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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vuxna personers erfarenheter av omvårdnad i samband med hjärtinfarkt

Spinord, Malin, Säfström, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Hjärt-kärlsjukdom är den vanligaste orsaken till sjukdom och död i Europa. Kännedom om riskfaktorer för hjärt-kärlsjukdom minskar avsevärt risken att drabbas. I samband med en hjärtinfarkt kan känslor som ångest, stress och rädsla för återinsjuknande uppkomma. Anhöriga upplever att patienter får otillräckligt med information och stöd efter en hjärtinfarkt. Omvårdnaden i samband med hjärtinfarkt syftar till en god relation mellan personen och sjuksköterskan, där sjuksköterskans omvårdnad syftar till att främja hälsa hos personen. Det är därför av vikt att beskriva hur personer upplever omvårdnad i samband med hjärtinfarkt. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva vuxna personers erfarenheter av omvårdnad i samband med hjärtinfarkt. Metod: Deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats i form av litteraturöversikt. Resultat: Fyra kategorier växte fram under analysen: Att få varierad information, Att få varierat bemötande, Att få stöd för livsstilsförändringar och Att få emotionellt stöd. Varierande erfarenheter gällande information upplevdes, såväl tillfredsställande som bristfällig information. Varierat bemötande i samband med hjärtinfarkt upplevdes, både som positivt och negativt. För lyckade livsstilsförändringar var en god relation till sjuksköterskan av vikt, samtidigt som det fanns ett behov av ytterligare stöd. Emotionellt stöd från sjuksköterskor och anhöriga hade positiva effekter under vårdtiden, samtidigt som otillräckligt stöd förvärrade upplevelsen i samband med hjärtinfarkten. Slutsats: Resultatet ger en värdefull inblick i erfarenheter av omvårdnad i samband med hjärtinfarkt. Sjuksköterskor behöver vara lyhörda för vad personer önskar och behöver gällande information, bemötande, livsstilsförändringar och emotionellt stöd. Sjuksköterskan behöver möta personernas behov med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt för bästa möjliga omvårdnad. / Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of illness and death in Europe. Knowledge of risk factors reduces the risk of being affected. In connection with a myocardial infarction feelings like anxiety, stress and fear of relapse appear. Relatives experience insufficient information and support after a myocardial infarction. The relation between the person and the nurse is an important part of nursing, where the nursing aims to promote health. Therefore it's important to describe how people experience nursing in connection with a myocardial infarction. Aim: The aim of this literature overview was to describe adults' experiences of nursing in connection with a myocardial infarction. Method: Descriptive design with a qualitative approach as a literature overview. Results: Four categories emerged during the analysis: Getting varied information, Getting varied treatment, Getting support for lifestyle changes and Getting emotional support. Varying experiences regarding information was experienced, both sufficient and deficient information. Varied treatment was experienced, both positive and negative. For successful lifestyle changes, a good relationship with the nurse was important, there was a need for further support. Emotional support from nurses and relatives had positive effects during the care, while insufficient support worsened the experience. Conclusion: The result provides a valuable insight into the experiences of nursing in connection with a myocardial infarction. Nurses need to listen to what people want and need regarding information, treatment, lifestyle changes and emotional support. The nurse needs to meet the people's needs with a person-centred approach for the best possible care.

Effekt av Virtual Reality-träning hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom avseende balans- och gångförmåga jämfört med traditionell träning : En översiktsstudie av systematiska litteraturstudier / Effect of Virtual Reality training in people with Parkinson´s disease on balance and gait in comparison with traditional training : An overview of systematic reviews

Sagelius, Jenny, Vestman, Martina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Virtual Reality (VR) är en teknik som skapar en simulerad miljö där användaren kan uppleva en virtuell värld. Effekten av VR-träning på gång och balansförmågan hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom (PS) är ännu oklar trots flera systematiska studier. Sammanfattning av befintlig evidens kan ge en överblick samt kartlägga den kliniska nyttan av VR. Syfte: Syftet är att genomföra en översiktsstudie av systematiska litteraturstudier för att utvärdera behandlingseffekten av VR-träning jämfört med traditionell träning på gång- och balansförmåga hos personer med PS. Metod: Systematiska litteraturstudier i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL samt PEDro som publicerats mellan åren 2019-2022 har granskats. Kvalitetsgranskning utfördes med AMSTAR 2 och en narrativ syntes användes för att sammanfatta de rapporterade fynden av gång- och balansförmåga. Utfallsmåtten som använts är statisk och dynamisk balans samt gångparametrar. Resultat: Av totalt 298 systematiska litteraturstudier inkluderades sju studier med 128 randomiserade kontrollerade studier (4736 deltagare) som uppfyllde kriterier. Enligt AMSTAR 2 graderades fyra studier till kritiskt låg kvalitet. I fem av sju systematiska litteraturstudier rapporterades förbättrad statisk balans (MD=1.13-2.69 SMD=0.22-0.26) för gruppen med VR-träning jämfört med kontrollgrupp. I tre av sex studier rapporterades förbättring (MD –1.55 till -2.86) på dynamisk balans. Temporala gångparametrar rapporterade ingen skillnad mellan VR träning och kontrollgrupp. Spatiala gångparametrarna rapporterade blandade resultat. Slutsats: Studierna bedömdes övergripande ha låg metodologisk kvalitet. Resultaten visade att VR-träning kunde förbättra balansförmågan när det gäller statisk balans, men det fanns varierande resultat när det gällde dynamisk balans jämfört med kontrollgrupp. Ingen skillnad rapporterades mellan grupperna gällande temporala gångparametrar. Varierande resultat visades för spatiala gångparametrar. Ytterligare högkvalitativa systematiska översikter eftersträvas för att kunna dra mer tillförlitliga slutsatser. / Background: Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates a simulated environment where the user can experience a virtual world. The effect of VR training on gait and balance ability in people with Parkinson's disease (PS) remain unclear despite several systematic reviews. Summary of existing evidence can provide an overview of the current state of research and facilitate the mapping of the clinical benefit of VR. Aim: The aim is to conduct an overview of systematic reviews on gait and balance ability in people with PD using VR in comparison with traditional training. Method: A systematic search was performed including systematic reviews from PubMed, CINAHL and PEDro and published 2019-2022. Quality assessment was performed using AMSTAR 2.A narrative synthesis was conducted to synthesize the reported findings of gait and balance ability from the systematic reviews. The outcome measures used in this overview was staticand dynamic balance and gait parameters. Results: Of a total of 298 studies, seven systematic reviews with 128 randomized clinical trials (4736 participants) were included. Four studies had critically low quality after quality assessment. Static balance was improved (MD=1.13-2.69 SMD=0.22-0.26) in five of seven reviews with VR training compared to control group. Three of six reviews reported an improvement in dynamic balance (MD –1.55 till -2.86) with VR training. Temporal gait parameters reported no difference between VR training and control group. The spatial gait parameters reported mixed results among the systematic reviews. Conclusions: The included systematic reviews, in general, had low methodological quality. VR training were demonstrated to improve static balance but varied results regarding dynamic balance. Mixed findings were found regarding the spatial and temporal gait parameters. High-quality systematic reviews are warranted to general VR effect on gait and balance.Keyword: Balance, Gait, Overview, Parkinson´s disease, Virtual Reality

Patienters upplevelser av egenvård vid hjärtsvikt : En litteraturöversikt / Patients' experiences of self-care in heart failure : A literature Review

Mohammadnasehi, Ali, Fahandej sadi, Mahdieh sadat January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtsvikt är ett av de vanligaste folkhälsoproblemen som leder till ökande antal dödsfall i världen. En stor del av hjärtsvikt behandling beror på hur patienten utför sin egenvård. För att utöva egenvård krävs det tillräcklig kunskap om sjukdoms symtom, motivation för att vara delaktig i egenvård samt vårdstöd för att bedriva sin egenvård. Sjuksköterskor som vårdare har en viktig  roll i att stötta patienter med hjärtsvikt genom att utbilda, informera, ge motivation till dem, med syfte att patienter kan utföra sin egenvård. Syfte: Syfte var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av egenvård vid hjärtsvikt. Metod: En litteraturöversikt användes och kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. I resultatdelen användes 10 vetenskapliga artiklar vilket analyserades i fem steg utifrån Fribergs beskrivning av kvalitativ analys.  Resultat: Resultaten framkommer under tre huvudtemana och fyra subteman. Huvudteman är motivation till egenvård, behov av kunskap om sjukdomstillstånd och egenvård och upplevelser av stöd till egenvård. Sammanfattning: Egenvård hos patienten med hjärtsvikt har en stor betydelse, på samma sätt för att uppnå det här syftet är patientens delaktighet och kunskap oerhört viktigt. Denna genomförs av anpassning av vad patientens kapacitet och behov är med sina aktuella resurser som patienter har. Patienten kan stödjas genom sjuksköterskor och närstående som involverade till patientens egenvård. / Background: Heart failure is one of the most common public health problems leading to an increasing number of deaths in the world. A large part of heart failure treatment depends on how the patient performs their self-care. In order to exercise self-care, sufficient knowledge of the symptoms of the illness, motivation to participate in self-care and care support to conduct one's self-care is required. Nurses have an important role in supporting patients with heart failure by educating, informing, giving motivation to them, with the aim that patients can handle their self-care. Aim: The purpose was to describe patients' experiences of self-care in heart failure Method: A literature review was conducted where qualitative scientific articles have been reviewed. For the result, 10 scientific articles were used that were analyzed according to Friberg's description of qualitative analysis in five steps. Results: The results appear under three main themes and four subthemes. The main themes are motivation for self-care, need for knowledge about illness and self-care and experiences of support for self-care. Summary: Self-care of the patient with heart failure is of great importance, in the same way to achieve this goal, the patient's participation and knowledge are extremely important. It would be achieved through adapting what the patient's capacity and needs are with their current resources. The patient can be supported by nurses and relatives who are involved in the patient's self-care.

Översiktsplanering för minskad boendesegregation : En jämförelse mellan Nässjö, Ronneby och Vellinge Kommun / Overview planning for reduced housing segregation : A comparison between Nässjö, Ronneby and Vellinge Municipality

Tabbah, Alyaá, Abed El-Mawla, Sawsan January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Segregation har blivit aktuellt för kommunerna i Sverige under de senaste åren.Den ojämna fördelningen av människor beror främst bland annat på sociala ochekonomiska anledningar, vilket skapar den så kallade boendesegregation. Med tanke påhållbar utveckling försöker kommunerna ständigt att främja integration genom olikasatsningar, fysisk planering är då ett av de verktygen som används. Detta sker på olikanivåer och översiktsplanering är här av särskilt intresse då den täcker hela kommunensyta och visar hur olika områden ska utvecklas. Hur kommunerna försöker att styraöversiktsplaneringen för att motverka segregation är den frågan som studien handlarom. Vidare är målet med denna studie är analysera om översiktsplan är ett bra verktygför att uppnå ett mångkulturellt samhälle. Metod: Studien genomförs som en jämförande fallstudie mellan Ronneby, Nässjö ochVellinge kommun. Statistiken för alla tre kommuner samlas och presenteras i form aven tabell. Extra fokus ligger på Nässjö kommun då mer statistik presenteras för tätortenNässjö och området Runneryd. En semistrukturerad intervju medsamhällsplaneringskontoret i Nässjö kommun har också genomförts. Översiktsplanernaför alla tre kommuner analyseras utifrån den socioekonomiska klassen. Resultat: Planeringsavdelning i en kommun lägger översiktsplaner för kommunen ochdär kan man betona integration som ett mål inom långsiktig hållbarhet vision, genomt.ex. att blanda boende och verksamheter. Däremot begränsas möjligheterna förkommunen att styra mot detta mål då den inte har alla verktyg för att uppnå målet.Dessutom finns det andra intressenter som kan också påverka situationen men dekanske inte prioriterar integration i dess insatser. För att motverka segregation visar sigatt man behöver hantera olika aspekter, fysiska och icke-fysiska. Det första är den delensom går att styra med fysiskplanering. Dock kan detta särskilt motverkaboendesegregation. Det andra, alltså den icke-fysiska aspekten, är svårare att hanteraoch behöver ständigt arbete med bl.a. sociala organisationer. Konsekvenser: Blandat boende och funktionsblandning är en bra lösning tillboendesegregation. Dock har översiktsplanen i sig vissa förhinder eftersom den ärberoende på intressenter. Därför krävs samarbete mellan alla medverkande parter ikommunen. Begränsningar: I denna uppsats avgränsas national planering, regional planering ochdetaljplanering, utan bara planering på översiktlig nivå undersöks. Vi studerar främstsmå kommuner och behandlar inte storstäderna. Studien begränsas tillboendesegregation inom det socioekonomiska perspektivet och berör inte andraaspekter för. Politikens roll framförs inte i denna uppsats heller. / Purpose: Segregation has become an important issue for the municipalities in Swedenin the recent years. The uneven distribution of people depends mainly on social andeconomic reasons, which creates the so-called housing segregation. With a view tosustainable development, the municipalities are constantly trying to promote integrationthrough various initiatives, then physical planning is one of the tools used. This is doneat different levels and overview planning here is of interest as it covers the entiremunicipality's area and shows how different areas should be developed. How themunicipalities try to control the overview planning to counter segregation is thequestion that the study is about. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to analyse whetherthe overview plan is a good tool for achieving a multicultural society. Method: The study is conducted as a comparative case study between Ronneby, Nässjöand Vellinge municipality. The statistics for all three municipalities were collected andpresented in the form of a table. By focusing more on Nässjö municipality morestatistics were presented for the urban area Nässjö and the area Runneryd. A semistructuredinterview with the community planning office in Nässjö municipality wasalso conducted. The overview plans for all three municipalities were analysed based onthe socio-economic class. Findings: Planning department in a municipality places overview plans for themunicipality and there one can emphasize integration as a goal within long-termsustainability vision, through e.g. to mix accommodation and activities. However, thepossibilities for the municipality are limited to steering towards this goal as it does nothave all the tools to achieve the goal. In addition, there are other stakeholders who canalso influence the situation, but they may not prioritize integration into its efforts. Tocounter segregation, it turns out that one needs to handle different aspects, physical andnon-physical. The first is the part that can be controlled by physical planning. However,this can counteract housing segregation. The other, that is, the non-physical aspect, ismore difficult to handle and needs constant work with, for instance, socialorganizations. Implications: Mixed-income housing and mixed urban function is a good solution tohousing segregation, but the overview plan itself has problems because of itsdependence on private stakeholders, therefore cooperation of all participating parties inthe municipality is required. Limitations: In this paper, national planning, regional planning and detailed planningare delimited, but only planning at a general level is examined. We mainly study smallmunicipalities and do not treat the big cities. The study is limited to housing segregationwithin the socio-economic perspective and does not concern other aspects. The role ofpolitics is not presented in this paper either.

Dinâmica da produção de alimentos no bioma pampa / Food production dynamic in the pampa biome

Oliveira, Tamara Esteves de January 2015 (has links)
Esse estudo analisou a dinâmica da produção de alimentos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e suas consequências para as alterações nas áreas de pastagens naturais no Bioma Pampa. Para tanto, foram analisadas as mudanças no uso da terra nos municípios conforme os Censos Agropecuários de 1975, 1985, 1995/1996 e 2006 e da produção de alimentos de acordo com os relatórios de produção agrícola e pecuária municipais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Para analisar as variações na área das culturas e quantidade produzida foi calculado um índice de crescimento relativo. Os municípios foram ordenados conforme a área das categorias em seu território e sua localização por Escalonamento Multidimensional Não Métrico (NMDS). A influência do bioma sobre o uso da terra foi analisada por ENVIFIT e a diferença entre as categorias por PERMANOVA, no software R. No Bioma Pampa ocorreu um decréscimo de 26% nas pastagens naturais desde 1975, apresentando decréscimo de até 12.5%, entre 1975 e 1985. Destacam-se as taxas das lavouras e matas artificiais, em que para lavouras temporárias, apresentaram um crescimento considerável de 1985 para 2005. A influência do Bioma Pampa na composição das categorias de uso da terra manteve-se entre 14 e 15%, havendo diferença entre municípios localizados no Bioma Pampa em todos os anos analisados. Ao longo do tempo foi possível observar uma movimentação significativa das lavouras temporárias e das matas artificiais que principalmente entre 1995 e 2005 começam a integrar a paisagem do bioma. Para enfrentar o desafio de manter atividades agroecológicas em biomas ameaçados o Brasil deve investir em fiscalização, desenvolvendo sistemas de monitoramento capazes de detectar sutis alterações no uso da terra. Por outro lado, a produção de alimentos nesse estado apresentou crescimento na quantidade produzida. Foi observado um crescimento elevado na quantidade produzida de soja, sendo distribuição homogênea em todo o estado. O arroz apresentou redução na quantidade produzida no norte do estado e uma concentração expressiva nas regiões sul e fronteira oeste do estado. Os bovinos mantiveram seu rebanho estável com grande concentração na fronteira oeste. A silvicultura apresentou crescimento em praticamente todo estado, estando sua produção centrada na região sudeste do estado. As lavouras analisadas contribuíram para o PIB do estado e são capazes, hoje e no futuro, de suprir as demandas calóricas do Rio Grande do Sul em caso de necessidades, caso sejam mantidas as características atuais do agronegócio gaúcho. Dessas culturas, a soja foi a que mais disponibilizou calorias e retorno financeiro ao estado, sendo capaz de suprir a demanda local e oferecer excedentes para a exportação. Em todas as culturas, com exceção do milho, o aumento da quantidade de calorias disponibilizadas esteve relacionado ao aumento da área plantada, demandando maiores investimentos e incentivos ao incremento do rendimento das culturas. / This study analyzed the food production dynamics in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and its consequences for the changes in the natural grassland areas in the Pampa Biome. To this end, data for land use in the municipalities of Pampa Biome were collected from the Agricultural Censuses of 1975, 1985, 1995/1996 and 2006 as well as the food production data presented at the municipal agricultural and livestock reports published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). To analyze the dynamics of the natural grasslands area of natural pastures, the micro-regions were compared every 10 years, the relative growth rate. The comparison between the municipalities was made by the adjusted mean the area allocated for the categories of land use. All municipalities were ranked as the area of the categories in its territory and its location by Multidimensional Scaling Not Metric (NMDS). The influence of the biome on land use was analyzed by ENVIFIT and the difference between the categories by PERMANOVA in Pampa Biome R. In software, there was a 26% decrease in natural pastures since 1975, presenting decrease of up to 12.5% between 1975 and 1985. Noteworthy are the rates of crops and artificial forest in which to temporary crops showed considerable growth from 1985 to 2005. The influence of the Pampa biome in the composition of land use categories remained between 14 and 15%, with significant differences between municipalities in the Pampa biome in all the years analyzed. Over time, it observed a significant movement of temporary crops and artificial forests that mainly between 1995 and 2005 begin to integrate the biome landscape. To face the challenge of maintaining agro-ecological activities threatened biomes in Brazil should invest in surveillance, developing monitoring systems capable of detecting subtle changes in land use. Moreover, the production of food in this state showed an increase in the amount produced. High growth for soy produced, being homogeneously distributed across the state was observed. Rice declined on the amount produced in the northern state and a significant concentration in the south and west of the state border. Cattle kept its stable herd with great concentration on the western border. Forestry grew in almost every state, with its production centered in the southeastern region of the state. The crops analyzed contributed to the state's GDP and are able, today and in the future, to meet the caloric demands of Rio Grande do Sul in the event purposes, if the current features of the gaucho agribusiness are maintained. These crops, soybean was the one that provided calories and financial return to the state, being able to meet local demand and provide surplus for exports. In all crops, except corn, increasing the amount of calories available was related to the increased planted area, requiring greater investments and incentives to increase crop yields.

Panorama dos resíduos sólidos industriais e de mineração do estado de Goiás / Overview of industrial and mining solid waste in the state of Goiás

Oliveira, Adjane Damasceno de 22 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-05T12:16:50Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adjane Damasceno de Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 2360434 bytes, checksum: 99290688ce09cf90c2e693539b971b50 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-05T12:18:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adjane Damasceno de Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 2360434 bytes, checksum: 99290688ce09cf90c2e693539b971b50 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-05T12:18:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adjane Damasceno de Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 2360434 bytes, checksum: 99290688ce09cf90c2e693539b971b50 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-22 / The increase the state of Goiás should come accompanied of a administration that look for the balance between economic, social and environmental sectors, In this last, it is included an appropriate management of solid waste generate at the territory. In this study was elaborated an overview of the current situation of industrial and mining solid waste, contributing directly to supply the lack of data that subsidize the elaboration of policies that strengthen the guidelines of administration in Goiás, and also contribute with the proposition of mechanisms to structure the state information system of solid waste. For this, information was collected in several databases, official (Department of the Environment, infrastructure, Cities and Metropolitan Issues, State Treasury Office, National Department of Mineral Research) and non-official (Goiás Federation of Industries) databases and a primary data collection system has been developed so that the information was as close to reality as possible. The databases accessed was compared and analyzed. To carry out the review of waste destinations was necessary some adjustment and revaluation of the coding used in the process that received these wastes. Even with the establishment of a mechanism with closed answers, it was still necessary to evaluate what was declared to carry out an overview that matches to the reality. After the data compilation, it was possible to establish results of estimative for the generation, composition and disposal of industrial and mining waste in the State of Goiás. A comparison with these results with the 2001 inventory data was carried out, and to complete the state overview, the data of the authorizations for the waste entries in the state of Goiás issued in 2013 were collected. Finally, there was an analysis of the strategic areas for installation of industrial waste centers within the state territory. According to the results obtained were estimated one generation of 8.481.680 tons of industrial waste and 10.781.011 tons of mining waste. As the destination, the destination for another forms of reuse and recycling was the most representative with almost 38% from the total of industrial waste generated, whereas, the largest portion of the mining waste was destined to landfills of the own generators of waste, approximately 75% of the total. This study demonstrated that one of the difficulties encountered in collecting information is to perform the inventory data involving the largest number of possible waste generators and allow to conclude that the results found until the time can`t be considerate satisfactory, but make a landmark for the consolidation of solid waste data collected in Goiás. Therefore it is important to promote more comprehensive training throughout the territory and the establishment of mandatory participation in data reporting. In addition, it is essential that the States and Union work together so that the databases can be compatible to the point that they can be manipulated and can produce reliable results. / O crescimento do Estado de Goiás deve vir acompanhado de uma gestão que busque equilíbrio entre os setores, econômico, social e ambiental. Neste último, inclui-se a gestão adequada dos resíduos gerados no território estadual. Neste estudo buscou-se a elaboração de um panorama da atual situação dos resíduos sólidos industriais e de mineração, contribuindo diretamente para suprir a ausência de dados que subsidiam a elaboração de políticas que fortaleçam as diretrizes de gestão para Goiás, além de cooperar com a proposição de mecanismos para estruturar o sistema de informação estadual de resíduos sólidos. Para tal, buscou-se informações em diversos bancos de dados, oficiais (Secretaria de Meio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos, Infraestrutura, Cidades, Assuntos Metropolitanos, Secretaria da Fazenda, Departamento Nacional de Pesquisa Mineral) e não oficiais (Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás), e foi desenvolvido mecanismo de coleta de dados primários para que as informações estivessem o mais próximo possível da realidade. Os bancos de dados acessados foram comparados e os dados foram organizados e analisados. Para realizar o levantamento das destinações foram necessárias algumas adaptações e reavaliações da codificação usada nos processos que receberam estes resíduos. Mesmo com o estabelecimento de um mecanismo com respostas fechadas ainda assim foi necessário avaliar o que foi declarado para realizar um diagnóstico que correspondesse à realidade. Após compilação dos dados foi possível estabelecer resultados referentes às estimativas de geração com base em tipologia das atividades e porte dos empreendimentos e destinação dos resíduos industriais e de mineração no Estado de Goiás. Realizou-se a comparação com os dados obtidos no inventário de 2001 e, para completar o panorama estadual, foram levantados dados referentes as autorizações de destinação de resíduos no Estado emitidas no ano de 2013. Por fim, fez-se uma análise das regiões estratégicas para instalação de pólos industriais de resíduos dentro do território estadual. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, foram estimadas uma geração de 8.481.680 toneladas de resíduos industriais e 10.781.011 toneladas de resíduos de mineração no Estado de Goiás para o ano de 2013. Quanto a destinação, para os resíduos industriais a destinação para outras formas de reutilização, reciclagem, recuperação, dentre elas incorporação em outros processos industriais foi a mais representativa com quase 38% do total e para os resíduos de mineração a maior parcela foi destinada para aterros dos próprios geradores representando cerca de 75% do total. Este trabalho demonstrou que uma das dificuldades encontradas no levantamento de informações é realizar a inventariação de dados que envolva o maior número de geradores de resíduos possível o que permite concluir que os resultados encontrados até o momento não podem ser considerados satisfatórios, mas já estabelece um marco na consolidação na inventariação de resíduos no Estado. Conclui-se que é importante promover treinamentos mais abrangentes ao longo do território e o estabelecimento de caráter obrigatório de participação na declaração de dados. Além disso, é essencial que os Estados e União trabalhem em conjunto para que os bancos de dados sejam compatíveis permitindo que possam ser manipulados de maneira eficiente e produzam resultados confiáveis. Concluir

Enseigner l'algorithme pour quoi ? Quelles nouvelles questions pour les mathématiques ? Quels apports pour l'apprentissage de la preuve ?

Modeste, Simon 05 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Récemment, l'algorithme a pris une place plus importante dans l'enseignement secondaire en France et à l'étranger. Ce concept, lié à l'informatique mais aussi aux mathématiques et à la preuve, soulève de nombreuses questions didactiques. Cette thèse propose une analyse épistémologique du concept dans le but d'étudier sa transposition et de construire des situations didactiques. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons une analyse épistémologique détaillée du concept en mettant en avant ses aspects fondamentaux. Cela permet de proposer un modèle de conceptions pour l'algorithme du point de vue du savoir savant (en mathématiques et informatique) et tenant compte l'ensemble des formes que peut prendre l'algorithme. Ces résultats, validés expérimentalement par les analyses d'entretiens avec des chercheurs, permettent de mener une étude de la transposition en jeu dans l'enseignement au lycée en France. Au travers de l'étude des instructions officielles, de manuels scolaires et de ressources en ligne, nous mettons en évidence une transposition partielle du concept principalement orientée vers la programmation et l'usage de l'algorithme comme un outil. La dernière partie propose une caractérisation des problèmes fondamentaux pour l'algorithme et des perspectives pour la construction et l'étude de situations didactiques en algorithmique.

Étude des significations de la multiplication pour différents ensembles de nombres dans un contexte de géométrisation

Barrera Curin, Raquel Isabel 12 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Notre étude s'est construite à partir du constat que la multiplication est un objet mathématique complexe dans ses dimensions épistémologique et cognitive. Le fait que les représentations géométriques puissent favoriser la mise en évidence de significations d'un objet mathématique nous a conduits à la recherche d'une géométrisation de la multiplication pour différents ensembles de nombres. Pour étudier le rapport entre cet objet mathématique complexe -- la multiplication -- et la construction de son sens par les élèves, nous avons conçu des séances expérimentales menées dans des collèges et lycées français. Cette étude expérimentale nous a permis d'analyser en profondeur la maîtrise que les élèves manifestent ou, au contraire, les obstacles qu'ils rencontrent dans un travail mathématique qui nécessite, notamment des changements de cadres et de registres de représentation sémiotique. Les données issues de nos séances expérimentales ont été analysées à l'aide d'une articulation entre différentes approches théoriques. La notion d'Espace de Travail Mathématique et ses genèses permet de rendre compte de la complexité du travail mathématique des élèves. Pour étudier le travail collaboratif entre élèves et le rôle de l'enseignant dans le processus de médiation culturelle, nous avons intégré la médiation sémiotique et la construction sociale des connaissances. L'articulation théorique produite nous a permis de décrire plus finement les relations entre les plans épistémologique et cognitif de l'ETM. Nous arrivons finalement à l'identification et l'analyse de parcours d'individus résultant des interactions produites à l'intérieur d'un Espace de Travail Mathématique.

Adverbes locatifs en français / Locative adverbes in french

Hur, Youngin 20 October 2017 (has links)
L’adverbe est l’une des catégories invariables du discours. Le définir clairement n’est pas toujours chose aisée, tant cette catégorie grammaticale regorge de mots d’une grande hétérogénéité, non seulement du point de vue de leur nature, mais également du point de vue de leur rôle. L’adverbe peut ainsi signifier la comparaison, le lieu, la manière ou la qualité, l’ordre et le rang, la quantité, le temps, etc. Il peut encore servir de connecteur logique, de négation, etc. Lorsque l’adverbe permet de répondre à la question « où ? » posé autour du verbe, on parle d’adverbe locatif, traditionnellement appelé adverbe de lieu. C’est à cette catégorie d’adverbes que nous avons consacré notre étude. Les adverbes locatifs ont rarement fait l’objet d’une étude exhaustive, ce qui nous a amené à nous intéresser à leur classification dans le cadre théorique du lexique-grammaire. Pour parvenir à nos fins, nous nous sommes proposé pour objectif principal de mettre en évidence les différentes propriétés syntactico-sémantiques de ces adverbes locatifs. Mais avant d’en arriver-là, il était nécessaire de clarifier la notion très ambivalente de lieu, ce vocable permettant en effet de regrouper des réalités diverses telles que les lieux ayant un sens purement locatif (ex. ici, là-haut) et les lieux impliquant l’idée d’activités qui leur sont associées (ex. au cinéma, à l’école), pour ne citer que ces deux exemples. Il s’agissait donc de mettre en évidence cette classification interne au sein même de cette dernière notion de lieu. Ainsi, nous parlons d’adverbes locatifs non prédicatifs pour désigner les adverbes ayant un sens de lieu impliquant également un sens d’activité associée à ce lieu. De même, les adverbes locatifs prédicatifs pour parler des adverbes désignant explicitement une activité liée à un lieu tout en possédant une référence de lieu rendant possible une telle activité. Compte tenu de la rareté des études qui examinent de manière systématique le lien entre la notion de lieu et les adverbes de lieu, tout l’intérêt de notre démarche aura été d’élaborer une approche analytique qui rende compte des phénomènes sémantico-syntaxiques propres aux adverbes locatifs. Cette étude est d’autant plus nécessaire que l’absence d’une méthode d’analyse a souvent fait obstacle à l’établissement d’une classification des adverbes locatifs. / The adverb is an invariable part of discourse. Defining it with clarity is not a simple assignment, as this category in grammar is filled with words of great heterogeneity, not only from the point of view of their nature, but also from the point of view of their role. The adverb can thus mean comparison, place, manner, quality, order, rank, quantity, and time, etc. It can also be used as a logical connector, negation, etc. When the adverb allows the question "where?" to be raised around the verb, one speaks of locative adverb, traditionally known as adverb of place. It is to this category of adverbs that we have devoted our study. Locative adverbs have rarely been studied exhaustively, which has led us to consider their classification in the theoretical framework of the lexicon-grammar. In order to achieve our goals, we propose to highlight the different syntactico-semantic properties of these adverbs. But before we came to that point, it was necessary to clarify the very ambivalent notion of place, since this term allows us to gather diverse realities such as places with a purely locative sense (e.g. here, up there) and places involving the idea of activities associated within them (e.g. at the cinema, at the school), to only mention these two examples. It was therefore necessary to bring to light this internal classification within the very notion of place. Thus, we speak of non-predicative locative adverbs to denote adverbs with a sense of place that also implies a sense of activity associated with those places. Similarly, predicative locative adverbs to speak of adverbs explicitly designating an activity linked to a place while referring to a location allowing such activity to be performed Given the scarcity of studies that systematically examine the link between the notion of place and adverbs of place, all the interest of our approach will have been to develop an analytical approach that accounts for the semantico-syntactic phenomena specific to locative adverbs. This study is all the more necessary due to the absence of a method of analysis often hindered the establishment of a classification of adverbs of place.

Dinâmica da produção de alimentos no bioma pampa / Food production dynamic in the pampa biome

Oliveira, Tamara Esteves de January 2015 (has links)
Esse estudo analisou a dinâmica da produção de alimentos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e suas consequências para as alterações nas áreas de pastagens naturais no Bioma Pampa. Para tanto, foram analisadas as mudanças no uso da terra nos municípios conforme os Censos Agropecuários de 1975, 1985, 1995/1996 e 2006 e da produção de alimentos de acordo com os relatórios de produção agrícola e pecuária municipais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Para analisar as variações na área das culturas e quantidade produzida foi calculado um índice de crescimento relativo. Os municípios foram ordenados conforme a área das categorias em seu território e sua localização por Escalonamento Multidimensional Não Métrico (NMDS). A influência do bioma sobre o uso da terra foi analisada por ENVIFIT e a diferença entre as categorias por PERMANOVA, no software R. No Bioma Pampa ocorreu um decréscimo de 26% nas pastagens naturais desde 1975, apresentando decréscimo de até 12.5%, entre 1975 e 1985. Destacam-se as taxas das lavouras e matas artificiais, em que para lavouras temporárias, apresentaram um crescimento considerável de 1985 para 2005. A influência do Bioma Pampa na composição das categorias de uso da terra manteve-se entre 14 e 15%, havendo diferença entre municípios localizados no Bioma Pampa em todos os anos analisados. Ao longo do tempo foi possível observar uma movimentação significativa das lavouras temporárias e das matas artificiais que principalmente entre 1995 e 2005 começam a integrar a paisagem do bioma. Para enfrentar o desafio de manter atividades agroecológicas em biomas ameaçados o Brasil deve investir em fiscalização, desenvolvendo sistemas de monitoramento capazes de detectar sutis alterações no uso da terra. Por outro lado, a produção de alimentos nesse estado apresentou crescimento na quantidade produzida. Foi observado um crescimento elevado na quantidade produzida de soja, sendo distribuição homogênea em todo o estado. O arroz apresentou redução na quantidade produzida no norte do estado e uma concentração expressiva nas regiões sul e fronteira oeste do estado. Os bovinos mantiveram seu rebanho estável com grande concentração na fronteira oeste. A silvicultura apresentou crescimento em praticamente todo estado, estando sua produção centrada na região sudeste do estado. As lavouras analisadas contribuíram para o PIB do estado e são capazes, hoje e no futuro, de suprir as demandas calóricas do Rio Grande do Sul em caso de necessidades, caso sejam mantidas as características atuais do agronegócio gaúcho. Dessas culturas, a soja foi a que mais disponibilizou calorias e retorno financeiro ao estado, sendo capaz de suprir a demanda local e oferecer excedentes para a exportação. Em todas as culturas, com exceção do milho, o aumento da quantidade de calorias disponibilizadas esteve relacionado ao aumento da área plantada, demandando maiores investimentos e incentivos ao incremento do rendimento das culturas. / This study analyzed the food production dynamics in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and its consequences for the changes in the natural grassland areas in the Pampa Biome. To this end, data for land use in the municipalities of Pampa Biome were collected from the Agricultural Censuses of 1975, 1985, 1995/1996 and 2006 as well as the food production data presented at the municipal agricultural and livestock reports published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). To analyze the dynamics of the natural grasslands area of natural pastures, the micro-regions were compared every 10 years, the relative growth rate. The comparison between the municipalities was made by the adjusted mean the area allocated for the categories of land use. All municipalities were ranked as the area of the categories in its territory and its location by Multidimensional Scaling Not Metric (NMDS). The influence of the biome on land use was analyzed by ENVIFIT and the difference between the categories by PERMANOVA in Pampa Biome R. In software, there was a 26% decrease in natural pastures since 1975, presenting decrease of up to 12.5% between 1975 and 1985. Noteworthy are the rates of crops and artificial forest in which to temporary crops showed considerable growth from 1985 to 2005. The influence of the Pampa biome in the composition of land use categories remained between 14 and 15%, with significant differences between municipalities in the Pampa biome in all the years analyzed. Over time, it observed a significant movement of temporary crops and artificial forests that mainly between 1995 and 2005 begin to integrate the biome landscape. To face the challenge of maintaining agro-ecological activities threatened biomes in Brazil should invest in surveillance, developing monitoring systems capable of detecting subtle changes in land use. Moreover, the production of food in this state showed an increase in the amount produced. High growth for soy produced, being homogeneously distributed across the state was observed. Rice declined on the amount produced in the northern state and a significant concentration in the south and west of the state border. Cattle kept its stable herd with great concentration on the western border. Forestry grew in almost every state, with its production centered in the southeastern region of the state. The crops analyzed contributed to the state's GDP and are able, today and in the future, to meet the caloric demands of Rio Grande do Sul in the event purposes, if the current features of the gaucho agribusiness are maintained. These crops, soybean was the one that provided calories and financial return to the state, being able to meet local demand and provide surplus for exports. In all crops, except corn, increasing the amount of calories available was related to the increased planted area, requiring greater investments and incentives to increase crop yields.

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