Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oral"" "subject:"ral""
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Uso de enxaguatórios bucais em pacientes portadores de câncer de boca e orofaringe / Mouthrinse use in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancerAssunção Junior, José Narciso Rosa 06 August 2014 (has links)
O câncer de boca é atualmente um grave problema de saúde mundial. A incidência varia amplamente todo o mundo. Vários fatores de risco têm sido associados com cânceres da cavidade oral, tais como o fumo, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, pobre saúde bucal e infecção pelo papiloma vírus humano. O mecanismo pelo qual bebidas alcoólicas provocam câncer oral é desconhecido, mas provavelmente envolve exposição tópica. Diferentes estudos têm sido conduzidos por muitos anos, a fim de esclarecer a possível relação entre o uso crônico de enxaguatórios bucais com álcool e câncer oral. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o uso de enxaguatórios bucais em pacientes com câncer de boca e orofaringe. Foram entrevistados 53 pacientes por meio de um questionário específico de dois centros de referência para o diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer. O grupo caso foi constituído por 33 pacientes, com diagnóstico final de carcinoma epidermóide de boca e orofaringe com sítios nas seguintes localizações anatômicas: face interna dos lábios, língua, gengiva, assoalho da boca, palato e úvula, mucosa oral, vestíbulo da boca, área retromolar, outras partes e partes não especificadas da boca, amígdala e orofaringe. O grupo controle foi constituído por 20 pacientes atendidos em outros ambulatórios dos mesmos hospitais e serviços não ligados a oncologia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que 42,4% dos pacientes do grupo caso eram portadores de lesão na língua e 16 casos (30,3%) estavam classificados como Estádio clínico IV. O uso de prótese não mostrou associação com relação aos grupos (p>0,05). No grupo caso, 81,8% não fazem uso de fio dental e com diferença estatisticamente significativa ao grupo controle (p=0,036). Quanto à escovação dentaria, notamos comportamento contrário onde os casos escovam mais vezes no dia do que o controles. Com relação ao enxaguante bucal, o grupo controle fazia menos uso de enxaguatórios quando comparado ao grupo caso que utilizava mais vezes ao dia (p=0,028). Os pacientes do grupo caso fumavam mais que os do grupo controle, sendo tal diferença significativa (p=0,004), quando se quantificou o consumo de tabaco em maços/ano (quantidade de maços de cigarro e equivalente em outros tipos de cigarro consumidos diariamente por 1 ano) tal diferença também se mostrou maior no grupo caso (p=0,044). O mesmo comportamento foi observado no consumo de etanol (consumo em mililitros por dia durante o ano) (p=0,031). Concluímos com este estudo que, mesmo com uma pequena casuística, através de uma analise estratificada, o uso de enxaguatório foi quatro vezes maior em etilistas, porém não se observou aumento do risco em tabagistas, abstêmios alcoólicos e não tabagistas. / Oral cancer is a major problem worldwide nowadays. The incidence varies widely throughout the world. A great variety of risks have been associated with oral and oropharyngeal cancers,such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, poor oral health, and human papilloma virus infection. The mechanism through which alcohol contributes to oral cancer is unknown, but it probably involves topical and systemic exposition. Different studies aiming to clarify a possible association between alcoholic mouthwashes and oral cancer have been conducted for many years. The objective of this study was to evaluate oral hygiene habits and the use of mouthwashes in oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients. Fifty-three patients from two cancer centers were interviewed by means of a specific questionnaire. The case group comprised 33 patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma located at the following anatomical sites: lips, tongue, gingiva, floor of the mouth, buccal mucosa, palate, uvula, pharyngeal tonsil, oropharynx, and other non-specified parts. The control group comprised 20 patients with non-neoplastic treatments. The results showed that 42.4% the of case group patients presented tongue lesions, 16 patients were classified at stageIV. The dental prosthesis used were not associated with either group (p>0.05). In the case group,81.8% of the patients do not use dental floss, with statistical significance forthe control group (p=0.036). Tooth brushing was more frequent in the case group compared with the control group. Oral mouthwash use was less common in the control group thanin the case group (p=0.028). Tobacco was widely used in the case group, with statistical significance (p=0.004); when the amount of tobacco in packs/yearwas quantified, the difference was higher in the case group (p=0.0044). The same pattern was observed for alcohol consumption (ml-day/year) (p=0.031). Despite the minor casuistic, using a stratified analysis, we conclude that the use of oral mouthwash was four times higher in alcoholic patients, but no increasedrisk was observed in tobacco users, alcohol abstainers, and non-smokers.
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A inclusão de alunos com surdocegueira na rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo: relatos de profissionais especializados / The inclusion of students with deafblindness in the municipal school system of São Paulo: specialized professionals narrativesEmi, Lia Cazumi Yokoyama 09 March 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral propiciar uma reflexão sobre as mudanças na educação a partir do olhar de profissionais especializados da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo que atuaram na inclusão de alunos com surdocegueira. Os objetivos específicos eram: pontuar elementos das histórias de vida das colaboradoras que participaram da pesquisa e sobre a sua atuação profissional, principal-mente na EMEBS; problematizar as escolhas e ações durante o exercício de sua profissão, visando com-preender seu olhar sobre o objetivo da educação; analisar os relatos dessas profissionais sobre as mu-danças metodológicas, buscando reunir informações sobre esse processo. As questões que nortearam o estudo foram: Como se deu a chegada de alunos com surdocegueira nessas unidades? O que essa che-gada causa nos professores especialistas? Como compreender a educação especial em uma perspectiva inclusiva, frente a uma escola bilíngue para Surdos? Qual o papel dos profissionais envolvidos nesse processo e qual a relevância de um espaço especializado? Optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa e as fontes primárias para a realização da pesquisa foram as histórias de vida de quatro colaboradoras, todas mulheres, todas da mesma unidade educacional. A coleta foi feita por meio de entrevistas orais e os critérios utilizados para a escolha das participantes foram: profissionais que atuassem ou tivessem atu-ado nas EMEBS; que soubessem Libras; que tivessem atuado direta ou indiretamente na inclusão de alunos com surdocegueira nessas unidades; e que tivessem interesse em contribuir, voluntariamente, com o estudo. Após da realização das entrevistas, todo o material em áudio foi transcrito, mas apenas parte das informações foram utilizadas em uma discussão que teve como base teórica as obras de Arendt, Adorno e Horkheimer. Foi possível propor e aprofundar algumas reflexões sobre a educação a partir da inclusão de alunos com surdocegueira. Pudemos constatar que a chegada desses alunos provocou, em um primeiro momento, resistência por parte de alguns profissionais. Entretanto, ações coletivas garan-tiram a entrada e a permanência desses alunos, com qualidade, na rede municipal de ensino. As reflexões seguiram duas categorias de análise: a concepção de educação dessas profissionais especializadas e a questão de como a ideia de normalidade comparece na EMEBS. Foi possível propor palavras-síntese para representar o olhar dessas educadoras: direito, acolhimento, respeito e responsabilidade. A soma desses diferentes olhares propiciou a inclusão, libertando esta palavra de sua origem etimológica, que remete à ideia de clausura. A reestruturação das EMEBS, a opção pelo exercício da profissão na rede pública e as experiências passadas dessas educadoras, favoreceram o estabelecimento de um repertório que permitiu a formulação de respostas novas. Foi possível perceber que a EMEBS é um lugar que tem estabelecido teias de relações, não apenas com outros profissionais da rede municipal de ensino, como também com pessoas da Comunidade Surda e pessoas com surdocegueira adultas, constituindo-se como um espaço bicultural. Essa reflexão passou a apresentar-se como chave para a compreensão da perspec-tiva inclusiva. Este trabalho também buscou registrar uma versão que se afasta do discurso do fracasso da educação pública / The general objective of the present dissertation is to propitiate a reflection on the changes in education from the view of specialized professionals who took part in the process of the inclusion of students with deafblindness in the municipal education network of São Paulo. Its specific goals are to point out the cooperators life history and their professional performance, especially in the EMEBS (Municipal School of Bilingual Education for the Deaf); question their choices and actions as professionals, in order to comprehend how they understand education; analyze their stories on the methodological changes, trying to gather information about this process. The guiding questions of this study were: How do the students with deafblindness get to these educational units? What do their arrival cause in the specialized profes-sionals? How can we understand the special education in an inclusive perspective, facing a bilingual school for the Deaf? What is the involved professionals role and whats the importance of a specialized space? Weve chosen the qualitative approach and the primary sources for the execution of the research were the life histories of four cooperators, all women, all from the same educational unit. The collection was done through oral interviews and the criteria for the selection of the participants were: professionals who work or had worked in the EMEBS; who knew Libras; who had worked directly or indirectly in the inclusion of students with deafblindness in these units; and who had the interest to contribute, vol-untarily, with this study. After recording the interviews, all the audio material was transcribed, but only part of the information was used in a discussion that had as a theoretical basis the studies of Arendt, Adorno and Horkheimer. It was possible to propose and to deepen some of the ideas related to the education from the inclusion of students with deafblindness. We could ascertain that the arrival of these students caused, in a first moment, resistance of some of the professionals. However, collective actions guaranteed the entrance and the permanence of these students, with quality, in the municipal education network. The reflections followed two categories of analyses: the notion of education of the specialized professionals and the question of how the idea of normality is present in the EMEBS. It was possible to propose some synthesis-words to represent the point of view of these educators: right, welcoming, respect and responsibility. The sum of these different views fostered the inclusion, making this word get free from its etymological origin, that refers to the idea of enclosure. In the very structure of the EMEBS, the option to work as a professional in the public schools, and the past experiences of these educators, promoted the establishment of a repertoire that enabled the shaping of new answers. With the reflections, it was possible to comprehend that the EMEBS are places where a web of relations are being settled, not only with other professionals of the municipal education network, but also with adult people from the Deaf Community and adult persons with deafblindness, arising as a bicultural space. These thoughts became a key for the comprehension of the inclusive perspective. This research aimed to register a version that gets apart from the failure discourse of public education
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Laser de baixa potência na terapêutica da mucosite oral em pacientes após tratamento de neoplasias de cabeça e pescoço: estudo retrospectivo / Low level laser therapy on oral mucositis in patients after head and neck cancer treatment: a retrospective studyPaula, Priscila Cavalcanti de 16 March 2011 (has links)
Durante ou após o tratamento, quimio ou radioterápico, o cirurgião-dentista deve atuar na prevenção e no tratamento das sequelas e lesões bucais que possam ocorrer. A laserterapia possui um papel fundamental e inovador considerando-se algumas repercussões bucais decorrentes da radioterapia (RT) e da quimioterapia (QT) especialmente quanto a mucosite bucal e a xerostomia. Foi realizado um levantamento dos prontuários de pacientes sob tratamento de neoplasias na região da cabeça e pescoço que foram submetidos à laserterapia de baixa potência no Laboratório Especial de Laser em Odontologia (LELO) da FOUSP, com objetivo de verificar a adequação e efetividade do protocolo terapêutico, estabelecido para os pacientes na prevenção e no tratamento da mucosite oral pós radio e/ou quimioterapia. Examinados cem prontuários de pacientes submetidos a protocolo de laserterapia de baixa potência (LBP) diodo InGaAlP com 660 nm, 40 mW, 6 J/cm2 em um tempo de 6 segundos por ponto em 49 pontos para o tratamento e/ou prevenção das principais manifestações bucais relacionadas a RT (concomitante ou não com cirurgia e/ou QT), atendidos no período de 2007 a 2010. Não foram incluídos os prontuários que não descreviam a periodicidade das aplicações para prevenção e/ou tratamento com LBP, a evolução clínica do paciente frente à laserterapia, dados daqueles pacientes que estavam em tratamento e relacionados a neoplasias outras que não na região de cabeça e pescoço. Foram incluídos na análise os seguintes dados para o levantamento: gênero do paciente, idade, hábitos nocivos (tabagismo, etilismo), frequência e hábitos de higiene bucal, diagnóstico e região da neoplasia, estadiamento TNM, dose total da RT recebida, outros tratamentos relacionados (cirurgia e/ou quimioterapia), queixa principal odontológica/estomatológica. O diagnóstico da mucosite seguiu os Critérios de Toxicidade Comum do Instituto Nacional de Câncer para escala de mucosite oral radio-induzida. Foram colhidos dados quanto ao protocolo de laserterapia de baixa potência utilizados para os casos de mucosite quanto ao período do tratamento, número total de sessões de laserterapia, a frequência das aplicações e desfecho clínico: expresso pelo paciente e/ou avaliação pelo clínico assistente. Os dados obtidos foram apresentados de forma descritiva, em percentuais e médias. Foram selecionados sessenta e três prontuários referentes a neoplasias na região da cabeça e pescoço. O total de prontuários válidos foi dividido em dois grupos: prevenção (n=21) e tratamento (n=42). No grupo de prevenção foram considerados aqueles relativos às aplicações antes da primeira manifestação da mucosite oral. No grupo tratamento consideraram-se aqueles com descrição de aplicações de laser em lesões de mucosite oral. O protocolo utilizado foi capaz de reduzir as lesões e diminuir as manifestações clínicas da mucosite oral em todos os pacientes tratados. A extensão do tempo de tratamento está na dependência de fatores locais como a presença de infecção, nível de higiene bucal bem como a de fatores sistêmicos como o estado nutricional, os hábitos nocivos como tabagismo e etilismo e outras comorbidades como o diabetes. / During or after chemo or radiotherapy, the dentist should play an important role in the prevention and treatment of oral lesions and sequelae that can occur. Laser therapy has some innovative impact especially for therapeutic of oral mucositis and xerostomia. We conducted a survey of archives, of patients after treatment of malignancies in the head and neck who underwent low level laser therapy in the Special Laboratory of Laser in Dentistry (LELO) at Dental School of University of São Paulo in order to verify the suitability of therapeutic protocol for patients in the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis after radiotherapy. One hundred registers of patients undergoing protocol of low level laser (LLL) InGaAlP diode with 660 nm, 40 mW, 6 J/cm2 at a time 6 seconds per point at 49 points for the treatment or prevention of oral mucositis manifestations related to RT (concomitant or not with surgery and/or QT). Records that did not describe timing of applications of LLL for prevention and/or treatment and lack of clinical course of the patient toward lasertherapy were not included on the evaluation. The analysis included: patient gender, age, smoking habits, alcohol use, frequency and oral hygiene practice, diagnosis and region of the tumor, TNM stage, total dose of RT received, other related treatments: surgery and chemotherapy, the primary oral complaint. Diagnosis of mucositis followed the Common Toxicity Criteria of the National Cancer Institute for the level of oral mucositis radio induced. It was collected data from the protocol of low level laser therapy used in cases of mucositis the period of the total number of treatment sessions laser therapy, the frequency of applications, clinical outcome, expressed by the patient and / or evaluation by the clinical assistant. The data were presented descriptively in percentages and averages. We selected sixty-three records relating to neoplasms in the head and neck. The total number of valid records was divided into two groups: prevention (n= 21) and treatment (n= 42). In the prevention group it was considered those related to applications before the first manifestation of oral mucositis. In the treatment group it was considered those with a description of laser applications in presented oral mucositis lesions. The protocol used was able to reduce injuries and lessen the clinical manifestations of oral mucositis in all patients treated. Treatments time length was dependent on local factors such as presence of infection, level of oral hygiene as well as systemic factors such as nutritional status, harmful habits like smoking and alcoholism and other disease as diabetes.
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Dietary intake and dental caries in childrenChankanka, Oitip 01 July 2010 (has links)
Dental caries is a common childhood disease and important health problem in the United States and throughout the world. Most studies that have assessed risk factors for dental caries focused on non-modifiable risk factors such as previous caries experience and socioeconomic status. It is also important to investigate modifiable risk factors that can be used in developing guidelines for risk assessment and prevention. The present dissertation assessed mainly the associations between dental caries and modifiable factors, including dietary factors, water fluoride levels and toothbrushing frequency in children, while adjusting for non-modifiable factors. Data were obtained from subjects who were participants in the Iowa Fluoride Study. Dietary data were collected using 3-day dietary diaries from 1.5 months to 8.5 years and detailed questionnaires from 9 years to 13 years. Dental caries examinations were conducted at about 5, 9 and 13 years of age. There are three main analyses.
The first analysis assessed risk factors for a 4 group primary dentition caries experience variable: the caries-free (reference group), the d1, the d2+f, and the d1d2+f groups. The dietary consumption frequencies (from ages 3 to 5 years) for the children in the 4 caries groups were compared using multivariable multinomial regression analyses. Lower consumption frequency of milk at meals and greater consumption frequency of pre-sweetened cereal at meals significantly increased the likelihood of being in the d1 group. Greater consumption frequency of regular soda pop at snacks significantly increased the likelihood of being in the d1d2+f group. Greater consumption frequency of added sugars at snacks significantly increased chance to be in the d2+f group and the d1d2+f group.
The second manuscript assessed risk factors for new mixed dentition cavitated caries determined based on surface-specific transitions from the primary to mixed dentition exams on 16 teeth using logistic regression analysis. Greater consumption frequency of processed starch at snacks significantly increased the likelihood of having new cavitated caries (p = 0.04 for the model excluding previous caries experience).
The third manuscript used negative binomial regression with the Generalized Linear Mixed Models procedure to assess separately the longitudinal associations of 1) new non-cavitated caries and 2) new cavitated caries with modifiable risk factors. Surface-specific counts of new non-cavitated caries and cavitated caries at each of the primary, mixed and permanent dentition examinations were used as outcome variables. Greater consumption frequency of 100% juice was significantly associated with fewer non-cavitated and fewer cavitated caries surfaces.
In this study, some factors were associated with caries at one age only, while others were associated with caries across childhood. Consumption of foods or beverages at meals generally decreased their cariogenicity. Previous caries experience is strongly associated with other independent variables in the regression models that examined risk factors for new cavitated caries. Thus modifiable factors that usually have weaker associations with caries might not be retained in the models due to collinearity issues. Future researchers are encouraged to present results both ways so that scientific communities can best interpret the complex results. Also, repeated measures analysis might be more appropriate for variables that are common in all age groups, such as toothbrushing frequency and fluoride exposures. More studies of the complex relationships between diet and caries are needed, including additional studies that place more emphasis on investigation of modifiable risk factors for both non-cavitated and cavitated caries.
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Management of initial caries lesions: Iowa surveyElgreatly, Amira 01 May 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors related to Iowa dentists’ management of initial caries lesions for low, moderate and high-risk patients and their agreement with the International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS) Guidelines.
A survey with three patient scenarios (low, moderate and high-risk) was electronically sent to 916 University of Iowa alumni dentists who were in active practice. Information on dentists’ demographics and practice characteristics were also collected in the survey. Descriptive statistics were conducted to profile the variables of interest. Bivariate analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with the management of initial caries lesions for each scenario.
138 (response rate=15%; male=83 and female=55) practicing dentists in Iowa completed the survey. Of these (mean age= 48.3±12.3 years, mean years of clinical practice= 21.4±12.5), 30.4% completed a formal post-graduate training program, and 35.5% were solo practitioners. Agreement with ICCMS guidelines regarding the management of initial caries lesions for low, moderate and high-risk scenarios was approximately 73%, 59%, and 51% respectively. Odds of having agreement with ICCMS in the low risk scenario for those who frequently dry the tooth was 3.56 times that of those who don’t dry the tooth for caries detection (p=0.0468). Odds of having agreement with ICCMS in the moderate risk for those who graduated < 20 years ago was 6 times that of those who graduated >20 years ago (p=0.0024). Odds of having agreement with ICCMS in the moderate risk scenario for those who practiced in public health setting was 14 times that of those who practiced in solo or group practices (p=0.0089) and for those who frequently used magnification was 2.9 times that of those who don’t use magnification (p=0.0225). Odds of having agreement with ICCMS in the high risk scenario for those who frequently performed CRA was 2 times that of those who don’t perform CRA (p=0.0262).
The majority of Iowa dentists agreed with ICCMS guidelines in the non-surgical management of initial caries lesions regardless of patient risk level. Iowa dentists had the highest agreement with the ICCMS guidelines for low-risk scenario and agreement was associated with routinely drying teeth for caries detection. Evidence based decisions individualized for a patients’ risk status are essential for determining the best management of dental caries lesions.
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Knowledge and practice of implant dentistry among University of Iowa College of Dentistry alumni.Abuhammoud, Salahaldeen Mohammad 01 May 2018 (has links)
Objective: The objective of this study was to measure and assess the implant education received by graduates from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics. This study measured the self-reported competency levels of dental practitioners with regards to providing and maintaining dental implants as treatment modalities to their patients. The study assessed dental graduates’ willingness to practice and perform dental implant procedures, including both surgical and prosthetic treatments. Additionally, the study identifies challenges that face practicing dentists treating patients with dental implants and identifies the preferred way practitioners seek future training after completing dental school.
Methods: A 36-item electronic survey was created and distributed to 737 dentists who graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics. Dentists’ demographics, practice characteristics, and detailed self-reported competency in implant dentistry were collected. Statistical analysis of the responses consisted of descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis, and nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test and Spearman’s rank correlation test along with a chi-square test were used for detecting the differences, correlations and associations under different conditions.
Results: 154 dentists completed the survey (21% response rate), while only 143 subjects who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included for the statistical analysis. The survey consisted mostly of males (56.6%). The mean age of respondents was 34.2 years old with a mean practice time of 6.2 years. Of the responding dentists, 21.7% completed a postgraduate training program and 51% of the respondents were in group practice. 66% of the respondents practice in the Midwest region of the US and 71.3% of the respondents took continuing educational courses in implant dentistry and the mean cumulative hours of CE courses in implant dentistry was 33.8 hours. The mean average of implant restorations provided per year was 11.7 and the mean average of implant placements per year was 19.6. There was a significant correlation between cumulative hours of Continuing Education courses and number of implant units on average placed or restored. 64.3% of the dentists are not satisfied with the implant education given at the dental student level. 95.8% of the dentists reported that dental school training is not adequate to surgically place dental implants in their practice. Only 32.4% reported that dental school training was not adequate to restore dental implants in their practice. The preferred way to receive additional training about dental implants is short-term CE courses and workshop courses conducted by implant companies. 23.6% of the dentists reported they are competent at surgically placing dental implants in their practice. 79.1% reported they are competent at restoring dental implants in the dental office. Only 28.4% reported that they feel dental implants are more difficult than other dental treatments.
Conclusions: Graduate dentists from the University of Iowa are not expected to be competent in all components of implant dentistry without further postgraduate training. Respondents stated that their dental school training in surgical placement of implants was inadequate. To build upon their dental school training, the two main preferred education pathways as reported by respondents were short-term continuing education courses and workshops courses conducted by implant companies.
Within the parameters of this study, we can conclude the following:
1.Age, GPA, number of CE hours in dental implant therapy, specialty status, and time since graduation did not influence undergraduate education satisfaction in dental implant therapy.
2.There is a positive correlation between the number of CE course hours and the number of implant units restored or placed by general dentists.
3.Male dentists, those who practice in group practice settings, and those who have graduated six or more years ago reported a greater number of CE course hours in dental implant therapy.
4.Those who graduated with GPAs less than or equal to 3.4, general dentists, and those who enrolled in a high number of CE courses were more confident in restoring dental implants.
5.Those who graduated with a GPA greater than or equal to 3.5, specialist dentists, and those who enrolled in a high number of CE courses were more confident in surgically placing dental implants.
6.Males, general dentists, those who practice in a group practice setting, and those who graduated six years or more ago restored more implants on average per year.
7.Males, specialist dentists, those who practice outside the Midwest US, and those who graduated six years or more ago surgically place more implants on average per year.
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Prevalencia de la calcificación del complejo estilohioideo en pacientes del servicio de imagenología del Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren. 2016 - 2017Calagua Quispe, Jesús Martín January 2017 (has links)
Estudio de tipo retrospectivo, descriptivo y transversal. Se realiza con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de calcificación del complejo estilohioideo en radiografías panorámicas digitales en los años 2016 y 2017 en el servicio de Imagenología - Odontología del HNASS. La muestra es aleatoria conformada por 272 radiografías panorámicas digitales en la que se registra el tipo de apariencia radiográfica, patrón de calcificación, edad, género y lado afectado. Los resultados muestran que existe un 29.4% (n=80) de casos de calcificación del complejo estilohioideo. La apariencia radiográfica más frecuente es el elongado con un 78.46% (n=102) y según el patrón de calcificación el de más frecuencia es el parcialmente calcificado, el cual presenta un 36% (n=47). La prevalencia en varones es de 36.73% (n=36), mientras que en el grupo de mujeres se observa una prevalencia de 25.29% (n=44). El grupo de 80 a 89 años tiene mayor prevalencia con un 57.14%. La calcificación bilateral es el que predominó con un 62.5%. El género y la edad se asocian significativamente con la prevalencia de la calcificación (p<0,05). / Tesis
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Manejo ortodóncico de un quiste óseo fisural y una mordida abierta unilateral severaSilva Noriega, Danitza Fanny January 2018 (has links)
La mordida abierta ha tenido cuantiosas formas de tratamiento a lo largo del tiempo debido a que su etiología es multifactorial, los citados en la literatura incluyen exceso vertical maxilar, patrón esquelético dolicofacial, anomalías en la erupción dental y problemas de empuje de la lengua. En los adultos, las opciones de tratamiento mecánico son limitadas. La cirugía ortognática está indicada en pacientes adultos con mordida abierta severa y proporciones estéticas faciales; pero bajo las limitaciones netamente ortodónticas se utilizan técnicas como la técnica multiloop. La técnica Multiloop es otro tratamiento para abordar esta maloclusión que fue desarrollada en los años sesenta el cual consiste en dobleces que proporciona flexibilidad al alambre para que este pueda mover la pieza dentaria así como el manejo individual y grupal de dichas piezas. En la investigación se muestran antecedentes con mordida abierta anterior y lateral severa que fueron tratados eficientemente con la técnica multiloop, y se evalúa un caso realizado en el Posgrado de Ortodoncia de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de un paciente con Mordida Abierta unilateral severa después de una post-enucleación de un quiste fisural tratado con dicha técnica. Se concluye que la técnica de dobleces multiloop constituye una alternativa de tratamiento muy efectiva. / Trabajo académico
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Evaluación de grado de microfiltración in vitro de resinas microhíbridas y nanohíbridas en preparaciones cavitarias clase I en oclusal de premolaresSarmiento Zúñiga, Giancarlo Jesús January 2019 (has links)
Determina el grado de microfiltración in vitro entre resinas microhíbridas y nanohíbridas en restauraciones Clase I en premolares. Se utilizó 32 piezas dentarias permanentes premolares sanas extraídas, se les realizo restauraciones Clase I de Black y fueron divididas en 2 grupos. Grupo A: Resina microhíbrida, grupo B: Resina Nanohíbrida. Los 2 grupos fueron sometidos a termociclado manual (300 ciclos a 5, 37 y 55°C), luego fueron sumergidos en solución al 2% de azul de metileno por 24 horas. Posteriormente se procedió a lavar, secar, seccionar y finalmente se observaron las muestras en un microscopio estereoscopio. Los datos obtenidos fueron procesados en el programa estadístico SPSS 20 IBM®. El tipo de análisis se realizó mediante la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado con prueba exacta de Fisher por ser variantes cualitativas, se usaron para observar si existía presencia de diferencia estadísticamente significativa y comparar entre ambos grupos el grado de microfiltración. Se encontró valores más altos de microfiltración en la resina microhíbrida sobre la nanohíbrida, pero sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambas resinas utilizadas (p= 0.089). Conclusión: El material menor presencia de grado de microfiltración fue la resina nanohíbrida sobre la microhíbrida, pero la diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa. / Tesis
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Comparación in vitro de la estabilidad dimensional en impresiones con siliconas de condensación de diferente viscosidadCerna Basto, Juan Carlos January 2017 (has links)
Evalúa la estabilidad dimensional de impresiones realizadas con siliconas de condensación de diferente viscosidad empleando la técnica de impresión monofásica de un modelo maestro de acero inoxidable y se vaciaron con yeso extraduro tipo IV después de almacenar las impresiones en diferentes tiempos: a los 30 minutos, 1 hora, 6 horas y 24 horas. Los modelos de yeso obtenidos fueron medidos y comparados con el modelo metálico para evaluar la estabilidad dimensional con un calibrador electrónico en dos dimensiones: Altura y diámetro. Las viscosidades empleadas y comparadas fueron con silicona fluida tipo 3 (Oranwash L, Zhermack) y silicona mediana tipo 2 (Mezcla Propuesta) obtenida mediante la mezcla proporcional de silicona pesada tipo 0 (Zetaplus, Zhermack) y silicona fluida tipo 3 (Oranwash L, Zhermack). Los resultados son estadísticamente significativos favoreciendo a la estabilidad dimensional de la Mezcla Propuesta. / Tesis
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