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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síndrome pré-menstrual : relação entre a intensidade dos sintomas e a reserva ovariana

Oderich, Carolina Leão January 2017 (has links)
Introdução. A Síndrome Pré-menstrual (SPM) é caracterizada por sintomas de estresse somáticos e comportamentais que se desenrolam logo após a ovulação, atingindo um pico máximo próximo à data da menstruação e desaparecendo em média em até quatro dias após o início do sangramento. A presença da formação do corpo lúteo seria necessária para a presença dos sintomas, contudo essa dinâmica dos hormônios da fase lútea associados à SPM é pouco conhecida. O hormônio antimülleriano (HAM) é um dos melhores marcadores de declínio da capacidade reprodutiva das mulheres. Até o momento o mesmo não foi correlacionado a sintomas da SPM. A percepção de piora dos sintomas da SPM na perimenopausa é sugerida, existindo a possibilidade de que com a menor função ovariana (redução do HAM) exista uma exacerbação da SPM durante essa fase da vida reprodutiva da mulher. Objetivo: avaliar o padrão de SPM em mulheres com idade superior a 35 anos e correlacionar seus sintomas com a redução de HAM. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, com uma amostra de conveniência composta por mulheres recrutadas através da mídia local. O questionário Registro Diário da Intensidade de Problemas (DRSP) de 2 meses foi utilizado para o diagnóstico de SPM. As participantes (N = 101) foram avaliadas em seus perfis antropométricos (peso, altura, índice de massa corporal) e social (paridade, nível educacional, uso de contracepção oral). Depois de completar o questionário DRSP por 2 meses, as mulheres retornaram no período prémenstrual para a coleta do sangue. Entre as participantes que utilizaram contracepção hormonal, foi solicitado um período de wash out de um mês para a coleta de sangue e dosagem de HAM no soro. O HAM foi analisado usando um kit comercial ELISA, de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. A análise estatística foi realizada na versão SPSS 18.0. O nível de significância adotado para todas as análises foi estabelecido em 5%. Resultados: A análise de HAM mostrou uma redução significativa após a idade de 35 anos, e não foi relacionada à severidade dos sintomas de SPM. Os sintomas físicos na fase lútea, mas não os emocionais, foram maiores em mulheres com mais de 35 anos de idade. A análise de Spearman mostrou uma correlação positiva entre um grupo de ≥35 anos e uma correlação negativa entre o uso de contracepção oral com piora dos sintomas físicos da SPM. Conclusão: este estudo mostrou que não houve piora dos sintomas emocionais entre as mulheres com SPM após os 35 anos de idade, apenas piora dos sintomas físicos, que necessitam uma investigação mais aprofundada. Não há relação entre os sintomas físicos e emocionais com níveis de HAM nas mulheres com SPM. / Background. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is characterized by somatic and behavioral stress symptoms that take place soon after ovulation, reaching a peak near the time of menstruation and disappears on average within 4 days after the start of the bleeding. The presence of the corpus luteum formation would be needed for the presence of symptoms, however, these dynamics luteal phase of hormones associated with PMS is not well known. The anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is one of the best markers of decline in women's reproductive capacity, and AMH has not been correlated with PMS symptoms. The perception of worsening of PMS symptoms in perimenopause is suggested, with the possibility that with less ovarian reserve (reduction of AMH) there is an exacerbation of PMS during this phase of the woman's reproductive life. Objective: To evaluate the pattern of PMS in women aged over 35 years, and correlate its symptoms to the reduction of AMH. Methods: It was an observational, cross-sectional study with a convenience sample composed of women recruited through local media. The 2-months DRSP questionnaire was used for PMS diagnosis. The participants (N=101) were evaluated in their anthropometric (weight, height, body mass index) and social (parity, educational level, use of oral contraception) profiles. After completing the DRSP questionnaire for 2 months, women returned in the pre-menstrual period for serum collection. Among participants using hormonal contraception, a one-month washout period was requested for serum collection and AMH dosage. AMH was analyzed using an ELISA commercial kit, according the manufacturer’s instructions. Statistical analysis was carried out in SPSS version 18.0. Significance level adopted for all analyzes was set at 5%. Results: AMH analysis showed a significant reduction after the age of 35 years, and it was not related to PMS symptoms severity. Physical symptoms in luteal stage were greater in women aged over 35 years, emotional symptoms were equal in both ages. Spearman’s analysis showed a positive correlation between ≥ 35years group and a negative correlation between the use of oral contraception with PMS physical symptoms worsening. Conclusion: this study showed that there is no worsening of emotional symptoms among women with PMS after 35 years of age, with a greater physical complaint, that needs further investigation. There is no relation between the physical and emotional symptoms with AMH levels in PMS women.

Diagnóstico da síndrome pré-menstrual : comparação de dois instrumentos - registro diário da intensidade dos problemas (DRSP) e instrumento de rastreamento de sintomas pré-menstruais (PSST)

Henz, Aline January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O diagnóstico da Síndrome Pré-menstrual (SPM) é um desafio. O uso de questionários estruturados está bem estabelecido, e a ferramenta mais aceita é o DRSP, um questionário prospectivo auto preenchido por ao menos dois meses. O PSST é um questionário retrospectivo de autoaplicação, preenchido em um único momento. Objetivo: comparar estes dois instrumentos (PSST e DRSP) para o diagnóstico da SPM. Método: Um estudo transversal com 127 mulheres entre 20 a 45 anos com queixas de SPM. As mulheres foram avaliadas quanto ao peso, altura, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Após exclusão de casos de depressão através do Prime-MD, as pacientes completaram o PSST e foram orientadas a preencherem o DRSP durante dois meses. A concordância entre os dois questionários foi avaliado pelo cálculo de Kappa (k) e valores do coeficiente PABAK. Resultados: Do total de mulheres que atenderam ao chamado, 282 (74%) preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e responderam o PSST. Entre estas 282 mulheres, somente 127 (45%) completaram o questionário diário (DRSP) por dois ciclos. O percentual das mulheres com diagnóstico de SPM através do DRSP foi de 74,8%, e pelo PSST foi 41,7%. O percentual das mulheres com diagnóstico de TDPM pelo DRSP foi de 3,9%, e pelo PSST foi de 34,6%. Assim, verificou-se uma maior prevalência de SPM com o DRSP do que com o PSST. De outra parte a TDPM foi mais dignosticada pelo PSST do que com o DRSP. O número de pacientes consideradas “normais” foi semelhante com os dois instrumentos. Na avaliação entre os dois instrumentos verificou-se não haver nenhuma concordância (Kappa = 0,12) nos resultados do diagnóstico de SPM e TDPM (Coeficiente Pabak resultou = 0,39). Para a trigem de SPM/TDPM o PSST tem uma sensibilidade de 79% e especificidade de 33,3%. Conclusão: O PSST deve ser considerado como uma ferramenta de triagem diagnóstica. Conclui-se que os casos SPM/TDPM do PSST devem ser sempre melhor avaliados pelo DRSP. / Background: The diagnosis of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a challenge. The use of structured questionnaires is well established and the most accepted is the DRSP, a prospectively self-administered questionnaire that needs two months at least to be completed. The PSST is a retrospective self-scale questionnaire, filled at a single time. Aim: To compare these two instruments (PSST and DRSP) to diagnosis PMS. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 127 women between 20 and 45 years with PMS complaints. The women were evaluated about weight, high, Body Mass Index (BMI). After the exclusion of depression by the Prime-MD Questionnaire, the PSST was completed and the women were oriented to complete the DRSP for two months. The agreement between the two questionnaires was assessed by calculating the Kappa (k) and PABAK values. Results: 282 (74% of all the women) women met eligibility criteria and answered the PSST. Only 127 (45% of the 282 women) completed the daily questionnaire (DRSP) for two cycles. The percentual of women with PMS diagnosis by the DRSP was 74.8%, and by PSST was 41.7%. The percentual of women with PMDD diagnosis by the DRSP was 3.9%, and by the PSST was 34.6%. The number of patients considered “normal” (with the symptoms above the necessary for the diagnostic the PMS) was similar with both questionnaires. We found no agreement between the two instruments (Kappa = 0.12) in the diagnosis of PMS and PMDD (Pabak coefficient keep this result = 0.39). For screening PMS/PMDD the PSST has a sensitivity of 79% and a specificity 33.3%. Conclusion: The PSST should be considered as diagnostic screening tool. We concluded that positive PMD/PMDD cases of PSST should be ever better evaluated by DRSP.

The realization of signal processing methods and their hardware implementation over multi-carrier modulation using FPGA technology : validation and implementation of multi-carrier modulation on FPGA, and signal processing of the channel estimation techniques and filter bank architectures for DWT using HDL coding for mobile and wireless applications

Migdadi, Hassan Saleh Okleh January 2015 (has links)
First part of this thesis presents the design, validation, and implementation of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmitter and receiver on a Cyclone II FPGA chip using DSP builder and Quartus II high level design tools. The resources in terms of logical elements (LE) including combinational functions and logic registers allocated by the model have been investigated and addressed. The result shows that implementing the basic OFDM transceiver allocates about 14% (equivalent to 6% at transmitter and 8% at receiver) of the available LE resources on an Altera Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6 FPGA chip, largely taken up by the FFT, IFFT and soft decision encoder. Secondly, a new wavelet-based OFDM system based on FDPP-DA based channel estimation is proposed as a reliable ECG Patient Monitoring System, a Personal Wireless telemedicine application. The system performance for different wavelet mothers has been investigated. The effects of AWGN and multipath Rayleigh fading channels have also been studied in the analysis. The performances of FDPP-DA and HDPP-DA-based channel estimations are compared based on both DFT-based OFDM and wavelet-based OFDM systems. The system model was studied using MATLAB software in which the average BER was addressed for randomized data. The main error differences that reflect the quality of the received ECG signals between the reconstructed and original ECG signals are established. Finally a DA-based architecture for 1-D iDWT/DWT based on an OFDM model is implemented for an ECG-PMS wireless telemedicine application. In the portable wireless body transmitter unit at the patient site, a fully Serial-DA-based scheme for iDWT is realized to support higher hardware utilization and lower power consumption; whereas a fully Parallel-DA-based scheme for DWT is applied at the base unit of the hospital site to support a higher throughput. It should be noted that the behavioural level of HDL models of the proposed system was developed and implemented to confirm its correctness in simulation. Then, after the simulation process the design models were synthesised and implemented for the target FPGA to confirm their validation.


GABRIEL SIMOES DE OLIVEIRA 24 August 2020 (has links)
[pt] Sistemas de Medição de desempenho (SMDs) vem ganhando crescente destaque nos ambientes corporativo e acadêmico, tornando-se uma importante ferramenta para a gestão de operações. Contudo, ainda há uma carência de estudos de SMD contemplando a indústria automotiva, em particular, em elos específicos de sua cadeia de suprimentos como os associados aos terminais de veículos em áreas portuárias. A literatura acadêmica também carece de mais estudos com evidências empíricas sobre a aplicabilidade dos SMDs que, em sua maioria, concentram-se em metodologias de estudo de caso ou surveys. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação é desenhar um SMD, com foco no conjunto de indicadores de desempenho, para as operações de um terminal de veículos localizado no porto do Rio de Janeiro. A presente dissertação utiliza o método empírico de pesquisa-ação e apresenta as lições aprendidas no desenho do SMD que culminou no desenvolvimento de um Painel de Bordo experimental, abastecido com seis meses de dados reais. O SMD forneceu suporte a alta administração para tomadas de decisão, além de corroborar questões chaves da literatura referentes ao desenvolvimento do SMD, como a importância do apoio da alta administração, mitigação dos efeitos das limitações dos sistemas de informação, clareza e simplicidade no desenho do SMD de maneira que seja evitado o excesso de indicadores de desempenho no sistema. / [en] Performance Measurement Systems (PMSs) have gained increasing prominence in the corporate and academic environments, becoming an essential tool for operations management. However, there is still a lack of PMSs studies contemplating the automotive industry, particularly, in specific links of its supply chain such as those associated with vehicle terminals in port areas. The academic literature also lacks more studies with empirical evidence on the applicability of PMS, which mostly focuses on case study methodologies or surveys. Within this context, the objective of this dissertation is to design a PMS, focusing on the set of performance indicators, for the operations of a vehicle s terminal located in the port of Rio de Janeiro. This dissertation uses the empirical action-research method and presents the lessons learned in the design of the PMS, which culminated in the development of an experimental Maple Panel, supplied with six months of real data. The PMS provided support to top management for decision making, in addition to corroborating key issues in the literature regarding, like highlighting the importance of support from top management, mitigating the effects of the limitations of information systems, clarity and simplicity in the design of SMD in order to avoid excessive performance indicators in the system.

The realization of signal processing methods and their hardware implementation over multi-carrier modulation using FPGA technology. Validation and implementation of multi-carrier modulation on FPGA, and signal processing of the channel estimation techniques and filter bank architectures for DWT using HDL coding for mobile and wireless applications.

Migdadi, Hassan S.O. January 2015 (has links)
First part of this thesis presents the design, validation, and implementation of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmitter and receiver on a Cyclone II FPGA chip using DSP builder and Quartus II high level design tools. The resources in terms of logical elements (LE) including combinational functions and logic registers allocated by the model have been investigated and addressed. The result shows that implementing the basic OFDM transceiver allocates about 14% (equivalent to 6% at transmitter and 8% at receiver) of the available LE resources on an Altera Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6 FPGA chip, largely taken up by the FFT, IFFT and soft decision encoder. Secondly, a new wavelet-based OFDM system based on FDPP-DA based channel estimation is proposed as a reliable ECG Patient Monitoring System, a Personal Wireless telemedicine application. The system performance for different wavelet mothers has been investigated. The effects of AWGN and multipath Rayleigh fading channels have also been studied in the analysis. The performances of FDPP-DA and HDPP-DA-based channel estimations are compared based on both DFT-based OFDM and wavelet-based OFDM systems. The system model was studied using MATLAB software in which the average BER was addressed for randomized data. The main error differences that reflect the quality of the received ECG signals between the reconstructed and original ECG signals are established. Finally a DA-based architecture for 1-D iDWT/DWT based on an OFDM model is implemented for an ECG-PMS wireless telemedicine application. In the portable wireless body transmitter unit at the patient site, a fully Serial-DA-based scheme for iDWT is realized to support higher hardware utilization and lower power consumption; whereas a fully Parallel-DA-based scheme for DWT is applied at the base unit of the hospital site to support a higher throughput. It should be noted that the behavioural level of HDL models of the proposed system was developed and implemented to confirm its correctness in simulation. Then, after the simulation process the design models were synthesised and implemented for the target FPGA to confirm their validation.

Kriminalita romské menšiny a projekt Systém mentoringu v trestní justici / The Criminality of Romany Ethnicity in the Czech Republic and the Project of the System of Mentoring in the Criminal Justice

MINAŘÍK, Michal January 2008 (has links)
Thesis is dedicated to the criminality of Romany ethnicity in the Czech Republic and the project of the System of mentoring in the criminal justice. The introduction part is about the history and criminality of the ethnicity. This part contains statistical data and possible causes for the criminality. The main part is dedicated to the most common illegal ways of earn living. This part is connected with part which describes the System of mentoring in the criminal justice. The practical part is aimed at check on the hypothesis of the effect and function of the project. This part is supplemented by statistical data and outcomes of the research.

Společenská odpovědnost média veřejné služby: analýza strategie České televize / Corporate social responsibility of public media service: analysis of strategy of Czech Television

Krausová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to explore corporate social responsibility strategy of public media services. The research method endorsed is a case study of Czech Television that combine a multiple source of data such as official documents, archive records and informal interviews. The analysis points out the influence of institutional conditions and stakeholders, describes particular CSR initiatives and the way communication strategies of Czech Television are working. The thesis offers an analytical model which at the same time is describing the functioning logic of CSR strategy in public media services and can be used for further research on CSR in general. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

O desafio da integração da sustentabilidade no sistema de mensuração de desempenho corporativo: contribuições de um estudo bibliométrico e estudos de casos. / The challenge of integrating sustainability into corporate performance measurement system: contributions of a bibliometric study and case studies.

Morioka, Sandra Naomi 28 January 2014 (has links)
O termo sustentabilidade corporativa refere-se à capacidade de uma organização de sobreviver no longo prazo, mantendo-se (minimamente) lucrativa para que possa exercer suas atividades com cada vez menos impactos negativos ambientais e mais benefícios sociais. Considerando a lógica de que a empresa é aquilo que ela é capaz de mensurar, organizações sustentáveis demandam sistemas gerenciais de mensuração de desempenho que estejam alinhadas ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, o presente estudo se propõe a discutir a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Como é inserida a sustentabilidade nos sistemas de mensuração de desempenho corporativos? Para isso, são propostos dois objetivos de pesquisa: (i) levantar os sistemas de mensuração de desempenho de sustentabilidade e explorar seus principais desafios; e (ii) explorar a importância relativa dada pelas empresas em relação aos indicadores de sustentabilidade. Para isso, a pesquisa conta com uma revisão sistemática da literatura e estudos de casos multissetoriais (um piloto e quatro exploratórios). A pesquisa traz evidências de que a temática de indicadores de sustentabilidade é ainda incipiente e pouco estruturada, com potencial de melhorar o aproveitamento da literatura já consolidada de sistemas de mensuração de desempenho. O estudo bibliométrico conta com (i) estatística descritiva, (ii) análise de redes de relacionamento (co-citação e palavras-chave) e (iii) análise de conteúdo a partir de uma amostra de artigos extraídos da base de dados ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). Verifica-se que a literatura de indicadores de sustentabilidade aborda temáticas diversas, tais como vantagem competitiva, gestão de stakeholders e avaliação do ciclo de vida. Já os estudos de casos baseados em entrevistas semi-estruturadas permitiram o levantamento dos seguintes sistemas de mensuração de desempenho com incorporação de indicadores de sustentabilidade: sistema de avaliação de desempenho das áreas, sistema de avaliação de desempenho individual, indicadores para elaboração de relatórios internos e externos e sistema de avaliação inicial de projetos. Além disso, foram identificados fatores que interferem na prioridade dos indicadores de sustentabilidade: estratégia corporativa, pré-requisito; maturidade da questão e urgência. Dentre os desafios apontados pelas empresas, encontram-se a definição de indicadores para avaliar os benefícios sociais decorrentes das atividades da organização, a quantificação monetária de retorno de iniciativas ambientais e sociais e o engajamento dos colaboradores na sustentabilidade corporativa, independente da natureza das suas atividades. A pesquisa mostra que há benefícios na incorporação da sustentabilidade no sistema de mensuração de desempenho corporativo e que isso ainda tem potencial para ser abordado de forma mais sistemática, sem depender exclusivamente da iniciativa de determinados líderes. O papel desses atores para implantação de práticas sustentáveis na organização é fundamental e necessário, mas não suficiente, já que a sustentabilidade corporativa depende do engajamento de diversos stakeholders (internos e externos à organização), que podem ser influenciados pela cultura e pelos processos de negócios alinhados à lógica do desenvolvimento sustentável. / The term corporate sustainability refers to the ability of an organization to survive in the long term, keeping itself (minimally) profitable in order to conduct their activities with less negative environmental impacts and more social benefits. Whereas the logic that the company is what it is capable of measuring, sustainable organizations require performance management systems that are aligned to sustainable development. Thus, this study aims to discuss the following research question: \"How sustainability is embedded in corporate performance measurement systems?\" For this, it proposes two research objectives: (i) identify the sustainability performance measurement systems and explore their major challenges, and (ii) explore the relative importance given by companies in relation to sustainability indicators. So, the research has a systematic literature review and multisectoral exploratory case studies (one pilot and four exploratory). The research provides evidence that the theme of sustainability indicators is still incipient and unstructured, with the potential to improve the use of literature already consolidated on performance measurement systems. The bibliometric study is based on (i) descriptive statistics, (ii) analysis of extracted networks of relationships (co-citation and keywords) and (iii) content analysis of a given sample of articles extracted from ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). It is found that the literature of sustainability indicators covers different topics such as competitive advantage, stakeholder management and life cycle assessment (LCA). The cases studies based on semi-structured interviews allowed the identification of the following performance measurement systems that incorporate sustainability indicators: performance evaluation of the areas; individual performance evaluation system; indicators for internal and external reports; and initial project evaluation system. In addition, factors influencing the priority of sustainability indicators have been identified: maturity of the issue, requirement, corporate strategy and urgency. Among the challenges faced by companies, there are the definition of indicators to assess the social benefits of the organization activities, the quantification of the monetary return of environmental and social initiatives and employee engagement in corporate sustainability, independently of the nature of their activities. Research shows that there are benefits in incorporating sustainability in corporate performance measurement system and it still has the potential to be addressed more systematically, without relying solely on the initiative of certain leaders. The role of these actors for implementing sustainable practices in the organization is essential and necessary, but not sufficient, since the corporate sustainability depends on the engagement of various stakeholders (internal and external to the organization), which may be influenced by the culture and the business processes aligned to the logic of sustainable development.

Pollution de l'air extérieur et intérieur à Dakar (Sénégal) : caractérisation de la pollution, impact toxicologique et évaluation épidémiologique des effets sanitaires / Outdoor and indoor air pollution in Dakar (Senegal) : characterization of pollution, toxicological impact and epidemiological evaluation of health effects

Ndong, Awa 25 January 2019 (has links)
La pollution atmosphérique constitue de nos jours un enjeu sociétal majeur, tant pour ses conséquences néfastes sur la santé humaine que sur l'environnement. L'objectif général de ce présent travail était de déterminer le niveau de la pollution atmosphérique dakaroise, extérieure et intérieure, et d'évaluer son impact sanitaire au sein de la population urbaine. Les particules fines (PM₂.₅) et une fraction plus grossière (PM>₂.₅) échantillonnées sur un site urbain de Dakar (HLM), caractérisées par de fortes émissions du trafic routier, ont été comparées aux particules échantillonnées dans une zone rurale, Toubab Dialaw, située à environ 40 kms de Dakar. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques des échantillons ont révélé que les particules différaient par leurs propriétés physiques (surface) et chimiques (en termes de CHN, métaux, ions, paraffines, COV et HAP) de 65 à 75 % plus élevées dans les échantillons urbains. Selon les différentes sources et les différentes propriétés physiques et chimiques, la réponse inflammatoire (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) et les dommages oxydatifs (protéines carbonylées totales et 8-OHdG) se sont révélés plus importants dans les cellules bronchiques BEAS-2B exposées aux particules urbaines. La campagne de mesure de la qualité de l'air a montré que l'intérieur du bus était plus pollué en PM₁₀, CO, CO₂ et NO que le marché et les sites intérieurs urbains et ruraux. La comparaison de la qualité de l'air entre les sites intérieurs et extérieurs a révélé que, particulièrement dans les zones urbaines, la qualité de l'air intérieur pouvait être moins bonne que celle des sites extérieurs correspondants. Le suivi de l'exposition individuelle aux polluants a montré que les ménagères de la zone urbaine et rurale étaient plus exposées que les professionnels à la pollution de l'air, confirmant les observations précédentes d'un niveau d'exposition potentiellement plus élevé des polluants dans l'environnement intérieur. Cependant, il convient de tenir compte du niveau d'exposition des commerçants et des conducteurs d'autobus résultant de l'échappement du trafic avec des véhicules souvent anciens, mal entretenus et non contrôlés, en raison des niveaux élevés de polluants gazeux rapportés ici. / Air pollution is nowadays a major societal challenge, as much for its harmful consequences on human health as on the environment. The general objective of this work was to determine the level of Dakar air pollution, outdoor and indoor, and to assess its health impact in the urban population. Fine particles (PM₂.₅) and a coarser fraction (PM>₂.₅) sampled at an urban site in Dakar (HLM), characterized by high road traffic emissions, were compared with particles sampled at a rural area, Toubab Dialaw located about 40 km from Dakar. The physicochemical characteristics of samples revealed that PMs differ for their physical (surface area) and chemical properties (in terms of CHN, metals, ions, paraffins, VOCs and PAHs) that were 65 to 75 % higher in urban samples. In accordance with the different sources and different physical and chemical properties, the inflammatory response (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and the oxidative damage (total carbonylated proteins and 8-OHdG) were found higher in bronchial BEAS-2B cells exposed to urban PMs. The air quality measurement campaign showed that the bus interior was more polluted with PM₁₀, CO, CO₂ and NO than the market and the urban and rural indoor sites. The comparison of air quality between indoor and outdoor sites revealed that, particularly in urban areas, indoor air quality may be worse than the corresponding outdoor one. Monitoring individual exposure to pollutants showed that housewives in urban and rural sites were more exposed than professionals to air pollution, confirming previous observations of potential higher individual exposure level to pollutants in indoor environment. However, exposure level of traders and bus drivers that would result from the exhaust of traffic with often old, poorly maintained and uncontrolled vehicles has to be taken into consideration due the higher levels of gaseous pollutants here reported.

Behavioral effects of female sex steroid hormones : models of PMS and PMDD in Wistar rats

Löfgren, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Background Animal models can be used to mimic human conditions of psychopathology, and also as pre-clinical models to evaluate candidate drugs. With hormonal treatment it is possible to produce behavior in the rat which corresponds to the mental symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), and pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). PMS affects 25-30 % of all women in fertile age and 3-8% are diagnosed with the more severe condition PMDD. The cardinal mental symptoms are; irritability, mood-swings, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, difficulties with concentration and memory and learning difficulties. The symptoms of PMS/PMDD occur in the luteal phase in conjunction with increasing concentrations of progesterone (P4) and P4-metabolites. In anovulatory cycles the symptoms are absent. The hormones which produce the monthly reoccurring negative symptoms on mood are foremost the neuroactive metabolites; allopregnanolone (ALLO) and tetrahydro-deoxycorticosterone (THDOC). ALLO is produced by the corpus luteum, but can also be synthesized in the brain, both ALLO and THDOC can also be released from the adrenal cortex during stress. These steroids are active on the inhibitory GABA neurotransmitter system through the GABAA receptor, and the effects are similar to that of alcohol and benzodiazepines. These steroids have strong sedative and hypnotic effects. A paradox is that some individuals seem to react with negative mood on sex steroids while all fertile women have the cyclical steroid changes during the menstrual cycle. Some individuals are more sensitive to neuroactive steroids with influences of personality, heritability and stress factors. Aims The thesis aims were to develop pre-clinical animal models of PMS/PMDD and to investigate induction of ALLO tolerance, individual sensitivity to neurosteroids and the interactions between chronic social stress and neurosteroids. Methods In these studies male and female Wistar rats were used to test steroid hormone effects on learning and memory and behaviors analogous to negative mood symptoms. This was accomplished through hormonal treatment and a subsequent withdrawal period from P4 (P4) + estradiol (E2) (PEWD), or ALLO. To assess tolerance, memory and learning in the Morris water maze (MWM) was studied. Anxiety-like behaviors were tested with the elevated plus maze (EPM), open field test (OFT), and the intruder test (IT). The EPM or OFT was used to classify the rats as high or low responders on risk-taking and explorative behavior (HR/LR). For social ranking order assessment the tube test (TT) and food competition test (FCT) were used. Chronic social stress was accomplished through co-habituation with two older rats (chronic subordination stress). In female rats the estrous cycle followed using staining of vaginal smears. Concentration of corticosterone (CORT) was measured by radio-immuno-assay (RIA). Results In the MWM ALLO pre-treatment produced tolerance to the acute negative ALLO effects. Both male and female rats showed behavioral correlations between the EPM and OFT tests, and correlations were also seen in CORT levels. Individuals with the stable trait of high risk-taking and explorative behavior (HR) were more sensitive to PEWD induction of anxiety-like behavior. These animals also showed decreased CORT levels during withdrawal. Chronic subordination stress enhanced the response to PEWD on measures of locomotor activity and social anxiety-like behavior. Conclusions It is possible to induce tolerance to the negative ALLO effects on learning and memory. The animal models of anxiety-like behavior show an individual PEWD response profile where HR rats are more sensitive. Exposure to chronic social stress enhanced the PEWD response. Hence there are both inherent and environmental factors behind the behavioral response to steroid hormones in rats. / Stress- och könshormoners verkningar på centrala nervsystemet

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