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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Correlação entre o eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso, a tomografia de coerência óptica e a perimetria automatizada na detecção da perda neural na atrofia em banda do nervo óptico / Relationship between pattern electroretinogram, optical coherence tomography and automated perimetry for detection of neural loss in eyes with band atrophy of the optic nerve

Cunha, Leonardo Provetti 09 August 2010 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade dos parâmetros do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total e hemianópico em diferenciar olhos com atrofia em banda do nervo óptico e, a correlação entre as amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso, a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica e a perda de campo visual nestes pacientes. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e um olhos de 41 pacientes com perda de campo visual temporal permanente por compressão do quiasma óptico e 41 controles normais foram submetidos ao eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de estimulação de campo total e hemianópicos (temporal e nasal), a tomografia de coerência óptica, para avaliação das medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular e, ao exame de campo visual, pela perimetria automatizada padrão. O desvio do normal da sensibilidade dos 18º centrais do campo visual foram expressos em decibéis e unidades 1/Lambert. As comparações foram feitas pelo teste t de Student. A correlação entre os parâmetros do campo visual central, do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e da tomografia de coerência óptica foi avaliada pela correlação de Pearson e análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: Os valores das amplitudes P50, N95, and P50+N95 do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total, e de estimulação hemianópica e os valores das medidas da espessura macular e da camada de fibras nervosas da retina obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica foram significativamente menores nos olhos com atrofia em banda do que nos controles (P<0,001). Uma correlação significativa foi encontrada entre a perda de sensibilidade no campo visual central e as amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de estimulação de campo total e nasal, mas não para o temporal. Uma correlação significativa positiva foi observada entre os parâmetros de perda de sensibilidade no campo visual e a maioria dos parâmetros da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica. Nenhuma correlação significativa foi observada entre os parâmetros do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e a tomografia de coerência óptica, exceto para amplitude P50+N95 do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de estimulação de hemicampo nasal. Uma correlação significativa foi observada entre os parâmetros de espessura macular e da camada de fibras nervosas pela tomografia de coerência óptica, exceto entre a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas no segmento de 30º, correspondente as 9 horas do relógio e os parâmetros maculares. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores das amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso foram eficazes em diferenciar olhos com atrofia em banda do nervo óptico de controles normais. Em pacientes com atrofia em banda do nervo óptico, as amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular correlacionaram de forma significativa com a perda de campo visual, mas não houve correlação entre eles. O eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e a tomografia de coerência óptica detectaram a perda neural e ambos são métodos diagnósticos úteis na compreensão da correlação estrutura-função em pacientes com compressão do quiasma óptico / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of full-field and hemifield pattern electroretinogram parameters to differentiate between healthy eyes and eyes with band atrophy of the optic nerve and also to evaluate the relationship between pattern electroretinogram amplitude, macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness by optical coherence tomography, and visual field loss on standard automated perimetry in eyes with BA of optic nerve. METHODS: Forty-one eyes from 41 patients with permanent temporal visual field defects from chiasmal compression and 41 healthy subjects underwent transient fullfield and hemifield (temporal or nasal) stimulation pattern electroretinogram, standard automated perimetry and time domain- optical coherence tomography macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements. Comparisons were made using Students t-test. Deviation from normal visual field sensitivity for the central 18° was expressed in dB and 1/Lambert units. Correlations between measurements were verified by Pearsons correlations and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Full-field P50, N95, and P50+N95 amplitude values were significantly smaller in eyes with band atrophy than in control eyes (P<0.001). Nasal and temporal hemifield pattern electroretinogram studies revealed significant differences in N95 and P50+N95 amplitudes measurements. Pattern electroretinogram and optical coherence tomography measurements were significantly lower in eyes with temporal hemianopia than in normal eyes. A significant correlation was found between visual field sensitivity loss and full-field or nasal, but not temporal, hemifield pattern electroretinogram amplitude. Likewise a significant correlation was found between visual field sensitivity loss and most optical coherence tomography parameters. No significant correlation was observed between optical coherence tomography and pattern electroretinogram parameters, except for nasal hemifield amplitude. A significant correlation was observed between several macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Transient pattern electroretinogram amplitude measurements were efficient at differentiating eyes with band atrophy and permanent visual field defects from normal controls. In patients with chiasmal compression, pattern electroretinogram amplitude and optical coherence tomography thickness measurements were significant related to visual field loss, but not to each other. Pattern electroretinogram and optical coherence tomography quantify neuronal loss differently, but both technologies are useful in understanding structure-function relationship in patients with chiasmal compression

Terapia fotodinâmica em pele fotoenvelhecida de camundongo hairless: avaliação por técnicas óptica e histopatológica / Photodynamic therapy on photoaged skin of hairless mouse: optical and histopathologic assessments

Jorge, Ana Elisa Serafim 02 June 2014 (has links)
A exposição crônica à radiação ultravioleta (UV) resulta no fotoenvelhecimento da pele humana. A fim de tratá-lo, a terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) - técnica que utiliza luz, um fotossensibilizador (FS) e oxigênio molecular - tem sido utilizada em ambientes clínicos, no entanto são escassas as investigações que revelam os achados histopatológicos desse tratamento na pele fotoenvelhecida. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar experimentalmente os efeitos da TFD na pele fotoenvelhecida de camundongos por meio de técnicas ópticas e histológicas. Portanto, foram utilizados camundongos hairless (sem pelo) distribuídos aleatoriamente em diferentes grupos, tais como: Controle, animais de pele sadia envelhecida intrinsecamente, não irradiados com luz UV e não tratados; UV, animais irradiados com luz UV e não tratados; UV/Luz, animais irradiados com luz UV e tratados com fototerapia; UV/TFD, animais fotoenvelhecidos (irradiados com luz UV) e tratados com a TFD; e Controle/TFD, animais de pele sadia envelhecida intrinsecamente e tratados com TFD. A indução do fotoenvelhecimento foi realizada por diferentes fontes de luz contendo, principalmente, a banda espectral UV; para a TFD, foram utilizadas fontes de luz com comprimento de onda de 415, 630 e 635 nm (azul e vermelho) juntamente com o ácido 5-aminolevulínico (ALA), precursor do FS endógeno protoporfirina IX (PpIX). Para fazer o seguimento da TFD por técnicas ópticas, foram realizadas espectroscopia de fluorescência, imagem de fluorescência de campo amplo e tomografia por coerência óptica (OCT, do inglês optical coherence tomography). A avaliação histopatológica pós-TFD foi realizada com os corantes HE, Tricrômio de Masson (TM) e Verhoeff a fim de analisar a espessura da epiderme, o infiltrado inflamatório, o conteúdo de colágeno na derme e sua espessura e a qualidade das fibras elásticas. Como resultado, observouse aumento significativo da espessura da epiderme pela regeneração dos queratinócitos e deposição de novas fibras colágenas dérmicas apenas nos animais tratados com ALA-TFD, tanto irradiados quanto não-irradiados com luz UV (grupos UV/TFD e Controle/TFD, respectivamente). Assim, torna-se evidente que a TFD trata a pele fotoenvelhecida do camundongo hairless pelos achados histopatológicos e através das imagens de OCT. Com isso, este trabalho agrega informação às investigações clínicas a respeito da TFD no tratamento da pele fotoenvelhecida, atestando seu uso para o fotorrejuvenescimento cutâneo. / The chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) leads to photoaging of the human skin. As a treatment, the photodynamic therapy (PDT) which brings together light, a photosensitizer, and molecular oxygen has been extensively used on clinical trials; however, there are few studies that highlight the histopathologic findings regarding this technique on photoaged skin. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze experimentally the effects of PDT on photoaged skin of hairless mice by means of optical and histopathologic assessments. For this, hairless mice were randomly allocated in different groups, such as: Control, animals with healthy aged skin, neither exposed to an UV lamp nor treated; UV, animals exposed to an UV lamp with no treatment; UV/Light, animals exposed to an UV lamp and treated just with light; UV/PDT, animals exposed to an UV lamp and treated with PDT; and Control/PDT, animals with healthy aged skin treated with PDT. The photoaging process was induced by different light sources, which had mainly the UV spectrum; for the PDT, light sources of different wavelengths (415, 630, 635 nm) were used (blue and red light sources) and the 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), PS precursor of the endogenous protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). In order to follow the PDT protocol up by means of optical techniques, we used fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence images and optical coherence tomography. The histopathologic assessment after the PDT procedure was performed with H&E, Massons Trichrome and Verhoeff stains for epidermal thickness, inflammatory infiltrate, dermal collagen content, dermal thickness, and quality of elastic fibers. As a result, it has been observed a significant epidermal thickening due to keratinocytes regeneration and newly formed dermal collagen fibers only on the groups treated with PDT-ALA (UV/PDT and Control/PDT groups). Therefore, it is evident that PDT treats the photoaged skin of hairless mice since histopatologic findings and OCT images have shown those morphology changes. In conclusion, this work add information to the clinical trials regarding the PDT as a reliable technique to treat photoaged skin, proving its use for the skin photorejuvenation.

Eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso (PERG) de campo total na esclerose múltipla e na neuromielite óptica e PERG multifocal na atrofia em banda do nervo óptico: correlação com os achados da tomografia de coerência óptica e da perimetria c / Pattern-reversal electroretinogram (PERG) full field in multiple sclerosis and optic neuromyelitis and multifocal PERG in band atrophy of the optic nerve: correlation with the findings of optical coherence tomography and computerized perimetry

Hokazono, Kenzo 25 April 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a capacidade do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total (PERG) e multifocal (PERGmf) de detectar alterações funcionais da retina em pacientes com afecções desmielinizantes e compressivas da via óptica anterior; estudar a correlação entre as amplitudes do PERG e PERGmf com as espessuras das camadas internas da retina obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) e com a perda de campo visual avaliada pela perimetria computadorizada padrão (PCP). MÉTODOS: cento e cinquenta e dois olhos de 28 pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM), 38 com espectro da neuromielite óptica (NMO) com ou sem neurite óptica (NO) prévia e 30 olhos de 26 controles normais foram submetidos ao PERG, à TCO para avaliação da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR) peripapilar e camadas internas da retina na mácula e à PCP. Os olhos estudados foram divididos em 4 grupos: grupo 1. EM com NO; grupo 2. EM sem NO; grupo 3. NMO; grupo 4. Mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Os achados foram comparados utilizando-se as equações de estimativas generalizadas. As correlações entre os achados do PERG, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. Para avaliação dos pacientes com doenças compressivas da via óptica anterior, foram estudados 25 olhos de pacientes com defeito campimétrico temporal e atrofia em banda (AB) do nervo óptico decorrente de compressões quiasmáticas já tratadas e 25 olhos de 25 controles normais pelo PERGmf, a TCO e a PCP. As comparações entre olhos com AB e controles foram feitas usando análise de variância (ANOVA). As correlações entre achados do PERGmf, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: comparado com controles, as amplitudes do PERG foram significativamente reduzidas em olhos de pacientes com NMO e EM com NO, mas não mostraram diferenças significativas em olhos de pacientes com EM sem NO e mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Correlações significantes foram encontradas entre os valores de amplitude de N95, a espessura da camada de células ganglionares da retina e a espessura da CFNR peripapilar. As reduções de amplitudes do PERG também foram significativamente associadas à perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. Na avaliação de pacientes com AB do nervo óptico, as amplitudes do PERGmf foram significativamente reduzidas nos quadrantes temporais quando comparados com controles. Não houve diferenças de amplitude nos setores nasais. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre as amplitudes do PERGmf, a espessura macular total e a CFNR peripapilar no setor temporal e a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. CONCLUSÕES: O PERG foi capaz de detectar perda funcional em pacientes com EM e NMO com NO prévia e suas amplitudes foram significativamente correlacionadas com a espessura das camadas internas da retina e camada de fibras nervosas peripapilar. As amplitudes do PERGmf foram capazes de demonstrar perda funcional em pacientes com AB do nervo óptico e apresentaram correlações significantes com a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual e as medidas de espessura macular total e da CFNR peripapilar / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of full-field and multifocal (mf) pattern electroretinogram (PERG) parameters to detect functional changes of the retina in patients with demyelinating and compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway; to study the relationship between the PERG (full field and multifocal) amplitudes, optical coherence tomography (OCT)-measured inner retinal layers measurements and visual field sensitivity loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: one hundred fifty-two eyes of 28 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), 38 with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum with or without previous episodes of optic neuritis (ON) and 30 eyes of 26 normal controls underwent PERG, OCT macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and SAP. The eyes of the patients were divided into 4 groups: group 1. EM with ON; group 2. EM without ON; group 3. NMO; group 4. Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM). The findings were compared using the generalized estimating equations (GEE). The correlations between the findings of the PERG, OCT and SAP were assessed by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. For evaluation of patients with compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway, 25 eyes of patients with temporal visual field defect and band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve due to chiasmal compression and 25 eyes of 25 normal controls were studied by mfPERG, OCT and SAP. Comparisons between BA and control eyes were made using variance analysis (ANOVA). The correlations between the findings mfPERG, OCT and SAP were evaluated by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: compared to controls, PERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in eyes of patients with MS with ON and NMO, but not in eyes with MS without ON and longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis. Significant correlations were found between N95 amplitudes values, OCT-measured macular ganglion cell layer thickness, total retinal thickness, and temporal peripapillary RNFL thickness.The reduced mfPERG amplitudes were also significantly associated with loss of visual field sensitivity. In the evaluation of patients with BA of the optic nerve, mfPERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in the temporal quadrants when compared with controls. There were no differences in the amplitudes values in the nasal sectors. Significant correlations were found between mfPERG amplitudes, OCT-measured total macular thickness and peripapillary RNFL in the temporal sector and the loss of sensitivity of the visual field. CONCLUSIONS: full-field PERG measurements were able to detect functional loss in patients with MS and NMO with previous episodes of ON and PERG amplitudes were significantly correlated with inner retinal layers thicknesses and peripapillary RNFL. Multifocal PERG amplitudes were able to demonstrate functional loss in patients with BA of the optic nerve and showed significant correlations with visual field sensitivity loss and OCT-measured total macular and peripapillary RNFL thickness

Eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso (PERG) de campo total na esclerose múltipla e na neuromielite óptica e PERG multifocal na atrofia em banda do nervo óptico: correlação com os achados da tomografia de coerência óptica e da perimetria c / Pattern-reversal electroretinogram (PERG) full field in multiple sclerosis and optic neuromyelitis and multifocal PERG in band atrophy of the optic nerve: correlation with the findings of optical coherence tomography and computerized perimetry

Kenzo Hokazono 25 April 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a capacidade do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total (PERG) e multifocal (PERGmf) de detectar alterações funcionais da retina em pacientes com afecções desmielinizantes e compressivas da via óptica anterior; estudar a correlação entre as amplitudes do PERG e PERGmf com as espessuras das camadas internas da retina obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) e com a perda de campo visual avaliada pela perimetria computadorizada padrão (PCP). MÉTODOS: cento e cinquenta e dois olhos de 28 pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM), 38 com espectro da neuromielite óptica (NMO) com ou sem neurite óptica (NO) prévia e 30 olhos de 26 controles normais foram submetidos ao PERG, à TCO para avaliação da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR) peripapilar e camadas internas da retina na mácula e à PCP. Os olhos estudados foram divididos em 4 grupos: grupo 1. EM com NO; grupo 2. EM sem NO; grupo 3. NMO; grupo 4. Mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Os achados foram comparados utilizando-se as equações de estimativas generalizadas. As correlações entre os achados do PERG, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. Para avaliação dos pacientes com doenças compressivas da via óptica anterior, foram estudados 25 olhos de pacientes com defeito campimétrico temporal e atrofia em banda (AB) do nervo óptico decorrente de compressões quiasmáticas já tratadas e 25 olhos de 25 controles normais pelo PERGmf, a TCO e a PCP. As comparações entre olhos com AB e controles foram feitas usando análise de variância (ANOVA). As correlações entre achados do PERGmf, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: comparado com controles, as amplitudes do PERG foram significativamente reduzidas em olhos de pacientes com NMO e EM com NO, mas não mostraram diferenças significativas em olhos de pacientes com EM sem NO e mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Correlações significantes foram encontradas entre os valores de amplitude de N95, a espessura da camada de células ganglionares da retina e a espessura da CFNR peripapilar. As reduções de amplitudes do PERG também foram significativamente associadas à perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. Na avaliação de pacientes com AB do nervo óptico, as amplitudes do PERGmf foram significativamente reduzidas nos quadrantes temporais quando comparados com controles. Não houve diferenças de amplitude nos setores nasais. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre as amplitudes do PERGmf, a espessura macular total e a CFNR peripapilar no setor temporal e a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. CONCLUSÕES: O PERG foi capaz de detectar perda funcional em pacientes com EM e NMO com NO prévia e suas amplitudes foram significativamente correlacionadas com a espessura das camadas internas da retina e camada de fibras nervosas peripapilar. As amplitudes do PERGmf foram capazes de demonstrar perda funcional em pacientes com AB do nervo óptico e apresentaram correlações significantes com a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual e as medidas de espessura macular total e da CFNR peripapilar / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of full-field and multifocal (mf) pattern electroretinogram (PERG) parameters to detect functional changes of the retina in patients with demyelinating and compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway; to study the relationship between the PERG (full field and multifocal) amplitudes, optical coherence tomography (OCT)-measured inner retinal layers measurements and visual field sensitivity loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: one hundred fifty-two eyes of 28 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), 38 with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum with or without previous episodes of optic neuritis (ON) and 30 eyes of 26 normal controls underwent PERG, OCT macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and SAP. The eyes of the patients were divided into 4 groups: group 1. EM with ON; group 2. EM without ON; group 3. NMO; group 4. Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM). The findings were compared using the generalized estimating equations (GEE). The correlations between the findings of the PERG, OCT and SAP were assessed by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. For evaluation of patients with compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway, 25 eyes of patients with temporal visual field defect and band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve due to chiasmal compression and 25 eyes of 25 normal controls were studied by mfPERG, OCT and SAP. Comparisons between BA and control eyes were made using variance analysis (ANOVA). The correlations between the findings mfPERG, OCT and SAP were evaluated by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: compared to controls, PERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in eyes of patients with MS with ON and NMO, but not in eyes with MS without ON and longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis. Significant correlations were found between N95 amplitudes values, OCT-measured macular ganglion cell layer thickness, total retinal thickness, and temporal peripapillary RNFL thickness.The reduced mfPERG amplitudes were also significantly associated with loss of visual field sensitivity. In the evaluation of patients with BA of the optic nerve, mfPERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in the temporal quadrants when compared with controls. There were no differences in the amplitudes values in the nasal sectors. Significant correlations were found between mfPERG amplitudes, OCT-measured total macular thickness and peripapillary RNFL in the temporal sector and the loss of sensitivity of the visual field. CONCLUSIONS: full-field PERG measurements were able to detect functional loss in patients with MS and NMO with previous episodes of ON and PERG amplitudes were significantly correlated with inner retinal layers thicknesses and peripapillary RNFL. Multifocal PERG amplitudes were able to demonstrate functional loss in patients with BA of the optic nerve and showed significant correlations with visual field sensitivity loss and OCT-measured total macular and peripapillary RNFL thickness

Comparison of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Populations in the United States

Coultas, Susan Lynette 01 January 2016 (has links)
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States in people who are 50 and older. The safety and efficacy of aflibercept for the treatment of late stage neovascular AMD (NAMD) has been demonstrated by clinical trials among several populations; however, it is unclear whether all NAMD patients respond in the same manner as was studied in the clinical trials. The purpose of this study was to examine if populations of patients treated with aflibercept for the treatment of NAMD were significantly different from one another in terms of health characteristics, treatment regimens, and treatment outcomes. The burden of treatment theory was used to guide this study. Data collected from electronic medical records were used to investigate NAMD characteristics 199 patients from 3 private, retinal practices in the United States. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, 2, Spearman's correlation, and point-biserial correlation tests. The results of this study showed the specific retinal practice populations of NAMD patients treated with aflibercept were generally similar with respect to selected health characteristics, treatment regimens, and treatment outcomes. By using the information reported from this research, public health initiatives can be developed that focus on the need for early detection of AMD to capture changes that represent NAMD and move to early treatment for better outcomes. The positive social change that could result from this research is that retinal specialists may gain insight into the use and outcomes of aflibercept treatment.

A time domain optical coherence tomograph for laboratory investigations on phantoms and human skin / Utveckling av en tidsupplöst optisk koherenstomograf för undersökning av fantom och hud

Freiberger, Manuel January 2005 (has links)
<p>Optical coherence tomography is an imaging modality with an outstanding resolution. During the project, a time domain OCT system based on a Michelson fibre interferometer was implemented and put into operation. A super-luminescent diode with a centre wavelength of 1295nm and a bandwidth of 45nm was selected as light source and a linear variable delay line as reference. Basic tests were made on phantoms constructed of filter foils and on gel-like agar slices with optical properties similar to human tissue. It was shown that the achievable resolution was at least 36um and can be increased. The system can easily be enhanced to create two-dimensional images.</p> / <p>Optische Kohärenztomographie ist ein bildgebendes Verfahren mit einer hervorragenden räumlichen Auflösung. Im Laufe des Projekts wurde ein OCT-System basierend auf einem faseroptischen Michelson-Interferometer implementiert und in Betrieb genommen. Als Lichtquelle wurde eine Superlumineszenzdiode mit einer Mittenwellenlänge von 1295nm und einer Bandbreite von 45nm gewählt. Eine variable optische Verzögerungsleitung diente als Referenz. Erste Messungen an Filterfolien und gelähnlichen Agarphantomen, die die optischen Eigenschaften von menschlichem Gewebe nachbildeten, lieferten eine räumliche Auflösung von mindestens 36um. Durch die modulare Bauweise ist das System leicht für zweidimensionale Aufnahmen erweiterbar.</p>

A time domain optical coherence tomograph for laboratory investigations on phantoms and human skin / Utveckling av en tidsupplöst optisk koherenstomograf för undersökning av fantom och hud

Freiberger, Manuel January 2005 (has links)
Optical coherence tomography is an imaging modality with an outstanding resolution. During the project, a time domain OCT system based on a Michelson fibre interferometer was implemented and put into operation. A super-luminescent diode with a centre wavelength of 1295nm and a bandwidth of 45nm was selected as light source and a linear variable delay line as reference. Basic tests were made on phantoms constructed of filter foils and on gel-like agar slices with optical properties similar to human tissue. It was shown that the achievable resolution was at least 36um and can be increased. The system can easily be enhanced to create two-dimensional images. / Optische Kohärenztomographie ist ein bildgebendes Verfahren mit einer hervorragenden räumlichen Auflösung. Im Laufe des Projekts wurde ein OCT-System basierend auf einem faseroptischen Michelson-Interferometer implementiert und in Betrieb genommen. Als Lichtquelle wurde eine Superlumineszenzdiode mit einer Mittenwellenlänge von 1295nm und einer Bandbreite von 45nm gewählt. Eine variable optische Verzögerungsleitung diente als Referenz. Erste Messungen an Filterfolien und gelähnlichen Agarphantomen, die die optischen Eigenschaften von menschlichem Gewebe nachbildeten, lieferten eine räumliche Auflösung von mindestens 36um. Durch die modulare Bauweise ist das System leicht für zweidimensionale Aufnahmen erweiterbar.

Hyperspectral interferometry for single-shot profilometry and depth-resolved displacement field measurement

Widjanarko, Taufiq January 2011 (has links)
A new approach to the absolute measurement of two-dimensional optical path differences is presented in this thesis. The method, which incorporates a white light interferometer and a hyperspectral imaging system, is referred to as Hyperspectral Interferometry. A prototype of the Hyperspectral Interferometry (HSI) system has been designed, constructed and tested for two types of measurement: for surface profilometry and for depth-resolved displacement measurement, both of which have been implemented so as to achieve single shot data acquisition. The prototype has been shown to be capable of performing a single-shot 3-D shape measurement of an optically-flat step-height sample, with less than 5% difference from the result obtained by a standard optical (microscope) based method. The HSI prototype has been demonstrated to be able to perform single-shot measurement with an unambiguous 352 (m depth range and a rms measurement error of around 80 nm. The prototype has also been tested to perform measurements on optically rough surfaces. The rms error of these measurements was found to increase to around 4× that of the smooth surface. For the depth-resolved displacement field measurements, an experimental setup was designed and constructed in which a weakly-scattering sample underwent simple compression with a PZT actuator. Depth-resolved displacement fields were reconstructed from pairs of hyperspectral interferograms. However, the experimental results did not show the expected result of linear phase variation with depth. Analysis of several possible causes has been carried out with the most plausible reasons being excessive scattering particle density inside the sample and the possibility of insignificant deformation of the sample due to insufficient physical contact between the transducer and the sample.

Graph Theory and Dynamic Programming Framework for Automated Segmentation of Ophthalmic Imaging Biomarkers

Chiu, Stephanie Ja-Yi January 2014 (has links)
<p>Accurate quantification of anatomical and pathological structures in the eye is crucial for the study and diagnosis of potentially blinding diseases. Earlier and faster detection of ophthalmic imaging biomarkers also leads to optimal treatment and improved vision recovery. While modern optical imaging technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and adaptive optics (AO) have facilitated in vivo visualization of the eye at the cellular scale, the massive influx of data generated by these systems is often too large to be fully analyzed by ophthalmic experts without extensive time or resources. Furthermore, manual evaluation of images is inherently subjective and prone to human error.</p><p>This dissertation describes the development and validation of a framework called graph theory and dynamic programming (GTDP) to automatically detect and quantify ophthalmic imaging biomarkers. The GTDP framework was validated as an accurate technique for segmenting retinal layers on OCT images. The framework was then extended through the development of the quasi-polar transform to segment closed-contour structures including photoreceptors on AO scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images and retinal pigment epithelial cells on confocal microscopy images. </p><p>The GTDP framework was next applied in a clinical setting with pathologic images that are often lower in quality. Algorithms were developed to delineate morphological structures on OCT indicative of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular edema (DME). The AMD algorithm was shown to be robust to poor image quality and was capable of segmenting both drusen and geographic atrophy. To account for the complex manifestations of DME, a novel kernel regression-based classification framework was developed to identify retinal layers and fluid-filled regions as a guide for GTDP segmentation.</p><p>The development of fast and accurate segmentation algorithms based on the GTDP framework has significantly reduced the time and resources necessary to conduct large-scale, multi-center clinical trials. This is one step closer towards the long-term goal of improving vision outcomes for ocular disease patients through personalized therapy.</p> / Dissertation

Quantitative Analyse retinaler Veränderungen bei nichtglaukomatösen Optikusatrophien mit Hilfe der Optischen Kohärenztomographie

Kühn, Elisabeth 10 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nichtglaukomatöse Optikusatrophien führen nicht nur zu einer Verminderung der Dicke der retinalen Nervenfaserschicht (RNFL) sondern auch zu einer Reduktion des Makulavolumens. In dieser Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe der optischen Kohärenztomographie (OCT) untersucht, welche Schichten der Makula von Dickenveränderungen als Folge einer Optikusatrophie betroffen sind. Es wurden 27 Patienten mit nichtglaukomatösen Optikusatrophien unterschiedlicher Ätiologie (postneuritische, hereditäre und traumatische Atrophien) und 21 augengesunde Kontrollpersonen untersucht. OCT-Scans der RNFL und der Makula wurden mit Hilfe des Stratus OCT 3000 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) durchgeführt. Die axialen Reflektivitätsprofile der radialen Scans wurden aus den exportierten JPEG-Bildern an zwölf Punkten in je 1,5mm Entfernung von der Foveola vermessen und gemittelt. Das charakteristische Reflektivitätsprofil mit fünf Intensitätsmaxima und vier Intensitätsminima wurde der Lokalisation der einzelnen Makulaschichten zugeordnet. Die von nichtglaukomatöser Optikusatrophie betroffenen Augen wiesen im Vergleich zu den Augen der augengesunden Normalpersonen signifikant (p<0,05) reduzierte RNFL-Dicken (um 35,5% reduziert) und Makulavolumen-Werte (um 11,8% reduziert) auf. Bei allen untersuchten Formen der Optikusatrophie waren nicht nur die makuläre Nervenfaserschicht (MNFL) sondern alle inneren Schichten der Makula verdünnt. Die mittlere Reduktion betrug 21,2% für die MNFL, 39,7% für die Ganglienzellschicht, 33,2% für die innere plexiforme Schicht und 9,4% für die innere Körnerzellschicht im Vergleich zu den Werten der Normalpersonen. Veränderungen der äußeren Netzhautschichten traten nur bei den posttraumatischen Atrophien auf. Eine Beurteilung der Dicke aller einzelnen Netzhautschichten aus OCT-Scans ist mit Hilfe geräteintegrierter Software bisher noch nicht möglich. Die quantitative Analyse der axialen Reflektivitätsprofile aus exportierten OCT-Bildern stellt eine geeignete Methode zur Beschreibung des Verlaufs und der Lokalisation von Makulaveränderungen bei Optikusatrophien verschiedener Genese dar.

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