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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas sobre tuberculose entre travestis e mulheres transexuais na cidade de São Paulo / Knowledge, attitudes and practices on tuberculosis among transvestites and transsexual women in São Paulo city, Brazil

Sergio Ferreira Junior 23 March 2017 (has links)
No Brasil, grande parte dos transgêneros vive em condições desfavoráveis e são invisíveis nos dados oficiais de saúde. Excluídas socialmente, travestis e mulheres transexuais encontram na prostituição a única forma de sobrevivência. Algumas vivem em situação de rua, outras nas prisões, onde as condições são favoráveis à infecção e adoecimento por tuberculose (TB). São raros os estudos que abordam os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas sobre a TB e, aqueles realizados com grupos, apontam o desconhecimento como principal barreira no controle da doença. Método: Estudo descritivo, observacional e tipo de corte transversal realizado na cidade de São Paulo, com aplicação do questionário Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) adaptado, em indivíduos autodeclarados travestis ou mulheres transexuais (trans). As comparações entre as distribuições percentuais dos grupos foram realizadas pelo teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Exato de Fisher, considerou-se nível de significância de 5 por cento (p<0,05). Resultados: Encontraram-se conceitos equivocados sobre as formas de transmissão (travestis 36,2 por cento e trans 33,3 por cento ) e de prevenção da doença, (travestis 55,2 por cento e trans 45,5 por cento ). Nas análises comparativas entre as entrevistadas com e sem antecedentes de tratamento da TB, 28,6 por cento das tratadas consideraram o tratamento caro (tratadas 28,6 por cento , não tratadas 14,6 por cento ). Observaram-se formas incorretas de transmissão (tratadas 47,6 por cento , não tratadas 34,0 por cento ) e de prevenção (tratadas 100,0 por cento , não tratadas 48,5 por cento ). Conclusão: Nas análises comparativas entre travestis e trans os conhecimentos e práticas sobre a TB mostraram-se modestos. Nas comparações entre as tratadas e não tratadas esperavam-se melhores resultados, entretanto os conceitos equivocados sobre os sintomas, formas de transmissão e de prevenção indicam falhas nas ações de educação em saúde voltadas ao controle da doença. O estudo aponta, também, para a necessidade de inclusão da categoria transgênero nos dados oficiais de saúde, o que permitirá análises aprofundadas / Background: In Brazil, most transgenders (Male to Female MtF) live in unfavorable conditions and are invisible in official health data. Socially excluded, transvestites and MtF find in the prostitution the only way to survive. Some live are homeless, others live in prisons, where the conditions are favorable to infection and get illness for tuberculosis (TB). Studies that address TB knowledge, attitudes and practices in transgender people are rare, and those conducted with other groups point to ignorance as the main barrier to disease control. Method: Descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study carried out in the city of São Paulo, using the Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) questionnaire, in self-reported transvestites or transsexual women. The comparisons between the percentages of the groups were performed using the Pearson\'s Chi-square test or the Fisher\'s exact test, a significance level of 5 per cent (p <0.05) was considered. Results: Misconceptions about the forms of transmission (transvestites 36.2 per cent and MtF 33.3 per cent ) and disease prevention were found (transvestites 55.2 per cent and MtF 45.5 per cent ). In the comparative analyzes among those interviewed with and without a history of TB treatment, 28.6 per cent of treated patients considered treatment expensive (treated 28.6 per cent , untreated 14.6 per cent ). Incorrect forms of transmission (treated 47.6 per cent , untreated 34.0 per cent ) and prevention (treated 100.0 per cent , untreated 48.5 per cent ) were observed. Conclusion: In the comparative analyzes between transvestites and MtF the knowledge, attitudes and practices about TB were modest. In the comparisons between treated and untreated of TB, better results were expected, however, the misconceptions about symptoms, forms of transmission and prevention indicated failures in health education actions aimed at disease control. The study also points to the need to include the transgender category in official health data, which will allow in-depth analysis

Promoção da saúde da criança: análise das práticas cotidianas através do estudo de representações sociais / Promotion of the health of the child: analysis of daily practices through the study of social representations

Denize Cristina de Oliveira 09 December 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve e analisa as práticas relativas à promoção da saúde da criança, a partir das representações sociais de profissionais e de mães. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em dois serviços locais de saúde, situados na Grande São Paulo. Foram analisadas 48 entrevistas utilizando-se técnicas quali-quantitativas, para reconstruir os contextos sócio-familiar, institucional e político nos quais as representações se constituíram e adquiriram sentido. São discutidas as relações estabelecidas entre práticas e representações, resultando daí a caracterização de posições institucionais em função das representações dos profissionais. Isto, por sua vez possibilita a delimitação de uma \"geografia\" das relações entre equipes de trabalho; e ainda compreensão da dinâmica de relações estabelecida entre os saberes profissionais e destes com a população. A pesquisa apresenta dados sobre o exercício da violência simbólica nas práticas dos profissionais no cotidiano do seu trabalho. Por outro lado, aponta diferentes perfis de incorporação desse tipo de relação de por parte da população. Não se revela, conseqüentemente, aqui um simples caso de hegemonia do conhecimento científico, mas também a legitimação de um saber \"naif\". Apresenta como conclusão que tratar a saúde da criança enquanto objeto de estudo, não se esgota na análise das práticas dirigidas ao processo saúde-doença, mas exige novas definições paradigmáticas que efetivem o conceito de \"promoção da saúde\". Considera a explicitação das representações sociais dos agentes que interagem em dado processo de trabalho como elemento decisivo para a constituição, de um modelo assistencial que responda, no cotidiano dos serviços e das comunidades, às demandas da população segundo sua percepção da realidade; e ainda, que aponte necessidades específicas em função do saber técnico. Algumas premissas para a constituição de um novo modelo assistencial para a Promoção da Saúde da Criança são destacadas no capítulo final. / This research describes and analizes the child care services rendered to promote health as seen through the social representations of mothers and professionals. The field research was carried out in two health centers, located in the Great Sao Paulo area. Forty eight interviews were analized using both qualitative and quantitative techniques to reconstruct the social, political, institutional and family contexts in which these representations acquired their meanings. The discussion focuses on the relationships established between pracices and social representations and the outcome of which is the characterization of positions within each institution as a function of the professional representations. This in its turn opens the possibility of, not only maping out the relationships between work teams, but also understanding the dynamics established among the different realms of professional knowledge and of these with the public. The research traces signs of exertion of simbolic violence through the daily professional work routines. It shows, on the other hand, the different absortion profiles adopted by the community in response to this type of power relationship. The analysis of data reveals that this is not just a case of hegemony of scientific and technological knowledge over common sense, but it is actually also a case of legitimation of \"naive\" knowledge. As a conclusion it is pointed out that, when Infant Health is considered as an object of systematic investigation, the analysis of the routines involved in the health / desease process does not exhaust the subject under enquiry; but it is also required that new paradigmatic definitions be adopted to implement the concept of \"health prmotion\". The clarification of the social representations held by the interacting agents within a given labor process is considered decisive for the development of a welfare model which is apt to respond to the requests of the community, to take into account its perception of reality and yet to point out the specific needs in function of technical knowledge. Some assumptions for a new welfare model designed to establish a Child Health Promotion Programare stated and presented in the last chapter.

O cinema como prática de si : experiência e formação

Almansa, Sandra Espinosa January 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata das relações entre cinema e formação, em que se faz um diálogo sobre e com narrativas da experiência cinematográfica, a partir da voz de sujeitos que mantêm práticas relacionais com o cinema, a princípio, como espectadores de filmes. O corpus empírico é constituído por entrevistas, a partir das quais as narrativas em questão trazem à superfície pontos de vista, efeitos de sentido, considerações, perspectivas e valorações sobre a prática de ver filmes e a experimentação cinematográfica, bem como sobre os desdobramentos de tais movimentos na vida mesma de cada participante. Problematiza-se, na descrição das práticas, o processamento extensivo e intensivo de que são feitas, e os modos pelos quais a experimentação cinematográfica se constitui como terreno de subjetivação e aprendizagem; enfim, problematiza-se a potencialidade educativa do cinema, a qual passa pela noção de formação. Trata-se de pensar, sobretudo, com base no pensamento tardio de Michel Foucault, sobre o cultivo de tais práticas e com o que nelas acontece na experimentação fílmica, a presença de um exercício do sujeito sobre si, ao qual por sua vez se agencia um movimento processual de formação de si mesmo, como prática de liberdade. É inspirador ainda o pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, especialmente no que concerne às noções de encontro e acontecimento e ao modo pelo qual o autor compreende a experimentação; e ainda o pensamento de Alain Badiou, ao problematizar o cinema como experimentação filosófica. Em face das narrativas empíricas, e junto ao referencial teórico utilizado, o cinema é elevado à condição de prática de si, na medida em que com ele se operam modulações de caráter ético e estético, de onde se depreende a relevância deste estudo no campo da educação. / This research deals with the relationship between cinema and ethical-aesthetic education; we dialogue with narratives of experience, from subjects that maintain relational practices with cinema, at first as film viewers. The empirical corpus consists of interviews, from which the narratives in question bring to surface views, meaning effects, considerations, prospects and valuations on the practice of watching movies and cinematic experimentation, as well as the ramifications of these movements in the very life of each participant. It is observed and problematized, in the description of the practices, its extensive and intensive processing, and the ways in which cinematographic experimentation constitutes itself as grounds for subjectivity and learning, the educational potential of cinema, which involves the notion of formation. It is thought, based mainly in the later thoughts of Michel Foucault, in the cultivation of such practices and what happens in them in them filmic experimentation, the presence of an exercise of the subject on itself, which in turn is arranged with a procedural movement of self formation, as a practice of freedom. It's also inspiring the thoughts of Gilles Deleuze, especially in relation to the notions of meeting and event, and the way it understands experimentation, and yet the thought of Alain Badiou, to discuss the cinema as philosophical experimentation. In the face of the empirical narratives, and with the theoretical framework used, cinema is elevated to the condition of self practice, in that it operates with ethical and aesthetic modulations, from which we infer the relevance of this study in the field of education.

Necrogeography matters : the powers of governing Indian and Chinese dead and their bodily remains in Great Britain, 1812-2012

Jassal, Lakhbir Kaur January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the historical and contemporary cultural politics of funeral and body disposal among Indian and Chinese residents of Great Britain. The sanitation episteme launched in Britain during the eighteenth-century resulted in new systems for governing things deemed to be polluting or a threat to human health. This included the corpse/dead body and its bodily remains governed by an all-embracing state technique that I call ‘necropower’. Inspired by a Foucauldian approach to biopower, I examine how the governing of the dead is implicated in the formation of state power over non-Abrahamic ethnic groups. More specifically, in this thesis I analyze how the funeral and disposal practices of two ethnic minorities in the UK have been and are governed by the contours of state necropower. I argue that these bodies became the quintessential matter out of place in a state-regulated episteme. Beginning with funerary practices they have historically been deemed polluted and subject to state-based sanitary order, and they have emerged today through a new environmental and sanitary episteme inside a necroregime of power that is mediated by industry professionals. Drawing upon documented historical and contemporary material from the nineteenth to twenty-first century, interviews with state officials, professionals from the Death Care Industry, and Indian and Chinese minorities in Great Britain, I elaborate the various ways that these minorities seek to respond to, negotiate, and avoid expectations and regulations with respect to body and remain disposal.

The perceptions of Malawians living in Gauteng, South Africa, on the contributions of indigenous Malawian tribes' cultural practices in HIV infection in Malawi.

Munlo, Juliana 08 November 2011 (has links)
It is well known that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have affected millions of people throughout the world and continues to affect people on a day to day basis. In Africa, sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected. Malawi, one of the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa is no exception to the growing trend and severity in HIV prevalence (Kalipeni& Ghosh, 2006).Like many countries in Africa, cultural practices in Malawi have been criticised as contributing to the spread of HIV and AIDS (Mwale, 2008). In recent years it has been recognised that in order to understand the spread of HIV and AIDS it is imperative to address the economic, social, cultural and political issues that lead to the contraction and spread of the virus. Hence there is a growing realisation that more effective prevention strategies in response to HIV and AIDS should focus on traditional, cultural, medical and political beliefs and practices as well as perceptions of individual risk to HIV and AIDS (Lwanda, 2005).The proposed research seeks to explore the perceptions of Malawians in the role and implications that cultural practices play in promoting HIV infections in Malawi. A sample of 17 people representing both genders from three tribes, namely the Yao, Tumbuka and Chewa participated in the study. Participants were purposively selected on their knowledge of cultural practices and in their being members of the tribe that was investigated. The research study was qualitative and a case study research design was applied. Data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings were therefore organised according to themes. The findings were that a number of cultural practices of the Tumbukas, Chewas and Yaos play a role in HIV and AIDS infections. Some of the cultural practices that were identified included wife inheritance, polygamy, initiation ceremonies, the practice of fisi(hyena), the practice of kulowafumbi(wiping of dust) and traditional marriages. The study found that cultural practices accompanied by lack of education, poverty, gender inequalities, lack of condom use and peer pressure among the youth promotes risky behavior that often leads to HIV transmission and prevents behavioural change. It was identified that it would be beneficial to educate elders of the community and influential people about HIV so that they could teach community members about the link between HIV and AIDS and cultural practice, and to find alternative ways to ensure that the cultural practice is safer, such as encouraging people to test before they practice wife inheritance. This study hopefully has the potential of contributing to knowledge and awareness in the fields of social development and social work on the role that cultural practice plays in promoting risky behaviour,which leads to contracting HIV infection among the Chewa, Tumbuka and Yao tribes. These findings could be useful in the creation of cultural-specific intervention programmes that are aimed at curbing HIV infection in Malawi and in many African countries where similar cultural practices are practiced.

Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas sobre tuberculose entre travestis e mulheres transexuais na cidade de São Paulo / Knowledge, attitudes and practices on tuberculosis among transvestites and transsexual women in São Paulo city, Brazil

Ferreira Junior, Sergio 23 March 2017 (has links)
No Brasil, grande parte dos transgêneros vive em condições desfavoráveis e são invisíveis nos dados oficiais de saúde. Excluídas socialmente, travestis e mulheres transexuais encontram na prostituição a única forma de sobrevivência. Algumas vivem em situação de rua, outras nas prisões, onde as condições são favoráveis à infecção e adoecimento por tuberculose (TB). São raros os estudos que abordam os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas sobre a TB e, aqueles realizados com grupos, apontam o desconhecimento como principal barreira no controle da doença. Método: Estudo descritivo, observacional e tipo de corte transversal realizado na cidade de São Paulo, com aplicação do questionário Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) adaptado, em indivíduos autodeclarados travestis ou mulheres transexuais (trans). As comparações entre as distribuições percentuais dos grupos foram realizadas pelo teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Exato de Fisher, considerou-se nível de significância de 5 por cento (p<0,05). Resultados: Encontraram-se conceitos equivocados sobre as formas de transmissão (travestis 36,2 por cento e trans 33,3 por cento ) e de prevenção da doença, (travestis 55,2 por cento e trans 45,5 por cento ). Nas análises comparativas entre as entrevistadas com e sem antecedentes de tratamento da TB, 28,6 por cento das tratadas consideraram o tratamento caro (tratadas 28,6 por cento , não tratadas 14,6 por cento ). Observaram-se formas incorretas de transmissão (tratadas 47,6 por cento , não tratadas 34,0 por cento ) e de prevenção (tratadas 100,0 por cento , não tratadas 48,5 por cento ). Conclusão: Nas análises comparativas entre travestis e trans os conhecimentos e práticas sobre a TB mostraram-se modestos. Nas comparações entre as tratadas e não tratadas esperavam-se melhores resultados, entretanto os conceitos equivocados sobre os sintomas, formas de transmissão e de prevenção indicam falhas nas ações de educação em saúde voltadas ao controle da doença. O estudo aponta, também, para a necessidade de inclusão da categoria transgênero nos dados oficiais de saúde, o que permitirá análises aprofundadas / Background: In Brazil, most transgenders (Male to Female MtF) live in unfavorable conditions and are invisible in official health data. Socially excluded, transvestites and MtF find in the prostitution the only way to survive. Some live are homeless, others live in prisons, where the conditions are favorable to infection and get illness for tuberculosis (TB). Studies that address TB knowledge, attitudes and practices in transgender people are rare, and those conducted with other groups point to ignorance as the main barrier to disease control. Method: Descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study carried out in the city of São Paulo, using the Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) questionnaire, in self-reported transvestites or transsexual women. The comparisons between the percentages of the groups were performed using the Pearson\'s Chi-square test or the Fisher\'s exact test, a significance level of 5 per cent (p <0.05) was considered. Results: Misconceptions about the forms of transmission (transvestites 36.2 per cent and MtF 33.3 per cent ) and disease prevention were found (transvestites 55.2 per cent and MtF 45.5 per cent ). In the comparative analyzes among those interviewed with and without a history of TB treatment, 28.6 per cent of treated patients considered treatment expensive (treated 28.6 per cent , untreated 14.6 per cent ). Incorrect forms of transmission (treated 47.6 per cent , untreated 34.0 per cent ) and prevention (treated 100.0 per cent , untreated 48.5 per cent ) were observed. Conclusion: In the comparative analyzes between transvestites and MtF the knowledge, attitudes and practices about TB were modest. In the comparisons between treated and untreated of TB, better results were expected, however, the misconceptions about symptoms, forms of transmission and prevention indicated failures in health education actions aimed at disease control. The study also points to the need to include the transgender category in official health data, which will allow in-depth analysis

A Comparison of Principals’ and Teachers’ Scores on the Leadership Practices Inventory and The Purdue Teacher Opinionaire

Graybeal, Kimberly D 01 May 2015 (has links)
Most research indicates that effective principals usually involve teachers in some of the decision-making processes that take place in a school. When teachers feel they have a voice in decisions, they are more likely to take ownership in their school. Great leaders have the power to change their school either for the advancement of the establishment, or they can bring about negativity in the workplace. The purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences on the 5 dimensions of the Kouzes-Posner Leadership Practices Inventory (Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart) between teachers’ scores and their principal’s score for participants in this study, and to determine if a relationship existed between teachers’ scores on the Purdue Teacher Opinionaire and their principal’s Leadership Practices Inventory score. For this research data were collected from 10 schools in a school system in East Tennessee that contained kindergarten through eighth grade. These schools are classified in 3 categories: kindergarten through eighth grade, third through fifth grade, or sixth through eighth grade. There were 208 participating teachers in the school system who teach kindergarten through eighth grade. One-sample t-tests were used to compare the principal’s Leadership Practice Inventory score to teachers’ Leadership Practice Inventory scores at each of the 10 participating schools. Scores for teachers and their principal were not significantly different for any of the 5 dimensions for Schools 1, 2, 9, and 10. School 8 displayed a significant difference for 3 of the 5 dimensions. The means were significantly different for Schools 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on all 5 of the dimensions. The relationship as measured by Pearson correlation coefficients between the Leadership Practices Inventory and the Purdue Teacher Opinionaire for teachers at the 10 participating schools displayed similar mixed results.

Temporary Territories and Persistent Places: A Bioarchaeological Evaluation of the Association between Monumentality and Territoriality for Foraging Societies of the Prehistoric Ohio Valley

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Federal legislation prioritizes the repatriation of culturally unidentifiable human remains to federally-recognized Indian tribes that are linked geographically to the region from which the remains were removed. Such linkages are typically based on a Eurocentric notion of the exclusive use and occupancy of an area of land - a space-based approach to land use. Contemporary collaborations between anthropologists and indigenous communities suggest, however, that indigenous patterns of land use are better characterized as place-based and are therefore more complex and fluid than is reflected in current legislation. Despite these insights, space-based approaches remain common within archaeology. One example is the inference of territorial behavior from the presence of monuments within the archaeological record. Drawing on osteological and mortuary data derived from a sample of Adena mounds located in northern Kentucky, this dissertation adopts a place-based approach in order to evaluate the archaeological association between monumentality and territoriality. The relative amounts of skeletal and phenotypic variability present at various spatial scales are quantified and compared and the degree to which mortuary and phenotypic data exhibit spatial structure consistent with the expectations of an isolation-by-distance model is assessed. Results indicate that, while burial samples derived from some mounds exhibit amounts of phenotypic variability that are consistent with the expectations of a territorial model, data from other mounds suggest that multiple groups participated in their construction. Further, the general absence of spatial structure within the phenotypic data suggests that the individuals interred in these mounds are perhaps better characterized as representing an integrated regional population rather than localized groups. Untested archaeological inferences of territoriality may therefore mischaracterize regional population dynamics. In addition, these results suggest that the prioritization criteria for the repatriation of culturally unidentifiable human remains may merit revision. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2019

Assessing Diversity Among Corporations in Brazil: An Exploratory Study

Pereira, Helga Sheyla 01 November 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore what corporations in Brazil, whether with Brazilian headquarters or not, are doing in regards to communicating their diversity practices and initiatives to the public. Understanding these companies' positions on diversity can paint a better picture of how much Brazil has advanced on diversity in the workplace matters, since the topic started coming about in discussions in the 1990s (Fleury, 2000). A sample of 15 companies was selected from Exame magazine "Melhores e Maiores Ranking 2014" (2015), and a content analysis of each company's website was performed during the summer of 2016, based on three diversity assessment models that were suggested by Mazzei and Ravazzani (2008): assimilating minorities, managing diversity, and leveraging differences. One of the corporations that was part of the sample, JBS, could not have its content analyzed because, even though there was a website listed, there was no content displayed about the company. A rubric was developed to code the data and assign a certain score to each corporation. Those companies were then placed under each of the three diversity assessment models based on how many points each of them scored on the rubric. The study found out that all companies headquartered in Brazil with an international presence fell under the third diversity assessment model, leveraging differences, which is the most proactive and diversity-oriented of the three. In addition, some international corporations that are present in Brazil mostly fell under the diversity management approach, but did not show the amount of diversity information initially expected before the study was conducted. Brazilian corporations with a domestic presence were scattered around the three models, with one company under assimilating minorities, three under diversity management, and one under leveraging differences. Despite the researcher's initial expectations, the results show that Brazilian companies with an international presence seem to be in tune with international diversity standards, and international companies with a presence in Brazil seem to be lacking some diversity related information, at least on their Brazilian websites. There are also suggestions for further research on the topic, this time based on diversity strategy guidelines suggested by Conklin (2006) and by the Instituto Ethos (2000).

Associations Between Parent-Child Relationship Quality, Parent Feeding Practices, and Child Weight Status in Preadolescent Children

Duncombe, Kristina Marie 01 July 2017 (has links)
The present study evaluated associations between parent-child connectedness and communication, parent perceptions of child weight, parent feeding behaviors (restriction, pressure to eat, and monitoring), and child body mass index percentile among a sample of children aged 8-12 years. To evaluate these associations, this study used a cross-sectional design and maximum likelihood (ML) structural equation modeling to examine a mediation model with parental feeding behaviors mediating the associations between parent-child relationship quality and child body mass index. Furthermore, because of the known associations between parental perceptions of child weight and parent feeding practices, models examining the mediating effects of parent feeding practices between parent perceptions of child weight and child body mass index were also examined. Finally, we used mixture modeling to conduct latent profile analyses, specifying high, moderate, and low levels of each feeding behavior, in order to examine the mediation effects of specific levels of feeding behaviors. Study findings supported restriction as a mediator between parent reported communication (PRC) and child weight, as well as between parent perceptions of child weight (PCW) and child weight. The results also indicated that parent perceptions of child weight predicted feeding practices and child weight. Both restriction and monitoring predicted child weight. Overall, these findings provide evidence for the role of parent-child relationship quality in predicting parent feeding behavior. However, study findings suggest that these associations may differ depending on the rater (i.e., child, parent).

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