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Influência da microestrutura nas propriedades mecânicas e na fragilização por hidrogênio em um aço microligado. / Influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement in microalloyed steel.Mario Fernando González Ramírez 28 September 2012 (has links)
A tecnologia dos aços microligados para transporte de gás natural e petróleo tem sido pressionada pelo descobrimento das novas jazidas e o aumento da demanda no mundo. As solicitações ambientais e de resistência mecânica são os parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de aços de alta resistência baixa liga para o transporte de gás e petróleo a menor custo e de forma segura. Neste contexto esta pesquisa investiga, em um aço microligado para tubos API 5L X80, o efeito das transformações de fase obtidas por resfriamentos controlados na fratura induzida por hidrogênio Hydrogen Induced Cracking-(HIC) e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os testes de HIC foram realizados no material como recebido, na espessura da chapa submetida a resfriamentos contínuos e em amostras do material tratadas de forma a simular as regiões de grão grosso da zona afetada pelo calor (GGZAC). Segundo o ciclo de resfriamento, os aços microligados têm microestruturas complexas, como é caso do aço microligado em estudo, onde sua microestrutura, estudada em trabalhos anteriores, é formada principalmente por ferrita, bainita, perlita e microconstituinte austenita/martensita (AM). A morfologia, tamanho, quantidade e distribuição dos produtos de transformação na chapa mudam as propriedades do aço. Esses fenômenos são de grande interesse tecnológico em aços microligados para a fabricação de tubos soldados para o transporte de gás e petróleo, tanto quando a solda é realizada em campo como também durante o encurvamento por indução; aqui as propriedades mecânicas do tubo decorrentes do processo de fabricação termomecânico podem ser degradadas pela ação do aquecimento e dos resfriamentos experimentados na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC), principalmente na região de GGZAC. A simulação dos ciclos térmicos para o estudo da HIC na espessura da chapa foram realizados em CP austenitizados a 900ºC e submetidos a resfriamentos contínuos no dilatômetro de têmpera. Para simular os ciclos térmicos com resfriamentos controlados focados na GGZAC e a seguir obter CP de tamanho adequado para testes de tração e Charpy, foi necessário fazer os tratamentos térmicos a 1300ºC e resfriamentos contínuos em um simulador termomecânico e dilatômetro Gleeble. O maior tamanho da amostra tratada termicamente neste último equipamento permitiu extrair amostras para avaliar as propriedades mecânicas e a HIC do material, pois as diferentes regiões da ZAC em uma solda real são restritas e não permitem este tipo de ensaios em uma região específica da ZAC. Os resultados permitiram identificar a suscetibilidade de cada microestrutura produto da transformação da austenita na espessura da chapa, sendo a região central da chapa a mais sensível ao hidrogênio no aço como recebido e quando tratado a baixas taxas de resfriamento de 0,5°C/s após austenitizado a 900°C. As bandas grosseiras formadas por estruturas de maior dureza que a matriz na região central diminuíram a resistência à HIC. Da mesma forma nos corpos de prova que simulam a região GGZAC, a fratura induzida pelo hidrogênio foi localizada na região central da espessura embora apresente bainita e ferrita acicular. A falha possivelmente se deve aos elementos remanescentes segregados nesta região central e partição de carbono para os sub contornos de grão da bainita e ferrita que cresceram a partir a austenita primária. As inclusões e precipitados, segundo seu tipo, forma e localização na microestrutura, participam ou não da nucleação e propagação da trinca, sendo a posição mais crítica quando localizadas dentro das estruturas bandeadas. Não foi observada a nucleação de trincas na presença de hidrogênio em precipitados de Nb e Ti. / The technology of microalloyed steels for the transportation of natural gas and oil has been pressed by the discovery of new deposits and the increased demand in the world. Environmental requests for safety and ever increasing mechanical strength are the parameters for the development of high strength low alloy steels for transporting gas and oil at lower cost and safely. In this context, this research investigates, in a microalloyed steel pipe API 5L X80, the effect of phase transformations obtained by controlled cooling on the behavior when loaded with hydrogen - Hydrogen Induced Cracking - (HIC) and in the mechanical properties. HIC tests were performed on as-received material, on samples extracted from the thickness of the plate and subjected to continuous cooling and on samples of the material treated to simulate the coarse-grained regions of heat affected zone (CGHAZ). According to the cooling cycle, the microalloyed steels have complex microstructures: in the steel under evaluation its microstructure, studied in a previous work, consists mainly of ferrite, bainite, pearlite and austenite/martensite constituent (AM). The morphology, size, quantity and distribution of the products of transformation change the properties of plate steel. These phenomena are of great technological interest in microalloyed steels for the fabrication of welded tubes for the transport of gas and oil, when the welding is performed in the field as well as during hot bending; here the mechanical properties of the tube from the process of thermomechanical fabrication can be degraded by the action of heating and cooling experienced in the heat affected zone (HAZ), mainly in the region of CGHAZ. Simulations of thermal cycles for the study of HIC on sheet thickness were performed in coupons subjected to austenitization at 900ºC followed by continuous cooling in the dilatometer. To simulate the thermal cycles with controlled cooling, focused in the CGHAZ, and getting suitable sample sizes for tensile testing and Charpy, it was necessary to austenitize at 1300ºC followed by continuous cooling using the thermal and thermomechanical simulator in a Gleeble dilatometer. Samples heat treated in this equipment were suitable to evaluate the mechanical properties and the HIC of the material for different regions of HAZ, while a real weld would not have enough material to allow this type of testing on a specific region of HAZ. The results showed the susceptibility of each microstructure product of austenite transformation and of the position on the plate thickness. The central region of the plate was more sensitive to hydrogen in the steel as-received and when treated at low cooling rates of 0.5°C/s after austenitization at 900°C. The bands formed by coarse structures of greater hardness than the matrix in the central region decreased the resistance to HIC. Likewise in coupons that simulate the CGHAZ region, the fracture induced by hydrogen was located in the central thickness line, even when the microstructure were bainite and acicular ferrite. Failure there was possibly due to remnants of segregated elements in this central region and carbon partition to the subboundaries of the bainite and ferrite grain that grew from the primary austenite. Inclusions and precipitates, according to their type, shape and location in the microstructure, participating or not in the nucleation and propagation of the crack, were more critical when located within the banded structures; crack nucleation in the presence of hydrogen was not observed at Nb and Ti precipitates.
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Mapa de fragilidade ambiental: conceituação e aplicação em um setor do oleoduto São Paulo - Brasília (OSBRA) / Environmental fragility map: concept and aplication in São Paulo - Brasília oil pipeline (OSBRA)Filipe Biaggioni Quessada Gimenes 17 May 2013 (has links)
Atualmente existem diferentes definições para o conceito de fragilidade ambiental, o que dificulta sua aplicação e a comparação entre os resultados de diferentes métodos. Este trabalho realiza uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática a cerca desse conceito e adota a definição considerada mais adequada. Com base na definição adotada foi proposto e aplicado um método para avaliar a fragilidade ambiental de uma área de estudo. Esse método utiliza pesos para ponderar os diferentes atributos (meio físico, biótico e socioeconômico) envolvidos na análise de fragilidade ambiental, que são definidos com a aplicação do Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP). O método proposto também se fundamenta na utilização de um programa de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para a estruturação da base de dados, a realização das análises espaciais e a ponderação dos mapas necessários. A área de estudo corresponde a um setor do oleoduto São Paulo – Brasília (OSBRA), com extensão de 18,5 km e largura de 2 km (área total de 83,99 km²) e utilizou-se uma base cartográfica digital na escala 1:10.000. Foram realizadas vistorias de campo para levantar pontos de observação de superfície e para coletar amostras de solo. Realizaram-se ensaios geotécnicos, químicos e mineralógicos com as amostras coletadas. A aplicação do método consistiu na geração de mapas de suscetibilidade intermediários, que combinados geraram o mapa de fragilidade ambiental. Foi importante a utilização do método AHP, pois ele reduz a subjetividade das ponderações qualitativas realizadas. Os resultados obtidos esclarecem a definição do conceito de fragilidade ambiental, além de mostrar a importância da seleção e ponderação dos atributos utilizados no método. O mapa final gerado também permitiu avaliar a sensibilidade do método e seu potencial de aplicação prática. / Currently there are different definitions to the concept of environmental fragility; it complicates its application and makes difficult to compare between different methods. This work addresses the main definitions to this concept and adopts the one considered the most proper. Based in the adopted definition it was proposed a method to evaluate the environmental fragility of a study area. This method applies weights to the different attributes (physical, biotic and socioeconomic) related to the environmental fragility analysis, which are assigned using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The method also uses Geographic Information System (GIS) software to structure the database, to conduct the spatial analysis and to assign weights to the maps. The study area is a sector of the São Paulo – Brasília oil pipeline (OSBRA), covering 18.5 km length and 2 km wide (total area of 83,99 km²) and it was used a digital cartographic map at the scale of 1:10,000. Field trips were made to obtain surface observation points and to collect soil samples. Geological and geotechnical tests, mineralogical tests and chemistry analysis were conducted with the soil samples. The method application consists in generating intermediates susceptibility maps, that were combined to generate the environmental fragility map. It was important to use the AHP method, because it reduces the subjectivity of the qualitative weight assignment. The obtained results elucidate the environmental fragility concept and show the importance of the selection and weight assignment of the attributes used in the method. Moreover, the final map provided to evaluate the method sensitivity and its potential of practical application.
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Transition ductile-fragile des aciers pour gazoducs : Étude quantitative des ruptures fragiles hors plan et corrélation à l’anisotropie de microtexture / Ductile to brittle transition in pipeline steels : Quantitative investigation of brittle out-of-plane cracking and correlation to microtexture anisotropyTankoua Yinga, Franck 02 July 2015 (has links)
La bonne ténacité des aciers pour gazoducs aux basses températures est nécessaire pour éviter la propagation de fissures de manière catastrophique. Cette étude vise à améliorer la compréhension physique et l'évaluation quantitative du comportement à rupture des aciers pour gazoducs laminés à chaud, en nous intéressant plus particulièrement aux températures au pied de la transition ductile-fragile .La résilience de ces aciers est généralement validée à l'aide d'essais dits drop weight tear tests (DWTT), après lesquels le faciès de rupture doit contenir moins de 15% de zone fragile. Pour les aciers mis en forme par laminage thermomécanique (TMCP), des ruptures fragiles hors plan, comme le délaminage (qui se propage dans le plan de laminage de la tôle), et la rupture fragile en biseau le long des plans dits thêta (inclinés de 40° autour de la direction de laminage par rapport au plan de laminage) apparaissent dans la transition ductile-fragile. Ces modes de rupture, observés lors des essais de résilience (DWTT, Charpy) et de ténacité (CT), affectent la résistance à la rupture de ces aciers.L'anisotropie de l'écoulement plastique, puis celle de la sensibilité à la rupture par clivage ont été caractérisées en fonction de la température, à l'aide d'essais de traction sur des éprouvettes lisses et entaillées conçues pour cette étude. L'analyse mécanique de ces essais à l'aide de calculs par éléments finis a permis de déterminer des contraintes critiques de clivage dans les directions perpendiculaires au plan de laminage et aux plans thêta. Les valeurs obtenues dans ces directions sont de 25% inférieures à celles correspondant aux directions de laminage et travers long.L'anisotropie de la contrainte critique de clivage a été quantitativement corrélée à l'anisotropie de microtexture du matériau. Des entités appelées « facettes de clivage potentielles » ont été définies et mesurées dans cette étude, comme des régions contenant un plan {100} défavorablement orienté et dans lesquelles les fissures de clivage se propagent sans être arrêtées. Par exemple, un plan contenant 20% de facettes de clivage potentielles aurait une contrainte critique de clivage de 20% moins élevée qu'un plan présentant seulement 10% de facettes de clivage potentielles.La taille et la forme de ces facettes de clivage potentielles évoluent avec la déformation plastique. Par conséquent, la contrainte critique de clivage est affectée par l'historique de déformation. Dans le cas du délaminage, les facettes de clivage potentielles s'allongent au cours d'un chargement dans la direction travers long, conduisant à une augmentation de leur taille effective et par conséquent à une diminution (qui peut atteindre 30%) de la contrainte critique de clivage dans le plan de la tôle. Cette diminution facilite in fine l'apparition du délaminage. De plus, la présence de micro-fissures ductiles facilite la rupture par délaminage en modifiant l'état de contrainte local. Un critère a ainsi été proposé pour prédire numériquement l'amorçage du délaminage dans des éprouvettes de traction et/ou de résilience Charpy.L'application de cette approche à des échantillons traités thermiquement et à des échantillons pré-déformés a montré que la sensibilité au délaminage pouvait être contrôlée en modifiant la texture locale initiale du matériau. / High toughness of pipeline steels at low temperature is required to avoid catastrophic propagation of brittle crack. The aim of the study is to improve physical understanding and quantitative assessment of the toughness behavior of hot-rolled pipeline steels, focusing on the lower part of the ductile to brittle transition temperature range.The impact toughness of these steels is commonly validated using drop weight tear tests (DWTT), on the basis of fracture surfaces that must exhibit less than 15% of brittle fracture appearance. In thermomechanical control processed steels, brittle out-of-plane cracks such as delamination (which propagates along the rolling plane), and brittle tilted fracture (BTF) along theta-planes (tilted around RD by 40° with respect to rolling plane), have been characterized in the ductile to brittle transition temperature range, for both industrial (DWTT) and laboratory Charpy impact tests. In both cases, as well as in fracture toughness tests, such brittle out-of-plane cracking has been shown to impair the impact toughness.The anisotropy in plastic flow and sensitivity to cleavage fracture has been characterized as a function of temperature, by using tensile tests on specifically designed smooth and notched specimens. From finite element mechanical analysis of these tests, critical cleavage stresses normal to the rolling plane and the theta-plane are considerably lower (around 25%) than for planes normal to the rolling and transverse directions.The anisotropy in critical cleavage stress has been quantitatively correlated to microtexture anisotropy. So-called “potential cleavage facets” have been defined and measured in this study, as regions with unfavorably oriented {100} planes, which are taken as unit crack paths for cleavage propagation. A sample containing 20% of potential cleavage facets had a critical cleavage stress 20% lower than a sample with only 10% of potential cleavage facets.The size and shape of these potential cleavage facets evolve during plastic deformation. Therefore, the critical cleavage stress was found to be affected by plastic strain history. In the case of delamination, potential cleavage facets along the rolling plane were elongated during loading, their area was increased and the corresponding critical cleavage stress decreased by around 30% with respect to the undeformed case. This made delamination cracking easier. Moreover, the presence of a ductile crack at the initiation site of delamination locally modified the stress state and also facilitated delamination occurrence. A criterion has been developed to numerically predict the onset of delamination in tensile and Charpy specimens.Application of this approach to heat-treated and to prestrained specimens eventually showed that it was possible to modify the sensitivity to delamination by strongly modifying the initial microtexture anisotropy.
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North European Gas Pipeline : Ett säkerhetshot mot EU och dess medlemsstaterCronstrand, Petter January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Increasing bioinformatics in third world countries : Studies of S.digitata and P.Polymyxa to further bioinformatics in east Africa / Bioinformatiska förbättringsåtgärder för u-länder : Studier av S.digitata och P.Polymyxa för att förbättra bioinformatiken i östra AfrikaIsak, Sylvin January 2016 (has links)
Despite an increase of biotechnical studies in third world countries, the bioinformatical side is largely lacking. In this paper we attempt to further the bioinformatical capabilities of east Af-rica. The project consisted of two teaching segments for east African doctorates, one as part of an academic workshop at ILRI, Kenya, and one in a small class at SLU, Sweden. The project also included the generation of two simple to use bioinformatical pipelines with the explicit aim to be reused by novice bioinformaticians from the very same region. The viability of the piplines were verified by generating transcriptional expression level differences for Paeni-bacillus polymyxa strain A26 and whole genome annotations for Setaria digitata. Both pipe-lines may have some merit for the collaborative effort between ILRI and SLU to annotate Eleusine coracana, a draught resilient crop, the annotation of which may save lives. The teaching material, source code for the pipelines and overall teaching impression have been included in this paper.
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Implementation and Evaluation of Architectures for Multi-Stream FIR FilteringJiang, Yang January 2017 (has links)
Digital filters play a key role in many DSP applications and FIR filters are usually selected because of their simplicity and stability against IIR filters.In this thesis eight architectures for multi-stream FIR filtering are studied. Primarily, three kinds of architectures are implemented and evaluated: one-toone mapping, time-multiplexed and pipeline interleaving. During implementation, practical considerations are taken into account such as implementation approach and number representation. Of interest is to see the performance comparison of different architectures, including area and power. The trade-off between area and power is an attractive topic for this work. Furthermore, the impact of the filter order and pipeline interleaving are studied.The result shows that the performance of different architectures differ a lot even with the same sample rate for each stream. It also shows that the performance of different architectures are affected by the filter order differently. Pipeline interleaving improves area utilization at the cost of rapid increment of power. Moreover, it has negative impact on the maximum working frequency.All the FIR filter architectures are synthesized in a 65nm technology.
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Stochastic Optimization Methods for Infrastructure Management with Incomplete Monitoring Data / 不完備モニタリング情報下における社会基盤マネジメントのための確率的最適化手法 / フカンビ モニタリング ジョウホウカ ニ オケル シャカイ キバン マネジメント ノ タメ ノ カクリツテキ サイテキカ シュホウNam, Le Thanh 24 September 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14919号 / 工博第3146号 / 新制||工||1472(附属図書館) / 27357 / UT51-2009-M833 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 小林 潔司, 教授 大津 宏康, 教授 河野 広隆 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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[pt] Apresenta-se um estudo de avaliação dos critérios e
métodos que são empregados atualmente na análise e projeto
dos sistemas de tubulação nas usinas nucleares assim como a
verificação da aplicação de alguns dos novos critérios
apresentados pela comunidade técnico-científica
internacional, dentro do método de análise modal-espectral.
Estudam-se os tópicos da interação entre o sistema
de tubulação e a estrutura que o suporta mediante o uso de
espectros acoplados, a consideração do efeito do
deslocamento relativo dos apoios da tubulação, usando-se
espectros que o consideram ou uma excitação espectral
múltipla, a introdução da combinação dos máximos modais
dependendo da posição relativa das suas freqüências e a
inclusão da resposta espectral correspondente aos modos de
alta freqüência ou modos rígidos. A ferramenta básica de análise é constituída pelo
programa computacional ANSYS. A avaliação é feita sobre
parâmetros de esforços internos em trechos de um modelo de
um sistema real de tubulações da usina nuclear brasileira,
Angra 3. Os padrões são obtidos por análises no tempo de
cada modelo sob o acelerograma de projeto. Conclusões são apresentadas sobre as atitudes mais
convenientes para a atual conjuntura brasileira de projeto. / [en] The main concern of this work is with the application of
the modal spectral seismic
analysis to secondary structural systems of nuclear power
plants, with the large amount of
conservatism which is included in them, and, of course,
with the consequences to the
particular case of the plants under construction in Brazil.
One considers the design analysis
methods which have been used so far in Brazil, as well as
the most recent developments in
the area, in USA and in Europe, to conclude about the
adequacy of those procedures and
recommend eventual changes to them.
One then studies the subjects of the coupling effect
between the primary and
secondary system responses, the influence of the piping
support relative displacements, the
contribution of the cross-correlation among response modal
components and the
participation in the overall response of the so-called
rigid modes.
The main computer program aid is taken from an ANSYS-2
version and one uses a
reduced model of a piping system as the secondary system
and a 3-D beam element model
of a reactor building as the primary system. The spectral
analysis results are compared to
time domain solutions using the same structural models
excited by a design accelerogram.
Conclusions and recommendations are oriented to the present
design practice in
Brazil. / [es] En esta tesis se presenta un estudio de evaluación de los
criterios y métodos que se emplean actualmente en el
análisis y proyecto de los sistemas de tubulación en las
plantas nucleares así como la verificación de la aplicación
de algunos de los nuevos criterios presentados por la
comunidad técnico-científica internacional, dentro del
método de análisis modal-espectral. Se estudian los tópicos
de la interacción entre el sistema de tubulación y la
extructura que él soporta mediante el uso de espectros
acoplados; la consideración del efecto de deslocamiento
relativo de los apoyos de la tubulación, utilizando
espectros que lo consideran o una excitación espectral
múltipla; la introdución de la combinación de los máximos
modales dependiendo de la posición relativa de las sus
frecuencias y la inclusión de la respuesta espectral
correspondiente a los modos de alta frecuencia o modos
rígidos. La herramienta básica de análisis es el programa
computacional ANSYS. La evaluación se realiza sobre
parámetros de esfuerzos internos en trechos de un modelo de
un sistema real de tuberías de la planta nuclear brasilera,
Angra 3. Los padrones se obtienen por análisis en el tiempo
de cada modelo bajo el acelerograma de proyecto. Se
presentan conclusiones sobre las actitudes más convenientes
para la actual conyuntura brasilera.
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Přeprava ropy pro potřeby ČR / Transport of crude oil for the czech needsHořejší, Simona January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on crude oil pipeline transport for the Czech Republic. It is concentrated on the company MERO ČR, a.s., which owns and operates czech part of the Družba crude oil pipeline and whole IKL crude oil pipeline. Futher it is concentrated on operation of both pipilines and the Central Crude Oil Tank Farm in Nelahozeves. At the end of my thesis there are concidered some alternative ways of crude oil transport for czech needs.
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Energetická bezpečnost Číny se zaměřením na zemní plyn / Energy security of China focusing on natural gasAndrsová, Nicola January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the energy security of China, mainly with the question considering energy mix, consumption, infrastructure network and diversification of importers in natural gas field. The analysis of research question is done mainly from the data of international energy organizations, from the Chinese government data and other sources, which enable to describe mentioned problems. From the People's Republic of China perspective, it focuses on the detailed description of gas pipeline infrastructure, importers and subjects, which are involved in energy sector. Risks and threats, which should occur from signed partnerships or projects, were taken into consideration too. The aim of this work is to define and evaluate the energy security of PRC, its energy policy mainly in natural gas field when considering present situation as well as possibilities for the future. Than the diploma thesis outlines the role of natural gas in Chinese energy mix, state of the gas sector in China and evaluation of projects, which take place in China's gas sector or will occur in the future.
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