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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

電子報總覽目錄與結構知識對瀏覽行為與態度之影響 / How design of news index affect audience in reading electronic newspapers? Interface, Structural knowledge, and Advance organizer

黃瑞斌, Huang, Ruei-Bin Unknown Date (has links)
個人結構知識是區辨閱聽人讀取電子報介面效能的重要因素之一。結構知識較豐富的閱聽人,使用總覽目錄選取電子報內容的時間和正確性較高。反之,結構知識程度較低者,瀏覽時間較多、正確性較低。但是如果設計者能夠利用總覽目錄作為先導組體理論,讓閱聽人透過總覽目錄,而增進他們對電子報內容結構的認識。那麼,原先結構知識程度較低的閱聽人,或許可以減少他們的閱讀時間,或提高檢索正確度。 本研究使用實驗法,企圖證明上述假設。研究人員模擬一份電子報,設計兩種不同介面:具有總覽功能的下拉式選單目錄,以及不具總覽功能的階層式目錄。研究人員透過電腦紀錄與紙面問卷蒐集103位受試者的使用時間和答題內容,並進行統計分析。 研究結果發現,總覽目錄設計有助於減少「瀏覽頁數」的數量,使用者藉由總覽目錄設計,能有效減少其瀏覽電子報時的點選次數。但是在資料正確程度和態度方面則未發現顯著差異。 / Designing effective and efficient user interface is one of the most important issues for the designers of electronic newspapers. Audience with better structural knowledge may use news index more effective and efficient than those with poorer structural knowledge. With this thread, news index with multiple-layer, pull-down menu bars may serve as "advance organizer." Therefore, this study hypothesized that the audience with poorer structural knowledge may improve their performance in using news index by taking advantage of "advance organizer." An experiment was performed to test the hypothesis. The 103 college students were directed to "read" the a web-based electronic newspaper. Two set of stimuli were used: pull-down news indexes and non pull-down ones. Data were collected through computer logs and survey questionale. The result indicated that subject indexes design to serve as "advance organizer" may reduce the time audience spent. However, the subjects no significant difference in terms of the accuracy.

Neuromeric organization of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region in zebrafish

Langenberg, Tobias 14 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The neuromeric concept of brain formation has become a well-established model to explain how order is created in the developing vertebrate central nervous system. The most important feature of neuromeres is their compartmentalization on the cellular level: Each neuromere comprises a lineage-restricted population of cells that does not intermingle with cells from neighboring compartments. The units of the vertebrate hindbrain, the rhombomeres, serve as the best-studied examples of neuromeres. Here, the lineage restriction mechanism has been found to function on the basis of differentially expressed adhesion molecules. To date, hard evidence for the existence of other lineage restricted regions in more anterior parts of the brain is still scarce. The focus of this study is the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb) region, where the juxtaposition of the mesencephalon and metencephalon gives rise to a signaling center, termed the midbrain-hindbrain or isthmic organizer. Evidence for lineage restriction boundaries in the mhb region is still controversial, with some very recent studies supporting the existence of a lineage boundary between the mesencephalon and metencephalon and others rejecting this. Here, I present data strongly supporting the existence of a compartment boundary between the posterior midbrain and anterior hindbrain territory. I base this proposition on cell-tracing experiments with single cell resolution. By connecting the traces to a molecular midbrain marker, I establish a link between cell fate and behavior. In the second part, I present a novel tissue explant method for the zebrafish that has the potential to serve numerous developmental studies, especially imaging of so far inaccessible regions of the embryo.

Effet du modelage et du facilitateur procédural sur le recours à l'organisateur graphique et sur la performance d'élèves en difficulté lors de l'apprentissage par la lecture

Fournier, Marie-Hélène January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

La responsabilidad contractual de los organizadores y los detallistas de viajes combinados

Bech Serrat, Josep Maria 19 April 2001 (has links)
Con la entrada en vigor de la Ley 21/1995, de 6 de julio, reguladora de los viajes combinados (LVC) se instaura una nuevo régimen de responsabilidad contractual del organizador y el detallista. Ahora el consumidor de esos viajes no sólo mantiene una relación contractual con el organizador si no también, en su caso, el detallista, cuya actuación deja de tener carácter representativo. Ambos sujetos responderán frente al consumidor "en función de las obligaciones que les correspondan por su ámbito respectivo de gestión del viaje combinado..." (art. 11.1), circunstancia que plantea algunas dificultades en orden a delimitar el alcance de su responsabilidad. Esa misma norma establece la responsabilidad del organizador por los actos de los prestadores de los servicios del viaje utilizados como auxiliares en el cumplimiento contractual.Analizados los sujetos responsables, la presente tesis doctoral estudia los supuestos de incumplimiento del contrato de viaje, las partidas de daños resarcibles y su extensión. El trabajo propone distintos criterios en orden a calcular el valor de los daños por lesión al llamado interés de prestación, los daños corporales, los daños ocasionados por el extravío, destrucción o deterioro de objetos del consumidor, los daños por gastos inútiles y costes de negocios de reemplazo, los daños no patrimoniales y los daños por ganancias dejadas de obtener. Cada una de esas partidas e daños merece un estudio pormenorizado. Así, por ejemplo, se constatan enormes problemas en cuanto a la identificación e indemnización separada de los daños por frustración o pérdida de vacaciones, así como la nesesidad de establecer unas circunstancias a las que los jueces deban acogerse para llevar a cabo su valoración discrecional. La tesis propone que dichas circunstanciasd sean el alcance del incumplimiento del contrato de viaje, las condiciones personales del consumidor, el tipo de vacaciones objeto del viaje contratado y el valor residual de las vacaciones. / The Spanish Act 21/1995, of 6 July, reguladora de los viajes combinados (LVC) has established a new contractual liability regime of package travels' organisers and retailers. Now the consumer of this kind of travel is part of a contractual relationship not only with the organiser but also, occasionally, the retailer, whose activity is neither as a consumer's agent nor as an organiser's agent. Organiser and retailer will be liable to the consumer "depending on their corespective obligations according to their field of activity in the travel package" (art. 11.1), whose circumstance arising some difficulties in order to delimit their liability. The same provision states the organiser's liability for the proper performance of the contractual obligations, irrespective of whether such obligations are to be performed by him or by other supliers of services.Once analysed the responsible persons, this work examines some cases of breach of package travel contract, some kind of damages that can be awarded to the consumer and their extension. It suggests some approaches in order to calculate the value of special damages, personal damages, pocket expenses (consequential loss) or mental distress incurred because of the breach of contract by organiser or retailer. Each one of these damages deserves a particular examination. For example, if the organiser or retailer breaks his contract, damages can be given for the disappointment, the distress or the upset and holiday frustration caused by the breach. In this case, there are a lot of problems as concerns identification and separate compensation of this kind of damages, and there is an absolute necessity to establish some circumstances that should be taken into account for the judge in order to perform his discretionary assessment. The doctoral dissertation suggests that these circumstances should be the importance of the breach of contract, the personal consumer's conditions, the type of holidays object of the contract and the residual value of the holidays.

Analýza karyotypu u mesothelidních pavouků / Karyotype analysis of mesothelid spiders

Prokopcová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
Cytogenetics of mesothelid spiders is largely unkown. The presented diploma thesis is focused on the karyotype evolution of these spiders. As it is the most basal group of spiders, the analysis of its cytogenetics can bring important data about ancestral spider karyotype. In the framework of my thesis, I analysed diploid chromosome numbers, chromosome morphology, meiotic division, sex chromosomes and the pattern of selected molecular markers that were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. According to my results, mesothelid spiders have a high number of chromosomes and the prevalence of monoarmed chromosomes. Unlike other spiders, mesothelids have little differentiated sex chromosomes. Key words: evolution, spider, chromosome, karyotype, fluorescence in situ hybridization, nucleolar organiser region, sex chromosomes

Da Escola Técnica de Curitiba à Escola Técnica Federal do Paraná: projeto de formação de uma aristocracia do trabalho (1942-1963) / From Technical School of Curitiba to Federal Technical School of Paraná: project to formation of an aristocracy of labour (1942-1963)

Mario Lopes Amorim 17 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o projeto de criação de uma aristocracia do trabalho a partir do ensino industrial, através do estudo de caso da Escola Técnica de Curitiba, posteriormente Escola Técnica Federal do Paraná, entre os anos de 1942 a 1963. Num primeiro momento, faz-se um breve apanhado da citada instituição quando era Escola de Aprendizes Artífices do Paraná, considerando que a concepção de ensino então desenvolvida era destinada aos desfavorecidos da fortuna, portanto direcionada principalmente para a disciplinarização das chamadas classes perigosas. Mas ao longo da década de 1920 e de 1930, tal concepção foi sendo modificada, até que em 1942, com a Lei Orgânica do Ensino Industrial, consolidou-se a idéia de formação de uma aristocracia do trabalho pela via do ensino industrial. Essa elite ocuparia postos no setor fabril que exigissem uma maior qualificação, acompanhando o processo de desenvolvimento industrial do Brasil, não bastando, porém, um melhor adestramento técnico, mas que fosse bem disciplinada, através de um processo educacional marcado pela presença intensiva de conteúdos de moral e civismo, notadamente durante o Estado Novo (1937-1945), servindo assim de exemplo para a classe trabalhadora como um todo. O pós-guerra foi marcado pela Guerra Fria e pela influência cada vez maior do american way of life na vida brasileira. A presença da Comissão Brasileiro-Americana de Educação Industrial (CBAI), programa de cooperação firmado entre os governos do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos em 1946, veio caracterizar esse momento no ensino industrial do país, através da adoção de métodos sistemáticos na formação de docentes para esse ramo do ensino, baseados na Racionalização Científica. A fim de dinamizar o treinamento dos professores, a CBAI criou, em 1957, o Centro de Pesquisas e Treinamento de Professores (CPTP), na Escola Técnica de Curitiba, cuja função era preparar docentes para atuarem nas escolas industriais e técnicas de todo o Brasil, de forma a capacitá-los para a tarefa de formação da aristocracia do trabalho. Em 1963 o acordo entre a CBAI e o governo brasileiro não foi renovado, e o Centro encerrou suas atividades no ano seguinte. A Lei nº 3.552/59 estabeleceu uma reforma no ensino industrial, fixando um curso único de 1º Ciclo com finalidade propedêutica para os cursos técnicos de 2º Ciclo. A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1961 promoveu a equivalência entre o ensino técnico e o ensino secundário. Tais modificações, ligadas à nova etapa vivida pela industrialização, inclusive em relação às demandas do mercado de trabalho, aliadas à possibilidade de chegar ao ensino superior ao mesmo tempo em que se obtém uma formação de nível médio em escolas de elevada qualidade de ensino, promoveram alterações no perfil dos alunos que procuravam o ensino industrial, que gradativamente foi sendo ocupado por estudantes originários da classe média, deixando de ter validade a concepção de formação de uma aristocracia do trabalho exclusivamente a partir da classe trabalhadora. / This thesis have the objective of analyze the project of creation of the labour aristocracy based in the industrial teaching, by case study of the Escola Técnica de Curitiba, posteriorly Escola Técnica Federal do Paraná, between 1942 and 1963. On a first moment, making a succinct summary of the named institution when denominated Escola de Aprendizes Artífices do Paraná, seeing that the educational intention developed was destined to luckless, therefore reserved to the discipline the dangerous classes. But during the 1920 and 1930 decades, this intention was going modify, and in 1942 the idea of conformation of the labour aristocracy based in the industrial education was consolidated, with the Organizer Law of the Industrial Teaching. This elite must occupy functions in the manufacturing sector what demanding a superior qualification, accompanying the industrial development of Brazil, however dont being enough a better technical training, but was very much disciplined, in through of the educational process marked for intensive carriage of moral and civic contents, notedly during the Estado Novo (1937-1945), what a example for all the working class. The period after the Second World War was marked for the Cold War and to the growing influence of American way of life in Brazil. The presence of the Comissão Brasileiro-Americana de Educação Industrial (CBAI), a cooperation program signed between Brazilian and American governments in 1946, marked this moment in the industrial teaching of Brazil, through the adoption of systematical methods to the formation of instructors for this kind of teaching, based on Scientific Management. With the aim of to pep the instructors training, in 1957 CBAI created Centro de Pesquisas e Treinamento de Professores (CPTP), on the Escola Técnica de Curitiba, and your function was to prepare instructors to work on the Industrial and Technical Schools in Brazil, capacitating them to the assignment of to educate the labour aristocracy. In 1963 the accord between CBAI and the Brazilian government is not renovated, and the CPTP was closed your activities in 1964. The 3.552/59 Act determined a reform at the Industrial Teaching, fixing a unique course of First Level with propaedeutics finality to the technical courses of Second Level. The Guidelines and Basis Act of 1961 furthered the equivalency between Technical and Secondary Teaching. These modifications, linked with the new stage of industrialization and connected with the work markets demands, allied to the possible incoming of students go to College while graduate in high quality schools of Second Level, make changes in the profiles of students that searched the Industrial Teaching, which was occupied for students of midclass, invalidating the conception of conformation of the labour aristocracy originating exclusive of working class.

Analýza pohlavných chromozómov a repetitívne usporiadaných génov u vybraných vtáčkarovitých a araneomorfných pavúkov / Analysis of sex chromosomes and gene clusters in selected mygalomorph and araneomorph spiders

Pappová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract: The diploma thesis focuses on study of sex chromosomes evolution and repetitive organized genes of chosen mygalomorph and araneomorph spiders. Spiders are characterized by complexicity of sex chromosome systems, their karyotypes contain multiple sex chromosomes X. Besides multiple X chromosomes they also contain a pair or two pairs of nondiferentiated sex chromosomes X and Y. The used methods include methods of classical cytogenetics (preparation of chromosome slides, C-banding) and methods of molecular cytogenetics (fluorescent in situ hybridization and comparative genome hybridization). Complex sex systems were discovered in the studied Theraphosidae spiders. In Theraphosidae spiders Atropothele socotrana and Poecilotheria vittata neo-sex chromosomes were found. Analysis of molecular differentiation of sex chromosomes suggests low differentiation of Y chromosome in neo-sex chromosomes and pair of nondifferentiated sex chromosomes XY. In haplogyne spider Kukulcania aff. hibernalis (X1X2Y), the Y chromosome was significantly differentiated, male specific signal covered the whole chromosome. Detection of 18S rDNA showed that karyotypes of majority of analysed Theraphosidae spiders and haplogyne spiders contain low number (1 or 2) of nucleolar organizing regions localized terminally, which...

Karyotypová evoluce afrických linií sklípkanů čeledi Theraphosidae / Karyotype evolution of African clades of theraphosid mygalomorphs

Košátko, Prokop January 2019 (has links)
Karyotypes of mygalomorph spiders are not satisfactorily known. This thesis is focused on the basic cytogenetic analysis of selected species of African clades of theraphosid mygalomorphs. It includes four subfamilies: Eumenophorinae, Harpactirinae, Ischnocolinae and Stromatopelminae. Diploid numbers, chromosome morphology, sex chromosome systems and chromosome behaviour in male germline in the selected species of African theraphosid subfamilies were studied. The findings support published results, that refer of high karyotype diversity in Theraphosidae. Diploid chromosome number reduction is probably a basic trend of theraphosid karyotype evolution. The majority of analysed species exhibited one, two or three sex chromosomes. In some species neo-sex chromosome systems were found. In some species one or two sex chromosome pairs (SCP), composed of chromosomes which lack morphological differentiation were detected. Nucleolus organizer regions were detected by fluorescent in situ hybridization in several species. Constitutive heterochromatin detection was performed by C-banding in two species. Keywords: constitutive heterochromatin, diploid number, karyotype, fluorescence in situ hybridization, Mygalomorphae, nucleolus organizer region, SCP, sex chromosome, spider, Theraphosidae

Neuromeric organization of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region in zebrafish

Langenberg, Tobias 10 December 2004 (has links)
The neuromeric concept of brain formation has become a well-established model to explain how order is created in the developing vertebrate central nervous system. The most important feature of neuromeres is their compartmentalization on the cellular level: Each neuromere comprises a lineage-restricted population of cells that does not intermingle with cells from neighboring compartments. The units of the vertebrate hindbrain, the rhombomeres, serve as the best-studied examples of neuromeres. Here, the lineage restriction mechanism has been found to function on the basis of differentially expressed adhesion molecules. To date, hard evidence for the existence of other lineage restricted regions in more anterior parts of the brain is still scarce. The focus of this study is the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb) region, where the juxtaposition of the mesencephalon and metencephalon gives rise to a signaling center, termed the midbrain-hindbrain or isthmic organizer. Evidence for lineage restriction boundaries in the mhb region is still controversial, with some very recent studies supporting the existence of a lineage boundary between the mesencephalon and metencephalon and others rejecting this. Here, I present data strongly supporting the existence of a compartment boundary between the posterior midbrain and anterior hindbrain territory. I base this proposition on cell-tracing experiments with single cell resolution. By connecting the traces to a molecular midbrain marker, I establish a link between cell fate and behavior. In the second part, I present a novel tissue explant method for the zebrafish that has the potential to serve numerous developmental studies, especially imaging of so far inaccessible regions of the embryo.

Analýza karyotypu u vybraných bičovců řádů Amblypygi a Uropygi / Karyotype analysis of selected representatives of two pedipalpid orders, Amblypygi and Uropygi

Sember, Alexandr January 2010 (has links)
Karyotype analysis of selected species from arachnid orders Amblypygi and Uropygi Whip spiders (Amblypygi) and whip scorpions (Uropygi) represent relict arachnid orders which has been found already at Upper Carboniferous strata. Although cytogenetic data from amblypygids and uropygids might be important to reconstruct karyotype evolution of arachnids, cytogenetics of these orders is almost unknown. Presented study is aimed in analysis of karyotype and meiosis in 16 species of Amblypygi and 4 species of Uropygi. Both groups are characterized by considerable range of diploid chromosome numbers (2n = 24 - 86 in Amblypygi and 36 - 66 in Uropygi). Analysed species does not exhibit morfologically differentiated sex chromosomes. Differentiation of sex chromosomes on molecular level was revealed in amblypygid Paraphrynus mexicanus by comparative genome hybridization. Obtained data indicate XY/XX sex chromosome system in this species. Comparison of karyotype data indicates reduction of chromosome numbers during evolution of both orders. In Amblypygi, this reduction was accompanied by increase of number of biarmed chromosomes. This trend is not apparent in Uropygi. Karyotypes of most analysed amblypygids and uropygids are also characterized by low amount of heterochromatin. Most studied species exhibit two pairs...

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