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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultura Organizacional: A Rela??o entre Justi?a e Comprometimento Organizacional em uma Organiza??o Multinacional / Organizational Culture: The Relationship between Justice and Organizational Commitment in a Multinational Organization.

Ribeiro, Carolina Ismaelita Mazza 31 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006- Carolina Ismaelita Mazza Ribeiro.pdf: 258356 bytes, checksum: bdda4648dfe825d7d0d8e4ff5de6d8bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-31 / This work analyzes telecom industry s organizational culture, perception of justice and commitment. It debates the organizational culture construction through sharing of strategies by leaderships, based on the agreement of the commitment and justice perception among the members of the analyzed group. Quantitative research with multidiversified analysis was applied, present in the techniques cited by Hair (1987), through a socio-cultural questionnaire, three questionnaires with Likert scale of five points: External integration techniques (Ferreira and others, 2002), Perception of justice (Colquitt, 2001) and affective commitment (Allen and Meyer, 1991). To analyze the organizational culture and focus of the collaborators, external integration techniques questionnaire of practical was used, that is, measuring the cohesion degree of external survival questions as one of the questions that the organizational culture as proposed by Schein (2001). The research was made in two distinct areas in order to compare and validate hypotheses. The independent variables of the questionnaires with Likert scales were compared to the dependent variables to verify the relation among commitment, justice and the organizational culture through the variance of the total averages of the answers. The research resulted in the confirmation of the variable relation: Perception of justice and Commitment; disassociation of the external integration techniques with the organization s members commitment levels. It concluded that higher the perception of the justice, the greater will be the affective commitment. However the commitment is not directly related to the sharing of organization strategies. / Este trabalho analisa a cultura organizacional, a percep??o de justi?a e comprometimento dos membros de uma organiza??o multinacional da ind?stria das telecomunica??es. Debate a constru??o da cultura organizacional atrav?s do compartilhamento da estrat?gia pelas lideran?as, baseado no entendimento das rela??es de comprometimento e percep??o de justi?a entre os membros do grupo estudado. A metodologia aplicada foi de pesquisa quantitativa com uma an?lise multivariada, dentro das t?cnicas citadas por Hair (1987), atrav?s de um question?rio s?cio-cultural, tr?s question?rios com escala de Likert de cinco pontos: Pr?ticas de integra??o externa (Ferreira e outros, 2002), Percep??o de justi?a (Colquitt, 2001) e Comprometimento afetivo(Allen e Meyer,1991). Para analisar a cultura organizacional e o foco dos colaboradores foi utilizado o question?rio de pr?ticas de integra??o externa, ou seja, medindo o grau de coes?o das quest?es de sobreviv?ncia externa como uma das quest?es da cultura organizacional conforme proposta de Schein (2001). A pesquisa foi feita em duas ?reas distintas para compara??o e valida??o das hip?teses. As vari?veis independentes dos question?rios com escalas de Likert foram comparadas entre as vari?veis dependentes, ?rea de cada colaborador, para verificar a rela??o entre o comprometimento, a justi?a e a cultura organizacional atrav?s da vari?ncia das m?dias totais das respostas. A pesquisa resultou na confirma??o da rela??o das vari?veis: Percep??o de justi?a e Comprometimento e, na desvincula??o das Pr?ticas de integra??o externas ao n?vel de comprometimento dos membros da organiza??o, conclu?do-se que quando maior for o n?vel de percep??o de justi?a, maior ser? comprometimento afetivo, por?m o comprometimento n?o est? diretamente ligado ao compartilhamento das estrat?gias da organiza??o.

A study on the relationships among leadership style, team cohesion, collective efficacy, organizational justice, and organizational capital --A case study of CSBC Corporation, Taiwan

Chuang, Wen-hsien 25 July 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to research the relationships among leadership style, team cohesion, collective efficacy, organizational justice, and organizational capital. This study used the questionnaires as a measurement tool to research, and the questionnaires samples was drawn out from CSBC Corporation, Taiwan all engineers, managements, engineer assistants, and management assistants, the writer released 460 questionnaires to them, eventually ended up effective 375 questionnaires with 82.06% return rate. The findings are as follows. 1. The transformational leadership has positive influence on intellectual capital including human capital, structural capital, and social capital, and the transactional leadership have positive influence on structural capital, but have not any influence on human capital and social capital. 2. Team cohesion merely has partial medium on the relationships among transformational leadership, human capital and structural capital; Team cohesion has full medium on the relationships between transformational leadership and social capital. 3. Collective efficacy has full medium on the relationships between transformational leadership and human capital; Collective efficacy merely has partial medium on the relationships among transformational leadership, structural capital and social capital. 4. Organizational justice has full medium on the relationships between transformational leadership and human capital; Organizational justice merely has partial medium on the relationships among transformational leadership, structural capital and social capital.

The Influence Of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, And Perceptions Of Organizational Justice On Organizational Citizenship Behavior In Turkish Education Sector

Pirali, Julide Sevkiye 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and perceptions of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) of private primary school teachers in Ankara. Previous research has shown that these three variables are significantly correlated with OCB. The effect of these three variables on OCB are studied collectively in the education sector. The study of the effects of the three variables on OCB are rare in Turkey, especially in the education sector which experienced dramatic changes in 2005-2006 education year due to the initiation of a new curriculum at the primary education. The new curriculum is student centered and has changed the methods of teaching drastically. Therefore the role of the teacher has to be changed. OCB is especially important in the times of change and may help to adapt to a changing environment especially facing tough competition. Among the three antecedent variables, organizational commitment and perceived procedural justice are found to account for a significant amount of variance in OCBs of private primary school teachers in our sample. The findings are discussed and future research needs are reviewed especially from the perspective of impression management.

Examining the Interaction Between Leadership Style and Organizational Justice and its Effect on Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Work Stress

Kedenburg, Gregory Lucas 01 August 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the constructs of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work stress, and the extent to which they are affected by perceptions of organizational justice and leadership styles. Much of the literature related to these topics focuses on exploring the relationship between either justice and commitment or leadership and commitment, with very little research investigating the way that justice and leadership combine to affect outcome variables such as commitment, satisfaction, and stress. This study reviewed the literature that details these topics in order to facilitate the understanding necessary to then focus on the relationship between commitment, organizational justice, and leadership style, as well as job satisfaction and work stress. It is important to understand how these three concepts affect one another, as increasing employee commitment is a goal of many, if not all organizations, and understanding how to better influence and facilitate it could be very valuable information.

Vyresnio amžiaus darbuotojų organizacinio įsipareigojimo, suvokiamo organizacinio teisingumo ir darbo stažo sąsajos / Relationships among older employees' organizational commitment, perceived organizational justice and tenure

Marmaitė, Justina 05 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti vyresnio amžiaus darbuotojų suvokiamą organizacinį teisingumą ir organizacinį įsipareigojimą, atsižvelgiant į darbuotojų stažą, bei nustatyti vyresnių darbuotojų suvokiamo organizacinio teisingumo ir įsipareigojimo organizacijai ryšį. Tyrime dalyvavo 285 vyresnio amžiaus Lietuvos privačių gamybinių įmonių darbuotojai. Darbuotojų amžius pasiskirstė nuo 45 iki 70 metų. Amžiaus vidurkis – 53 metai. 45% tiriamųjų – moterys, 55% tiriamųjų - vyrai. 219 tiriamųjų dirba nevadovaujančio pobūdžio darbą, o 62 - vadovaujančio pobūdžio darbą. Organizaciniam įsipareigojimui matuoti naudota N. J. Allen ir J. P. Meyer (2003) organizacinio įsipareigojimo klausimyno patikslinta versija. Suvokiamam organizaciniam teisingumui matuoti naudota R. Hodson, S. Creighton, C. S. Jamison, C. S. Rieble ir S. Welsh (1994) suvokiamo organizacinio neteisingumo skalė. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad vyresnio amžiaus darbuotojai, turintys didelį darbo stažą, pasižymi stipresniu organizaciniu įsipareigojimu, nei turinys mažą darbo stažą. Vyresni darbuotojai, atsižvelgiant į jų darbo stažą pareigose, organizacijoje ir bendrą darbo stažą, pasižymi stipriausiu emociniu ir silpniausiu normatyviniu įsipareigojimu. Vyresni darbuotojai, turintys didesnį darbo stažą organizacijoje, pasižymi silpnesniu suvokiamu organizaciniu teisingumu, nei turintys mažesnį darbo stažą organizacijoje. Vyresnių darbuotojų, turinčių mažą darbo stažą organizacijoje, vidutinį darbo stažą pareigose ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess older employees’ perceived organizational justice and organizational commitment considering tenure and determine links among them. The subjects of the study were 285 older Lithuanian employees from private industrial organizations. Age of employees varied between 45 and 70 (mean age was 53 years). 45 percent of them were woman, 55 percent were man. 219 respondents work managerial type of job. Organizational commitment scale by N. J. Allen ir J. P. Meyer (2003) was used to measure organizational commitment. Perceived organizational justice was measured using R. Hodson, S. Creighton, C. S. Jamison, C. S. Rieble ir S. Welsh (1994) perceived organizational injustice scale. The results of the study showed that older employees with longer work tenure are strongly committed to the organization than employees with less tenure. Older employees have the strongest emotional commitment and weakest normative commitment depending on their work tenure. Older employees with longer work tenure in organization have a weakest perceived organizational justice, than employees with less tenure. Weak organizational perceived justice reduced organizational commitment older workers with fewer years of work tenure in the organization and medium work time tenure in the position and in the organization. Perceived organizational justice strongest influences the organizational commitment and continuous commitment to reduction in the rate of older employees with fewer... [to full text]

Settling Differences: New Approaches to Conflict Resolution in High-security Organizations

Dolan, Norman 27 August 2014 (has links)
This study examined the application of conflict resolution programs in three high security organizations. In contrast to most civilian institutions high security organizations such as the Canadian Forces, are characterized by strong organizational cultures, with firmly embedded behavioural repertoires designed to manage complex, tightly coupled, functions in situations of imminent danger. Conflict resolution as practiced by the Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) program in the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces (DND/CF) has proven successful in many civilian settings, however no significant literature examines its effectiveness in a military environment. To determine how institutionalizing this function in non-military cultures affected their operations, this study compared those results with the introduction of conflict resolution in the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, and the Office of the Correctional Investigator. The DND/CF conflict management program demonstrated that parties were highly satisfied with the overall outcome of mediation, its fairness and the amount of control they exercised over the outcome. The DGADR conflict management program demonstrated successful outcomes, were clearly accepted and strongly endorsed by participants, and is likely to engender ongoing support for organizational mandate and objectives. Both the Office of the Correctional Investigator and the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman continue to realize acceptance of many of their recommendations, have established a history of successfully resolved investigations and have developed the strategic priorities that guide their current operations. All three case study organizations encountered normative embeddedness, which tended to resist efforts to introduce new information and adjust behavioural repertoires. Resistance to change and the forces of institutionalization appeared with challenges to the legitimacy and credibility of these new approaches. Leaders in all three case study settings had to remain vigilant in protecting their mandate against erosion or constraint, and in the absence of legitimacy clearly defined by statutory authority they had to rely on the active support of senior leaders. The data generated by this study also identified limitations related to the impact of mediation outcomes and skills training on participants’ future behaviour, as well as the application of organizational justice beyond the conflict management program to investigations conducted in ombudsman settings. The results of this study indicate that it is possible to integrate conflict resolution into high security organizations, and that organizational justice constructs can accurately describe and serve as the basis for measuring the intervention process and related outcomes. Developing the required framework and conducting the corresponding summative evaluation would provide substantial insight into the application of conflict resolution in high security organizations and would in turn greatly assist the application in these and other potential settings. This research approach has the potential to serve as a model in a broader range of settings such as provincial and organizational ombudsman offices, police and fire departments and emergency health organizations. / Graduate / 0617 / njdolan@uvic.ca

PercepÃÃo de justiÃa organizacional e a identificaÃÃo de prÃticas Ãticas nos processos de demissÃo. / Organizational justice perception and the identification of ethical practices in the firing process.

Jacinta Maria Grangeiro Carioca 13 July 2009 (has links)
A temÃtica central da pesquisa concentra-se nos processos de demissÃo no contexto da reestruturaÃÃo do capital, que ampliou a competitividade global, intensificando a reduÃÃo crescente de postos de trabalho. Novos modelos de gestÃo de pessoas requerem trabalhadores envolvidos com os objetivos organizacionais e incluem demandas de participaÃÃo, valores, justiÃa, Ãtica e responsabilidade social. Em paralelo, demissÃes tÃm sido utilizadas como principal mecanismo para manter a empresa enxuta e nem sempre estÃo respaldas na Ãtica e na justiÃa organizacional. Os efeitos de processos de demissÃo mal conduzidos podem ser identificados tambÃm nos remanescentes a partir dos nÃveis de satisfaÃÃo, comprometimento e comportamentos de cidadania organizacional, dado que estudos indicam que a percepÃÃo de justiÃa organizacional à preditora de tais comportamentos. Parte-se do pressuposto que os remanescentes sÃo afetados positiva ou negativamente a partir de suas percepÃÃes sobre as prÃticas de demissÃo. Portanto, esta investigaÃÃo pretende contribuir para a gestÃo estratÃgica de pessoas, analisando a relaÃÃo entre as prÃticas Ãticas na demissÃo e a percepÃÃo de justiÃa organizacional, na visÃo dos trabalhadores remanescentes. A pesquisa à exploratÃria, descritiva e de campo, realizada numa empresa privada sediada no CearÃ, que està dentre as melhores classificadas no PrÃmio Delmiro Gouveia Ãltimas ediÃÃes. Na coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas nÃo diretivas e aplicados o InventÃrio de PrÃticas Ãticas na DemissÃo (IPED), de autoria da pesquisadora, e a Escala de PercepÃÃo de JustiÃa Organizacional (EPJO), validada por MendonÃa et al (2003). Participaram da pesquisa um total de 71 sujeitos, sendo seis no prÃ-teste, quatro gestores entrevistados compondo o grupo gestor (GG), 61 empregados respondentes do IPED e EPJO e destes, seis empregados foram entrevistados integrando o grupo remanescente (GR). Os resultados da correlaÃÃo linear de Pearson revelaram que as prÃticas Ãticas de respeito, feedback, garantia dos diretos trabalhistas e reinserÃÃo no mercado de trabalho correlacionam-se positivamente com a percepÃÃo de justiÃa organizacional, ainda que os nÃveis de significÃncia estatÃstica tenham variado. As prÃticas Ãticas de garantia dos direitos e feedback foram as mais reconhecidas pelos remanescentes. As trÃs dimensÃes de justiÃa organizacional (distributiva, processual e interacional) obtiveram mÃdias aproximadas, com leve predominÃncia da justiÃa interacional. Os resultados revelaram que a empresa emprega estÃmulos à socializaÃÃo, ao vÃnculo organizacional e ao bom clima de trabalho, mas enfrenta dificuldade em alinhar prÃticas de demissÃo pautadas na Ãtica havendo falhas identificadas pela soberania das reclamaÃÃes dos clientes sobre o histÃrico do empregado, a nÃo realizaÃÃo da entrevista de demissÃo e decisÃes tomadas pela direÃÃo e nÃo partilhadas com os gestores. / The central subject matter of the research focus itself on the dismissal processes in the context of the capital restructuration, which expanded the global competitiveness, intensifying the crescent reduction of job positions. New Models of people management need workers who are involved with the organizational objectives and include demands of participation, values, justice, ethic, and social responsibility. In the same way, dismissal have been used as the principal mechanism to maintain the company safe, and, not always, itâs supported on ethic and organizational justice. The effects of dismissal processes wrong carried could be indentified also in the rest of the workers looking the satisfaction level, commitment, and the behavior of organizational citizenship, once time that researches indicate that the perception of organizational justice is the lead of these behaviors. Thereâs the hypothesis that the remain is affected by their perceptions about the dismissal practices. So, this research intends to contribute for the strategic management of people, analyzing the relationship between the ethic practices in a dismissal and the perception of organizational justice, in the eyes of the remain workers. This research is exploratory, descriptive and realized in the field, in a private company based in CearÃ, that company is between the best places in the classification of Delmiro Gouveia Prize. In the information collection were used, non-directive interviews and, the Inventory of Ethic Practices in Dismissals (IPED), made by the researcher, and the Scale of Perception of Organizational Justice (EPJO), validated by MendonÃa et al (2003). A total of 71 persons participated of the research, with 6 in pre-test, 4 managers composing the management group (GG), 61 employers who answered the IPED e EPJO and from these 61 employers, 6 were interviewed integrating the remain group (GR). The results of the linear correlation of Pearson showed that the ethic practices of respect, feedback, guarantee of the employers rights and reintegration in the job market correlation with each other positively with the perception of organizational justice, even if the levels of statistic significance have been changed. The ethic practices for the rights, guarantee and feedback were the most recognized by the remain employers. The 3 dimensions of organizational justice (distributive, procedural and interactional) obtained approximated averages, with a small predominance of the interactional justice. The results revealed that the company gives encouraged to the socialization, to the organizational link, and to the good work climate, but it has difficult in line the dismissal practices sourced in ethic, with fails identified by the sovereignty of the clients complaints about the historical of the employer, the non-realization of the dismissal interview and decisions taken by direction and not shared with managers.

Qualidade de vida no trabalho: proposta de um modelo integrador do  BPSO com justiça organizacional para o bem-estar de servidores públicos / Quality at Work Life: proposal of an integrator model of BPSO with organizational justice for the well-being of public servants

Sandra Mara de Andrade 28 March 2016 (has links)
A Gestão da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho - QVT, pode proporcionar benefícios importantes nas organizações como o aumento da produtividade e a melhoria do bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Evidências empíricas sugerem um interesse crescente em pesquisas que buscam estabelecer relações entre qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) e justiça organizacional, sendo assim este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre o os aspectos modelo BPSO (LIMONGI-FRANÇA, 1996), Justiça Organizacional e Bem-Estar, para a construção de um modelo integrado de Gestão de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho no contexto do Serviço Público. A presente pesquisa caracteriza-se quanto aos seus diferentes aspectos como um estudo de campo, quantitativo descritivo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de pesquisa survey com os servidores públicos de uma prefeitura no interior do Paraná. Os dados foram tratados a partir de analises estatísticas univariadas e multivariadas, o modelo foi analisado por meio da modelagem e equações estruturais. Os resultados do modelo sugerem que Justiça organizacional é um antecedente do modelo BPSO-1996 e que os aspectos biológicos e sociais não apresentam relação estatística significativa com bem-estar no serviço público. Os aspectos sociais foram os que apresentaram os piores índices de satisfação na percepção dos indivíduos pesquisados. As análises empreendidas em torno das relações entre as dimensões do modelo e dos aspectos demográficos dos respondentes, permitiram identificar que renda, escolaridade e o fato de acreditar que a pesquisa pode ser utilizada para ações de qualidade de vida na instituição apresentaram diferenças significativas de percepção em relação aos constructos do modelo, mas idade e estado civil, tempo de instituição e dependentes, não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação à nenhumas das dimensões. / Life Quality Management at Work can provide important benefits in organizations, such as the productivity raise and the improvement of the workers well-being. Empirical evidences suggest an increasing interest in researches that seek to establish relationships between Quality at Work Life and Organizational Justice. Therefore, this study had as an objective to analyze the relationship between the aspects of the BPSO model (LIMONGI-FRANÇA, 1996), Organizational Justice and Well-Being, for the construction of an integrated model of Life Quality Management at Work in the Public Service context. The present research is characterized by its different aspects as a field study, quantitative descriptive. The data collection was made by a survey with the public servants of a city hall in the interior of Paraná. Data were treated by univariate and multivariate statistical analysis and the model was analyzed by means of a modeling of structural equations. The results of the model suggest that the Organizational Justice precedes the BPSO-1996 model and the biological and social aspects do not present a statistical significant relationship with the well-being in the public service. Social aspects presented the worst indexes of satisfaction in the perception of the researched individuals. The analyzes undertaken around the relationships between the dimensions of the model and the demographic aspects of the respondents allowed to identify that income, schooling and the belief that the research can be used for life quality actions in the institution presented significant differences of perception in regard to the constructs of the model, but age and marital status, institution time and dependents, did not present any significant difference regarding any of the dimensions.

Explorando a justiça organizacional, burnout e saúde nos servidores da UFSM / Exploring the organizational justice, health and burnout in servers UFSM.

Schuster, Marcelo da Silva 14 June 2013 (has links)
The transformation of the organizational environment in recent decades, have directly impacted employees, their perceptions about the distribution of resources or tasks or how they are treated during this process can create stress in the workplace. When this stress occurs in a prolonged and chronic, can lead to emotional exhaustion of workers, which can generate forms of shutdown of the site and the people you work with, often resulting in various health problems. Such problems are perceived as indicators absenteeism, withdrawal for health care, personal conflicts, etc.., Resulting in loss of productivity for the organization. Thus, this study aims to answer the following research question: What is the impact of organizational justice and Burnout levels in the health of the public servant UFSM? For this we used descriptive study method, a quantitative approach to data collection through structured questionnaire based on validated instruments related to Burnout (Maslach, 1996, 2003) and Organizational Justice (Colquitt, 2001). The sample consisted of 511 participants, 57.3% female and 42.7% male, 63% of those in positions of administrative, 23.6% related to health and 13.4% are linked to teaching . It was evident that the servers have moderate levels of Burnout (1.5), and the female who has the highest rates of Burnout in the institution, Perceived Organizational Justice also found in the average level (3.91), even compared to organizational justice differences were found between the manning of the servers, who works with the Dean has linked lower average. With respect to the study hypotheses, H1: Organizational Justice positive impact on perceived health; H2: The level of Burnout negatively influence the perceived health of the servers; H3: The greater the Organizational Justice Minor Level of Burnout in Servers, all were confirmed, through tests of correlation and regression. Is possible to conclude that with the increase in organizational justice perception levels of Burnout on servers UFSM decrease by 26.7%. When the Burnout level servers increase their health perception decreases in the proportion of 8% and when the perceived Organizational Justice increases the perceived health of servers increases to a level of 5%. As a suggestion is the development of training and interpersonal relationships to all servers, especially those who are in management positions, to address aspects of interactional justice, in addition to the completion of scaling in the university to address aspects of procedural and distributive justice. / As transformações do ambiente organizacional, nas últimas décadas, têm impactado diretamente os trabalhadores, suas percepções sobre a distribuição de recursos ou tarefas ou como eles são tratados durante este processo, podem gerar estresse no ambiente de trabalho. Quando esse estresse se dá de forma prolongada e crônica, pode levar a exaustão emocional do trabalhador, o que pode gerar formas de desligamento do local e das pessoas com quem trabalha, muitas vezes resultando em problemas de saúde diversos. Tais problemas são percebidos em indicadores como absenteísmo, afastamento para cuidado com a saúde, conflitos pessoais, etc., o que resulta em perda de produtividade para a organização. Desta forma, este estudo visa responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: Qual o impacto da Justiça Organizacional e dos níveis de Burnout na saúde do servidor público da UFSM? Para isso utilizou-se como método o estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, com coleta de dados por meio de questionário estruturado baseado em instrumentos validados referentes a Burnout (MASLACH, 1996; 2003) e Justiça Organizacional (COLQUITT, 2001). A amostra foi composta de 511 participantes, sendo 57,3% do sexo feminino e 42,7% do sexo masculino, destes 63% ocupam cargos de natureza administrativa, 23,6% ligados a saúde e 13,4% são ligados a docência. Ficou evidenciado que os servidores apresentam níveis moderados de Burnout (1,5), sendo o sexo feminino quem apresenta maiores índices de Burnout na instituição, a Percepção de Justiça Organizacional também se encontra em patamar médio (3,91), ainda em relação a Justiça Organizacional foi encontrado diferença entre as lotações dos servidores, sendo quem trabalha vinculado a Reitoria apresenta média menor. Com relação às hipóteses do estudo, H1: Justiça Organizacional impacta positivamente na saúde percebida; H2: O nível de Burnout influencia negativamente na saúde percebida dos servidores; H3: Quanto Maior a Justiça Organizacional Menor o Nível de Burnout nos Servidores, todas foram confirmadas, através dos testes de correlação e regressão. Sendo possível depreender que com o aumento da percepção de Justiça Organizacional os níveis de Burnout nos servidores da UFSM diminuem em 26,7%. Quando o Nível de Burnout dos servidores aumento sua percepção de saúde diminui na proporção de 8% e quando a percepção de Justiça Organizacional aumenta a percepção de saúde dos servidores aumenta num nível de 5%. Como sugestão fica o desenvolvimento de treinamentos e relações interpessoais a todos os servidores, principalmente os que ocupam cargos de chefia, para tratar aspectos da justiça interacional, além da realização do dimensionamento em âmbito da universidade para tratar aspectos da justiça processual e distributiva.

Croyance en un monde juste, travail et santé / Belief in a just world, work and health

Troyano, Victor 13 June 2016 (has links)
La justice, l’aspiration à la justice sont omniprésentes pour chaque individu dans la vie sociale. Dans nos sociétés, la justice a un statut dépassant les autres normes et valeurs. Le sujet de la justice doit être vu comme un élément central dans les vies personnelles et dans les relations interpersonnelles. De la sorte, la justice, la perception de la justice sont des préoccupations récurrentes de la vie sociale. On peut estimer qu’un des espaces majeurs d’interactions de la vie sociale est constitué aujourd’hui par le monde du travail et que les questions et préoccupations de justices y sont forcément présentes. La just world theory met en évidence un besoin chez chaque personne de croire que le monde est juste, c'est-à-dire qu’il est un espace dans lequel on mérite ce que l’on a et on a ce que l’on mérite. Cette croyance possède des effets adaptatifs importants. De ce fait, il est difficile pour les individus de l’abandonner et de faire l’expérience de preuves qu’après tout le monde n’est pas aussi juste et ordonné qu’attendu. Un certain nombre de stratégies cognitives sont associées au maintien de cette croyance. Par ailleurs, les recherches issues de ce courant théorique ont montré que la croyance en un monde juste soutenait la santé mentale et le bien-être.Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons cherché à vérifier si la croyance en un monde juste s’exprimait dans le monde du travail et si elle pouvait jouer un rôle dans le maintien de la santé au travail du fait de potentielles relations entre sentiment de justice au travail et santé au travail. Nos résultats montrent, en premier lieu que, d’un point de vue implicite, les individus témoignent d’associations entre travail et mérite et travail et justice. Ces éléments constituent des préconditions pour que la croyance en un monde juste puisse exister en environnement professionnel. En second lieu, nous identifions un certain nombre d’indicateurs témoignant du fait que des situations d’injustice peuvent représenter une menace à l’égard de la croyance en un monde juste et que potentiellement certaines stratégies cognitives peuvent être mises en place pour contrer cette menace. Enfin, nous constatons des liaisons entre sentiment de justice au travail, indicateurs de mal-être et potentiels supports de santé. Tous ces éléments nous amènent à discuter l’impact de la croyance en un monde juste sur la santé au travail aussi bien que ces limites. Nous discutons également les modèles dominants d’analyse de la santé au travail et la nécessité de relier cette analyse aux questions de justice. / Justice, and the yearning for justice are present in everyone’s life. In our societies justice is one of the most highly respected notions. It has a special satus superseding all other norms and values. Justice is seen as a central factor of our personal life and interpersonal relationships. Hence, justice, and perceptions of justice are recurrent themes in everyday life. Today, one can consider that the workplace is a major area of social interactions and that justice is a common concern in this area. The “Just World Theory” focuses on the need to believe in a just world for everyone, that is to say a world where one can get what he deserves and deserves what he gets. This belief has important adaptative functions. Since the belief that the world is just serves such an important adaptive function for the individual, people are very reluctant to give up this belief, and they can be greatly troubled if they encounter evidence that suggests that the world is, after all, not really just or orderly. Some cognitive strategies are associated with the maintainance of this belief. Furthermore, research has shown that belief in a just world is an essential resource in everyday life and allows one to enjoy a better state of mental health and well-being. In the frame of this research we searched to verify if the belief in a just world is present in the work environment and if it participates in maintaining health at work as a result of links between justice at work and health at work. Our results show that implicitly, individuals associate work and merit and work and justice. These are preconditions for the belief in a just world. Second, we identify indicators that show that situations of injustice can threaten the belief in a just world. Potentially, some cognitive strategies can be implemented to counter this threat. Finally, we note links between justice feelings and indicators of malaise and supports of well-being.This bring us to discuss the impact of this belief in a just world on the health of workers just as well as the limits of this belief. We then discuss the dominant models of analysis of health at work and the need to link this analysis to questions of justice.

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