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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovení personality na základě zpětných odchytů u norníka rudého (\kur{Clethrionomys glareolus}) / Assessment of animal personality based on recaptures in bank vole (\kur{Clethrionomys glareolus})

ELEXHAUSEROVÁ, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the personality of bank vole using recaptures. Some behavioural types were determined (for example shy and bold) and influence of some factors on animal personality was defined (especially the daytime). The rate of repeatability of behaviour was also specified and the dependence of behaviour change on number of days between two captures was defined. Last, two types of tests used for animal personality were compared, indicating the differences between them.

Vliv rychlosti postnatálního vývoje na formování personality v chování / Influence of developmental rate on behavioral personality forming

SCHMIDTMAJEROVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to empirically examine one of the theories regarding the laws of intraspecific variability in animal behavior, which assumes that differences in behavior are directly related to individual differences in the rate of growth. One of our most common rodents, common vole (Microtus arvalis) was chosen as a model species, mainly because lots of previous studies on this species have demonstrated, among other things, presence of consistent differences in behavior.

Comportamento de filhotes de rato (Rattus norvegicus) em um campo aberto na presença e na ausência de animais adultos / Behavior of rat pups (Rattus norvegicus) in an open field in the presence and absence of adult animals

Ana Carolina Guilhermitti 15 April 2011 (has links)
Vários estudos realizados com roedores permitem analisar, entre outros fatores, as respostas dos animais à novidade, a emocionalidade e locomoção dos animais. Para tal, vários testes tem sido empregados e um dos mais utilizados é o do campo aberto. O presente estudo visa analisar o papel da presença de um animal adulto da mesma espécie, ou de espécie diferente, no comportamento exploratório e na ocupação das áreas de um campo aberto por filhotes de rato, testados em duas condições: agrupados ou individualmente. Na primeira condição os testes de exploração foram feitos em um campo aberto. Em uma das paredes do campo aberto foi acoplada uma gaiola que em diferentes momentos continha uma fêmea da mesma espécie (Rattus norvegicus), um macho da mesma espécie (ambos não familiarizados com os filhotes), a própria ama-de-leite ou uma fêmea de outra espécie, no caso, uma cobaia (Cavia porcelus). As sessões experimentais foram realizadas no vigésimo quinto dia de vida dos filhotes. Os animais foram divididos em cinco ninhadas compostas por oito filhotes cada uma: quatro machos e quatro fêmeas., testados juntos em uma única sessão. O primeiro grupo foi testado no campo aberto sem qualquer tipo de estímulo na gaiola. Os outros grupos foram testados, respectivamente, na presença da ama-de-leite, de uma outra rata, de um rato macho ou de uma cobaia. Na segunda condição, os sujeitos de outras cinco ninhadas foram testados nas mesmas circunstâncias, porém individualmente. Os resultados mostraram que a presença de um animal adulto altera a preferência pela ocupação dos cantos mais estruturados por filhotes de rato em campo aberto. Quando o adulto presente é um co-especifico, a tendência dos filhotes é de se aproximar do local onde o animal se encontra (gaiola). Na presença de um animal de outra espécie, a tendência é, num primeiro momento, de aproximação e posteriormente de permanência nos locais mais estruturados do campo aberto, como as áreas de duas paredes, igual aos testados com a gaiola vazia. Os animais apresentaram diferenças de comportamento devidos ao agrupamento. Os filhotes agrupados frequentaram mais a periferia do campo aberto e passaram mais tempo nestas áreas que os testados individualmente, que por sua vez tendem a se aproximar mais do adulto do que os testados em grupo. Na idade em que foram testadas, as fêmeas mostraram-se menos ansiosas que os machos. De um modo geral, a principal conclusão é a de que filhotes de rato expostos a um campo aberto na presença de um adulto, exibem preferência pelas proximidades do adulto quando este é um co-específico, tendendo a permanecer nas áreas mais estruturadas quando o animal presente é de outra espécie. / Several studies with rodents allow us to analyze, among other factors, the responses of animals to novelty, emotionality and locomotion of animals. For this, several tests have been used and one of the most frequently used is the open-field. The present study aims at examining the role of the presence of an adult animal of the same species, or of a different species, in the exploratory behavior and the occupation of areas of an open-field by rat pups, tested in two conditions: grouped and individually. In the first condition, exploration tests were done in an open-field. In one wall of the open-field a cage was connected which, in different occasions, contained a female of the same species (Rattus norvegicus), a male of the same species (both unfamiliar to the pups), the dam or a female of another species, in this case, a guinea-pig (Cavia porcelus). The experimental sessions occurred at the twenty-fifth day of life of the of pups. The animals were divided into five eight-pup litters with four males and four females, which were tested together in a single session. The first group was tested in the open-field without any kind of stimulus in the cage. The other groups were tested, respectively, in the presence of the dam, another female, a male or a female guinea-pig. In the second condition, all subjects in a litter were tested under the same circumstances, but individually. The results showed that the presence of an adult animal changes the preference for the occupation of the more structured corners by rat pups in the open-field. When the animal in the cage was an adult co-specific, the tendency of the subjects was to approach the place where the adult animal was (the cage). In the presence of an animal of another species, the trend was, at first, to approach and subsequently to spent more time in the most structured corners of the open-field, areas with two walls. The animals showed behavioral differences due to grouping. The grouped pups went more often to the periphery of the open-field and spent more time in these areas than those tested individually, which, in turn, tended to be close to the adult longer than the grouped subjects. At the age they were tested, female infants were less anxious than males. In general, the main conclusion is that rat pups exposed to an open-field in the presence of an adult, exhibit a preference for the vicinity of the adult when it is a co-specific, tending to remain in the more structured areas when the cage was empty or when the animal in the cage belonged to another species.

'Poems to the Sea', and, Painterly poetics : Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, Cole Swensen

Gillies, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Poems to the Sea: Rather than narrating or describing a work of visual art, the poems that form this collection show an accumulation, juxtaposition and realignment of material ranging from art historical detail and critique to a more personal, location specific response to works viewed in galleries and museums. Many of the poems engage with non-representational artworks and question how best to reflect, translate or expand upon their transformative effects. The first section, ‘Museum Notes’, explores Charles Olson’s open field poetics by giving artists and writers a conversational voice. ‘Sound Fields’, the second section, responds to individual works of art and reflects a systems-based approach. The authorial voice within ‘Poems to the Sea’, the third section, is that of an artist involved in making a series of palimpsest drawings to capture a sense of place as drawing and writing overlaps and intertwines. Painterly Poetics: Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, Cole Swensen: This thesis explores three American poets from successive generations to examine three related types of engagement with visual art. As literary models that have informed my own poetic practice, Charles Olson, Robert Creeley and Cole Swensen have theorized their own writing process to consider ways of using language to enhance the transmission and transcription of their visual stimuli and ideas. All three are interested in visual art as a model for the writing process: as a means of seeing, thinking and perceiving. After an introduction that surveys relations between verbal and visual art, a chapter is devoted to each of the three poets. In the opening and longest chapter, examples of Olson’s writing are compared to the approach of several Abstract Expressionist painters who contributed to the culture of experimentation and spontaneity that emerged under Olson’s leadership at Black Mountain College in the early 1950s. Following a discussion of Olson as a uniquely influential figure, the chapter on Creeley considers the role of visual art in his poetics. Swensen’s writing is subsequently explored for its extension of the Black Mountain legacy: how she builds upon established critical methods to achieve what she calls ‘a side-by-side, walking-along-with’ relationship between the poem and the artwork.

The Homing Pigeon Hippocampus and the Spatial or Feature Encoding of Reward Probability and Risk

Sizemore, Brittany A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Possible Bow Shock Current Closure to Earth's High Latitude Ionosphere on Open Field Lines

Nordin, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
The bow shock is formed due to the abrupt deceleration of the supersonic solar wind in front of the terrestrial magnetic field. The solar wind plasma and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) are both compressed across the shock, and according to Ampère's law a current thus flows on the bow shock at all times. The Bow Shock Current (BSC) is suggested to play an important role in solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, but there is still an open debate about its closure path. For predominantly east-west IMF, the BSC has been suggested to close to Earth's high latitude ionosphere as Field-Aligned Currents (FACs). Since the bow shock is magnetically connected to the solar wind, it must do so via open field lines through the magnetosheath. For southwards IMF with a significant east-west component, the R0 FAC flows into the ionosphere in one hemisphere, and out of it in the other. The R0 current flows on open field lines, and is thus a potential candidate to close the BSC. While a few studies have already found evidence in favour of this idea, the majority have been based on simulations. Additional observational evidence is required to confirm these findings. We used OMNI data for the IMF at the bow shock, and Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) data for the FACs, to make simultaneous observations of the IMF at the bow shock and the northern hemisphere FACs, including the R0 current. We successfully identified 15 events of southwards but predominantly east-west IMF (Bz<0, |By|>|Bz|) at the bow shock, for which the northern hemisphere R0 current could be observed both in the AMPERE and DMSP data. In each of these events, the R0 current was of the correct polarity to connect to the BSC. Moreover, using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) and Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) data, we were able to verify that part of the R0 current was flowing on open field lines. Collectively, the 15 events presented here constitute an argument in favour of at least a partial BSC closure to Earth's high latitude ionosphere as R0 FACs, for predominantly east-west IMF. Additional investigation is required to reveal the details of BSC closure.

Efeito do chá de ayahuasca sobre o comportamento de ratos Wistar no campo aberto e labirinto em cruz elevado e sobre a expressão de EAAC1 no hipocampo e córtex pré-frontal / Effect of ayahuasca beverage on the behavior of Wistar rats in the open field and elevated plus maze and on the expression of EAAC1 in the hippocampus and in the prefrontal cortex.

Zamarrenho, Luana Gonçalves 19 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se ratos tratados com chá de ayahuasca apresentam i) alterações comportamentais no campo aberto e labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE); ii) alterações na expressão do transportador de glutamato (EAAC1) no córtex pré-frontal (CPF) e no hilus do giro denteado do hipocampo (HDG). Doze grupos de ratos Wistar machos (250g, n=10/cada) foram usados. Eles receberam 2 or 4ml/Kg de chá de ayahuasca ou água: dose única (agudo), 3 vezes/dia por 3 dias alternados (subcrônico) e 1 vez/dia por 15 dias (crônico). Trinta minutos após a última ingestão os animais foram submetidos aos testes comportamentais. Vinte e quatro horas após eles foram anestesiados, perfundidos e seus encéfalos seccionados (40-m) no hipocampo e CPF para os experimentos de imunoistoquimica para EAAC1. Comparações estatísticas entre cada grupo tratado com ayahuasca e seu respectivo controle foram feitas utilizando o teste t de Student e consideradas significantes quando p0,05. Apenas a ingestão subcrônica de ayahuasca induziu redução significante na atividade locomotora (27%) no campo aberto. No LCE nenhum dos tratamentos com ayahuasca induziu alterações significantes em ambos numero de entradas e tempo de permanência nos braços abertos. A ingestão subcrônica ou crônica de chá de ayahuasca induziu aumento significante na expressão de EAAC1 no HGD (20-67%). Em contraste, no CPF a expressão de EAAC1 foi significantemente reduzida em ratos tratados com 2 ou 4ml/Kg subcronicamente ou 4ml/Kg cronicamente (17-25%). A ingestão aguda de 2ml/Kg induziu discreto aumento na expressão de EAAC1 (16%). Estes resultados sugerem que i) Ayahuasca induz alterações nas atividades locomotora e exploratória de forma dependente da dose e frequência de ingestão; ii) Ayahuasca não tem efeito no nível de ansiedade; iii) A ingestão aguda, subcrônica e subcrônica de ayahuasca disparam distintos mecanismos no hipocampo e CPF envolvendo a modulação da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica. / This work aimed at investigating whether rats treated with Ayahuasca beverage show i) behavioral alterations in the open field and elevated plus maze (EPM); ii) alterations in the expression of glutamate transporter (EAAC1) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in the hilus of dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (HDG). Twelve groups of male Wistar rats (250g, n=10/each) were used. They received 2ml/Kg or 4ml/Kg of ayauhasca beverage or water: only once (acute), 3 times/day for 3 days (sub-chronic) or once/day for 15 days (chronic). Thirty minutes after the last ingestion the animals were submitted to behavioural tests. After 24 hours they were anaesthetized, perfused and their brains sectioned (40-m) in the hippocampus and PFC for immunohistochemistry (IH) detection of EAAC1. Comparisons between ayahuasca and control groups used Student t test. Significance was set at p0.05. Only sub-chronic ingestion of Ayahuasca induced a decrease in locomotor (27%) activit in the open field. On the EPM all treatments with Ayahuasca induced no significant increase in both number of entries and time spent in the open arms. The sub-chronic and chronic treatments with Ayahuasca induced a significant increase in EAAC1 expression in the HDG (20-67%). In contrast, in the PFC the expression of EAAC1 was significantly decreased in rats treated with 2 or 4ml/Kg sub-chronically or 4ml/Kg chronically (17-25%). Acute ingestion of 2ml/Kg induced a smaller increase in EAAC1-IC (16%). These results suggest that i) Ayahuasca changes the locomotor and exploratory activities in a way depending the dose and frequency of ingestion; ii) Ayahuasca does not have effect on the level of anxiety; iii) Acute, sub-chronic or chronic ingestion of Ayahuasca beverage trigger distinct mechanisms in the PFC and hippocampus involving the modulation of glutamate neurotransmission.

Um estudo do comportamento social de duplas de ratos (Rattus norvegicus) / A study of social behavior in pairs of rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Bonuti, Rafael Carvalho 04 December 2014 (has links)
Uma das dificuldades de se estudar o comportamento social é que para que ele ocorra são necessários pelo menos dois sujeitos, o que dificulta medidas de um deles, sem que seja necessário levar em conta o comportamento do outro. O presente trabalho investiga o comportamento social de duplas de ratos separados por uma grade, para minimizar o efeito que o comportamento de um rato possa ter sobre o outro. Como equipamento, foi utilizado um campo aberto de madeira (120 x 120 x 40 cm) forrado de fórmica marrom escuro. Uma das paredes podia estar intacta ou apresentar uma abertura por onde se podia acoplar uma gaiola de pássaros (34 x 22 x 26 cm). Todas as sessões se iniciavam pela colocação de um rato no centro do campo aberto e da gravação de seu comportamento por 10 minutos (exceto quando mencionado diferente) por uma câmara de vídeo. Para o registro, o piso do campo aberto na tela da TV foi dividido em 36 quadrados de 20 cm. Para cada quadrado, foram registradas a frequência e a duração dos seguintes comportamentos: (1) entradas e tempo gasto nos quadrados do campo aberto (compondo as áreas: quadrado da gaiola, cantos, periferia e centro), (2) frequência e tempo gasto farejando, limpando-se, levantando-se, esticando-se, e roendo a grade da gaiola. Esse procedimento foi aplicado a sete experimentos: (1) comparação com outro teste da literatura (File e Hyde, 1978, registrado segundo os autores), no qual o comportamento social dos dois animais se confunde, (2) comparação do comportamento social de machos e fêmeas no campo aberto sem gaiola, com a gaiola vazia e ocupada por um co-específico, (3) habituação ao aparato antes do teste com o co-específico, (4) estabilidade das medidas registradas em sessões repetidas, (5) efeito da iluminação, (6) efeito de tratamento com clordiazepóxido, e (7) efeito da duração da sessão. Os resultados do primeiro experimento indicaram que o teste da literatura correlacionou-se muito pouco com suas próprias medidas e com as medidas do teste proposto, enquanto o teste proposto mostrou um grande numero de correlações entre si. O principal achado foi o de que os animais testados com a presença do co-específico na gaiola alocaram uma maior quantidade de tempo e executaram mais comportamentos na área da gaiola. O segundo experimento mostrou que a ocupação da área da gaiola depende da presença do co-específico, sendo menor (e menos frequentes os comportamentos) quando a gaiola estava vazia e menor ainda quando não havia gaiola. O terceiro experimento mostrou que a pré-exposição ao campo aberto com a gaiola vazia não alterou o tempo gasto na área defronte à gaiola em comparação com uma segunda sessão com o co-específico presente. O quarto experimento mostrou que submeter os ratos a cinco sessões sucessivas também não alterou o comportamento social dirigido ao co-específico. O quinto experimento mostrou que ratos testados no claro ou no escuro interagem com o co-específico de modo semelhante. O sexto experimento apresenta dados mostrando que o comportamento social aumentou com a administração de 3,0 e 5,6 mg/Kg de clordiazepóxido. Finalmente, o sétimo experimento mostrou que o comportamento social se altera muito pouco quando se compara o comportamento de ratos em sessões com 10 ou com 30 minutos de duração. De um modo geral, os dados demonstraram que o modelo proposto permite o estudo de duplas de ratos com foco no registro individual de um rato-alvo, sem que seja demasiadamente influenciado pelo co-específico, é estável em sucessivas sessões ou sessões com durações diferentes, é sensível à presença do co-específico, do sexo do animal-alvo e sensível a um tratamento farmacológico. Uma característica importante é que, ao contrário da literatura (File e Hyde, 1978) não é necessário isolar o(s) animal(is). / One of the difficulties of studying social behavior is that for it to occur at least two individuals are necessary, which makes it difficult taking measures of one of them without taking the behavior of the other into consideration. The present work investigated the social behavior of pairs of rats separated by a grid in order to minimize the effect the behavior of one rat may have upon the other. A wood open field (120 x 120 x 40 cm) lined with dark brown Formica was used. One of the walls could be intact or present an opening through which a bird cage (34 x 22 x 26 cm) could be fixed. All sessions started by placing a rat in the center of the open field and recording its behavior for 10 minutes (except when stated otherwise) with a video camera. For recording, the floor of the open field was divided into 36 20-cm squares on the TV screen. Frequency and duration of the following behaviors were recorded for each square: (1) entries and time spent in each square of the open field (grouped in the areas: cage square, corners, periphery and center), (2) frequency and time spent sniffing, grooming, rearing, stretching and gnowing the grid. This procedure was used in seven experiments: (1)comparison with a literature test (File and Hyde, 1978), in which social behavior of a pair of rats is mixed, (2) comparison of the social behavior of males and females in the open field without the cage, with an empty cage and with the cage with a co-specific, (3), habituation to the apparatus before the test with the co-specific present, (4) stability of the recorde measures along repeated sessions, (5) the influence of illumination during the test, (6) the effect of chlordiazepoxyde treatment, and (7) the effect of session duration. The results of the first experiment indicated that the measurements of the literature test did not correlate well, while the porposed test exhibited a large number of correlations. The main finding was that the rats tested with the co-specific in the cage allocated a larger amount of time to the cage square. The second experiment showed that the occupation of the cage square depends on the presence of the co-specific, and is smaller (as are less frequent the behaviors) when the cage was empty and even smaller when there was no cage. The third experiment showed the pre-exposure to the open field with an empty cage did not alter the time spent in the cage square in a second session with the co-specific present. The fourth experiment showed that submitting the rats to five daily sessions also did not alter the social behavior directed towards the co-specific. The fifth experiment showed that rats tested either in the light or in the dark interact with the co-specific in the same manner. The sixth experiment presents data showing that social behavior increased with the administration of 3.0 and 5.6 mg/Kg chlordiazepoxyde. Finally, the seventh experiment showed that social behavior alters very little when 10-min sessions are compared to 30-min sessions. In general, the data showed that the proposed model allows the study of pairs of rats focusing in the individual record of a target rat without its being too much influenced by the co-specific, is stable in successive sessions or sessions with different durations, is sensitive to the presence of a co-specific, to the gender of the target rat, and to a pharmacological treatment. An important characteristic is that, unlike the literature test (File and Hyde, 1978) it is not necessary to isolate the animals(s).

Exercício agudo realizado a baixo ou acima do limiar anaeróbio induz diferentes comportamentos de ansiedade em ratos wistar

Lima, Carleuza Francisca de 28 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-24T04:15:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Texto Completo.pdf: 1087367 bytes, checksum: 37433b8a928cf0b32aadd085b4260bfe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-28 / Few studies have investigated the acute/chronic effects of physical exercises on behaviors related to anxiety in animal models and the results are quite contradictory. Those conflicts seem to result from the methodological diversity among the studies, for example, the configuration of the physical exercise program. Materials and methods. Male Wistar rats were randomly divided in 4 groups: Control, 0, 5 or 50% of the body weight. The effect of the intensity of the swimming exercise on the behavioral measurements in the tests of elevated plus-maze and open field were investigated. Results. The variance analysis revealed significant differences on the concentration of blood lactate among the groups (p < 0.01). The analyses revealed that the 50% group showed smaller stay time and entrance in the open arms of the maze compared to the Control one, and to the groups of 0% and 5% of body weight. The animals submitted to a smaller level of physical stress revealed a higher disposition - up to 54% - to stay in the open arms when compared with the Control group. Conclusions. The results suggest that the acute effects of the physical exercise result in complex and transitory changes of behavior and central neurochemistry in rats. Those changes seem to follow a charge-response ratio that depends on the intensity of the exercise. / Poucos trabalhos têm investigado os efeitos agudos/crônicos do exercício físico sobre o comportamento relacionado com a ansiedade em modelo animal e os resultados são bastante contraditórios. Esses conflitos parecem decorrentes da diversidade metodológica entre os trabalhos, por exemplo, a configuração do programa de exercício físico. Materiais e métodos. Ratos machos Wistar foram aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos: Controle, 0, 5 ou 50% do peso corporal. O efeito da intensidade do exercício de natação sobre medidas de comportamento nos testes de labirinto em cruz elevado e de campo aberto foi investigado. Resultados. A análise de variância revelou diferenças significativas sobre a concentração de lactato sangüíneo entre os grupos (p < 0,01). As análises revelaram que o grupo 50% apresentou menor tempo de permanência e entradas nos braços abertos do labirinto em relação ao Controle e aos grupos de 0% e 5% do peso corporal. Os animais submetidos a menor carga de estresse físico revelaram uma disposição em até 54% maior para permanecer nos braços abertos quando comparada ao Controle. Conclusões. Os resultados sugerem que os efeitos agudos do exercício físico proporcionam complexas e transitórias alterações sobre o comportamento e a neuroquímica central em ratos. Essas alterações parecem obedecer a uma relação dose-resposta dependente da intensidade do exercício.

An investigation of computer vision syndrome with smart devices

Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Afzam Shah Bin January 2018 (has links)
The overarching theme of the thesis was to investigate the association between smart device use and computer vision syndrome. The initial study designed and developed the Open Field Tear film Analyser (OFTA) enabling a continuous, real-time assessment of the tear film and blink characteristics during smart device use. The monocular OFTA prototype was validated and showed good intra- and inter-observer repeatability relative to the Oculus Keratograph 5M and Bausch and Lomb one position keratometer. Subsequently, tear osmolarity following engagement with reading and gaming tasks on smart device and paper platforms was investigated. Discrete measures of osmolarity pre- and post-engagement with the tasks were obtained with the TearLab osmometer; osmolarity values differed between platforms when participants were engaged in a gaming task but no such difference was observed with the reading task. In addition, the influence of repeated measurements on tear osmolarity was also explored. To simulate the habitual binocular viewing conditions normally associated with smart device use, the binocular OFTA was developed. The device was used to assess the tear film and blink characteristics whilst engaging with reading and gaming tasks on smart device and paper platforms. The results revealed differences in blink characteristics and non-invasive tear break up time between the different platforms and tasks assessed. In addition, the thesis also reports on an investigation examining the real-time accommodative response to various targets displayed on smart devices using an open-field autorefractor with a Badal lens system adaptation. The results showed that accommodative latency, accommodative lag, mean velocity of accommodation, speed of disaccommodation and mean velocity of disaccommodation varied across the different platforms. Through the use of validated subjective questionnaires and smartphone apps, the relationship between duration of smartphone use and symptoms of dry eye were examined. The findings of this study demonstrated that longer duration of smartphone and personal computer use were associated with higher risk of dry eyes as indicated by subjective questionnaire outcomes.

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