der Rufannahme geprüft ob der Empfänger innerhalb des Universitätsnetzes existiert. Falls es die Empfängernummer nicht gibt, wird der Anruf augenblicklich beendet. Ist die Faxnummer einem Nutzer zugeordnet, ermittelt ein Pythonskript die E-Mailadresse des Empfängers. Dieser erhält die Faxnachricht anschließend als PDF im Anhang einer E-Mail. Sollte im LDAP ein Drucker hinterlegt sein bekommt der Nutzer einen Ausdruck auf dem eingestellten Drucker.

Managing the Transition Towards Open Source Software Adoption: : Considerations for Large IT Companies / Hanteringen av Övergången mot Open Source Software Adoption: : Överväganden för stora IT-företag

Lagergren, Viktor, Norelius, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary products has convinced organizations worldwide to deploy Open Source Software (OSS) in their production environments and commercial offerings. Therefore, the ability to scale software, seamlessly integrate open source software in products and increase benefits from OSS participation are crucial capabilities. However, the nature of OSS is not entirely compatible with the rigid structures and processes of many large companies and thus successfully managing OSS has proven to be highly difficult. Previous research has shown that many companies have built previous success on ‘closed innovation’ logic and must now move in a highly counterintuitive direction towards an ‘open innovation’ mindset. This creates various strategic and operational challenges which they need to identify and overcome to avoid disruption. Based on the aforementioned, the purpose has been to investigate key patterns in how development and increased use of open source software could affect large IT companies. This is to illustrate the transition between closed innovation to open innovation strategy for software, but also to describe the strategic and operational challenges that come appear thereafter. To create a deeper understanding of this process of change, a single (qualitative) case study by a large Swedish IT company has been carried out. The hope is to be able to contribute to research by presenting general conclusions from the case study where empirical data is linked to contemporary research in the field. In order to be able to generalize based on the empirical data, interviews have been conducted with both doctoral students and professors in the field, but also experts in the business world. Our findings have generated insights concerning the OSS adoption process of Company A. The findings of the study include a 6-step model that describes the adoption process as well as strategic and operational considerations for successful transition towards efficient OSS governance. / Med förhoppningar om reducerade kostnader, ökad flexibilitet och ett minskat beroende av tredjepartsleverantörer har användandet av open source-mjukvara (OSS) eskalerat under det senaste årtiondet och kommit att dominera stora delar av mjukvaruindustrin. Förmågan att skala och integrera open source-mjukvara har således blivit en viktig kompetens för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Dock är nuvarande processer för integrering av open source-mjukvara emellertid inte helt förenligt med många etablerade företags strukturer och processer. Hantering och integrering har istället visat sig vara en stor utmaning då många företag historiskt byggt sina framgångar genom en logik som präglas av sluten innovationsstrategi och immateriella rättigheter (IPR). Företag tvingas idag att röra sig i en kontraintuitiv riktning som präglas av öppen innovation, och i kölvattnet av teknisk och industriell förändring uppenbarar sig strategiska och operativa utmaningar. Dessa utmaningar måste företag identifiera, förstå och övervinna för att undvika att bli utkonkurrerade. Med detta som bakgrund är syftet med denna studie att Identifiera viktiga mönster som beskriver hur utvecklingen och en ökad användning av open source-mjukvara kan påverka stora IT-företag. Detta för att belysa övergången mellan sluten innovationsstrategi och öppen för open source-mjukvara, men även för att skildra vilka strategiska och operativa utmaningar som uppenbarar sig därefter. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för denna förändringsprocess har en enskild (kvalitativ) fallstudie av ett stort svenskt IT-företag genomförts. Förhoppningen är att kunna bidra till forskning genom att presentera generella slutsatser från fallstudien där empirisk data kopplas an till nutida forskning inom området. För att kunna generalisera utifrån empirin har intervjuer genomförts med dels doktorander och professorer inom området, men också experter inom affärsvärlden. Empirin har genererat en 6-stegs modell som beskriver adoptionsprocessen för OSS. Modellen har sedermera jämförts med samtida forskning inom samma område där likheter och skillnader diskuterats och presenterats. Vidare har strategiska och operativa överväganden belysts och diskuterats för att kunna bidra till en ökad förståelse för de utmaningar som många företag står inför.

Cliff Walls: Threats to Validity in Empirical Studies of Open Source Forges

Pratt, Landon James 27 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Artifact-based research provides a mechanism whereby researchers may study the creation of software yet avoid many of the difficulties of direct observation and experimentation. Open source software forges are of great value to the software researcher, because they expose many of the artifacts of software development. However, many challenges affect the quality of artifact-based studies, especially those studies examining software evolution. This thesis addresses one of these threats: the presence of very large commits, which we refer to as "Cliff Walls." Cliff walls are a threat to studies of software evolution because they do not appear to represent incremental development. In this thesis we demonstrate the existence of cliff walls in open source software projects and discuss the threats they present. We also seek to identify key causes of these monolithic commits, and begin to explore ways that researchers can mitigate the threats of cliff walls.

Hydrologic Data Sharing Using Open Source Software and Low-Cost Electronics

Sadler, Jeffrey Michael 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
While it is generally accepted that environmental data are critical to understanding environmental phenomena, there are yet improvements to be made in their consistent collection, curation, and sharing. This thesis describes two research efforts to improve two different aspects of hydrologic data collection and management. First described is a recipe for the design, development, and deployment of a low-cost environmental data logging and transmission system for environmental sensors and its connection to an open source data-sharing network. The hardware is built using several low-cost, open-source, mass-produced components. The system automatically ingests data into HydroServer, a standards-based server in the open source Hydrologic Information System (HIS) created by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences Inc (CUAHSI). A recipe for building the system is provided along with several test deployment results. Second, a connection between HydroServer and HydroShare is described. While the CUAHSI HIS system is intended to empower the hydrologic sciences community with better data storage and distribution, it lacks support for the kind of “Web 2.0” collaboration and social-networking capabilities that are increasing scientific discovery in other fields. The design, development, and testing of a software system that integrates CUAHSI HIS with the HydroShare social hydrology architecture is presented. The resulting system supports efficient archive, discovery, and retrieval of data, extensive creator and science metadata, assignment of a persistent digital identifier such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), scientific discussion and collaboration around the data and other basic social-networking features. In this system, HydroShare provides functionality for social interaction and collaboration while the existing HIS provides the distributed data management and web services framework. The system is expected to enable scientists, for the first time, to access and share both national- and research lab-scale hydrologic time series in a standards-based web services architecture combined with a social network developed specifically for the hydrologic sciences.These two research projects address and provide a solution for significant challenges in the automatic collection, curation, and feature-rich sharing of hydrologic data.

Detecting Security Patches in Java OSS Projects Using NLP

Stefanoni, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
The use of Open Source Software is becoming more and more popular, but it comes with the risk of importing vulnerabilities in private codebases. Security patches, providing fixes to detected vulnerabilities, are vital in protecting against cyber attacks, therefore being able to apply all the security patches as soon as they are released is key. Even though there is a public database for vulnerability fixes the majority of them remain undisclosed to the public, therefore we propose a Machine Learning algorithm using NLP to detect security patches in Java Open Source Software. To train the model we preprocessed and extract patches from the commits present in two databases provided by Debricked and a public one released by Ponta et al. [57]. Two experiments were conducted, one performing binary classification and the other trying to have higher granularity classifying the macro-type of vulnerability. The proposed models leverage the structure of the input to have a better patch representation and they are based on RNNs, Transformers and CodeBERT [22], with the best performing model being the Transformer that surprisingly outperformed CodeBERT. The results show that it is possible to classify security patches but using more relevant pre-training techniques or tree-based representation of the code might improve the performance. / Användningen av programvara med öppen källkod blir alltmer populär, men det innebär en risk för att sårbarheter importeras från privata kodbaser. Säkerhetspatchar, som åtgärdar upptäckta sårbarheter, är viktiga för att skydda sig mot cyberattacker, och därför är det viktigt att kunna tillämpa alla säkerhetspatchar så snart de släpps. Även om det finns en offentlig databas för korrigeringar av sårbarheter förblir de flesta hemliga för allmänheten. Vi föreslår därför en maskininlärningsalgoritm som med hjälp av NLP upptäcker säkerhetspatchar i Java Open Source Software. För att träna modellen har vi förbehandlat och extraherat patchar från de commits som finns i två databaser, ena som tillhandahålls av Debricked och en annan offentlig databas som släppts av Ponta et al. [57]. Två experiment genomfördes, varav ett utförde binär klassificering och det andra försökte få en högre granularitet genom att klassificera makro-typen av sårbarheten. De föreslagna modellerna utnyttjar strukturen i indatat för att få en bättre representation av patcharna och de är baserade på RNNs, Transformers och CodeBERT [22], där den bäst presterande modellen var Transformer som överraskande nog överträffade CodeBERT. Resultaten visar att det är möjligt att klassificera säkerhetspatchar, men genom att använda mer relevanta förträningstekniker eller trädbaserade representationer av koden kan prestandan förbättras.

Clean Code : Investigating Data Integrity and Non-Repudiation in the DevOps Platform GitLab / Oförvanskad kod : En undersökning av informations- och användarintegritet i DevOps-plattformen GitLab

Augustsson, John, Carlsson, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Recent supply chain attacks on a larger scale in combination with a growing adoption of the set of automated software development and deployment practices commonly referred to as ’DevOps’, made us interested in the security of the underlying infrastructure supporting these practices. If a malicious commit in a piece of software can expose internal systems and networks of all users of said software to vulnerabilities, questions regarding trust and repudiation becomes central, in the platforms themselves as much as in each digitally signed software update version. GitLab is a DevOps platform that offer an open-source (Community Edition, (CE)) of their application, for anyone to use and even modify to better suit their own needs. Anyone who chooses to use GitLab will as a result thereof also choose to put the trust others put in them in the hands of the open-source community around GitLab. Since any vulnerability in GitLab could affect users or organizations that use software developed and shipped with the help of GitLab, we wanted to try finding one for ourselves. We employed well-known techniques from the ethical hacker playbook (threat modeling, risk assessment) in order to identify candidates for attack vectors, and found GitLab’s GraphQL Application Programming Interface (API) to be a great starting point since it not only was but still is under development, but that the body of previous work seemed to suggest inconsistencies in the business logic layer underneath. Our main findings are: at least two instances where we were able to gain unauthorized access to data within our self-hosted GitLab instance. We also found that a new feature could be used for privilege escalation under certain conditions. We were then able to conclude that open source software and a prolific bug bounty program does not guarantee the security of GitLab, in and of themselves. All findings have been reported to GitLab through their bug bounty program. / Under det senaste decenniet har mjukvaruutvecklande organisationer visat ett tilltagande intresse för de metoder för automatiserade utvecklings- och distributionstekniker som vanligen brukar samlas under termen DevOps. Den trenden taget i kombination med det senaste årets större försörjningskedjeattacker (SolarWinds, Microsoft Exchange Server) gjorde att vi började intressera oss för säkerheten kring den infrastruktur som möjliggör dessa metoder. Om en utvecklare med ont uppsåt lyckas få in en ändring i en mjukvara innan den digitalt signeras och distribueras till mjukvarans användare, kan denne lyckas utnyttja svagheten för att få tillgång till eller modifiera de system och nätverk mjukvaran körs på. Frågor om tillit och avsändarintegritet kring vem som står bakom ett kodavsnitt blir i förlängningen därav oerhört viktiga. GitLab är en DevOps-plattform som erbjuds i en version med öppen källkod, vilken alla kan använda och rent av anpassa för sina egna behov. Att använda GitLab innebär dock att man lämpar över den tillit och säkerhet ens användare lagt i ens händer på de som utvecklar plattformen. Eftersom en enskild sårbarhet i GitLab potentiellt kan påverka ett stort antal aktörer som aldrig själva använt GitLab gjorde att vi ville se efter om även vi kunde hitta en sådan sårbarhet. Vi använde oss av välbekanta metoderi etisk hackning-kretsar (hotmodellering) genom vilka vi identifierade GitLabs GraphQL-Application Programming Interface (API) som en potentiellt gynnsam attackvektor. Detta både eftersom API:t fortsatt är under utveckling och att tidigare forskning antytt logiska brister i applikations-lagret. Arbetet ledde fram till ett par fynd. Vi fick åtkomst till otillåten data vid två tillfällen. Med hjälp av en ny funktionalitet kunde vi under vissa omständigheter utöka en användares behörighet. Vi kunde därmed dra slutsatsen att öppen källkod och ett väletablerat bug bounty-program inte i sig är några garantier för säker mjukvara. Samtliga fynd har rapporterats till GitLab via deras bug bounty-program på plattformen HackerOne.


Iyer, Deepa Gopal 31 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Open-Source Software engagement and participation on Github pre and during the covid-19 pandemic

Madyopa, Ellah January 2021 (has links)
In my study, I present the mining, collection and analysis of GitHub projects data in an endeavor to understand how the activity and engagement on the different projects has been before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Data was collected from 20 repositories via Github API.  I eventually applied some statistical analysis of the data, applied the ANOVA tests measuring the p-values to understand the level of variance pre and during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Open-Source software have been used since long before and my study seeks to explore the magnitude to which Open-Source software participation on different projects has been affected by the different work environments that the users have become accustomed to lately.  Open-Source software has been under study previously by different authors ie on the participation of users etc.  No study has yet been done on the impact a global pandemic has on the engagement on Open-Source platform on different projects, analysing the trends of participation along the project’s life cycle pre and during the covid-19 pandemic.  In these unpredictable, interesting times the study is aimed at highlighting how Open-Source engagement has been behaving by looking at the trends, patterns of engagement, the decrease or increase of activity in certain projects.  From the results I realise trends and patterns in some projects and also interesting insights in the Github OS project lifecycles.  The findings of my study pointed to how participation and engagement on GitHub Open-Source increased During the Pandemic more than During the Pandemic and this is evidenced by 70% of all the 20 repositories I took under investigation. / <p>The presentation was held via Zoom </p>

A Comparative Study Of The NPM, PyPI, Maven, And RubyGems Open-Source Communities

Gupta, Saurav 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Open-source software (OSS) ecosystems, defined as environments composed of package managers and programming languages (e.g., NPM for JavaScript), are essential for software development and foster collaboration and innovation. Although their significance is acknowledged, understanding what makes OSS communities healthy and sustainable requires further exploration. This thesis quantitatively assesses the health of OSS projects and communities within the NPM, PyPI, Maven, and RubyGems ecosystems. We explore five research questions addressing project standards, community responsiveness, contribution distribution, contributor retention, and newcomer integration strategies. Our analysis shows varied documentation practices, insider engagement levels, and contribution patterns. Our findings highlight both strengths and different areas for improvement across ecosystems. For example, RubyGems excels in the adoption of project documentation and exhibits the most even distribution of contributions among all contributors, including highly active contributors. and a very responsive community, but it needs to improve contribution retention and attract newcomers to the projects. Meanwhile, NPM and Maven show a trend toward getting new contributors, characterized by a high ratio of individual contributions. They need to better adopt a code of conduct, pull request templates, and increase the number of active contributors in a project. This thesis offers insights to developers and maintainers on how to strengthen ecosystems and support vibrant communities effectively

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