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Decision-making model for supply chain risk management in the petroleum industryAroge, Olatunde O., Rahmanian, Nejat, Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo, Abdi, Reza 22 July 2020 (has links)
Yes / The purpose of this paper is to develop a decision-making model for supporting the management of risks in supply chain. This proposed model is applied to the case of the oil industry in Nigeria.
A Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) is developed to measure the significance of the influence of risk management strategy on mitigating disruption risks and their correlations with the performance of activities in the supply chain and relevance of key performance measures in the organisation. The model considered seven aspects: behavioural-based management strategy, buffer based oriented management strategy, exploration and production risks, environmental and regulatory compliance risks, geopolitical risks, supply chain performance, and organisational performance measures. A survey questionnaire was applied to collect data to populate the model, with 187 participants from the oil industry.
Based on the PLS-SEM methodology, an optimised risk management decision-making method was developed and accomplished. The results show that behavioural-based mechanism predicts the capacity of the organisation to manage risks successfully in its supply chain.
The approach proposed provides a new and practical methodology to manage disruption risks in supply chains. Further, the behavioural-based mechanism can help to formulate risk management strategies in the oil industry.
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Die Rolle der Führungskraft bei der Bewegungsförderung von Mitarbeitenden: Eine Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen einem gesundheitsorientierten Führungsstil und dem Bewegungsverhalten von Mitarbeitenden mit einer sitzenden TätigkeitFranke, Christine 16 December 2024 (has links)
Über zwei Drittel der deutschen Bevölkerung leiden an Bewegungsmangel (Finger et al., 2017b). Körperliche Aktivität kann dem entgegenwirken. Gezielte Interventionen im Rahmen eines umfassendes Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) können den Bewegungsmangel reduzieren und werden von der WHO (2019) empfohlen. Die Führungskraft spielt bei der Umsetzung eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie kann über Motivation, eine positive Beziehung, das Imitationslernen nach Bandura (1977, 1991) und den Führungsstil Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden nehmen. Der gesundheitsorientierte Führungsstil (Franke & Felfe, 2011) umfasst die Dimensionen Achtsamkeit, Wichtigkeit und Verhalten und scheint daher ein geeignetes Modell für die Fragestellung zu sein. Das zugehörige Instrument HoL (Health-orientied Leadership) wurde bereits validiert (Pundt & Felfe,2017) und in verschiedenen Studien verwendet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu prüfen, inwieweit sich die Sport- und Bewegungsaktivität durch den gesundheitsorientierten Führungsstil vorhersagen lässt.
In Studie 1 wurde zunächst der Fragebogen auf Reliabilität und Validität überprüft. Nicht alle Items erfüllten die Gütekriterien und mussten daher ausgeschlossen werden. Es konnte dennoch verkürzte Konstrukte ermittelt werden, die in das Strukturgleichungsmodell (Studie 2) integriert wurden. Studie 2 untersuchte den Zusammenhang zwischen dem gesundheitsorientierten Führungsstil und der Sport- und Bewegungsaktivität von Mitarbeitenden anhand eines Strukturgleichungsmodells. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Modellgüte des Gesamtmodells zu gering ist, um allgemeingültige Aussagen zu treffen, die Prognosekraft ist nicht ausreichend. Es konnte allerdings ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen der SelfCare der Führungskraft und der Sport- und Bewegungsaktivität belegt werden, moderiert durch die SelfCare der Mitarbeitenden. In Studie 3 wurde die Teilnahme der Mitarbeitenden an BGF-Maßnahmen näher untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die Motivation zur Teilnahme an den BGF-Maßnahmen durch die Führungskraft mit einer zweimal so hohen Teilnahme-Wahrscheinlichkeit der Mitarbeitenden assoziiert ist. Nimmt die Führungskraft teil, ist die Teilnahme-Wahrscheinlichkeit 2,5 mal so hoch.
Die Arbeit liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Rolle der Führungskraft bei der Bewegungsförderung von Mitarbeitenden mit einer sitzenden Tätigkeit. Kritisch anzumerken ist die mangelnde Prognosekraft des Strukturgleichungsmodells und die geringe Modellgüte der Modelle in Studie 3. Weitere Studien sollten daher weitere Aspekte, die zur Bewegungsförderung beitragen können, mit einbeziehen. Außerdem sollten zukünftige Studien persönliche Barrieren erheben, um zu prüfen, wie die Beteiligung an BGF-Maßnahmen gesteigert werden kann.:Inhalt
1 Einleitung
2 Relevanz der Arbeit
2.1 Bewegungsmangel und dessen Auswirkung auf die Gesundheit
2.2 Der sedentäre Lebensstil
2.3 Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz
2.3.1 Einfluss von Arbeit auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden
2.3.2 Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement und betriebliche Bewegungsförderung
2.3.3 Gezielte Interventionen am Arbeitsplatz
3 Definition von Führung
3.1 Einfluss der Führungskraft auf die Gesundheit
3.1.1 Motivation
3.1.2 Imitationslernen
3.1.3 Positive Beziehung und Interaktionen
3.1.4 Führungsstil
3.2 Der gesunde Führungsstil – begriffliche Abgrenzung der Theorien
3.2.1 Gesundheitsförderliche Führung
3.2.2 Gesundheitsorientierte Führung
4 Fragestellungen der empirischen Studien
5 Methodik
5.1 Methodisches Vorgehen
5.2 Instrumente
5.2.1 HoL – Health-oriented Leadership
5.2.2 Bewegungs- und Sportaktivität
5.2.3 Weitere Daten
6 Studien
6.1 Studie 1: Teststatistische Überprüfung des Fragebogens HoL
6.1.1 Methodik
6.1.2 Ergebnisse
6.2 Studie 2: Der Zusammenhang von Führung und körperlicher Aktivität
6.2.1 Methodik
6.2.2 Ergebnisse
6.3 Studie 3: Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung
6.3.1 Methodik
6.3.2 Ergebnisse
7 Diskussion
7.1 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie 1
7.2 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie 2
7.3 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie 3
7.4 Übergreifende Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen
7.4.1 Motivation
7.4.2 Vorbild
7.4.3 Führungsstil
7.4.4 Positive Beziehung
7.4.5 Sport- und Bewegungsaktivität
7.4.6 Methodendiskussion
8 Fazit und Ausblick
9 Literatur
10 Anhang
Anhang: Tabellen zu Studie 2 / Over two thirds of the German population suffer from a lack of exercise (Finger et al., 2017b). Physical activity can counteract this. Targeted interventions, as part of a comprehensive workplace health management (WHM), can reduce physical inactivity and are recommended by the WHO (2019). Managers play a decisive role by implementing the WHM. Managers can influence employees’ health via motivation, a positive relationship, imitation learning according to Bandura (1977, 1991) and their leadership style. The health-oriented leadership (Franke & Felfe, 2011) encompasses the dimensions of values, awareness and behavior and therefore seems to be a suitable model for investigating employees’ health and the role management plays. The associated instrument, HoL (Health-oriented Leadership), has already been validated (Pundt & Felfe, 2017) and used in various studies. The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which physical activity can be predicted by a health-oriented leadership style.
In study 1, the questionnaire was first tested for reliability and validity. Some items did not fulfil the quality criteria and therefore had to be excluded. Nevertheless, shortened constructs could be determined, which were included in the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) (Study 2).
Study 2 investigated the relationship between health-oriented leadership and employees’ physical activity levels using PLS-SEM. The results show that the model quality is insufficient to make generally valid statements; the predictive power is low. However, a significant correlation between the manager’s SelfCare and employees’ physical activity could be found, moderated by the employees’ SelfCare.
In Study 3, the participation in workplace health-promotion programs (WHP) was analyzed in more detail. It was found that the motivation of the manager is associated with an almost twice as high probability of employee participation. Management participation in the WHP is even associated with a 2.5 times higher probability of employees’ participation.
The study provides important insights into managers’ role in promoting physical activity among employees who have a sedentary workplace. The lack of predictive power of the SEM and the low model quality of the models in Study 3 have to be seen critically. Future studies should thus encompass other factors contributing to physical activity promotion. In addition, future studies should also investigate personal barriers in order to examine how participation in WHP can be increased.:Inhalt
1 Einleitung
2 Relevanz der Arbeit
2.1 Bewegungsmangel und dessen Auswirkung auf die Gesundheit
2.2 Der sedentäre Lebensstil
2.3 Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz
2.3.1 Einfluss von Arbeit auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden
2.3.2 Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement und betriebliche Bewegungsförderung
2.3.3 Gezielte Interventionen am Arbeitsplatz
3 Definition von Führung
3.1 Einfluss der Führungskraft auf die Gesundheit
3.1.1 Motivation
3.1.2 Imitationslernen
3.1.3 Positive Beziehung und Interaktionen
3.1.4 Führungsstil
3.2 Der gesunde Führungsstil – begriffliche Abgrenzung der Theorien
3.2.1 Gesundheitsförderliche Führung
3.2.2 Gesundheitsorientierte Führung
4 Fragestellungen der empirischen Studien
5 Methodik
5.1 Methodisches Vorgehen
5.2 Instrumente
5.2.1 HoL – Health-oriented Leadership
5.2.2 Bewegungs- und Sportaktivität
5.2.3 Weitere Daten
6 Studien
6.1 Studie 1: Teststatistische Überprüfung des Fragebogens HoL
6.1.1 Methodik
6.1.2 Ergebnisse
6.2 Studie 2: Der Zusammenhang von Führung und körperlicher Aktivität
6.2.1 Methodik
6.2.2 Ergebnisse
6.3 Studie 3: Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung
6.3.1 Methodik
6.3.2 Ergebnisse
7 Diskussion
7.1 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie 1
7.2 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie 2
7.3 Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie 3
7.4 Übergreifende Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen
7.4.1 Motivation
7.4.2 Vorbild
7.4.3 Führungsstil
7.4.4 Positive Beziehung
7.4.5 Sport- und Bewegungsaktivität
7.4.6 Methodendiskussion
8 Fazit und Ausblick
9 Literatur
10 Anhang
Anhang: Tabellen zu Studie 2
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An Assessment of the Hotel Customers’ Robotic Service Quality Perceptions: Scale Development and ValidationHacikara, Ahmet 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
"Hotel customers' interactions with service robots are becoming increasingly common, raising questions about how these interactions impact their experience. To address this gap in knowledge, this dissertation develops and validates a novel robotic service quality (ROBOQUAL) scale. Drawing on social exchange theory, the study examines the reciprocal relationship between hotel customers and artificially intelligent service robots, exploring how robotic service quality influences customers' perceptions of experience quality, satisfaction, and word-of-mouth intentions. The research employs focus-group studies, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and partial least squares equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to develop and validate the ROBOQUAL scale."
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Evaluation par le consommateur des services offerts par des réseaux de firmes : valeur perçue, satisfaction et comportement dans le contexte des alliances aériennes / Customer's assessment of networked firms services : Perceived value, satisfaction and behaviour in the context of airline alliancesJanawade, Vikrant 24 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la perception par les consommateurs de services offerts par des firmes organisées en réseau. De nos jours, les clients sont confrontés de plus en plus à des situations de service complexes bien différentes des situations simples analysées traditionnellement par le marketing et le management des services (un seul service délivré par une entreprise bien identifiée et choisie par le client). Les entreprises de services ont évolué vers des offres de plus en plus complexes et riches (« fleurs de services », « bouquets » ou « constellations ») dans lesquelles le client se voit proposer des offres intégrant plusieurs prestataires, parfois mal identifiables. Le choix du client gagne en simplicité mais perd en liberté et l'on sait peu de choses sur les conséquences que cela peut avoir sur son comportement ultérieur. L'hypothèse centrale est qu'à la suite d'une expérience de ce type de service, le client opère une synthèse en termes de valeur perçue du réseau, et que cela détermine largement son comportement ultérieur. Une enquête par questionnaire menée dans le contexte des alliances aériennes, confirme que cette hypothèse peut être acceptée. Les alliances globales formées par les compagnies aériennes constituent un terrain d'observation privilégié car les services sont offerts aux clients à la fois par des compagnies de transport indépendantes et par une organisation commune assurant la coopération et la coordination nécessaires. Le modèle d'équations structurelles estimé par PLS-SEM identifie en outre les déterminants de la valeur perçue d'une alliance dans le cadre de transports aériens de longue durée et permet de hiérarchiser leurs impacts respectifs. / This research explores the services offered by networked firms and the way in which they are perceived by the customers. Nowadays customers are facing more and more often complex service situations which drastically differ from the simple situations traditionally analysed by service marketing and management studies (a single service delivered by a well identified single firm deliberately chosen by the consumer). Service firms now propose more and more complex and enriched offerings (service "flowers", "bunches" or "constellations") grouping several providers, but among them some are hardly identifiable by the customer. Consumers' decision is made simpler but a part of their liberty of choice has been lost. Little is known about the consequences this can have on their future behaviour.The main hypothesis is that after experiencing a service delivered by networked firms, the consumers synthesize all their perceptions in terms of the perceived value of the network; furthermore, this assessment will largely determine their behavioural intentions. A quantitative survey shows that such a hypothesis can be accepted. This survey was conducted in the field of airline industry, aiming at multi-lateral airline alliances. This context is particularly appropriate to our subject because during such a travel, services are delivered to passengers by independent airline companies as well as by the common organisation in charge of the co-ordination and co-operation. The structural equations model tested using the PLS-SEM method also identifies the determinants of perceived value of an alliance in the specific context of long haul flights and their respective weights and contributions.
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Influência da qualidade do trabalho em equipe no sucesso de projetos de software / Teamwork quality influence in software projects successPires, Daniel de Lima 15 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-04T15:30:37Z
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Daniel de Lima Pires.pdf: 2531713 bytes, checksum: a3a021ded760a9272ed689161eec2e85 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-04T15:30:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Daniel de Lima Pires.pdf: 2531713 bytes, checksum: a3a021ded760a9272ed689161eec2e85 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-15 / Software projects are increasingly prominent in today's organizational environment. Its use refers to increased efficiency, improvements in products and services, and also the technological strategy of organizations. They are technically complex, do not have physical limitations and are intangible, nevertheless they are very ambitious and surrounded by uncertainties. Software projects teams must deal with a large amount of information, in addition to making intensive use of knowledge of several areas simultaneously, and also must be skilled in communicating and coordinating their actions. In this dissertation, a quantitative approach research using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) was carried out to evaluate the relationship between Teamwork quality and software projects success. The Teamwork quality is a construct that allows measuring the internal collaboration of the team within six dimensions: mutual support, contribution balancing, cohesion, communication, coordination and effort. Software projects success is a widely studied construct in the scientific literature, and in this dissertation was considered as composed of efficiency, impact on the consumer and impact on the team. The result obtained showed that the Teamwork quality exerts considerable influence on the software projects success, corroborating the results of previous academic research, and generating the knowledge that the collaboration should be fostered by the organizations in software development teams. In addition, as a contribution to practice, a model was proposed to evaluate the software project teams teamwork quality, aiming to increase the internal collaboration of the project team and, consequently, the success of the software project. / Projetos de software são cada vez mais expoentes no atual ambiente organizacional. Seu uso remete ao aumento da eficiência, melhorias em produtos e serviços, e também a estratégia tecnológica das organizações. São tecnicamente complexos, sem limitações físicas e intangíveis, não obstante são muito ambiciosos e cercados de incertezas. Assim, as equipes de projetos de software devem lidar com uma grande quantidade de informações, além de fazerem uso intensivo do conhecimento de várias áreas simultaneamente, e por isso devem ser hábeis na comunicação e coordenação de suas ações. Nesta dissertação foi realizada uma pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa utilizando Modelagem de Equações Estruturais com Mínimos Quadrados Parciais (PLS-SEM) para testar a relação da Qualidade do trabalho em equipe com o Sucesso dos projetos de software. A Qualidade do trabalho em equipe é um construto que permite mensurar a colaboração interna da equipe a partir de seis dimensões: apoio mútuo, balanceamento de contribuições, coesão, comunicação, coordenação e esforço. O Sucesso em projetos de software é um construto amplamente estudado na literatura científica, e nesta dissertação foram consideradas as dimensões: eficiência, impacto no consumidor e impacto na equipe do projeto. O resultado obtido mostrou que a Qualidade do trabalho em equipe exerce influência considerável no Sucesso dos projetos de software, corroborando os resultados de pesquisas acadêmicas anteriores, e gerando o conhecimento de que a colaboração deve ser fomentada pelas organizações nas equipes de desenvolvimento de software. Adicionalmente foi proposto, como contribuição para prática, um modelo para avaliação da Qualidade do trabalho em equipe para equipes de Projetos de software, visando o aumento da colaboração interna da equipe do projeto e, consequentemente do Sucesso dos projetos de software.
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Nya betalmedel : Hur accepterat är egentligen Bitcoin?Elsa, Winai, Joar, Lundgren January 2023 (has links)
Bitcoin är en teknologi som har blivit allt mer etablerad i det svenska samhället. Trots att så pass många känner till teknologin är det fortfarande väldigt få som använder den. Denna studie ämnar undersöka vad som påverkar det svenska folkets acceptans av Bitcoin med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket TAM, samt med tillägg för finansiell risk och med ett fokus på demografiska variablers (externa faktorers) påverkan på acceptansen. En kvantitativ surveyundersökning genomfördes genom en webbenkät, där totalt 204 respondenter deltog. Resultaten från enkäten analyserades med hjälp av dataanalysmetoden PLS-SEM vilket visade att upplevd användarnytta hade en signifikant positiv påverkan på en individs attityd mot Bitcoin. Vidare visade studien en signifikant positiv koppling mellan den upplevda användarvänligheten och den upplevda nyttan av Bitcoin. Dock fann studien att de testade externa faktorerna samt att tillägget av finansiell risk inte hade någon signifikant påverkan på resultatet. / Bitcoin is a technology that has become increasingly established in Swedish society. Despite the fact that so many people know about the technology, very few actually use it. This study aims to investigate what affects the Swedish people's acceptance of Bitcoin using the theoretical framework TAM, as well as with additions for financial risk and with a focus on the influence of demographic variables (external factors) on acceptance. A quantitative survey was conducted using a web survey, in which a total of 204 respondents participated. The results from the survey were analyzed using the data analysis method PLS-SEM, which showed that perceived usefulness had a significant positive impact on an individual's attitude towards Bitcoin. Furthermore, the study showed a significant positive link between an individual's perceived ease of use and their perceived usefulness of Bitcoin. However, the study found that the tested external factors and that the addition of financial risk had no significant impact on the result.
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An Evaluation of Technological, Organizational and Environmental Determinants of Emerging Technologies Adoption Driving SMEs’ Competitive AdvantageDobre, Marius January 2022 (has links)
This research evaluates the technological, organizational, and environmental determinants of emerging technologies adoption represented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) driving SMEs’ competitive advantage within a resource-based view (RBV) theoretical approach supported by the technological-organizational-environmental (TOE)-framework setting. Current literature on SMEs competitive advantage as outcome of emerging technologies in the technological, organisational, and environmental contexts presents models focused on these contexts individual components. There are no models in the literature to represent the TOE framework as an integrated structure with gradual levels of complexity, allowing for incremental evaluation of the business context in support of decision making towards emerging technologies adoption supporting the firm competitive advantage. This research gap is addressed with the introduction of a new concept, the IT resource-based renewal, underpinned by the RBV, and supported by the TOE framework for providing a holistic understanding of the SMEs strategic renewal decision through information technology. This is achieved through a complex measurement model with four level constructs, leading into a parsimonious structural model that evaluates the relationships between IT resource-based renewal, and emerging technologies adoption driving SMEs competitive advantage. The model confirms the positive association between the IT resource-based renewal and emerging technologies adoption, and between the IT resource-based renewal and SME competitive advantage for the SMEs managers model, with the SME owners model outcomes are found not being supportive towards emerging technologies adoption driving SME competitive advantage.
As methodology, PLS-SEM is used for its capabilities of assessing complex paths among model variables. Analysis is done on three models, one for the full sample, with two subsequent ones for owners and managers, respectively, as SME decision makers, with data collected using a web-based survey in Canada, the UK, and the US, that has provided 510 usable answers. This research has a theoretical contribution represented by the introduction of the IT resource-based renewal concept, that integrates the RBV perspective and the TOE framework for supporting organization’s decision on emerging technologies adoption driving SMEs competitive advantage. As practical implications, this thesis provides SMEs with a reference framework on adopting emerging technologies, offering SME managers and owners a comprehensive model of hierarchical factors contributing to SMEs competitive advantage acquired as outcome of AI and IoT adoption. This research makes an original contribution to the enterprise management, information systems adoption, and SME competitive advantage literature, with an empirical approach that verifies a model of emerging technologies adoption determinants driving SMEs competitive advantage.
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Flexibility through Information Sharing : Evidences from the Automotive Industry in SwedenDwaikat, Nidal January 2016 (has links)
Research has validated the contribution of information sharing to performance improvement. It has also suggested that flexibility is a highly important competitive priority for those companies where demand is volatile. Several studies argue that flexibility has been recognized as a key enabler for supply chain responsiveness. However, the impact of information sharing on supplier flexibility is still unexplored, especially for the companies that operate in agile business environments such as in the automotive industry where flexibility is a strategic requirement to manage demand uncertainty. In agile supply chains, such as in the automotive industry, information sharing can play an important role in responding to demand variability. In such settings, the demand volumes generally fluctuate, and hence create production-scheduling problems for the upstream suppliers such as first-tier suppliers. Interestingly, the impact of demand fluctuations on suppliers is higher than that of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The aim of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the role of information sharing between OEMs and first-tier suppliers, in enhancing supplier flexibility. Particularly, the research focuses on exploring the relationship between sharing demand schedules and inventory data, and volume and delivery flexibility. The questions on whether information sharing between OEMs and first-tier suppliers affect supplier flexibility remain unanswered. The following research questions have emerged: RQ1: How does information sharing between OEMs and first-tier suppliers affect the latter's responsiveness to fluctuating demand? RQ2: What is the relationship between information sharing of OEMsʼ demand forecasts and inventory data, and suppliers’ volume and delivery flexibility? RQ3: What factors should OEMs consider to improve the sharing of demand forecasts with suppliers? The empirical part of this thesis comprises three individual studies that constitute the empirical foundations of the research problem. Each study analyzes one research question using its own methodological approach. Hence, different research methods for collecting and analyzing data were used to address the research questions. Applying different research methods is deemed advantageous because it allows for methodological rigorousness in this doctoral thesis. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge in three dimensions—theory, method, and context. First, it contributes to the academic field of operations and supply chain management by developing a model to explain how information sharing could affect suppliers’ delivery performance. The model provides a measurement scale to measure the level of information sharing between OEMs and suppliers, and its impact on suppliers’ delivery flexibility. Second, this thesis contributes to the methods by using state-of-the-art techniques, which is partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) including consistent PLS, and applying advanced concepts to empirically test the proposed model. Third, this thesis has a managerial contribution to examine the concept of information sharing and flexibility at the supplier level. Investigating the problem at the supplier level may enable managers to improve short-term decisions, such as production scheduling decisions, internal production, and inventory processes, and evaluate collaboration practices with OEMs. This doctoral thesis is organized in a monograph format comprising five chapters: Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Empirics, and Conclusion. As an outcome, several scientific articles have emerged from this thesis and have been submitted for consideration for publication in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences in the field of operations and supply chain management. These articles are listed and appended at the end of this dissertation. / <p>QC 20160302</p>
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Assessment of Strategic Management Practices in Small Agribusiness Firms in TanzaniaDominic, Theresia 11 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The use of blogs for teaching and learning in UK and US Higher EducationGarcia, Elaine January 2017 (has links)
Within the last decade there has been a significant increase in the range of Social Media tools that have become available. This has led to a significant increase in the use and popularity of Social Media within many aspects of everyday life, particularly within the UK and US. One of the areas in which there has been a rise in the use of Social Media is within Higher Education (HE). Within HE there have been reports that Social Media has been successfully utilized for teaching and learning, particularly in the case of blogs. Despite reportedly successful usage there has to date been relatively few empirical studies which have explored whether the use of blogs within teaching and learning leads to an increase in perceived learning by students. This research study therefore provides an empirical study of perceived learning by students when using blogs within teaching and learning in UK and US HE. This research study adopts a post positivist research approach and a quantitative research design method. Questionnaires have been utilised in order to explore student views of perceived learning when using blogs as a tool for HE teaching and learning within the UK and US. This study provides a framework for student use of blogs within HE teaching and learning and explores whether the use of blogs in this way leads to greater levels of perceived learning amongst students. The results of this research are analysed using PLS-SEM and have shown that the successful use of blogs for teaching and learning is complex. The results have demonstrated that students do report higher degrees of learning from using blogs within teaching and learning, however, this is influenced by the perceptions students hold relating to digital technology, teaching and learning, previous experience and expectations of blogging. The results of this study have implications for both HE teachers and HE students and provides a framework which can be used to help ensure the successful use of blogs when utilised for HE teaching and learning within the UK and US in the future.
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