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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení veřejné stavební zakázky malého rozsahu se zaměřením na cenu / Management of small public tender with focus on price

Mrňová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to propose a procedure for the management of small-scale public construction contracts for municipalities. The procedure is designed based on information obtained from an analysis of the development of the existence and quality of internal regulations, an analysis of the development of information openness and in particular, a questionnaire completed amongst the mayors of municipalities. The resulting procedure for the awarding of small-scale public construction contracts is divided into three categories according to the expected value of the public contract. For each category, the number of suppliers contacted, the address of the suppliers, the decision-making entity and the bid evaluation process are set out in such a way that small municipalities can use this procedure as an internal rule for small-scale public construction contracts.

Oceňování věcných břemen - komparace různých metod ocenění / Valuation of Easements - Comparison of Valuation Methods

Prokop, Jan January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I deal with methods of valuation of easements according to current legislation and methodology. The easements, as a tool for limiting or extending the rights to real estate, are dealt with in a general way, I will state the methods for their valuation and subsequently apply these methods to specific easements.

Návrh na financování developerského projektu v Brněnském regionu / Proposition of financing developer´s project in region Brno

Veigler, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This master´s thesis describe actual developer´s project in region Brno. I choose project in Sokolnice near Brno. These are preparing 36 new areas for deveoping a new family Hause´s. I analyssis this project and describe a new draft. This new owner draft have to be more profitable of actual draft. I describe old and new draft´s cash-flow.

Analýza výluk na železničních tratích / Railway Tracks Possessions Analysis

Šmíd, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with describing, evaluating, and proposing of possible changes in planning, placement and describing possession activities on railway lines in order to improve transmission and quality of the services provided by the SŽDC. The first chapter describes the environment of rail transport focusing mainly on law and regulations. The second chapter describes the aim of the study, additional category focuses on describing the method of processing of materials. The fifth chapter focuses on selected lines to describe the various closures in specific line sections. Sixth chapter aims on comparison methods of implementation lockout activities on examined lines. The last chapter has to summarize and evaluate results to submit any additional recommendations.

An exploratory study of business intelligence in knowledge-based growth small, medium and micro-enterprises in South Africa

Ponelis, S.R. (Shana Rachel) 10 February 2012 (has links)
Small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) play an important part in all economies but particularly in developing economies. Growth 'SMMEs seek to grow either in size, revenue and/or asset value by reinvesting available resources; these enterprises tend to spend their available resources on operational when it comes to information and communication technology (ICT). But these systems, whilst necessary are not sufficient. They are geared toward capturing data but not producing information. Business intelligence (BI) can provide decision-makers, who in SMMEs are predominantly owner-managers, with access to information that enables them to make informed decisions on where to apply limited resources. Because BI requires operational systems to be in place to gather the data it is the logical next step. Despite increasing discussion in the press and amongst BI practitioners, academic research with regard to BI in SMMEs remains sparse. Since the potential contribution of BI to SMMEs can only be assessed by first understanding current information practices and needs in such enterprises, the purpose of this study is to explore the use of use of BI to support strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. This research uses an interpretive approach to collect data using semi-structured interviews from the owner-managers of six knowledge-based growth SMMEs in South Africa selected through purposive sampling. The research results suggest that BI can play an important role in knowledge-based growth SMMEs but that support and guidance is needed to ensure that BI is used appropriately to fully exploit available data for decision-making in addition to expanding available data sources. Future research can adopt a more rigorous positivist approach to confirm the findings of this study, expand the population to other sectors in South Africa and/or SMMEs in other countries. An action research methodology can also be used to apply BI interventions in SMMEs to investigate specific BI solutions in-depth. The research may be of value to participating and other SMME owner-managers, policy makers, government agencies, business advisers, and academic researchers. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Information Science / unrestricted

Valberedningen: dolda makthavare och kontrollägarens andra hand : - En studie om kontrollägarens inflytande i svenska valberedningar och deras påverkan på styrelsens sammansättning / Nomination committees: the hidden ruler and the control owners second hand : - A study about the control owner's influence in Swedish nomination committees and their impact on the composition of the board

Karlsson, Jennie, Hultén, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
Titel: Valberedningen: dolda makthavare och kontrollägarens andra hand - En studie om kontrollägarens inflytande i svenska valberedningar och deras påverkan på styrelsens sammansättning Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning undersöker hur olika individuella egenskaper hos valberedningens ledamöter påverkar styrelsens sammansättning genom homosocial reproduktion. Utifrån att bolagens kontrollägare i flertalet fall finns representerad i valberedningen finns det möjligheter att även kontrollägarens närvaro har betydelse för vilka styrelsemedlemmar som nomineras. Vem kontrollägaren är och vilka intressen, mål och egenskaper denna ägare har kan vara en påverkande faktor för styrelsens sammansättning samtidigt som kontrollägarens formella maktposition skulle kunna påverkas av en eventuell informell makt som valberedningens övriga ledamöter besitter. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka vilken effekt kontrollägarens representation i valberedningen får på den kvinnliga representationen i svenska börsbolags styrelser. Metod: En kvantitativ studie som tillämpar en deduktiv forskningsansats. Studiens urval baseras på noterade bolag på Stockholmsbörsens small, mid och large cap där information har inhämtats från databasen Holdings samt börsbolagens årsredovisningar och hemsidor. Slutsatser: Studien visar på tre slutsatser utifrån de empiriska resultaten. (1) Studien visar att kontrollägarens representation i valberedningen kan ge olika effekt på den kvinnliga representationen i styrelse utifrån sin ägaridentitet, vilket skulle kunna förklaras av ägarens tillgång till nätverk, institutionella känslighet eller villighet att premiera kvinnor. (2) Därmed är valberedningens sammansättning av betydelse för den kvinnliga representationen i styrelsen. (3) Institutionella ägare bör inte kategoriseras som en gemensam ägaridentitet i detta forskningsavseende då de empiriska resultaten visar på separata effekter på den kvinnliga representationen i styrelsens. / Title: Nomination committees: the hidden ruler and the control owners second hand - A study about the control owner's influence in Swedish nomination committees and their impact on the composition of the board Background: Previous research examines how different individual characteristics of the Nomination Committee's members affect the composition of the board through homosocial reproduction. Based on the fact that the company's control owners in most cases are represented in the nomination committee, there are possibilities that the control owner's presence also has a significant meaning for which board members that are nominated. Who the control owner is and what interests, goals and characteristics they have as an owner, can be an influencing factor for the composition of the board, while the control owner's formal position of power can be affected by an informal power on behalf of other members in the nomination committee. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the control owner's representation in the nomination committee on female representation on the boards of Swedish listed companies. Method: A quantitative study that applies a deductive research approach. The study's selection consists of listed companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange's small, mid and large cap. Information have been collected from the database Holdings and the stock companies' annual reports and websites. Conclusions: The study shows three conclusions based on the empirical results. (1) The study shows that the control owner's representation in the nomination committee can have different effects on the female representation on the board based on their owner identity, which could be explained by the owner's access to networks, institutional sensitivity or willingness to nominate women. (2) Thus, the composition of the nomination committee is of importance for the female representation on the board. (3) Institutional owners should not be categorized under a common ownership identity in this research area, as the empirical results show separate effects on the female representation on the board.

Affärsmässighet i kommunala bostadsaktiebolag / ”Affärsmässighet” in municipal housing limited companies

Andersson, Johanna, Kalin, Jennelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den 1 januari 2011 infördes Lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag. Lagen innebär en förändring för de kommunala bostadsaktiebolagen i form av att de nu inte omfattas av självkostnadsprincipen och förbudet mot att driva företag i vinstsyfte, utan skulle nu agera enligt affärsmässiga principer. De kommunala bostadsaktiebolagen ska nu agera både affärsmässigt och vara allmännyttiga. En problematik kring tolkning av affärsmässiga principer påverkar bostadsbolagens agerande. Beroende på kommun och bostadsbolags tolkning av affärsmässiga principer sker anpassningen olika och begreppet får olika betydelser i olika bolag. Otydligheten i tolkningen av lagen ligger till grund för vidare studier inom ämnet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förklara hur de kommunala bostadsaktiebolagen har tolkat och anpassat sig till kravet på affärsmässighet sedan Lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag trädde i kraft. Syftet uppnås genom att analysera ägardirektiv och finansiella nyckeltal. Metod: För att kunna svara på frågeställningen, hur de kommunala bostadsaktiebolagen har tolkat och anpassat sig till kravet på affärsmässighet granskades bostadsbolagens ägardirektiv både innan och efter lagändringen. Vi gjorde en finansiell analys över bostadsbolagens ekonomiska utveckling under tidsperioden 2008 till 2018 för att undersöka ifall bostadsbolagen har påverkats ekonomiskt av lag SFS 2010:879. Vi har i vår studie gjort en fallstudie som omfattar både kvalitativ samt kvantitativ metod vid insamling av sekundärdata i from av ägardirektiv, årsredovisningar och utfallet i den finansiella analysen. Slutsats: Vi har i vår studie visat att de kommunala bostadsaktiebolagen inte har anpassat sig efter affärsmässiga principer sedan införandet av lag SFS 2010:879 eftersom de agerat på detta sätt redan innan 2011. Vi kan inte genom den finansiella analysen påvisa att det har skett väsentliga förändringar i bolagens ekonomiska utveckling och därav inte påvisa att de agerar annorlunda idag mot vad de gjorde innan lagändringen. / Background: On January 1, 2011, “Lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag” was introduced. The law means a change for the municipal housing limited companies in the form that they are now not covered by “självkostnadsprincipen” and the prohibition on running companies for profit, but would now act according to "affärsmässiga principer”. The municipal housing limited companies must now act both “affärsmässigt” and "allmännyttigt”. A problem of interpreting "affärsmässiga principer” affects the behavior of the housing companies. Depending on the municipality and housing companies' interpretation of "affärsmässiga principer”, the adaptation is different and the concept has different meanings in different companies. The ambiguity in the interpretation of the law forms the basis for further studies within the subject. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explain how the municipal housing limited companies have interpreted and adapted to “affärsmässighet” since “Lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag” made an appearance. The purpose is attained by analysing their owner directives and financial ratios. Methods: In order to be able to answer the question, how the municipal housing limited companies have interpreted and adapted to the requirement of "affärsmässighet”, the housing companies' owner directive was examined both before and after the change in the law. We did a financial analysis of the financial development of the housing companies during the period 2008 to 2018 to investigate whether the housing companies have been financially affected by the law “SFS 2010: 879. We have in our study made a case study which includes both qualitative and quantitative method at the collection of the secondary data in the form of owner directives, the annual reports and the outcome of the financial analysis. Conclusion: We have in our study found that municipal housing limited companies have not adapted to “affärsmässiga principer” since entry of the new law “SFS 2010:879” since they have acted this way already before 2011. We cannot through the financial analysis show that there have been essential changes in the companies' financial development and because of that not show that they act differently today than what they did before the entry of the law.

Management-Buy-In bei eigentümergeführten Unternehmen: Erfolgsfaktoren und Erfolgseinfluss der Relay Succession

Wallraff, Thomas 20 June 2013 (has links)
Der Anteil der externen Nachfolge bei eigentümergeführten bzw. Familienunternehmen nimmt stetig zu. Eine Möglichkeit ist dabei ein Management-Buy-In, bei dem ein externer Manager die Position des Altinhabers übernimmt. In einer solchen Situation kann die Nachfolge in Form einer Relay Succession erfolgen, eine zeitlich gestaffelte Übergabe vom alten an den neuen Inhaber. In dieser Arbeit werden die Relay Succession, ihre Vor- und Nachteile, relevante Einflussfaktoren und Prozessempfehlungen in qualitativen Fallstudien untersucht.:Vorwort … II Inhaltsverzeichnis … III Abbildungsverzeichnis … VIII Tabellenverzeichnis … IX Abkürzungsverzeichnis … X 1 Einleitung … 1 2 Management-Buy-In bei eigentümergeführten Unternehmen … 6 2.1 Definition eigentümergeführter Unternehmen und Familienunternehmen in dieser Untersuchung … 7 2.2 Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung … 9 2.3 Bedeutung des Geschäftsführers und seiner Nachfolge … 13 2.4 Externe Nachfolge in eigentümergeführten Familienunternehmen … 16 3 Aktuelle Forschung … 27 3.1 Rahmengebende Forschungsfelder … 28 3.2 Zusammenfassende Beurteilung der theoretischen Grundlagen … 66 4 Untersuchungsmethode und empirische Betrachtung … 80 4.1 Qualitativer Fallstudienansatz … 80 4.2 Selektion und Akquirierung von Fallstudienkandidaten … 85 4.3 Interviewführung und fortlaufende Auswertung … 89 4.4 Datenanalyse und Hypothesengenerierung … 97 4.5 Sicherstellung der Reliabilität und Validität der Fallstudienuntersuchung … 102 5 Beschreibung und individuelle Beurteilung („within analysis“) der Fallstudien … 107 5.1 Fallstudie Fenster … 107 5.2 Fallstudie Karton … 114 5.3 Fallstudie Kunststoff … 121 5.4 Fallstudie Logistik … 131 5.5 Fallstudie Medizin … 140 5.6 Fallstudie Metall … 147 5.7 Fallstudie Möbel … 157 5.8 Fallstudie Netzwerk … 166 5.9 Fallstudie Präsentation … 174 5.10 Fallstudie Zahn … 181 6 Übergreifende Diskussion („cross-case analysis“) … 188 6.1 Ergebnisse … 189 7 Fazit … 241 7.1 Zusammenfassung … 241 7.2 Implikationen für die Praxis … 243 7.3 Einschränkungen und Grenzen … 247 7.4 Zukünftiger Forschungsbedarf … 249 A Appendix … A-I Literaturverzeichnis … A-XLIX

The taxonomy of Crowdfunding - An actualized overview of the development of internet crowdfunding models

Tillberg, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Crowdfunding challenges century long boundaries between the public, the industry andinnovation. In that respect the phenomenon holds the potential to decentralize and democratizethe way ventures are financed and realized. Crowdfunding has seen a lot of exitingdevelopments during the last few years, partly because of new crowdfunding platformsemerging on the internet, and partly because of new ground-breaking technology being used forfunding purposes. Meanwhile research has not quite catched up with the recent developments ofdifferent models for crowdfunding. This study’s aim is therefor to give an comprehensiveoverview of the different models of crowdfunding that are being utilized by crowdfundingplatforms on the internet today. A deductive content analysis has been made of 67 currentcrowdfunding platforms. The platforms have been analysed in order to determine what model ofcrowdfunding they utilize. The result has, apart from partly confirming prior studies, alsoproduced new exiting findings on what mechanisms constitute some of the crowdfundingmodels we see today. A new taxonomy of crowdfunding models is discussed and proposed. Theconclusion is that the need for a updated taxonomy, like the one this study provides, was wellneeded in order to understand the field. One important finding is that blockchain technology hasproduced a new form of crowdfunding through cryptocurrency: Initial coin offering. Thatparticular area will likely develop and continue to decentralize and democratise the economicalhuman interaction when it comes to financing.

České střelecké platformy a události masové střelby: analýza komunikačních rámců / Czech gun-owner platforms and mass shooting events: framing analysis

Čadek, Matěj January 2021 (has links)
The primary goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze online and social media communication of the Czech gun-owner platforms. The online space is where these platforms are able to gather support for their cause and influence the mainstream opinion on firearms, use of guns and gun laws. This thesis presents a case study of online posts and articles of analyzed actors vis-à-vis European mass shooting incidents. Such events usually spark debates about stricter gun control which the Czech gun-owner platforms naturally oppose. The analysis is underpinned by the theory of framing and uses a methodological design proposed by the scholars Dennis Chong and James Druckman. Firstly, a basic set of frames is identified. Secondly, these frames are tested against a collection of posts and articles by one of the analyzed groups. It is concluded that most of the texts are explicitly framed using one of the identified communication frames. However, the usage of these frames varies based on the motives behind a given mass shooting. It also differs in the case of Czech incidents. Lastly, this work investigates whether and in what way the frames of gun-owner platforms are adopted by elites and the mainstream media and. In this case, a surprising conclusion is made: Despite the ideal framing environment - given the absence of...

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