Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0rganizational change - south africa."" "subject:"0rganizational change - south affrica.""
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South African policing in transition : evaluating the impact of the restructuring process on the family violence, child protection and sexual offences unitVan Graan, Johannes Gerhardus 11 1900 (has links)
The primary goal of this study is to promote knowledge and understanding of the restructuring process of the Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) unit in the South African Police Service (SAPS) through impact evaluation. Many evaluation programmes provide blueprints and methods to manage and help solve organisational transformation. They, however, lack dealing with the unique organisational transformation process characterised in the South African Police Service (SAPS). Given this importance, there appears to be potential value in evaluating the impact of the restructuring process in the FCS.
During the research extensive panel studies and individual interviews were conducted in the West Rand policing district with FCS members, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) directly involved with family violence, child protection and sexual offences, Senior Public Prosecutors involved with cases concerning the FCS and researchers at a security research institute. Furthermore, a descriptive literature study was conducted to acquire relevant information and perspective from available national and international literature.
Various objectives were fulfilled in this study:
• The impact of the restructuring process in the FCS, to assess the internal and external climate on service delivery, was identified and described.
• It was determined whether the restructuring process in the FCS is achieving its proposed objective.
• Feedback to help improve the effectiveness of the restructuring process and improve future strategies was provided.
Moreover, this study and its results provide a framework to the SAPS as an organisation that is currently going through an extensive transformation process. As a result, the management of the SAPS will receive first hand information on the areas to specifically focus on during the restructuring of the FCS, or utilised this impact evaluation as a learning curve and an opportunity to rectify shortcomings and also systematically be guided through this process in realisation thereof. Consequently, this impact evaluation could act as a management tool to support and further develop the transformation process in the SAPS.
Finally, this study contributes to the baseline of knowledge, with regard to structural transformation in the specialised field of policing. / Police Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)
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The role of the principal in managing change at secondary school level in the Limpopo ProvinceTshubwana, T. S. 30 June 2007 (has links)
The study was conducted in the secondary schools of Vhembe district. Five secondary schools were selected for study.
Data were collected by interviews. Interview involved asking questions, listening and recording answers and then following up with additional relevant questions.
The findings revealed that lack of training regarding change influences people to resist change. Therefore, before the initiation of any change, the Department of Education should train all stakeholders involved in the day-to-day implementation of change. This will minimize resistance during the implementation stage.
The study recommends that educators and HoD's should work hand in hand to support their principals in order to ensure the smooth running and management of change in their schools. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Transformation in the military police agency of the South African National Defence ForceLitchfield Tshabalala, Khanyisile 11 1900 (has links)
The goal of this research was to describe the nature, occurrence and extent to which integration preceded normative and institutional transformation in the SANDF and therefore in its Military Police, thereby demonstrating how in its aftermath, integration has become a recipe for disaster, casting a spell on further transformation within the military. The research also aimed at bringing the reader face-to-face with the daily struggles of Africans in the SANDF, by focusing on one of the smallest divisions of the military, the Military Police Agency (MPA).
The research project was limited to all reported interviews and questionnaire responses of eighty five participants of the Southern Military Police Region
(S MPR), excluding the S MPR HQ as well as the MPA HQ. A total of eighty five respondents out of a total strength of 172 S MPR composition, took part in the sample. Seventy nine participated in the questionnaire, fifty one in the interview and a total of forty five participated in both. Interviews were used as follow-up sessions to respondents' questionnaire answers. While the questionnaire was structured, the interview was semi-structured, allowing members to comment, object, affirm or question the process of transformation both in the SANDF and in the MPA. In keeping with the qualitative research method, the semi-structured interview enabled the mapping of categories, trends and patterns in the responses.
It was found that MK and APLA cadres who integrated into the ex-Naval MPs surpassed their counterparts in the ex-Army MPs, by far. The two groups are incomparable, in rank level, experience, training, attitude and knowledge of the organisation.
It was further discovered that most practices that had taken place before 1999 at W CSC and still continued within the MPA, negate SANDF policy and are criminal. Prejudice, racism, obscene language and gender insensitivity were rife, forming part of institutional culture.
It is recommended that Weitzer's proposed solution for the transformation of coercive institutions be considered. It is a thoroughgoing transformation of the security apparatus through a legal framework because civil control is not enough to guarantee the pre-eminence of the democratic forces. / Criminology / M.A (Criminology)
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The relationship between organisational climate and employee satisfaction in a South African Information and Technology organisationCastro, Monia Lola 11 1900 (has links)
This research explores the relationship between organisational climate and job satisfaction in an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) organisation within South Africa by means of quantitative research. An organisational climate questionnaire was developed to measure the organisational climate and job satisfaction of the organisation and was administered to a sample of 696 employees across three regions. The results indicate that there was a strong positive correlation (0.813 at the 0.01 level) between organisational climate and job satisfaction, therefore supporting the research hypothesis. A stepwise regression was conducted and nine dimensions of organisational climate were found to predict 71% variance in job satisfaction. The interaction of biographical and organisational variables on organisational climate and job satisfaction was studied by means of t-tests and ANOVA. Although statistical significant differences were found, in terms of practical significance, the effect sizes were generally found to be small. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Transformational challenges facing contemporary social work : a exploratory studyCock, Lorraine 11 1900 (has links)
The release of ex-president Nelson Mandela on 10 February 1990, introduced transformation in South Africa. The road to transformation, in a post apartheid era, placed pressure and demands on the social work profession and the professionals. Change was inevitable (Lesnik 1997:164) while the inequities and the disparities of the past had to be eliminated and replaced with transformed services.
This study explores the transformational challenges experienced in contemporary social work practice at The Department of Social Development, Johannesburg, South Africa.
A non-probability sample was selected (Babbie and Mouton 2004:166). A combination of the qualitative and the quantitative approaches, with more emphasis on the quantitative approach was utilized. Questionnaires were used for data collection and analysis was done according to the framework as described by Tesch in De Vos et al., (1998:343). The transformational challenges were identified and guidelines are drafted to assist in addressing the identified challenges. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Social Work)
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The effect of restructuring business units on organisational climateWilson, Anine 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether organisational restructuring of business units within a South African Fast Moving Consumer Goods company had any effect on the organisational climate of the organisation. An organisational climate survey was used before and after the restructuring over a two-year period. Five manufacturing plants formed part of the study; with four plants undergoing the restructuring (experimental group) and one plant being the control group, where no organisational restructuring took place within the two-year period under review.
The total population consisted of 3700 employees. The samples for 2010 and 2011 were drawn from the population of the five manufacturing plants’. The sample of employees that took part in the survey from the five manufacturing plants was, in 2010, 778 versus a headcount of 1802, yielding a response rate of 21.02%, and in 2011, 904 versus a headcount of 1736, yielding a response rate of 24.43%.
The research results show that organisational restructuring did have a significant impact on organisational climate; with a drop in the organisational climate from 2010 prior to the organisational restructuring, to 2011 after the organisational restructuring at four of the manufacturing plants (experimental group). Interestingly, the control group (the 5th manufacturing plant) also showed a significant drop in its organisational climate scores from 2010 to 2011; without organisational restructuring taking place. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The implementation of a time and attendance system at Stellenbosch Municipality : a change management perspectiveCupido, Ulrich Oscar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Human beings are constantly confronted with change because their current situation is continually being questioned. In order to change the way humans behave, it is necessary to change the mindset of those who will be influenced by new ideas.
Stellenbosch Municipality faces a dilemma because the current management of its employee attendance is having a negative impact on its daily operations – service delivery is becoming an increasingly serious concern because the inability to manage employees’ daily attendance results in inefficient and ineffective rendering of services to citizens. This research addresses the question of whether the change from a manual attendance register to a biometric time and attendance system would more effectively ensure the availability of Municipal employees to improve basic service delivery. Moreover, the dilemma Stellenbosch Municipality faces concerns the monitoring of employees on a daily basis, including the availability of an attendance register for audit purposes. A questionnaire was used to examine the situation and obtain responses from employees who make use of both the manual attendance register and the biometric time and attendance device. It was established that the use of the manual attendance register caused certain problems, although it has served a monitoring purpose for more than 30 years. At the time of answering the questionnaire, some respondents requested the implementation of an electronic system with real-time capability to remove any doubt concerning the confirmation of employee attendance. The feedback from the questionnaire confirms:
- the unreliability of a human-dependent employee attendance register;
- that delivery of basic services can only be done on condition of the availability of employees who report for duty; and
- that the use of the manual attendance system creates unrecoverable losses.
The inability of employees to maintain their manual attendance registers led to the recommendation that:
- a mechanised system needs to be implemented to reduce administration procedures and to
secure compliance and an unqualified audit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mense word voortdurend met verandering gekonfronteer omdat hul huidige situasie gedurig bevraagteken word. Ten einde die manier waarop mense optree te verander, is dit nodig om die geestesingesteldheid van diegene wat deur nuwe idees beïnvloed sal word te verander.
Die Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch staan voor ’n dilemma omdat die huidige bestuur van sy werknemerbywoning ’n negatiewe uitwerking op sy daaglikse werksaamhede het – dienslewering word ’n al ernstiger saak weens die onvermoë om werknemers se daaglikse bywoningsresultate by onbekwame en ondoeltreffende lewering van dienste aan dorpsbewoners te bestuur. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die vraagstuk of die omskakeling van ’n bywoningsregister per hand na ’n biometriese tyd- en bywoningstelsel die beskikbaarheid van munisipale werknemers meer effektief sal verseker om basiese dienslewering te verbeter. Hierbenewens het die dilemma van die Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch te doen met die daaglikse monitering van werknemers, waaronder die beskikbaarheid van ’n bywoningsregister vir ouditeringsdoeleindes. ’n Vraelys is gebruik om die situasie te ondersoek en reaksies te verkry van werknemers wat van die bywoningsregister per hand sowel as die biometriese tyd- en bywoningsinstrument gebruik maak. Daar is vasgestel dat die bywoningsregister per hand sekere probleme veroorsaak het, hoewel dit langer as 30 jaar ’n moniteringsdoel gedien het. Met die beantwoording van die vraelys het party respondente die implementering van ’n elektroniese stelsel met intydse vermoë versoek om enige twyfel omtrent die bevestiging van werknemerbywoning te verwyder. Die terugvoering van die vraelys bevestig:
- die onbetroubaarheid van ’n menslik afhanklike werknemerbywoningsregister;
- dat lewering van basiese dienste slegs kan plaasvind op voorwaarde van die beskikbaarheid van werknemers wat vir diens aanmeld; en
- dat die gebruik van die bywoningstelsel per hand onverhaalbare verliese skep.
Die onvermoë van werknemers om hul bywoningsregisters per hand by te hou het gelei tot die aanbeveling dat:
- ’n gemeganiseerde stelsel geïmplementeer moet word om administratiewe prosedures te verminder; en om ’n ongekwalifiseerde ouditering te verseker.
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An evaluation of the Western Cape Provincial Government's modernisation programme with a focus on the project management approach blueprint and its implementation within the Department of Transport and Public WorksKamaldien, Mohamed Sedick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / If one compares governments to the corporate world across the globe, it often plays second fiddle when it comes to strategy; new ideas, adopting of new management styles & processes and lastly, change, for this reason, the Provincial Government of the Western Cape recently undertook a journey that would shed it from these stereotypical behaviours. The journey was Christened „The Modernisation Programme‟ and was launched in 2009; one of its brainchildren named „Project Management Approach‟ was created as the bastion against inefficiencies and ineffective service delivery. A case in point is the unfinished Eastern Boulevard freeway in the city centre of Cape Town; the project was scrapped in the seventies, as the need for it was not justified by the traffic demand at the time in relation to its astronomical cost - a clear indication of poor project planning and management.
This study was therefore undertook to examine whether the Project Management Approach (PMA) as part of the holistic Modernisation Programme was successfully implemented and if it yielded the expected results and attitude change in the project management environment in the Department of Transport and Public Works, which is responsible for more than half of all Provincial Government‟s projects.
The study examines the impact the Project Management Approach had on service delivery, project management IT infrastructure and as a strategic tool.
The analysis showed that although the PMA was welcomed by top management and even has the Director General (DG) as its business champion. However, it fell by the way side two to three years later, this was mostly due to limited communication, which practically ceased two years later and a steering committee that was never fully established and supported by senior official. An outcome, which resulted in roughly half of the project leaders being partially aware of the PMA, a similar analysis also revealed that they were not even aware of it being a long-term strategy. The analysis based on stakeholder involvement was more positive and many of the client department‟s end users were satisfied with the degree of improved cooperation between departmental teams. Further analysis conducted on the client/end user‟s opinion resulted in positive responses but failed to fire up the researcher‟s enthusiasm, as it was hardly the response one would expect from clients, had international standards and best practices been present.
“Project management can be defined as a way of developing structure in a complex project, where the independent variables of time, cost, resources and human behaviour come together.” (Rory Burke)
“Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.” (Joy Gumz)
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Sensemaking in turbulence : an analysis of the merger of the Central University of Technology from a sensemaking perspectiveMarumo, Khomotso Moetanalo Hilda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study takes as starting point the observation in sensemaking theory that autonomic
arousal is accompanied by a loss of existing frames and cues and the consequential cognitive
implosion. Situations such as these are marked by a crisis in identity construction and the
resultant loss of sense being made. The aim of the study was to find out to what extent this
phenomenon is at play during a merger between two organizations. Specifically to what extent
this phenomenon did manifest itself among the employees of the Central University of
Technology in Welkom after the merger of the former Welkom Campus of Vista University
and the Technikon Free State.
The study starts with an overview of the literature on corporate mergers; focusing on research
on effects with regards to (i) how the different gender groups of employees were affected by
these interruptions, (ii) how employees with diverse levels of experience were affected, (iii) to
what extent the qualifications of employees was a factor regarding the impact of this
autonomic arousal and (iv) whether race was a factor in determining the extent of autonomic
The above is followed by an explanation of the sensemaking perspective and the nature of and
moment for autonomic arousal. It is argued that organizational mergers represent an
interruption in the ongoing flow of sensemaking that could lead to autonomic arousal.
Using sensemaking theory and autonomic arousal as a theoretical starting point, interviews
were conducted with key figures in the specific merger between the Vista University Welkom
Campus and the Technikon Free State. The respondents were selected using the snowballing
sampling technique. The idea behind the interviews was to demonstrate how staff members
were emotionally affected by the interruption of the merger and how it had an impact on their
perceptions about their work.
It was found that the flow of experience was interrupted and as cues and frames were reduced,
the employees focussed more on personal issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie neem as vertrekpunt die observasie van singewingsteorie dat outonomiese
aktivering gepaard gaan met 'n verlies aan bestaande raamwerke en aanduidings en die
gevolglike kognitiewe implosie. Sulke situasies word gekenmerk deur 'n krisis in
identiteitskonstruksie en gevolglike verlies aan sin. Die doel van hierdie studie was om uit te
vind tot watter mate hierdie fenomeen plaasvind tydens 'n samesmelting van organisasies, en
spesifiek hoe dit manifesteer onder die werknemers van die Sentrale Universiteit van
Tegnologie in Welkom na die samesmelting van die Welkom-kampus van Vista Universiteit
en die Technikon Vrystaat.
Die studie begin met 'n oorsig van die literatuur oor korporatiewe samesmeltings en
oomames, spesifiek oor daardie studies wat die effekte bestudeer met betrekking tot (i) hoe
verskillend mans en vroue geraak is, (ii) die impak van verskillende vlakke van ervaring onder
werknemers se persepsies oor die samesmelting, (iii) die mate waartoe die kwalifikasievlak
van werknemers, asook (iv) ras 'n rol gespeel het in die vlak van outonomiese aktivering wat
deur werknemers ervaar is.
Daama word singewingsteorie en die aard en geleenthede van outonomiese aktivering
uitgepak. Daar word argumenteer dat korporatiewe samesmelting 'n onderbreking in die vloei
van sin veroorsaak wat tot outonomiese aktivering kan lei.
Ge1ei deur singewingsteorie en outonomiese aktivering as teoretiese vertrekpunt is onderhoude
gevoer met sleutelfigure in die spesifieke samesmelting tussen die Welkom kampus van Vista
Universiteit en die Technikon Vrystaat om die outonomiese effek van die onderbreking te
illustreer. Die respondente is deur die sneeubalmetode geselekteer. Die idee is om te toon hoe
werknemers emosioneel getref is en hoedat dit 'n impak op hulle persepsies rondom hulle
werk tot gevolg gehad het.
Daar is bevind dat die vloei van sin deur die samesmelting onderbreek is, en dat werknemers
soos te wagte, meer op persoonlik sake begin fokus. Dit dui op 'n vemouing van
singewingsraamwerke en die verlies van lewensin.
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Communities of practice as a national skills development strategyVan Eeden, Quinton 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African society and economy are characterised by a duality - one is highly
developed and able to participate in the global KnowledgeEconomy; the other, largely focused
on subsistence with no access to the "infostructure" and opportunities of the Information Age.
At the root of this duality is the disparity in skills between the developed and developing
sectors of our society. Whileskills development is required in the developingsector along with
other measures to address the "digital divide", skills retention through the transfer and
sharing of knowledgeis required in the developed sector where various factors are causing a
flight of skills from South Africa. These disparate objectives further exacerbate the unequal
distribution of skills, knowledge, opportunities, and income and increase the chasm between
"the two economies", negating any participation by South Africa in the global Knowledge
Communities of Practice, as a proven and mature knowledge management strategy, is
proposed as an appropriate method whereby skills development and knowledge transfer can
take place in South African organisations and it is proposed that the National Skills
DevelopmentStrategy recognises communities of practice as a core element.
Individual and organisational learning in terms of skills development and knowledge transfer
as well as the nature, support, structure, and value of communities of practice are
conceptualised and described to provide a broad understanding of and illustrate the
contribution that that communities could make to South Africa's ability to participate in the
KnowledgeEconomyand closing the divide between our "twoeconomies". / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: KENNISGEMEENSKAPPE AS 'N NASIONALE VAARDIGHElDS
Die Suid Afrikaanse samelewing en ekonomie word gekenmerk deur 'n dualiteit - een sektor is
hoogs ontwikkel en neem deel aan die globale Kennis Ekonomie; die ander is hoofsaaklik
gefokus op oorlewing met geen toegang tot die inligting infrastruktuur van die Inligtings Era
nie. Die ongelykheid in vaardighede tussen die ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende gemeenskappe
is die kern van die genoemde dualisme. Die ontwikkelende sektor benodig dat die vaardighede
van die breë samelewing ontwikkel word ten einde hulle in staat te stel om deel te neem aan
die kennis samelewing. Aan die ander kant is daar 'n behoefte by die ontwikkelde sektor om
bestaande kennis oor te dra en te deel ten einde die aaneenlopende verlies aan kennis en
vaardighede te bekamp.
Kennisgemeenskappe as 'n bewese kennisbestuur strategie, word voorgestel as 'n gepaste
metode waardeur die ontwikkeling van vaardighede en die oordrag van kennis kan plaasvind
binne Suid Afrikaanse organisasies en dit word aanbeveel dat kennisgemeenskappe erken
word as 'n kern element van die Nasionale Vaardigheids Ontwikkeling Strategie.
Individuele en organisatoriese kennis inname/bestuur in terme van vaardigheidsontwikkeling
en kennis oordrag asook die aard, struktuur, ondersteuning en waarde van
kennisgemeenskappe word bespreek. Dit word gedoen ten einde 'n breë begrip daar te stel van
die aard en inhoud van, en die bydrae wat kennisgemeenskappe kan maak tot Suid Afrika se
deelname aan die Kennis Ekonomie te illustreer. Dit word gestel dat kennisgemeenskappe
kan bydra om die dispariteit tussen die twee ekonomieë in Suid Afrika aan te spreek.
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