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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programa d'Estimulació Primerenca: Anàlisi interpretativa d'una realitat

Pedrós Pons, Núria 27 May 2005 (has links)
La tesi doctoral que es presenta s'inclou dins el marc de l'Educació Infantil; el seu objecte psicopedagògic és l'estudi, reflexió i aprofundiment d'un Programa d'Estimulació Primerenca (PEP) que la doctoranda en la seva tasca docent habitual va començar a aplicar a l'aula amb nens i nenes de dos i tres anys. Aquest programa consta de set activitats didàctiques concretes: psicomotricitat, passeig, audició musical, passada de bits i rètols, altres llegües, rítmica, repeticions lingüístiques que al llarg del treball s'analitzen, se'n busquen els orígens i fonaments teòrics i s'estableixen les diferenciacions conceptuals amb altres concepcions pedagògiques. D'aquesta manera s'intenten contestar les petites i grans qüestions plantejades en les dues primeres parts de la tesi; la banda pràctica de la recerca es desenvolupa en la tercera i quarta en diferents fases i vol donar resposta a les inquietuds i reflexions de la investigadora provocades per l'aplicació escolar del PEP a infants de P·3. Per aquest motiu es dur a terme un procés investigador que pren com a referent el paradigma interpretatiu amb un disseny d'estudi de cas observacional on, per una banda, s'analitzen els diferents aspectes que composen el context on es dur a terme el treball: alumnat, model docent i centre educatiu; i per altra, però al mateix temps que l'anterior, es recullen dades qualitatives i quantitatives que intenten esbrinar els aspectes que incideixen en l'aplicació del PEP i els resultats que se'n deriven en els alumnes. Les dades qualitatives es troben als registres anecdòtics familiars, als vídeos i als diaris d'investigació realitzats durant dos cursos escolars i a les posteriors anàlisis i categoritzacions; amb el seu estudi es comencen a entreveure noves activitats didàctiques, unes onze, que més tard conformaran un altre programa. Les dades més quantitatives es basen en uns qüestionaris que es passen als alumnes també durant dos cursos; l'examen d'aquests aporta informació sobre les habilitats intel·lectuals del grup de nens/es investigats que posteriorment es compararan amb una altra mostra prou representativa extreta de la realitat catalana.Durant tot el procés anteriorment descrit i juntament amb la bibliografia consultada, amb la formació assolida per la doctoranda en diverses activitats i amb la impartida per ella mateixa a altres docents d'Educació Infantil, ha anat emergint un nou model teòric i pràctic que intenta anar més enllà de les idees constructivistes imperants avui en dia en el sistema educatiu: l'Estimulació Primerenca de les Intel·ligències amb l'establiment de quinze intel·ligències, les sensorials o d'entrada, les motores o de sortida i les intrapersonals o individuals. Aquesta teoria explica no només els aspectes teòrics que interessaven en un primer moment del PEP estudiat sinó que pretén ser una nova concepció sobre com fer més feliços als infants. La part pràctica escolar d'aquesta proposta, és a dir, allò que cal fer a les aules per tal que els alumnes d'infantil assoleixen els procediments necessaris per estimular òptimament les seves potencialitats cal buscar-la en qualsevol tipus de programa d'estimulació que assoleixi per a cada intel·ligència una varietat d'activitats psicodidàctiques. Com a exemple es suggereix un nou Programa d'Estimulació Primerenca de les Intel·ligències (PEPI) amb una varietat prou important d'activitats didàctiques, al voltant de vuitanta, que garanteixen l'estimulació de totes les intel·ligències, fet que no cobria el PEP a en estimular-ne un nombre reduït. / El objeto psicopedagógico es el estudio, análisis y reflexión de un Programa de Estimulación Temprana que se aplica en el aula con niños/as de dos y tres años. Este programa consta de siete actividades didácticas que a lo largo del trabajo se fundamentan teóricamente. De esta manera se intentan contestar las pequeñas y grandes cuestiones teóricas planteadas en las partes primera y segunda de la tesis; el lado práctico de la investigación se desarrolla en las partes tercera y cuarta en distintas fases y pretende dar respuesta a las inquietudes de la investigadora provocadas por la aplicación escolar del programa. Se lleva a cabo un proceso investigador que toma como referente el paradigma interpretativo con un diseño de estudio de caso observacional en el que, por un lado, se analizan los diferentes aspectos que componen el contexto, y por otro, pero al mismo tiempo que el anterior, se recogen datos cualitativos y cuantitativos que ponen de relieve los aspectos que inciden en la aplicación del programa y los resultados que se recogen en los alumnos. Con el análisis de los datos emergen nuevas actividades didácticas, que más tarde conformaran otro programa, y se aporta información sobre las habilidades intelectuales del grupo de niños/as investigados que posteriormente se compararan con otra muestra representativa de la realidad catalana.Durante el proceso se desarrolla un nuevo modelo teórico y práctico: la Estimulación Temprana de las Inteligencias con la aportación teòrica de quince inteligencias recogidas en tres grandes grupos, las sensoriales o de entrada, las motoras o de salida y las intrapersonales o individuales. La parte práctica de esta propuesta debe buscarse en el Programa de Estimulación Temprana de las Inteligencias que sugiere para cada inteligencia una variedad de actividades psicodidácticas, más de ochenta, y garantiza la estimulación de todas las inteligencias. / The psicopedagogic objective is the study, analysis and reflection of an Early Stimulation Program which is applied in a classroom with children of 2 and 3 years old. This program consists about seven didactic activities that are supported theoretically along the work. In this manner, we try to answer to the small and big theoretical questions presented in the first and second part of the thesis: the practical side of the investigation is developed on the third and fourth part in different phases and it pretends to give an answer to the anxieties caused by the school application of the program.It carries out a process investigator that takes as a referring the interpretive paradigm with a study design of a observational case in which, on the one hand, the different aspects that compose the context are analyzed, and on the other hand but at same time that the previous one, we collect quantitative and qualitative data that put in relief the aspects that impact in the application of the program and the results that are collected in the students. With the analysis of the data, new didactic activities emerge, and later will conform another program, and it contributes information on the intellectual abilities of the group of children investigated that subsequently will be compared with another representative sample of the Catalonian reality. During the process a new theoretical and practical model is developed: the Intelligences Early Stimulation with the theoretical contribution of fifteen intelligences collected in three large groups, the sensory or of entrance, the motorboats or at the outset and the intrapersonal or individual. The practical part of this proposal must be searched in the Early Stimulation Program of the Intelligences which suggests for each intelligence a variety of psicodidactic activities, more than 80, and it guarantees the stimulation of all the intelligences.

Pathway to allostery: differential routes for allosteric communication in phosphofructokinase from Escherichia coli

Paricharttanakul, Nilubol Monique 17 February 2005 (has links)
Phosphofructokinase from Escherichia coli (EcPFK) is allosterically regulated by MgADP and phospho(enol)pyruvate (PEP). Both molecules compete for binding to the same allosteric site, however, MgADP activates and PEP inhibits the binding of fructose-6-phosphate (F6P) to the active site. The mode by which this enzyme can differentiate between the two ligands and cause the appropriate response is important for the understanding of the basis of allosteric regulation. We studied the interactions between an active site and an allosteric site (heterotropic interactions) within the protein, and found that each of the four unique heterotropic interactions is unique and the magnitudes of the coupling free energies for MgADP activation sum up to 100% that of wildtype EcPFK without homotropic cooperativity in F6P binding. We took on the kinetic and structural characterization of phosphofructokinase from Lactobacillus bulgaricus (LbPFK) to reveal an enzyme that exhibits allosteric properties in spite of previous kinetic studies performed by Le Bras et al. (1991). We have identified residues in EcPFK (Asp59, Gly184 and Asp273), which are important for the allosteric responses to both MgADP and PEP. Interestingly, Lys214 is only important in PEP inhibition and not MgADP activation. We can also differentially disrupt the MgADP heterotropic interactions with the introduction of G184C within the protein. These results suggest that there are different pathways for allosteric communication within the enzyme: different paths for MgADP activation and PEP inhibition, and different paths for each heterotropic interaction with Gly184 being important for the 33Å MgADP heterotropic interaction.

Chromatographische Methode zur vollständigen Isolierung der stickstoffendohedralen Fullerene N C 60 und N@C 70 sowie deren EPR-Spektren in Flüssigkristallen

Jakes, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Univ., Diss., 2005--Darmstadt

Avalia??o do Programa de Educa??o Permanente para M?dicos da Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia na Regi?o Ampliada de Sa?de Jequitinhonha de Minas Gerais. / Assessment of the Permanent Education Program for Physicians in the Family Health Strategy of the Jequitinhonha Expanded Health Region

Cruz, Cleya da Silva Santana January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-01-08T15:36:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 cleya_silva_santana_cruz.pdf: 3196384 bytes, checksum: ab5bc76d3c89cdad0a8a51f5bad61c79 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-01-08T15:37:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 cleya_silva_santana_cruz.pdf: 3196384 bytes, checksum: ab5bc76d3c89cdad0a8a51f5bad61c79 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-01-08T15:38:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 cleya_silva_santana_cruz.pdf: 3196384 bytes, checksum: ab5bc76d3c89cdad0a8a51f5bad61c79 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-08T15:38:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 cleya_silva_santana_cruz.pdf: 3196384 bytes, checksum: ab5bc76d3c89cdad0a8a51f5bad61c79 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / Funda??o Diamantinense de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extens?o (Fundaep) / O Programa de Educa??o Permanente para M?dicos da Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia foi implantado na Regi?o Ampliada de Sa?de Jequitinhonha em outubro de 2010, com a finalidade de melhorar o n?vel de resolubilidade da Aten??o Prim?ria ? Sa?de, tomando como ponto de partida a aprendizagem significativa e integrada das diversas compet?ncias cl?nicas necess?rias aos m?dicos das equipes de sa?de da fam?lia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as a??es de planejamento, execu??o e resultados do PEP na Regi?o Ampliada de Sa?de Jequitinhonha de Minas Gerais em interface com os objetivos propostos pelo Programa. O estudo foi desenvolvido em 14 munic?pios desta Regi?o, que possu?am m?dicos da Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia com frequ?ncia de participa??o no PEP igual ou superior a 60,0%. Participaram da pesquisa 14 gestores municipais de sa?de, 31 m?dicos e 383 usu?rios. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de triangula??o descritiva, quantitativa e qualitativa. Utilizou-se como instrumentos de coleta de dados: 1) Question?rios estruturados dirigidos aos usu?rios, m?dicos e gestores de sa?de; 2) Relat?rios de supervisores dos GAPs para o levantamento dos temas estudados nos encontros e 3) Atestos de gestores municipais de sa?de para calcular a rotatividade profissional dos m?dicos. As entrevistas das consultas m?dicas foram filmadas e analisadas. Utilizou-se a an?lise descritiva dos dados, o teste do qui-quadrado e teste de Fisher (p = 0,05). A m?dia de idade dos m?dicos entrevistados foi de 39,5 anos, 67,7% eram do sexo masculino e 48,2% solteiros. Em rela??o ? titula??o, 45,2% dos m?dicos possu?am apenas gradua??o em medicina, sendo que 35,5% possu?am no m?ximo quatro anos de forma??o. A rela??o m?dicos inscritos/presentes nos encontros do PEP foi de 41,5% em 2011 e 38,4% em 2012. Os temas mais estudados nos encontros de GAP foram a metodologia do PEP (24,3%) e as doen?as cr?nicas n?o transmiss?veis (10,5%). Para os m?dicos participantes, o supervisor do GAP segue a metodologia proposta e os materiais atendem ?s necessidades dos grupos (100,0%). Os m?dicos (93,5% e 96,8%, respectivamente) relatam que ap?s a participa??o no PEP houve redu??o de encaminhamentos e de pedidos de exames desnecess?rios. Os m?dicos participantes (93,5%) afirmam ainda que suas consultas foram reestruturadas ap?s a participa??o no Programa. Segundo o ponto de vista de 35,7% dos gestores municipais de sa?de, os m?dicos vinculados a seus munic?pios participam do PEP apenas como forma de cumprir o Contrato do Programa Sa?de em Casa, mas para a maioria (62,5%) este n?o ? o motivo da participa??o, enquanto 50% dos Secret?rios Municipais de Sa?de afirmam que os m?dicos que s?o liberados para o PEP, n?o comparecem nos encontros. A maioria dos usu?rios (76,1%) relatou ter percebido melhora no atendimento ap?s a participa??o do m?dico no Programa. O ?ndice de rotatividade para os m?dicos que participam do PEP com frequ?ncia igual ou superior a 60,0% foi de 35,5%, enquanto para aqueles que n?o participam efetivamente do Programa o valor foi de 60,9%. Conclui-se, assim, que a Educa??o Permanente nos moldes do PEP pode melhorar o desempenho cl?nico dos m?dicos e envolver mais o usu?rio em seu tratamento, al?m de contribuir para a fixa??o de profissional na regi?o. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de, Sociedade e Ambiente, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2013. / ABSTRACT The Permanent Education Program for Physicians in the Family Health Strategy was implemented in the Jequitinhonha Extended Health Region in October 2010 for the purpose of improving the level of resolution capability in Primary Health Care. It took as the starting point the significant and integrated learning of the various clinical skills that the physicians in the family health teams need. The objective of this paper was to assess the planning and execution actions, as well as the results of the PEP in the Jequitinhonha Extended Health Region, in Minas Gerais state, in interface with the objectives proposed by the Program. The study was developed in 14 municipalities in this Region, which had physicians from the Family Health Strategy whose participation rate in the PEP was equal to or greater than 60 percent. 14 health managers, 31 physicians, and 383 users participated in the research. The research used a descriptive, quantitative, and qualitative triangulation approach. The following data collection tools were used: 1) Structured questionnaires addressed to users, physicians, and health managers; 2) Reports by supervisors from the Professional Development Groups (PDGs) for an overview of the topics studied in the meetings, and 3) Statements by municipal health managers to calculate the professional turnover rate of medical doctors. The interviews during medical appointments were filmed and analyzed. Descriptive data analysis, the?chi-square test? and the Fisher Test (p = 0.05), and the Pearson Correlation Test (p = 0.0.5%) were used. The average age of the interviewed physicians was 39.5 years; 67.7% were males, and 48% were single. As far as academic degree was concerned, 45.2% of the physicians only had a degree in Medicine, and 35.5% of them had graduated no more than four years prior to these interviews. The percentages of physicians who signed up for / participated in the meetings of the PEP were 41.5% in 2011 and 38.4% in 2012. The most widely studied topics in the Professional Development Group meetings were the methodology of the Permanent Education Program (24.3%) and chronic non-communicable diseases (10.5%). For the participating physicians, the supervisor of the Professional Development Group follows the proposed methodology, and the materials meet the needs of the groups (100%). The physicians (93.5% and 96.8%, respectively) reported that, after participating in the Permanent Education Program, there was a reduction in the number of unnecessary referrals and requests for medical examinations. The participating physicians (93.5%) also stated that their medical consultations were restructured after they participated in the Program. From the point of view of 35.7% of the municipal health managers, the physicians working in their municipalities attend the Permanent Education Program only to comply with the Home Health Care Program Agreement. However, for most of the municipal health care managers (62.5%), this is not the reason why physicians attend the PEP, while 50% of the Municipal Health Secretaries stated that physicians who are released to attend the PEP do not show up for the meetings. Most of the users (76.1%) reported that they noticed an improvement in the health care services after their doctor participated in the Program. The turnover rate was 35.5% for physicians whose participation in the PEP was equal to or greater than 60.0% , whereas for those who do not participate effectively in the Program the turnover rate was 60.9%. It is therefore concluded that permanent education, along the lines of the Permanent Education Program, can improve the clinical performance of the physicians and make users more involved in their treatment. Furthermore, it contributes to retaining professionals in the region.

Styrning av grafisk färgdisplay / Control of graphical colour - LCD

Marcus, Lina, Sotiriadis, Epaminondas January 2005 (has links)
This master thesis is a result of the work carried out for Research Electronics at Siljansnäs. The company develops customized electronical systems. Because of the rapidly increasing interest in colour displays there has been a desire within the company to represent information from sensors and electrical systems in a more advanced way. Due to the mentioned reason above we were given the assignment to solve how a colour display using the STN technique works. The technique is used by small displays, the size of QVGA. Our ambition of this diploma work is to develop a fully functionally test prototype to evaluate the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and the LCD controller. The most important results from this study is the documentation of how a LCD controller works and how the pixels are addressed. We succeded in showing all the pixels we were able to address at the right place on the LCD wich indicates that there is a compatibility between the LCD and the LCD controller . A replacement of the LCD is recommended because of the difficulties working with it. Precisely wich LCD it should be replaced with is not mentioned in this report because of the extent of the work. One of the aims was to evaluate the function of the LCD, not to find an alternative LCD.When studiyng the LPC2129 and MC68K it emerged that both suits well as controlling units for this application, but an implemention with LPC2129 involves greater diffculties because of the absence of external system bus. Our aim is that this work will function as a starting point to further development leading to a controlling unit in working order, and that it will be implemented in other products the company develops. / Föreliggande rapport behandlar vårt magisterarbete på 20 poäng. Arbetet är gjort åt Research Electronics i Siljansnäs som utvecklar skräddarsydda elektroniksystem. På grund av den ökade efterfrågan av färgdisplayer från marknaden har det länge funnits ett behov av att presentera information från givare och mätinstrument på ett mer avancerat sätt. Av ovan nämnda skäl fick vi i uppdrag att undersöka hur en färgdisplay av typen STN (Super Twist Nematic) fungerar. Det är oftast små displayer som använder den här tekniken. Målet från början var att utveckla en fungerande testprototyp för att testa grafikcontrollern och displayen. De viktigaste resultat som framkommit efter arbetet är en dokumentation på hur en grafikcontroller fungerar och hur adressering av pixlar sker. Vi har visat att det är möjligt att använda den givna grafikcontrollern tillsammans med den display som köpts in då alla pixlar som gick att adressera visats på önskad plats på skärmen. Det finns också en rekommendation av byte till en annan display som är enklare att arbeta med. Exakt vilken anges inte i rapporten eftersom det inte har ingått i arbetet att ta hitta en alternativ display utan att undersöka den befintliga. Studien av mikrocontrollern LPC2129 från Philips och processorn MC68K från Freescale visar att båda är bra för applikationen. LPC2129 blir svårare att arbeta med till följd av att det saknas extern systembuss. Våra förhoppningar är att examensarbetet ska bli en god grund för fortsatt arbete som leder till en färdig produkt, och att den används i övriga tillämpningar i företaget.

Requirements for and realizationof an API for periodic reporting ofposition information / Krav på och förverkligande av ett API för periodisk rapporteringav positionsinformation

Wase, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Positioning information for drones, machines, or other equipment has always been valuable. With fifth generation (5G) and long-term evolution (LTE) there are new possibilities to provide positioning information using the cellular network. When positioning information is available through the cellular network, having a standardized way of exposing positioning information would benefit a various number of applications. Thus, determining what requirements such an application programming interface (API) should have is important for future work. This thesis investigates and analyzes requirements that every API for exposing positioning information must have. It provides a theoretical reference API, the positioning exposure protocol (PEP), that fulfill all requirements. Additionally, the thesis analyzes available APIs on the market, and compares each and every one of them against the PEP, constructing a list of changes and extensions to make them compliant. The most compliant and suitable API is the gateway mobile location center (GMLC) API, which only requires a few changes and extensions to be functionally equivalent and fulfill allrequirements.

Entwicklung von Systemen zur quantitativen Messung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration und der in vivo Aktivität der Adenylatzyklase CyaA in einer isogenen Stammreihe von Escherichia coli K-12

Siepelmeyer, Jörg 25 July 2003 (has links)
Die Regulation des Kohlenstoffkatabolismus erfolgt in Escherichia coli wesentlich über den Einfluss der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration auf die Expression der Gene des crpA-Modulon. cAMP wird durch die Adenylatzyklase CyaA synthetisiert, die wiederum durch phosphoryliertes IIACrr aktiviert wird. Im Rahmen eines Stoffwechselmodellierungsprojektes sollten durch die Entwicklung von Systemen zur quantitativen Messung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration und des Phosphorylierungszustands von IIACrr zwei entscheidende Parameter dieses Regulationsnetzwerkes untersucht werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein System zur reproduzierbaren, direkten Messung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration in E. coli etabliert. Zur in vivo Bestimmung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration wurden zwei verschiedene durch cAMP·CrpA regulierte Promotoren mit den Reportergenen für ß-Galaktosidase oder Aequorin (grün fluoreszierendes Protein) fusioniert und in drei verschiedenen Messkonstrukten untersucht. Die Zugabe von Pyruvat zu gehungerten Zellen führte zu einer Desphosphorylierung von IIACrr. Der so direkt gezeigte Einfluss des PEP/Pyruvat Verhältnisses auf das Phosphorylierungsgleichgewicht von IIACrr zeigt einen Mechanismus, über den PTS-unabhängige Substrate den Phosphorylierungszustand von IIACrr verändern und somit die Aktivität der Adenylatzyklase beeinflussen können. Bei der Untersuchung zur zellulären Lokalisation der Adenylatzyklase in E. coli mit Hilfe einer CyaA-Aequorin-Fusion wurde nach Überexpression des Fusionsproteins eine lokale Anhäufung der Fluoreszenz an den Zellpolen beobachtet. Da bei geringerer Expression der Fusion kein Fluoreszenzsignal mehr erfasst werden konnte, war eine endgültige Lokalisierung der Adenylatzklase mit dieser Methode nicht möglich.

Peer Taught sex Education's Influence on Adolescent Sexual Decisions and Hookups

Smith, Sarah Kathleen 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Teen Prevention Education Program (PEP) utilizes different methods, mainly peer teaching via skits and small groups, to help influence adolescents to make informed sexual decisions. The purpose of this study is to find how Teen PEP can have an effect on an adolescent's decision on whether to or not hookup. This study utilized interviews with participants of the program asking them about their views on hooking up and how they view how Teen PEP aided in their decision-making whether to or not hook up. While transcribing the interviews and looking for keywords related to the research questions, the analysis found that out of the 9 interviews performed only one participant had hooked up and that that Teen PEP had influenced their sexual decisions in the future. Another result of the study showed that faith and morality played a part in a participant's decision to not hookup. Some recommendations would be make the scope of the study larger and interview more Teen PEP participants. This study benefits the Teen PEP organization and any high schools that are looking to institute a peer taught sexual education program since the study shows that Teen PEP is an effective program. By showing the efficacy of Teen PEP, that could lead to social change by causing more high schools to implement Teen PEP in order to institute an effective program for sexual education.

Structure-Function Studies on Two Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylases

Dharmarajan, Lakshmi 29 April 2011 (has links)
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (Pepc) are two important CO₂-fixation enzymes which share a similar reaction mechanism. Both operate through a lid-gated active site and have a hypothesized enol-pyruvate intermediate in their catalytic pathway. While PEPCK is an important metabolic enzyme in animals and plays a broad role in cataplerosis, gluconeogenesis and glyceroneogenesis, Pepc reaction in plants catalyzes the first committed step in CO₂ fixation in CAM and C₄ plants via Rubisco. We are studying the structure-function aspects of both enzymes, with a goal of discovering new elements in these enzymes which can modulate catalysis. We have undertaken an interdisciplinary approach for this work and have shown that a combination of experimental and computational techniques can be complementary and can provide novel information. We have determined that in human PEPCK, Tyr235 forms an anion-quadrupole interaction with the carboxylate of PEP and thus positions the latter with respect to the enzyme-bound Mn²+ for optimal phosphoryl transfer and catalysis. We have also identified Pro82 as a catalytically influential residue in this enzyme. Using molecular dynamics simulations we have noted that absence of ligands induces active-site lid opening in GTP-PEPCKS and we have made the first observation of the intermediary structures of the lid opening event, the dynamics of which is an important element that controls GTP-PEPCK catalysis. We have determined the first three-dimensional crystal structure of an archaeal-type Pepc, i.e. C. perfringens PepcA. Our experimental data also provide information about the oligomerization of PepcAs and reveal that aspartate inhibits the C. perfringens enzyme competitively compared to the allosteric inhibition in Pepcs. Structure-based modeling has led to the identification of putative aspartate- and bicarbonate-binding residues in C. perfringens PepcA, of which Arg82, His11, Ser201, Arg390, Lys340, Arg342 and Arg344 probably play an important role. / Ph. D.

Análise das circunstâncias econômicas da prática criminosa no Estado do Paraná: estudo de caso nas penitenciárias estadual, central e feminina de Piraquara / An analysis of the economic circumstances of criminal practice in the State of Paraná: the case study in the Central, Feminine, and State Penitentiary, Piraquara.

Borilli, Salete Polonia 05 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Salete Polonia Borilli.pdf: 961192 bytes, checksum: 1481efd9b520753fbb339f4168f11673 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-05 / The objective of this work consists of an analysis of the economic crime of Paraná State through a case study developed in the Central (PCP), Feminine (PFP) and State (PEP) Penitentiaries in the city of Piraquara, based on a primary data collected from questionnaires/interviews which were applied to previously judged and condemned defendants for economic crimes. In this research, the hypothesis that the criminals migration to illegal activities was in the hope of earning more than the risks of the activity was not rejected. The option for the practice of crime of economic nature is a rational and individual one, with or without the influence of others, in face of the perception of costs and benefits such as those made by individuals in relation to others decisions of economic nature. The offenders make individual decisions when the results of criminal action fulfill their interest well or better than the collective action. The relation crime-unemployment did not prove to be so strong in this research, since the majority of the respondents were working when the practice of crime happened. The association of criminality with low level of education was confirmed; the majority of respondents have got only Educação Fundamental (first to four grades), what suggests that high levels of education and better jobs (well payment) can restrict or to retrain the criminality. We observed that more audacious criminal practices besides high levels of organization and planning are essential requisites to these tasks. The principal crime realized were: robbery deal in drugs, fraud, armed-robbery, abduction and extortion that the majority were realized by white young men from the State of Paraná, member of a religious community and having a family. The choice of the type of crime to be realized and the victims, was determined in function of material interest and possible earnings. The main personal motivation to act illegally vis-à-vis to legal was: the induction of friends, the greediness, to maintain the vice, the inconsequence and the wish of adventure, the difficult of money and the idea of easy earnings. The main factors of failure were: the informer, the police's action and their own failure; though, the failure do not refer to the punishment, but to the economic gains not reached. The research revealed that for most of respondents the illegal activity results in some degree of success and for a significant number the economic return was the expected, what justify the great number of relapsing. Finally, for the majority of them the Justice System was considered as insufficient to impede the criminal activity. / O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na análise do crime econômico no Paraná por meio de um estudo de caso nas Penitenciárias Central de Piraquara (PCP), Estadual de Piraquara (PEP) e Feminina de Piraquara (PFP), a partir de dados primários obtidos via aplicação de questionários/entrevistas a réus já julgados e condenados por crimes econômicos. Como corolário deste estudo, não se rejeitou a hipótese de que os criminosos migraram para as atividades ilegais na esperança de os ganhos esperados superassem os riscos da atividade. A opção pela prática do crime de natureza econômica é uma decisão individual tomada racionalmente, com ou sem influências de terceiros, em face da percepção de custos e benefícios, assim como os indivíduos fazem em relação a outras decisões de natureza econômica. Os criminosos agem individualmente quando os resultados da ação criminosa servem aos seus interesses tão bem, ou melhor, que a ação coletiva. A relação crime-desemprego não se constatou tão fortemente neste estudo, pois a maioria dos entrevistados estava trabalhando na época da prática do crime. A associação da criminalidade com o baixo nível de escolaridade foi confirmada, porquanto a maioria dos entrevistados possuía até o 1o grau, o que sugere que maiores níveis educacionais e melhores empregos (com maiores remunerações) podem vir a coibir e/ou tolher a criminalidade. Observou-se que práticas criminosas mais audaciosas e com maior nível de organização e planejamento fazem da educação um requisito essencial para execução de suas tarefas. Os principais crimes econômicos cometidos foram: roubo, latrocínio, tráfico de drogas, furto, estelionato, seqüestro e extorsão, concentrados na sua maioria nos homens brancos, paranaenses, jovens, tendo religião e família. A escolha do tipo de crime a ser praticado, bem como suas vítimas, foi determinado em função do interesse material e da possível renda auferida. Os fatores motivacionais que levaram o indivíduo a atuar no setor ilegal vis-à-vis o setor legal foram: a indução de "amigos", a cobiça/ambição/ganância, manter o sustento do vício, a inconseqüência e desejo de aventura, a dificuldade financeira e a idéia do ganho fácil. Os principais fatores que levaram ao insucesso foram: o dedo-duro (alcagüete), a ação da polícia e a falha própria - descuido, contudo o insucesso citado não se refere à punibilidade, e sim ao retorno econômico não alcançado. A pesquisa revelou que para a maioria dos entrevistados a atividade ilegal resultou em algum grau de sucesso e para um número significativo o retorno econômico foi o esperado, o que justifica o alto índice de reincidentes. Finalmente, o Sistema de Justiça foi considerado, pela maioria, como ineficiente para coibir a atividade criminosa.

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