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Práticas de leitura na licenciatura em letras: a formação do leitorParahyba, Martha Ribeiro [UNESP] 12 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:42:31Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
parahyba_mr_dr_mar.pdf: 1194566 bytes, checksum: fc3903f468fc50b8b7482d79e610aaf5 (MD5) / Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender as diferentes formas de apropriação dos escritos, dos alunos da 4a. série, do curso de Licenciatura em Letras, da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), campus de Foz do Iguaçu, com o foco sobre práticas de leitura, na perspectiva da história cultural. Interessa compreender os diferentes modos de apropriação e representação da leitura de alunos-leitores formandos do curso de Licenciatura em Letras, por meio do exame de suas práticas de leitura. A expressão práticas de leitura designa uma referência à leitura como um ato cultural. Portanto, opera-se teoricamente com contribuições de autores que trabalham com práticas de leitura e práticas de leitura escolar. A abordagem metodológica inclui pesquisa bibliográfica, questionário e entrevista apoiada na história oral.Tais práticas são examinadas a partir da reflexão sobre as narrativas colhidas e as observações realizadas na universidade e nos estágios de docência. / This study aims to comprehend the different forms of appropriation of the writings, by the fourth-grade students of Curso de Licenciatura em Letras, da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná ( UNIOESTE), campus of Foz do Iguaçu, focusing on the reading practice in the cultural history perspective. It is important to understand the different ways of appropriation and reading representation by the students-readers, undergraduates of Licenciatura em Letras with Teaching Certification, through the analisys of their reading practices. The expression reading practice denotes a reference to reading as a cultural act. In order to accomplish that, the work is done theoretically with contributions of those authors who work with reading practices and school reading practices. The methodological approach includes bibliographical research, questionnaire and interview based on oral history. Such practices are analysed from the reflection on the narratives collected as well as the observations made in the university and during the teaching training programs.
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A que(m) serve a música na reforma psiquiátrica brasileira?: Linhas de audibilidade nas práticas musicais da saúde mental coletivaCardoso, Tânya Marques [UNESP] 29 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-29Bitstream added on 2014-11-10T11:57:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000781480_20160129.pdf: 117761 bytes, checksum: d128849873a8c5615d9b4d924a5dccff (MD5) Bitstreams deleted on 2016-01-29T12:36:03Z: 000781480_20160129.pdf,. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-01-29T12:36:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000781480.pdf: 109491 bytes, checksum: 524589acbe78138be7de342f92210ca0 (MD5) / No presente trabalho, abordamos algumas perspectivas da relação entre música e sujeito, no contexto da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira e em práticas de Saúde Mental Coletiva, especificamente, as práticas musicais e sonoras. Inspiramo-nos na arqueogenealogia para criar algumas ferramentas metodológicas para realização deste trabalho. Para a nossa questão sobre “a que” ou “a quem” serve a música na Reforma Psiquiátrica, a resposta foi o levantamento bibliográfico organizado em um Arquivo-teia, ferramenta que forjamos a partir da noção de arqueogenealogia, combinada à de dispositivo, das obras de Foucault. A teia que construímos, como um pedaço do dispositivo, possui linhas de enunciados e de visibilidades que se entrecruzam para sustentar certos discursos e ocupar determinadas funções em cada época. Buscamos, primeiramente, problematizar esse espaço onde a teia está suspensa, nas ações com música no contexto dos hospícios, seguindo a lógica do higienismo e disciplinamento de corpos. Com as experiências modernistas, constituiu-se uma oposição importante entre o campo do saber psiquiátrico e da criação artística. A musicoterapia também é investigada em sua história, já que ela tem uma “origem” comum às práticas musicais e sonoras em geral, além do fato de representar um saber específico sobre a relação música-subjetividade-saúde. Depois, vislumbramos o modo como as práticas musicais e sonoras serviram à Luta Antimanicomial e como foram incorporadas na Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira como política, a partir do conceito de oficinas, dentro das lógicas e éticas da desinstitucionalização, do Paradigma da Atenção Psicossocial e da ideia de saúdessubjetividade/subjetividadessaúde. A partir de fontes documentais diversas – livros, revistas, bases de dados eletrônicas e sítios eletrônicos – encontramos experiências singulares de práticas ... / In this paper, we discussed some perspectives of the relation between music and subject, in the context of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and in Collective Mental Health practices, specifically, musical and sound practices. We were inspired by the archeogenealogy to create some methodological tools for this work. To our question of to what or to who the music serves in the Psychiatric Reform, the answer was the bibliographic organized in a File – web, tool that we forged from the notion of archeogenealogy combined with that of device, from the work of Foucault. The web we built, like a piece of the device, has lines of statements and visibilities that intersect to support certain discourses and occupy certain roles each season. We sought, first, to problematize this space where the web is suspended, in the actions with music in the context of the hospices, following the logic of hygienism and disciplining of bodies. With the modernist experiences, it was constituted an important contrast between the field of psychiatric knowledge and that of artistic creation. Music therapy is also investigated in its history, considering that it has a common origin to the musical and sound practices in general, beyond the fact of representing a specific knowledge about music- subjectivity-health relation. Then, we envisioned how the music and sound practices served the anti-asylum and how they were incorporated into the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as policies, from the concept of workshops, within the logic and ethics of deinstitutionalization, the Paradigm of Psychosocial Care and the idea of “saúdessubjetividade/subjetividadessaúde”. From various documentary sources - books, journals, electronic databases and electronic sites – we found unique experiences of musical practices, which we called strings or threads of the web which were arranged from its working processes: 1. music-therapy; 2. Music ...
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Dark MermaidsLauppe-Dunbar, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Sporting success is defined by athletic prowess, mental stamina and the ability to win. The balance between winning by fair, or foul, means is an area of fierce debate. This thesis seeks to illuminate the workings of the former German Democratic Republic Doping Scam: (Theme 14.25); to shed light on the human tragedy of steroid engineering, and to explore, within a fictitious world, new ground in areas that have offered little in research. Dark Mermaids, a novel, presents a narrative through contemporaneous documentation of the experiences of a fictitious former Olympic GDR swimmer and a tenacious young girl. In parallel, the novel considers the idea of selective memory, the paranoia of life under a dictatorship, and the notion of 'home' in a divided country. The accompanying essay further explores, through example, the themes of amnesia and exile, and the theory that the common exilic pathology of strain and estrangement of flight is never, in practice, over. Synopsis of Novel 1990. The Berlin Wall has fallen. Police officer Sophia Kunstler slips through the backstreets of Berlin looking for sex in the arms of a cruel faced blue eyed stranger; the same boy she has found in clubs and dance halls over many years. Outside her apartment a cold and frightened girl waits with a letter. Dagmar, Sophia's mother, is dying. Sophia and her father must return to the former GDR, a place from which they had escaped. As part of her job, Sophia is required to investigate claims of Stasi collaboration in her former home town's local police force. Suppressed memories gradually surface, and these impel her to revisit the GDR elite sports training ground, where death, or a new life, await.
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Examining Agency in the Discourse of Rice FarmingJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation is a detailed rhetorical analysis of interviews with rice farmers in central Java, Indonesia and documents published by the global NGOs United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and CGIAR. Using theories of materiality, literacies, and environmental rhetorics, I examine how seemingly distinct and disparate humans, organizations, and inanimates are actually entangled agents in a dynamic conversation. I have termed that conversation the discourse of rice farming. Studying local and global together challenges conventional dichotomous thinking about farming and food. Looking at this conversation as an entanglement reveals what Karen Barad has defined in Meeting the Universe Halfway as the intra-relatedness of all agents. I focus on rice farming because rice is a food staple around the world and a major component of global agriculture initiatives by FAO and CGIAR. I argue that farmers construct their jobs in terms of production, food sovereignty, and community. The NGOs construct agriculture in terms of consumption, food security, and poverty alleviation. In my project I emphasize the need for global agents to better account for how farmers construct agriculture. Accounting for how all agents impact the discourse of rice farming is the only way to come to an objective understanding rice farming's impact on local and global scales. My argument adds to the field of environmental rhetorics because most published case studies are about the United States and thus are limited in their applicability. And it enriches global conversations about food security and food justice because it shares accounts from actual farmers who are often conspicuously absent from literature on those topics. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2015
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Practice in PartneringJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Exploration of Practice in Partnering is a curriculum-based, research thesis, focused on the investigation of the potential impact of studying multiple forms of dance partnering through a constructivist learning lens. The primary goal was to discover concepts and practices that underlie effective dance partnering. The study was conducted in a 15-week university dance course that provided a survey of partnering dance forms taught by the researcher who is versed in the chosen forms. In addition to professional knowledge and experience, the researcher includes theory and pedagogy from his graduate coursework. Teaching frameworks and learning experiences for the study were informed by somatics and constructivist pedagogy; a student-centered approach to learning in which students might find knowledge and meaning through experience.
The research documented in this thesis may be methodologically described as a case study and the data collection methods were qualitative. Due to IRB limitations, the data set draws only from biweekly journal entries from a class of eleven students, in addition to the researcher’s observation of students. Data streams from student journal entries were analyzed and interpreted using common protocols. Guiding questions for the research study included: How do students currently understand and perceive partnering? How do leader and follower roles play a part in dance partnering? What commonalities of partnering exist between different dance forms? Data gathered from the research revealed that each individual student’s understanding and definition of dance partnering changed over the course of the semester and students found increased meaning in their partnering interactions. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Dance 2017
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Heads North or East? : a re-examination of Beaker burials in BritainHeise, Marc E. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis compares burial practices of Beaker-using communities in Britain and provides a corpus of British Beaker burials. Chronologically, this study covers the period from around the 25th until the 18th century BC, from the Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Beakers were a new feature in late British prehistory and were probably introduced through small-scale migration and cultural transfer. Together with the pottery, a new style of funerary practices was introduced, that was comparable to continental practices at that time and strictly distinguished between male and female individuals. The standard continental practice, e.g. in Bohemia, was that men were buried with their head to the north, lying on their left side, thus facing east. Women were also facing east, but were buried on the right side and were consequently orientated to the south. This particular pattern can be found in southern Britain but is less strict in its application. This peculiar finding has attracted much scholarly interest since its discovery. Therefore, the research of Beaker funerary practices has a long tradition and still forms a core area of research. This study considers two main questions: does the data confirm established opinions on Beaker burial practices, including a distinct regional division of burial traditions, e.g. in terms of body orientation between northern and southern Britain, and is it possible to identify which area of continental Europe exerted the greatest influence on developments in Britain? In order to be able to structurally compare these burials, a database containing 311 entries has been compiled from the published literature. All available data on the skeletons has been integrated, including orientation, position, and limb position. Additionally, data on grave construction and artefacts has been collected. This data has been analysed quantitatively and qualitatively, both comparatively and statistically. Through the collected data, this thesis argues that the general image of Beaker burial practices is still valid. However, certain generalisations require revision, for example the orientations of individuals. Chronologically, early Beaker burials follow strict standards, while during the course of Beaker currency these standards become less strictly adhered to. Possible regions of the origin of British Beaker burial practices are usually connected with the Lower Rhine area. The study agrees that this area had strong influences in northern Britain, but argues that southern Britain, on grounds of orientations and positions of the bodies, had more varied influences with a stronger input from central Europe.
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O projeto de formação continuada de alfabetizadores do programa "São Luís te quero lendo e escrevendo" : pressupostos teóricos, práticas pedagógicas e contradições /Coutinho, Vanja Maria Dominices. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Raquel Lazazri Leite Barbosa / Banca: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Banca: Ana Clara Bortoleto Nery / Banca: Rita de Cássia Gallego / Banca: Raimunda Abou Gebran / Resumo: A proposta neste trabalho foi desenvolver uma pesquisa que permitisse, por meio de levantamento e análise, tratar sobre temas relacionados à cultura escolar, mais especificamente a responder ao questionamento: Como os professores alfabetizadores utilizam os saberes socializados no Projeto Político Institucional adotado no âmbito do Programa „São Luis te Quero Lendo e Escrevendo‟ desenvolvido pela Rede de Ensino Municipal de São Luis do Maranhão na constituição de suas práticas alfabetizadoras? A pretensão foi analisar o processo de formação continuada desenvolvido pelo Programa São Luis te quero Lendo e Escrevendo e sua relação com o processo de construção de práticas alfabetizadoras. Para tal intento, a opção metodológica privilegiada foi a pesquisa do tipo etnográfico, caracterizando-a como um Estudo de Caso Etnográfico, conforme a natureza do objeto construído. Para a análise dos dados as contribuições de autores com Clemont Gauthier (1998), Tardif (2002), sobre os saberes docentes; Nóvoa (1995), Moita (1992) e Krug (2004), e a constituição da identidade docente; Roger Chartier (2002) e o conceito de Representação e de práticas de leitura; (PADILHA, 2006, 2009), utilização de Núcleos Temáticos em pesquisa; e sobre alfabetização, leitura e escrita, Mortatti (2006), Barbosa (2010), Smith (1998), Jolibert (2006), Smolka (2003). A pesquisa desenvolvida influenciada por esses autores realizou um mergulho no interior das salas de aula para perceber os reflexos da formação continuada oferecida aos alfabetizadores da rede municipal na sua ação pedagógica, os resultados encontrados, fruto da tessitura entre as contribuições do Curso de Formação Continuada para alfabetizadores do Programa, a constituição da identidade profissional das participantes e as concepções... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The proposal in this work was to develop a survey that would allow, through survey and analysis on issues related to dealing with school culture, more specifically answer the question: How do teachers use literacy in the knowledge socialized Institutional Design Political adopted under the Program "Are you Luis I Reading and Writing 'developed by the Municipal Education Network of San Luis Maranhao in the constitution of their literacy practices? The intention was to analyze the process of continuing education program developed by St. Louis you want to Reading and Writing and its relationship to the process of construction of literacy practices. For this purpose, the option was the preferred methodology of ethnographic research, characterizing it as an ethnographic case study, according to the nature of the constructed object. For data analysis the contributions of authors with Clemont Gauthier (1998), Tardif (2002), on teacher knowledge, Novo (1995), Moita (1992) and Krug (2004), and the creation of teacher identity, Roger Chartier ( 2002) and the concept of representation and reading practices; (PADILHA, 2006, 2009), use of thematic research, and literacy, reading and writing, Mortatti (2006), Barbosa (2010), Smith (1998), Jolibert (2006), Smolka (2003).The research developed influenced by these authors conducted a dive inside the classrooms to see the reflections of the ongoing training offered to municipal literacy in their pedagogical action, the results, the fruit of the fabric between the contributions of the Training Course for Continuing the literacy program, the formation of professional identity of the participants and the theoretical-methodological work with literacy revealed in pedagogical practice, pointed to attitudes of autonomy of the faculty of the school with regard... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Projetos de educação ambiental da Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente (UMASQ): concepções e práticasTerossi, Marcos José [UNESP] 21 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009-08-21Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:12:31Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
terossi_mj_me_rcla.pdf: 1691960 bytes, checksum: 7b3f70eb2959305d6840113b32473c86 (MD5) / Considerando que a Educação Ambiental cada vez mais está integrando os ambientes educacionais, principalmente por meio da implantação de projetos, neste estudo procurou-se analisar as concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental presentes nos projetos desenvolvidos pela ―Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente Souza Queiroz‖ (UMASQ). Esta é uma instituição municipal que desenvolve projetos de Educação Ambiental para alunos da Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio e localiza-se no município de Leme/SP. Esses projetos são elaborados e desenvolvidos por professoras de Ciências, funcionárias efetivas da referida instituição. A coleta de dados desta pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, da análise documental dos projetos e pela observação das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas. A análise foi feita através da técnica de análise de conteúdo e da triangulação. Estabeleceram-se alguns temas, categorias e subcategorias para se inferir concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental. Definimos duas dimensões da Educação Ambiental: a ―dimensão epistemológica da Educação Ambiental‖ e a ―dimensão pedagógica da Educação Ambiental‖. Os resultados revelaram que as concepções de Educação Ambiental presentes na maioria dos conteúdos trabalhados tratam de conceitos, principalmente sobre aspectos físicos e biológicos, informações e descrições do ambiente, desconsiderando-se outras dimensões importantes no processo educativo ambiental: culturais, políticas, sociais, econômicas, éticas e estéticas. O viés econômico ligado à natureza também é enfatizado, como justificativa para o convencimento dos alunos a fim de evitar desperdício e degradação dos recursos naturais, predominando a visão de natureza entendida como recurso para o ser humano. Constatou-se que a dimensão estética da Educação... / Considering that the Environmental Education is more and more taking part in the educational area, specially by the implantation of projects, this study tried to analyze the conceptions and practices of Environmental Education present in the projects developed by ―Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente Souza Queiroz‖(UMASQ). This is a municipally institution that develops Environmental Educational projects for kindergarten, elementary and high school students and is located in in Leme/SP. These projects are elaborated and developed by Science teachers that are effective workers of this institution. The data search of this research was accomplished by semi structured interviews, documental analyze of the projects elaborated by the teachers and by the observation of the pedagogical practices developed. The analysis was done with the content analyze technique and the triangulation. It was established some subjects, categories and subcategories to infer conceptions and practices of Environmental Education. We define two dimensions of Environmental Education: the ―epistemological dimension of the Environmental Education‖ and the ―pedagogical dimension of the Environmental Education‖. The results showed that the conception of Environmental Education present in the majority of the contents dealt in the projects are about concepts, specially about physical and biological aspects, information and environmental descriptions, that are transmitted to the students, not considering other important dimensions in the environmental educational process: cultural, political, social, economic, ethic and esthetical. The economic vies related to nature is also emphasized, as an excuse to the students convincement in order to avoid waste and degradation of natural resources, predominating the point of view of nature as a resource for human beings. It was found that the esthetical dimension... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Táticas de Michel de Certeau em “Nós três” de Lygia Bojunga / Michel de Certeau's tactics in "We three" by Lygia BojungaFerreira, Ana Estela [UNESP] 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ANA ESTELA FERREIRA null (anaestela_7@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-22T09:55:37Z
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TEXTO PARA ENTREGA FINAL.pdf: 6224154 bytes, checksum: d08876df871a1701a2a9b5d3bda1c9b1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Satie Tagara (satie@marilia.unesp.br) on 2018-03-26T13:14:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Não recebi financiamento / O objetivo desta pesquisa é indicar os comportamentos referentes às leituras táticas de 6 adolescentes de 13 e 14 anos, estudantes dos anos finais do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública do estado de São Paulo, durante a leitura e discussão da obra literária infantojuvenil “Nós três” (1987) de Lygia Bojunga. Para formular os princípios dessa investigação qualitativa, em que a pesquisadora é também professora e mediadora da intervenção na escola em que a pesquisa acontece, adotou-se como recurso teórico metodológico: o questionário semiestruturado (que contou inicialmente com a participação de 13 estudantes da escola em questão) com a intenção de conhecer os hábitos leitores dos sujeitos participantes, na escola e no contexto familiar, o grupo focal para leitura e discussão da obra e entrevistas sobre o contexto histórico e cultural do município. O embasamento teórico encaminha-se através dos conceitos de apropriação, práticas de leitura e representação, propostos por Roger Chartier. A análise de dados é realizada a partir do conceito de táticas, proposto por Michel de Certeau, com o objetivo de compreender as maneiras de ler e de fazer, os usos e subversões que permeiam as relações de leitura escolares. / The aim of this research is to indicate the behaviors related to the tactical readings of six teenagers from 13 and 14 years old, students of the final years of Elementary School in a public school in the state of São Paulo, during the reading and discussion of the youth literary book “We three” (1987) by Lygia Bojunga. In order to formulate the principles of this qualitative research, in which the researcher is also a teacher and mediator of the intervention at school where the research takes place, a methodological theoretical resource was adopted: the semi-structured questionnaire (initially counting on the participation of 13 students from the school in question) with the intention of knowing the reading habits of the participant teenagers, at school and in the family context; the focus group for reading and discussion of the book and interviews on the historical and cultural context of the municipality.The theoretical basis is based on the concepts of appropriation, reading practices, and representation, proposed by Roger Chartier. The data analysis is carried out from the concept of tactics, proposed by Michel de Certeau, in order to understand the ways of reading and doing, the uses and subversions that permeate school reading relationships.
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Repercussões do projeto neoliberal nas práticas educacionais para crianças pequenasBarbosa, Tatiana Rodrigues [UNESP] 11 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010-06-11Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:38:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
barbosa_tr_me_assis.pdf: 288885 bytes, checksum: 9adc60dcedfc9c912ca55cc4dbd40c54 (MD5) / O estudo histórico sobre a infância e suas relações com a sociedade revela que as expectativas e as preocupações com as crianças, variam de acordo com as relações sociais, culturais e econômicas que se estabelecem nos diferentes movimentos da sociedade; ou seja, os significados atribuídos à infância fazem parte de um processo de construção social. Assim, o conceito de infância não é estável e, a cada época, corresponde ao discurso hegemônico. Na sociedade contemporânea predominam as relações de produção e de consumo, que permeiam as relações sociais. Com o desenvolvimento das chamadas infotelecomunicações, viabilizouse a globalização cultural. Há uma mudança na relação entre adultos e crianças que agora recebem uma influência significativa da mídia e da cultura de consumo. Para melhor compreender questões relacionadas à infância e à sua educação na sociedade contemporânea, é necessário atentar-se às mudanças dos meios de produção, das relações humanas, atravessadas pelos meios de comunicação e às repercussões na vida social e no cotidiano das pessoas. Nesse cenário surgem, para nós, algumas questões: Como se dão as relações humanas e sociais – especialmente entre adultos e crianças – em espaços escolares e como se refletem nas práticas educacionais? Com qual concepção de crianças os educadores estão trabalhando? E, principalmente, em um contexto mais amplo, que tem como centro a ideologia neoliberal: Em que situação os adultos/educadores estariam, enquanto sujeitos que podem sustentar/alterar o paradigma? Assim, o presente trabalho visa investigar como as relações presentes no mundo contemporâneo capitalista, repercutem nas práticas educacionais... / The historic research about infancy and its relation with the society reveals that the expectancies and concerns about children vary due to the social, cultural and economic relations that are set in different movements of the society. In other words, the meanings attributed to childhood are part of a social building process. That said, the concept of infancy is not stable and in each time correspond to the hegemonic discourse. In contemporary society predominates relations of production and consumption which permeate social relations. With the development of the so-called infotelecommunications a cultural globalization was set. There has been a change between adults and children relationship that now receives a significant influence of the media and the culture of consumption. For better understanding of some appoints related to infancy and its education in contemporary society is necessary to take notice of changes in means of production, human relations that are crossed by means of communication and repercussion in social life and people’s routines. In that scenary appears to us some questions: How human and social relations are established in school environments – specially between adults and children – and how are them reflected on the educational practices? Which conception of children are the educators working with? And mainly, in a wider context that has neoliberal ideology in its centre in which situation would adults/educators be as subjects that can sustain/change the paradigm? For this reason the present research aims to investigate how the existing relations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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