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Síndrome dos ovários policísticos: correlação dos fenótipos com as manifestações metabólicas / Polycystic ovary syndrome: correlation of phenotypes with metabolic manifestations.Erika Mendonça das Neves 29 August 2013 (has links)
A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) é o distúrbio endócrino-metabólico mais frequente na menacme, com prevalência de 7 a 10 %, contribuindo com o aumento do risco cardiovascular e/ou diabetes mellitus tipo II nessas mulheres. OBJETIVOS: Identificar as características epidemiológicas e os diferentes fenótipos da SOP, a prevalência da síndrome metabólica encontrada em cada fenótipo e os fatores associados ao risco metabólico dessas pacientes. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Estudo observacional com 566 mulheres entre 14 e 39 anos portadoras de SOP, segundo o consenso de Rotterdam. O risco metabólico foi avaliado pela análise descritiva com intervalo de confiança de 95%. As variáveis quantitativas foram testadas pelo método de Shapiro-Wilk e teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Para a análise multivariada usou-se a razão de prevalências entre as diversas variáveis independentes e o desfecho risco metabólico. Identificamos os fatores associados ao risco metabólico empregando a regressão de Cox com variância robusta. RESULTADOS: Das 566 pacientes, 27,9% tinham entre 20 e 24 anos; 84,5% eram afrodescendentes; 90,6% apresentavam irregularidade menstrual; 91,8% hirsutismo; 77,7% ovários aumentados e/ou policísticos; 15,7% com pelo menos um filho; IMC elevado em 66,5%; CA superior a 88 em 51%; pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica elevadas em 38,9% e 20% das pacientes respectivamente; 7,7% intolerância a carboidratos, 40,8% de HDL-colesterol reduzido, 8,8% de triglicerídeos elevados. Encontramos risco metabólico em 21%, com predomínio dos fenótipos E (28,4%), B (25%) e A (22%). Antecedentes familiares de diabete, hipertensão arterial, câncer ginecológico e câncer não ginecológico não contribuíram, com significância estatística, para o aumento de eventos metabólicos. O acréscimo de um ano na idade elevou o risco em 5%. A cada subida de uma unidade no IMC foram adicionados 8%. A presença de hirsutismo triplicou o risco. Pacientes com pelo menos um filho apresentaram duas vezes mais síndrome metabólica do que as sem filhos. CONCLUSÕES: Foi observada maior frequência de síndrome metabólica entre os fenótipos que apresentam em comum oligoanovulação e hirsutismo (E, B e A). Em pacientes com SOP a idade, a paridade, a presença de hirsutismo e obesidade foram os fatores independentemente relacionados ao aumento do risco metabólico / Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine and metabolic disorder that is more frequent in premenopausal, affecting 7 to 10% of women, contributing to the increase of cardiovascular and/or type II diabetes mellitus risk. OBJECTIVES: To identify the epidemiological characteristics and different phenotypes of PCOS, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome found in each phenotype and metabolic risk factors associated with these patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Observational study of 566 women between 14 and 39 years with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria. The metabolic risk was assessed by descriptive analysis with a confidence interval of 95%. Quantitative variables were tested by using Shapiro-Wilk method and nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. For the multivariate analysis the prevalence ratio between several independent variables and the outcome metabolic risk were used. Factors associated with the metabolic risk were identified by using Cox regression with a robust variance. RESULTS: Of 566 patients, 27.9% were between 20 and 24 years, 84.5% were of African descents; 90.6% had oligoanovulation; 91.8% hirsutism; 77.7% enlarged ovaries and/or polycystic, 15.7% with at least one child in high BMI 66.5%, CA 88 exceeding 51%; systolic and diastolic blood pressure elevated by 38.9% and 20% of patients, respectively, 7.7% carbohydrate intolerance, 40.8% HDL-cholesterol changed, 8.8% triglyceride levels. Metabolic risk found in 21%, with a predominance of E phenotypes (28.4%), B (25%) and A (22.1%). Family history of diabetes, hypertension, gynecological cancer and gynecological cancer does not contribute with statistical significance for increased metabolic events. The one-year increase in age raised the risk by 5%. Every increase of one unit in BMI 8% were added. Presence of hirsutism tripled the risk. Patients with at least one child were twice as metabolic syndrome than those without children. CONCLUSIONS: A higher frequency of metabolic syndrome phenotypes that have in common oligoanovulation and hirsutism (E, B and A) were observed. Independently associated factors with the metabolic risk in PCOS patients were age, parity, hirsutism and obesity
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Gender Parity, Gender Equality, and Intersectionality : Public Perceptions of a ‘50:50’ WorkforceDe Kretser, Kara January 2020 (has links)
Gender parity. Gender equality. Diversity and intersectionality. Are they understood to be one and the same thing? Whilst there is much public data and opinion on economic benefits to having gender parity within organisations and how it can help support women’s empowerment and inclusion in male dominated professional sectors, public perception on the topic may paint a different picture. In this thesis, the social media platform Twitter is used to collect data to conduct a content analysis in order to understand public sentiments in response to one company’s perceived success in their organisational gender parity initiative. That company is American tech organisation, Duolingo. In 2018, Duolingo posted via Twitter that they had achieved a 50:50 male:female ratio in their recruitment of new engineering hires. The response on Twitter reveals that whilst many Twitter users agreed with Duolingo that this was a success, many did not. The Tweets are classified and analysed according to sentiment and coded according to the core topic in their communication – gender parity, gender equality, and diversity and intersectionality - to gain an in-depth understanding into how the public understands and reacts to these concepts. By analysing 275 Tweets through textual and visual analysis, this thesis supports an investigation via case study as to whether or not gender parity is publicly perceived and understood as a positive organisational strategy towards gender equality. Or whether it is seen to be exacerbating gender inequalities and perpetuating gender and intersectional stereotyping, biases and norms.
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Relationship Between Joint Attention and Language in Multiparous and Uniparous HouseholdsManis, Hannah C. 01 May 2019 (has links)
The present study was designed to examine differences in the effect of the number of children in the household (also known as “parity”) on the relationship between initiating joint attention (IJA) and language development. We reasoned that infants who are only children (i.e., in uniparous homes), relative to infants who have one or more siblings (i.e., in multiparous homes), would have more opportunity to engage in IJA, and would, therefore, acquire a larger number of object labels. We tested the hypotheses that: 1) there would be a positive correlation between the number of IJA bids and language overall, and 2) parity would moderate the IJA-language relationship such that in uniparous households, the aforementioned correlation would be stronger than in multiparous homes. Joint attention was measured using the Early Social Communication Scales (ESCS) Picture Book Task, and language was assessed through parental report on the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (MBCDI). There was no significant correlation between IJA and language on the whole, though there was a significant correlation for infants in uniparous homes between IJA and language. This finding partially supports Hypothesis 2 in terms of the IJA-language relationship being stronger in uniparous homes rather than multiparous ones, though it was only true for productive vocabulary. These null findings may provide reassurance for families with multiple children that their younger children are not at an IJA/language acquisition disadvantage.
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Ekonomické aspekty využití energie z fotovoltaické elektrárny / Economic aspects use of energy of photovoltaic plantCerman, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The major topic of this master‘s thesis is to create a complex model of general photovoltaic power plant (PVP). First chapters are engaged in research of photovoltaic. Growth of globally installed power and analysis of situation in Czech Republic are described in this section. The spectrum of conditions is introduced, from current legislative framework up to local Sun radiation. The actual technologies and their advantages are depicted, especially rate of utilization of energy. Expected trends of future development of conversion efficiency are mentioned, with prediction of production costs of photovoltaic. In context with those aspects, the question of grid parity achievement arises. The own assembled model of photovoltaic power plant has been created in Microsoft Excel. The mathematical apparatus is described in a separate chapter, individually solving technical part, which main result – the amount of yearly generated electricity, is applied for economical calculation. Final results are the usual economic indicators, mainly: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE). There is series of aspects defined by user in the model which may impact the amount of produced electricity and economics of user’s project, such as use of loan, replacement of converters, operational costs etc. These aspects are frequently neglected by project sellers. In the end, intended photovoltaic power plants of 2.75 kWp and 28.98 kWp are simulated by the model in real conditions of 2013. Sensitivity of impact of both proposals to the aspects mentioned above has been analyzed. In the conclusion the achieved results are summarized and the key factors which determine the PVP’s economic efficiency are assessed.
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Application du concept de symétrie Parité-Temps à l’optique intégrée / Application of the concept of Parity-Time symmetry to integrated opticsBrac de la Perrière, Vincent 18 February 2019 (has links)
Le développement des systèmes photoniques aucours des dernières décennies, rendu possible parl’évolution des technologies de nanofabrication, a vul’apparition de nouveaux matériaux synthétiques tels queles cristaux photoniques, les métamatériaux, les plasmonsde surface, et plus récemment les structures dites « àsymétrie Parité-Temps ». La caractéristique de ces derniersmatériaux synthétiques est que bien qu’ils soient décrits parun Hamiltonien non-Hermitien, leurs valeurs proprespeuvent toutefois être réelles. En optique plusieursphénomènes physiques sont connus pour la ressemblancedes équations les décrivant, avec l’expression de ce typed’Hamiltonien en mécanique quantique. C’est le cas deséquations de modes couplés dans les lasers DFB.Ce travail de thèse a porté sur la conception, fabrication etétude de lasers DFB à couplage complexe, dans l’optiqued’appliquer le principe de symétrie Parité Temps (PT) à uncomposant fonctionnel. Ces lasers sont combinent un réseaupar l’indice et par les pertes, avec un déphasage spécifique.La simulation des modes dans la cavité, effectuée parméthode matricielle de Ables, a dévoilé l’avantageuxfiltrage apporté par les lasers DFB à couplage complexe, engardant un seuil faible. Le cas spécifique d’un déphasaged’un quart de période entre les deux réseaux, correspondantà une condition de symétrie PT, induit des effetsunidirectionnels d’amplification en réflexion.Des lasers DFB à couplage par l’indice, par les pertes et àcouplage complexe avec différentes phases entre les réseauxont été fabriqués selon les techniques courantes deréalisation de circuits photonique intégrés : lithographieélectronique et gravure ICP notamment.Les mesures de caractéristiques courant /puissancemontrent une diminution du courant de seuil des lasers àcouplage complexe en comparaison de leur équivalent àcouplage par les pertes, et un comportement monomodeplus robuste et plus systématique en comparaison de leuréquivalent à couplage par l’indice.Les variations d’indice réelle et imaginaire dans les cavitésont été mesurés à l’aide d’un laser externe.La résistance au retour optique de nos lasers a également étéétudiée. Les résultats montrent une corrélation entre latolérance au retour optique et le déphasage des réseauxd’indice et de pertes, sans montrer d’améliorationsignificative de cette résistance par rapport aux lasers DFBà couplage par l’indice.Ce premier « véhicule test » sur l’application de la symétriePT aux lasers à contre réaction répartie a permis d’obtenirdes perspectives encourageantes quant à l’amélioration desperformances des technologies existantes. Ce travailconforte l’intérêt de ce concept pour la conception de lasersDFB tolérant au feedback et leur intégration dans unsystème laser-modulateur fonctionnant sur la même base. / The development of photonics during the pastdecades, enabled by the advent of nanofabricationtechnologies, witnessed the appearance of new types ofartificial materials such as photonic crystals,metamaterials, plasmonic circuits, and more recently the socalled “PT symmetry” structures. The characteristic featureof this new type of artificial structures is that though theyare described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians theireigenvalues can still be real. In optics, several physicalphenomena are known to obey equations that are formallyequivalent to that of Hamiltonians in quantum mechanics.During this work, we investigated the design, fabricationand characterization of complex-coupled DFB lasers, withthe intent to apply Parity-Time (PT) symmetry to apractical device. The mode selectivity inside the cavity isbrought by the combination of a gain-coupled and indexcoupledBragg grating, under the form of respectively acorrugated waveguide and a metallic absorbing surfacegrating.Through the simulation of the mode evolution insideconventional DFB lasers and complexe-coupled DFBlasers using Ables matrix method, the advantages ofefficient mode filtering while keeping a low thresholdcurrent was observed. The specific phase shift of a quarterperiod, matching the PT-symmetric configuration, is foundto show highly asymmetric mode selection, with unidirectionalamplification in reflection.Index, gain and complex-coupled DFB lasers with differentphase shifts between loss and index grating profiles werefabricated, using photonics integrated circuits fabricationbuilding blocks: electron beam lithography and inducedcoupled plasma dry etching to name but a few.The characterization of the fabricated lasers shows areduction in threshold compared to equivalent third ordergain-coupled DFB lasers, and improved monomodeoperation and yield compared to third order index-coupledDFB lasers.Real and imaginary parts of the index modulation as wellas reflection spectral response was investigated by externaloptical probing of the laser cavities.The resistance of the CC DFB lasers to external opticalfeedback was studied. If results show an apparentcorrelation between the gratings phase shift and thefeedback resistance, but no significant improvement wasfound with regards to IC DFB lasers.This first milestone on the application of PT-symmetry tothe design and fabrication of DFB lasers provide interestingprospects on the improvement of existing technologies.This work reinforces the interest of this concept for thedesign of feedback tolerant DFB lasers, and theirintegration in an all PT-symmetric laser-modulator system.
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The Impact of Aid on Human Development Indices in Sub-Saharan AfricaTsokodayi, Jade Takudzwa 02 March 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between official development assistance (ODA) and human development indicators (HDIs) in 49 sub-Saharan African countries over the period of 1995 to 2017 using 3-stage least squares (3SLS). The four key sub-classes of HDIs considered for this research include education, health, government and civic society, as well as environmental indicators. Of all these HDIs, the results of the analysis show that health aid is the most effective form of aid, significantly reducing the incidence of HIV, the infant mortality rate and the maternal mortality rate, as well as leading to improved life expectancy. Education aid has a significant effect on the progression to secondary school followed by adult literacy rates. Government and civil society aid significantly affects the ability of girls to access education at primary, secondary and tertiary levels while environmental aid is found to increase the carbon efficiency of production. Hence, this study demonstrates that aid is most effective on the health, education and environmental human development indicators.
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<p>In this dissertation, I investigated price dynamics in the hotel room-night market and attempted to explain pricing decisions from a market perspective. Since market dynamics of the hotel room-night market can be paralleled to those in the financial market, financial market models allowed for examination of various aspects of hotel room pricing decisions.</p><p>In the first study, advance-purchase discounts were estimated through application of an option pricing model considering property-specific attributes. Non-refundable advance-purchase discounts are a commonly used rate fence. One challenge to their implementation, however, is deciding upon the precise magnitude of the discount. Quan’s (2002) study on the price of room reservations is a good starting point, but it is a conceptual model that assumes away other property-specific factors. This study thus tested the idea that advance-purchase discounts are affected by various components, including the value of the right to cancel a reservation (e.g., cancelation option value) and the room- and property-specific factors in the hotel room-night market (e.g., uncertainty, reviews, and seasonality). The analysis supported this hypothesis and additionally revealed that advance-purchase discounts are smaller for rooms with high review ratings in a high-demand period. Interestingly, the divergence between advance-purchase discounts and cancelation option value components widened in a high-demand period, which implies a tendency by hotels to adjust their room rates rather than the amount of discount for customers who book their stay well in advance. Theoretically, this study thus contributes to finance literature by extending the application of the option pricing model to real options for non-financial assets. This study also contributes to the hospitality literature by demonstrating the effects of property-specific attributes on advance-purchase discount magnitude. The results also have implications to the hospitality industry by providing an analytical framework by which hoteliers can estimate property-specific advance-purchase discounts.</p><p>The second study concentrated on rate parity agreement’s effect on the hotel room-night market’s efficiency at reflecting product characteristics in room rates. This study examined the impact of rate parity agreement between hotels and online travel agencies by comparing hotel rates between Europe and the United States. This study found that room rates were less sensitive to property quality attributes under rate parity clauses. The reflection of property quality on room rates were less efficient when hotels have rate parity agreement with OTAs. Furthermore, the results supported the claim that rate parity exacerbates price increase in periods of high demand, which indicates possible collusion between suppliers (hotels) and distributors (OTAs). The findings provided theoretical implications by testing the market efficiency of the hotel room-night market and confirming the impact at the property level. This study also provided a perspective on pricing decision makers to understand how rate parity agreement influence their pricing decisions. Last, the findings provided support for recent policies in Europe that restrict rate parity agreements between hotels and OTAs.</p><p>The third study empirically examined hoteliers’ response to the demand by observing the price movement of two rates with different cancelation policies—free cancelation rates and non-refundable rates. By modifying Hasbrouck’s (1995) information share approach, this study examined the non-refundable rates’ contribution to the price discovery process. The perceived quality of accommodation by customers, one of the primary determinants of the price discovery process, was included in analysis. The results suggested that non-refundable rates were contribute more to the information variance than free cancelation rates did. The findings also suggested that consumers’ perceived quality and volatility influence non-refundable rates’ contribution to the price discovery process. The results also have practical implications for market participants, as they help to build an understanding of aggregated demand and its impact on pricing. Non-refundable rates are generally regarded as just one of many kinds of discounted rates, but the results of this study suggest that hoteliers should carefully consider the role that non-refundable rates play in their pricing strategy.<br></p>
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Language requirements for Swedish citizenship : Adult language learners' attitudes towards the Swedish language test for immigrantsJohnsson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
In line with the global trend of increased language requirements for naturalization, the Swedish government decided in 2019 to introduce a language test for citizenship. Drawing on Norton Peirce’s (1995) notion of investment and Fraser’s (2000) definition of participatory parity, this study investigates adult second language learners’ attitudes towards the test and analyzes how investment in language learning and perception of possibilities for participatory parity influence their views. Furthermore, the study considers some of the potential consequences of the new policy, for example, for acts of linguistic citizenship (Stroud, 2018). Eighteen SFI-students at level 3C, one of the highest levels at the language course, responded to a questionnaire. Nine respondents favored the test, four opposed it, four were neutral, and one was unsure. Interviews were conducted with six volunteers out of these participants, five out of six were supporters of the language test. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically. While all participants were motivated to learn Swedish, the findings indicate how diverse forms of capital, ideologies, and desired or actual identities in Swedish, that is, the nature of their investment and perceived possibilities for economic and social participation, influenced their attitudes towards the language test. Furthermore, supporters of the test considered that the language requirement would improve possibilities for participatory parity, whereas the opponents emphasized the risk of misrecognition and misrepresentation. The policy redefines Swedish citizenship: by making a test of Swedish language mandatory for prospective citizens, it formally demands that immigrants learn Swedish provided they want to integrate. As the results suggest, however, the participants in this study were engaged in a wide range of acts of linguistic citizenship in Swedish and had similar reported proficiency levels, regardless of their opinions of the Swedish test. The study calls for more research on the effects of language requirements for naturalization to examine to what extent and in what ways a language test for citizenship affects already motivated language learners.
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Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Deviations: The case of H&M.Chen, Sofia, He, Ruoshui January 2020 (has links)
The theories of the law of one price and purchasing power parity are thought to hold almost exactly in financial market, but it seems less likely to occur in international trade where arbitrage opportunities take place. The purpose of this study is to test whether the purchasing power parity holds for commodities in various national markets, for which a quantitative method is followed. For identical goods, the prices should be equal across countries. In fact, the prices vary significantly across ‘truly homogenous’ goods within a product group. The finding suggests that differences in productivity and value-added tax do have significant positive impacts on price settings. As a consequence, purchasing power parity definitely does not prevail as well as law of one price does not. Further studies can use these findings to examine the extent and permanence of violations of the law of one price.
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Positioning of a brand point of parity : a study of a possible approach for taking position of a point of parity in a mature business to business marketLinander, Kristina, Carlsson, Carolina January 2012 (has links)
Every organisation has to build their brand on specific associations that they want to be related to. These associations can be divided into two categories: points of parity and points of difference. Traditionally brands have been concentrating on the company’s points of difference in their positioning strategies. It is more complex to take the position of a point of parity than it of a point of difference. Positioning involves finding a distinct place in the customer’s memory for the right reasons the company wants to convey and in that way maximize the profit potential for the company. To be able to achieve this, the company need to define its target group, its competition, and in what way the brand are alike the competition and in what way they differ from their competition. Existing brands positioning derives from the brand’s identity. The problem question is how can an organisation gain the position of a point of parity? Food Safety is relevant to use as an example given that it is impossible to compromise with, since it could lead to bankruptcy if not properly handled. The aim is to dissolve the complexity of the situation by using well known theory about marketing strategies, brand building, positioning, brand identity, brand equity and communication. The solution consists of three phases that forms a model of a strategy. In the first phase the organisation need to set up their marketing and brand strategies, their frame of reference and decide on their identity, what point of parities and point of differences they want to be associated with. The second phase involves elaboration of the identity into brand equity. For a point of parity it is a longer process than for a point of difference. The last phase is the communication of the brands message and identity. Communication is the key to linking the identity to the customer. The steps are combined in the strategy set up in this research. Since markets are dynamic it is important to resubmit and keep working with all steps of the strategy.
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