Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organizer"" "subject:"organizers""
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Získávání a organizace kongresů v podnikání / Winning and organization of congresses in businessČervinková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The topic of diploma thesis is Winning and organization of congresses in business. The beginning of the thesis is addressed to the congress tourism in general. This segment is characterized by a number of specifics compared to the classic tourism. Practical part is focused on analysis of the Czech Republic and especially Prague as an appropriate congress destination and convenient field for current business. Further analysis includes winning of congress events. The last part of diploma thesis is aimed at description of preparation and organization of congress event in general and detailed depiction of two specific international congress events.
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Controle genético e epigenético da expressão heteromórfica de regiões organizadoras do nucléolo em Crotalaria retusa L. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) / Genetic and epigenetic control of the heteromorphic expression of nucleolus organizer regions in Crotalaria retusa L. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae)Fuchs, Maria Cecília Perantoni 16 September 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo compreender e analisar os mecanismos genéticos e epigenéticos da expressão diferencial de regiões organizadoras do nucléolo - RONs através do estudo de dois acessos (CRT-1 e CRT-2) de Crotalaria retusa. O acesso CRT-1 é uma cultivar, enquanto que o acesso CRT-2 é proveniente de uma população periférica da orla marítima de Ilhéus BA. Por serem temporalmente e espacialmente separados, acredita-se que os acessos foram submetidos a pressões seletivas diferentes, resultando em alterações dos padrões epigenéticos, principalmente nas RONs. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram realizadas medidas cromossômicas e nucleolares a partir de células coradas pelo método de Feulgen e por nitrato de prata, coloração com fluorocromos específicos às regiões cromossômicas ricas em nucleotídeos GC e AT, mapeamento físico dos locos de DNA ribossômico 45S por hibridação in situ fluorescente, análise qualitativa e quantitativa de modificações pós-traducionais de histonas por Western blot e eletroforese bidimensional de extrato protéico radicular com enfoque em proteínas envolvidas nos mecanismos epigenéticos. As análises citológicas demonstraram uma grande semelhança nos cariótipos dos dois acessos, diferindo apenas no tamanho do segmento proximal do braço curto do cromossomo 1. Em ambos os acessos foi observada uma expressão nucleolar diferencial em, aproximadamente, 50% das células; contudo, a expressão diferencial em CRT-2 apresentou-se consideravelmente maior. Além disso, os dois acessos demonstraram diferenças quantitativas nas modificações pós-traducionais de histonas e em proteínas possivelmente envolvidas em mecanismos epigenéticos. Uma vez que as variações epigenéticas podem ser modificadas por fatores ambientais, sugere-se que as diferenças nos padrões de modificações de histonas e nos perfis protéicos encontradas entre os acessos, como também a expressão diferencial mais expressiva em CRT-2, sejam devidas às diferentes pressões seletivas as quais as populações originais foram submetidas. O estudo dos mecanismos genéticos e epigenéticos na dominância nucleolar possibilita uma maior compreensão da ação do remodelamento da cromatina no controle da expressão gênica do rDNA, como também da expressão gênica em geral. / The aim of this present work was to understand and analyze the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of differential expression of the nucleolus organizer regions - NORs through the study of two accesses (CRT-1 and CRT-2) of Crotalaria retusa. Access CRT-1 is a cultivar, while access CRT-2 is from a peripheral population of the shoreline of Ilhéus BA. Because they are temporally and spatially separated, it is believed that the accesses were submitted to different selective pressures, resulting in changes in epigenetic patterns, primarily in NORs. To develop this work, it was carried out chromosomal and nucleolar measurements from cell stained by Feulgen method and silver nitrate, staining with specific fluorochromes to chromosomal regions rich in GC and AT nucleotides, physical mapping of 45S ribosomal DNA loci by fluorescent in situ hybridization, qualitative and quantitative analysis of post-translational histone modifications by western blot, and two-dimensional electrophoresis of root extract protein focusing on proteins involved in epigenetic mechanisms. The cytological analysis showed a great similarity in karyotypes of two accessions, differing only in size of the proximal segment of the sort arm of chromosome 1. In both accesses, it was observed a differential nucleolar expression in approximately 50% of the cells; however, the differential expression in CRT-2 showed considerably larger. Furthermore, the two accesses showed quantitative differences in the posttranslational histone modifications, and in a protein possibly involved in epigenetic mechanisms. Since epigenetic variations can be modified by environmental factors, it is suggested that differences in patterns of histone modifications and protein profiles found between the accesses, but also the most significant differential expression in CRT-2, are due to different selective pressures to which the original populations were submitted. Studies of the epigenetic mechanisms in nucleolar dominance allows a better understanding of the action of the remodeling of chromatin in controlling the dosage of rRNA genes, but also in the control of gene expression in general.
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Early Rostrocaudal Patterning of the CNSNordström, Ulrika January 2005 (has links)
The transformation of an initially uniform population of epiblast cells into an intricately complex central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most fascinating processes during embryonic development. Presumptive neural cells are initially specified as cells of forebrain character. Studies in various vertebrates have indicated that cells of more caudal neural character, that will generate the brain stem and spinal cord, are generated through the reprogramming of these initial rostral cells. The initial regionalization of these neural progenitor cells is central to all further diversification of neuronal cell types and the subsequent formation of functional euronal circuits. The aim of this thesis has been to enhance our understanding of which stages of embryonic development that are critical for the initial rostrocaudal regionalization of neural precursor cells, and which signaling mechanisms that orchestrate this early diversification. Both human and chick embryos have the shape of a flat disc during gastrulation. At this early stage, the chick neural plate is already regionalized and cells positioned at distinct rostrocaudal levels are specified to generate cells exhibiting a gene expression profile characteristic of the forebrain, midbrain, rostral hindbrain and caudal spinal cord, respectively. In addition, the Isthmic organizer (IsO), a secondary signaling centre at the midbrain–hindbrain border that is required for the further development of this region, is also specified already at the gastrula stage. Caudal neural character is induced by signals from adjacent tissues - the primitive streak and the paraxial mesoderm. Wingless/Wnts, Fibroblastic growth factors (FGFs) and retinoids (RA) are signaling molecules that have been proposed to promote caudal embryonic development, and exhibit spatio- emporal expression patterns that coincide with early caudalizing activities. The caudalizing activity that emanates from the gastrula stage paraxial mesoderm is mediated by Wnt signals, and the induction of caudal neural character by Wnts results from a direct action on neural precursor cells. In the presence of FGF activity, graded Wnt signaling is sufficient to induce cells exhibiting caudal forebrain, midbrain and rostral hindbrain character. The discrimination between rostral hindbrain and caudal spinal cord character appear to depend on a gradient of both Wnt and FGF signals. At hindbrain and spinal cord levels the patterned generation of neural progenitor cells along the rostrocaudal axis controls the generation of different classes of motor neurons in response to diffusible Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signals. Gastrula stage Wnt signaling is also required for this subsequent generation of motor neuron subtypes characteristic of the hindbrain and spinal cord. Later, at the early somite stage, cells characteristic of the caudal hindbrain and rostral spinal cord are specified adjacent to RA producing paraxial mesoderm. Opponent RA and FGF signals appear to act on, and refine the rostrocaudal identity of the initial hindbrain and spinal cord cells induced by gastrula stage Wnt based signals. Consistently, combinatorial Wnt, FGF and/or RA signals are sufficient to reconstruct neural progenitor cells that differentiate into motor neurons characteristic of the caudal hindbrain, rostral spinal cord and caudal spinal cord, respectively, in response to Shh. / Transformationen av en initialt uniform cellpopulation till något så komplext som det centrala nervsystemet (CNS) är en av de mest fascinerande processerna under fosterutvecklingen. Anlaget till neuronala celler är initialt programmerade att generera nervceller som är typiska för den blivande hjärnan (cerebrum). Forskning på olika vertebrata modell-organsimer har klargjort att nedre regioner av CNS, hjärnstammen lillhjärnan och ryggmärgen, genereras genom reprogrammering av dessa initiala celler. Målet med avhandlingsarbetet har varit att öka förståelsen för vilka perioder under fosterutveckingen som är kritiska för den initiala induktionen av neuronala celltyper som är specifika för dessa olika regioner, samt vilka signalerings mekanismer som styr den initiala re-programmeringen. Under gastruleringen bildar anlaget till neuronala celler en, till synes uniform, platta medialt i ektodermet i både humana-, och kyckling embryon. Anlaget till neuronal vävnad är dock redan under detta tidiga utvecklingsstadie indelat i regioner. Celler inom en specifik region är programmerade att generera celler med en genexpressions-profil som är specifik för anlaget till hjärnan, de övre delarna av hjärnstammen (diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon) eller den nedre delen av ryggmärgen. Även Isthmus – ett sekundärt organisations centra som bildas i konstriktionen mellan mesencephalon och metencephalon, och som behövs för den senare utvecklingen av dessa regioner – specificeras redan på gastrula stadiet. Dessa nedre neuronala celltyper induceras av signal molekyler från närliggande vävnader som t.ex. primitivstrimman och det paraxiala mesodermet. Wingless/Wnt, Fibroblast tillväxtfaktorer (FGFs) samt vitamin A metaboliter (retinoider, RA) är exempel på signalmolekyler som påverkar de nedre vävnaderna under tidig embryonal utveckling. Dessutom indikerar spatialt och temporalt reglerade genexpressionsmönster att närvaro av dessa signalerings proteiner sammanträffar med när och var nedre neuronala celltyper specificeras. Den signal aktivitet som avges från det paraxiala mesodermet i det gastrulerande embryot medieras av Wnt signalering. För induktion av nedre neuronala identiteter krävs Wnt signalering i de presumtivt neuronala cellerna. I närvaro av FGF signalerings aktivitet är det tillräckligt med en stigande gradient av Wnt signalering för att succesivt generera celler med en genexpressions profil som är specifik för diencephalon, mesencephalon och metencephalon. Distinktionen mellan, metencephalon och nedre ryggmärgs identitet verkar vara resultatet av en gradient av både Wnt och FGF signalering. När det paraxiala mesodermet börjar bilda somiter har även celler med en genexpressions-profil som är specifik för den förlängda märgen (myelencephalon) och den övre delen av ryggmärgen blivit specificerade. Dessa celltyper bildas i regioner där det närliggande paraxiala mesodermet producerar RA. En gradient av Wnt och FGF signalering ger upphov till en initial nedre celltyps identitet som krävs för att dessa celler ska kunna svara på RA signaleringen. Antagoniserande aktiviteter av RA och FGF signalering avgör vilka celler som sedermera kommer att ge upphov till förlängda märgen eller övre-, respektive, nedre ryggmärgen. Senare under utvecklingen bildas olika regionspecifika klasser av motorneuroner i bla. förlängda märgen och ryggmärgen. Den initiala, Wnt medierade, regionaliseringen av neuronala celltyper är central även för denna process. Dessutom kan olika klasser av motorneuroner, specifika för den förlängda märgen, respective övre-, och nedre ryggmärgs regionerna, rekonstrueras in vitro genom att reprogrammera naivt neuroepitel mha. en kombination av Wnt, RA och/eller FGF.
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The Dynamic Graphic Organizer and its Influence on Making Factual, Comparative, and Inferential Determinations within Comparative ContentSpears, Cameron 19 May 2010 (has links)
By augmenting an existing static medium (a graphic organizer) with attributes such that learners were able to sort or rearrange information in multiple ways, two new types of “dynamic” graphic organizers were created. An experiment was performed to investigate the effectiveness of these dynamic graphic organizers as instructional tools. One-hundred-sixty-one students were recruited for participation in the study from a two-year community college and a four-year public university in the southeast United States. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three graphic organizer treatment groups: static, sortable, and shuffle-sortable. Response accuracy and response latency measurements for three types of mental tasks (factual, comparative, and inferential) were compared across the three treatment groups.
A multivariate analysis of variance showed no significant difference between the three graphic organizer types for response accuracy. A within-groups analysis of variance showed no significant differences in response accuracy between mental tasks within the static or sortable treatment groups. However, analysis of variance indicated that accuracy for inferential judgments was lower than that for factual judgments in the shuffle-sortable group. With respect to response latency, a multivariate analysis of variance revealed no significant difference between the three treatment groups. A within-groups analysis of variance showed significant differences in response latency between factual and inferential judgment-making for both the sortable and shuffle-sortable treatments. The sortable treatment had the most pronounced differences in latency between mental tasks, whereas no significant differences in response latency were observed within the static treatment.
Participants in the two dynamic treatments reported much higher percentages of affirmative responses to the question, “Did you think your graphic organizer was an effective instructional tool?” with 82.7% and 81.5% responding “yes” for the Sortable and Shuffle-sort groups, respectively, and only 60.0% responding “yes” for the Static group.
The graphic organizers in the study are known as adjunct displays and therefore each was associated with an accompanying text passage. Participants had the capability of viewing the accompanying text passage at will within the constraints of a five-minute graphic organizer study period. Analysis of variance revealed that participants in the shuffle-sortable group spent significantly less time viewing the text passage than participants in the static group, possibly because the overhead associated with the shuffle-sortable graphic organizer’s user interface controls consumed time or mental resources that would have otherwise been used to view the text.
The results of this study suggest that dynamic graphic organizers are equivalent to traditional static graphic organizers, at least for the educational subject matter used in this study (comparative text comprising 204 words describing six fictitious species of fish, their attributes, and the relationships between these attributes) for measures related to accuracy. Additionally, participants in the two dynamic graphic organizer treatments took advantage of the affordances offered by those treatments (88.5% of the Sortable group sorted, 75.9% of the Shuffle-sort group sorted, and 88.9% of the Shuffle-sort group shuffled). This study may benefit both instructional designers and educational researchers as new curricula are designed and new instructional tools are studied, respectively.
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Vartotojų elgsenos vertinimas, renkantis kelionių organizatorių / Research of consumer evaluation, choosing a tour organizerRutkauskienė, Eglė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atliekamas vartotojų elgsenos, renkantis kelionių organizatorių, vertinimas. Vartotojams, kuriems reikalingos turizmo paslaugos, į pagalbą skuba kelionių organizatoriai. Jie tenkina klientų poreikius, siūlydami visą kompleksą paslaugų, kurių organizavimas ir vartojimas turi specifinių bruožų. Kiekvieno vartotojo elgesys gali priklausyti nuo vidinių, išorinių bei kitų veiksnių, galinčių lemti galutinį pasirinkimą.
Darbo tikslas – atlikti vartotojų elgsenos vertinimą renkantis kelionių organizatorių.
Darbo objektas – vartotojų elgsena, renkantis kelionių organizatorių.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. išanalizuoti vartotojų elgsenos sampratą ir esmę;
2. ištirti vartotojų elgseną lemiančius veiksnius bei prekinio ženklo įtaką;
3. išanalizuoti kelionių organizatorių raidą, klasifikavimą ir veiklą;
4. išnagrinėti kelionių organizatorių siūlomas paslaugas;
5. atlikti vartotojų anketinę apklausą siekiant išsiaiškinti jų nuomonę apie kelionių organizatorių pasirinkimą įtakojančius veiksnius.
Darbą sudaro: įvadas; 3 skyriai: : pirmame nagrinėjami – vartotojų elgsenos teoriniai aspektai, antrame – kelionių organizatoriai, jų veikla, klasifikavimas, raida bei teikiamos paslaugos (teoriniu aspektu), trečiame – tiriamos vartotojų nuomonės, renkantis kelionių organizatorių, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai.
Tyrime dalyvavo 178 įvairaus amžiaus respondentai, kelionių organizatorių vartotojai. Išanalizavus gautus duomenis galima teigti, jog... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this master‘s final work there is fulfilled consumer behaviour research, choosing a tour organizer. Tour organizers are always ready to help the customers needing tourism services. They satisfy the needs offering a set of services the arrangement and use of which feature some peculiarities. Each user’s behaviour can depend on internal, external and other factors, which can predetermine final selection.
The purpose – to research of consumer behaviour, choosing a tour organizer.
The object – consumer’s behaviour choosing tour organizer.
The tasks:
1. To analyse consumer behaviour conception.
2. To analyse the main factors predetermining consumers behaviour.
3. To analyse development of tour organizer, classification and activities.
4. To analyse tour organizers offering services.
5. To analyse consumer types and features of their behaviour.
The project consists of: introduction; 3 chapters theoretical aspects of consumers behaviour are analysed in the first chapter; tour organizer types, their activities, classification, development and offered services are (analysed theoretically) in the second chapter; consumers’ opinions in selecting tour organizer are analysed in the third chapter; findings; recommendations; literary list and supplements.
There were 178 different age respondents, users of tour organizers participated in the research. After having analyzed the data obtained one can state that Lithuania’ best-known tour organizer is... [to full text]
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A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Traditional U.S. History Instruction Versus U.S. History Instruction Integrated with Decision Training on Content Knowledge and Decision-Making CompetenceJacobson, David William 06 1900 (has links)
xiii, 139 p. : ill. (some col.) / The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of training in decision-making on U.S. history content knowledge and on decision-making competence. All sophomores (<italic>n</italic> = 387) in one Pacific Northwest high school were randomly assigned for two trimesters to one of two groups: (a) U.S. history instruction integrated with decision training or (b) traditional U.S. history instruction. During the study, Experimental Group participants were trained to use a decision-making tool to sort, process, and analyze the facts, events, and concepts of history in the context of solving a historically relevant problem. By applying the decision-making tool to problems and decisions of the past, students utilized a schema for critical, analytical, and creative thinking about U.S. history content. Students also analyzed current problems and decisions they face. Dependent measures were (a) NAEP U.S. History questions, (b) Decision-Making Competence Index (DMC), (c) NAEP item analysis using knowledge forms and intellectual operations, and (d) Experimental Group follow-up interviews. Results indicated statistically significant differences between groups favoring the Experimental on both the NAEP U.S. History test and on the DMC. Experimental Group participants scored higher on NAEP items requiring concept or principle knowledge forms and on items requiring summarization or illustration. Follow-up interview scores positively correlated with DMC posttest scores. Results are discussed in terms of (a) the application of NAEP and DMC scores to curricular interventions and (b) item analysis and interviews in relation to the environmental and physical constraints of the current high school structure. / Committee in charge: Dr. Gerald Tindal, Chairperson;
Dr. Keith Hollenbeck, Member;
Dr. Paul Yovanoff, Member;
Dr. Jean Stockard, Outside Member
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Relações inter- e intraespecíficas no grupo de Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis (Anura, Hylidae) = estudo citogenético e de DNA mitocondrial / Inter and intraespecific relationships in the group of Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis (Anura, Hylidae) : cytogenetic study and mitochondrial DNA analysisBruschi, Daniel Pacheco, 1987- 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Shirlei Maria Recco-Pimentel, Carmen Sílvia Busin / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T01:27:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A taxonomia e as relações de parentesco em Phyllomedusa são temas de constantes discussões. Hipóteses sobre os relacionamentos intra- e interespecíficos desse gênero decorrem basicamente de análises morfológicas e comportamentais, o que não têm sido suficiente para responder alguns dos questionamentos. O grupo de P. hypochondrialis, o maior dentro do gênero, apresenta dificuldades na sua delimitação e, até o momento, não foi observada nenhuma sinapomorfia que possa reunir as espécies atualmente alocadas no grupo, de maneira que outras ferramentas podem ser elucidativas para resolução dessa problemática. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar dados citogenéticos e de sequências de DNA mitocondrial para o estudo de algumas das espécies do grupo de P. hypochondrialis. Todos os espécimes apresentaram o número diplóide 2n=26 e morfologia dos cromossomos bastante conservada, o que permitiu a inferência de homeologias cromossômicas. Exceto nas populações de Phyllomedusa sp. (aff. azurea) que apresentam o par 7 submetacêntrico, os cariótipos das demais populações analisadas foram constituídos por seis pares metacêntricos (1, 4, 8, 11-13), seis submetacêntricos (2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10) e um subtelocêntrico (par 7). A diferença detectada no par 7 pode ser atribuída à presença de uma NOR nos braços curtos dos cromossomos 7 submetacêntricos. Pequenas variações na morfologia de alguns pares cromossômicos, incluindo a localização da NOR, foram observadas em P. rohdei de Ilhéus/BA em relação à descrita por outros autores, corroborando a hipótese da provável existência de espécies crípticas sob esse nome. O cariótipo de P. nordestina se diferenciou dos demais principalmente pela grande quantidade de heterocromatina e pela posição da NOR em 9p. A análise de morfologia externa relativa aos dois caracteres indicados para diagnose e separação de P. hypochondrialis e P. azurea, aplicados a todos os espécimes de diferentes localidades brasileiras, mostrou variações intrapopulacionais não acompanhadas de variações citogenéticas e moleculares. Esses dados apontam a necessidade de uma re-avaliação desses caracteres de diagnose e separação para essas espécies. A análise conjunta de dados citogenéticos e moleculares das populações permitiu identificar a população de Belterra/PA como P. hypochondrialis, portadora de NOR intersticial em 8p. Dados moleculares sugerem que as populações de Uberlândia (Minas Gerais), de São Luís, Bacabeira e Urbano Santos (Maranhão) e de Porto Nacional (Tocantins) possivelmente correspondam a um mesmo táxon, P. azurea. Nesse caso, a NOR em 7p nas populações ao Norte (Maranhão e Tocantins) e em 4p ao sudeste (Minas Gerais) corresponderia a variação interpopulacional. Na análise filogenética molecular, os haplótipos de Chapada dos Guimarães + Santa Terezinha (Mato Grosso) formaram um clado e as populações de Laranjal do Jari (Amapá) e de Prainha (Pará) formaram cada uma um ramo independente. Os dados dessas quatro populações (portadoras de NOR pericentromérica em 8q) sugerem que uma revisão minuciosa deva ser realizada para auxiliar no esclarecimento de seus status taxonômicos. / Abstract: Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Phyllomedusa have been subject of continuous discussions. Hypotheses about the intra- and interspecific relationships within this genus have basically arised from morphological and behavioral characteristics, which have not been enough to elucidate the problems as the assigning of species to the P. hypochondrialis group. So, other tools may help to solve this problem. This work aimed to contribute with cytogenetic analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequencing data to the understanding of intra- and interspecific relationships involving the species P. rohdei, P. nordestina, P. hypochondrialis and P. azurea of the P. hypochondrialis group. These species showed the same chromosome number, 2n=26, with a very similar morphology. All
populations had karyotypes with six metacentric (1, 4, 8, 11-13), six submetacentric (2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10) pairs and one subtelocentric pair (7). The populations of Phyllomedusa sp. (aff. azurea) from São Luis, Bacabeira, Urbano Santos (Maranhão state) and Porto Nacional (Tocantins state) had the pair 7 submetacentric. This morphological difference in pair 7 can be attributed to the Nucleolus Organizer Region (NOR) that is located only in the submetacentric pair 7. The karyotype of P. nordestina was distinguished from P. rohdei by the large amount of heterochromatin and by the position of the NOR in chromosome 9p, whereas in P. rohdei it is located in 9q. The karyotype of P. rohdei also differed from that described by other author, suggesting the existence of cryptic species. Brazilian populations of P. azurea, P. hypochondrialis and other populations related to those species were analyzed. Intrapopulational variations in characters of external morphology were not associated with cytogenetic and molecular variations, showing that it is necessary a reevaluation of the diagnosis and separation characters for those species. The combined analysis of molecular and cytogenetic data allowed classifying the population of Belterra/PA as P. hypochondrialis, with NOR in pair 8p. Molecular data suggested that populations from Uberlândia (Minas Gerais), São Luiz, Bacabeira e Urbano Santos (Maranhão) and Porto Nacional (Tocantins) probably correspond to the taxon P. azurea. By comparing the karyotype of specimens from North populations (Maranhão and Tocantins) and from Southeast populations (Minas Gerais) different NOR positions were observed and interpreted as an interpopulational variation. The genetic diversity observed among populations with pericentromeric NOR in 8q (Laranjal do Jari, Prainha and Chapada dos Guimarães + Santa Terezinha; three clades in the molecular phylogenetic analysis) suggests that these populations could be in incipient process of speciation. / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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Controle genético e epigenético da expressão heteromórfica de regiões organizadoras do nucléolo em Crotalaria retusa L. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) / Genetic and epigenetic control of the heteromorphic expression of nucleolus organizer regions in Crotalaria retusa L. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae)Maria Cecília Perantoni Fuchs 16 September 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo compreender e analisar os mecanismos genéticos e epigenéticos da expressão diferencial de regiões organizadoras do nucléolo - RONs através do estudo de dois acessos (CRT-1 e CRT-2) de Crotalaria retusa. O acesso CRT-1 é uma cultivar, enquanto que o acesso CRT-2 é proveniente de uma população periférica da orla marítima de Ilhéus BA. Por serem temporalmente e espacialmente separados, acredita-se que os acessos foram submetidos a pressões seletivas diferentes, resultando em alterações dos padrões epigenéticos, principalmente nas RONs. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram realizadas medidas cromossômicas e nucleolares a partir de células coradas pelo método de Feulgen e por nitrato de prata, coloração com fluorocromos específicos às regiões cromossômicas ricas em nucleotídeos GC e AT, mapeamento físico dos locos de DNA ribossômico 45S por hibridação in situ fluorescente, análise qualitativa e quantitativa de modificações pós-traducionais de histonas por Western blot e eletroforese bidimensional de extrato protéico radicular com enfoque em proteínas envolvidas nos mecanismos epigenéticos. As análises citológicas demonstraram uma grande semelhança nos cariótipos dos dois acessos, diferindo apenas no tamanho do segmento proximal do braço curto do cromossomo 1. Em ambos os acessos foi observada uma expressão nucleolar diferencial em, aproximadamente, 50% das células; contudo, a expressão diferencial em CRT-2 apresentou-se consideravelmente maior. Além disso, os dois acessos demonstraram diferenças quantitativas nas modificações pós-traducionais de histonas e em proteínas possivelmente envolvidas em mecanismos epigenéticos. Uma vez que as variações epigenéticas podem ser modificadas por fatores ambientais, sugere-se que as diferenças nos padrões de modificações de histonas e nos perfis protéicos encontradas entre os acessos, como também a expressão diferencial mais expressiva em CRT-2, sejam devidas às diferentes pressões seletivas as quais as populações originais foram submetidas. O estudo dos mecanismos genéticos e epigenéticos na dominância nucleolar possibilita uma maior compreensão da ação do remodelamento da cromatina no controle da expressão gênica do rDNA, como também da expressão gênica em geral. / The aim of this present work was to understand and analyze the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of differential expression of the nucleolus organizer regions - NORs through the study of two accesses (CRT-1 and CRT-2) of Crotalaria retusa. Access CRT-1 is a cultivar, while access CRT-2 is from a peripheral population of the shoreline of Ilhéus BA. Because they are temporally and spatially separated, it is believed that the accesses were submitted to different selective pressures, resulting in changes in epigenetic patterns, primarily in NORs. To develop this work, it was carried out chromosomal and nucleolar measurements from cell stained by Feulgen method and silver nitrate, staining with specific fluorochromes to chromosomal regions rich in GC and AT nucleotides, physical mapping of 45S ribosomal DNA loci by fluorescent in situ hybridization, qualitative and quantitative analysis of post-translational histone modifications by western blot, and two-dimensional electrophoresis of root extract protein focusing on proteins involved in epigenetic mechanisms. The cytological analysis showed a great similarity in karyotypes of two accessions, differing only in size of the proximal segment of the sort arm of chromosome 1. In both accesses, it was observed a differential nucleolar expression in approximately 50% of the cells; however, the differential expression in CRT-2 showed considerably larger. Furthermore, the two accesses showed quantitative differences in the posttranslational histone modifications, and in a protein possibly involved in epigenetic mechanisms. Since epigenetic variations can be modified by environmental factors, it is suggested that differences in patterns of histone modifications and protein profiles found between the accesses, but also the most significant differential expression in CRT-2, are due to different selective pressures to which the original populations were submitted. Studies of the epigenetic mechanisms in nucleolar dominance allows a better understanding of the action of the remodeling of chromatin in controlling the dosage of rRNA genes, but also in the control of gene expression in general.
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A la recherche de nouvelles AgNORs: une famille de protéines nucléolaires conservées et marqueurs potentiels du cancers / AgNORs: a groups of concerved nucleolar proteins and potential markers of cancerGalliot, Sonia 15 January 2010 (has links)
Comme le nucléole joue un rôle fondamental dans l’expression des protéines, via la synthèse des ARN ribosomiques, il n’est donc pas surprenant que des études aient révélé un lien étroit, entre des dysfonctionnements nucléolaires et l’origine de certaines maladies humaines. La découverte, il y a plusieurs années, d’un taux anormalement élevé de protéines nucléolaires dites argyrophiles ou AgNORs, dans les cellules tumorales, a permis d’envisager leur utilisation comme outil diagnostique ou pronostique du cancer. Détectées, de manière in vitro grâce à leur affinité pour l’argent, l’identification de quelques protéines AgNORs n’a pourtant pas permis d’établir une caractéristique commune à toutes les protéines argyrophiles détectées dans les extraits nucléolaires. Ainsi, bien que le test colorimétrique AgNOR soit utilisé dans de nombreux laboratoires académiques, l’absence d’identification de protéines AgNORs spécifiques du processus de cancérisation, a limité son utilisation en laboratoire clinique. Comme certaines limites technologiques et expérimentales ont limité leur caractérisation chez l’humain, nous avons donc décidé de reprendre les recherches sur ce sujet et de le réactualiser grâce aux avancées technologiques et scientifiques. Les protéines AgNORs étant étroitement liées à la biogenèse des ribosomes, nous avons donc décidé d’amorcer nos recherches chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dans laquelle, la voie de biosynthèse des ribosomes a été particulièrement bien décrite. Devant l’intérêt biologique et médical de ces protéines, l’objectif de ce projet a donc été triple :<p>1-identifier des protéines AgNORs chez la levure<p>2-caractériser les propriétés physico-fonctionnelles et physico-chimiques de ces protéines AgNORs.<p>3-utiliser ces caractéristiques physico-chimiques pour rechercher de nouvelles AgNORs humaines, spécifiques de processus de cancérisation et potentiellement utilisables comme marqueurs tumoraux./The nucleolus is a subnuclear compartment that organized around ribosomal gene (rDNA) repeats NORs, which encode for ribosomal RNA. A peculiar group of acidic proteins which are highly argyrophilic are also localized at the same sites as NORs, thus allowing NORs to be very clearly and rapidly visualized by silver nitrate staining procedures. However, if three human argyrophilic proteins, UBF, C23 (nucleolin) and B23 (nucleophosmin), have been associated for staining of NOR, the exact number of AgNOR proteins and their intrinsic biochemical feature are unclear. Here, we have performed an heterologous screen in a genetically tractable eukaryotic organism (budding yeast) for the identification of novel AgNOR proteins and in vitro characterized an intrinsic feature that underlies silver binding and offers a strong predictive value for the identification of novel human AgNOR proteins. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Kongresový cestovní ruch v Praze / Congress Tourism in PragueAleksičová, Tatjana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the congress tourism in Prague, which is the main congress destination of the Czech Republic. The first part aims to characterize and to map congress tourism in Prague with an emphasis on the potential of Prague as a congress destination. The thesis also describes the mechanisms of both domestic and foreign congress tourism market, including subjects, which operate on them. The subject of the next part is a comparison with selected congress destinations. The last part will focus on analysis of a company GUARANT International, which is representative of the professional congress organizer in Prague. The aim of the analysis is to assess the company's position in the domestic and foreign markets, for which competition analysis will be used. The last part will be a SWOT analysis and the results will be compared with the new company strategy.
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