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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards Automated Negotiation : A qualitative study on privacy preferences

Huang, Zhiqian, Mrška, Dalibor January 2023 (has links)
Users have limited knowledge and control over their data, while needing personalization-based services that are requesting their data. The Automated Privacy Negotiation Agent (APNA) model is brought up as a solution by assisting users’ privacy management with less effort, but more accurate options. To bring insights for APNA to gather requirements from different users, this research described how users have been managing their privacy settings and consenting, and their preferences when it comes to their data processing through semi-structured interviews. We conducted interviews on 11 participants with different levels of motivation and knowledge to enhance privacy, from ages 21 to 35, living in Jönköping, Sweden. By thematic analysis we identified and described 5 types of behaviour and how users have articulated their considerations behind each of the 5 types of behaviour. We found 22 privacy preferences of users when it comes to how their data should be collected, stored, and used. These could be considered as required options to be implemented in the preference set-up.

Individanpassad marknadsföring : ett hot mot konsumentens integritet / P ersonalized Marketing : A Threat towards customers privacy

Arezouvand, Mahnoush, Rahsepar Mohammadi, Rojano Sadat January 2022 (has links)
Individanpassad marknadsföring drivs till stor del av de fördelar som den tillför till ett företags kundrelationer och marknadsföringsresultat. Idag försöker annonsörer möta kundernas förväntningar på en individuell nivå. Tillsammans med detta har den avancerade utveckling av informationsteknologi öppnat nya möjligheter för att kunna samla in och analysera kunddata till att skapa individanpassad marknadsföring. Faktum är att företag behöver samla in mycket information från kunderna för att tillhandahålla kundanpassade tjänster. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och redogöra om individanpassad marknadsföring är något som värdesätts av konsumenter eller uppfattas som ett hot mot konsumentens integritet. Med stöd av denna studie utreder vi de underliggande faktorerna hos konsumenternas positiva eller negativa förhållningssätt gentemot fenomenet. En kvalitativ studie av tolv individuella intervjuer har genomförts. Resultatet visade sig att individanpassad marknadsföring upplevs vara ett hot mot konsumentens integritet. De underliggande faktorer som skapar en känsla av hot är konsumenternas brist på kunskap, brist på lättläst datainsamlingsmetod, begränsning av kontroll över hur ens genererade data kan användas, tvång till att acceptera olika användarvillkor i utbyte av de tjänster som används. Ytterligare faktorer som skapar en känsla av hot för konsumenterna visade sig vara irritation över annonser, tillit för aktören och placeringen av annonsen. Resultatet tyder även på att individanpassad marknadsföring kan uppskattas av konsumenterna i en situation där det uppstår ett ömsesidigt värdeutbyte. / Personalized advertising is largely driven by the benefits that it brings to a company's customer relationship and marketing results. Today, advertisers try to meet customer expectations individually. In the same way, the development of information technology has opened new opportunities for collecting and analyzing customer data to create personalized advertising. In fact, companies need to gather a big amount of information from customers to provide customized services. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether personalized advertising is being valued by customers or does it perceive as a threat to their privacy. This study also investigates the underlying factors of customers' positive or negative attitudes towards personalized advertising. A qualitative study of 12 individual interviews has been conducted. The results showed that personalized advertising is perceived as a threat to customer privacy. The underlying factors that cause a sense of threat are: customer' lack of knowledge, lack of easy-to-read information about data collection methods by actors, restriction of customers' control about how their data should be used, compulsion to accept the various user terms of use in exchange of service. The result of this study also showed that ad irritation, customers' trust in the company and ad placement also affects how customers experience personalized advertising. The results also show that this type of marketing strategy can be appreciated by customers in a situation where a value exchange occurs.

Beyond Privacy Concerns: Examining Individual Interest in Privacy in the Machine Learning Era

Brown, Nicholas James 12 June 2023 (has links)
The deployment of human-augmented machine learning (ML) systems has become a recommended organizational best practice. ML systems use algorithms that rely on training data labeled by human annotators. However, human involvement in reviewing and labeling consumers' voice data to train speech recognition systems for Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, and the like has raised privacy concerns among consumers and privacy advocates. We use the enhanced APCO model as the theoretical lens to investigate how the disclosure of human involvement during the supervised machine learning process affects consumers' privacy decision making. In a scenario-based experiment with 499 participants, we present various company privacy policies to participants to examine their trust and privacy considerations, then ask them to share reasons why they would or would not opt in to share their voice data to train a companies' voice recognition software. We find that the perception of human involvement in the ML training process significantly influences participants' privacy-related concerns, which thereby mediate their decisions to share their voice data. Furthermore, we manipulate four factors of a privacy policy to operationalize various cognitive biases actively present in the minds of consumers and find that default trust and salience biases significantly affect participants' privacy decision making. Our results provide a deeper contextualized understanding of privacy-related concerns that may arise in human-augmented ML system configurations and highlight the managerial importance of considering the role of human involvement in supervised machine learning settings. Importantly, we introduce perceived human involvement as a new construct to the information privacy discourse. Although ubiquitous data collection and increased privacy breaches have elevated the reported concerns of consumers, consumers' behaviors do not always match their stated privacy concerns. Researchers refer to this as the privacy paradox, and decades of information privacy research have identified a myriad of explanations why this paradox occurs. Yet the underlying crux of the explanations presumes privacy concern to be the appropriate proxy to measure privacy attitude and compare with actual privacy behavior. Often, privacy concerns are situational and can be elicited through the setup of boundary conditions and the framing of different privacy scenarios. Drawing on the cognitive model of empowerment and interest, we propose a multidimensional privacy interest construct that captures consumers' situational and dispositional attitudes toward privacy, which can serve as a more robust measure in conditions leading to the privacy paradox. We define privacy interest as a consumer's general feeling toward reengaging particular behaviors that increase their information privacy. This construct comprises four dimensions—impact, awareness, meaningfulness, and competence—and is conceptualized as a consumer's assessment of contextual factors affecting their privacy perceptions and their global predisposition to respond to those factors. Importantly, interest was originally included in the privacy calculus but is largely absent in privacy studies and theoretical conceptualizations. Following MacKenzie et al. (2011), we developed and empirically validated a privacy interest scale. This study contributes to privacy research and practice by reconceptualizing a construct in the original privacy calculus theory and offering a renewed theoretical lens through which to view consumers' privacy attitudes and behaviors. / Doctor of Philosophy / The deployment of human-augmented machine learning (ML) systems has become a recommended organizational best practice. ML systems use algorithms that rely on training data labeled by human annotators. However, human involvement in reviewing and labeling consumers' voice data to train speech recognition systems for Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, and the like has raised privacy concerns among consumers and privacy advocates. We investigate how the disclosure of human involvement during the supervised machine learning process affects consumers' privacy decision making and find that the perception of human involvement in the ML training process significantly influences participants' privacy-related concerns. This thereby influences their decisions to share their voice data. Our results highlight the importance of understanding consumers' willingness to contribute their data to generate complete and diverse data sets to help companies reduce algorithmic biases and systematic unfairness in the decisions and outputs rendered by ML systems. Although ubiquitous data collection and increased privacy breaches have elevated the reported concerns of consumers, consumers' behaviors do not always match their stated privacy concerns. This is referred to as the privacy paradox, and decades of information privacy research have identified a myriad of explanations why this paradox occurs. Yet the underlying crux of the explanations presumes privacy concern to be the appropriate proxy to measure privacy attitude and compare with actual privacy behavior. We propose privacy interest as an alternative to privacy concern and assert that it can serve as a more robust measure in conditions leading to the privacy paradox. We define privacy interest as a consumer's general feeling toward reengaging particular behaviors that increase their information privacy. We found that privacy interest was more effective than privacy concern in predicting consumers' mobilization behaviors, such as publicly complaining about privacy issues to companies and third-party organizations, requesting to remove their information from company databases, and reducing their self-disclosure behaviors. By contrast, privacy concern was more effective than privacy interest in predicting consumers' behaviors to misrepresent their identity. By developing and empirically validating the privacy interest scale, we offer interest in privacy as a renewed theoretical lens through which to view consumers' privacy attitudes and behaviors.

Online Behavioral Advertising : A Study of Privacy Concerns and Coping Behavior for Students in Sweden

Bure, Nils, Pahne, Axel January 2019 (has links)
During recent years, the global digital transformation has led to changes in the advertising industry, where advertisers use new strategies to reach customers to advertise their products and services. Online behavioral advertising emerged as a new advertising process, which allowed companies to collect and use online behavior to create tailored personalized advertisements. Online behavioral advertising has led to privacy concerns. The purpose of this study is to examine the viewpoint on online behavioral advertising for students in Sweden. By reviewing previous literature on the subject of online behavioral advertising this study constructed statements that examined the attitude of students in Sweden on privacy concerns, privacy violations, advertising avoidance as well as advertising acceptance. This study examined this by sending out an online questionnaire to a sample of students attending LTU (Luleå University of Technology). By analyzing the empirical findings this study found that students are somewhat indifferent about statements on online behavioral advertising. They are somewhat concerned about their privacy but not as intensely as previous research would suggest. Students at LTU are also indifferent about avoiding these types of advertisements. Concerning advertising acceptance, students at LTU are somewhat indifferent and tilted towards disagreement regardless of how the argument is framed for allowing behavioral tracking.

Nusikaltimų asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumui baudžiamasis teisinis vertinimas / Evaluation of crimes against immunity of personal privacy

Dzimidienė, Daiva 03 July 2012 (has links)
Pirmoje darbo dalyje aptariama asmens privataus gyvenimo ir jo neliečiamumo samprata ir turinys šiuolaikinėje nacionalinėje konstitucinėje, baudžiamojoje, administracinėje bei civilinėje, taip pat tarptautinėje teisėje, analizuojamos šios teisės užtikrinimo bei ribojimo teisinės priemonės, bei jų reglamentavimas šiandieninėje Lietuvos teisėje. Antrojoje darbo dalyje pateikiama asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumo baudžiamoji teisinė charakteristika, visų pirma analizuojant baudžiamojo įstatymo uždraustų veikų, nukreiptų prieš asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą, sudėtis bei aptariant baudžiamąją teisinę kvalifikaciją. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje pateikiama praktinio sociologinio tyrimo bei kriminalinės statistikos rezultatų apžvalga, bei šių duomenų analizės metu nustatytos veikų, nukreiptų prieš asmens privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą, baudžiamumo vertinimas skirtingų visuomenės grupių atstovų tarpe, išskiriant baudžiamosios atsakomybės už šios kategorijos nusikaltimus baudžiamojo teisinio vertinimo (kvalifikacijos) bei praktinio taikymo, taip pat šių veikų kriminalizavimo vertinimo problemas, pateikiant pasiūlymus galimam jų sprendimui. / The first part of the paper is analysing the concept and content of immunity of personal privacy in present national Constitutional, Criminal, Administrative and Civil law, as well as in International law. As well legal restriction of this right and regulations of these legal measures in nowadays Lithuania law being analysed. Second part of the paper describes criminal legal characteristics of actions against immunity of personal privacy focusing on analysis of criminal composition of offences directed against immunity of personal privacy as well discussing its criminal qualification. The third part of presented work reveals data gained during sociological research and observing results of criminal statistic concerning the offences against immunity of personal privacy and the way groups of society ranks these offences as a criminal, emphasizing problems related with theirs criminal qualification and evaluation as well as with the attitude of different groups of society about criminalisation of these kind of offences. At the end of presented paper suggestions on solving revealed problems being presented.

Privatumo ir asmens duomenų apsaugos reguliavimas tarptautiniu mastu / Regulation of privacy and data protection in International level

Kalinauskas, Marius 04 February 2009 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjami privatumo bei asmens duomenų apsaugos probleminiai aspektai tarptautiniu mastu. Apibūdinti šia vertybę yra išties nelengva, kadangi joje persipynę daugybė skirtingų, bet tarpusavyje susietų kategorijų. Nepaisant to, privatumas priskirtinas prie svarbiausių žmogaus teisių bei laisvių ir yra gerbtinas bei saugotinas. Šio darbo tikslas – pažvelgti į dabar esantį tarptautinį teisinį reguliavimą privatumo bei asmens duomenų apsaugos srityje, atskleisti bei aptarti grėsmes privatumui XXI a. pradžioje bei atsakyti į klausimą: ar dabartinis privatumo bei asmens duomenų apsaugos reguliavimas atitinka šiandienos technologines, socialines bei ekonomines realijas. Magistriniame darbe keliama hipotezė, jog privatumo bei asmens duomenų apsaugos reguliavimas nėra pakankamas, todėl jį būtina iš naujo peržiūrėti bei papildyti. Autorius išsako nuomonę, jog pasaulis yra per daug skirtingas ir kad vieningo bei efektyvaus teisės akto priėmimas šiomis aplinkybėmis tampa sunkiai įmanomu. Darbe aptariamas tarptautinis bei regioninis privatumo bei asmens duomenų apsaugos reglamentavimas, supažindinama su galimais pažeidimais šioje srityje, keliami probleminiai klausimai dėl atskirų šios teisės apsaugos reguliavimo aspektų bei pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl efektyvesnio iškilusių problemų sprendimo. Iškeltam tikslui bei iš jo sekantiems uždaviniams įgyvendinti naudojami lingvistinis, loginis, lyginamasis, sisteminės analizės bei kiti tyrimo metodai. Darbą sudaro keturi skyriai, kuriuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main research issue of this master thesis is problem-oriented approach of privacy and data protection regulation in international level. It’s hard to conceptualize privacy as a value, because it’s very complex ant closely intertwined with other categories of similar topic. Nevertheless, privacy is numbered as one of the fundamental human rights and should be treated with respect and under great protection. The main objective of the final paper is to overlook today’s legal basis of international law norms concerning privacy and data protection. Also, to reveal and discuss main threats to mentioned value at the beginning of XXI century and answer the question: is nowadays regulation of privacy and data protection in international level deals with challenges of technological, social and economical reality. In this final paper author comes with the hypothesis that privacy and data protection regulation is ineffective in international level. Legal acts must be revised and supplemented with new norms which should be up to date considering nowadays reality. It is also noted that differences of various countries are huge and effective new generation privacy and data protection regulation is more like a utopia. Some problematic aspects are discussed in master’s thesis concerning privacy violations, legal norm regulation effectiveness and possible ways of solving these problems. In order to achieve goals of objective, author uses scientific methods for his research. These methods... [to full text]

Unrealization approaches for privacy preserving data mining

Williams, James 08 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis contains a critical evaluation of the unrealization approach to privacy preserving data mining. We cover a fair bit of ground, making numerous contributions to the existing literature. First, we present a comprehensive and accurate analysis of the challenges posed by data mining to privacy. Second, we put the unrealization approach on firmer ground by providing proofs of previously unproven claims, using the multi-relational algebra. Third, we extend the unrealization approach to the C4.5 algorithm. Fourth, we evaluate the algorithm's space requirements on three representative data sets. Lastly, we analyse the unrealization approach against various issues identified in the first contribution. Our conclusion is that the unrealization approach to privacy preserving data mining is novel, and capable of addressing some of the major challenges posed by data mining to privacy. Unfortunately, its space and time requirements vitiate its applicability on real-world data sets.

Balancing freedom of the press and the right to privacy : lessons for China

Sun, Zhendong, 1978- January 2006 (has links)
The conflict inherent in balancing freedom of the press and the right to privacy invariably presents some controversial legal issues. In addressing the legal dilemmas posed by these competing interests, an in-depth analysis of the conceptual value of these two equally important rights becomes a preliminary starting point. Through its exploration of the history and development of the press and privacy laws in both the United States and Canada, this thesis examines the fundamental values enshrined in these two rights. The author holds that the freedom of the press contains no privilege under the law, but that it serves as the means to promote the public's right to know in a democratic society, while the right to privacy offers an individual the autonomy to regulate his private affairs. By analyzing arguments of "pubic interest," "public figure," and "public privacy," the author compares the theoretical approaches to and practical attempts at striking a balance between the interests of the press and the privacy of the individual in the United States and Canada. Finally, the essay proposes how these experiences may contribute to the construction of relevant Chinese laws.

Geotagging in social media : exploring the privacy paradox

Menfors, Martina, Fernstedt, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
Increasingly, online social media networks allow users to use geotagging. This method of adding location data to various content shared in real time has introduced privacy related issues and threats to the users of such networks. Previous research present opposing findings on whether users actually care about their location privacy or not, and it has also been shown that users often display a behaviour inconsistent with their concerns. When asked, users tend to report high privacy concerns, but in contrast, they will then not let their privacy concerns affect or limit their behaviour online; the privacy paradox is a description of this dichotomy. The problem, however, is not only that location privacy seems to be a paradoxical issue; the sharing of location data provides users with new possibilities that can potentially have negative consequences for them, such as someone else being able to identify one’s identity, home location, habits or other sensitive information. Social media network users communicate that a part of this is due to the lack of control over which information they share, with whom and where.This study employs a qualitative method, using unstructured interviews in a pre-study and a self-completion questionnaire. The purpose of the study is to examine and gain a better understanding of how the privacy paradox can help to better explain users’ location data disclosure preferences in the context of social media networking, and to help social media network developers in order to reduce privacy-related issues in social media networking applications with geotagging capabilities. The findings indicate that the paradox indeed is evident in user’s stated geotagging behaviour, and that users are slightly more worried about their location privacy than their overall online privacy. The conclusions offer a couple of different explanations for the paradox, and we argue that the contradiction of the paradox can be seen as a constant trade-off between benefits and risks of geotagging. We also give some examples of such advantages and disadvantages.

Pokročilá evaluace úrovně privátnosti v sociálních sítích / Advanced Evaluation of Privacy Level in Social Networks

Januš, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Nowadays persists a trend of moving interpersonal communication into the online environment. By the reason of the social networks and social network's services. Many users doesn't perceive threats connected with presence in internet environment. This thesis is focused on the analysis of the user's account privacy settings followed by the evaluation of these settings. The goal is to develop and create a tool providing ability to evaluate privacy settings of the user's account, eventually recommend more suitable settings given to user privacy. To achieve these goals is necessary to use a suitable model performing privacy evaluation. The output of the thesis will consist of a proposal and implementation of tool performing analysis, evaluation and recommendation of how to improve the social network's privacy settings. Which should help users reduce the amount of privacy information leakage.

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