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A crime without punishment : policy advocacy for European Union Health and Safety legislation on harassment at workPetri, Hedwig January 2001 (has links)
The study is concerned about employers' liability to protect the mental welfare of employees alongside their physical health. The need for protection is demonstrated in several ways. Firstly, the introduction examines the statistical evidence of harassment in the workplace and its effect on its victims. Secondly, data was collected from nine participants who had taken their employer to court claiming that they had been bullied out of their jobs. These documents which were supplemented in some cases by personal statements, were analysed using the Glaser and Strauss Grounded Theory method tempered with Case Study method. Ethical issues coming to the fore during data collection supplied additional material for a chapter which eflects on problems researchers will encounter when working with vulnerable research participants. Analysis showed the importance of social support for victims and implicated the role the trade unions, the medical and legal professions plays in secondary victimisation for victims of workplace bullying. A review of existing legislation was conducted to determine if internal voluntary guidelines or new legislation would give best protection. Employer-led bullying was identified as the form on which internal guidelines have no impact. Workplace bullying was always found to be morally wrong and the issue of what is legally right but not morally right was discussed. The findings emerging from the analysis together with recommendation to place protection of harassment at work within Health and Safety policies was presented to opinion makers to gauge the level of interest in the investigator's recommendation that European Union Health and Safety officials should take the lead in advancing legislative change outlawing workplace harassment.
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A Problematic Business Model: The Effect of Private Prisons on ArrestsDonnelly, Claire 01 January 2017 (has links)
Past work related to the private prison system has focused on direct comparisons between private and public facilities, including their respective quality, cost-effectiveness, and influence on recidivism. Using 2005 United States data compiled from a prison facility census, county census, and information on number of arrests by county, I examine the effect that the presence of private prisons has on the number of adult male arrests per county. Across four regression models, I initially find a significant effect of private prisons on arrests, but find that effect becomes insignificant once county and prison controls are accounted for. This suggests that the presence of a private prison in a particular county does not necessarily lead to a significant increase or decrease of arrests in that area.
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Des technologies de contrôle aux partenariats public-privé : l'implication de l'entreprise privée dans le domaine correctionnel au CanadaCantin, Julie January 2005 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Uma cidade entre presídios: ser agente penitenciário em Itirapina-SP / A city between prisons: to be a prison officer in Itirapina-SPSabaini, Raphael Tadeu 18 September 2012 (has links)
Situado no contexto de incremento das políticas penitenciárias de interiorização de unidades prisionais por todo o estado de São Paulo, este trabalho tem a intenção de analisar o cotidiano e as práticas sociais e profissionais de agentes penitenciários do município de Itirapina, cidade localizada no interior paulista, onde se encontram instaladas duas penitenciárias. Análise parte da ótica de agentes, moradores, comerciantes e demais moradores,para resgatar o modo pelo qual tais políticas de interiorização dos presídios têm afetado a vida no município em questão. Assim como os detentos, os agentes penitenciários têm seu cotidiano ligado à rotina da prisão, criam seu vocabulário e seu modo de agir transitando entre o interior da cadeia e o convívio com demais pessoas na cidade. A dinâmica social recebe grande influência dos valores e das práticas oriundos das penitenciárias construídas na cidade. Portanto, dentro deste contexto, a construção de discursos e valores colocam a profissão de agente penitenciário numa posição de destaque, cercada de privilégios, relativizando o conceito de prestígio, mesmo estando diretamente relacionado com um universo tão estigmatizado como o prisional. Através da observação da rotina desses profissionais e demais pessoas que se relacionam entre si, na intenção de perceber a dinâmica social cotidiana dessas pessoas, este trabalho também realizou entrevistas com agentes, moradores e comerciantes, buscando perceber como o ambiente criado dentro dos limites da prisão ultrapassa suas muralhas até invadir e influenciar a rotina da grande maioria da população local.. Dessa maneira, destaca-se a relevância do agente penitenciário nos mais variados espaços de sociabilidade do município, fazendo deles agentes sociais referenciais no contexto urbano. Esta dissertação volta sua análise para as transformações e consequências engendradas durante esse processo, percebendo o trânsito de agentes penitenciários, sua comunicação do convívio intramuros com o extramuros, ao mesmo tempo em que ambos se coalescem em sua dinâmica social. Percebe-se, portanto, como a cidade e a prisão interligam-se uma à outra, envolvendo todas as pessoas pertencentes a esse contexto. / Situated in the context of increase policies internalization of prisons throughout the state of Sao Paulo, this paper aims to analyze the everyday practices of social and professional prison officers of Itirapina the municipality, a town in the interior, where are installed two prisons. Analysis through the views of agents, residents, merchants and other inhabitants of the city such as internalization of prison policies has affected the county in question. Like the inmates, prison officers have linked to their daily routine of prison, they create their vocabulary and their mode of action moving between the inside of jail and living with others in the city. The social dynamics developed in Itirapina receives great influence of the values and practices from the prisons built in the city. Therefore, within this context, the construction of discourses and values put the profession of the prison guard in Itirapina in a prominent position, surrounded by privileges, relativizing the concept of prestige, it is directly related to a universe so stigmatized prison. By observing the routine of these professionals and others who relate to each other, hoping to understand the social dynamics of these people daily, this study also conducted interviews with staff, residents and merchants, seeking to understand how the environment created within the confines of the prison beyond its walls to break the routine and influence of the great majority of the population of the city. Thus, we highlight the relevance of the prison guard in a variety of social spaces in the city, making them agents of social references in the urban context. This essay turns its analysis to the changes and consequences engendered during this process, realizing the transit of prison guards, their communication with the extramural with intramural living, while they both coalesce in its social dynamics. It is clear, therefore, how city and prison are interconnected to each other, involving all those present here.
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Prison privatization in the United States: a new strategy for racial controlUnknown Date (has links)
There has been a stunning build-up of prisons and a growing trend in prison
privatization in the last 30 years, including the rise of maximum security units. The goal of my dissertation is to understand the ideological, historic, political, and economic processes behind the changes in the criminal justice system of the United States. I analyze this problem from multiple angles—labor and policy history, discourse and public opinion, and race in America. The aim of this analysis is to uncover the reasons why crime legislation became progressively more punitive, reaction to African Americans gains in post-Civil Rights more hostile, and the manifold ways in which these phenomena drive the expansion of the prison system and its increasing privatization. In the process of this expansion, a racial caste system which oppresses young African Americans and people of color has become recast and entrenched. Specifically, I offer the notion that in the last three decades, punitive crime legislation focused on African Americans and served to deal with labor needs and racial conflict with harsher penal legislation; in doing so, it depoliticized race, institutionalized racial practices, and served the interests of private prison businesses in new ways oppressive ways. Using interdisciplinary methods which weave together qualitative and quantitative analysis, I find that punitive crime policies in the last thirty years used the concept of crime as political currency by government officials in order to appear tough on crime, and by business representatives interested in exploiting the prison industry. The conflation of business and political interests, and the recasting of crime as a race problem, served to taint public institutions and media dissemination with racist imperatives which stereotyped poor African Americans. The end result is a constant re-positioning of young black males as fodder for economic exploitation. The dissertation also addresses the high cost of imprisonment and the multiple social problems brought from shifting inmates from wards of the State to profit-making opportunities in the hands of private entrepreneurs. The result is high numbers of recidivism, and a growing underclass of people who will always be unemployed or underemployed and return to low income communities that suffer from the endless cycle of poverty and imprisonment. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Estratégias para o controle da tuberculose no sistema prisional: revisão integrativa da literatura / Strategies for the control of tuberculosis in the prison system: integrative literature reviewLima, Mônica Cristina Ribeiro Alexandre d'Auria de 29 January 2015 (has links)
As instituições prisionais são tidas como um reservatório para doenças transmissíveis, entre estas a tuberculose. O estudo objetivou analisar na produção cientifica as estratégias para o controle da tuberculose no sistema prisional. Assim, elegeu-se a revisão integrativa da literatura a qual se deu com a busca de artigos científicos originais nas bases de dados PubMed, Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências de Saúde, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Alied Health Literature, Web of Science e Scopus, lançando mão de diferentes estratégias de buscas com a utilização de descritores controlados e não controlados, cuja seleção dos artigos foi pautada em critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Após as buscas nas bases de dados com a leitura de título e resumo das publicações, foi possível pré-selecionar para esta revisão 33 artigos científicos originais e, conseqüente à leitura na íntegra dos mesmos chegou-se à amostra final de 22 artigos, que compõem este estudo. Pela leitura dos artigos foi possível identificar 11 estratégias, todas direcionadas à detecção da doença, e agrupá-las em três categorias \"Busca Ativa como estratégia para o controle da tuberculose\", \"Busca Ativa como estratégia para identificação de tuberculose latente\" e \"Utilização de imagem para diagnóstico da tuberculose\". A partir dos estudos incluídos nesta revisão pode-se evidenciar que quando as estratégias são desenvolvidas como complementares e realizadas periodicamente proporciona maiores chances do controle efetivo da tuberculose no sistema prisional / Prison institutions are known as reservoirs for transmittable diseases, such as tuberculosis. The study aimed to analyze the strategies for the control of tuberculosis in the prison system, trough scientific work. Thus, integrative review was chosen, happening through the search of original scientific articles in the PubMed, Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências de Saúde, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Alied Health Literature, Web of Science and Scopus databases, including different search strategies using controlled and non-controlled descriptors, selecting articles based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the database search using titles and summaries, it was possible to pre-select 33 original scientific articles for this review and, consequent to full reading of those articles, come to a final of 22, which compose the study. Through the reading of such articles it was possible to identify 11 strategies, all aimed to the detection of the disease, and group them into three categories \"Active Case-finding as a strategy for control of tuberculosis\", \"Active Case-finding as a strategy for identifying latent tuberculosis\" and \"Use of image to diagnose tuberculosis\". Through the studies included in this review it\'s possible to make clear that when all strategies are developed as complementary and performed periodically they can provide higher chances of effective control of tuberculosis in the prison system
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Amamentação no ambiente prisional: A experiência de detentas em penitenciárias do Estado de São Paulo / Breastfeeding in prison environment: The experience of inmates in penitentiaries in the state of São PauloMariano, Grasielly Jeronimo dos Santos 24 October 2016 (has links)
Este estudo buscou compreender a experiência e os significados da amamentação para mães que amamentam seus filhos durante o cumprimento de pena. A pesquisa foi realizada em seis penitenciárias femininas do estado de São Paulo, de Fevereiro de 2014 à Maio de 2016. Objetivos: Caracterizar a prática de aleitamento materno realizada por mulheres reclusas em estabelecimentos prisionais femininos; Compreender o significado consciente da experiência de amamentar atribuído por mulheres privadas de liberdade e Compreender como os significados atribuídos pelas mulheres presas se manifestam nas ações em relação ao seu processo de amamentar. Metodologia: Essa pesquisa adotou o Interacionismo Simbólico e o modelo \"Pesando Riscos e Benefícios\" como referenciais teóricos e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como referencial metodológico. Primeiramente, para o alcance do primeiro objetivo, foram entrevistadas 85 mulheres, sendo que dessas, 30 participaram da fase de obtenção de dados qualitativos. Resultados: As mulheres tinham entre 18 e 38 anos, a maioria era solteira (48,2%) e 82,3% com mais de um filho. As 82 (100%) crianças que conviviam com suas mães nas penitenciárias tinham entre 0 e 11 meses; 41( 50%) estavam entre 0 e 3 meses e entre essas, 65,9% estavam em aleitamento materno exclusivo; 28 (34,1%) crianças tinham entre três e seis meses de idade, sendo que 10 (35,7%) eram amamentadas exclusivamente. O uso de chupeta foi observado em 39 (47,5%) crianças. Dos dados qualitativos foram identificados três temas: BUSCANDO A REMISSÃO PELA MATERNIDADE, VIVENDO MAIS UMA CONDENAÇÃO e RECONHECENDO QUE HOUVE PERDAS, MAS QUE VALEU A PENA, os quais revelaram que, no conjunto das interações dessa mulher, no contexto prisional, a amamentação desempenha um papel relevante no desenvolvimento do vínculo entre mãe e filho e na promoção do bem estar materno. A nutriz encontra, nessa prática, uma fonte de proteção emocional. Nessa perspectiva, a sua vida deixa de ter a condição penal como foco da existência, projetando na criança o centro de suas atenções e nessa interação, a fonte de uma experiência plena e prazerosa, que possibilita mudanças de visão de mundo. Compreendeu-se que, para a mãe presa, a visão de que o cárcere é um lugar seguro, onde ela pode conviver e cuidar do filho perde-se por completo com a certeza da separação de seu filho. Nesse processo, a mãe vivencia a experiência de construção de vínculo com o seu filho, tendo como horizonte, uma futura ruptura, a certeza da separação que virá com o cumprimento do limite de permanência da criança no presídio. Os resultados desta investigação, fornecem subsídios aos profissionais do sistema penitenciário, para a necessária revisão ou construção de medidas e ambientes com fundamentos, sociais, jurídicos, que promovam não só a oportunidade de guarda do filho da presa, mas a continuidade de vínculos sociais familiares e segurança do exercício da maternidade, intra e extra muros prisional, incrementando as ações de acolhimento sensível, que permita às mulheres presas encontrarem caminhos para também reconstruir as relações com seus meios sociais. / This study aimed to understand the experience and meaning of breastfeeding for mothers who breastfed their children, while serving a custodial sentence. The study was conducted in six female penitentiaries in the state of São Paulo, between February 2014 and May 2016. Objectives: To describe the breastfeeding practices of female prisoners; To understand the meaning that breastfeeding had for women deprived of their freedom and to understand how it influenced their behavior. Methodology: This study adopted Symbolic Interactionism and the model \"Risks and Benefits\" as the theoretical underpinnings of the study and Grounded Theory as the methodological framework. To achieve the first objective, we collected quantitative data from 85 women, and of these, 30 participated in the second phase of the study to achieve the other objectives. Results: The women were between 18 and 38 years of age, most were single (48.2%) and 82.3% had more than one child. The 82 (100%) infants living with their mothers in prison were between 1 day and 11 months; 41 (50%) were between one day and 3 months and of these, 65.9% were breastfeeding exclusively; 28 (34.1%) infants were between three and six months, and 10 (35.7%) were exclusively breastfed. Pacifiers were used by 39 (47.5%) of the infants. Three themes were identified in the qualitative data: SEEKING REFUGE THROUGH MOTHERHOOD, SERVING TWO CONCURRENT SENTENCES and COMPROMISED BUT SATISFYING MOTHERING. For woman in the prison context, breastfeeding played a very important role in the development of the bond between mothers and infants and promoted the welfare of the woman. Breastfeeding was a source of emotional protection. From this perspective, the mothers´ lives ceased to have a criminal status as its focus, because the infant became the center of their attention. For them, this interaction became a fulfilling and enjoyable experience that enabled them to change their whole outlook on life to one of positivity. The ultimate separation from their infants made women change their view of prison as not a safe place to live and care for the infant. Their experience of bonding with the infant enabled women to realize that they had a positive future. The results of this study have the potential to be used to inform and ultimately change public policy in relation to how these women are dealt within the penitentiary system. It can increase the sensitivity of health care professions working within the penitentiary system to become much more sensitive to the needs of mothers and their infants thus enabling women to re-evaluate their lives, increase hope for a better future and change direction. The findings strongly support the idea of treating women with dignity and respect in the knowledge that this gives them hope and is the basis for changing their lives for the better.
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Gangs, race, and 'the street' in prison : an inductive analysisMaitra, Dev Rup January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the practices and compositions of gangs in Greater Manchester, England. Primarily drawing from qualitative data gathered in two adult, men's prisons, it explores gang members' activities, how these practices develop on 'the street', and how they are later affected by imprisonment. The thesis also explores the links between race, geographical area and gang affiliation, analysing how a gang member's racial background and area of origin may relate to his gang. The results show the strong influence of gangs at the sample prisons, and how gangs affect the ways in which prisoners negotiate the carceral space: violent practices, gang allegiances and rivalries developed on 'the street' are regularly transplanted into prison. These high levels of gang 'importation' into the sample prisons result in the social and cultural significance of street gangs often penetrating prison walls. Area of origin and shared racial background are strong unifying 'banners' under which many prison gangs operate, and violence is an integral part of life in 'the gang'. However, reflecting the academic literature, gang members often contest the terminology around 'gangs', showing the polarized discourse around these topics. The thesis attempts to resolve some of these debates by presenting a comprehensive gang typology shaped by theory and prisoners' testimonies.
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A liberdade segundo sua privação: (im)possibilidades do homem num hospital penitenciário / Liberty according to its deprivation: (im)possibilities of men in a penitentiary hospitalTimerman, Natalia Joelsas 30 April 2014 (has links)
Esta investigação busca aproximar as vivências da privação de liberdade em pacientes detentos num hospital penitenciário e compreende--las à luz da questão da liberdade segundo Hannah Arendt. Ela surge a partir da percepção da existência de muitas formas de se estar preso, além do que comumente se compreende como o encarceramento. Inicia--se com uma descrição fenomenológica do Centro Hospitalar do Sistema Penitenciário em que se busca compreender as peculiaridades deste lugar onde duas instituições complexas, o hospital e a prisão, se encontram; passa por uma aproximação das atividades do homem segundo Hannah Arendt (trabalho, obra e ação) no contexto do hospital penitenciário; e chega a narrativas de encontros entre a investigadora e quatro pacientes detentos, nos quais suas histórias e a maneira como vivem a privação de liberdade se acercam. Por fim, a partir de uma discussão teórica acerca da questão da liberdade, conclui--se, através dos encontros narrados e das transformações que a pesquisadora sofreu ao longo de dois anos de trabalho no hospital penitenciário, que a liberdade é restrita nesse contexto não como inicialmente havia se pensado, mas principalmente de outras maneiras. Se a liberdade é compreendida como o início de algo novo, acostumar--se à prisão significa sua restrição. A impossibilidade de encontro com o outro observada em pessoas que perpetraram alguns tipos de crime também impossibilita a liberdade enquanto ação entre os homens. Ainda assim, em situações muito específicas se pode avistar na prisão a possibilidade da ação que instaure o novo singular, principalmente quando a vida de quem está preso pode ser transformada numa história que se possa contar / This study examines experiences of liberty deprivation by inmates in a penitentiary hospital through the prism of Hannah Arendts question of liberty. It offers a broader scope of inmates perception of their own imprisonment, beyond the usual understanding of incarceration as simply deprivation of freedom. The first part presents a phenomenological description of the Penitentiary Systems Hospital Center, examining the peculiarities of this space, where two complex institutions, the hospital and the prison, meet. The second part explores Hannah Arendts human activities (labor, work and action) in the context of the penitentiary hospital. The third part analyses the narratives of the encounter between the researcher, and her transformations over the two years conducting field research, and four inmates, in which their account and their experience of liberty deprivation come near. These clinical results examined within the elaborated theoretical framework clearly indicate that freedom, understood as starting something new, may actually take place in a prison, even if circumscribed
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\"Prevalência e fatores de risco para a infecção do HIV na população carcerária masculina da penitenciária de Ribeirão Preto\" / Prevalence and risk factors for HIV infection in male prisoners in Ribeirão Preto.Coêlho, Harnôldo Colares 13 February 2004 (has links)
A infecção pelo HIV em presidiários alcança uma das maiores prevalências entre subgrupos populacionais específicos, com taxas de até 17% já tendo sido descritas no Brasil e no mundo. Contribuem para isso diversos comportamentos de risco, adotados já antes do encarceramento ou desenvolvidos durante o período de reclusão. Entre eles, destacam-se o uso de drogas ilícitas intravenosas, compartilhamento de agulhas e seringas e atividade sexual desprotegida. Esta pesquisa objetivou estimar a prevalência do marcador do HIV e fatores de risco para esta infecção na população masculina carcerária da Penitenciária de Ribeirão Preto SP, no período de maio a agosto de 2003. Do total de 1030 presidiários, foram sorteados 333 participantes por amostragem casual simples, os quais foram submetidos à aplicação de um questionário padronizado e tiveram coletada uma amostra de sangue. Para diagnóstico sorológico do HIV foi utilizado inicialmente o ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA), como teste de triagem, com a confirmação sendo feita através de reação de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI). A prevalência global encontrada para o HIV nos presidiários foi de 5,7% (IC 95% : 3,2 8,2). Todas as variáveis que mostraram associação com a presença do anti-HIV, através de análise univariada, foram submetidas a um modelo multivariado de regressão logística utilizando o método Baysiano. Nesta análise, as variáveis que se mostraram preditoras de forma independente da infecção pelo HIV foram: Incircuncisão, homossexualismo masculino, tempo total da pena a ser cumprida inferior a cinco anos, uso de droga injetável e compartilhamento de agulhas e seringas. / The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in prisoners reaches one of the highest prevalence among specific population subgroups, with rates up to 17% already described in Brazil and in some parts of the world. Several risk behaviours, adopted before or during the imprisonment, accounts for that. Among them, the use of intravenous illicit drugs, sharing of needles and syringes and unprotect sexual activity are the most important. This survey aimed to estimate the prevalence of HIV serological marker and risk factors for this infection in men inmates at the Penitentiary of Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil, between May and August 2003. Out of 1030 inmates, a simple random sample of 333 participants was chosen. Demographic information, as well as risk factors for HIV infection, were obtained through the application of a standardized questionnaire. A blood sample of 10 ml was taken from each participant. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used as a screening test for HIV, with the diagnosis being confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence. The overall prevalence for HIV in inmates was 5,7% (CI 95%: 3,2 8,2). All the variables identified as associated with HIV infection, through univariate analysis, were assessed by a logistic regression multivariate model, using the Baysian method. At the level of 5%, HIV infection was associated with history of sharing of needles/syringes and total time of punishment less than five years. Associations at the level of 10% were observed with the variables lack of circumcision, homosexuality and history of intravenous illicit drugs.
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